19 February, 2025


“Wanda Pethi” Sample Just A Lump Of Flour, Government Analyst Rules

The congealed particles found at an eatery in Ampara which were claimed to be sediments of a sterilizing substance and which belief led to violence against Muslims in the area were actually lumps of flour, the Government Analyst has revealed.

Government Analyst A Weliange has ruled that sample submitted to him by the Police contained carbohydrates only.

A video made of a Muslim man admitting under duress that in fact sterilizing substances were added to the food in this eatery was widely circulated in social media sparking violence against Muslims in Ampara.

Latest comments

  • 11

    If any woman proven they are il-fertile from ‘Wanda Pethi’, let MA-RA of Namal baby prove they can still make babies., problem solved.
    Or we can ask Gananasara too for help :)

  • 21

    This proves beyond doubt that Sinhalese are born fools who can be lead like buffaloes to any thing as long as it has racism and religious intolerance involved. That is also one good reason that we find more Sinhalese taking up rather low graded jobs such as driving 3-wheelers, housemaids to the middle east and security guards where not much intelligence is required.

    • 9

      Nearly more than 50% of the Sinhala people go like buffaloes behind these racist power hungry opportunistic Mahinda group. This indicate that Srilanka will never become a civilised country.

  • 15

    I can’t wait for some enlightened individual to come and lecture us on how carbohydrates can make one sterile.

    This should have been nipped in the bud way back when the BBS accused Uswatte of putting a sterilisation drug called ‘malic acid’ in toffees found at the No Limit checkout counters. No one at the time bothered to point out malic acid is the naturally occuring acid of the compound malate (a product of the citric acid cycle that happens in every living being) and is found in high quantities in ‘kahata’ fruits like apples and pears- it’s used as a flavouring to add a tart/sour taste to food.

    If that had been comprehensively dealt with, rumors like this year’s down the line wouldn’t have had as much credibility even to the uneducated yakkos who call themselves ‘patriots’ these days. Instead, it was ignored, and scientific professionals stayed quiet, when an average A level biology student could have pointed out how hilariously wrong it was.

    This country never learns. Kuveni’s curse indeed.

  • 14

    Ignorance has no limit. Education must not just be free, must be compulsory.

    • 4

      Don’t forget we got a literacy rate about 80%. 71% are idiots!

      • 2

        You are right, if the 71% were intelligent this country will be like Singapore.

    • 1

      It is doubtful whether what children get free nowadays is “education”.

    • 4


      Dayan J is educated so are the many who promote and foster racism in Sri Lanka! The Sinhala psyche is totally messed up including you! You cannot see that in a democracy, minorities need empowering in order to make them stakeholders also! This is called a political solution that you deny.

    • 1

      Education’s got nothing to do here. I know a few educated fools who are ever ready to jump on the racist bandwagon. Pragmatism and tolerance are far more important backed up by common sense.

    • 0


      education is knowledge+wisdom+culture

      Therefore only about 5%-10% of srilankans are educated.Does our education system provide wisdom and culture even though you can make it universal and free.

  • 12

    You don’t have to analyse, if one has common sense he will understand.
    This is a planned attack by Rajapakse goons . Spineless my3 had a meeting with Mara before theses happened , Now my3 is taking orders from Mara.
    These buggers are going to ruin the country. The whole world has already condemned this.

  • 7

    The Muslims are not fools to spend their money on feeding wanda pethi to [edited out] Sinhalas

    • 10

      If you look at the amount of alcohol we consume, Who needs infertility tablets?

      • 2


        Jim shitty and his fellow racists like you could argue the state needed the extra Tax revenue to look after exponentially increasing Muslim population.

        SPUR australia should and could publish a paper on this very important subject. This is the right time to up the ante.

        Look its been the Sinhala/Buddhist who have been sacrificing their health and life to pay for the Muslim’s welfare. It was said Tamils also benefited from sacrifices made by Sinhala/Buddhists by drinking more for the coffer.

        • 1

          OK you did not like the word I used – here’s the politically correct synonym ‘impotent’

      • 0

        no one is stopping the alcohol.

    • 2

      WE do not need the help of the Muslims (or any else for that matter) our people are fully capable of firing their own pus wedilla’s.

      • 0

        Well said

    • 0

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    • 0

      OK you did not like the word I used – here’s the politically correct synonym ‘impotent’

  • 6

    Even then they will blame Muslims. They will say that Muslims are putting carbohydrates to increase their energy so that they behave like animals.

  • 2

    We thought the lab may stray somewhere else to find fault on the restaurant owner, to shut him from defending. Supporting the masters’ political courses is the norm of governmental departments in Lankawe. Corruption and bribery is the law of the country. The Police are very unprofessional so it is capable of doing anything. But so far the lab has released the straight answer of what was needed. As the report is not hurting the owner, so he has no need to follow up on that direction.
    Now, anybody appeared in the video should be open to private lawsuits by the owner for not just physical damages but for damage to reputation, willful false accusation, damage for emotion stress and other damages allowed in civil situations.
    That is that.
    Let’s take look at what kind of impact the Government Analyst’s report can produce and other similar ones which created this current Situation.
    Educated, Sinhala constitutional lawyers had filed a case against TNA that its manifesto of provincial council election had call for separation; it is punishable under 6A. The fact 6A constitutionally violating it and the condemnation by ICJ that is a draconian act violates freedom of speech is out of our comment. No Tamil (even Sinhala or Muslim) lawyer or MP is prepared to bring a case against its unconstitutionally because of fearing government physical and political retaliation and revenges, is an outstanding monument of how the laws against minorities can be used easily to stop legal challenges of government’s human rights violations. Indian Pakistani Citizenship Acts, Sinhala Only, 1972-Special Status for Buddhism, Standardization, 6th Amendment are mountainous examples of government’s undeterred ability to pass any law against minorities and have them enslaved. Further, the question of if Tamils have or not the right to ask for self-determination under UN charters and if any other solutions to Tamils would be suitable than separation is not discussed here.

  • 2

    This is an example of how much the educated Sinhala Buddhist lawyers can learn from a court verdict:
    So when we come to the lawsuit of the educated constitutional lawyers, the Supreme Court has given a verdict, last year,(June?) that asking for Federal Status is not asking for separation. The verdict is not complicated in any manner, but a simple “YES-NO” answer. Any citizen in the mass can get it. The Slap Party chairman is a fool who widely regarded as a legal expert, constitutional Lawyer, a Law Professor, known to have written text books in law, has taken part in Chandrika administration in developing frame to grant wider devolution to Tamils, a man directly negotiated with LTTE. Beyond that of his education and professional achievement resume, until very recently, he had been treated by all communities as a scrupulous gentleman. In Politics he was known as ideological liberal Left, but has been getting along across full Lankawe political spectrum of from UNP to JVP. If somebody tell that all going around for more than a week against Muslims minority is the hate this man’s party stirred up in the LG election against TNA Tamils and the government parties, purely for political rivalry, that tell the despicability of Sinhala Buddhism, in full control of the country.

    Let’s take a recap.
    1).G.L. Peiris is a constitutional law expert.
    2).Lankawe Supreme Court has ruled that Federalism is not Separation.
    3). Sampanthar Aiya and his followers had repeated in election Campaign and in Steering Committee deliberations that they want only devolution, not standing off for the word Federalism.

    It is after that all that this incorrigible erudite imbecile with lewd nakedness spearheaded the party which conducted falsified campaign against a solution which TNA was asking for Tamils problems. It is that hate which now has been shown on Muslims.

  • 1

    (Hate is like an inflated balloon; squeezing it to compress flat will cause it to bulge somewhere else. Deflating is the only way to flatten it. Because the UNHRC is studying now Tamils’ problem in Geneva, that pressure was transferred as the hate on Muslims)

    G.L. Peiris’s party’s election campaign was not against about minorities, in general. It had three main objects. 1). Saving Old Royals from genocide crime by making Muslims and Sinhalese rallying against West and UNHRC. 2). Disabling fragile Yahapalanaya government and obtaining impunity against all the past crimes (Corruption, murders, rapes…by the Royal family) with a claim of War Heroes. 3). Scaring the International community showing the unity of Sinhala Mahajan and making them backing off from initiating any solution for Lankawe problems.
    G.L. Perris is not the only one caused current turmoil. Why swear the arrow while the hunter is around? Neither is we fools down below to kill the messenger. The general exasperation of the minority community of Lankawe is the Government Lab analyst’s report is only a mouse. It will not shake the mountain that has been built with racism from 1915.
    Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram said “Thirudanaiparthu thirundavital thirutai olikka mudiyadhu” (Unless the thief halts, theft cannot be halted) Unless The Alibabas (Ranil, New King, Old King all) come down to the road and tell the 40 acolytes to stop it, Lankawe is not going anywhere on a new direction.

  • 1

    officially too they are modayas now.

  • 0

    Lt retarded Perera are you there???? did you and your family take the retardation pill, Leave SAITM alone, did any so called experts from SLMC/GMOA or Food industry expert bother to come out and explain this to public. Hand in glove attitude???? Guys this is not rocket science, this is called pretending to be blind and deaf. A SHAM staged by clergy, thugs,law enforcement fake news/media on pay roll colluding with politicians/MR .This was performed many times in past, Looks like Lankan public never gets tired of these dramas. The re runs will continue in the future, So any retard who has missed the show will not feel disappointed.

  • 0

    The ‘Wanda Pethi” rumour is a canard.
    At least at this stage our leaders must say so. A joint appearance on TV by MR & MS/RW will squash this for good.
    They will not! They will try to get maximum mileage for their limousines while we are left stranded at a filthy bus stop.
    Sadly we have come to accept this as part of governance. But then do we have a choice?

  • 0

    Native dont blame me . Didnt I say the water is contaminated to make Lankans rearded.

  • 0

    The peththa (tablet) is another tool to forment religious hatred. No point conjecturing. This is some organized work and has to be smashed. Clearly it will take a bit of time to catch the real culprits although some junior masterminds are caught now. This incident/s is a severe loss to Sri Lanka in real terms.

  • 0

    A lump of flour that almost burnt down Sri Lanka
    How paranoid are the people , the country and those who govern the country !!!

  • 0

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  • 0

    This is a clear depiction of the intelligence level of the people of Sri Lanka; just 70, below average in the world ranks.

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