19 February, 2025


We Have Lost Billions Of Rupees Because Of Basil And Sajith – SB

Minister of Social Empowerment and Welfare, S. B. Dissanayake has accused former Minister Basil Rajapaksa and incumbent Minister Sajith Premadasa as two of the main culprits who have driven the Samurdhi movement to the ground, due to their actions which has resulted in the movement losing billions of rupees.

“Because of Basil Rajapaksa we lost around 7 to 8 billion rupees, and even due to the actions of Sajith Premadasa, we have incurred a further loss of 3 to 4 billion rupees,” he told a meeting of Samurdhi officers in Badulla on Sunday.

Dissanayake added that the movement suffered further financial instability due to certain decisions taken during the past few years, where loans were given to people who went overseas and loans were given for local politicians to purchase bicycles, all which, according to him had contributed to its current situation.

“We must stop this and take every effort necessary to develop this movement and not let it suffer,” he said.

Dissanayake added that it was time for everyone to change their mentality if the country was to go forward. “If we don’t change the mentality, we can’t go forward,” he added.

Latest comments

  • 27

    Look who is talking?

    One master criminal and fraudster talking about other master fraudsters(not so sure if Sajith is a fraudster – more of a fool perhaps). And to top it he is denigrating Sajith to earn merit from RW.

    What a humbug.

    • 5

      It takes one to know one…

    • 3

      BBS Rep

      Set a thief to catch a thief, that is what Siririsena has done.

      Can we catch all the thieves?

      SB should apologize from all Sri Lankan women – Rosy


      Published on Dec 12, 2014
      UNP MP Rosy Senanayake says that the controversial statement made by Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake regarding former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is the biggest crime of insult committed against the women of the country.

      s b dissanayake talk about mahinda,s amma and aachii


      Published on Dec 8, 2014
      s b dissanayake talk about mahinda,s amma and aachii but now s b dissanayaka with mahinda….what this poltical

    • 2

      This man has no lajjawa – he changed his both ends as we change our cloths.

      Remember the days we heard what this SB had to say interms of anything

  • 16

    Many who deserved Samurdhi did not receive it and many who received it did not deserve it.
    Selection for Samurdhi benefits were often based on political criteria and “known to the selector” basis.
    It was the most abused scheme of social benefits, ever.

  • 14

    May be he wants to be the controller of this vast asset instead of the other rogues. Trust this jumping frog, me think not! People know how deep his pockets are….. Samurdhi funds will disappear down in a major sink hole.

    • 3

      Yes, Thris – pott calling kettle is black.

      Anyways, these men are important to Mr Sirisena to keep UPFA intact. But SB does knot know that he is also chargeble regardless of him being a minister of the govt. Pinguththaraya, knows nothing but to chatu katha only.

  • 9

    Here is the argument why we the Tamils of Sri Lanka must learn Sinhala! From the President, Prime Minister and the 99% of the Ministers of Sri Lankan Legislature can’t utter a word in Tamil to save their lives. If we Tamils are to get involved in the national argument we must learn Sinhalese.

    Those morons in power don’t even want to use simultaneous translation to communicate with us and that is the extent of their willingness to communicate with us directly.

  • 16

    May be so. But what about the millions you stole from the Samurdhi funds. I thought that was one of the main reasons CBK threw you out like a door mat.

  • 5

    If these are true, do not allow them to get away with it. They have abused the public funds and thus committed a crime.Consider this as the criminal offence and conduct proper enquirers and expose them. Nobody should attempt to cover up or condone abuse and offences of public officers or politician

  • 5

    Thieves among thieves, birds of a feather, devils disciples. You will always be the raiders in the cause of development and your goons will be the agents to loot the economy on your behalf.

  • 2

    Samudri is initiated to support the needy people and not the recommended people; as such there should be a set of specific criteria defined, recommendation is definitely not one of that. Our patriots are very fast to proclaim how intelligent and advanced the Sri lankans are supposed to be, then where are all these intelligent people to design a functional system and where is the moral in the advanced civilized society.

  • 6

    ‘We Have Lost Billions Of Rupees Because Of Basil And Sajith – SB’

    and we are losing billions more because of SB and Sirisena

  • 2

    For politicians, poor are assets.

    Without that asset they can’t stay in politics. So they maintain poverty stricken groups who are always ready to sings slogans on behalf of them.

    In case their refusal, a mere threat would bring them to the slogan singing procession.

    Samurdi and Janasavi are examples: poverty stricken groups.

    Politicos know very well that entrepreneurship can’t be given by force even though if a genuine effort is made.

    The members (of Samurdi or Janasavi) will be there for long time and their off springs inherit it some time later so uninterrupted flow of poverty stricken group is assured.

    And the public funds derived from people mainly through lotteries may become treasure; uninterrupted source for swindling.

    There’s no importance of SB’s comment on Basil and Sajith. It’s just to shine above them.

  • 4

    It is Samurdhi for the politicians that run this scam and for their extended family and friends, but crumbs for the real needy that are queuing in the sun and rain. Obviously SB is trying to snatch the purse

  • 0

    ‘We Have Lost Billions Of Rupees Because Of Basil And Sajith – SB’

    Because of Mr. Jacket & Mr. Clean, how many multi Billions have we lost since february, 2015 ??????????
    Mr. Clean is afterall is not white but a shade of murkey brown.
    CaN anyone atleast put down the number of zeroes ???

    That palace he built should be named Samudhi Nivasa.

    • 4


      “Because of Mr. Jacket & Mr. Clean, how many multi Billions have we lost since february, 2015 ??????????”

      When the government changed the coffer was already empty, hence, there was nothing to lose.

      The new government found a note saying “we have looted the treasury, catch us if you can”.

  • 4

    Please at least do your work and show results to justify your existence as a minister who does not have public popularity as a defeated candidate.Don’t blame others for your inefficiency. You have been given a task do it or get out.

  • 2

    A simple case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    SB has shown his true colours over & over again & is not fit to hold a Ministerial position. Hopefully the masses will realize at least now that this whole bunch of greedy, incompetent, hypocrites should never be allowed to set foot in Parliament again.

  • 5

    SB helped the creation of the Pramuka Bank by depositing Samurdhi funds there and helping the management and himself become millionares overnight. People lost their lives due to its collapse, whilst this fool now rides in like a knight in shining armour to once again usurp control of the funds.

  • 2

    You are the biggest crook with a shit-hole mouth! I am not trying to defend Basil or Sajith! How did you build your palatial house with a tempered glass floor, and a fish tank beneath it? From the poor man’s money of course! Don’t open that shit mouth….you are asking for trouble!(illang-kanawa)

  • 1

    Wa , forget this poor nation , just give it back to the Rajapakshas and they will throw a few remnants , and then everyone will live happily ever after.

    Actually in away its best give it to them and most people will be happy, you scream ,I scream, we all scream for icecream , hope you get the point ,

    From a to z one system, but some community should be prepared to be the boogeyman..

    After all nothing is free someone got to pay .. no?

  • 1

    He is another Fraud

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