A number of human rights activist have joined together at an event at the Canadian High Commissioner’s Landon residence last night to give their voices to Sri Lankan rape victims.
The event was organised by the The International Truth and Justice Project. This is a project led by the human rights activist and former UN expert panel member on Sri Lanka Yasmin Sooka. They are the authors of the report “Stop Torture” which documents the case that sexual violence continues to be used systematically in Sri Lanka as a tool of oppression. It documented the cases of 40 Tamil men and women who had been raped by Sri Lankan security forces between 2010 and 2014.
Watch the videos;
Yehiya / June 12, 2014
Very sad stories.Political leadership inefficiency & nepotism lead to kill the country.He totally mad when got victory of Pirabakaran. Pirabakaran also party responsible to war, no professional single man to tell to world.
Native Vedda / June 12, 2014
“Pirabakaran also party responsible to war, no professional single man to tell to world.”
Psychopath VP should not be an excuse to rape hapless women and children. It is also to do with male domination. Raping hapless women is seen as war trophy for the war criminals, total submission of a people. Rape was the act of confirmation.
It is strange that the Sinhala/Buddhist sisterhood is maintaining a deafening silence over rapists who are their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, uncles, nephews, boy friends, partners, ……. grandfathers.
One would have expected the Sinhala/Buddhist sisterhood would take very a very serious view of the whole issue and up in arms against the perpetrators. Since this is a Sinhala/Buddhist country morality and ethics are are alien concept to them.
There is no difference between feudal practices in Pakistan/Afghanistan/parts of Hindia and what had happened in the war zones. It is always the case where men make decisions and the women and children pay the price, men fight, women get raped.
Many are disappointed with Sinhala/Buddhist sisterhood.
N V ;
We Do not Rape . But Women. men Children by own consent get raped by mostly deserted soldiers and Drunken physcopant Policemen.
as per the Jarapassas statements, We are a great nation of the universe
Sun / June 12, 2014
How would MR have felt if ugly looking Namal baby would have been raped by a gang keeping a hotel room?
How would Mervin Silva (not Dj`S father but the Kelaniya Silva) feel, if his uneducated son -Malaka would have been raped by a gang of GOTA#s forces?
Andreasappu / June 13, 2014
I am from Wanathamulla. I have several generations of my families living here for ages. But now We go through all the torments these days being unable to face the harasements made to us by ditorial govt.
So I wish even Namal baby be raped not once several dozens of times when considering the manner he once said ” we dont need your votes, we can win in Hambanthota”.
Like father like son – but the entire donkey folks are made life long hallozinated. God bless for srilanka
Bruno Umbato / June 13, 2014
Hi Yehiya!
They are ofcourse sad stories … Stories are defined in a dictionary as
“a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interpret, amuse or instruct the hearer or reader; tale”
Notice ‘fictitious’, ‘interpret’, ‘AMUSE’, ‘instruct’, ‘tale’ ….
Stories also can be true … but rather than vomiting emotions and do-gooder feelings regarding Sri Lanka, we all must read other side .. This is one of them from a sl editorial …
Those of the likes of Angelina Jolie the Hollywood siren, may be naive and well meaning, but when such folks get together with the William Hagues of this world, it is a totally different story.
Apparently, along with Jolie, the British Foreign Secretary organized a parley recently in London to discuss the subject of rape in conflict. There are of course some countries in which the issue of rape in war, and rape indeed in times of peace is a continuing — and vexed problem.
The United States is one example. There has been a series of scandalous reports of rapes of women by superior officers and colleagues in the US armed forces, but the US Army has steadfastly refused any independent investigations and action but has instead opted for internal tribunals which have notoriously not been keen on prosecuting serving officers for crimes, because the US Army furiously protects its own.
These are real cases of crimes against women, and when Angelina Jolie was asked about these occurrences in a recent televised interview, she did reply that she hopes to make this issue part of her work.
However, it was not so surprising that William Hague made the discussion an occasion to state that the British government would probe reports about Tamil women deported from Britain being raped by Sri Lankan forces personnel.
It is interesting that Hague does not have a shred of evidence in this regard, and that all he refers to are the broad allegations made by persons whom the British government has sought to deport for trying to live illegally in his country.
But then making loud and damaging statements about Sri Lanka without substantiation has been the style of not just Hague but his Prime Minister and some of their underlings as well.
Hague must well realize that those whom British immigration authorities have determined are lairs — and have lied their way with a view to remaining in his country — should also be equally capable of lying their way to circumventing his government’s deportation orders.
So it is utterly irresponsible on the part of the Jolie-Hague combination to make a statement at a conference on rape as a weapon of war, and mention Sri Lanka claiming that there should be an investigation on alleged rapes by armed forces.
The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in conflict should not be made a platform for gullible people to be made pawns in the cause of Tamil seekers of refugee status in England, who want free tickets to what in their estimation is the good life as they could earn much more than they do here in Sri Lanka, doing menial jobs, and send back money home that is substantial due to the currency disparities between the British pound and the Sri Lankan rupee.
Those such as Bianca Jagger who claim to fame is that she married someone well known, have now taken up the rape cry because they want to outdo the Jolies and the Brad Pitts in the celebrity good-works department.
The less well known Jagger in a recent article in some American website states that it is time to act on Sri Lanka when in fact if she was serious about sexual violence in conflict she should have titled her lachrymose contribution ‘it is time to act on the USA.’
That is because the allegations against US Army personnel are well documented and credible as names are named, and the perpetrators are often known notorious serial offenders. Besides there is no palpable advantage for the women who make the charges as in the Sri Lankan case, where in fact the surprise would have been if these women who are seeking to stay back in Britain after having got there illegally did not cook up something as outrageously spurious as they have.
All we can say is that the Sri Lankan people would wish a plague on all the houses of the above mentioned celebrity red carpet gullibles and their hangers on for seeking to malign a state and its much loved army for the sake of some liars who think there is a pot of gold in the UK that awaits them if they lie convincingly enough; after all they are talking to gullible busybodies most times, and execrable do gooders anyway. “
Dev / June 12, 2014
The involvement of MIA is unfortunate as the whole thing is now going to be trashed as “LTTE propaganda’
Rajash / June 13, 2014
M.I.A is using her influence in the international music and film industry and she was able to muster the support of the likes of Bianca Jagger, Angelina Joile, Cara Delevingne etc. Whether she is involved or not Sri Lanka will brand this as white tiger event.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
Where is David Blacker the army man who tossed dead bodies around?
The clan and country urgently need him.
Is he still with army or has he switched sides?
Rajash / June 13, 2014
Native:I am trying to done load another book from Noolaham. DO you need permission from them?
David Blacker must be masquerading somwhere I guess.Perhaps you know better
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
“I am trying to done load another book from Noolaham. DO you need permission from them?”
No permission needed, as long as you don’t make money out of free service you are morally okay.
David Blacker cannot hide his semi Nazi salute whenever he gets the urge to raise his arms.
Amarasiri / June 12, 2014
Dear UN expert panel member on Sri Lanka Ms. Yasmin Sooka.
Sins Committed by Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils in Lanka, the Land of Native Vedda.
“A number of human rights activist have joined together at an event at the Canadian High Commissioner’s residence last night to give their voices to Sri Lankan rape victims.”
“The event was organised by the The International Truth and Justice Project. This is a project led by the human rights activist and former UN expert panel member on Sri Lanka Yasmin Sooka. They are the authors of the report “Stop Torture“ which documents the case that sexual violence continues to be used systematically in Sri Lanka as a tool of oppression. It documented the cases of 40 Tamil men and women who had been raped by Sri Lankan security forces between 2010 and 2014.”
1, Lanka , is the land of Native Veddah.
2. Ever since, the Paras, Sinhala and Tamil, Paras arrived, they have been raping.
3. Please your good officers to send them to South India and India. that is where the belong.
4.Do not expect Sinhala Buddhism or Monk Mahanama Buddhism to stop the rapes. In fact monks do rape rapes, especially boys.
Don’t believe? The data is given below. as support
Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa
Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1
Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2
The Catholic Church also gives competition to Buddhism, and other religions.
Christopher Hitchens Owns the Catholic Church (Extended Version)
Eusense / June 12, 2014
You say “Don’t believe? The data is given below. as support”
None of this data is exclusive to Sri Lanka. In every country these happen. India is now becoming number one country for sexual crimes.
Bandageputha / June 12, 2014
I have the feeling you should have brought up in a prison to defend all kind of rapes in this manner.
Tell us your story please – before going to take the side of the rapist criminals. Rapists of all kinds should be beheaded – is my suggestion. This is the reason why we the average folks hated soldier mentalities in earlier days.
Today, just becase they fought defeating LTTErs and eliminating the terror held within the country, deserve some sorta of respect, but for me winning the war is one thing and investigating all the criminals and punish them is another thing. I really dont think the moral of soldiers would be gone down, if criminal minded soldiers would be convicted. Then ony we the sinhalayas would feel we have hailed for the justice.
Sama / June 12, 2014
I think you as one who got your degrees compeleted at Pera should remember the days of ragging. This Abhayawardhansa#s story reminded me the way how the senior students then treated their junior brothers- keeping them naked in the doormetries. Luckily, I was not a victim, if I were, I would have gone to kill any kind such perpetrators. Looking back to my days at Pera, I only remember how difficult it was for the freshers at that time. It was only becasue gap between the students. Most that had joined from rural areas were jealous of anyone came from cmbo or other capital cities: Some of these stories brought me back to the ragging events at Pera. How many of our elders were aware of the degree of ragging in the country. This is the reason some students denied to go for their uni education. Alone the thoughts to harm own mates just becasue they are juniors should be held as a criminal acts. Lanken kind of University ragging were unique to lankens.
Sama / June 13, 2014
This is what he said to Aljaseera
Amarasiri / June 13, 2014
Habaraduwa is exclusive, to the Land of Native Veddah, and the monk was para, ans so was the child.
Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa
Of course, if there was no Land of Native Veddah, there would be been no such violence, or
” India is now becoming number one country for sexual crimes “
if the paras from India, did not come to the land of Native Veddah, the Land of Native Veddah would have been peaceful…
manisekaran / June 13, 2014
What a shame is this nusense, defending rapes? In India, there is provision set-up to take all rape cases in fast trial court and verdict be declared in a Year. How about in your rape capital of South Asia? Silly lanka? If someone is raped in my country I would go out to a street for justice and would not make an excuse “see silly lanka everyone rapes there, here it is lot better”
NAK / June 13, 2014
Hey Man,defending raping is one thing ,no one in his right mind approve rape, but exposing Canada’s motives in holding this in Sri Lanka is another. Don’t you have the capacity to differntiate?
NAK / June 13, 2014
India is the leading country, not just rape but raped and killed(bodies hung on a tree) They even have a TV channel dedicated to rape called NDTV24x7 which begins every news programme with a rape news.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
You are not a citizen of India, you don’t pay tax, you don’t elect their MPs,
Now shut up and get on with the discussion about institutionalised rape epidemic in this island. We can tackle rape in India some other time.
Did Sri Lankan armed forces rape Tamil woman in the North East?
If they did what should we do about the perpetrators of this particular war crimes?
How do you conduct an independent investigation?
When you start an investigation into Hindian culture of rape I love to be part of your commission.
Tamil from the north / August 9, 2014
Eusense the nosense man, why don’t you let the army fellow to spend sometime with the female family members of yours and see whether you can make such stupid comments.
Eusense / June 12, 2014
Sri Lanka is the not the place for the Canadian Embassy to have this kind of events. It should be in India.
The remnants of LTTE terrorists like MIA are bringing in these fake sex crime stories with fictional victims. Does anybody know any victim who has come forward?
Rajash / June 14, 2014
Eusense:”Sri Lanka is the not the place for the Canadian Embassy to have this kind of events.”
This took place in London not Sri Lanka. You just want to post rubbish for the sake of it. You think the GOSL would have given visa to all these people, listen to what Catherine Russell says, she was refused visa to go to Sri Lanka on a fact finding mission.
Rarityminds / June 12, 2014
I am srilanken sinhalese, I would never go defending any of the above kind criminals, if I see they do continue with rape activities. This is appalling. All right thinking lanken regardless of the race, religions or other differences should need to join together to go against this kind of inhuman activities being continued by army men and any other groups. We should react merciless.
I know some in this and other forums would say that is common to any society, but what matters is the rates of the mentioned violence. I have no doubt in my mind that average youth in SL have become very abusive to this day – only because the ruling govt promotes impunity. We need rigorous punishments against any kind of crimes. Only by introducing hard punishments, you will see clear reduction of this kind of crimes. That is how developed nations handle them.
Every right thinking ones would feel – had we proper laws against crimes, not this much crimes would have raised its head to the levels that the nation pulse it today.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
Accusing does not always mean a crime has been committed. You say “I would never go defending any of the above kind criminals”. Does that mean you know the accusations are true, personally know the victims and the perpetrators or you go by what the Tamil diaspora is saying: mass rape of Tamil women happens in Sri Lanka?
In my case I am not defending perpetrators but first I need to find out whether these accusations are true. I am skeptical about these reports because Australia and UK have deported asylum seekers who claimed that they were raped by sinhalese. These authorities seem to have enough evidence to find these claims not legitimate.
It is no secret that rape happens in every society and in every country. Do you know in the US every 2 minutes some one is sexually assaulted, 60% of assaults are not reported to the authorities and 97% of the rapists never spend a day in jail? Do you know how much sexual crimes happen in India? Why do you consider only Sri Lanka to be perfect? There is no way that sex crimes can be eliminated any where but only thing we can do is try and reduce its occurrence. But as claimed by separatists diaspora and some writers in this forum; mass rape of Tamil women by Sinhalese for me is a farce!
Rarityminds / June 13, 2014
At the time, I was in my PG studies, my prof was bittlery against, if I compared my data with those of negative data. His argument was never compare it with worst if you wanne to succeed it. Likewise, if we need to build up the society – we dont need to argue as you have done above. Just because India and other countries have high numbers of rape occurences, you just feel the numbers reported in SL to be ignored or not taken serious ? Anyway, this thinking is very typical to even politicians of the day. Most seem not to see their own irregulartieis but compare it the way UNP regime then performed.
Btw, I really dont think that your statistics in terms of the states could be near to the truths ???
Believe or not sex crimes in the country have gone up drastically during the last few years.Instead of searching for arguments to support ones stany by for these crimes, contribute to do the otherway around could help and save the lives… Latter should be our responsiblity if we are healthy minded :)
eusense / June 13, 2014
First you have ignored answering my questions. I am skeptical of you and your post graduate studies. First thing you should have done is researched the truth on my US statistics before questioning me! Don’t you have access to the internet?
I don’t know what post graduate work you did, but you and your prof need to wise up. Every data that is available is valuable to a real researcher. You don’t pick and choose data to compare with your results; a basic principal of successful research! If we followed you and your prof’s method we will be still blood letting to treat hypertension.
You say “Just because India and other countries have high numbers of rape occurences, you just feel the numbers reported in SL to be ignored or not taken serious ? ” Where did I say that??
The only thing I always ask is why everybody wants SL to be perfect? Can you answer me why?
Only way you can totally eradicate sexual crimes is by castrating all men in the country! That is why I said “There is no way that sex crimes can be eliminated any where but only thing we can do is try and reduce its occurrence.”
Sex crimes going up is not a surprise and is also not confined only to Sri Lanka. It is believed that with more and more access to the internet every country has seen a rise in sex crimes.
Rarityminds / June 13, 2014
“The only thing I always ask is why everybody wants SL to be perfect? Can you answer me why? “
In short- nobody ask SRILANKA to be perfect, but to work in compliance with international standards. Have they been successful with that sofar ? Even if the war was at its heights during the terms of CBK, but none dared to go against her why ? It was because not the level of crimes (including sexual crimes) were not as high as it is the case for the today – where no more war is being fought.
If MR regime got off on the right foot, since war was defeated, we could have achieved a lot in the line of human rights improvement. But even today – is his adminstration whole hearted with the issues ? Answer is perfectly clear to everyone – NO.
Just becasue there are MUCH to keep away from the public and international community. This is the reason why I undoubtedly agree with any kind of crime investigations against the brutal acts (incl. the part of LTTE) deliberately perpetrated by current govt.
I really don think it is worth discussing with you anymore. Leave it and thanks. But i should have responded to you posts.. and that is the reason why I DID this for last.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
Now you say SL does not have to be perfect! Then why all this “mass rape of Tamil women” yelling all over the media? What International rape standards are you talking about?
Didn’t you respond to my post here on “mass rape of Tamil women”? Basically, my only question was whether you believe this or not. Why are you now switching to other corruption and brutality of the gov.? As I posted many times I resent corruption that is going on in the country under the present gov. The gov. needs to be voted out by the people. But that does not mean we have to accept fake accusations by separatist Tamil’s fake accusations of rape, genocide, discrimination, etc. etc.
Rarityminds / June 13, 2014
I think you have no hearts. You evasive arguments are more than enough to get that atleast.
Had you lost your lovely ones, would you have been able to make your mind up that easily ? Those who have the wounds have their pains. So you would never be able to stop them. But if the current rule would not do the least to comfort those victimized people, how do you want them to react ? If I were one of them, I would have gone amok, I am telling you. Luckily I have not lost anyone through the 30 year war or at the brutal end of the war.
eusense / June 14, 2014
What you are saying is, because a some Tamils were killed at the end phase of the terror war, initiated by a Tamil terror group, I have to accept fake accusations by the same separatist Tamil’s fake accusations of rape, genocide, discrimination etc.?
Where were you and your bleeding heart when the LTTE was suicide murdering innocent civilians all over Sri Lanka? Did you ever post in forums condemning the LTTE on behalf of over 70,000 innocent Sri Lankans who were killed? What about the wounds and pains of those families who lost their loved ones? Who has no hearts me or you? If MR did not end this war how many more would have died and being suicide murdered even today?
wathie / June 12, 2014
“40 Tamil men and women who had been raped by Sri Lankan security forces between 2010 and 2014.” Have you watched Al Jazeera news today, In India that many people are being raped daily. Times Of India reported, “13 girls go missing from Madhya Pradesh daily”. In fact Sri Lanka is a safe haven for women when compared to India, South Africa etc.
But Canadian High Commissioner there is completely mum about it. Why just pick on this country that has just started to consolidate peace after 30 years of freelance killing by Tamil terrorists?
Rajash / June 13, 2014
The theme of the seminar is Rape and Sexual violence in conflict.
i.e. soldiers raping women prisoners who have either surrendered or were captured.>>>
This is not about rape as a crime comitted by members of the public on innocent girls and women. You are right that sort of crime is very common in India and we all know the case of the Delhi student who was gang raped in fornt of her boy friend. That sort of crime also takes place in Sri Lanka we know the famous tourist who was raped in Tanagalle and her boy friend murdered by you know who.Sexual violence against women tourist is also in the ascending in Sri Lanka
Sun / June 13, 2014
Yes, Tangalle incident was a double crime. Double of multiple crimes are not new words to MaRa. If we had a leader who showed closer sensitivity to these crimes, alone during the last 5years, since th war is no more there, we could have achieved lot. Sure, our island is not alone with the issues, but we must not compare it with those pakistans or the the countries whose numbers are far from that of ours.
That kind of double crimes are promoted by MR regime goons. That#s what I cant see it happening anymore.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
So, you have only Tanagalle case to talk about? Know any others?
Rajash / June 14, 2014
Eusense-“So, you have only Tanagalle case to talk about? Know any others? ”
I applaud you for acknowledging the Tanagalle case. you also know of it because of the international angle of the case.
The rest is buried it’s like zero civilian casulaty, zero rape, zero burgalsry, zero racial attack, zero religious hatred….
eusense / June 14, 2014
Why don’t you list the buried cases? You post as you know every detail of these? If you come up with them I will team up with you to fight these crimes.
Anpu / June 14, 2014
Why do not you deal with the case you know first?
Some where else (may be groundviews.org) you asked me to list the names of persons killed? I gave you few and you did not respond.
eusense / June 14, 2014
So, one case is “mass rape” for you? Was it a Tamil woman raped and killed? I didn’t get any list from you. Why not let me have it.
Rajash / June 14, 2014
Eusense:Why don’t you list the buried cases?
Unfortunately I don have all day to sit in front of the computer further I am not sure if CT will post such a volume of data. But google it and you will find a wealth of information.
here is one link. caution if you have a weak heart dont open this link, the images are so guesome.
In Tamil there is proverb “like hiding a whole pumpkin in plate of rice” This is what you are trying to do
eusense / June 14, 2014
Aren’t these the consequences of raising arms against a legitimate gov.?
What did you expect? hand over the country to the terrorists?
Rajash / June 15, 2014
eusense these state terrorism against helples civilians.
Off the Cuff / June 14, 2014
Dear Rajash,
You wrote “The theme of the seminar is Rape and Sexual violence in conflict. i.e. soldiers raping women prisoners who have either surrendered or were captured.>>> ”
Apparently you have not listened to the Videos.
The Theme is clearly stated in the Catch Phrase used at the conference which is
“This weeks conference, after all, is about bringing an end to Sexual Violence, in conflict”
Rape is but one aspect of Sexual Violence.
A 2006 UNFPA Briefing Paper, titled Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in War and Its Aftermath: Realities, Responses, and Required Resources.
Prepared for the Symposium on Sexual Violence in Conflict and Beyond in Brussels, gives the following example
Sometimes attacks on women’s bodies — particularly their reproductive capacity — specifically target perceived rival progeny. One woman from Darfur reported in 2004, “I was with another woman, Aziza, aged 18, who had her stomach slit on the night we were abducted. She was pregnant and was killed and they said, “It is the child of an enemy.
It is common knowledge that Targeted Sexual Violence was a modus operendi of the LTTE.
Yet the Financiers and Supporters of the LTTE continued Financing and supporting the LTTE. Thereby aiding and abetting in the perpetration of Sexual Violence.
Such targeting of rival progeny by the LTTE is well documented unlike the nameless faceless allegations that are bandied around. This is not to deny the possibility of sexual violence from errant soldiers. But just a reminder that the holier than though attitude taken by the pseudo bleeding hearts are more propaganda than reality.
The Conference Theme covers the whole world but not ONE speaker gave any example outside Sri Lanka. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the documented rape and killings of under aged girls in armed conflict has evaporated in to thin air!
A 2012 Pentagon survey found that approximately 26,000 women and men were sexually assaulted within the US Military.
With so many sexual assaults within the US military itself how they behave when let lose in foreign countries can be imagined.
Kind Regards,
Rajash / June 14, 2014
off the cuff “. It is common knowledge that Targeted Sexual Violence was a modus operendi of the LTTE”.>>>here you go again with your off the cuff statements.
instead of making off the cuff statement hy dont you back up your stetment with facts and figures or reference material.
Off the Cuff / June 15, 2014
Dear Rajash,
What is there to prove? I said it is common knowledge because it is common knowledge what happened during the LTTE’s efforts at Ethnic cleansing.
The night raids on Sinhala villages ended with infants being dashed on tree trunks smashing their heads and pregnant women having their belies slit. The Night raids forced the villagers to abandon their huts and sleep in the woods at night.
The former won’t qualify as sexual violence but the latter is sexual violence (please read the sections of my previous post that you chose to ignore).
Here are some places where the LTTE Hacked civilians to death. Kantale, Sittaru vilage, Galametiyawa, Pudululama, Medawachchiya, Vewalketiya, Kiulkade, Deegavapy, Sainnamarudu, Morawewa, Kithultuduwa, Okkampitiya, Jayanthipura, Dollar Farm, Kent Farm etc
The Females in the above two pics are totally Naked. Were these children raped and sodomized? There was no necessity to strip search them.
Kind Regards,
rajash / June 17, 2014
Eusense it is common knowledge that you an Sinhala racist and an idiot.
Off the Cuff / June 18, 2014
Dear Rajash,
The evidence has got you flustered? I am not Eusense.
I can call you a Tamil Racist and an idiot too but that is not meeting arguments.
The fact that you took refuge in an Ad hominem attack proves who the Idiotic Racist is!
Kind Regards,
Eusense / June 13, 2014
1.A woman is sexually assaulted by forced intercourse every 17 minutes in Canada.
2.One of every 17 Canadian women is raped at some point in her life
3.Statistics Canada has found that one in four girls and one in eight boys have been sexually abused by the time they are eighteen
Can these numbers be compared with Sri Lanka??
I think the Canadian embassy should hold this kind of rape events in Canada not in Sri Lanka!
This is all anti-Sri Lankan propaganda to destroy that country.
DesperateSL / June 13, 2014
I think it should read “Can these numbers be compared WITH THOSE OF Sri Lanka??
Why not?
In srilanka the few come to surface are due to the lack of proper control over the state media. There are lot more untold stories being covered by the govt dawn to dusk. Their way of political covers are mainly connected with giving safer pastures to criminals.
If anyone would go against – I can start going through archives and get the facts for you.
Current govt is the most brtual one that is born to promote facism without any fears. They would cover any high criminals. Recalling the manner how President was landed by a state helicopter at the time his friend drug kingpin was caught by the police – was telecasted on the TV screen, why should have he visited the man to that moment ? Is that in order to stand by him as one of the UPFA candidate.
Readers would ask why I talk about Drugs on this forum, increasing sexual abuses are connected with drug consumes in the ocuntry or anyone.
Today, srilanka is branded to be state promoted heaven for whole sale drug business.
They say they go after drug dealers, but nothing seem to have done sofar… if drugs should be eleminated, MR should be removed from the administration, that is the only way out.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
As usual you come up with speculative information “In Sri Lanka the few come to surface are due to the lack of proper control over the state media”. Fro where did you get this statistic? This is similar to fictional posts saying “mass rape of Tamil women by Sinhalese”. If you can’t produce real victims you need to stop talking about it. Come up with real data I will be with you fighting sexual crimes by Sinhalese.
I can accuse you of raping women and call you a rapist. What do you think, is that enough evidence for people to believe me?
Now, you talk about drugs and rape. Can you show evidence of that? I feel there can be, but have studies being done and results reported? If so give readers links.
I do not agree with MR regime activities either and he should be voted out by the people. In the mean time I do not want to see separatist Tamils make up fake accusations of rape. Do you know know of any Tamil rape victim where the perpetrator was a Sinhalese?
Rarityminds / June 14, 2014
Man, are u born that foolish, the way how ITN and other media institutions go on brainwashing the general public that day on ? U just need to listen to bahutharayak, then you could get that easily. Just interview you yourself the average folks and you would see that they are far from the facts about the ground realities of the country. I am afraid, I have no desire anymore to feed you with info that are know to every grad 2 boys. Facts that are clear to the many seem to be out of your information. How come ? If you are honest to you – you may see it clearly the way they handle it today. RW is made stupid person for many today, just because only innacutate views about him has been passed to the average. But we all and sundry are clear RW is an educated person who would not harm anyone. He would not go to abuse anyone either. As MIT lately expressed he is highly talented person not only to srilanka but to entire world. Those fanatics to spread wrong views about him lying that he would divide the country – is being done to weaken him politically. But I have no doubt, truth will succeed soon. I am not a party supporter but I have no fear to call spade a spade when it is necessary.
eusense / June 14, 2014
Are you OK? What are you jabbering about RW and for what purpose? If you have enough evidence to believe rape, genocide, discrimination etc. the separatist Tamils are accusing SL of, give it to me, other wise you should stop posting garbage!
Ram / June 14, 2014
” Every day, five individuals in the Canadian military community become victims of sexual assault, according to statistics obtained through Canada’s Access to Information Act.”
Maclean’s exclusive looks at sexual assault in the military on CityNews Toronto of 24th April 2014. And all this during peace time.
Bandageputha / June 13, 2014
I dont think you are a mentally healthy person.
If as you say it is in india 13/ 1300 000 000 x 100 meaning it is not even coerning margins. What matters is the percentage. In a country where only 20 mio s are living, if rapes have rises its levels to the manner any far under developed afro countries, there the rulers have no other choice but have to react accordingly.
You and the govt goons would not respect the critiques, but this would not work on long term. MR has been suffering from HIGHLY magnitude of inferiority complex not even being able to get with local elite class people. This is the reason why him not to have reacted adequately against any kind of criminals sofar; besides that is one of the common characteristic of world#s authoritarian rulers.
mechanic / June 13, 2014
I wasn’t talking about whole of India you idiot! What I wrote was, Times Of India reported, “13 girls go missing from Madhya Pradesh daily”. And Madhya Pradesh has only five or six times more population than Sri Lanka. Tell us, how many girls go missing in Sri Lanka daily? Hardly any.
What you separatists buggers do not want to understand is that LTTE is no ordinary terrorist gang. LTTE is the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the whole world. It has a set of cadres who were trained to bite cyanide not surrender. LTTE baby brigade were brainwashed to shoot at the advancing army not surrender. LTTE human bombs didn’t display placards to say they were humanbombs. And makkal padai (dad’s army) where old men, women and young mothers were trained and used as sentries again to shoot and not surrender. And you buggers expect Sri Lanka soldiers to fight all that murderous lot with candy pops. Put us into the same shoes we shall do the same thing again.
Bandageputha / June 13, 2014
This proves WATHIE = Mechanic
Anyway, barking for the wrong tree.
I am sinahalese but I call myself a SRILANKEN.
Low grade cheap labour like you are Gonrajas’s survival.
How can I or others of my grade be separatists just because I srilanken dont respect what MR regime continues.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
“” Have you watched Al Jazeera news today, In India that many people are being raped daily. Times Of India reported, “13 girls go missing from Madhya Pradesh daily”.”
You are not running Hindia, feeding the people, paying Hindian tax, ….. so shut up and mind your own business. If you really care about Hindia which is obviously your ancestral homeland , please go and help them to live and live well.
” In fact Sri Lanka is a safe haven for women when compared to India, South Africa etc.”
Are you contesting in a rape race?
“Why just pick on this country that has just started to consolidate peace after 30 years of freelance killing by Tamil terrorists?”
Stupid, listen listen good, your men folks are raping their own daughters. If you keep your men properly under your petticoat they would not seek pleasure out of rape from your daughters.
Probably you enjoy listening to real life rape stories. You are not only stupid but a pervert as well.
Put your house in order then if you have time let us tell the Hindian men to behave themselves.
NAK / June 13, 2014
Just out of curiosity NV, what is the rape situation in the veddha community?They only do it when the ‘Handun pojje kee gana kotei?
Rarityminds / June 13, 2014
And why not you compare it with those of Parkistan or Somalia ?
Leelawathie / June 12, 2014
As it is the case with second world war, after the war is no longer there, foreign alleators were kept to safeguarding the people#s security. I know there are even today, americans barracks functioning stuttgart, karlruhe and several other areas of the germany. This is after 69 years. Not only US but also british, russian forces were in Germany until recent years. So, why is that in srilanken context, this is seen different? I dont think the German in general thought it was an another form of foreign invasion at the time, foreign troops were introduced to them.
Recalling the war past, Srilanken troops were the enemies of nothern srilanken people lived under the de facto status handled by Tamil rebells. The very same people to be compelled to obey lanken troops should be like festering the wounds of the victimized minority folks. This issue we should better discuss on this and other forum – is my suggestion.
I know lanken kind of Wimal Buruwansa balawega would interpret in a very different manner. But I believe INTRO of foreign troops instead of local troops could bring peace between two folks.
ACJU agent / June 12, 2014
You must be out of your mind woman. We love young women but who wants to rape your type of stinking women.
Leelawathie / June 13, 2014
ACJU the balless man,
You are the right ones to represent Rajapakshe goons that have taken the lives of the innocients for not reason. Ditta dammawedaneeya karama is waiting for you. Wait and see. I would do anything and everything to go against any rapist or rape supporters of you kind and hang them by your balls. We the women have our guts and power that you guys cant have noway.
Leelawathie / June 13, 2014
that means other young women you would want to rape ? Sound to be a typical representative of the army ?
Leelawathie / June 13, 2014
During my short visit to UK, I also visited to Birmingham. They I happened to see how afro women assualted a man. There we clearly saw the man was brutally attacked by them. This should happen to our men too in SRILANKA… we the women should learn to defend us by all means. This comes next. Wait and see.
Rajash / June 13, 2014
Leelawathie:”we the women should learn to defend us by all means. ” I appluad your courageous posting.
“you are stripped naked and your hands tied behind, and the army men gang rape you at gun point one after anthoer and shoot you dead. ” what defence you have against these animals.
…some army men who missed out on the rape …fucx the corpse..
what animals!
Leelawathi / June 13, 2014
Agree,I know the situation is like caught by dragon.
There you ofcoure have no alternative regardless of you being male or female.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
You appear to be a great fictional writer. But don’t give up your day job!
Siva Sankaran Sarma / June 13, 2014
Don’t mind him, he’s just documenting the frequent wet dreams he has :D
Rajash / June 14, 2014
I learnt my fiction writting from people like you. So you can take credit for that.
mechanic / June 13, 2014
Leelawathie, If “Srilanken troops were the enemies of nothern srilanken people”, how come hundreds of many Tamil women have joined Sri Lanka army in two batches already. TNA tried to stop them but they couldn’t. And none of them have complained of any rape to date.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
“how come hundreds of many Tamil women have joined Sri Lanka army in two batches already.”
Do you know exactly as to why they enrolled in the armed forces?
Leelawathie / June 13, 2014
Hey, this is a very good argument. Since we dont have any comparison we cant see the result if foreign troops were there instead.
Rajash / June 13, 2014
mechanic:”And none of them have complained of any rape to date. “
You mean to say “there is no record or documentaion of any rape to date”?
Zero civilian casualty comes to mind.
Anpu / June 12, 2014
Why Sri Lanka did not participate??????????????
Off the Cuff / June 12, 2014
Your Excellency,
The Ambassador of Canada,
“This weeks conference, after all, is about bringing an end to sexual violence, in conflict”
That was the catch line before every speaker took the Podium.
The catch line included the whole world.
Where were the other players with proven instances of sexual violence in conflict?
Even if these ex parte accusations are true how can it bring an end to sexual violence, in conflict, unless the rest of the world is included?
Was this truth seeking or targeting Sri Lanka?
I wonder whether you are aware that Ms Yasmin Sooka is a party to a corrupted interpretation of the ICRC Human Rights Law, designed to absolve the LTTE of the War Crime of employing a Human Shield.
The LTTE was guilty of attempting to bribe US officials. Have they used the same technique to undermine the ICRC IHL Rule 97?
I do hope you can give any other plausible explanation for the following corruption of ICRC IHL Rule 97 which was used to Exonerate the LTTE of the war crime of using a Human Shield.
The ICRC Rule 97 is defined as follows
1. the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia qualified physically securing or otherwise holding peacekeeping forces against their will at potential NATO air targets, including ammunition bunkers, a radar site and a communications center, as using “human shields”
2. It can be concluded that use of human shields requires an intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives. (http://www.icrc.org/customary-ihl/eng/docs/v1_cha_chapter32_rule97)
Please note that there is no requirement of deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks. The ONLY requirement is the INTENTIONAL COLLOCATION of civilians and military targets.
Now let’s look at what Ms. Yasmin Sooka and her fellow expert panelists Mr. Marzuki Darusman and Mr. Steven R. Ratner wrote in their report submitted to UNSG Ban Ki Moon.
1. Using civilians as a human buffer
237. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions: Credible allegations point to a violation of Common Article 3’s ban on the taking of hostages insofar as they forced thousands of civilians, often under threat of death, to remain in areas under their control during the last stages of the war and enforced this control by killing persons who attempted to leave that area. (With respect to the credible allegations of the LTTE’s refusal to allow civilians to leave the combat zone, the Panel believes that these actions did not, in law, amount to the use of human shields insofar as it did not find credible evidence of the LTTE deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks as is required by the customary definition of that war crime (Rule 97, ICRC Study)
End Extract
Please note that Ms Yasmin Sooka and her fellow panelists have introduced the words:
“insofar as it did not find credible evidence of the LTTE deliberately moving civilians towards military targets to protect the latter from attacks as is required by the customary definition of that war crime (Rule 97, ICRC Study)”
If the LTTE is absolved the LTTE financiers get automatically absolved.
Why were these words introduced to corrupt that actual definition if not for absolving the LTTE and the current living and active LTTE Financiers and co conspirators?
Did Money exchange hands?
Please let us know what your stand is?
Kind Regards,
Anpu / June 13, 2014
Your Excellency,
The Ambassador Of Canada,
“Picture worth a thousand words” –
Two things to be noted
(1) Sri Lanka says it is a Buddhist country which committed and committing all these crimes. (2) Then this Buddhist country is denying these crimes when there are plenty of evidence.
Once a Liar is always a liar
Off the Cuff / June 13, 2014
Dear Anpu,
Once a Bribe Giver always a Bribe Giver?
Once a Bribe Taker always a Bribe Taker?
Re “Picture worth a thousand words”
Those days are gone for good.
Photoshop made sure of that.
Pictures have a way of lying when they are stage managed.
The LTTE are experts at it. Remember that picture by the “Truth Tigers” (the LTTE’s specialist group with Cameras and stuff) where people were running from alleged shelling by SL forces, published in Tamilnet?
Unfortunately the Un-Cropped picture with the cameramen, directors and others watching the whole scene, unperturbed by the alleged shelling, fell in to the wrong hands and got published.
But all this is relatively unimportant.
The possibility that Ms Yasmin Sooka being in the pay of the Separatist Tamil Diaspora is very real and hence very important.
Ms Yasmin Sooka has been involved with War Crimes Propaganda against Sri Lanka. She wrote an article under her own name to Groundviews, titled The Empty Findings of Sri Lankas Military Court of Inquiry, on 4 November 2013.
Here are two responses I made to Ms. Yasmin and Ms. Usha Sriskander Raja the virulent Separatist propagandist, who sprang to Yasmin’s rescue.
Her essay is also carried by the separatist propaganda website Sangam.org (sans the comments).
She has continued with her propaganda and has managed to hoodwink many, in to believing that she is driven by Humanitarian concerns.
The Canadian Ambassador is her latest VICTIM. That she is driven by concerns other than Humanitarian ones, will become clear, if she cannot explain her actions in EXONERATING the LTTE and it’s Financiers of the War Crime of employing Human Shields.
The Possibility that Mr. Marzuki Darusman, Ms Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven R. Ratner accepted a BRIBE so HUGE that they were even willing to risk their Reputation and Career by PROSTITUTING International Law is very real.
That ALL THREE of them have Modified the meaning of ICRC IHL Rule 97 is INDELIBLY recorded by themselves, in Black and White, in the Report submitted to UNSG.
No amount of Bribing by the LTTE sympathetic Tamil Diaspora will be able to erase that.
Unless they can provide a Plausible explanation as to why they deviated from ICRC International Humanitarian Law Rule 97 and EXONERATED the LTTE and its FINANCIERS, they SHOULD be INVESTIGATED for Bribery amongst other things.
Investigate the Expert Investigators. There is a Prima Facie case against them.
Kind Regards,
Eusense / June 13, 2014
You have only this photo to show? The same photo has been linked to may be thousand times by separatists. Please, if you have only one photo that doesn’t become “mass rape of Tamil women by the Sinhalese”!!
Afzal / June 13, 2014
Quite unfortunate incidents, during a war specially in a 3rd world country where the command structure is loose individual soldiers or small units will take law in to their own hands. Sri Lankan government should have investigated and prosecuted these individuals at least after 2009.
Having said that this is not a one sided story, the other party is also guilty of inhumane treatment of captives, prisoners and traitors of their cause. Rape was not a option for them as they were a terrorist outfit where they hit and run or massacre bus load of people or a whole village or people praying a mosque or bomb a crowded bus station/market.
Diaspora Tamils are clinging to whatever opportunity to highlight the plight of sufferings of Tamils who were left behind at the mercy of warring parties these actions will never make any positive addition to lasting peace.
The actions of Diaspora is basically avenging the bitter loss of war in what ever means available to them. They were never interested in peace or settlement in Sri Lanka just like Velu Baba who had his head blown off at the end. Their objective was to prolong the war as long as possible. This is basically the selfish motive of diaspora tamils in order to further their own economic objectives.
Tamil Elam dream was a fiction. A Pipe dream. It’s dead and buried.
End results was 100 of thousands of people dead all over Sri Lanka. 10’s of thousands of orphan and widows all over the country and so many disabled individuals. This is what we were left with at the end of the war.
With the kind of regime having the power in Sri Lanka where even the singhala is not getting justice. Extrajudicial killing & rape is widely prevalent. Government sponsored extremist playing havoc as an when required.
What would be prudent is to find a way to get rid of the corrupt rulers and bring about good governance. When we do that the rest of accountability issues will get sorted out automatically. These actions by tamils diashora only will strengthen the voter base among majority community who have voted overwhelmingly based on race since independence.
Peace Lover / June 13, 2014
Its said among the Colombo cocktail circuit that K A Sumansekera (Leela) had sponsored this event in order to get some business deals from the diaspora for his next housing scheme!
sad / June 13, 2014
seeing the various comments ; it only saddens me to note that even after such horrific bloodshed and degradation of human lives; this nations has not moved on ;
It is very easy to predict that Sri Lanka will no doubt disintegrate into nothing quite soon if Sri Lanka as a nation does not openly pleads guilty for using crimes like rape to subdue its citizens.
All those in the county should be able to understand that what goes around will come around; the world order always is fair even though it does not seem that way most of the time.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
You seem convinced to say “…if Sri Lanka as a nation does not openly pleads guilty for using crimes like rape to subdue its citizens”.
What evidence of rape do you have (which I am clamoring to have)to confidently make this statement?
BBS Rep / June 13, 2014
What I heard in these videos is what most of us have known all along but impotent to do anything.
What can anyone really do to stop this despecible Sri Lankan practice other than to say, ‘it must stop’ from the safety of a foeign country.
The UN has been an abject failure when it comes to stopping war or the resultant rampant rape of women. While the UNHRC are still threatening to inquire into war crimes in Sri Lanka the rape and torture is continuing unabated.
What is the solution. It seems inevitable that the downtrodden will rise up and fight again even though it is not a solution. It is the nature of humans that such cycles of horrors must be repeated again and again.
‘Living in harmony’ is a fallacious argument where humans are concerned.
Abhaya / June 13, 2014
from the looks of them they would be lucky to get any action .
Andreasappu / June 13, 2014
So alone this statment proves living on US grounds further you drop a radical mentality also against the women freedom – you should be born sick guy. Do any of the above women wear top or bottom less you to reduce it in that way ? How did you spend the day prior to move to the US ? Were you too rape minded ? I wish I could know whether you are married to a man or woman. If it is to a woman, budu saranai to that lady.
Abhaya / June 14, 2014
eerrr What ?
Jay Pathbey / June 13, 2014
Who takes MIA seriously?
During the Super Bowl in 2013 she showed her middle finger during a song performance carried out at half time. This show was views by all the US TV viewers. I think she disappeared into the music wilderness after that except for pill pushers and drug addicts. May be she too was on drugs.
For a Tamil Hindu frequently dressed in body revealing attire looks like this is the new cultured Tamil Hindu look.
Some inspiration! and some qualified leader for the sexually abused.
Anpu / June 13, 2014
What about this for a country following Buddhist culture???
Native Vedda / June 13, 2014
Jay Pathetic
“For a Tamil Hindu frequently dressed in body revealing attire looks like this is the new cultured Tamil Hindu look.”
Whats wrong with exhibitionism for a woman who has no inhibition about her body or soul?
When did woman of Southern Asia start wearing clothes covering their entire body. Siggiria, Agenda, Sri Lankan bronze statues and Kovil outer structures reveal more than what MIA has so far exhibited. As long as she is comfortable with her own body what has it got to do with Tamil Hindu culture.
Whats your problem with nudity?
Don’t you surf nasty hardcore porn while your wife asleep? Be honest to yourself, pervert.
Eusense / June 13, 2014
Why don’t you stop posting your weak counter points? I hope you know what impression people in the west have of a woman showing her middle finger to others. This woman should distance herself from these events if they to succeed.
Rajash / June 14, 2014
Eusense:”This woman should distance herself from these events if they to succeed.”..you are the last person she is expecting to attend her events. Any how if you dont like her dress sense keep away from the events and listen to her music at home.
Rajash / June 14, 2014
Jay:Who takes MIA seriously?
you have . Tha si why you commented on her.
eusense / June 15, 2014
nobody takes MIA seriously, that is why she is bringing in disrepute to sex crime prevention activities.
Woman’s Hour / June 13, 2014
BBC Radio 4 – 10:00 am.
Now it’s Woman’s Hour presented by Jenni Murray(JM).
JM – “Good morning, today’s guest is the well-known feminist and campaigner against YOB CULTURE – MIA”
(Fade in music)
So click, click, click, please get off my dick
Just ’cause I know more don’t make me thick
I’m a overweight, heavyweight, female Slick Rick
If you need the cheese then my shits gon’ stick
M.I.A. – Bring the Noize
Do you want to come on this exodus?
If you got swag, fuck with us
And do you wanna ride like a crusader?
You ain’t gotta Christian Dior (christ endour)
My blood type is no negative
But I’m positive that I’m too deep
Switch the light on when we hit the sheets
Sexodus by M.I.A.
JM- “ Yo, MIA, what’s up?
R. Varathan / June 14, 2014
Do the slow-thinking Rajapakses recognise events and gatherings like this is further evidence the noose tightens around them. When the ICJ
eventually comes out with an indictment, like in the case of Liberia’s Charles Taylor, the statements discussed in this alleged meeting at the London Canadian HC’s home, may feature in the evidence. It must have been a solemn occasion because our own M.I.A. speaks without her natural propensity to the “F” and “S” expletives – her standard
lingua franca. The rogue regime also must take the hint the powerful Canadian Govt is not taking the Rajapakse slight to them lightly.
Britain, the UN, USA, EU and others are presumably gathering issues gradually to inflict it upon the obstinate Rajapakses at the time opportune.
R. Varathan
Jack / June 16, 2014
Love the last picture of Mathangi Arulpragasam (MIA) daughter of Mathangi Arulpragasam ([Edited out]). Now we know where the funding comes from and the reasons behind the campaign.
Gong Putha / August 17, 2014
Dear Cara Delevingne
I find it difficult to belive that you were mistaken to be a LTTE Terorist.