Paying lip service to religious harmony, even as violent mobs yesterday attacked a Pentacostal church close to the capital Colombo, President Mahinda Rajapaksa told a group of Muslims at President’s House in Kandy yesterday that Muslims who value and respect the country’s ancient history, culture, sovereignty and unity could never be misled by various conspirators for petty political gains.
The President claimed that as a “good Buddhist who worships three times a day”, he respects all religions and takes every measure to protect and safeguard the rights of everyone. The President claims there was an attempt to put a wedge between the Government and the Muslim community.
The President said that under his regime, Muslim religious observances were broadcast on state radio five times a day. He declined to note that the broadcasts were paid for by Muslim organisations.
“No one can protect Muslims better than this Government,” he claimed.
To read the list of places of worship attacked in the recent past click here
Grasshopper / September 10, 2013
Yo President……. Go home, you’re drunk!
Royston / September 10, 2013
Rajapakes are off shot Malay breed ,they have to act as pro Buddhist if they are to win the elections .Hambayas tota zindabad!
RajasH / September 10, 2013
Governments (the political party in power ie the government of the day) should not protect religion. The right of all religion is enshrined in the constitution. The government ( the prty in power) should punish anyone who violates the constitution
Hooker / September 10, 2013
Looking one straight in the face and lying is a speciality of the culture and tradition of people from which comes that crook Musharaf in Pakistan, now about to get a long jail sentence. Before that we had
former Iraqi PM Tariq Aziz doing this – later to betray Saddam Hussein.
Looks like our Rajjuruwo is trying to outdo these guys by setting new
low standards.
mike / September 10, 2013
We should pose the following questions, amongst many, to His Hexalunacy Computer Jilmart Rajapassa:
gamini / September 10, 2013
Mike you forgot the 3rd Question.
3. After committing the above, Who is it who married an Offspring of a European Planter borne by a Local woman who was adjudged a Beauty Queen at a Village Contest?
mike / September 10, 2013
oops! I forgot. Thanks Gamini.
gonbella / September 10, 2013
Mister President
You are a strait faced liar.
You are totally and absolutely incapable of protecting Muslims, or for that matter Hindus or Christians. Your own vicious and deadly brother created and directs the bloodthirsty BBS, to carry out disgraceful acts of malicious damage (pogrom to follow after CHOGM), against places of worship and businesses owned by Muslims.
How shameless you are to lie so blatantly.
Sama / September 10, 2013
What do the opinion polls say about the popularity of this man ?
Yes, he is straight faced liar… that is for sure. But nothing like criticism come from his seniors .. why ? Is that because of prevailing censur for the press or .. anything else ?
He just acts on the stage – again and again… dont react as MINISTER of defence on the stage… people are still waiting him to make the statement why he commanded ARMY to settle Rathupaswala Protest ? IN WHICH 3 SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES.
Mahela / September 10, 2013
A trained set of Parrots coud be bought for 2,000 Rupees…..who will keep you occupied all day with humor.
“Pettha Bath Kevada”……Parrot did you eat Rice……. “Yes Mama”..”yes Mama”. Had a good meal. Hello….Hello…Hi… Hi….
Andre / September 20, 2013
that is also my question, why the majority folks behave as if they have been injected for mice experiments. Is that because of Beeshanya (unexplainable fears in them) or just the full ignorance ? I believe this has been the nature of our people.
They dont mind even troops would have killed all protesters by the command of this very man, who today comes with PALATABLE expressions to deceive people further.
I believe – countries like ours must not have democracy but social democracy as it is the case for some countries in Europe and south east asia. Ours are a folk who would have deep consideration for anything. Not every one is deceivable by rice packets but many. Passivity has been common with them. Opposition leaders have been attacked sometimes for no reasons, while further supporting murderous rulers. Why ?
HL Seneviratne / September 10, 2013
A good Buddhist does not have to worship even once, let alone three times a day. Buddhist scholar and scientist Dr E.W.Adikaram said that one needs to verbally take the five precepts only once. Worshipping three times a day is a ritualism unnecessary for a genuine Buddhist. The Buddha ridiculed worship and ritual. Ritualists are ignorant people who are trying to cover their vices by engaging in ritual.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / September 11, 2013
The facts you mentioned are True,
and that is what Lord Buddha had Taught to all his disciples .
But only very few follow those teaching and correct Buddhism.
Kautilya / September 10, 2013
It is shame that we have a nincompoop as a President of this country
mohamed / September 10, 2013
What happend to Halal? What happenned to mahiyangana mosque? What happend to Fashion Bug? What is the protection to muslims he is talking about? Some budhist monks talk filth every turn against muslims. The story goes on. Did he talk a single word against these atrocities as a leader let alone protecting them? Even now why can’t he condemn criminal acts unleashed against muslims?
Siribiris / September 10, 2013
He is from a mix sperm of a Dog and a dump man.
Andre / September 20, 2013
That means the buggers have had sex with animals ?
leo76 / September 10, 2013
This guy has his head so far up his a** that it probably smells like roses by now. I don’t think that a man is measured by the number of times he prays per day…there are people out there who pray five times a day and then go out and butcher innocent people and priests who praise God and then molest young boys.
Mahinda Rajapakse and his family are despicable.
K.A Sumanasekera / September 10, 2013
Few skirmishes by the Norwaegian Sector monks is nothing compared with this massacre of the Muslims in their own Mussafanagar in Utter Pradesh by Hundus.
And India wants us to follow their Model and give third of the country for Hindus to rule.
Wonder where Ms Pillai is nowadays?.
May be spending some time in Iraq to study the reconstruction and reconciliation there to bench mark us in her impending Report Card to her Western Bosses.
Iqbal / September 10, 2013
Before Mahinda Rajapakse came to power only Tamils were targetted for riots but now Muslims and even Sinhala Christians are not spared. Power hungry Muslim ministers have the key to put an end to these atrocities.
Unhappy_SL / September 13, 2013
Power hungry Hakeem – Minister of Justice to the nation has got all powers if he was honest enough to do the due for the sake of his and all communities. He is instead doing nothing. Can anybody any good statements made by the minister of Justice these days while UN hr chief commissioner goes on criticising the MR administration. We have become a nation that has no JUSTICE. These men should take the responsibility of all these.
Abu Mukarram / September 11, 2013
Shame on all cowards who attended the meating
Andre / September 20, 2013
yeah it should be not MEETING, but meating. ha ha .. :) these butchers will destroy all srilankens
shoaib / September 11, 2013
A blatant liar. We Muslims need no protection from this infidel. Let us protect ourselves, and show him the way to hell. Fellow Muslims, don’t be cowards. Rise up and put an end to the murderous government of Rajapakse.
citizen / September 11, 2013
you have to blame Name sake Justice Minister Rauf Hakeem the fool who supported 18 Amendment
titan / September 16, 2013
Ban Ki Moon, Pillay, Nambiar cannot do anything and they won’t do anything; MaRa Govt. will keep winning election after election will enjoy as much as he wants as long as they (MaRa family) want
Jim / September 19, 2013
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