By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“Hiding base sin in pleats of majesty…” – Shakespeare (The Rape of Lucrece)
Maithri Bhavana, the cultivation of benevolence towards all living beings, is an extremely popular form of meditation in Buddhism. The state-owned SLBC has a regular programme on how to practice Maithri Bhavana. That programme, until very recently, was called, Maithri Bhavana.
Then Maithripala Sirisena crossed over to the opposition and became the ‘Common Candidate’, turning his name into a dirty word in the Rajapaksa lexicon. .
Suddenly the SLBC changed the name of the meditation programme, from Maithri Bhavana to Meth Vadamu.[i]
Obviously this ludicrous decision had the approval of the Rajapaksas, because Minister Keheliya Rambukwella defended it at a recent media conference. He said the change was made probably because meth vadamu has a nicer ring to it!
The Rajapaksas have a thing about names; thus Mihin Air, Mihindu Sevana, and Mahindodaya – all various versions of Mahinda, the President’s second name. Given this obsession, the Siblings are going to have a major problem with Mr. Sirisena’s name, this election season. Not only is ‘maithri’ a key concept in Buddhism; according to Buddhist beliefs, the next Buddha will also be called Maithri. So the Rajapaksas face a steep task, banishing that unacceptable name from the public domain and replacing it with a suitable alternative.
(Perhaps any Buddhist, layperson or monk, who refuses to abide by the new term, can be condemned as a traitor, in the pay of the conspiratorial West and the evil Diaspora?)
The name-changing incident, ludicrous in the extreme, demonstrates the lengths to which the Rajapaksas will go, to win this election.
Last week, a householder in Divulapitiya who objected to a Presidential cut-out being erected in his own land was beaten up by a bunch of thugs, led by the chairman of the Divulapitiya Pradesheeya Sabha.[ii]
The Rajapaksas are to have their inaugural presidential election rally at the Anuradhapura public playground. So the public playground is being covered with concrete, at public expense, to banish mud and beautify the venue. This concretisation is said to cost Rs.10 million. Sports unions and people of the area are reportedly appalled by this act of vandalism but their voices are being ignored.
(Ten million rupees of public money wasted on a meeting which will last three hours. This, incidentally, is the same government which is refusing to pay disabled soldiers the back-pay they are legally entitled to. On Saturday, about 300 disabled soldiers protested outside the Temple Trees requesting that they be given a chance to inform the President about this injustice.[iii])
Politicians in Sri Lanka regularly use public playgrounds for political meetings. But when Rajapaksas have their meetings, the playgrounds have to be beautified with concrete, so that no besmirching mud is extant. According to media reports, this same vandalism was committed on the playground of the Rajarata University for the President’s recent Mihintale meeting. A playground near the Matale Junction in Anuradhapura met with the same wasteful fate[iv].
Ludicrous, wasteful and violent – it’s an election campaign which foretells the fate awaiting Sri Lanka, if the Rajapaksas win a third term.
Election as War
The Rajapaksas were totally wrong-footed by the Maithripala-candidacy.
The Siblings clearly had it all planned. They got their green-pawns to push for Ranil Wickremesinghe to contest the election from the UNP, even as they readied everything for a blitzkrieg-type campaign against a Ranil-candidacy. As The Sunday Times reported, “Archival material in television stations were scoured to pick on material for humorous skits on Wickremesinghe. Formats for posters depicting the UNP leader in bad light were on the drawing boards. So much so, UPFA General Secretary and Minister Susil Premjayantha declared publicly that fifty percent of their campaign now was over….”[v]
Now the UPFA has to start literally from the scratch.
The point needs to be belaboured – the Rajapaksas cannot afford to lose power. Therefore they will do anything, absolutely anything including murder, to win this election.
Can Gotabaya Rajapaksa afford to lose power to a coalition which includes his arch-enemy Sarath Fonseka? Mr Rajapaksa humiliated Gen. Fonseka and even threatened to hang him publicly for being a traitor. Maithripala Sirisena has promised to restore to Gen. Fonseka the titles, medals and the pension the Rajapaksas, in their limitless vengeance, took away from him. What will Gotabaya Rajapaksa not do, to prevent that restoration?
Quite apart from seeing one’s hated enemy triumphant, can Gotabaya Rajapaksa go back to ordinary life? Mr. Rajapaksa was a middle-ranking military officer who became an ordinary hardworking émigré. When he was working as a UNIX administrator at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, his colleagues called him “George or Georgie…. He was a well-organized and careful administrator who rode the bus 30 miles to and from work every day….”[vi] Today the roads are closed whenever he sets forth with his massive security convoy. He’s the second most powerful man in Sri Lanka; he commands unlimited power and resources; he is above the law and norms. Can such a man even contemplate returning to ordinary life? Can even unlimited wealth compensate for the loss of such arbitrary and absolute power?
This is true for most Rajapaksa kith and kin, to varying degrees.
The Rajapaksas cannot afford to have a free and fair election and they will not. The sudden price decreases; the postponing of the sittings of the Uva Provincial Council on the grounds of ‘extreme cold’; the presidential cut-outs which litter the land; the entertaining of public officials at public expense for personal-political gain; the summoning of politically-appointed diplomats to campaign for their master; the ‘Gold Dansela’ – these are early indications of an election campaign which will be characterised by illegality and abuse. But appalling as these violations may be, they do not represent the real danger. The real danger will be violence, both targeted and indiscriminate; and massive rigging. Already concern has been expressed about a spate of sudden transfers at the Government Printers, where ballot papers are traditionally printed[vii].
The Rajapaksas cannot afford to lose power anymore than Vellupillai Pirapaharan could afford peace. Mr. Pirapaharan imposed an election boycott on the Tamil people in 2005 because he wanted war – and he knew it would be easier to push Mahinda Rajapaksa into a confrontation. He was right. That decision led to Mr. Pirapaharan’s own unheroic death and the death of his family (including the murder of his wife and young son, neither of whom were LTTE members). It also imposed an incalculable cost on the Tamil people and the Tamil cause.
Like Mr. Pirapaharan, the Rajapaksas will risk anything and sacrifice anyone to gain their own ends.
The Maithripala-saga would have exacerbated the Siblings’ family-centrism exponentially. If they win, by whatever means, they will make sure there are no more Maithripalas by further tightening their control over the SLFP. There will be a PM Rajapaksa and a Gen. Secretary Rajapaksa, apart from President Rajapaksa and Speaker Rajapaksa.
The Rajapaksas are fighting for their world. For them this election will be noting less than a do-or-die war. If the opposition, buoyed by its initial success, loses sight of this truth, it will play right into the waiting Rajapaksa-hands.
Lankadeepa – 5.12.2014
[vi] Far Eastern Economic Review – 6.3.2009
Thiru / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara
has her cockeyed theories which she vends as gospel truth all the time – comparing Pirapakaran and Mahinda and all that crap. TG it appears knows how Pirapakaran was thinking! What arrogance.
What does she say to the following?
The candidate common to the Sinhalese – Sirisena is reportedly have said that he is a Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian, and Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country. Obviously he doesn’t care for the history before 1832 when the island was not an exclusive Sinhala Buddhist country.
One of Mahinda’s ministers has said that they don’t want/need minority votes.
What do the last two statements mean Tisaranee? Have those escaped your perception?
Are you also a Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian, please unmask yourself like Sirisena?
Sri Lanka is going down the slippery slope of racism and Buddhist fundamentalism for 66 years now.
As the Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice said the island may see a blood bath.
Paul / December 7, 2014
Oh dear TG has committed the ultimate crime of comparing VP to MR. The truth never goes down well with the LTTE.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
“government which is refusing to pay disabled soldiers the back-pay they are legally entitled to.”
(`nothing exist as wholes and parts in their natural context`- try a bit of goats cheese before you get so cheesed stupido.)
The regime that came into being militarily with full international support hardware and logistics don’t bother about being disabled any more- they cannot be a threat.
It’s the abled that are thinking Arab Egypt ploy.
Disgraceful sloth islanders with their ambudes in a twist.
Dont Think Just Velvet Rebel It.- hang em high.
Ram / December 8, 2014
What is wrong with you. Are you mental
Javi. / December 8, 2014
It is not goodness to be better than the worst.
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara –
RE: Wasteful, Ludicrous And Lethal
“Maithri Bhavana, the cultivation of benevolence towards all living beings, is an extremely popular form of meditation in Buddhism. The state-owned SLBC has a regular programme on how to practice Maithri Bhavana. That programme, until very recently, was called, Maithri Bhavana.”
1. First, Things First. First GET rid of the Medamulana MaRa, aka Mara, who is against Maithri of Buddhism.
2. Towards that the common opposition candidates have come together with a strategy and plan. Maithri-Cpmmon Candidate.
3. The populace need to be informed about the excesses f Medamulana MaRa, Mara, who shows No Mautri to the people. Maithri only for cronies and whitewashes.
4. The sri Lankan Writers including Tissaranee Gunasekera have FAILED, to come up with a Common sense Phamplet to be distributed to the populace so that they can be informed.
Shame on the Sri Lankan writers…
This is an Election to to get rid of Medmulana MaRa aka Mara using Maithri..
Every Minute need to be spent in exposing the MaRa
You can get a Free Copy Pdf of the Common sense by Thomas Paine here..
Why, January 8,? It is the Triple Point. The Day SWRD Bandaranaika was born, the Day Lasantha Wickramatunga was killed and the Presidential Election.
If you have too much time over the next 30 days, can you please work on the Common sense Sri Lanka 2014 pamphlet and Expose the Mara dictatorship.
Follow Thomas Pain’es lead of 1776.
By Anonymous Author(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction Common Sense Sri Lanka 2014 – Author 1
As long and violent abuse of power , and as the President of Sri Lanka has undertaken in his own right , to support the parliament in what he calls theirs, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have undoubted privilege to suppress and abuse the citizens rights given by the constitution. The cause of Sri Lanka is in a great measure the cause of all Sri Lankans
Who the Authors of this Production is, is wholly unnecessary to the public, as the object of Attention is the Mahinda Rajapaksa Family Dictatorship Doctrine and Proposed dynasty Itself. This Pamphlet has 8 Chapters by different authors. Use Common sense and make the choice between Family Dictatorship and democracy in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Chapter 2: Of the origin and Design of the The Democratic Socialist Republic o of Sri Lanka in general, with remarks on the Constitution. Author 2
Chapter 3: Of Monarchy, Dictatorship and Hereditary Succession. Author 3
Chapter 4: Thoughts on the Present state of Sri Lanka Affairs 2014. Author 4
Chapter 5: Of the present ability of Sri Lanka 2014 with some miscellaneous Reflections since Independence . Author 5 Chapter 6: Rights of the Citizens of Sri Lanka. Author 6
Chapter 2: Of the origin and Design of the The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in general, with remarks on the Constitution. Author 2
Chapter 7: Dangers of Dictatorship Sri Lank 2014. Author 7
Chapter 8: Bribery, Corruption, Nepotism and Crime Sri Lanka 2010-2014. Author 8
Are There ANY Sri Lanka Writers with Guts like Thomas Paine had in 1776?
PS. Those Medamulana MaRa ILLEGAL cutouts and posters. Please throw black and red painst on them…
Mahinda knocked out in cut-outs would be asked to get out soon
Rationalist / December 8, 2014
The Voting Base for the Incumbent President does not read the CT or any of the English Media. It is his personal charisma as a ‘Man of the People’, that gets him the Votes.
It is up to Supporters of the Common Candidate, to organise House to House visits in the Rajapakse Strongholds, talking to the voters on the advantages of voting for Maithripala.
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
“Suddenly the SLBC changed the name of the meditation programme, from Maithri Bhavana to Meth Vadamu.”
They Should have Changed to Medamyulana MaRa Balaya..ans Shills and Cronies Balaya..
Throw Black and red paint on the MaRa cutouts.
Amarasiri / December 8, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“Mahinda will get only 22 lakhs, Maithree will win”
The former minister Rajitha Senaratne says that Mahinda will get only 22 lakhs of votes.
” The president has stated that he will win with 22 lakhs of more votes. It is a mistake. He will take only 22 lakhs. According to the report of intelligence unit, Maithripala Sirisena will win by 56%.
Let’s do the Math.
15 Million Voters, 70% votes 70% Sinhala Buddhists, 30% Balance others
10.5 Million Vote 7.35 million Sinhala Buddhists, 3.15 million Balance others.
MaRa gets
33%% Sinhala Buddhist votes, others 10%.
So MaRa gets:2.44 Million Sinhala Buddhist Votes and 0.315, non-Sinhala Buddhist votes. Total = 2.755 million votes.
Maithri Gets 10.5 -2.755 = 7.745 million ( 73.8%)
MaRa will get 26.2%
Then, Medamulana MaRa , Their Shills, and their cronies can retire.
They have amassed sufficient wealth for this life PLUS many rebirths.
PS> Any progress on the Common Sense Phamplet.Only 30 days left.
Peace / December 7, 2014
She is absolutely correct.VP and MR are of the same mold.They care two hoods about their people.
Power hungry ego Maniacs.
Just like VP was defeated MR should be defeated.
I hope the cost of life and property etc won’t be as costly as it was for the Minority when MR is brought down.
Because every time Mother lanka go through surgery to remove a malignancy, blood letting is on Minorities.Mahavamsa Mind set.
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara –
RE: Wasteful, Ludicrous And Lethal
More materials coming your way next week, read below.
BY THE WAY, would you have some time to put together the Common Sense Phamplet to be distributed to the people?
A tough statement from the Speaker
A tough statement from the Speaker
SUNDAY, 07 DECEMBER 2014 19:14
Speaker Chamap Rajapaksa is expected to make a tough statement in Parliament on the 12th regarding the present political situation in the country say reports. It is revealed the Speaker would criticize the presidential process in his statement.
According to reliable sources Dudley, one of the Rajapaksa brothers living in the USA and Mr. Chamal Rajapaksa have taken the same standpoint but details about their stand has not been revealed.
The sources say Mr. Chamal Rajapaska is thoroughly disappointed regarding the political process followed by brothers Mahinda, Gotabhaya and Basil and his statement in Parliament would be made admitting that a serious dangerous situation has developed due to the moves of the three brothers.
Rationalist / December 9, 2014
“The sources say Mr. Chamal Rajapaska is thoroughly disappointed regarding the political process followed by brothers Mahinda, Gotabhaya and Basil and his statement in Parliament would be made admitting that a serious dangerous situation has developed due to the moves of the three brothers.”
I am not sure how the Sri Lankan system works.
But I was under the impression that before an Election, all Positions are declared Void!
If that is so, MR is no longer the President, until or if he is re-elected.
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara –
RE: Wasteful, Ludicrous And Lethal
Too many cutouts of MaRa. Bust it with Paint balloons…
Solution: Paint Ballons and Paint Baloon guns
Aim at the citout and turn it to Black or Red
Water Weapons – (New – Water Balloon Shotgun!)
Bring out the big guns! Have you ever seen a water balloon shotgun? Here’s how to make a High Powered Water Balloon Shooter that will fire 17 balloons at once!
Sama / December 7, 2014
whereever you travel across the can only see his pictures. No matter they are in public places or the trees tops and stumps of the jungles, MR s placards are seen. Having spent 3 weeks in the coutnry, I confirmed the feeling that authoritarian rule of MR and thugs are the reality.
Sure, there are roads and constructions are there but almost every developing country including the poorest in the world – Ethiopia today you will see all these constructions. Where chinese are there, they have succeeded their projects by making any nations blind for their own principles. But cost of living of those country have gone to sky rocketing levels. They dont care about 5 rps today. if you travel by using pvt and govt buses they dont give you balance if they are below 10 rps, since there is no value for changes. pEOPLE struggle for their survial today than no time in the past.
Palayang Yako / December 8, 2014
Thiru, You have obviously not heard that it is better to keep one’s mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and CONFIRM the fact.
B…s like you give the word “idiot” a bad name!
Don Stanley / December 7, 2014
Excellent Madam as usual! Please translate in Sinhala..
The defeat of the usually winning Sri Lanka cricket team only in Hambantota is a sign of things to come for Mahinda Jarapassa.
Unfortunately the joint opposition is busy politiking among the coalition and nor speaking to and educating the masses which is necessary to win elections. The joint opposition needs an sleek campaign with an Advertising firm to target WOMEN and YOUTH voters to come out and VOTE BE THE CHANGE!
Thiru / December 7, 2014
Why are the Sinhalese people getting worked up about Rajapakses’ style of governing?
Isn’t it the natural progression of Appe Aanduwa set in motion by the ‘fxxxers of the nation” starting with D S Senanayake, SWRD, Srimavo, JRJ, Premadasa, CBK and now to crown it all we have king Maha-Rajapakse.
When the Sinhala regimes let loose pogroms against the Tamils did any Sinhalese jump up and down and say this is injustice to Tamils?
No, JRJ, one fxxxer of the nation, said that if I starve the Tamils the Sinhalese people will be happy.
It is a disgrace that Sirisena also confirms that he is a Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian bowing down to the racist Mahanayakes and the racist bkikkus.
Just carry on with life as you did when tens of thousands of JVP suspects were mass murdered, and when Tamils in Vanni were starved and exterminated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
My friends what can such a decadent society expect? Civilized governance? Forget about it!
You deserve what you get for all the injustices you heaped on Tamils simply because the British annexed Tamil Eelam to the Sinhalese nation, called it Ceylon and gave it to you on a platter.
Taraki / December 7, 2014
‘Why are the Sinhalese people getting worked up about Rajapakses’ style of governing?’
As I have said before – mind your own business, it has nothing to do with you. You just spend the rest of your miserable life keep trying to get Eelam. Good Luck.
Native Vedda / December 7, 2014
“You just spend the rest of your miserable life keep trying to get Eelam.”
And you spend the rest of your paranoid life keep preventing Eelam.
In the process you get richer by the minute, and increase your wealth by squandering the coffer.
Eelam or no Eelam which depends on Hindian interest in and around Southern South Asia.
You stupid Sinhalese/Tamils have no control over it.
Bangladesh and Kalistan come to my mind.
paul / December 8, 2014
“Bangladesh and Kalistan come to my mind”.
Not to mention a caliphate in eastern sri lanka:-)
Native Vedda / December 8, 2014
“Not to mention a caliphate in eastern sri lanka”
You mean Islamic Republic of Kaathaankudi calipate?
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara AND Thiru
“Why are the Sinhalese people getting worked up about Rajapakses’ style of governing?”
Lack of Law and Order…
First They came……
“First they came …” is a famous statement and provocative poem attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis’ rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group. There is some disagreement over the exact wording of the quotation and when it was uttered; the content of the quotation may have been presented differently by Niemöller on different occasions.[1]
[Edited out]
AVB / December 8, 2014
You seems to be act like a saviour of Sinhalese people and their leaders, always analysing their faults and advising them how to become better people. Great… However, Why don’t you have similar love and care towards Tamil leaders and Tamil people, analysing their errors & faults and help them to understand their faults and trying to make those Tamil better people. You should think about this too.. Anyway, thanks putting such an effort to make Sinhalese people better…
Amarasiri / December 7, 2014
Madame Tisaranee Gunasekara
RE: Wasteful, Ludicrous And Lethal
Make it a Chapeter in the Common sense pamphlet..
Here is more data for the pamphlet chapters. on Medamulana Mara.
Mahinda knocked out in cut-outs would be asked to get out soon
SUNDAY, 07 DECEMBER 2014 11:42
he propaganda campaign of Mahinda Rajapaksa carried out spending colossal amount of money and using state resources and employees is an utter failure, waste of public money and environmental destruction say advertising and marketing experts.
The propaganda campaign carried out without a proper theme and an execution plan has covered everything near public roads except statues of religious leaders.
Displaying the same advertisement a large number of times doesn’t bring about expected results as it gives a negative or zero effect which is called ‘advertising wear out’ in advertising sector.
Mahinda Rajapaksa who has been knocked out in cut-outs due to the campaign carried out by several racketeers who have no experience in advertising would be asked to get out soon by the people say advertising experts.
S.Modaya / December 7, 2014
Unfortunately the joint opposition seems to be playing into Mahinda Jarapassa’s hands and is wasting time politikking rather than talking to the VOTERS. This is the Ranil Wickramasinghe style of winning elections… So it seems that Jarapassa will win again, sad to say!
Dinuk / December 7, 2014
Too many cooks spoil the soup!
The Joint opposition still seems very disorganized – no proper ELECTION CAMPAIGN with campaign schedule and MESSAGES to the voter..
They should get an advertizing firm instead of wasting time squabbling among themselves for future posts!
Dude / December 7, 2014
Correction Dinuk, Too many crooks spoil the soup!
Vibhushana / December 7, 2014
Its the pre-conceived notions aren’t they really? They have this image firmly planted in their minds. As we all know uncertain future is as certain as death and taxes.
I suspect Mahinda became arrogant thinking he could take people for granted. Now realise the stark reality that things are far from certain.
Solon / December 7, 2014
Laksiri, please note, this is not alarmist, but REALITY.
“The Rajapaksas are fighting for their world. For them this election will be noting less than a do-or-die war. If the opposition, buoyed by its initial success, loses sight of this truth, it will play right into the waiting Rajapaksa-hands.”
“The real danger will be violence, both targeted and indiscriminate; and massive rigging.”
We hope the Common Candidate camp are taking measures to protect the revolution and the common people. Let them remember genuine freedom was always paid for with BLOOD.
Let the Common Candidate Camp prepare to counter the blood bath Gotabaya will unleash. “Today the roads are closed whenever Gotabaya sets forth with his massive security convoy. He’s the second most powerful man in Sri Lanka; he commands unlimited power and resources; he is above the law and norms. Can such a man even contemplate returning to ordinary life? Can even unlimited wealth compensate for the loss of such arbitrary and absolute power?”
Just as much the election is a DO OR DIE for the Rajapaksas it is equally a do or die for the DIGNITY of all Sri Lankan citizens.
Karigalan / December 7, 2014
Coming days are not going to be easy.
My heart says people should win this battle and say good by to MR
but i dont know how this going to happen
Matilda Ellepola / December 7, 2014
Another beautiful and timely piece Thisaranee and may thanks.
So., Rajapaksa battle plans are very evident with mass scale violence about to be unleashed with the full backing of the govt and armed forces as Rajapaksas cannot live without the absolute power and what we as the citizens can do in here?
The opposition need to have a solution to make this vote rigging and violence to be reported and a way of civil obedience and threat for the regime with the involvement of the Govts of India/US/EU and Donors as well as UNHRC/Amnestry/HRC/Colombo based Embassies/Donors/Commonwealth Secretariat/Catholic Church with the pending Papal visit, etc involved and send a strong signal to the regime that violence and vote rigging is not tolerated and will be taken very seriously
This is the only way that this Junta regime can be controlled at least in some way.
Wickramasiri / December 7, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekera is spot on. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s character is very evident to anyone with clear perception. He is cruel, selfish, boastful, vengeful, greedy, wasteful, and may now be overcome with madness. He will not let go even if voted out. He is no Buddhist, but a believer in hocus pocus, blackmagic, charms, witchcraft and all the mumbo jumbo that goes with it. January 2015 will be better than a blockbuster movie.
Afzal / December 7, 2014
I feel that Rajapkses will not allow COF to win the election. I think COF must ensure a clear way out for the ruling party as part of their election campaign. If we they take the approach what Gen SF took during his election campaign, the ruling regime will ensure that they will not have to yield power.
There are some polls which points that still plenty of carrot eater who would want MR to be elected.
Ultimately I think it all boils down to communal minded nature of majority community. It is not about country it is about them.
K.A Sumanasekera / December 7, 2014
The Elite , Anglican and Vellala base of the UNP, which has been rented out by the UNP CF leader Ranil to back Sand Sira’s brother, must be really disheartened by this article.
All Ms T has told them is how Rajapaksa will win
Is that motivation?.
Thank god Ms T is not in a media scrum which are hired by big sports teams to motivate and promote them..
BTW,Vellala TNA just concluded their secret talks with Mangal , Mano Ganeshan , and CBK to arrange a deal to get Sand Sir’s brother to grant Self Rule , TNA Police and merge the NE back ,before the end of his 100 day contract.
Wouldn’t they also get cold feet after reading this?..
I mean sitting on the fence is better than backing a loser… Right…
Palayang Yako / December 8, 2014
Adey Tsunamisekera,
It is obvious that even you can’t understand the s..t you write. If you did, you wouldn’t write it.
You better get a major advance or two on your Jarapassa payments because, one way or another, they are going to run out soon!
Bye, bye Pandankaraya!
Paul / December 7, 2014
‘Gotabaya Rajapaksa….was a middle-ranking military officer who became an ordinary hardworking émigré……..He was a well-organized and careful administrator who rode the bus 30 miles to and from work every day…’
A balanced and truthful article, worth reading. Unlike some writers, TG shows no spite and gives credit where it is due. She is also warning us of a possible military takeover.
aratai / December 7, 2014
Who will win?
Does it really matter? It’s too late now, damage is done.
Economically we are a Chinese colony,
Politically a Russian colony,
Culturally a Indian colony,
We have lost our identity.
Native Vedda / December 7, 2014
“We have lost our identity”
Pathetically we still hang on to Majoritarian Mahawamsa Mindset.
Racially we still believe in Aryan superiority
Eventually we (Sinhalese/Tamils) will have to leave this island.
Hopefully I will see a rapid repatriation.
Poomail / December 7, 2014
“We have lost our identity”
No we haven’t. Sri Lanka will always be the Sinhala Buddhist preserve where pure Theravada Buddhism will be treaured against underminig by the fifth columns who represent foreign powers.
Aryan superiority is a fact and the sinhala are the proof of it!
Native Vedda / December 7, 2014
“Aryan superiority is a fact and the sinhala are the proof of it!”
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
John F. Kennedy
Burning Issue / December 7, 2014
How can you be an aryan and an indigenous at the same time? The reality is that you are neither as you are as gooder Dravidian as I am!
Javi. / December 8, 2014
Aryan is place of residence of the Iranian mulla.(sanskrit)
Poomail is a kalu kolla in a Goota bunker.
Even Hindians find it disgusting to say aryan as the skin peels.
(Hindia Govt.had to pass an amendment to let the opium smugglers marry outside)
Poop mail in fantacy bunker:P all covered in Poo.
Peace / December 7, 2014
“Aryan superiority is a fact and the sinhala are the proof of it! “
This is no different to Nazi Ideology.
I have said this all along.
Thank you for accepting it now.
The plight of Hitler and the NAZI’S awaits the Sinhala Buddhist Supremacist as well.
Anpu / December 7, 2014
Poomail calims
“Aryan superiority is a fact and the sinhala are the proof of it! “
Some of you will be interested to read
“In spite of all the evidence cited above, if the Sinhalese still persist in saying that Sinhalese is an Aryan language, or an Indo-Aryan language, as they prefer to call it, just for the honor of it, they are at liberty to do so. They may thereby be able to hoodwink some Europeans who do not know Tamil, but certainly not those who know both the Sinhalese and the Tamil languages. Theirs was a Dravidian language and continues to be so. The Pali and the Sanskrit words used therein, even though they may form a very high percentage of the modern Sinhalese vocabulary, cannot alter the basic fact that the structure and the skeleton of the Sinhalese language is Dravidian, apart from the fact that almost all the fundamentals and elementary words and suffixes are, as stated by Father Closset, also of Dravidian origin. It is thus clear that in every respect Sinhalese is essentially a Dravidian language. As Mudaliyar Gunawardene says, “Its evolution too appears to have been on a Tamil basis, for it is dominated to a considerable extent by the principles of Tamil grammar and by Tamil idioms.””
“In view of these discrepancies and conflicting facts, the present story about the origin of the Sinhalese, that they were Aryan settlers who came to Ceylon from North India speaking an Aryan language entirely foreign to Ceylon and, after displacing the original population, introduced civilization for the first time into the island in the form of irrigation works unknown before, cannot be a fact and cannot be regarded as a legitimate hypothesis or even a good hypothesis. I am therefore putting forward an alternative hypothesis which is as follows:
No Vijaya came to Ceylon at any time, nor any Aryans from any part of India. The legend of Vijaya was invented to give the Sinhalese, who were Buddhists, an Aryan origin in order to alienate them from the Hindu Dravidians who were surrounding them so that thereby Buddhism might be safeguarded from the onslaughts of Hinduism.
The present Sinhalese population of Ceylon are the direct descendants of the Yakkas and the Nagas, who were Dravidians, occupying Ceylon in ancient times and of a few immigrants who might have come from India from time to time. Of the Yakkas and the Nagas, the former formed the bulk of the common people and were (probably with the assistance of Tamil artisans) the builders of the magnificent irrigation works both earlier and in subsequent times, and the latter, a more refined and cultured community, were the upper classes and became the Sinhalese kings referred to in the Mahavansa after the advent of Buddhism.
The Yakkas and the Nagas, who did not become Buddhist or who after becoming Buddhist became Saivites again, spoke the Tamil language throughout and the present Ceylon Tamils are their descendants. They did not come to Ceylon recently excepting for a few immigrants who might have come along with the various Tamil invasions but remain here from pre-historic times. The present Tamil inhabitants of the North and the coastal areas in the East and the Northwest are these people.
The Sinhalese language of today is the product of evolution from Elu, the early Dravidian dialect spoken in Ceylon, when the latter came into contact with Pali in the same way as the present languages of North India came into existence after the Dravidian languages spoken there came into contact with Sanskrit, and as the Romance languages in Europe after the contact of the indigenous languages there with Latin.
The word ‘Sinhalam’ was derived from the Tamil word ‘Sri Ilam’, which became in course of time Sihalam and later Sinhalam, with the elision of the consonant r and the addition of the euphonic n.
The knowledge of the scientific system of irrigation found in Ceylon was not imported from abroad but was already in the possession of the people of the island from very early times, as will be seen from the names of numerous tanks ending in kulam as well as from the terms used for irrigation works which are Tamil derivatives.
The construction of larger and more numerous tanks and elas than in earlier times was due to the fillip given by the subsequent Sinhalese kings, after the arrival of Buddhism, owing to the necessity to feed vast numbers of the Buddhist clergy, to whom lands were donated by them, and also owing to their desire to acquire merit thereby.
The civilization of Ceylon, except for the introduction of Buddhism, is a branch of the old Dravidian civilization of India in almost all its aspects, as will be seen; for example, in the village panchayat system and the caste system. Even in the matter of the New Year celebrations, the Sinhalese follow the Tamil practice in regard to date and other details, and not the North Indian practice which is entirely different.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
2Aryan superiority”
Using anything tamil to counter worldwide condemnation is futile, does not sell. try
try getting bunker boys locked in the Real South African Lions cage.- thats for mahawamse lions.
The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most “pure blood” of all the people on earth. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes.
Non-Aryans came to be seen as impure and even evil. Hitler believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jews. But a league table of ‘races’ was created with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These ‘inferior’ people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation.
Taraki / December 7, 2014
‘Hopefully I will see a rapid repatriation’
Don’t worry. Ultimately we will see Tamil Veddah repatriated.
Native Vedda / December 8, 2014
“Not to mention a caliphate in eastern sri lanka”
You mean Islamic Republic of Kaathaankudi calipate?
Native Vedda / December 8, 2014
“Ultimately we will see Tamil Veddah repatriated.”
I know it is disappointing and painful for you sorry I am not coming with you.
However I promise you I will visit you at Akhta village in Bihar or Alangudi in Tamil Nadu.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
See the jungle The Lion sleeps tonight.
South African Lions Cages are the real cages reserved for
Mahavamsa Lions- Biological union ain’t it cow poop..
rapport with an audience.
paul / December 8, 2014
“Economically we are a Chinese colony, Politically a Russian colony, Culturally a Indian colony..”
all of which is better than being a Yankkee dickie’scolony, a tamilnadu colony or an arabic calipate..
Native Vedda / December 8, 2014
In case you are being denied access to outside world here is a piece of good news for you:
The estimated 2.9 million people in modern slavery in China “includes the forced labour of men, women and children in many parts of the economy, including domestic servitude and forced begging, the sexual exploitation of women and children, and forced marriage”, said the report.
South China Morning Post
18 October, 2013
“all of which is better than being a Yankkee dickie’scolony, a tamilnadu colony or an arabic calipate..”
Whatever the reason may be you prefer others ruling this island than the people of this island. You are willing to be a slave as long as you get to chose your slave master.
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
suck this thinge!
Modi Mooth Maro= Modi’s seepage is your thirst drink.
What do you do then in Yakko Land?? Your main earnings is a
Western Royal Seepage isn’t it to pay the Yello pricks.
PHD = Pakistani Healing Dance
Satakaya Hato! (hang’em high)
Sarema Hato!
Pungi bajo! (play that music sound.)
punchinilame / December 7, 2014
“On Saturday, about 300 disabled soldiers protested outside the Temple Trees requesting that they be given a chance to inform the President about this injustice.[iii]”
The PRESIDENT s ventures in his home town alone is as follows:-
Fisheries Harbor upgrading- 373 (All figures in million Rupees.) International Exhibition & Convention centre, Siribopura – 2000
42 – Office administrative complex – 2983 Mahinda Rajapakse Stadium, Sooriyawewa 700 Mattala Rajapakse International Airport (1) 27500 Hambantota Port – Phase 1 47380 Hambantota General Hospital 70000 Solar Power Park (Korea/Japan Govts.) 1300 Belliatta town & Irrigation tank rehabilitation 300 Mattala access road flyover 3090 Fuel hydrant system & aviation refueling terminal at MIRA 5100 Bunkering facility & tank farm 9900 Dry Zone Botanical garden (1) 500 Mahinda Rajapakse National Tele-cinema park (1) 600 (+ 600 more) Siribopura Flyover at junction of H`tota-Werawila Road 2675 TRC 8 Storey Business Centre 3500 Hambantota Port (11) 106000 Expressway between Hambantota & MIRA Airport 54000 MIRA development project cost overrun & 16000 26.75 Matara-Belliatta Railway 36500 H`tota International Hub development project 52.96 km 33200 Matara-Hambantota Expressway extension 90 km 253000 T o t a l: 676,601 billion SL Rupees
(Source: Ms. Nilmini Wijedasa in Sunday Times of 30–11-14)
paul / December 8, 2014
“The PRESIDENT s ventures in his home town alone is as follows:-“.
Why don’t you list the development projects in the rest of the country too – from Ambathale to Vauniya ?
The truth is that what all the other leaders could not achieve in the past 50 years, this man achieved in less than a decade. Period.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
“this man achieved in less than a decade. Period. “
Value : without consent he sold the land and stupids- for white elephants.
His farce: Zero Casualty.
About him: Tsunami Hora, Lair, Fraud,Murderer, evading the guillotine by clicking besides stupid tamils and stupid sihala.
Not that You Won or Lost but How You Played The Game.
G.Rice; on Basil Goota, Mara & Co.
“Money to the left of them and money to the right
Money everywhere they turn from morning to the night
Only two things count at all from mountain to the sea
Part of it’s percentage, and the rest is guarantee”
period keep chewing those boots.
length of duration of time.
K.A Sumanasekera / December 8, 2014
Gotabaya says there is a new threat of LTTE insurgency after the lifting of the EU ban.
There are ex cadres in Srilanka who haven’t gone through rehab.
Ex Army chief admits on Sirasa TV that he never liked the Navy Chief even during the height of the battle against the LTTE.
And the ex General has thousands of followers who are deserters and have been on the run.
Can CC Sira control them?
TNA still haven’t singed any MOU with Sira.
Is TNA keeping their options open?.
I mean TNA wouldn’t agree to ditch the demand for Self Rule… Would they ?..
Sira says he won’t allow 9 different Governments in the Island.
Rather than a Army coup , the fear among the inhabitants is whether it will a case of Sinhalese killing Sinhalese this time in addition to a resurgent LTTE killing Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims like in the good old days..
There is nothing hypothetical about it when one watches Alzezeera News.
And the powers who are behind this unholy alliance are none other than the same people, who keep Aljezeera Middle East Desk on overtime..
Palayang Yako / December 8, 2014
You are the ultimate: a mad moron! We know it is a very bad combination of lunacy and idiocy but do you have to spend so much time confirming that fact on CT?
Javi. / December 8, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera,
now now my man You are `The Slippery Slope`
(Domino Effect)
`Goo`ta bunker bogey expects to draw attention
demand `Zero Casualty` imagination.
Sumane, kondde damagena,
nedagena,….. (hairy boy in his sleep; wakey wakey, coppe kadde)
Upul / December 8, 2014
In advanced democracies of the world, political operations focus on message and ultimately getting out the vote. Millions are spent on maintaining, operating and upgrading these systems.
Obama won against Hillary Clinton by implementing these systems and ultimately beat a well funded Republican, not once but twice.
The Sri Lankan Opposition better have home-grown solutions to the issue of voter manipulation, ballot theft and ballot box thefts.
You can rest assured the Rajapakses have their systems well oiled and tested to do all of the above.
How well the Opposition counters these tactics will be proven if Rajapakse is defeated on Jan 9th.
Talking and writing bull-shit about matters beyond one’s control is a waste of time.
kali / December 8, 2014
The Maithripala-saga would have exacerbated the Siblings’ family-centrism exponentially. If they win, by whatever means, they will make sure there are no more Maithripalas by further tightening their control over the SLFP. There will be a PM Rajapaksa and a Gen. Secretary Rajapaksa, apart from President Rajapaksa and Speaker Rajapaksa.
The Rajapaksas are fighting for their world. For them this election will be noting less than a do-or-die war. If the opposition, buoyed by its initial success, loses sight of this truth, it will play right into the waiting Rajapaksa-hands.
*** It looks like you have lost sight of where Sinhala Lanka is heading. You are up to your usual LTTE is bashing but instaed of wasting time and energy you could have mentioned the financial drain from the Country. Investors took out 45 Billion last week and it is set to accelerate aas they fear Economic Sanctions. Sinhala Lanka is heading to the dolldrums thanks to King Mahintha and his 20 million loyal subjects.
***it will play right into the waiting Rajapaksa-hands.
Rajapakse will be carrying the begging bowl when sanctions begin to bite.
paul / December 8, 2014
What is so “Wasteful, Ludicrous And Lethal”?. Organising political rallies with lots of people, billboards and noise?. If so, making use of these colourful words to describe such a normal activity is “Stupid, Ludicrous and so Over the top” is a more appropriate heading to describe it I would have thought.
Javi. / December 8, 2014
sickly chutes boots, chee chee ganda amude poop.
All the kaul pukkas WTF are you boasting?? You just don’t have the thinge to rebel just talk fart farthing. All left for dead lefty poop.
Think like the Chinese for once-
In the event of war we “would be battered and blitzed” there are no friends but just us ethnic Chinese.
“”ARYAN ILL CONCEIVED: In the countries that Germany occupied, the SS would kidnap children who had blonde hair and blue eyes, and take them to the Lebensborn centres. There, they were forced to reject their background and to accept the Nazi teachings. Some were told that their parents had abandoned them. In the end, most of them were however taken to German concentration or death camps, where they were killed.””
Mara, BBS and all the skull drudgers beware its just your opposition is as weak as you without international support.-
Cannon fodder either way.
Pakis Pettiya / December 8, 2014
Pathetic sycophants always manipulate insecure leaders hell bent on accumulating power and wealth. Ludicrous is not the word. MAITHRI BAVANA will be that and be called that long after the current Kings and their servants leave office. It is always Maithri bavana regardless of puppet radio stations calling it something else. Is Sri Lanka turning into a Robert Mugabe land?
Abhaya / December 8, 2014
[Edited out]
vis8 / December 9, 2014
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