16 September, 2024


Warning Disturbing Images: Original Photographs Of Killing Prisoners Of War In Sri Lanka

By Colombo Telegraph

“No War Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka,” the culmination of three years of research by Channel 4, which will be shown for the first time next month in Geneva, to coincide with the U.N. Human Rights Council meeting. We publish below the original photographs of LTTEs Col. Ramesh killing. 

T. Thurairajasingham, whose call sign was Romeo Sierra, and nom de guerre was Colonel Ramesh.

“This single murder, insignificant of itself, suggest the systematic, large-scale killing of prisoners – civilians and fighters – by the Sri Lankan authorities. These are the murders that the government has long denied, and which, when asked, they say didn’t happen, or if they did were committed by the Tamil Tigers (LTTE) themselves. When pressed, they ask for the evidence, assert that the recorded images are fakes, or request the names of witnesses, such as several Sinhalese troops who already have come forward to provide secret testimony of war crimes. ” –  Gordon Weiss

“The Col. Ramesh footage melts any heart to see a hardened Tiger cowing down before semi-educated soldiers and addressing them as ‘Sir’ as they ask him for his ‘live place.’ The evidently visible fear and anxiety on his face measure the terror of the army that would have been felt by less hardened Tamils in Mullivaikal and throughout refugees camps in May 2009. The interrogators’ faces are recognizably visible. Within the army, they would be quickly identified, making it awkward for the government. Trophy photos being taken – the undoing of the murderers – is also seen. For Col. Ramesh’s family the images of their father/husband reduced to what we see would only deepen their grief.” –  Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Click here for in-depth analysis by Gordon Weiss.

The Tamil widow of T. Thurairajasingham (Colonel Ramesh) brought an action against Mahinda Rajapaksa, the sitting President of Sri Lanka and the agents under his control. She is asking for compensatory and punitive damages for torture, inhumane treatment and war crimes inflicted by the defendant in violation of the laws of the United States and International Law.

Colonel Ramesh, being interrogated, and his old and new wounds being examined, on 22 May 2009 by Sri Lankan army personnel in the back of an APC (possibly an armoured Humvee), an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo.

Colonel Ramesh, changing into Sri Lankan army fatigues on 22 May 2009, watched by Sri Lankan army personnel in the back of an APC (possibly an armoured Humvee), an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo.

Colonel Ramesh, moments after being shot with a high calibre weapon on 22 May 2009 lies on the floor of a mud wall house, an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo.

Colonel Ramesh, after being shot with a high calibre weapon on 22 May 2009 lies outside a mud wall house, viewed by a Sri Lankan army soldier, an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo.

Colonel Ramesh, after being shot with a high calibre weapon on 22 May 2009, now placed on a stack of wood for burning, an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo.

Colonel Ramesh, after being shot with a high calibre weapon on 22 May 2009, is burned on a pyre. A Sri Lankan army soldier poses for a ‘trophy’ photo, an image that forms part of the chain of custody. Supplied photo


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  • 0

    how can you say these photos exactly from Amry. these are just same as LTTE captured photos. no clue whatsoeve. just photos wont do much

    • 0

      Studio Timess man Chris Silva got to Mullaithivu from instructions from Gotabaya Rajapakse, travel with Shavindra Fernando and take war victory photos during the last days- Studio Times gets Lanka govt. PR contracts and has archive of trophy photos taken by a fellow named Christopher. He said about his war photos.. rows and rows of dead stripped naked female LTTE cardre.. evidence of rape and muder.

      The war crimes court in Hague can ask that those photos be as evidence of the Rajapakse regime’s love for war trophy photos also displayed in the war hero monuments all over the north east..

      • 0

        Kiri Sudu

        In plain english – this Ramesh goon in a terrorist. How many innocent civilian had perished because of this terra leader. Whoever got rid of him has done better for SL society.

        World is better without these blood suckers.

        • 0

          This country is also a country of terrorist. War crimes kidnapping rape looting everything.

        • 1

          Manesh Rajakaruna

          I hate to agree with you that “World is better without these blood suckers” but not by killing them.

          My people will be better off without these stupid Sinhala/Tamil kallathonies.

          Do you suggest that you should torture them and kill them all, 20 million of them?

        • 0


          Everyone knows the track record of Ramesh.

          There is a way to punish such criminals in a land goverened by rule of law.

          What the soldiers have done here is criminal, if true. And a disgrace to Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces.

          Investigate and punish. There is nothing else to discuss.

          Otherwise, LTTE rump will benefit from these things anyway. Already Navi Pillai has gone to town with it.

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

        • 0

          “World is better without these blood suckers.”.

          Are You Referring To Mahendra Percy Jarapassa, GoTha Baya Jarapassa And Clan Also.

          In your Life Time, You May Not get a chance to See BLOOD SUCKERS LIKE THEM.

        • 0

          Manesh Rajakaruna,

          “..In plain english – this Ramesh goon in a terrorist. How many innocent civilian had perished because of this terra leader. Whoever got rid of him has done better for SL society.

          World is better without these blood suckers..”

          Exactly! How many innocent Tamil civilians perished because of terra mongers like MR, GORA?

          World is better without these blood suckers!

          • 0

            Lahiru the looser

            You sound well below the IQ of a little podian. You need some (year 3) english education if you cannot understandthe plain english.

            Our motherland Sri Lanka (the so-called failed state described by most of Peelumists) has ability to provide you free education and go and make use of it. It is all free for people like you.

            • 0

              Manesh Rajakaruna,

              [Edited out]
              Buffalos like you cannot claim this land as your motherland! This is the land of democracy loving people and not of racists like you who raise the sarong and off the malady hole to Rajapaksha war criminals!

            • 0

              Manesh Rajakaruna

              “Our motherland Sri Lanka…..has ability to provide you free education and go and make use of it.”

              Lahiru the looser is the product of Sri Lankan education. What more do you want him to do? More of the same?

              He might end up with a baby’s IQ.

              Most 5 year old children are better at logic than you seem to demonstrate here.

      • 0

        There is no evidence of rape. Don’t make stuff up.

    • 0

      Why don’t we accept the invitation from the Court and challenge LTTE or the Diasspora for evidences and discredit them? Who elese took thiese pictures? Santa Clause?? Evena 12 year old child would laught at you for this intelligent question!!

      • 0


        Killing terrorisst does not need a court challange by any parties. Does US has a court challanage when Bin Laden was bumped? US considered that as a threatvfor their security.

        These sort of blood suckers deserve what they saw for 30 odd years of terrorism.

        • 0

          Not everyone who was murdered was a terrorist Manesh. And it seems that the numbers of those who were not terrorists, outnumbered those who were terrorists. These were not one off killings but mass murders. For the murders of those who were not terrorists someone, somewhere is accountable.
          If one of these (who were not terrorists), was your loved one, would you not want an inquiry? Would you not want some accountability? The idea here Mahesh is not to cry crocodile tears or blanketly claim it never took place, but to understand that in order to move forward as a nation, we need to know that these sort of atrocities against innocent people cannot take place again without someones neck being on the line. at prsent it seems that anyone can get away with anything.
          So the question is who was responsible? Who did the deed? Who gave the command?

          • 1

            This article is about a dead terrorist, not a civilian. However, in either case, it is not upto the accused to go to court. It is up to the accuser to get the accused to court by presenting credible evidence, not just of a crime, but that the accused committed said crime. So far there is no challenge from any court for SL to take up.

        • 0

          They killed Prabaharan – nobody complained. They killed Ramesh while in custody. People are not happy. If Prabaharan were killed after he surrendered, there would have been more protests. Chickens!

        • 1

          Yeah, according to the US, terrorists are labelled as “illegal combatants” and are exempt from universal rules of war. Same law should apply to SL.

          “Col” Ramesh and their cohorts deserved every bit of justice that they received. You live by the gun, then you must be prepared to face the consequences.

          Let’s call it KARMA !!!

          • 0

            Kalu Malli, have you heard of the point your finger rule? One points at another, 4 point back at self. You do realise that living by the gun or karma (as you put it) means everyone – EVERYONE who lives by it the wrong way? That would include legal combatants who misused their position to indiscriminately kill innocent non combatants and would also include those who sat afar and gave the orders.

          • 0

            Hey Kaluwa

            “Justice” is not a word in the LTTE rule books. Why is that word is so important all of a sudden.

            What they gave others should be given to them. That is what happened here my friend. End of the story.

        • 0

          Manesh Rajakaruna,

          What the hell are you talking about? Doesn’t the killing of Lasantha and disappearance of Prageeth require a court challenge? What about more than 10000 disappearances and extrajudicial killings using while vans, attacks on journalists, Matale mass-grave, museum robbery, chasing of CJ, arson of Colombo Kachcheri, killing of Buddhist monks, Sword Mania etc-don’t they require court challenges? It is exactly these things that the UN is asking from Sri Lanka! Your typed buffalos do not see these realities!

      • 0

        Totally agree with you Rohan. All the fingers seem to point in the clear direction of the forces. So if this is all balls, then yes, go ahead & prove it wrong rather than making big bullish statements to impress who?

    • 1

      Sri Lankan Armed Forces and Police are in the habit of barbaric HR violations since Independence. They are used to do so and protected by successive UNP and SLFP governments. Criminal God fathers. Often justified by people as well. Depending on the victim is a supporter or an opponent.

      LTTE is an equally, if not more barbaric organisation. Now looking for cheap PR out of the last phase of the war. Do not be deceived by TGTE, BTF, Jayalalitha or their international agents such as channel 4.

      Sri Lanka needs to regain composure. Punish war criminals in Sri Lanka. And clear our name. Deliver a sense jsutice to the families of the victims. Rebuild our legal institutions. Put sysstems in place to make sure all are protected by law and are equal before the law.

      Sri Lanka as a nation must make it happen for ourselves. Otherwise sworn enemies of Sri Lanka will use this dispicable situ to their advantage. Nobody wants that.

    • 0

      ANE BABA HUKUN?????? As WImal Modawangsa said.

    • 0

      For some it may be a game to dispute that the Earth is flat. But there is no denying that there is one concern that we all should have. That is that those who are standing on these photographs are today living among us.

      Let’s hope that those who are trying to sanctify the Rajapaksas will not have the misfortune of getting in the cross-hairs of these ruthless individuals. Let’s hope you will not be in the situation of Hirunika Premachandra someday. But remember that Karma sometime comes back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

    • 0

      What is happening to the war without witness?

      All what we know is something has slipped through the security net, and it is not a lie. Thanks to someone who leaked it from government records.

      In the case of Prabhakaran’s youngest son Balachandran, thanks to the technology (camera-phones). Somebody, most probably a soldier in the death squad who thought he wanted a gruesome but historic memento, and then began to grapple with his conscience.

      Within another year, there will be many more leaked pix for channel 4 to produce a full length movie. This proves that nothing can be kept secret for a long time.

    • 0

      The origin of photos can be verified by identifying the soldiers, whether they are Sinhalese or LTTE! The burden of proof lies with the Sri Lankan government!

      • 1

        Then why have the faces of the men with Col Ramesh when he was alive censored, but those with the body not censored? Because those with him when he was alive were probably the ones who killed him, not those who found and burned the body. Who is Ch4 protecting? If they have the proof, why are they hiding it? :D

  • 0

    The killers too are clearly identifiable. Will the govt take action aginst them or are they patriotic war heroes?

    • 1

      Surely, if all these images are genuine, Channel 4 that claimed to have researched for three years to find and forward them should be able to name the people in fatigues as well.

      Assuming the culprits who slay the victims of these images are SLA members, should not Channel 4 publicize by far worse disturbing images of hacked babies and 11 year old Buddhist monks, and also mutilated bodies of many civilian victims of blasts by 364 or so LTTE human bombs to be fair.

      If channel 4 is fair, they should also demand HRC and et al investigate those that financed and graduated human bombs in Vanni but are very much alive and doing well now in many capital cities of the west like Adela Balasingham. But every one knows CH4 is one sided to say the least about their impartiality.

      We should tell the hypocrites of the west to arrest all such culprits and charge them and set an example before pointing an accusing finger at Sri Lanka government alone.

      Come what may, we should look up for our true friends of the east and work our way towards them and rely on them in the long run.

      • 0

        Ha..ha..haaa.. Leela Nangi/// Onna jangiye hilak///…

        The UNHRC says all those who are responsible for war crimes from both parties to the conflict must be hung/sent to electric chair!!!

      • 0


        Why are you blabbering like a gon haraka?

        The entire world knows very well that the LTTE was a ruthless Terrorist organization and that is why it was banned as a Terrorist organization in most part of the world. What is the point in showing to the world something that a banned ruthless terrorist organization did to the people?

        On the other hand, nobody knew that MARA and his armed forces were state Terrorists until channel 4 released these video documentaries. SL government and its armed forces should not behave like terrorists. If you try to equate the atrocities of the LTTE to that of the government, you are trying to say that there were 2 separate nations with two armies. Let us not hide the war crimes committed by the elected government behind the LTTE.

        Try to argue like a human without acting like a mee haraka.

      • 0

        Leela, will you when holding some crucial material evidence needed for a case to be proved in Courts reveal the details of the evidence just because anyone asks for it or will you hold such evidence until it is called by the Courts. So could not be the evidence relating to the accusation of war crimes, the evidence is kept confidential until a accepted process of hearing is set-up.

        • 0

          Unless there is actual evidence, there will be no courts, so if you’re waiting for courts before providing evidence, you will have an eternal wait.

    • 1

      Safa Kaame

      Have we seen the same all S*%# last year just before UN saga? Is this a seasonal thing Tamil-Die -Ass-Poo-ra trying to corner a leagal force of SL.

      FOR CT – Shame on you CT for supporting these sort of crap. Have you got anythnig else to talk about?

  • 1

    Given credibility of earlier ‘photographic evidence’ I am surprised more keeps popping up.

    “This single murder, insignificant of itself, suggest the systematic, large-scale killing of prisoners – civilians and fighters – by the Sri Lankan authorities. “

    15,000 LTTE are in custody undergoing rehab. That makes this a ridiculous claim.

    • 0

      Of the fifteen thousand LTTE under rehabilitation, how many are real LTTE and how many are innocent Tamil youth falsely incarcerated, some from up country, working in Colombo? Have all these rehabs been pronounced LTTE by any Court of Law or pronounced so by the (Dis) Hon. Police?

    • 0

      Can you ask the killers to pop up and claim that they kileld him and say there is nothing wrong with this??

  • 0

    :) you can hear clear sinhala in the background in the first part of the video.. No doubt it Sri Lankan army

    • 1

      I am sure some of LTTE goons talk both Sinhalese and tamil fluently.

  • 0

    I am a Sinhalese . so many of my relatives were and in the army, Turning a blind eye to any form of injustice is not going to help Sri Lanka. Now you can see the same injustice turning towards the Sinhalese and Muslims. If there is justice for all , Sinhalese, Tamils , Muslims can live in peace. If anyone plays racial politics and justify this type of a brutal action by an army they are not human.

    • 1

      If you are what you pretends dare I say, you give the names of your relatives to Ch4 and tell that Pillai woman it is they who committed those crimes. I say you are a liar and a rump LTTE.

      • 0

        If he gives they will be kidnapped. You know the song Colombo Kake.

        • 0

          Is that mean you cannot trust ch4 and Pillai woman, or are you lying?

  • 1

    These barbarous terrorists who killed little samaneras with machetes in Arantalawa, who bombed buses full of schoolboys. Ane PAAAW. Casse closed. This treatment is too good for them. Case closed.

    • 0

      yes these were barbarians.that’s why they were called terrorists and banned in over 30 countries. now your people are the same.case closed

      • 0

        Saman De Silva

        “yes these were barbarians.that’s why they were called terrorists and banned in over 30 countries. now your people are the same.case closed”

        Could you clarify why barbarians are called terrorists?

        Remember at times services of terrorists were sought after by Sri Lankan presidents.

        Premadasa funded and armed these LTTE terrorists to threw out the invading IPKF, a job SRi Lankan armed forces should have done in the first place.

        MR sought LTTE support to rig the presidential elections. LTTE terrorists delivered their services for a fees.

        India supported these LTTE and other groups make point at a cost.

        Remember JVP terrorists and LTTE terrorist were products of the Sri Lankan state.

        Some of the terrorists are holding top job in the government.

        It is interesting.

        • 0

          Are you telling Sri Lankans are Barbarians. Goata is watching you

          • 0

            ARE YOU AFRAID OF HOTHAMBAYA?????????????.

            • 0

              Hey Julaa

              Why cannot you write with your own name because you are cowrad. Because You are scared of Bayagotha. Isn’t it? If so do not call others Bayagotha.

        • 1

          Such morphing happens elsewhere too. Guess how many Israeli PRESIDENTS & PRIME MINISTERS started life in ‘terrorist’ outfits like the Jewish legion, the Stern Gang, Haganah, Palamach, Irgun, etc. They had plenty of ‘innocent’ blood on their hands, plus the assassination of the Swedish Count Bernadotte who was appointed in 1948 to MEDIATE between the Arabs & (only just come into being) ‘Israelis’.

          Well, here’s a bit of history from the net

          ‘Menachem Begin planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish “terrorist” gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical “Stern Gang,” which committed many vicious atrocities.’….Then in 1953 ‘Under the command of ARIEL SHARON, Israeli squads attacked the unarmed Arab village of Qibya in the demilitarized one. Where they blew up 42 houses and killed more than sixty residents who were trapped inside. The details were so gruesome that the U.S. joined in a U.N. condemnation of the Israeli action, and for the first and only time, suspended aid to Israel in reprisal.’

          But BEGIN gets to be PM or Pres in 1977; SHAMIR in 1983; SHARON becomes PRIME MINISTER in 2001! David Ben-GURION, a former leader of Haganah, became Israel’s first president.
          Just a few ‘terrorists’ who went on to ‘higher’ things.

        • 0

          Such morphing happens elsewhere too. Guess how many Israeli PRESIDENTS & PRIME MINISTERS started life in ‘terrorist’ outfits like the Jewish legion, Stern Gang, Haganah, Palamach, Irgun, etc. Plenty of ‘innocent’ blood on their hands, plus assassination of Swedish Count Bernadotte who ws appointed in 1948 to MEDIATE between the Arabs & the (only just come into being)‘Israelis’.

          Here’s a bit of history from the net: ‘Menachem Begin planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish “terrorist” gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical “Stern Gang,” which committed many vicious atrocities.’….
          Then in 1953
          ‘Under the command of ARIEL SHARON, Israeli squads attacked the unarmed Arab village of Qibya in the demilitarized one. Where they blew up 42 houses and killed more than sixty residents who were trapped inside. The details were so gruesome that the U.S. joined in a U.N. condemnation of the Israeli action, and for the first and only time, suspended aid to Israel in reprisal.’

          But BEGIN gets to be PM or Pres in 1977; SHAMIR in 1983; SHARON becomes PM in 2001! David Ben-GURION, a former leader of Haganah, became Israel’s first president.

          Just a few ‘terrorists’ who went on to ‘higher’ things, & meet the great & ‘godly” all over the world, who don’t snrink from shaking hands once covered with blood. That’s how the cookie crumbles!

    • 0

      Well – do you know who was in charge at that time for this in the Eastern Province? Do you know who his deputy was? Do you know who the Deputy President of SLFP and a Minister now? Do you know who the Chief Minister was for the Eastern Province after the last election?

    • 0

      Samanera’s having been boxing in Sri Lanka since the days of Banda when they shot him in the you know what place.. i am not implicating all of them….Many of them are now behind the anti-muslim mobs…

      tigers killiing civilians should not be condoned…but they usuaally did this only in retaliaation for thoussands of cold blooded murders of children and women in temples and churches in the north and east you barbarian brainless idiot and racist alsthough it is still not justified.

    • 0


      You have a point there however please tell me if this boy was part of the terrorist gang which carried out all what you say took place?

    • 0

      Where were the “good” Sinhalese when state sponsored riots against Tamils happened in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1981……… or against the Muslims in 1915?
      In fact, a lot of Sinhalese gleefully joined the riots and burned unarmed children and families alive…..
      No wonder Vijaya (father of Sinhala race) was exiled from his original motherland in Bengal for his wicked behaviors…

  • 1

    Is it the same sarong that Prabhakaran’s son had wrapped around him? What a coincidence

    • 0

      You mean the army has a lot of them in stock??

    • 0

      Whoever the storywriter is and whatever the true story is, what you say is correct. Sarong looks the same alight.

      Colonel or no colonel, Ramesh is a terrorist just like Wijeweera. I do not feel sad or sorry for Ramesh. And I must say, I have the same type of feeling whenever I read about Wijeweera was burned half-dead. I think their types are not humans but monsters.

      • 0

        Leelo, why don’t you return the money of those poor people who invested in your Lee Potter Housing scheme in Kandy and other places, before you talk on other things? There are two parties I know and I have revealed your whereabouts and they will meet you soon.

        • 0

          If you want to take my comments personal and wish to shunt me out of this blog by pointing fingers at me I say you are sadly mistaken. I just couldn’t care less about your lies. You may live in your rotten basement in Suffolk but I have been living in my real paradise where I am since 1982. As I said before, those that matters know, I meet friends at Otters at least once a month on a Sunday. Two Rottweiler welcome pests of your ilk at my estate.

          • 0


            “.. I meet friends at Otters at least once a month on a Sunday…”

            Not for long anymore! Find a culvert to hide soon! We will nail you fuckers at Geneva!

  • 0

    Thank god! basted already killed. Disgrace to be surender.Good punishment for not taking cyanide.

  • 0

    This is what defence analyst Mr.Blocker had to say in a comment to “New Evidence:The Death Of Colonel Ramesh – Warning Disturbing Images” by Gordon Weiss which appeared on March 21, 2012.


    “I have never denied that there were war crimes, Srilal. I have also never called you any of the things you claim. I have called you a liar, and I still think you are one.
    The above pictures do constitute evidence of a war crime (again, I never denied it). But it is not evidence of genocide or other crimes against humanity. We all know that POWs were killed. They were killed during ’87-’89 by both sides, and they were killed in the NE by both sides too.”

    ~ David Blocker – March 24, 2012
    4:31 am

    …funny thing is that MR.Blocker accepts this as a war crime, but not the murder of Praba’s 12 year old son Balachandran. Who knows, maybe the poor fellow is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or maybe his mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby? Maybe Mr.Blocker could enlighten us?

    • 0

      Namalie Rajapaksa

      Did David Blacker actually write the above? I don’t believe it.

      No it can’t be. It must have been the veteran comedian Freddie Silva mimicking David.

      David can perform any number of verbal gymnastics he too knows he cannot hide truth.

      • 0

        Blacker vs. Blocker. Maybe they’re the same, and the original “Blacker” is simply talking to himself. An extreme case of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). In any event, the original Blacker exhibits excessive strains of a variety of abnormal behaviors, from justifying rape and murder to photographing nude corpses, so MPD would not come as a surprise.

    • 0

      David Blocker argues like a kid. He needs to grow up. After seeing the pictures depicting the killing of a 12-year-old child, Balachandran, in Sri Lanka, he doubting that the child is Prabhakaran’s youngest son Balachandran.

      If the pictures are a lie, then the child must be alive. If he is alive, he is in Lanka government’s hands. All what the authorities have to do is produce the child. That would be the ultimate habeas corpus. Those who are denying (Mr. Blocker and his pay masters) should be able to tell the world where is the child if he was not killed.

      • 1

        Ms Rasapassa, the reason you are puzzled about my comment is that you don’t understand that there is no evidence of VP jr (if indeed that is him) being killed by the SL Army as I pointed out in the thread on that subject. You had no answer, and after a few choice “tho ge ammata etc” which people like you are used to, you ran away. Now you pop up here in a different thread to carry on the same bullshit you ran away from before.

        IF however it is proven that the SL Army killed VP jr, then that is no doubt a war crime.

        In the killing of Col Ramesh, the fact that one soldier standing next to the corpse is wearing a Special Forces tshirt indicates possible culpability. However, the fact that Ch4, journalists for Democracy, or whoever it is has censored out the faces of the men shown with Col Ramesh when he was alive throws in a question. Why censor the “before” pix, but not the “after” pix? Is it because the “before” pix may show individuals identifiable not as SL Army troops?

        Kumar, your nonsensical drivel doesn’t warrant an answer but I will respond before fools like Ooruwarige Buruwa, Gamini, Srilal, etc claim that I have been stumped by your brilliance :D I didn’t say that I doubt the pix are of VP jr; just that we have taken it for granted. When pix of VP himself were shown, all of you doubted it was him. Why are you so sure now?

        That aside, just because this isn’t VP jr, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is alive, or that he is in GoSL hands. All of these are juvenile assumptions. You accuse me of arguing like a 12-year-old, but I am forced to do that in order that you will understand my argument. Even then, it seems you are having a tough time.

        The pix of Col Ramesh show him alive with individuals whose identities have been deliberately hidden by Ch4 and Journalists for Democracy, and then dead with individuals who are possibly SL Army soldiers. Mysteriously, there are no pix of the actual killing.

        The pix of Vp jr (if it is him) show him alive in a bunker and then dead. No other individual is identifiable, nor is the location. Again, no pix of the actual killing.

        And you are upset, that I am skeptical? Lol.

        • 0

          David Blacker is officially blind. Mr Blacker, all the faces, except that of Ramesh, are blurred. The problem perhaps is with your eyes; wash it with acid, I am told it helps.

          That being said, even if the claim you are insinuating – the LTTE killed Ramesh, and SL army personnel benevolently cremated his body later – is true, it simply does not make sense. The track record of the SL army suggests that they would have taken pictures of the dead body and aired it on state tele.


          P. S – Take care of your eyes.

          • 0

            And sir, in the video, all the faces are clearly visible.

          • 1

            The attempts at blurring the post-death faces are minor. Features can be made out. Unlike the pre-death pix. So my question stands.

            Can you link to this video the death of Col Ramesh with uncensored faces pls.

  • 0

    I am a Sinhalese. But I will never approve this kind of inhuman brutality to a captured prisoner. Both KP and Karuna were worse criminals….but they were spared while some others with less offenses were killed.

    Now what GOSL did North is coming to South after tasting the Blood of it’s citizen.

    Surely UN should bring war crime charges against Rajapakse Dictator.

    All I could say is sorry to Col.Ramesh and deepest sympathy to his family.

    Let’s just k……. and say sorry………goodbye.


  • 0

    These photos and video clips are nothing new! They were out long time ago .
    David Blacker once challenged me to show a single proof of a prima facie evidence , when i pointed out Col Ramesh killing , as usual he started asking me about my breed , educational level , mental status and host of other irrelevant questions totally disregarding the original question.

    Of course DB will ask me to quote again , won’t you DB ?

    • 0

      I posted the comment Mr.Blocker made to you last March when these pics first came out. Check my comment above.

      • 0

        that was not the comment , i was refering to Namalie !

        • 0

          Well please provide the quote where I questioned your breed, Srilal (I don’t need to, because it is obvious). I don’t make personal attacks, regardless of your deceitful whining.

          • 0

            “I don’t make personal attacks “

            Ha Ha Ha , is that right blacker ????????????

            just tell me DB, Col Ramesh killing , Prima facie or not ?
            Please do not try to COVER/HIDE under this BS of censoring the faces crap and lead the debate on a different direction, the fact of the matter is , these photos and videos were /are out without any censoring elsewhere .

            • 1

              So you cannot find any sign of my having made personal attacks on you? :D How many times have you made this silly whining and slunk away with your tail between your legs when called on to present prima facie evidence of my attacks? Do you even know what prima facie means?

              So no, this is not prima facie evidence that need be rebuffed. The burden of proof still remains with the accusers who haven’t been able to produce evidence of SL military personnel committing a crime, in circumstances that prove they indeed committed a crime, or credible eyewitnesses to the crime.

              In every case posted here I can tell you what would constitute prima facie evidence; just ask. But you won’t, because your overinflated ego will not allow you to ask. So keep building those castles in the sky and wondering why no charges are being leveled against SL.

          • 0

            Block head,

            Please spend a few moments reading up on what your army has been doing after the end of the war.

            1. TNA’s report – tabled in the parliament 2011: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0vgVMXCVudFNzE4YmJlM2MtZWZhOC00Nzc4LWJmNjUtM2NjMDRjNDU3ZDZj/edit?hl=en_US

            2. HRW’s report released today:

            Crow as you may, as Buddha himself said, truth cannot remain covered for long.

            • 0

              Good day DB ,

              “So you cannot find any sign of my having made personal attacks on you? “
              Blacker as I told you many times , I don’t like to waste my time going through heaps of archives , just to prove you are wrong , believe me it’s not worth Blacker (I admit , I was stupid enough to do that once )
              If you can recollect, remember I voluntarily admitted/surrendered to you that I’m an uneducated, low in IQ , mentally retarded person , have you ever wondered why ? that is exactly to skip your routine nonsense of personal attacks on me , rather I wanted to corner you to the specific given point . go through the comments and see for yourself !
              Blacker I told you this once , you are the English version of that great con artist Wimal W , tell me who would take him seriously , would you ? yes there may be some percentage of the uneducated/ill informed sri Lankan population , but great majority knows He is the mouth piece of the brothers , same applies to you my dear.
              “ Do you even know what prima facie means?” no, I don’t Please explain to me Blacker, so that you can carry on your usual practice of deception tactics !

              “In every case posted here I can tell you what would constitute prima facie evidence; just ask.” Really ?
              You want me to ask from you , what made you think that you are qualified to answer ? why bother asking you , I could go to MoD and find out myself , is there any difference between you and MoD , Blacker ? just answer .

              “So keep building those castles in the sky and wondering why no charges are being leveled against SL.”
              Who is building castles in the sky Blacker , aren’t these fantasies of yours , do you consider yourself as a matured person ? Blacker get this right I don’t give a monkeys about UN and it’s associated branches , they are talk shops , ideal of your ilk.
              But one straight answer I got from you though, that is killing Col Ramesh is not a prima facie , there you are , chapter close Blacker ..

            • 1

              My comments are about the subject of the article. Why are you linking to articles on other subjects? Is it because you cannot substantiate your claims?

            • 1

              “Blacker as I told you many times , I don’t like to waste my time going through heaps of archives , just to prove you are wrong , believe me it’s not worth Blacker (I admit , I was stupid enough to do that once )”

              :D So you admit that you’re a liar who can’t substantiate his claims. Very good.

              “If you can recollect, remember I voluntarily admitted/surrendered to you that I’m an uneducated, low in IQ , mentally retarded person , have you ever wondered why ? that is exactly to skip your routine nonsense of personal attacks on me , rather I wanted to corner you to the specific given point . go through the comments and see for yourself !”

              You admitted to the obvious so stop praising yourself. Also, admitting you’re retarded doesn’t prove that I called you a retard. As with most of our discussions, you have no point, and instead start whining about personal attacks. From that point the discussion is about you rather than the subject. Well done. When you have nothing useful to say, talk about yourself :D

              “Blacker I told you this once , you are the English version of that great con artist Wimal W , tell me who would take him seriously , would you ? yes there may be some percentage of the uneducated/ill informed sri Lankan population , but great majority knows He is the mouth piece of the brothers , same applies to you my dear.”

              But you have already admitted to being ill informed and uneducated; so are you now saying that Wimal is your spokesperson?:D

              “no, I don’t Please explain to me Blacker, so that you can carry on your usual practice of deception tactics !”

              Really? You think to inform is to deceive? I guess you prescribe to the Orwellian notion that the less you know the stronger you are :D Nevertheless, I will try to weaken you with knowledge. Prima facie evidence is evidence that requires rebuttal, and without which said evidence is sufficient to convict. Since no such conviction has ever been made against SL, this cannot be prima facie evidence. Also, prima facie evidence must be available to the accused in order that it may be examined and rebutted; no such evidence has been submitted to SL.

              “You want me to ask from you , what made you think that you are qualified to answer ? why bother asking you , I could go to MoD and find out myself , is there any difference between you and MoD , Blacker ? just answer .”

              I am always hopeful that the ignorant will seek knowledge. You, however, constantly prove me wrong. In the context of our discussions, I would say that the prime difference between the MoD and I is that I know you exist.

              “Who is building castles in the sky Blacker ,”

              Who is making claims, “Srilal”? Answer that and you answer yourself.

              “aren’t these fantasies of yours ,”

              Aren’t what fantasies of mine?

              “Blacker get this right I don’t give a monkeys about UN and it’s associated branches , they are talk shops , ideal of your ilk.”

              I never inquired what you think of the UN. Why are you telling me these things?

              “But one straight answer I got from you though, that is killing Col Ramesh is not a prima facie , there you are , chapter close Blacker ..”

              I’m glad to be helpful even in a small way to your badly needed education.

  • 1

    Oh! Yes.

    Col Ramesh, what a Hindu saint!. He never killed an ant.

    How can they kill sadhus like Col Ramesh? Why dont they harm murderers like Hoole?

    • 0


      Who gave this rascal a Col position in sorong clad bare footed LTTE moncky army?

      • 1

        Manesh Rajakaruna

        In fact Sri Lanka should have given him the rank for he fought the IPKF under Field Marshall VP when the Sri Lankan armed forces were hiding behind their women folks.

        He reached the commanding heights by being equally brutal to his and other people just like his brethren in the SRi Lankan armed forces.

        You might not remember that Soosai was the First Lord of the Sea.

        Shanker was the Marshal of the Tiger Air Force before his death. Since then I didn’t have the opportunity to update the names of commissioned officers in the LTTE Air wing. Do you know the name of the last Marshal of the Tiger Air Force? Please let me know.

        If you like to know the US equivalent of these ranks please let me know.

        • 1


          As usual you show your real coloursand what master you are serving. Do not insult our indeginous peopl hiding behind them.

          • 0

            Manesh Rajakaruna

            “Do not insult our indeginous peopl hiding behind them.”

            Your presence in my ancestral land itself has been the greatest insult to my people.

            By the way when did you start caring about my people. Was it yesterday?

            You state:

            “As usual you show your real coloursand what master you are serving.”

            Who is my master (Guru)? I am still searching for one so that I can give up my mundane duty (avoiding you lot) and attain Nibbana at the fullness of time.

            • 0

              Hay Vadda

              I am sure one thing very well – you never attain Nibbana the way insulted in CT forums Buddisham and its followers. Surely the gate of the Big Hell is open for trying to protect blood sucking LTTE terrorists.

              Do not even think about Nibbana. It is not a thing that you can buy from your black money earned from drug trafficing, arm smuggles, credit car frauds and so on to fund your Peelum.

        • 0


          Do not put your brown nose to every hole that you see. And do not recomment on my comments to others.

    • 0


      “Col Ramesh, what a Hindu saint!.”

      Who did say he was one?

      • 0


        It was your mum said that. She knows that very well. Go and ask her.

        • 1

          Manesh Rajakaruna

          “you never attain Nibbana the way insulted in CT forums Buddisham and its followers.”

          Thanks for your free spiritual consultancy.

          Sinhala/Buddhists deserved to be insulted on a regular basis while treasuring Buddha’s teaching. I have learned to do both. In fact we need to liberate Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhism. I am working on it.

          I know this is too much for you.

          Let’s start at the very beginning. Jungle is the very good place to start.When you read you begin with A-B-C.

          Let’s see if I can make it easy for you.

          Buddhism is a Philosophy, taught by Buddha nearly 2,500 years ago.

          It deals with leading a moral life, thoughts and actions, and it teaches how to develop wisdom and understanding.

          Please do not attempt to memorise the above. If you don’t understand these simple thinks it does not matter please wait for another 50 years.

          Philosophy means love of wisdom.

          We will continue the next lesson when you are ready.

  • 1

    This incident was reported in detail by D.B.S. Jeyaraj in his website, sometime back. I could have happened as surmised. However, the pointeveryone misses or choose to ignore is thate LTTE also summarily executed the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim prosoners from the government side in its custody, during the final phase of the war. Seven Hundred policeme were also executed in cold blood during the final stages of the IPKF episode. Many more such murders were committed by both sides during the many decades of war, against inocent civilians and enemy combatants.
    I saw the photographs in google yesterday of the small girls whose genetals had been mutilated after being killed ( I recall this was in Mannar). This was apparently done by soldiers or men associated with the army. Similarly, the LTTE cadres slit the abdomen of pregnant ladies before or after the were killed. They dashed infants against walls and did not spare small children in their frenzy. No party is more or less guilty than the other. All these incidents are recorded, photographed and freely available on the google. Why vomit this shame, which both parties to this war have to equally share, only before and during Geneva meetings?

    What angers me is the selective amnesia and the underlying hypocricy.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      It is not amnesia, it is the differentiation we make between a sovereign democratically elected government and a TERRORIST group that was banned across the world !!!!!!!!!

      It’s a basic fact that elected governments that are supposed to represent all of us are held to a higher standard

      • 1

        Correction: —between a legitimate governmenta and government that physically controlled territory, had an army, a navy, an airforce, a division of suicide bombers, courts of law, a police force, banks, multiple media, immigration and customs divisions, collected taxes,etc, etc, etc. Though not elected directly, it had the whole hearted mandate of the elected Tamil politicians. They were at its beck and call, and endorsed everything they dippd. Even the Sri Lankan government had to dance to its tune during the last ceasefire agreement. Ambassadors, High Commissioners and others called on them and they were received grandly and provided ceremonial escorts. To pretend otherwise is also hypocrisy.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        • 1

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

          “Ambassadors, High Commissioners and others called on them and they were received grandly and provided ceremonial escorts.”

          Animals are garland and worshiped before slaughter.

          Being run by stupid Tamils LTTE didn’t know what was in store for them. I can see a parallel between VP and MR.

          The only difference is when will the sacrifice take place and in what form. The Western Mantra stability at any cost may take back seat if alternative leadership emerges for a regime change.

          China, India and USA are feeding the regime before the imminent slaughter. My only concern is about the stupid people Sinhalese and Tamils who will be expected to pay a heavy price in blood.

          • 0

            What VP did to tamil community….MR will do to own Sinhala community.

            MR’s only salvation is to hide behind buddhist clergy and he is preparing the pathway to it.

            Although International community can wipe out MR…….who is going to lead the country thereafter is the question.

            Also no country would come forward to help and feed massive 20 million sick, mostly uneducated and unproductive souls with over 20 Billion dollar debt and with no apparent natural resources avaiulable to sustain……..after toppling MR regime.

            MR regime will implode within……with outside pressure.

            The way Sri Lanka heading now……a division of the country is inevitable…..all due to MR’s Blunder.

        • 0

          You may give legitimacy but they were not elected and that’s what matters your government was so they are held to a higher standard
          But then again you are paid to make MR and gota look good so what else can you expect from a lackey

          • 1


            Legitimacy can be got in many ways. Royalty that rule now, get their legitimacy by birth. Military men in power get their legitimacy from the gun. Dictators get legitimacy from rigged elections and 90 percent voter support. MR got legitimacy in his first term by the paid for antics of the LTTE. Lenin , Mao and Castro got their legitimacy through their revolutions. VP of course got his legitimacy from the gun at first and then the support of those he got elected to parliament. There is also no doubt he had the support of a large number of Tamils, which would have got the LTTE elected, if also coupled with their expertise in vote rigging and terror. The TNA , their creation and on whose behalf they rigged elections, openly declared that the LTTE was the true representatives of the Tamils. The TNA took orders from the LTTE. The LTTE also acquired all the other attributes that are representative of a government. There were plenty of Tamils who were proud that the LTTE had established a defacto Tamil state in the north and east, and believe that it was dejure too. The LTTE too demanded equal status with the GOSL at every meeting they were brought together and were granted that recognition.

            However, much you try, you cannot defend the flimsy distinction you labour to make. It is futile trying to hide a whole pumpkin in a small plate of rice, as the popular Tamil proverb says.

            Further, you accuse me of being a paid servant of Mahinda repeatedly, through spite, without ever acknowledging that the LTTE had made receiving money from India, Premadasa and Mahinda Rajapakse, to serve their interests, a fine art. They even fought the Indians with the weapons supplied by Premadasa! Of course, you will try to make us believe that no one supported the LTTE ever, now that they have been decimated. This is once again hypocrisy.

            Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

        • 0

          Are you trying to say that there were two seperate nations with two armed forces?

          What kind of doctor are you, a VET?

          • 1


            Do not try to be stupid. I am not talking of two nations. What I was highlighting was that the LTTE was controlling a vast swathe of territory and had built up several instruments of governance. It was thus a deaf to government. It has to thus bear responsibly for its share of war crimes, as much as the GOSL should.

            Do you think calling me a Vet is an insult? I am quite proud to be one and am very glad whenever I am recognised as one.

            Dr. RN

          • 0


            I am saying there are several nations within the island although I prefer to have the whole island for my people.

            Whats wrong with having multiple nations in my ancestral island, including Veddaland?

            What do you understand by nations?

          • 0


            What VP who could not achieve Eelam through war…..now MR and Company giving them on a platter.

            There is no way that GOSL could stop North becomming seperate state all due to MR’s blunder of not implementing LLRC.

            Now MR Family Company’s days are numbered as anything….anytime could happen to Family business.

            I could only say is Donkeys are born and never be corrected.

      • 1

        But the TERRORIST here is called by Freedon fighters by some and the terrorist funders of the TERRORIST have turned into HR advocates and asking dor investigatiopns. The TERRORIST had immense support from funders and sypathysers from around the world.

  • 1

    This man was a thug.I believe he killed a lot of sinhalese civilians and children in the east and 600 policemen who surrendered to the LTTE.He may have been following karuna’s orders as karuna was the commander of the east,but that does not absolve him from such crimes.what does he expect,a red carpet treatment when he gets caught trying to mingle with the civilian refugees.What goes around comes around and the international community should just bury this case full stop as justice meted out albeit in a crude typical sinhala uncivilised manner.

  • 1

    Ooh more of Canal 4’s recycled “new evidence”. These photos of a barbarian getting exactly what he deserves even make an appearance on one of the linked pages – posted a year ago. Maybe someone will give a damn this time.
    Also Hoole should be put up for a comedy award. A murderous coward being exposed for what he is really does tug at the ol heart strings.

    Really though, someone should have to do a bit of time for this. A few months of house arrest was justice the American way for My Lai, so for this a couple of days in Disneyland should do it.

    • 0

      @Siva Sankaran Sarma

      Dear Mr.Blocker, why don’t you comment under your own name anymore? Getting cold feet over the mounting evidence and want to keep a low profile is it?

      • 1

        Not that I’m saying he/she/it had much to begin with, but it seems “Namalie” has totally lost it after seeing one of his/her/its heroes cowering like a little bitch in his moment of reckoning :-)

      • 1

        Dear Ms Rasapassa, I always comment under my own name. I am not a coward like you and you pals here.

    • 1

      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

      There are many members of armed forces who are suffering from PTSD due to witnessing or perpetrating war crimes and crime against humanity.

      Their heads are screwed up. What are you doing to help them? They have already committed murder and 400 suicides.

      • 0

        That’s nice dear.

        • 1

          Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

          “That’s nice dear”

          When did you have your Sex reassignment surgery?

          Was it painful?

          • 1

            Vedda, I’m sure as with any other invasive procedure they’ll sedate you before taking a knife to your chutilingam – so don’t be too nervous about it, after all in your case we’re talking about some very minor surgery :-)

            • 1

              Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon:

              How long did your invasive procedure take, if that is too private a question?

  • 0

    I do feel sorry for ‘Col’ Ramesh’s plight. From having been a powerful area commander able to dispense death to civilians and captured soldiers, then in charge of executing returned ex-Karuna cadres.….. to this.

    There’re two other war crimes shown in this picture that everyone else’s missed. The SLA soldier is unfit for for duty. Look at his belly. He and the soldiers responsible for his demise must be prosecuted by the Army for allowing footage of that incident to leak.

    • 0


      There is no such thing as perfect war crime. There are numerous such photographs awaiting to present themselves in the future.

      Whoever took these photographs are probably seeking witness protection schemes for themselves and their families.

      Wait few years more, evidence will emerge from those who witnessed the war crime.

      Mark my word.

      • 1

        Yes, we are marking your words, but can you explain why no actual evidence is ever leaked. After years of leaking, there is still no Hague tribunals, sanctions or UN investigations. Why is everyone stupid but only you wise? :D

      • 0

        Dear NV,
        Of course there are ‘perfect war crimes’. They’re usually committed by those on the winning side and/or by powerful countries. Haven’t you been keeping up-to-date with world news for the last 20 years or so?

        • 0


          News reaches me very late in the day as you know unlike city sleekers like you I live in the deep, deep, deep jungle.

  • 1

    Yes .The LTTE killed so many innocent people including children.Then why was Karuna Amman given a ministerial job? Why was he appointed as a vice president of SLFP? Why is KP given VIP treatment?Why two yardsticks? An elected government cannot behave like a fascist state or a gang of terrorists.At the end of the Second world war captured Nazi leaders were taken before the Nuremberg court and were punished after a long trial.That is how the civilized world behaved.Saddam Hussein could have been summarily killed but he was taken before a court.If we let our governments act as fascists they will be bolder to kill anybody irrespective of the ethnicity .Didn’t our Sinhala soldiers kill Sinhala boys and girls mercilessly during the 87,88,89 period? That is why we must not condone terrorist acts of governments.the government could have taken all the captured LTTE terrorist leaders before a court and sent to the gallows.

    • 1

      Have you heard how the RAF and the USAF bombed Dresden towards the end of WW11. In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the RAF and 527 of the USAAF dropped more than 3,900 tons of explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. The resulting firestorm destroyed 39 square kilometres of the city centre and around 25,000 people were killed in just two days. There were no Nuremberg court appearance for German soldiers that perished at Dresden. Same goes for Japanese war criminals who were killed by the US with the only nuclear attack to date. They were all summarily executed with hundreds of thousands of civilians. And that’s only a little bit of Western democratic justice.

      • 0

        Your comparisons are silly as usual. This is SLA killing its own
        citizens in a civil-war under the guise of Terrorism, without

        • 1

          I know that those who have tiger tails can never understand me. I also know that they are all rump LTTE.

          • 0

            I know that those who have MARA tails can never understand Tamils. I also know that they are all rump MARAs.

          • 1


            I won’t blame you even if you are a MR rump (unlike others I am not saying you are) however you do share Tamil’s stupid gene M20. Whether one supports MR clan or LTTE does not matter or even come into the equation.

            Simply put Tamils = Sinhalese = Taminadu Tamils = infinite stupidity.

            • 1

              Mr Vedda,
              I doubt whether you have any gene at all in you.

        • 1

          So killing people from other countries with witnesses and getting away with it is OK?

      • 0

        Don’t they say “The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind extremely fine?” I wonder what kind of powder you and your friends will produce!

        • 1

          Probably the powder you and your friends have been smoking.

  • 1

    I have one question.

    LTTE was continuously asking its lower level cadres to take Cyanide before being captured. They even killed receding cadres. But seems like non of the leaders have done the same. They have betrayed all who supported them and pleaded for their lives.

  • 0

    Does it matter who took the picture? The fact of the matter is, there are pictures and clips. Now it should be left to the Government of Sri Lanka and the accusers to face an independent inquiry and prove whose version is correct. This is the only way to clear any doubt in the minds of the masses and prove that there were no war crimes committed. If either the Government or the persons who accuse the government are not prepared to face an independent inquiry, then that alone would prove the guilt.

  • 0

    The Armed forces did the same to Sinhala youth in 1971 and in 1988. They were also considered as Terrorists.One day and once again the same army will do the same to Sinhalese in the south. The supporters of the killers will still say that killing of terrorists is justifiable.The rulers when ever they wanted to get rid of oppressed groups that are seeking political and economical justice brand them as terrorists and terrorize them using its paid armed forces.The so called Buddhists even the soldiers wear white ropes in their hands and use the same hands to massacre people in order to save Buddhism. The “Minimaruvos” will become “Ranaviruvos” by doing so.The unfortunate is that this same army is paid by the people and to kill people irrespective of their race,religion and ethnicity.

  • 0

    At the end of the day Hague will see that this is war crimes and culprits meted out due punishment and that killing of Sinhala monks and children too are atrocities and the culprits must be penalized but that since they all have already been slaughtered by MR regime they would not bother about those cases!

  • 0


  • 0

    Dr.RN (who proclaims that he never writes half-truths he has seen or heard but only 100% truths verified by him), says “This incident was reported in detail by D.B.S. Jeyaraj in his website, sometime back. I could have happened as surmised. However, the pointeveryone misses or choose to ignore is thate LTTE also summarily executed the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim prisoners from the government side in its custody,
    IN OTHER WORDS R N ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SLA HAS SUMMARILY EXECUTED PRISIONER OF WAR Ramesh. But this absentminded Dr, has failed to understand that GOSL has denied killing even an unarmed fly let alone the prisoner of war. This Dr, also is trying to justify the killing of prisioner of war by SLA with the execution by LTTE of. Seven Hundred policemen in cold blood . He has conveniently forgotten to mention the LTTE Commander responsible for the execution is now a Govt Minister ,
    This Dr. is also an expert in evaluating and ascertaining from photos of naked young girls in Google wherher their genitals were mutilated before they were killed or thereafter.

    • 1

      Where have said or imply this? I have always said both parties in this war have been equally dastardly. This is one reason I have mostly concentrated on the post- war issues.I am of course more angry with the LTTE because they turned the Tamils into sand bags, in the final stages of the war. My highlighting the contentious and possibly dubious nature of the photographs being presented, does not in any way imply that the Sri Lankan armed forces did not breach Geneva conventions relating to war. What I am saying is that the attempt to blame only one side, is blatantly wrong. I am of course pointing out the dastardliness of the LTTE, because there is an attempt to down play it while highlighting the armed forces dastardliness.

      Dr. Rajasingham Narendran.

      • 0

        Dragging these matters on and on is not going to make any good to peace. What if any army person is tried for war crimes? Do any of you honestly think the rest of 250,000 will just sulk and put up with it?

        I don’t think so.

        From the water supply to medicine and education supply to Tamil majority areas in both the north and east and Colombo is controlled by the army. The possibilities are ENDLESS!! :))

        These discrediting stories will certainly attract retribution.

        If the army was so bad in 2009 as these people allege, what on earth would have changed them today in 2013? Its time to get real or suffer the consequences which will be felt 15+ years from now. They will be irreversible.

  • 0

    I think MARA brothers are getting ready for another slaughter, this time against both sinhala population who are against their Family Dictatorial Regime and against using BBS to suppress both Muslims and other religious organisations and minority community.

    MARA will unleash their reserve forces, goons and Rakna Lanka GOTA Buffalo army with white van abductions to suppress mases and destroy their lives.

    What are the options we citizens have if MARA uses strong arm tactic against it’s own population.

    it’s time both opposition parties, trade unions, other minority religious organisations, professionals and general public to know how to face MARA second Southern slaughter before it’s too late and to repeat another 1983 like massacre.

    It’s time to keep both UN,US,India, CW and other countries updated on Sri Lanka’s ground reality.

  • 0

    Pest control is perfectly legal.

    • 1


      “Pest control is perfectly legal”

      If what you say is right then you won’t be alive to write to this comment.

      • 0

        Same applies to you Pundit Vadda.

        Hey Pandit Vadda – You must be a dole blugger in one of the western countris to have this much time to response to every comments here. Please go and get a job you are prick. Do not burden tax payers any more.

    • 0


      Who knows, maybe one day the family of pests who are sucking this country dry might also meet the same fate the people like Gaddafi, Sadam and Ceaușescu finally succumbed to.


      • 1

        The people will decide that, so don’t worry. For now, the people have decided that the death of the thug pictured above is OK. I agree with them. None of the Tiger high command deserved to live for using the Tamils as human shields. No one will shed a tear for them regardless if they died in battle, waving white flags, or running away in their jungies.

        • 0

          With what you’ve said here, you have summed up the kind of person you are far, far better than anyone who thinks you are off-white trash, could!

          • 1

            And your racist comment sums up the kind of bigot you in fact are.

  • 0

    Dr.RN “Where have said or imply this?” You have said in this website in a comment under the article A DESTITUTE WOMAN TELLING HER STORY OF DESPAIR TO RANIL. Excerpts from your comments are copied and pasted here:
    ” kaarthaal kurtathum poye, Kannada Kandathum poye, Theera visaarithu Aarainthu Arivathey Mey ( What is heard is a lie, what is seen is a lie, what is deeply investigated, researched and understood, is the truth)”. This should be the golden rule for all Sri Lankans- Sinhala, Tamil. , Muslim and others.”

  • 0

    @Native Vedda, grow up… get a decent education

    • 0

      Bows and arrows not enough..

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        “@Native Vedda, grow up… get a decent education. Bows and arrows not enough..”

        Do you think guns and bullets are going to educate the stupid Sinhalese/Tamils? If that is the advice you offer, then Tamil LTTE and Sinhala/Buddhist state has/had lot of them but both remained/remain stupid.

        Killing enormous number of people is the measure of growth and education please count me out.

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    Good riddance!

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    I dont see how these unverified videos and pictures help the cause of reconciliation and ethnic harmony in SL. It is understandable that the victim families want some kind of justice from an increasingly deaf regime.Nevertheless this isnt the way in which one should ask for justice!
    Any sane minded neutral observer gets the feeling that justice has taken second place in the face of a vendetta against SL. No doubt there were gristly events in those last days, but this tactic of “shocking” the world is doing more harm than good.
    On one hand it antagonizes the two main ethnicities in SL further.The “us vs them” mentality isnt what we need, sadly these pictures do whip up that sentiment.
    Secondly a stubborn regime gets even more stubborn.Just take a look at some of the statements made by government officials in the aftermath of these pictures and videos. Clearly they are adamant that the army and regime were bereft of ANY wrongdoing whatsoever. Constructive criticism would be a far more effective tool because even the people of the country would feel the veracity of such criticism. The current mentality in SL is that “western nations are out to get us and our soldiers”.

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    Hold it !!!!!!!!! We are LTTE loosers, BUY GOSL forces can not touch us.
    We are the LTTE untouchables.

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      Hey small Dicky

      SL forces is afraid of touching you idiots. because you pricks are full of sh##s.

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