By Rajeewa Jayaweera –
In the wake of President’s Chief of Staff and Chairman State Timber Corporation being nabbed by Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC)in a five-star hotel car park accepting a bribe of Rs 20 million as part of a bribe from an Indian businessman, local media had published a statement by Secretary to President.
The top bureaucrat has stated; “Govt. will not tolerate Bribery and Corruption. This government will continue to punish those engaged in bribery and corruption.”
The worthy gentleman has craftily left out Nepotism and Cronyism from the narrative.
The Oxford Dictionary defines Bribery, Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism as; Dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one’s favor by a gift of money or other inducement;Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery; The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs; and the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications respectively.
Bribery, corruption, nepotism, and cronyism have had a corrosive effect on Sri Lankan society since independence. They are interrelated.
One of the earliest known cases of nepotism was the nomination by Ceylon’s first Prime Minister DS Senanayake of his son Dudley Senanayake as his successor over the more senior and deserving SWRD Bandaranaike which led to SWRD leaving the UNP.
Friends and family of politicians and their minions often facilitate corrupt deals. Furthermore, their imperious conduct with no accountability causes administrative havoc in government institutions.
The son-in-law of the President’s Secretary was appointed to the Sri Lanka High Commission in London in October 2015 and holds the rank of Counsellor (Consular). He is a British national and had been working in his family law firm before his appointment. His sole qualification to be appointed was having the good fortune of marrying the offspring of a former Government Agent whose one-time Grama Niladhari is now the President of the country.
Career foreign service officers must be graduates and pass an open competitive examination to enter the Foreign Service. After completing three years of probation, they start as Third Secretaries and progress in their careers, many reaching ambassadorial rank after 15-20 years. During this time, they gain invaluable experience so necessary in the conduct of diplomacy.
On the other hand, relatives and friends of politicians and their minions or political appointees parachute into Sri Lankan missions abroad for a few years. They often lack in both formal education and necessary skills required in that line of work. They also deprive junior foreign service officers of valuable training opportunities impacting their performance as they progress in the foreign service.
The Rajapakse regime turned nepotism and cronyism into a fine art. Yahapalanists who faithfully promised to eradicate bribery, corruption, nepotism, and cronyism during the campaign trail lost no time after January 09, 2015 electoral victory in emulating the Rajapaksas.
The chief Yahapalanist appointed his brother as Chairman of Sri Lanka Telecom, one of the most profitable and cash-rich government institutions in the first week of his Presidency.
The deputy chief Yahapalanist, not to be outdone, appointed a member of his ‘Royal’ clan to the Central Bank. Because of the findings of his wrongdoings by a Presidential Commission, this clansman is now a wanted man and a fugitive.
Abraham Lincoln once said; “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Paul / May 7, 2018
‘Abraham Lincoln once said; “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”’
If Abraham Lincoln visited Sri Lanka today he would realise how wrong he was!
Abey / May 7, 2018
Paul, You are correct. Very sad to say that our people are real bootlickers (not idiots) and they do not deserve democracy
Don / May 7, 2018
LoL! Very true. Old Abe had no vision.
Raj / May 7, 2018
Paul, I suppose Lincoln’s words are not applicable to SL but have the voters in SL a choice of politicians? It’s the same wine in different bottles every time & mature the wine, the more distasteful.
Of course, some are in denial & others lose focus & get distracted on nationalistic propaganda (so it can be said that some are fooled all the time in SL) but I think it’s a case of acceptance by many that corruption, cronyism & nepotism are hear to stay & not necessarily fooled.
We all know that politicians (whatever the party) in SL are there to make money for themselves. These yobs brazenly exploit the country’s wealth & public funds for their gain & have no shame in doing so as can be seen from their stupid comments. For example, RK’s ‘I know nothing, it’s the wife ….’ is a hilarious statement in a serious investigation which confirms his irresponsibility & unsuitability to hold a high position, yet, he continues to hold a Ministerial position (& has the audacity to claim that he can revive the economy in a matter of days). He should have been suspended (at least) until an investigation is conducted to absolve him of any wrong doing.
Bribery, corruption, nepotism, cronyism all go hand in had. As the saying goes, ‘where there is muck, there are flies’ (& vermin). Every once in a while, a minnow is sacrificed to show that justice is being done but it’s only a charade because the culprits are released on bail immediately after (until such time they are guests at hospital ward instead of a cell), the case drags on & years later, the case is thrown out due to lack of evidence. There have been allegations of embezzlement, fraud, assault, kidnapping & even murder but in such case which have been investigated, I can’t think of any high profile politician who has been implicated, spending time in jail. So, I think, we have accepted (at least by many) the fact that if we can’t beat the system, we should join the system (if we can).
Paul / May 7, 2018
Raj, you are right, the voters have no choice of politicians. The best they could do at election time is to abstain from voting to show their disgust, but few will do this.
Upali Wickramasinghe / May 8, 2018
Paul: many cheers for that statement.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2018
Aiyo Rajeewa Jayaweera
“What About Nepotism & Cronyism?”
What about it?
Why don’t you ask those who want to keep the Chapter II in the constitution?
Sinhala/Buddhism is the panacea for all ills of this island. More Sinhala/Buddhism may cure all ills.
Jim softy / May 8, 2018
Remove Chapter II and include that Protetant Christianiry has all the previlages as a religion.
Gunawanse E / May 8, 2018
Native: This discussion is becoming down to earth and makes me merry. Our so called father of the nation – VGijaya- was a thief and a genocidist. He imported 700 prostitutes from India through whom we now reign.In between there had been many a man interested in the male body – alas for the Mahavihara paid a deadly price.
We are the genuine descendants of that lot.
Douglas / May 7, 2018
Paul & Rajeewa: If Abraham Lincoln is to visit Sri Lanka (never mind a visit, only an observation of events would do) he would have definitely realized what a “fool” he is to make that statement. He would definitely see an realize how “easy” and does in fact make the Sri Lankans “Fools” all the time and that “fooling” never ENDS.
Lankan No 1 / May 7, 2018
As long as people are fool..
These people make money out of us ..
Today ,.politics is nothing but money making machine ?
Look how was MR before he became politician and now..
All.families made fortune out of it?..
Now Look m&s and how he makes money ..
Likewise all ..
All of them make.money from poor of Sri Lanka
Jim softy / May 7, 2018
Mr. Jayaweera: How about Recycling of politcians. How many are issuing political statements. I heard former MPs for Kikiriawa – Athavuda senevirathne, Dambulla – Janake Tennekon , Keheliya Rambukwella and probably one of his son tissa Aththtanayake, Benregama, all the elections lost Politicians becoming NAtional List MPs. How about Sajith Pemadasa’s sister beoming a State minister from the back door. Sri lanka is paying 92% of IT’s GDP as debt. Ranil tookover a empty Treasury from Mahinda Rajapakse. Now, Ranil has doubled it and What will happen when the next govt comes. Some people say, Ranil is stealing since the time of Athulath mudali.
Jim softy / May 7, 2018
first governor Oliver Gunathilake had bought a Wine orchard in French meditteranean, a villa in French Alps and Race course was built with own money, I heard.
soma / May 7, 2018
Nepotism and cronyism is infinitely despicable than bribery. Thanks RJ for opening of this stinking subject. Bribery at least has a way out – you can take a loan or sell your property. But you are totally helpless if you don’t happened to be a relative or a friend. Nepotism and cronyism operate at an upper level. There is yet another evil still worse. Providing jobs for party supporters at ground level. This is how all our government departments and institutions have become top heavy, uneconomical, inefficient and unmanageable over the years. They get swollen after every election. Now politicians are in the habit of openly admitting it and even demanding it as a right. This practice must be recognised as patently unethical and totally anti democratic in a multiparty system and made punishable by law.
There is yet another angle to this which is overlooked. At practical level these corrupt practices of Sinhala politicians are highly discriminatory against minorities. For a relative or a friend of a Sinhala politico mostly happens to be another Sinhalese even though the guy, probably genuinely , thinks that he is not racial minded. I count on the minorities to save us from this great evil by vehemently protesting against it.
CT please make it your main mission to constantly highlight issues of bribery and corruption as well as nepotism, cronyism and jobs for party supporters (now that your anti Sinhala Buddhist line has become boring).
Native Vedda / May 7, 2018
“Nepotism and cronyism is infinitely despicable than bribery. “
Oh please, of all people you should not be harping about Nepotism, cronyism, bribery, .. Didn’t you benefit from the clan, weeping widow, ………….?
Come on there must be a limit to your hypocrisy.
Rigmarole / May 7, 2018
How did Ranil Haamu appoint his close relative to be High Commissioner in London even without a Bachelor’s degree or International relations experience?
How did Ranil Haamu appoint his close relative to Lanka Hospitals Directorship?
Deiyo danithi.
Lalith / May 7, 2018
A supposedly clean politician close to Ranil Wickremasinghe appointed one of his staff member who has no experience in that field as a Director of Lanka Hospitals.
Rigmarole / May 7, 2018
You attack Haal Sirisena but you leave out the Royalist Chief. How did he appoint Charlie Mahendran’s son, A Singaporean to be Central Bank Governor and then lie and give a character certificate when they robbed the nation from the well of the Parliament?
How did Ranil Haamu appoint his close relative to be High Commissioner in London even without a Bachelor’s degree or International relations experience?
How did Ranil Haamu appoint his close relative to Lanka Hospitals Directorship?
Deiyo danithi.
Leonard / May 7, 2018
Can’t pin RW. with the notion trying to pass the job to his children as of now but time will tell.
Jim softy / May 7, 2018
Rajeewa Jayaweera: did you check account books of Sri lankan airlines ?. How it is doing.. Is it like the Ranil’s political beauru which is made up all the royal college people and I heard, PResident Wants every body SLFP but Pollonaruwa Maha vidyalaya and one from Meegomuwa.
any, Ranil will have to more than double the TNA list. the numober of MP’s list will exceed the 300 I heard. A rejected Politician Weerasinghe Mallamima arachchi had asked Ranil whether he could organize Dambadeniya elecorate where dutugemnu was camping waby bak I suppose, .he will spend his own money and Ranil had said Yes, but just wait and see what Maithripala Sirisena will be doing. Ranil had said MY3, Weerasinghe Mallimararchi is SLFP and will come with Mahinda Rajapakse.
Jayantha de Alwis / May 7, 2018
The only way I can think of getting rid of these gang of thieves is by electing Nagananda Kodituwakku as the next president of Sri Lanka. Until such time public should mark time and should keep their eyes open for never ending corrupt activities of parliamentarians and their henchmen.
K.Pillai / May 7, 2018
Thanks to Rajeewa Jayaweera for highlighting few more of our banes – cronyism and nepotism.
The presentation gives the impression that cronyism and nepotism is widely prevalent in the MS/RW regime.
One has to search hard to find the one sentence ~ “The Rajapakse regime turned nepotism and cronyism into a fine art”.
Rajeewa: Try and be a bit more even-handed.
punchinilame / May 8, 2018
Has any patholaya of a leader attempting to out-do this list, lest we forget:-
The Rajapakse and extended family`s corrupt activity during the 9 year rule is legendary. a) Issue of 1000 diplomatic Passports during 9 yrs. of Rule. b) D.A.Rajapakse Museum construction Rs. 110 Mil. under Def. Secy. Signature, undertaken by Navy & LR&D Com. c) Purchase of Gowers Pvt. Ltd. by a Parliamentarian in the Family d) Commonwealth Games Trip of 140 persons & exp. of Rs. 358 mil. thereof including a CB Governor and a Hon. Parliamentarian- e) Rs. 12,500 mil. found dumped in Temple Trees during Dec.2014/Jan.2015 f) Prof. S.Wijeyasooriyas allegation re the sale & distribution of 40 Kg. Gold, also Siriliya A/c. g) An ex-CJ admitting corrupt (?) verdict on “Helping Hambantota” Case! h) An MR Co-ordinating Secy. holding multiple jobs arrested with 10 Gold Biscuits,(1106 gm) by FCID i) CICT paid Rs.19.41 mil. to Pushpa Rajapakse Foundation on 21-5-12 before Cololmbo South Terminal Contract commenced. j) Min. Rambukwella`s Rs. 20 Mil. Ex Presidents Fund plus Insurance obtained over Med. Treatment in 2012. k) Rs.372 Mil. Fraud by Diplomat U.Weeratunga in 2006 in MiG purchases under ex DS Gota then. Latest:http://www.sundaytimes.lk/170108/columns/udayangas-16-bank-accounts-frozen-total-balance-rs-225-million-223301.htm l)
chiv / May 7, 2018
Rajeeva after reading few of your articles it was clear to me you are biased and tunnel visioned, that is when I decided to stop reading and not to waste my time any more. Because of the caption I decided to take a look at this one and there you go . Nepotism and cronyism . Where were in the the last 15 years ( The golden era of MR) or so. Hibernation??? meditation????? or like the rest Selective Amnesia. Time to see a Doc hope it is not global.How pathetic you guys are including DJ.To the pseudo intellectuals I say ” be smart but not at the expense of making others fool.”
Appusingho / May 7, 2018
I fully agree with you Jayantha. Nagananda is the only person who could be free of corruption, nepotism, cronyism and bribery. Listen to SLVLOG for details.
appubaba / May 8, 2018
Me too I happened to listen to him today.
All his arguments are based on how to build up a society without corruptoin and abuse.
That is the basis, but the problem is how many of our people would get the message.
Most in this country are highly corrupted. They would just betray his own vote for some petty gains.
Rajapakshes words or any rice packets can change thier thoughts easily.
People are so naive and uneducated. I mean most of the people.
They dont think about the better future. Even Astrologists working for Rjapakashes can abuse those gulilöable folks.
Rajapakshes knows very well which folks would be his prey.
He has been abusing them from the day 1
His killing mentality is beyond all bearing. Man is a born rascal.
He may have fed not human milk, but human blood in his child hood to behave so.
Today I heard him saying, that the current duo would know nothing. but to tax… but this bugger is shamless the manner he wasted the state…. people should not forget it easily.
chiv / May 8, 2018
Rajeeva I will be honest , tell me if I am wrong. I find you as a racial and communal minded person,
just like DJ but well disguised and another MR Hyena in sheep skin. I hope I am wrong in my estimation.
chiv / May 8, 2018
Thank you so much Punchinilame for presenting the facts in an orderly manner, which an imbecile should be able to read and make sense out of it. But then again what if a person is worse than an imbecile or pretending to be one???
Paul / May 8, 2018
Dear Ranil,
What is all this nepotism stuff the government is allowing to be published in CT? Is this some kind of sick joke?
Yours worriedly,
London Aunty
Rabok / May 9, 2018
Rajeev – what you write is exactly correct – but by writing alone will not solve this grave problem – how can we solve this problem ?? – everybody express their frustration but nobody offers a practical solution – one option would be to find a strong , honest leader – ????????
UKCitizen / May 14, 2018
You missed “Racketeering” as well.
Politicians/Criminals/Cronies working together to asset strip the country. Happening on a large scale.
It’s time that the people of Sri Lanka understand that selling out your country for personal gain is called “TREASON”.