Here you will see the reactions from two influential Sri Lankan parliamentarians in response to the brutal Weliweriya military attack on a peaceful people’s protest against water-pollution. You’ll see how one of the MPs strongly condemned the government’s past record for rewarding the guilty parties responsible for similar attacks with prestigious posts. Some of the comments of the MPs were ordered to be removed from the Hansard. But, some of these banned comments can be heard here. Although some of the names mentioned in the speeches have been deleted, it may not be too difficult for the readers to guess who.
Usman / August 10, 2013
Excellent speech by both Ranjan & Anura Dissanayaka.
Than you guys for your braveness.
Keep going!
I cant stand this Azwer fellow. Wasn’t there anyone to slap him like Harbhajan did to Sreesanth.
mohamed fazly ilyas / August 10, 2013
Ever heard that ‘ barking gods don’t bite ‘ and specially those on leashes!
Saro / August 10, 2013
How were the young protesters at Weliweriya bitten, three of the fatally? In this incident, too, hench-dogs will not be apprehended. You will have to wait until you are barked at or bitten.
Yehiya / August 10, 2013
Third class fellow.
Jagath / August 10, 2013
is it you.
mike / August 10, 2013
I agree. This IDIOT Asswar is a kiss-ass man of Hitlerpaksha. He keeps disturbing most of the parliamentarians in the opposition. He should get back to his old job at the Maliban Biscoothu Factory now that he is aging!!
Christian / August 10, 2013
How about Rajafucksa
Don Stanley / August 10, 2013
The military must be DOWN SIZED!
There is NO WAR in Sri Lanka and only STATE TERRORISM against innocents encouraged by a regime accused of war crimes to cover its crimes. Soldiers should be encouraged to leave a “golden handshake” to start small businesses.
Civil society and International donors should work together to formulate a Demobilization and demilitarization and reintegration program for Lanka’s bloated military.
Excellent speech – how the Rajapakse regime rewards murderers in the military and gives them diplomatic postings – Shavindra Perera in New York is another criminal with a diplomatic posting..
Hence the military and police will continue to kill innocents with impunity..
Point of View / August 10, 2013
They are looking for a war. Right at this moment (7 pm Sri Lanka time) a mosque is being attacked in Grandpass in the presence of Police who are doing nothing. There had been damages to the houses as well.
Apparently army has been deployed. Fauz Mustapha is on the ground. Hope it will not go any further than this.
Point of View / August 10, 2013
Right at this moment (7 pm Sri Lanka time) a mosque is being attacked in Grandpass in the presence of Police who are doing nothing. There had been damages to some houses or some houses are on fire.
Apparently army has been deployed. Faiz Mustapha is on the ground.
According to some sources, Muslims from other areas have rushed to Grandpass for support.
If this nonsense is not stopped right away, it will be worse than July ’83.
Kalu Nangi / August 10, 2013
Wonderful…..Let the people know the truth!
modeya / August 10, 2013
And accepting it with both hands on bended knees is also Sri Lankan style.
Safa / August 10, 2013
There is no doubt that murderers and criminals are rewarded by the regime. From the various LTTE terrorist to the drug dealers, criminals and extortionist are part of the Govt.
Even in parliment the MP’s are not allowed to speak the truth. The truth is always suppressed.
I am no muslim / August 10, 2013
Read the Koran you will see, that it is not MR but Allah that reward the murderers. There are at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.
Does not average Muslims display in the back of their vehicles that “there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.”
Did not Muhammad himself had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. Did not Muhammad beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle.
Taking Muhammad’s examples, did not Muslims carried out tens of thousand of terror attacks killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in the last ten years alone and explicitly in the name of Islam.
If so, what nonsense are these Muslims speaking here? Isn’t it a joke that Muslims present themselves as innocents and accuse MR a murderer?
Wyatt K / August 10, 2013
Can someone shut the old dude up who interrupts everyone with what he calls points of order?
gamini / August 10, 2013
Wyatt, the chap you refer to, who always interrupt is one Azwer ( Muslim) a former UNP ( Premadasa man). Cannot you understand why he always refer to a ‘point’ as he is minus a point. Therefore he is obsessed with points, poor chap.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
He is a shame for the muslims of the country.
Wyatt K / August 11, 2013
i did not know he is Muslim. I don’t understand why he interrupts Sumanthiran all the time when he has taken a stand against attacks on Mulims, as well as all other Sri Lankans. Aswer is a joke.
mike / August 12, 2013
He is well known as “POO” (Point of Order) ASSwar. It is manifestly clear that he is being paid to interrupt Sumanthiran and other members of the opposition.
Yehiya / August 10, 2013
Thanking you CT. entire nation salute to Mr. Anura Kumara Dissanayake.
I am no muslim / August 10, 2013
You Rajapakse haters have opportunely forgotten what Anura Kumara Dissanayake and the likes did during bishanaya times? Salute the killers my ass.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 11, 2013
How can anybody forget those days – while Rajapakshes are becoming much worst today ? Just watch that documentary video from Daily mirror about the killings in that Deraniyagala areas, there nobody would not disagree with them the poor people. This regime is by far the worst we have had after the independence. Rajapakshes should be broought before international courts. My wish is to happen this in coming months. CW leaders should be fully ignorants not to see the reality within the ISLAND- srilanka today.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 11, 2013
This is the link for that video:
gamini / August 12, 2013
This bugger Mahipala Herath has a Quarry where he only provides metal and rubble for that area and no one else is allowed. Another Khuram Sheik case, that will be swept under the carpet, MR style. Way to go Sri Lanka.
Sama / August 12, 2013
We should strengthen the hands of RW. Common opposition can save the nation from the murderous MR. Has he yet uttered a single word about who sent the forces to the Weliveriya ? NO.
This morning I have sent all these links to one of my friends working for UNO.
Harmony / August 11, 2013
O dear Hameed/Ali-Jinna, you were lucky to survive then.
Dont take a chance again or try your luck next time you would be history so keep your ‘hakara’ mouth (kata) shut. There wont be Gota or GnanaSatan to save you either.
You stupid BaluSena bootlicker!
Qassim Ben Qassim / August 10, 2013
Well done MP Ranjan,
Azawar is a third rate boot licker from a mudukuwa, not a single Muslim have any regard or respect for this idiot,when he went to Saudi to mecca , they did not even give him any recognition, he was so upset he was literally crying in the Newspapers..
what a shame this country has lost his image totally & what do you expect with goons like azwer in the parliament.
Qassim Ben Qassim / August 10, 2013
Super ,Hon. MP.Anura Dissanayaka, this how an excellent Politician represents the people ,,I hope the Minorities will consider voting for the JVP in the next election,
gamini / August 10, 2013
Yes I concede Anura Kumara Dissanayake is a very capable orator who will appeal to the masses.
The UNP from the beginning has done much for the poor of this country starting with providing Land to the Landless poor, where 5 acres of prepared paddy land, three acres of High land with a two roomed house and a Co-operative were set up in all the Colonies where hundreds of thousand families from Gampaha, Veyangoda, Mirigama were settled, to form the backbone of Agriculture in the North central Province. These schemes could not be continued after ’56 as the entire country was put to turmoil after Banda playing with the Policies, trying to destabilize the UNP by killing the Private sector, which was the back bone of development in the country. Thus the country paid heavily for the Political expediences of these power hungry Politicians.
Today the country has reverted back from the State Controled Economy of the SLFP led coalition govts, to a Mixed Economy as has happened in Communist Russia and Socialist China. Therefore if Anura Kumara Dissanayake and the JVP, if they are really keen to do something for the masses of this country, the best person who would do something genuine like the UNP then, would be Ranil Wickremasinghe, because he is a fair man who understand the plight of the poor, better than those who came from the down trodden who have become Ultra Capitalist today, without improving the stock of the masses who are poor. The entire govt of the UPFA 99% were from the poor ordinary in society then, starting from the family of MR President, D.M. Jayaratne PM and almost all the Ministers and MPs although they flaunt wealth as the richest in society today. Therefore the best bet would be for these Anura Kumara Dissanayake crowd of the JVP to put their weight behind Ranil Wickremasinghe, rather than trying to come on their own which is rather remote.
gamini / August 10, 2013
I forgot to mention that the UNP govt of ’65 to ’70 under Dudley Senanayake gave the poor in the country, a measure of Rice free. Then at the hustings of ’70 Mrs. B promised to give the poor two measures of Rice FREE. When questioned from where she could get an additional measure free, she went on to say that she will even get it from the Moon. Some of the public swallowed the bait and gave her the mandate to form the UF govt. Dudley Senanayake was ridiculed as Pacha Bahu. Bath Gotta. In election Processions in the ’70 Election the SLFP supporters tying a loaf of bread at the end of a stick was kicking it about. Some had packets of rice stuck on sticks, all to show that the SLFP will get two measures of rice free even from the Moon. Five years in to Mrs, B’s regime, the poor were rummaging dustbins like dogs for food. People were prevented from being served rice on two days of the week. For Weddings the guests were restricted and only a drink could be served. From then on started the rot in this country, where the uneducated were appointed as Ministers to run the Ministries. The rest is History today.
Sanjay Karuna / August 11, 2013
Yes Gamini I remember very well.
“For Weddings the guests were restricted and only a drink could be served”
…But the affluent, served large pieces of beautifully wrapped Wedding Cake to guests before they went into the Wedding Venue! The Bridal Party was escorted by a Perahera of Kandyan Drummers and Dancers. This was the first time such displays of wealth were exhibited! It is commonplace now.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
JVP should join UNP in protecting the nation´s rights leaving all differences aside. Masses of the country would respect the view if people are made clear the very need. The country is in a mess today. They the uneducated bunch seems to have no constructive responses as to why they ordered amry forces to intervene in Weliweriya incident ?
Tomorrow, army men would be sent to settle if villagers across the country would raise their voice against the import or flow of internationally banned some fertilizers (pesticides and other chemicals). Neth fm very lately revealed that the dept of excise is over corrupted body – just pretending that they would not allow any hazadous alcoholic beverages being imported, but some dealers have now been caught in the act – the audio tapes are now available with Balumgala. If the polisphathi wanne to go against all these criminals, they can do it within hours. But the abusive politicians would not allow him to react. That is the reality of this most abusive regime. MR stays further mum as if he has better things to be engaged. Most idiotic president that the south asia every produced. These Rajapskehs should be removed to allow the nation in peace.
mahela / August 10, 2013
Thank you CT for the video clip. CT should translate this video clip to English language and send a copy to UNHRC and to CHOGM ministers. There will be no justice to people under Rajapakse Dictators. Therefore please send a copy of this clip to UNHRC and CHOGM members.
The country is taken on a dangerous path by Rajapakse Alibaba Dictators.
First of all Sri Lanka Government Parliament is a Whore House comprised with over 65 Whores paid and Bought By Rajapakse Pimp. Minister Ashraff is one of them who washes President’s underware in the Parliament whore house.
Please watch the following video.
Deraniyagala Town and the American Tea estate was demolished by the Rakapakse murder Goon who even do not care for Law and order, Police or justice.
This is a short documentary about Noori, a sceneic village 14 Kilometers off Deraniyagala where many atrocities are alleged to have taken place. Many victims did not want to be on camera and many didnt speak to us in fear of reprisal. However, the short film depicts ‘ the tip of the iceberg’ in which the Police, Politicians and Criminals collude to
further a reign of terror on innocent villagers by Mara murderous thug goons.
My brother who lives in Colombo who has three dogs at his home still cannot leave his house for three hours fearing burglars who are under influence of Drugs, kasippu and Ganja imported and distributed by the ruling Mafia.
How could you call for Foreign Investments into the country when Alibabas are in top seat and when there is no law and order in country with commission kakka thieves roaming around.
Calling for Foreign Investments only to steel and rob their Pockets and nothing else.
UNIVERSE / August 10, 2013
You are so right.Something SHOULD happen soon… and it will….Never seen such a murderous government in my life. Ali BABA and 65 Horu from UNP and other Horu from SLFP..Feel sorry for the genuine people in the government (There are still few)..
There should be a strong opposition …Everyone should get together..TIME IS NOW
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
From what we get to read, there is still no strong opposition against the them the rulers. Here on the video, those villagers clearly express that they have seen how the policemen were physically assualted by those criminals. And many of them are in opinion that Maheepala is behind all these crimes. Why the govt would not do anything to protect the rights of these people ? I dont live in srilanka, by watching and listening to those in the video, I feel, the living today in Srilanka should really be dangerous. Why the people and opposition politicians let these level to become this dangerous ? I have never heard criminals attacked the police to this levels in the country few decades ago. This has become takin for granted today – this is the reason why many would not respect police today
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
Thanks Mahela, we the ones that are out the country dont get all the truth about the prevailing situation in the country today.
I watched that video and realized that ministers and their close ones are well connected with those multi criminals of the mentioned area.
Why the opposition parties have not noticed all these sofar is the question instantly came to my mind ?
What do you think why JVPers or UNPers did not address these issues, if they did, no doubt they would have won the hearts and minds of the poor people in that area. When you listen to this particular documentary, everyone will have any doubt, that MR regime is a murderous one. Why the masses still rally round with them – is my question.
Mahela / August 10, 2013
You ask……….What do you think why JVPers or UNPers did not address these issues, if they did, no doubt they would have won the hearts and minds of the poor people in that area………
The truth is yes Both UNP and JVP are working very hard to spread their message across. But Rajuapakses have curbed all the main stream media in Sri Lanka.
Rajapakses either have bought outright the main stream media, both TV, radio and press while using strong arm method to supress other media to give least coverage to opposition parties and to delete many major political events and upheavals in the country.
Only few newspapers such as Daily Mirror and CT publish the major crucial issues while no TV and Radio gives more time for Opposition parties. Also many valuable Free media reporters and Journalists were murdered and their printing presses were burned by the regime to supress media.
This is the sad state of our country run by the Dictatorial family Regime.
We need to go into more International media to send the message across.
Calling for foreign Investments while Murdering own citizen who asking for clean water is murder misnomer.
It’s time to send the message across before next genocide occurs.
Sama / August 12, 2013
these regime has proved that they are criminals.
we need to pass the message across the globe. So that R2P can finally resestablise the democrazy in this country.
steve / August 10, 2013
Great speech Anura KD and Harin Fernando, keep it up. we salute you.ll
so called old leftist like VASU and Tissa should go home and look after their Dogs @home
Yehiya / August 10, 2013
Vasu & tissa well paid politicians.They crying for bones.This nanayakkara family totally traitors.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
Harin Fernando ?
Mahela / August 10, 2013
Ranjan Ramanayake.
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 11, 2013
thanks. Mahela :)
Rev.Devil / August 10, 2013
How great and encouraging to see some men of courage and quality among hyenas,jackals and Vultures….
Mahela / August 10, 2013
That’s why hyenas,jackals, Vultures,Alibabas, Kangettas, Andaraes, commission Kakkas, Murders, thugs, rapists,double tongue and double face Comedy Jokers etc….etc…are supressing Free media.
Those crooks white van abducters arrest and Murderer Free media personnal, roporters and Journalists from writing the truth to the public.
Also their Printing presses been torched and destroyed. Only the Govt. bought gtoons are allowed to publish events on biased reporting.
Thank you CT for bringing us these Video clips and the people need more exposure.
srilankafriend / August 10, 2013
Every day the human rights in Sri Lanka are being trampled by the Rajapaksa regime!
How long we want to look away?
Hamban / August 10, 2013
Hats off CT for giving prominence this type of state crimes.
The True face of Marapaksa democracy…rather DICTATORSHIP.
As Mahela suggested these speeches should be subtitled and sent
to International agencies like UNHRC,CHOGM, Amnesty International and all the foreign missions.
Sandy / August 10, 2013
How refreshing to hear the truth spoken so openly.. courageous.Many thanks.
Hope others will be encouraged too ‘ to ‘speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down- and – outers. Speak out for justice: stand up for the poor and the destitute’.(Proverbs)
UNIVERSE / August 10, 2013
Where is Bodu Bala (Or THUG SENA)…They protested about slaughter of cows..And how about innocent civilians in Weliweria
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
Anura ´s and Ranjan´s speeches make it further clear that sending Army forces to Weliweriya is completely unconstitutional. If these was the case in India or anywhere atleast some democratic rights of the people are respected, they would impeach the president – minister of defence.
Park / August 10, 2013
Azwar is sucking up to the regime betraying the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. He is a traitor and has to be kicked out of politics by the Muslim community. Similarly Thondaman has to be kicked out by the upcountry Tamils as well.
Anpu / August 10, 2013
Please translate to English.
G. Pandith / August 10, 2013
This MP Mr. Point of Order (Azwar), is a disgrace to the entire House. His behaviour is mere acting to show that he is the one defending MR. He should be awarded a “Senior Minister’s post (so he could get all the perks of a Minister) and sent to the Elders Home which is called the Senior Ministers complex. We don’t see any worthwhile contribution by him.
Wickramasiri / August 10, 2013
Two excellent and rare speeches from Ranjan and Anura Kumar. Grateful to CT for providing the videos. Highlights for us all the seriousness of the way the country is governed. I have serious doubts that there will be presidential or parliamentary elections again. What we have is a cruel leadership, the worst since independence. I think a rebellion in the parliament is now an urgent need.
jas pappa / August 10, 2013
Take these 2 speeches to the campaign stages in North -East, Central and North PC Elections and tell the people about truth at Weliweriya murders. Mud slinging campaign wouldn’t do any change.By Showing these speeches opposition must try to bring the voters to the polling booth. They will decide to whom they should vote.
Sriya Padmaperuma / August 10, 2013
Well done MP Ranjan and MP Anura
SORRYSTATE_SL / August 10, 2013
Ranjan is a young politician, but he seems to have every guts to call spade as a spade. He has no fears to call murderers and murderers.
jayantha / August 10, 2013
What Ranjan says is true. Some spent cartridges (Caps) shown in TV does not look from AK 47 or T 56.
They look more like from a hi-powered weapon like M 16.or a Sniper rifle.
Great when people ask for water, GOSL gives them Bullets.
Was Weliweriya was another Live wire shooting exercise.
Wasen’t 30 years of war is not enough to do shooting exercise……my foot.
Gunawardana / August 10, 2013
Good for though, yet the man who runs the show is a proven Machiavellian. He will simply turn a blind eye, because he knows that there is no vibrant leader in the oppositition, who is absolutely impotent. Feel extremely sad about the helpless people.
Sanjay Karuna / August 11, 2013
Let Ranjan and Anura join Sajit and start a new Party.
Lost_Paradise / August 11, 2013
Sajith is not good enough to lead the party. It is better to strengthen the hands of RW than deciding for INGURU DEELA MIRIS GATHTHA WAGE. Knowning devil can be much better than unknown candidates. Besides, Sajith is almost like Dayasiri – though no exp yet cross over to other parties. No consistency of his views. Nor has got years long exp in lanken politics. And he had an untold history – people once thought he was stealing our tranditional assets – so, Sajith´s cant be better to people`s embazzeler of tsunami funds -MR. In contrary to these both, RW has NOT stolen anything from the country and people. Only problem he has is – not having proper advisers to become much more stronger than has been sofar.
gamini / August 12, 2013
Lost Paradise, cannot you understand this ‘Amudaya’ Sanjay Karuna’s sarcasm? He thinks having Kandyan Dancers and Drummers at Weddings were the privilege of the affluent and it is common place now, he says . This Amudaya unable to stomach the facts that I had stated is resorting to sarcasm.
Punchinilame / August 11, 2013
It is strange with all these verbosity, why does`nt someone in the Parliament propose to summon the highest PUBLIC SERVANT connected to
this incident to Parliament and be questioned as it is grave enough? – No, everyone including those in the Opposition WILL NOT DO this sensible thing due to FEAR. The unknown authority is a menace to SL Society.
If no action as suggested above is taken, it will not surprise us a
repeat of this – shortly.
UNIVERSE / August 11, 2013
When I really think of it NOW I have to start believe in Channel 4 killing fields
Lost_Paradise / August 11, 2013
Days ahead of us will not be nice for the country:(
I wonder why CW countries stay mum in terms of their participation in the up coming summit amidst all these rises of security threatning issues.
Entire world should support lanken opposition to stand against the brutal rulers. They the rulers have consolidated their powers across the country- by appointing their siblings, relatives, far related ones and their men to stay in power. People of the country have no rights today, this became to me further clear immediately after watching the VIDEO posted on Daily mirror lately.
Sama / August 11, 2013
If UNHRC would better focus how HR has been improved in the country – alone the incident occured in the country during the last 3 months are more than enough Ms Pillay to draw conclusions that the island has become one of the most insecure places on the this earth. It is reported that Deraniyagala people had lived under all kind of fears to their lives not for just one year – but for the last 10 years. Rulers boast about their developement ignoring the grievances of their own people. Grievances that those people had never been before – it is just because of those pradesheeya saba members and the back of rulers have caused police not to react whatever complaints were made to them. Those uneducated IRC like members with the support of top politicians have even assulated the police men in that area. Eye witnesses have revealed this to the video lately, how some police men were beaten by that Athakora – the multicriminal but a close confidiant of ruling ministers perhaps of MR clans.
This is the political culture, if the nation would have a peaceful future is the greater question one would raise today.
Eva / August 17, 2013
We’lldone Ranjan & Anura. We are with you.