10 September, 2024


What Is Wrong With Sri Lanka?

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

It is not the country per se, but the politicians and the people who are wrong. While politicians should take 70 percent responsibility, the people also should take the rest or 30 percent. It is true that these wrongs on the part of the politicians or the people are not limited to Sri Lanka. Even in a country like Australia where I now live, there are intermittent corruption, crime, gender abuse, killing, and misguided politics. However, the difference is extremely vast. Sri Lanka’s wrongs are perhaps 50 times higher than a country like Australia.

One may pinpoint this difference to the economic difference or development. There is some truth in it. However, the whole truth is not that. It is rooted in the political culture and social culture in general. That is one reason why Sri Lanka was not being able to develop after independence like Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea etc. India also has come to the forefront of development today. Sri Lanka became caught up in a vicious cycle where political culture prevented development, while underdevelopment influenced the political culture.

What is this political culture? It is mainly renovated feudalism with family at the core of politics that dominates the political culture. It is also the same in social culture, families dominating business, religion, entertainment, and the media. Only female members are set apart. It is in a way natural for members of a family to follow their fathers, brothers, or other close members. Or it can happen the other way around, fathers or uncles helping and promoting their siblings.

Even in America or the UK, this could be seen. The Kennedy family promoted members into politics. However, in Sri Lanka this is overwhelming, some families completely dominating politics and social arena. While Rajapaksas are the most prominent example with abhorrent practices, Bandaranaikes, Senanayakes and Jayewardenes (Ranil Wickremesinghe with links) were also playing the same game. In Australia, I have not come across this process. When John Howard was the Prime Minister, his brother Bob Howard continued to serve as an academic at the University of Sydney whom I used to meet often.

Among most families in Sri Lanka, if family favoritism is not followed, that person is considered disgraceful. There is a mental gap or deficiency in this respect that should be changed. Family favoritism goes into political favoritism. A political party is virtually considered as an extended family. When it goes to public appointments, when people are selected on the basis of family, political party, or personal connections, the public service becomes inefficient and incapable. Merits and qualifications are neglected.

In 1995, I decided to come back to Sri Lanka to serve the country as much as possible, among other reasons. I applied and got the appointment as the Director of the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (SLFI) through a competitive interview. It was a great institute with many capabilities and the people working there were quite flexible and committed. However, when it came to filling vacancies and expanding the staff for new tasks, I came across political influences and pressures.

I managed to overcome them luckily as the SLFI came under the purview of Chandrika Kumaratunga as the President and as she did not make any interference at least in my case. However, I resigned and came back to Australia within six months as the situation was unbearable. People who tried to influence me were either top ministers or bureaucrats.

Again, when I finally came back in 1997, I first joined the University of Colombo before undertaking any other appointments. By that time, I have fairly learned how to overcome political influences. The university system was fairly reasonable (not completely) and on that basis it was possible for me to follow my impartial principles. However, there was at least one instance where a former friend of mine tried to blame me publicly, claiming that I myself asked for favors! It was heartrending.

Sri Lanka’s public service is large and widespread. There are around 1.5 million people working in its various institutions, departments, and branches. Although there is the Public Service Commission which is supposed to be independent, even in its appointments political and other influences are paramount. The most discriminated people in this service are Tamils, Muslims, and Women. Although there are over 15 percent of Tamils in the population, their presence in the public service is less than 10 percent. Apart from discrimination on the reason of ethnicity and gender, there are discriminations on the basis of caste, religion and region. The dissolution of Provincial Councils since October 2019 has enlarged these discriminations overwhelmingly.

It is mistakenly claimed that the ‘large state sector’ is the primary defect of Sri Lanka’s economy. It is not the size of the sector that has mattered but its inefficiency, incapacity, unproductivity, and sometimes duplication. In Australia, out of the total workforce, 20 percent are in the state sector. But it is sufficiently productive and provides necessary services even to private enterprises. In Sri Lanka, if we count 12 million as the workforce (adult population 14 million), the state sector comprises only around 12 percent.

The state sector undoubtedly should be restructured, and the workforces should be retrained or even dismissed. There is no point in keeping people like Sirimanna Mahattaya in the public service if we take an example from the teledrama, Kolam Kuttama (Funny Couple)! Even privatizing certain (loss making) state enterprises is in order. However, there are certain sectors and services that the state should hold on to. Education and Health are the most priory sectors among others, depending on national dialogues. It could allow the private sector to participate, but the state should not give up its primary responsibilities.

There can be other strategic sectors where the private sector could be allowed like the ports, airports, airlines, electricity, gas, oil, and even water, but the state should not give up its responsibilities completely. Public-Private partnership can be a model in certain areas in this respect.

The stagnation of the education sector has been a primary problem area in Sri Lanka now for a long time. This applies both to school education and university education alike. In the case of university education there have been some curricula and teaching methodology changes but those are not up to modern and current needs.

We still get a huge number of Arts students while the country’s need is in the direction of Science, Technology, Medicine, Nursing and Business Management. Those who come from the Arts streams in schools, if it is not possible to change in the short run, should be able to move to scientific areas, if capable. In Australia, there is no prohibition of changing the stream if the students show high capability in whatever area that they qualify in. School education should be totally reformed with emphasis on scientific and international knowledge.

The discarding of English education (since 1956), in my opinion, has been the major mistake that the country has committed in degrading the educational system, the economy, and the country’s international profile. In recent times young generations are trying to overcome these barriers through private education, tuition, and social media. However, this is mostly limited to the well to do. English should not be considered as a superior or imperial language, but a practical and international language.

While this short article, with word limits, confine to only few areas of ‘wrongs’ that Sri Lanka is committing, a possible conclusion is to call for an overall change in the political and economic system in the country. Those political leaders and parties responsible for the country’s present political and economic crisis should be completely ousted.       

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  • 11

    An interesting piece by Dr. Laksiri Fernando compared to couple of other previous writings of his I have seen here.
    I fully resonate with his below concluding statement: “…. a possible conclusion is to call for an overall change in the political and economic system in the country. Those political leaders and parties responsible for the country’s present political and economic crisis should be completely ousted.”

    • 17

      “What is this political culture? It is mainly renovated feudalism with family at the core of politics that dominates the political culture.”
      Why did Prof. Laksiri leave out the influence of the Buddhist clergy, as feudal and reactionary a force as anything else?
      “The most discriminated people in this service are Tamils, Muslims, and Women. Although there are over 15 percent of Tamils in the population, their presence in the public service is less than 10 percent. Apart from discrimination on the reason of ethnicity and gender, there are discriminations on the basis of caste, religion and region.”
      Very interesting, Prof. Laksiri.

      • 7

        Dear old codger,
        I was even surprised that my friend Laksiri Fernando convinced himself that he ought to redeem himself, in part at least. That he has never been consistent is a determinant in my reluctance to appreciate his confessions!

        • 4

          I was even surprised that my friend Laksiri Fernando was convinced that he ought to redeem himself, in part at least.

      • 12

        Dr. Laksiri Fernando

        “The most discriminated people in this service are Tamils, Muslims, and Women. Although there are over 15 percent of Tamils in the population, their presence in the public service is less than 10 percent.”

        Not to worry about Tamils, Muslims and women being discriminated by the state. Tamils did have a good time under colonial rule. Sinhalese still feel they were being discriminated, neglected, ….. and disadvantaged by the colonial rulers. Tamils and Muslims should not be treated equitably because Sinhalese still suffer from Colonial

        If anything saffron clad thugs are too lenient with Tamils.
        Its been 15 years since they treated the Tamils badly.

        • 14

          Are not many of the clergy more political than most politicians?

        • 16

          Thanks for the explanation. As for Buddhist philosophy, I think it is great too, but I am sure you know as well as I do that what is practised here isn’t what the Buddha taught.

  • 9

    If you exclude ‘the politicians and the people’, where are you going for a country, Laksiri Fernando.
    Your, ‘It is not the country per se, … … .’, itself is a nonsensical bunch of words!
    Your article, ‘What Is Wrong With Sri Lanka?’ should begin, ‘With people like me, nothing will be right’.

    • 7

      My sentiments exactly, Nathan!

    • 4

      It should be titled ” what was wrong with srilankens with the kind of professors of my chameleon nature”.
      Going back to recent history. Dr Fernando was one of the top men who applauded that 52-day unconstitutional govt created by SORRYSENA/Rajpakshe rascals in October 2018. Consequence is – SORRYSENA is today similar to a rape victim by Rajapakshe rascals.
      And going back to the days of Laksiri at COLOMBO University, he was one of the top professors to have agreed to award GOTABAYA and MAHINDA with Doctor titles … remember ?
      I think Prof Fernando should be mentally ill in that period to agree with his colleagues in such decisions. I would never agree to hype up RASCALS in my entire life.

      • 0

        … Why don’t you have a constructive discussion.
        Dear Laksiri Fernando (Author),
        When the article is filled with your personal glory, where would I seek any constructive discussion.

  • 5

    You refer to Chandrika Kumaratunga.
    I wish to make use of this occasion and the opportunity to speak of Chandrika. She is the least of our problems. She makes aristocracy looks attractive.

    • 1

      look, not looks.

      • 2

        But CBK made genuine efforts to introduce Federalism as the only wayout.
        What do u make of that? Unfortunately our people 😕 misinterprete Federalism even
        Not even Z genzers make efforts to correct it.
        NPP doesn’t even touches the topic 😒 🙄 😑 😕 😐 😪 😒.
        Good luck to our nation !

  • 14

    Another fact of Sri Lanka’s downfall are the corrupt links between shady business houses and customs department /government/judiciary.

    We all know the past of Abans group, small Indian shop keepers in the 1970s. Now it is a mega family owned company importing cheap products from China (customs !) hundreds of cleaning contracts (bribery)and McDonalds fast food agency.

    From the case of Abans vs McDonalds we can see the corruption and poor standards of this so called mega company. They also run a 5 star hotel in Colombo. The hygiene and poor food quality in these places can be guessed.

    Recently a Supreme Court judge as soon as he retired joined Abans as a director ! What low standards our judges have ! How and what connections did he as a judge have with this family?

    • 11

      Prof. Deepthi Silva,
      “Recently, a Supreme Court judge joined Abans as a director right after his retirement! What a low standard for our judges! How was he as a judge and what kind of relationship did he have with this family?”

      Don’t you think it’s in our genes?
      Anyways, It is wrong to compare it with European counterparts. Judging by how Sunak’s popularity today is crashing like a glass wall, South Asian genetics may be the case.

      • 8

        Leela, Finally, the penny dropped!

        Yes the South Asian gene is low. They talk as if they are something special but for a few dollars they show their low standards.

        Thanks to Western influence some of them have made money and some have got Western qualifications.

        But that low quality cannot be taken out.

        I cannot ever imagine any South Asian country as a First World country.

        No South Asian belongs in the First World. They bring a low mentality with them

        • 9

          Aren’t you a South Asian?
          Do you know who a “coconut” is?

          • 9

            Codger, this is the basic difference between your group and me !

            What you are saying is that what ever happens a person must endorse and support what he was born in to. A Jew must support Israel and an Arab must support Gaza , whatever the facts may be or even disregard the truth!

            A Muslim must blindly follow the belief he was born as and a Tamil will lie in Geneva just because that is what he is !

            I see things differently.

            As to a ‘coconut” ,I think Lee Kuan Yew was called a coconut. Today many of your crooked South Asian friends have bank accounts there and that “very able” Treasury Governor of RW, the portly Arjuna Mahendran has found refuge in Singapore ! Hospitals in Singapore are doing good business due to Sri Lankan VIPs with various ailments

            So coconuts must be better than curry munchers !

            • 6

              What does coconut mean in slang?
              slang, derogatory a black or Asian person who conforms to white culture at the expense of his or her ancestral culture, the idea being that, like a coconut, he or she is dark on the outside and white on the inside..
              May psychologists help 🙏 Prof Deepthi Silva ASAP.
              This mentality 👏 might be the reason her to fall in a mental asylum in UK.
              Btw not everyone living out of SL are refugees

    • 1

      In Abans defence they do source some high end brands like Toshiba too.
      There was no case between Abans and McDonald’s.
      McDonald’s local franchisee is a separate entity mostly owned (98%+) by Rusi Pestonjee, Aban Pestonjee’s son, who is also the Managing Director of Abans PLC. It has got nothing else to do with Abans.
      The rest of your accusations may be true. Their customer service I recently found out to be horrible.
      But to have gotten the McDonald’s franchisee agreement in the first place was an accomplishment. It was widely known that Rusi tried hard for many many years before finally securing it.
      Something seems to have gone south between then and now.

      • 13

        Ruchi why are you just repeating the press release of Abans PLC ? Did you check the facts yourself ?

        Obviously they want to distance themselves from the abuse of the McDonald franchise by this Pestonjee guy.

        But according to you Pestonjee is also the MD of Abans.

        The man who switched off fridges at McDonalds to save electricity is also running Abans !

        You think Abans management is any different to the crooked operations at McDonalds !

        • 10

          Why do you think Abans appoints retired judges as Directors of the company ?

          These judges cannot be good businessmen !

          • 0

            deepthi silva – well if you are aware of Abans press release I have no issue. I was merely pointing out the technicality that there was no Abans vs McDonald’s case.
            “You think Abans management is any different to the crooked operations at McDonalds !”
            No I don’t. I think both suffer from common ailments due to the leadership they share.
            Like I said I was merely pointing out that Abans wasn’t McDonald’s local franchisee. Just a technicality. It’s the same person involved in both(Abans & McDonald’s local franchisee -Abans Pestonjee’s son) regardless.

            • 4

              Deepthi & Ruchira,

              Abans is very easy to explain. Indian owned. That’s how Indians do business. Constantly take shortcuts to save money. Chinese are not much better. It’s always about cost-cutting at the expense of quality. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwtVkvIMnIc.

              • 0

                Lester – thanks for the link. Now that you’ve mentioned it makes sense. “That’s how Indians do business”. One only needs to look at pro-indian, elements here who thinks insider trading is no crime for proof! Looks like an Indian trait.

              • 4

                To the two racist clowns:
                Aban Pestonjee’s grandfather was born in Sri Lanka. She is Sri Lankan, not Indian.
                Of course she isn’t a Sinhala Buddhist. Sinhala Buddhists don’t eat hamburgers. Sheesh!

                • 1

                  Codger, He is a She ! What are you implying ?

                  I thought you said South Asians must always back South Asians.

                  Is that not racism ?

        • 5

          DS and Ruchi,
          Btw.it was not Abans but another company… may be Rajapakshes are behind that…… Prof. Deepthi Silva may know more.. please expose.

  • 2

    Not sure how the private sector will work with the inefficient public sector. No local person/s would do it because they won’t make the profit they expect as that of the pure profit-making companies. Foreign companies will give a temporary boost to efficiency but will take most of the profit away and/or use their investment to secure a foothold in our land.

    Government needs to give incentives to local businesses to invest in small but essential parts of the public sector. Private sector indulging in pure profit-making over the country resource and hard work of Lankan citizens need to be taxed appropriately so money can be given for this. But with this government they are not, and instead the Workers are the ones who are taxed!

    Or government needs to invest directly in continuous training for workers in public sector. Taxing the profit-making companies will again give them the necessary money for this. Unfortunately, current government is only into investing in internationally linked companies to create the 2048 vistas of prosperity. They are neglecting the current and dire needs of the masses.

    • 3

      And not a chance for any of these with the family dynasties around. Family dynasties are a huge business in themselves, and therefore freeing up money for the public enterprise is an impossibility. They cannot free up a bean, for if they do, they will come crashing down.

  • 5

    Dear Readers,

    I thought “the article of Prof Laksiri Fernando” would be better to name it “what was wrong with srilanka”.


    That’s after hearing that the most abusive person in lanken MONKHOOD will be jailed for 4 years next time.
    Ghanasara is like a “honey badger” compared to its nature, i.e. the honey badger is an intelligent animal but attack anyone for canivousness regardless of size and ability. However, this animal attack is too fierce even for the human eye to believe.

    same is true of the estranged and rowdy behavior of fake monks by name Ghanasras who is originally coming from Galle district. Looking back, I am forced to think, that Ghanasra should have been hanged long ago becaise the size of harm this man and his forces created is beyond estimation.
    However, Rajaksha was the pioneer who introduced such thugs into the Lankan society, even though their behavior tainted the entire society.

    If Gotabaya continued, GHANASARA would not have been jailed this way again.


    • 4

      Sinhala Buddhism (which is not truer buddhism) was their ideology, however scholars believe that this doctrine is very different from the actual teachings of Buddha’s non-violent thoughts. And the people were completely misled by the Bodu Bala Sena grounded by Rajapakshes and Ghanasaras from day one.

      As we know, democracy can work well only if the majority of the people of a country are intelligent and use their brains about the critical issues of the country. Unfortunately, that is not the reality in our country of 22 million people.our peoples become easy prey of any politicians in a repetitive manner.

      All other countries, though branded as “democracies”, restrict their countries to “holding elections for the sake of elections”: best examples are Sri Lanka and all other neighboring countries.


      • 4

        So the only way is to educate the population as much as possible about critical issues of this naiton.
        . But the media of this country is totally biased. That has become another mafia for the last 15 years.. Eruopean TV channels provide “talk shows” every day to educate their people. Such programs like this can improve the awareness of our hell people tremendously, if implemented. The tele-drama which are only commercially oriented should be removed or reduced from the broadcasting space.
        Media is the other crucial pillar of a country and its moderating role is always essential. This must be all the more necessary for a country whose development has been stunted by a brutal war for 30 years or more. Experts should emphasize this almost daily. Instead of unncessary pirith chants, they sohuld wake up the people s psyche.
        This should be done by strengthening the hands of the people economically through professionals, religious leaders or other means. Because war-torn nations have long been caught up in unforeseen circumstances, they have much in common. So, it is a must, every country rebuilds their society full of crime, corruption or other menas after “such brutal wars”. Although Sri Lanka was free from the terror that had gripped it by May 2009, it did not give the priority to rebuild the society.
        . I believe, in retrospect, that was the real failure of the Rajapkashe Tyrany..

  • 10

    It is too late to realise by Dr. Laksiri Fernando that political culture need to change now after everything gone on the wrong direction. As a professor when he proposed both Rajapaksa’s for doctarates he did not bother about political cutlure of the country. If he would have a treal professor he should have analysed the characters of Rajapaksa family throughly about the corruptions and massacre of civilians they involved during the war such as MIC arm deals, Tsunami deals, appointment of all families as ministers/top levels and number of civilians murdered at the end of war etc.etc. You only considered war victory against Tamils but not about anything at that of nominating them as doctarate. Every one knows that Buddhism is different the fake buddhism practcied or followed by Buddhists of this country that has a history of long and still dominant in politics of Sri Lanka.

  • 5

    ” Nothing is right ” is what is wrong .

  • 10

    Ghanasara now suffers from “Bandanagara Syndrome” and tries to feign illness.

    Sanga Kalliya is back to ruin this nation. This sivuru hora should be able to differentiate the sinhala buddhism and “real buddhism”.

    • 4

      Is not “sivuru hora” the name of a beautiful saffron coloured bird?

      • 7

        Mr. SJ,
        Your Sinhala knowledge is so great. Last November, we had the opportunity to take a photo of Siuvuru Hora at our ancestral house in Galle. I was blessed to be able to watch them arrive on that day.
        There is also a SUDU REDI HORA with a long feather tail (sinhala)


        Thanks for bringing me back to my nostalgia for my childhood.

  • 4

    “Sri Lanka’s wrongs are perhaps 50 times higher than a country like Australia.”

    Australia had a “White’s Only” immigration policy for many years, while Sri Lanka had a language policy of “Sinhala-Only.” But you claim Sri Lanka’s wrongs are 50 percent worse?

    “That is one reason why Sri Lanka was not being able to develop after independence like Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea etc.”

    Singapore was created by Chinese from Fujian province. The work ethic and political values are essentially Confucian. There are other ethnic groups, but they face discrimination in housing, employment, and when trying to enter clubs. South Koreans do not like Muslims, many parents of Korean children protested against Muslim children going to school with their children. There was also a big protest against the construction of a mosque. The reason for Korean success is again, the work ethic. At that time, there was a 6 day work week. And also Korea is ethnically homogeneous. China has some minorities but for all practical purposes, it functions as a mono-ethnic state with Han in full control. Same for Japan – look at their immigration policy. Sri Lanka got stuck with minorities, as a result of colonialism.

    • 1

      I did not want to nitpick faults as I found the article to be generally constructive, particularly like I’ve already stated – the conclusion, eventhough I found the ’50 times’ statement to be rather amusing (I mean for starters what was the metric used?) but now that you have addressed the comparison between Australia and Sri Lanka, one can’t forget the recent referendum held in “Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution”
      “This Referendum was formally announced on 23 March 2023 and held on 14 October 2023. The Referendum asked the Australian people whether they agree to recognise the First Peoples of Australia in the Constitution by establishing an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. It failed to gain support from the Australian public with only 39.6% of the public supporting the alteration.”
      Furthermore: “The Constitution still allows racial discrimination – not just against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples but against anyone. This is made possible by Section 51 (xxvi) in that the government may make laws with respect to ‘people of any race’.”

      • 5

        You are practicing racism against aboriginal races of Ceylon for more than 2500 years. When did Australians write their Mahawamsa, last time, in their history. When are you going to say sorry for the deported Indian estate workers? When are you going have the Langkang’s referendum to recognize aboriginal races like Tamils and Vedas.

        • 1

          2500 years? So you admit Sinhalese came to the island first.

          • 6

            Whoever came first, who destroyed the country is/ was sinhala-racism. That is a fact .
            So long 😪 sinhala beasts would nt turn human beings, things would nt turn bebeficial for anyone 🤔

            • 1


  • 11

    “What Is Wrong With Sri Lanka?”

    It’s time to look in the mirror Dr. Laksiri Fernando! ……. Like those PhDs you gave the Rajapakses!! ……. Hope, now Nathan won’t pop up and complain ……. I lack grace about PhDs. :)))

    Well, I fin’ly started thinkin’ straight
    When I run outa things to investigate
    Couldn’t imagine doin’ anything else
    So now I’m sittin’ home investigatin’ myself!
    Hope I don’t find out anything . . . hmm, great God! —- Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues — Bob Dyaln

    • 13

      It is human for people to think about their past when they are in the transit lounge. You figure Lester will follow suit?

    • 11

      Nimal, truth is many who write articles and comment here voted for corrupt regimes. If not , how to make up 6.9 million and 2 / 3 majority. Lanka had 75 years of family kleptocracy. That means not just them their parents and grand parents too voted for corrupt regimes. Not just families, people also voted for those corrupt, racist, drug peddlers , murderers , . . . . . . . . Mahindananda, rambo, Rohitha, Pillayan, Aiyo Sira gold smuggler, . . . . . . . .

      • 9

        It ain’t easy to bankrupt a nation (miracle of Asia) . The title should have been “What is right with ShamLanka ????

      • 9

        Nimal, here are few snippets from a recent article I read. “Another despicable SriLankan national trait : never nip a problem in the bud, but eventually get inundated by the minor trouble turned disaster. Then probably run around like headless chickens querying who caused the trouble ?”. ” Most of those employed in govt offices are filled with inertia ( a feeling of unwillingness to do anything ) to the point of idleness. Recently a visitor to Colombo Museum said there were four people at the ticketing counter. One selling, one reading news paper, one on the phone and the last just nodding. They all wore the ID of Museum employee. “Recently two Kapputas visited Buddhistic holy places , to pay homage to higher chapters, one Kandy and other Anuradhapura. They surely were heavily escorted by large convoys and security personal, all paid by bankrupt tax payers. Article titled Aiyo “knew it all” by Cassandra CRY on Island online.

    • 1

      Only when a slant is tasteless. This time the recipe is perfect!

  • 2

    I managed to overcome them luckily as the SLFI came under the purview of Chandrika Kumaratunga as the President and as she did not make any interference at least in my case.
    What dramatic action from a wobbly professor who awarded Doctorate to Gothapayal, a man who killed 165,000 Tamils and claimed Zero Casualty. Then, while TNA was pressuring the Evil Emperor for a secret solution, he wrote a book denouncing the devolution of power.
    Which is greatest abuse of power: Giving Dr. to a dangerous man who was being proposed for war crime and Genocide trial by NGOs and Tamils or John giving Robert a job at white house?
    Who benefited in Langkang by the Sinhala Buddhist Intellectual committing heinous crimes and pleading sorry for that.

  • 7

    “Abeywardena filled parliamentary posts by recruiting his kith and kin….His brother Wasantha Yapa Abeywardena is his private secretary, another brother Sarath Yapa Abeywardena is a Coordinating Secretary, brother-in-law Premananda Kumasaru is another coordinating secretary, another brother Indunil Yapa Abeywardena is the Media Secretary, son Chameera C Yapa Abeywardena is Public Relations Officer.
    In addition to these posts, one of his sons was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Lotteries Board by the finance minister demonstrating his partiality to the president who is the finance minister. During his tenure whenever a parliament delegation went on foreign tours, it became a delegation representing the Yapa family. In addition, the Speaker also held the post of Chairman of the Development Coordination Committee in his area. This post is an extension of the Executive. How could the head of legislature become an extension of the executive?” – AKD the JVP leader on the current Speaker.
    Two things wrong with Sri Lanka that haven’t been mentioned are a sense of shame among the politicians and a sense of outrage by the public.

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