16 January, 2025


Video: Who Started The Riot?

The Colombo Telegraph last afternoon received a clip of the purported catalyst which triggered Sunday riot, which is currently being widely circulated on social media.

The clip has also been posted on a Facebook page purported to be that of the Bodu Bala Sena , under the title “who started the riot?” and affiliated social media portals of the BBS on Facebook and other avenues.

Aluthgama riotsIn a narration to the video posted on all pages, it says that the video shows that “those who walked in the procession were organised and threw stones at the bystanders”.

Colombo Telegraph cannot independently verify the authenticity of the said video.

Elderly Muslims are seen calming the bystanders who are believed to be Muslims by raising their hands upward.

While marching those in the procession are heard chanting “whose force is this? its the force of the sinhalese ( Kageda mey balawegey, Sinhalayage balawegey” after which at the end of the clip a few youth start throwing unknown items that they carried towards the bystanders who then flee.

The BBS has carried the entire narration which reads.

“Many of the Sinhala media attempted to show that it was the Muslims who attacked the procession first. But this video is slef explanatory, an organised group who were walking in the procession start pelting stones at the Muslim bystanders”

Latest comments

  • 16

    Sad, Why Sinhalese Buddhism went down to this low???… The video shows the difference between Muslim Gnanasaras and Buddhist Gnanasaras… I salute you the Muslim priest in the video for your action.. If I was a Muslim, I would have been hiding or gone to save my family from those Sinhalese Modayas..

    • 4

      Does any body knows,

      How many of those went on that procession are Buddhists???????,
      I mean,any body there who knows and follow about Buddhism????.

      There are no body in there, who follow Buddhist philosophy.

      They are Jarapassa Buddhism followers. With the backing by Jarapassa Clan and .
      just few goons, who wants to rob and take law in to their hand to please some Jarapassa type politikkas.
      No body with sound mind says that, they are Buddhists.

      This is the Chance they are Waiting for!!!
      They were armed by the goon Jarapassa Politikkas.

      Now they will try to arrest all the Opposition to their Rule.

      Wait and SEE!!!!!!!!!!!.

    • 0

      This is the best video that shows who started the riot.

  • 16

    Does not the lone Muslim figure dressed in a white garb with his hands raised in peace in the face of the rabid crowd going past him stand out as a heroic figure in contrast to the Buddhist monks with hatred in their faces,urging mayhem and violence? If people are converting to other religions, it is because of the Buddhist monks.

    Let us have Eelam. We will give refuge to all the minorities of SL, recognizing that the greatest sin that the LTTE did was alienating the Muslims by their acts. The LTTE did not harm other minorities in the NorthEast. The Muslims unfortunately did take sides, the wrong side, it is now evident.

    • 7

      Make the Muslim second class of the second class, Ah?

      One thing I agree, That man who tries to stop violence have more compassion in their heart than those so claimed Buddha puthras.

      • 0

        Parsis are refugees from Iran Feroz the Parsi married Kashmiri Brahmin (pundit)
        Moda gune do you see caste or western class in the hindu who is free.

        You are schedule class sihala buddhist foreigners who have multiplied like rats in a well fed stack of paddy.

        Hindus have always given refuge to people of all faiths because they are born and gautama was a little toy for folk to practice in the jungle.

        Swami Vivakananda only praised Sivaji the Great because he was the real native hindu with all faiths and was respected as the only martial race of india by the brits- its in the national archives of India and UK. Sivaji last rites were excuted by a muslim woman (half brothers wife) see the tombs. This is what NasMo respects not western media fuckshit that we see worldwide like funding american national Gooo`ta to screw the island for their benefit.

    • 4

      Ponkoh Sivakumaran,
      Are you saying Tamil tigers had not issued warning for Muslims to vacate Kathankoody and when they ignored it Tamil murderous walked into four mosques there where over 300 Muslims were prostrating in Isha prayers with their machetes and machine guns on on August 3, 1990 to fondle them. They have massacred 147 people in a few minutes. Google sinhaya com you can read them all.

    • 3

      Ethnic-cleansing in the Northern evacuation, culling of Muslims in LTTE in one day and attack on worshippers are crimes against humanity that will not heal without adequate restitution for the victims and still may take generations to overcome. However, the Muslims attempted to patch with V. Prabakaran was a milestone in that direction of reconciliation. That must continue. Tamils also must make more efforts. Unfortunately eastern Tamils have been debilitated with inferiority and seeking vengeance against each other. BBS are more closer to Eastern Tamils than Muslim parties. It is shame on Tamils in Kalmunai to defend the president against Geneva intervention. Ironically, this demo was organised by BBS and Muslims upheld the President at the next rally in Kalmunai!

    • 2

      A good point for proLTTE. Buddhism,Buddhists or all the Buddhist monks are not responsible for this! It seems people like Ponkoth Sivakumaran are still day dreaming! No way for so called “Eelam!” Your own people never want to be trapped again.

    • 1

      Dear Ponkoh Sivakumaran
      I do really appreciate your concern for the Muslims and your expression of mea culpa on behalf of the Tamils on the LTTE’s alienation of Muslims. You then justify it stating the Muslims asked for it by taking sides against LTTE. While I see you and many of my good Tamil friends as well meaning people, I must point out that most of the Tamil brethren fail to take cognizance of some stark and historical facts:

      1. LTTE first antagonized the Eastern Muslims by randomly abducting and murdering a large number of Muslims and by demanding “kappam” to let many others live or to carry on with their business. In addition they slaughtered Muslims in mosques and in many villages. The Eastern Muslims then supported the army that swept the East from the Sinhalese areas. The LTTE immediately punished the innocent Muslims of the north by driving them out of the North within 24 hours.

      2. How do you expect Muslims of the NE to collaborate with the LTTE or Tamils in general without putting the Muslims of Alutgama and other Sinhala areas in jeopardy? What happened now would have happened long time ago. You all, my friend, do not realise that more than 2/3rd of SL Muslims live among the Sinhalese in the Southern, Central, Uva, Western, NW and NC provinces. They did have very cordial relationship with the Sinhalese for very long time. Besides Muslim have experienced massive riots against them in 1915 by the Sinhalese when Sinhalese and Tamils were bosom pals never having had any fight.

      3. The betrayal by Sir Ponnampalam Ramanathan of the Muslim community by his role in the aftermath of 1915 riots against Muslims which is now history. This has taught the Muslims that they are on their own and they can never trust fellow Tamil speaking people to support them.

      So please do not pass judgement on Muslims without knowing these facts however good intentioned you are.

      • 1

        Bravo. Well said!!!

    • 0

      Why did they take sides? You forgot they were murdered in their hundreds in mosques and chased away from their houses from you dear Eelam.In a way its good to forget try and forget the ealam then we can live in peace. This is what happens when you try to separate people from one another.

  • 6

    Don’t mind them being called Sinhalese modayas because if they knew Buddhist wisdom they would never have acted the way did.

  • 1

    Lets not forget how the Muslims stood as stool pigeons for the Sinhala mobs during the riots in early 1980’s and before. NPC should avoid dealings with the Muslims. Look at the Muslims leaders all sucking up to Jarapassa regime. If they cant handle the heat let them go back to Pakistan. Where is Rishas Bathiudeen and Rauf hakeem? Muslim leaders are only sound no action.

    • 3

      Dont lie, My Father saved more than 70 Tamils in my house and garden and hid them and made all brothers ( my uncles) protected them. Please dont lie you fuck. We never hated tamil as we are also Tamil speaking from India, we hated LTTE as they killed all of our muslims.
      In my office now there are equally Tamils is being employed like muslim. sinhala, Christian and muslims are like. [Edited out], but we love Vignaeshwaran with whole heartly.

  • 4

    “Who Started The Riot?”

    The Americans and the CIA; I toal you; I toal you…..even befor, I toal you.

  • 0

    nothing much to be surprised about this after this is the way of life of the majority inhabitants as claimed by K A Sumansekera (LEELA) and ably supported by that gallant gentleman Ella Kolla who was trained by the greatest pervert of all Fathima Fukushima (Lorenso of Lankaweb)under the watchful guidance of Jim Softly

  • 2

    This is no difference to what the Rajapakse trained thugs did to UNP MPs in Mattala and Hambanthota. Remember Toy gun and stones, eggs and tomatoes.

    This is no different to what Rajapakse trained thugs did at Aluthkade courts when CJ Shirani Bandaranayake was impeached.

    This is no different to Kelani thug Mervin who tied a man to a tree.

    This is what happens when an absolute gone mad dictator family rules a nation.

    Thank you CT for bringing us the video clip and for revealing the truth to the world.

  • 2

    I only wish there was a Muslim guy who had a sub machine gun and shot all these cowards…and they fell like dominos… they were NO where to be seen when the LTTE was running amok in the whole of SL but be hiding inside the saree of the women folk. where were the BBS and the so called patriots who now act as if they own SL?

    LTTE was the making coz of similar incidents..now that the BBS and the Defence establishment wast the Muslims to retaliate… it might not be in the best interest of the country as a whole… IF BBS can go to places of hot spots from Colombo, we can also expect the likes of Taliban to come to SL from Pakistan,Afghanistan and other Middle eastern countries… SL can ILL AFFORD…

  • 1

    There is no doubt that we can see a Muslim gentleman holding up his arms to halt the Muslim bystanders from reacting to what one might call provocation. The people who started it, were the three mindless protesters who decided that they wanted to show their hate, by throwing stones first.
    That is what the video shows, but then no one can be sure.
    When one looks at the “protesters” you can gauge that they are a bunch of aimless, and ignorant people,
    easily manipulated by hate mongers, who take advantage of them to incite them, obviously ready to attack Muslims and take the opportunity to loot and steal from them. Then they are considered criminals.
    If the Sri Lanka authorities really wanted to prosecute and arrest them, there will be many videos identifying
    these trouble makers, but it seems from the act of releasing the top BBS terrorists, those in top may not want to arrest the Sinhalese rioters. It is noted however, that 3 Muslims were arrested, after all the violence and murders caused by these low lives.

  • 1

    Thank you CT for the video clip.

    Looks like the three thugs who started throwing something similar to stones wear same black and white clothes and looks like they belong to some sort of a Govt.security division. None of the others in the crowd carry Bag packs except these three.

    It is time for someone to investigate who these thugs are. They are been specially transported to Aluthgama by the bus loads by who ever planned this riots.

    Surely somebody from top is behind this Genocidal Massacre.

  • 1

    I am totally against any type of attacks against humanity. CT accuse Sinhala media attempting to show that the Muslims attacked the procession first and publish this video as self explanatory. But in my opinion it is completely a failure. If you closely look at the video, at the 53 minute, the police man facing towards surrounding Muslim people is going towards them shouting to prevent something which seems to be the attacks coming first from the Muslims.Then at 56 minutes a group of people from the precession throws stone. Anyway, people in the procession seem to have prepared with stones for any such counter attack.

    • 1

      It should be 52 second and 53 second.

  • 0

    No arrest yet this shows how easy to attack minorities and go on in your daily routine (mugging and looting ) if this was in an other country Police chief would have resign and the national security chief but in this banana republic they don’t have shame

  • 1

    Muslims are killing people everywhere.

    I was in London last year and the road was closed because 2 Muslims were killing a security guard on the road.

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