By Eelaventhan Manickavasakar –
Chelvanayagam was a political Prophet who stood for Tamil Eelam as the Panacea for all the Political ills facing the Tamils
Samuel James Velupillai Chelvanayagam was born in 1898 March 31st in the Malaysian State in the town of Ipoh. In Malay language the word Ipoh conveyed the meaning as the cleanest city. Perhaps it was the fitness of things that late Mr. Chelvanayagam’s life was marked by a cleanliness unknown in contemporary politics of Sri Lanka.
Mr. Mervyn De Silva, the then Editor of Ceylon Daily News, has written that Chelvanayagam known for his physical frailties is known in Jaffna as “The Uncrowned King of the North. He also added “that even the worst opponents of Chelvanayagam will willingly testify to his Integrity”. J.R Jayewardene, by no imagination the lover of the Tamils Could not resist paying the best tribute. In his vote of condolence to Chelvanayagam in the Parliament, he said “I have not met anybody in my community or any other community who said that Chelvanayagam would let you down”. Peter Keuneman, on behalf of the communist party, described “Chelvanayagam as a man of personal and political integrity”.
Mr. Chelvanayagam, though born in Malaysia was brought up in Jaffna. He had his first education at Union College, Tellippalai and then at St. John’s College. Jaffna. I too feel privileged that I had my education at St. John’s College, Jaffna. Later, Mr. Chelvanayagam had his education at St. Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia. Rev. S.K Ponniah was his guide and advisor in the early days of Chelvanayagam’s career. Chelvanayagam graduated in Science as an external student of the University of London around 1918.
He started his career as a Teacher at St. Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia, but his career came to an abrupt end when the Principal refused to grant him permission to visit his brother who was seriously ill. Typical of Chelvanayagam he resigned his post. Then, he joined Wesley College, as a Teacher and prepared for his Law examinations. Here too I feel proud that I am an old boy of Wesley College. In the early fifties as a Wesley college student and as the President of the Tamil Association, I invited Mr. Chelvanayagam to give a talk under the title (Case for a Federal Constitution in Ceylon.) His thought provoking speech was well received by the Principal, Teachers and Students of Wesley College, Chelvanayagam specialized in civil law and he often used to say this has made him as a learned in Law.
His mastery of civil law earned a respect of all the Judges before whom he appeared. In this context, I am reminded of what he often said to me with a twinkle in his eye “for the love of words. I was not prepared to lose my case”. Brevity is the soul of wit and Chelvanayagam excelled in this art. Chelvanayagam was married to Emily Grace Kumarakulasinghe a product of Uduvil Girls College. He had a daughter and four sons. His Daughter Susili was married to Dr. Jayaratnam Wilson, who was at the Peradeniya University and later Headed the Political Science Department, at the New Brunswick University in Canada. He was an outstanding scholar in Political Science. Though he brought out innumerable publications on the Sri Lankan Tamil Problem the following books receive our attention – S.J.V Chelvanayagam and the crisis of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism 1947 – 1977 the political biography and The Break up of Sri Lanka -The Sinhala Tamil Conflict.
Words though beautifully worded may vanish into thin air. Chelvanayagam was very conscious that the thoughts on the Tamil Problem must get recorded and documented. It is in this context he started the Newspaper “SUTHANTHIRAN”. This newspaper is a record of the Tamils struggle for liberation.
Many of the LTTE Leaders have openly declared that Suthanthiran News Paper was a source of inspiration for our Freedom struggle. The last editor of the Suthanthiran Newspaper, Kovai Mahesan’s contributions to our liberation struggle was not only a source of inspiration to our Freedom struggle but he had become part and parcel of our history. Mr. Chelvanayagam was the founder of the llanakai Thamil Arasu Kadchi and the co-president of the the TULF. For record purposes it may be added that I was the President of the Colombo branch of the TULF. Many eminent personalities who are making and unmaking history, addressed the meetings at the Colombo Branch of the TULF, Which was housed at his residence in Colpetty.
Chelvanayagam was above all an undisputed beloved leader of the Tamils. He had thrown away his mortal frame and has gone to the land of no return. He passed away on the 26th of April, 1977 roughly a month after the freedom lovers have celebrated his entry to his 80th year in March 31st 1977. Mr. Chelvanayagam, though very old and in declining health, he was not classified as a person who had outlived his usefulness. It was strange but true, even contradictory forces valued his presence in Tamil Politics as the main unifying factor. In fact, the death of Mr. Samuel James Velupillai Chelvanayagam, as his full name goes, removed from the political scene, the fatherly figure who was respected, loved, admired and venerated by all irrespective of their political ideologies. Many leaders were respected and admired but few have been venerated. Mr. Chelvanaygam ranks foremost amongst them.
Politics is a dirty game, but it must be said to his eternal credit, that he purified it to a very great extent. When many politicians formulated policies to suite the next election. Mr. Chelvanayagam thought and acted in a manner that would give an everlasting solution to the future generations. That is why he was not classified among other ordinary politicians.
He was a statesman
He was an ascetic, saint, and a statesman of colossal stature. In fact, he was a leader who could not be bought over for the plums of office. Mahatma Gandhi was considered a dangerous enemy because women, wine, wealth and power could not buy him over.
Likewise, Chelvanayagam was a dangerous enemy to the Sinhalese, because none dare to buy him over. He spoke less and wrote less, but his thoughts were profound. Every word he uttered was measured and meaningful. His concern were more to the content of words than the beauty of words. A Leader must lead and never be led. In keeping with this concept he led the Tamil Masses and he was never led by them. But, as true leader he was always conscious of the aspirations of the masses. He read their pulse in a perfect manner. Mr. Chelevanayagam really entered politics when he was 45 in the year 1944. It coincided with the arrival of Soulbury Commission. His hold on the Tamil Masses and the respect he has earned from non Tamils and his political opponents continued undiminished. That speaks for the quality of the man. The Sinhalese political parties and the Sinhalese masses, though opposed to his political philosophy felt, his continued presence necessary to prevent Tamil “Extremists” taking an upper hand.
Tamil youths respected his political vision
The Tamil youths remember with deep gratitude his political vision and prophecy. We fear to think as to what would have happened to the Tamils if he had not entered the political scene in his mid forties to guide them. It won’t be considered an exaggeration to say that if he had not taken to politics. Not only the Tamils rights and even the Tamils as an entity would have ceased to exist. Ceylon had witnessed the birth of innumerable politicians but it is not difficult to count the number of Statesmen produced by this island Mr. Chelvanayagam ranks foremost among the statesmen Ceylon has produced After Sir P. Ramanathan and Sir P Arunachalam. The vacuum that was created though filled to some extent by the Late G. G Ponnambalam, was not sustained by him. Mr. G.G Ponnambalam was two years junior to Chelvanayagam! But he accepted his leadership because he had all the qualities of a leader, But, when he found that he did not possess even a tincture of honesty he parted company.
His political vision
It is to the eternal credit of Chelvanayagam that he has filled this void in a most able manner. Though Mr. Chelvanayagam may not have attained such eminence as, Pon. Ramanathan and Pon. Arunachalam, yet he stands unique for his political vision, sagacity and honest conviction. It was a Herculean task he has to perform to convince the Tamils of the dangers that were in store for them. The Tamils are now convinced as to what political philosophy they should adopt if they are to survive in this country as a separate entity preserving their language, culture, civilization and their way of life. As to how much our Sinhalese brothers are convinced about our problems and as to how far they are prepared to concede our rights remains a debatable point. But it is beyond doubt that all Sinhalese are now convinced, though they may not admit openly, that there is a gigantic Tamil problem and it should be solved if there is to be real peace, harmony and progress in the country.
This was not an easy decision. For Chelva, it was a very painful decision, knowing the consequences for implementing the same. Very often in his public pronouncements he has said that to gain freedom the Tamils must be prepared to undergo untold sufferings in the process of which they may even have to embrace death. He compared the present plight of the Tamils to a cankerous growth in our body.
As all medicines and injections have been tried and failed we have left with no alternative but to perform an operation fraught with danger. But if the operation is not performed, death awaits the Tamil patient. He appealed to us to try this method and we have determined to follow him though he is no more with us. There was a finality and fitness to his conclusion. He said we have abandoned the demand for a federal constitution our movement will be all non-violent, we know the Sinhalese people will one day grant our demand and we will be able to establish a separate state from the rest of the Island. To quote his son-in-law, Dr.A.J Wilson, this is what he says “Whatever the comfortable Tamil Middle class residing in Colombo said, Chelvanayagam’s last testament was that only a Tamil State could protect the Tamil’s from repression by the Sinhala state apparatus”.
When asked by a journalist how the TULF would achieve its goal. Chelvanayagam replied prophetically; “We will make such a nuisance of our-selves that they the Sinhalese will throw us out”.
Vaddukoaddai Resolution
“Mr. Chelvanayagam’s goal was ratified in the Vaddukoaddai resolutions of 14th May 1976 at the first national convention of the TULF under Mr. Chelvanayagam’s Chairmanship. This historic pronouncement accused the then Prime Minister Mrs. Bandaranaike of having callously ignored the TULF last attempt… to win constitutional recognition of the Tamil Nation without jeopardising the unity of the country. The conventon called on the Tamil Nation in general and the Tamil youths in particular to come forward to throw themselves fully in the sacred fight for freedom and to flinch not till the goal of a Sovereign Socialist State of Tamil Eelam is reached. “Vaddukoaddai Resolution was followed by a Trail at bar, presided by five Judges and 65 Tamil Lawyers appeared for the case. Here, Mr. M Thiruchellvam, Q.C an eminent Constitutional authority argued in this following memorable manner “The Sinhalese never conquered us, nor did we give our consent to the Sinhala rule, nor there was a continuity of the Sinhala rule. What we ask is what we had, what we lost, we want to regain.
It comes within the category of restoration or reconstitution. The word separation is a misnomer. He even further added on a comparative basis that though the Tamils of Tamil Nadu are numerically higher than the Tamils of Tamil Eelam and though Tamil Nadu is a big country, Tamils in Tamil Nadu ceased to rule themselves from 1337, in the beginning of the 14th century, but the Tamils of Eelam maintained their contiguity of their rule till 1803 the beginning of the 19th century. The last Tamil King was Pandara Vanniyan.
Mr. Chelvanayagam was a man of few words and deep thought he was an outstanding civil lawyer. Unlike some lawyers who for their love of words have lost their cases, Mr. Chelvanayagam was extremely careful in choosing his words. In fact every word was measured and uttered. If ever he was guilty of anything when choosing his words it was more a case of understatement than overstatement. It was often said that he used biblical language.
At the negotiation Table he was at his best
At the negotiation Table he was at his best. He was a hard bargainer who never yielded on fundamentals. The BC pact was a classic example of his grasp of the essential. Though Mr. Chelvanayagam was often compared with Gandhi for his political honesty. It would not be wrong to compare him with Jinnah for the grip and determination and for his unyielding attitude on fundamental issues. Typical of an able civil lawyer, he knew how and where he should lay the stress.
Preservation of traditional homeland
Among the Tamil Leaders only few have emphasized the preservation of the Traditional Homeland as an essential ingredient for the survival of the Tamil Community. Mr. Chelvanayagam excelled in this thinking far above all leaders. “What the body is to a soul is the land to a linguistic group It is necessary for itsself expression”. This undeniable truth had been repeatedly emphasized by Mr. Chelvanayagam and the Tamils are now much more conscious than any other issue that is facing them.
In keeping with Chelvanayagam’s thinking his followers in the party have made clear cut pronouncements as to the land being snatched away from the Tamils. His Lieutenant, Dr. E.M.V Naganathan, in his inimitable style said in Parliament, “birds have their sanctuary, animals have their wild life reservation, but Tamils are deprived of their territory”. It was a statement that came from his inner depths. The man was frustrated that his community was driven away literally from their bearings. Mr. C. Vanniyasingam the founding member of the Federal Party. President of the Thamil Arasu Kadchi and a MP a puritan, and a devout adherent to S.J.V. Chelvanayagam had observed that “on every occasion in which the Tamils were at the receiving end of a thrashing, they were able to seek refuge in the North and the East. If these provinces failed to provide a haven, a sanctuary for the Tamils, which way they can thay turn? Except to drown themselves in the Indian Ocean”. Mr. S. Kathiravetpillai, the theoretician of the Tamil Liberation Movement made it clear that he would prefer to keep the Tamil areas under developed or undeveloped than be developed and be deprived of our homeland. He also added that we are not losing the Tamil land but also the sea surrounding the Tamil Eelam. Mr. V. Navaratnam, the brain of the Ilankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi who drafted the Banda-Chelva Pact and the author of the ‘Fall and Rise of Tamil Nation’ and the mentor of Mr. Prabakaran have spoken in clear cut terms ‘the value of the Land as a must for the survival of the Tamil nation’.
Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam’s at Oxford spells out the truth on Sinhala State sponsored colonisation
Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam addressed the Oxford University on State sponsored Sinhala colonisation by the successive Sinhala Governments. In this context it is relevant to quote what Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam said in 1986, when the addressed the Oxford University. Mr. Thiruchelvam, presented interesting facts of the disputed Eastern Province to which the Jayewardene Government was seeking to establish a claim. This is what Doctor Neelan Thiruchelvam said:
“In 1675 The Dutch Governor Van Gones (SR) confirmed that the Northern and Eastern Provinces were inhabited by the Tamils. At the census of 1827 taken by the British there were no Sinhalese. Who were at that time was counted as Buddhist in the Batticaloa District.
There were 19,095 Hindus, 8288 Moors (Muslims) in the same census in Trincomalee district only contained 250 Buddhists. British data indicate that in 1881 there were 5012 Sinhalese in the Batticaloa district, out of a total population of 105.358 or 4.8% of the population. In 1891 the Sinhalese were 5.2%, in 1901 5.2% in 1911 3.7%, in 1921 4.6% and in 1946 two years before Independence 5.8%. In contrast, the Tamils in 1881 constituted 57.9% in 1891 56.7%, in 1901 55.0% in 1911 54.5%, in 1921 53.3% and in 1946 60.3%. In the Trincomalee district the Sinhalese numbered 4.21% ,in 1881, 4.3%, in 1891. 4.2%, in 1901, 3.8%, in 1911, 4.4% in 1921 and 15.3% in 1946. The total Sinhala population has never exceeded 1200 during the British period.
It is equally noteworthy that in 1946, out of 279,000 persons in the whole of the Eastern Province, no more than 23,000 were Sinhalese. The Demographic changes took place after Independence. When the state apparatus came to be controlled by Sinhala chauvinists. politicians and bureaucrats.
The multi-purpose river valley scheme in the Amparai District of the Eastern province created in 1963 brought in a flood of Sinhalese colonists.
By 1981, 157,000 Sinhalese colonist had settled, not as a result of any spontaneous movement of population but under pressure of various inducements offered by Sinhalese governments The Tamils and Muslims were not given equal consideration. These Sinhalese colonies now constituted 21.8% of the population. One way out of the problem would be an exchange of population, but the land the race, and the faith, lead by the sections of Sinhalese Buddhist clergy. Sirimavo Bandaranaike and the ruling United National Party would not countenance an amicable arrangement of the kind. All what Chelvanayagam feared about state sponsored Sinhala colonisation have been proved right.
Dr. A.J. Wilson says that the partition of Ceylon is already a fact of history
Mr. Chelvanayagam was charged as a prophet of Gloom but all his prophecies have been proved right. Dr. A.J. Wilson says that the parition of Ceylon is already a fact of history. “The war the Sinhalese have launched may take several years for a final decision. The longer it takes the more likely it is that a separate state will emerge. In the interim it is probable that patch work compromises will be implemented with New Delhi acting as a monitoring agent. But, this cannot continue forever. Compromised agreements will as history has repeatedly shown will not to be honoured on a permanent basis. But, the war will be resumed. The Partition of Ceylon is already a fact of history.
This is not an emotional outburst of an ordinary individual, or a third class politician. It is a clear cut pronouncement of Dr. A.J. Wilson, the world renowned political analyst.
In conclusion it may be said Chelvanayagam was a rare phenomenon in Ceylon politics, a type of which may not appear in the future. Whether anyone agreed with his political philosophy or not, it is readily accepted that his impact is permanent in the political spear of the country. Mr. Chelvanayagam was essentially a man of peace. He liked to find a solution to the problems in a peaceful manner. But he did not desire the dreadful peace that prevails in the graveyard. He wanted peace with honour.
He was a political prophet nay a Messiah who has shown the promised land to the Tamils. It is left to the Tamils to achieve it. What Velupillai Chelvanayagam envisaged Velupillai Prabakaran was determined to achieved it. Eelam is a reality ‘No’ power on earth can prevent this. The alternative for Tamil Eelam is Tamil Eelam.
According to Rt. Rev. D.J. Ambalavanar “Chelvanayagam died like Moses himself without reaching the promised land, but the vision he saw he leaves behind as the heritage and challenge to his people”.
*This articles is written to mark the 117th Birthday of Late S.J.V. Chelvanayakam, Which falls on 31st March 2015 – M.K. Eelaventhan – Former Member of parliament/Sri Lanka
malarvili gnanaraj / April 6, 2015
the tamils in the diaspora live in a time warp and fail to understand that sri lanka will never be partitioned unless the sinhalese mess up big time. the united states of america will back the UNP. india will back any sinhalese moderate willing to devolve power. between the two, they will not want a sinhalese supramacist state but neither would they agree to a tamil eelam. this is a pipe dream.
chelvanayakam was a dishonest politician who lived in colombo all his life, practiced law there and had the pretense of gandhi. he brought nothing but disaster to our people. the man and his alleged sainthood needs to be exposed. he was a trickster and a fraud.
eelaventham himself was a failed politician. if he is so confident in his outdated opinions, let him come and contest the upcoming parliamentary elections.
what a selective quote of neelan. there was a lot more than neelan said that eelaventhan conveniently omits.
i am not sure what they guys want. do they want a sinhalese backlash and rajapakse to return with chinese support? the man will crush the tamils if he were to return. the diaspora are stupid dishonest dinosaurs who don’t realize that they are already extinct but should not take us down with them to the hell of their dreams.
Thamilan / April 6, 2015
Well said Malarvili. Digging into history will not solve our problem?
Off the Cuff / April 7, 2015
Dear Eelaventhan Manickavasakar,
With your intimate knowledge of Velupillai Chelvanayakam, you have compared him to Mahatma Gandhi.
There are some aspects of the Mahathma that are not very well known in general but are known to others who have knowledge of the Mahathma similar to your knowledge of Chelva.
You must be aware of Dr B.R.Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar. He was one of the architects of the Indian Constitution. He was a well-known politician and an eminent jurist. Ambedkar’s efforts to eradicate the social evils like untouchablity and caste restrictions were remarkable. The leader, throughout his life, fought for the rights of the dalits and other socially backward classes. Ambedkar was appointed as the nation’s first Law Minister in the Cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru. He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor in 1990. (cultural India)
He wrote the following on 1st September 1943.
What does Mr. Gandhi propose to do after he gets his victory over the British? Does he propose to use the freedom he hopes to get to make the Untouchables free or will he allow the freedom he gets to be used to endow the Hindus with more power than they now possess, to hold the Untouchables as their bondsmen? Will Mr. Gandhi and Hindus establish a New Order or will they be content with rehabilitation of the traditional Hindu India, with its castes and its untouchability, with its denial of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?
These questions are not merely pertinent and legitimate, they are also necessary. The reason is obvious to those who know the Hindus.
The Hindus have an innate and inveterate conservatism and they have a religion which is incompatible with liberty, equality and fraternity i. e. with democracy.
Inequality, no doubt, exists everywhere in the world. It is largely to conditions and circumstances. But it never has had the support of religion. With the Hindus it is different. There is not only inequality in Hindu Society but inequality is the official doctrine of the Hindu religion.
The Hindu has no will to equality. His inclination and his attitude are opposed to the democratic doctrine of one man one value. Every Hindu is a social Tory and political Radical. Mr Gandhi is no exception to this rule. He presents himself to the world as a liberal but his liberalism is only a very thin veneer which sits very lightly on him as dust does on one’s boots. You scratch him and you will find that underneath his liberalism he is a blue blooded Tory. He stands for the cursed caste. He is a fanatic Hindu upholding the Hindu religion. (from Ambedkar’s writings)
Though you try to portray the Tamils as a Homogenous entity, we all know that it is not. Hence please dispense with the pretense.
Your voice is not the “TAMIL” voice but the voice of a small section of the Ruling Class of Tamils. The Larger Tamil polity were VOICELESS during Chelva’s time as they were kept ignorant by denying them an education by the Tamils you represent.
Donoughmore Commission
“The Commissioners came with certain specific axioms in mind as to what constituted “established” democratic institutions;’ the principle of equality of opportunity, the right of every man to the vote, and the regressive nature of communal representation. They noted the “great gulf between the rural worker and the Westernized classes of Colombo” and considered that universal suffrage would be the only way to prevent “placing an oligarchy in power without any guarantee that the interests of the remainder of the people would be consulted by those in authority”. They especially remarked upon “the 80,000 persons of low caste among the Tamil community” which had caused them the “most anxiety”.” (from the writings of Dr Jane Russel)
Dr Russel says that excluding Selvadurai, Sri Pathmanathan, and E. R. Thambimuttu, all the other Tamil Political leaders were against enfranchising the Low Cast Panchamars. Those who were against included Mr Ponnambalam Arunachelem, S Natesan etc.
The Forum for Depressed Class Tamil Labourers was formed in Jaffna in 1927. It was the first organized effort to defy the prohibitions imposed against the Panchamars by the Vellala.
In 1928 this forum launched a campaign for ‘equality in seating and equality in eating’ among school children, in protest against caste discrimination in enforcing different seating and dining arrangements for Panchamar and higher caste children in schools.
It took TWO years of agitation to get the Colonial Govt to listen. They then issued and administrative order to allow low cast children to sit on benches along with the high cast children instead of the floor, in all government aided schools.
The Vellala reacted by Burning Down FIFTEEN (15) schools that complied with the govt order and other acts of violence and kept their children from attending school.
The Prevention of Social Disabilities Act was enacted in 1957. It prohibited the following acts.
3. For the purpose of section 2, a person shall be deemed to impose a social disability on any other person-
(a) if he prevents or obstructs such other person from or in-
(i) being admitted as a student to, or being employed as a teacher in, any educational institution,
(ii) entering, or purchasing any article at, any shop, market or fair,
(iii) entering, or being served at, any public hotel, resthouse, eating house, restaurant or any other place where articles of food or drink are sold to the public,
(iv) obtaining any room for residence in a public hotel, resthouse, or lodging-house,
(v) obtaining or using water from any public well, spring, water-pipe or any other source of supply of water to the public,
(vi) entering, or obtaining the service provided at, a public hairdressing saloon or laundry,
(vii) entering any public cemetery and attending or taking part in any burial or cremation therein,
(viii) wearing any kind of clothes, head-covering or foot-covering at any place to which the public have access whether on payment or otherwise, or at the place of such other person’s employment, or in the course of such other person’s trade, business or employment,
(ix) being carried as a passenger in any public vehicle or vessel,
(b) if he prevents or obstructs such other person, being the follower of any religion, from or in entering, being present in, or worshipping at any place of worship to which followers of that religion have access, or
(c) if he, being a public officer, does not perform or exercise any duty or power which he is legally bound to perform or exercise for the benefit of such other person, or
(d) if he, being the proprietor of, or a person having control over, or a person employed as a worker in, a place to which the public have access whether on payment or otherwise, subjects such other person to any discrimination.
All the above was a way of life in the Tamil dominated North.
Yet no one was convicted and the oppression continued unabated.
Fourteen years later the government decided to amend the PSDA in 1971 allowing amongst other things the police to prosecute offenders on receiving complaints.
The GA Jaffna Mr Jayaweera has exposed how all 14 DROs working under him and all 11 elected Northern MP’s (all Vellalas) connived to filibuster the PSDA with impunity.
What was the role of Velupillai Chelvanayakam in the above and emancipating the Panchamar from the shackles of the ruling Vellalar in general?
Kind Regards,
Frixroy / April 7, 2015
“”What was the role of Velupillai Chelvanayakam in the above and emancipating the Panchamar from the shackles of the ruling Vellalar in general? “”
Velupillai Chelvanayakam was a catholic crusader from overseas Malaysia.
Just like GTF/BTF high hand from South Africa.
Velupillai Chelvanayakam son S.C.Chandrahasan married his Sinhala Secretary so his `tamil`daughter is claiming royalty from Mahathir Mohamad concept of race/religion.
No wonder Jayalalitha the Kannada women is now suffering `jail syndrome`
Zeekay / April 7, 2015
Hello OTC!
Liar plagiarist of the classic order.
Babasaheb, was scorned by folk of his own caste who were rickshaw-wallas when he got into a rickshaw of theirs in English suit and tie. (its in his own autobiography original hand Modi script)
If the Hindu government of India had not paid sent him on scholarship introduced him to whites how could he have visited England and learnt law.
Babasaheb was a mediocre student unlike late Nani Palkiwalla the refugee from Iran who could quote chapter and verse of law of evidence and a legend during his lifetime.
“”with its denial of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?”
Even the people of New England and England believe in the concept of Brahmin and the Cockney who lives outside of the Westminster walls.
Babesaheb was the son of a British Indian soldier and he went to school controlled by British – so his water man was under the British not Hindu priest.
(He was the 14th and last child of Ramji Maloji Sakpal, a ranked army officer – British like soup and they always have the Lions share not meant for the Heyna).
“There is not only inequality in Hindu Society but inequality is the official doctrine of the Hindu religion.”
Hinduism is not a religion only religious bigots angry about their own religion are stupid to see it that way.
The Sinhalese Buddhist has caste based marriages and the evidence is seen in the Sunday observer Matrimonial.
Born 1891. In 1906, his marriage to a nine-year old girl, Ramabai, was arranged by parents. ¬ In October 1916 he enrolled for the Bar course at Gray’s Inn, and also at the same time enrolled at the London School of Economics where he started work on a doctoral thesis. But in June 1917 he was obliged to go back to India as the term of his scholarship from Baroda ended. However, he was given permission to return to submit his thesis within four years.¬
Ambedkar’s first wife had died in 1935 following long illness. After the completion of the drafting of India’s constitution in the late 1940s, Ambedkar went to Bombay for treatment. He was suffering from lack of sleep, had neurotic pain in his legs and was taking both insulin and homeopathic medicines. There he met Dr. Sharada Kabir, a Saraswat Brahmin, whom he married on 15 April 1948, at his home in New Delhi. Doctors recommended that he needed a companion who was both a good cook and a possessor of medical knowledge and could thus take care of him.[71] She adopted the name Savita Ambedkar and took care of him for the rest of his life.[3]
Only the Brahmin woman could care for him not a slime ball.
Swami Vivekananda represented India and Hinduism at the Parliament of the World’s Religions (1893). This was the first World’s Parliament of Religions and it was held from 11 to 27 September 1893. Delegates from all over the world joined this Parliament.- “The Soul of India, the echo of the Rishis, the voice of Ramakrishna, the mouthpiece of the resurgent Time spirit”.[3] Then began his speech with salutation, “Sisters and brothers of America!”. To these words he got a standing ovation from a crowd of seven thousand, which lasted for two minutes. When silence was restored he began his address. He greeted the youngest of the nations on behalf of “the most ancient order of monks in the world, the Vedic order of sannyasins, a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance.!”
The Cyclone comes from a Hindu not a Puddhu buddhu.
Ambedkar was also critical of Islam and its practices in South Asia. While justifying the Partition of India, he condemned the practice of child marriage, as well as the mistreatment of women, in Muslim society.
Lanka Liar / April 6, 2015
Sri Lankan potics and politics of the world is very complex and you need a sound knowledge,and above all intelligence to understand that let alone comment about it. It is better people who don’t have any of these to stick to writing their shopping list. There are people there who say the same things about Mahatma Gandhi too. The audience no doubt will disregard them but will not blame them. They can only do what they are capable of. Good try but fell on your face. Good luck next time. If you are in Sri Lanka please get educated. Education is free there.
Aia / April 7, 2015
As long as mine or my family and relative lives are not in danger, I like to have Eelam, hold on, give some more time until I find a safe place for all them.
Here, the dreadful peace that lasted for while in the crave yard didn’t even last to the end, I am referring to the Maveerar Thuyulum illam with due respect for our dead ones. Such was the predicament Tamils were in and endured until 2015, do we learnt a lesson or still drifted by these hollow rhetoric.
Anpu / April 6, 2015
Thank you Eelaventhan.
Uthungan / April 6, 2015
Kanagasabapathy Canagendran aka Eelavendan has faithfully and accurately recorded SJ V Chelvanayagam’s biography and his political views , and stated the reasons why SJV as a last resort was compelled to go ahead with the Vadducoddai Resolution of 1976.but has he really said why SJV did that?
Because Eelavendan&s comparison of SJV with qualities akin to that of Jinnah is completely out of context and in conflict with the fact that SJV whom he describes a an astute civil lawyer who would not compromise on fundamental issues and knew very well,where stress should be laid to bring about a desired result.
To compare with him to Jinnah is an utter insult to SJV.
.It was in that context that Mr. Amirthalingam having become the leader of the opposition in parliament unilaterally declared in the floor of the house ‘that the TULF will be able to dump he said resolution and consider a reasonably viable alternative if the JR government would offer one.
SJV was of course not alive then but, Mr.Amithalingam would have not ventured to put forward that sensible alternative forward , if he had not known the real mind of his erstwhile chief.
MJA / April 6, 2015
History of Ceylon/ Sri Lanka is replete with mistakes when it comes to issues like colonisation like the post 1948 colonisation done by Sinhala politicians in Tamil areas and the colonisation done by the Britishers in the central hill country with the Indian Tamil labour. It is useless debating on these past irreversible issues. Lot of water has flown under the bridge since. What is required now is to find a solution where everyone will live in peace and enjoy equal rights. MJA
punchinilame / April 6, 2015
The newest aspect is the conquering Sinhala Army – or militarization of NP/EP lands,
which the current politicians too link it to political needs of the day?
[Edited out] Please write instead of posting links – CT
Ravi Perera / April 6, 2015
Mr Eelavanathan,
Dr Thiruchelvams argument had been taken up many many times by the eelamists. Tell me a single country that takes your accusations seriously.
Most of the so called colonization schemes happened in the present day East and North Central Provinces.
Claiming an area which you tamils can not justify in terms of numbers or historical facts is one of the main reason for your failure.
Here I am reproducing some thing which I have written many many times. Pls read.
Whilst it is acknowledged that Jaffna was, for about 300-400 years out of our history of 2500 years, a seat of political power ,it nature and question such as whether it was a “kingdom” or not and the extent of its power is still disputed among historians. However even those historians who support the view that the seat of power was, both a kingdom and Tamil Kingdom are at once in agreeing that it was a kingdom of fluctuating fortunes, the territory of which was largely confined to the Jaffna Peninsula and never extended to the Eastern Province.
As Professor K M De Silva said
A Tamil kingdom did exist from the the 13th century to the early part of the 17th , but except during a brief heyday of its power it seldom controlled anything more than the Jaffna Peninsula., and some adjacent regions on the coast and some parts of the interior.
Set against a history of 2500 yrs the independent existent of this kingdom covered a very brief period, and even during this period its status and influence varied dramatically; at times a very powerful kingdom; at others a satellite of expanding Dravidians States across the Palk straight, and at times subjugated by the Kotte Kingdom, and generally acknowledging its suzerainty.
There is little or no evidence to support the claim made in the TULF Vaddukodai resolution that there was either an unbroken national consciousness or a continuing tradition of independent statehood.
Professor CR De Silva said ;
A separate kingdom in Jaffna existed in Sri Lanka from about the 13th century to 1619. During Certain periods the kingdom was so powerful that for a brief period it captured power in the western seaboard almost up to the environs of Colombo.
But for most parts of of the 400 yrs it was a rather week kingdom confined to the environs of the Jaffna Peninsula. It never wielded power in the present day Eastern Province.
Nor was it always independent, for it often acknowledged the sovereignty of the dominant power in south India and was once overwhelmed by a Sinhala army from the south.
But most significantly the Tamil kings of North did not think of them as separate rulers of Tamil Kingdom. They like all the other Sinhala kings aimed ultimately at being the Monarc of all Sri Lanka.
The first ground on which a secessionist claims the Northern and Eastern provinces as being the traditional homeland is demonstrably false.
The second and the only other ground on which this claim is made is that there is in the Northern and Eastern Provinces, the boundaries of which were drawn by the British purely for their administrative purposes .
There is clearly no justification for once racial group claiming proprietary , exclusive rights over the others within these two boundaries set artificially by the British merely because there are more members of that group over the others. If there is any validity in such contention it would follow with even greater force from the same principle, since there is and always has been within the natural borders of Sri Lanka, am overwhelming preponderance of Sinhalese, the entirety of Sri Lanka is the homeland of the Sinhalese.
Whilst Tamils are an overwhelming majority in the North the same can not be said about the Eastern Province. Muslims and the Sinhalese together constitute about 64% of the eastern Province.
Although the Sinhalese are about 25 % of Eastern Province, the Tamils and the Muslim settlements are largely confined to the coastal areas (Particulary in Ampara and Trincomalee) which are relatively thickly populated compared to the sparsely populated Sinhalese villages which are spread over a huge area.
Thus of the 22 assistant government agents divisions in the Trinco and Ampara districts the Sinhalese constitute the overwhelming majority in in 10 namely, Padavi Siripura,Gomarankadawela,Kantalai, Moraweva and Seruvila in the Trincomalee district and wevgam pattu ,panama pattu and bintennepattu in Ampara district whilst the Tamils constitute majority only in Trincomalee town and Tirikkovil in Amara .
Thus the Sinhalese constitute the overwhelming majority in about 60% of Trincomalee district and 78% of Ampara district.
This spartial distribution of the population was not a recent phenomenon caused by so called colonisation but one existed long before any Sinhalese was settled in the North and the East with state assistance is borne out by the findings of Professor G H Peries professor of Geography at Peradeniya university in his paper entitled an appraisal of the concept of the traditional homeland in Sri Lanka.
Following is part of what he had to say.
“For the issues with which the present study is concerned, the feature of the crucial relevance borne out by our maps is that in the Eastern Province as a whole in 1921,all the Tamil settlements are confined to a coastal strip barely extending 10 miles from the coast o the interior. The Sinhala settlements on the other hand though comparatively few were scattered over extensive areas of the interior, covering the entirety of the admistrative divisions of Bintenna,Udapalatha,Yati palatha and meda plaltha of wewgam pattu and panama pattuin. In the northern part of the the batticalo and Trincomalee districs were mostly uninhabited /scattered Sinhala settlement.
This must be taken in the context of the fact that the Sinhalese names of numerous abandoned village tanks marked in our source maps in the inhabited tracts bear testimony to earlier process of de population. Our maps show further that the only non Sinhalese population clusters that were located in 1921 even a few miles to the interior of the seaboard were those associated with the irrigation works restored in the preceding decades. We can also observe that the Tamil settlements nearest to the claimed southern boundary of Kumbukkan oya was a coastal town of mixed population about 35 miles north of that boundary”
The pattern of settlement distribution assumes significance from several points of view. In the first place considered in the light of our earlier observations on the trends of demographic change in the Preceding centuries the pattern as it prevailed in 1921 represents what may be regarded as the culmination of a long drawn out historical process featured, on the one hand, by territorial advances of the Tamil population and on the other , retreat and recession of the Sinhalese population.
This , in turn implies that the process of “Tamilization’ in the eastern lowlands of Sri lanka had not penetrated significantly into the interior even at its most extensive territorial spread.
The second point of significance arise from the fact that, often the “Tamil Homeland” is being defined with reference to the modern administrative units. Given the spatial patterns of ethnicity borne out bu our maps the demand by one ethnic group for exclusive proprietary rights over Provinces and districts encompass extensive tracts of territory which it had never occupied (and much of it, in every sense is the homeland of the other ethnic groups) appears in its true light as one which lacks a rational basis.
In a functional sense sparsely settled interior of the eastern lowlands of Sri lanka was not a hinterland of the settlement clusters of the littoral. Both the interior as well as the littoral were very largely rural.
Hence, a core periphery concept is of no relevance to the issue. More specifically, there is no empirical basis for a theoretical assertion that because there was numerical preponderance of the Tamils in the coastal areas , hinterland, areas, regardless of the traditional rights of the other ethnic groups, should form a traditional hinterland of the Tamil areas.
The fact that the eastern littoral itself is not ethnically homogeneous (Well known but purposely over looked) is also illustrated by our maps with a fair degree of superiority.
The littoral is as much the traditional homeland of the Muslims as it is of the Tamils. And in many areas , the Muslims constitute the majority which has no common cause with the Tamils and in fact is bitterly opposed to the EAST being MERGED with the NORTH
Unfortunately for the Tamil secessionists there is not only a Total absence of any shred of evidence any part of the East having being governed by a Tamil King, but does not even have a numerical preponderance which could provide them with the remotest justification that East is part of the Traditional Tamil Homeland.
There is nothing these secessionist could do about the absence of a claim founded on history but to continue to LIE about it, there was nothing they could do about the absence of a numerical preponderance of Tamils in the east except to UNILATERLY DENY THE SEPERATE ETHNIC IDENTITY OF THE TAMIL SPEAKING MUSLIMS and equally UNILATERLAY ACQUIRE THEM AS PART OF THE FICTITIOUS TRADITIONAL TAMIL HOMELAND, just to give them the NUMERICAL SUPERIORITY; while at the same time alleging falsely that they had been made a minority in their homeland by the COLONISATION of the East with the Sinhalese state assistance
Kumar / April 6, 2015
The above is Ravi Perera’s version of SL history. All these Sinhala Buddhist/Christian converts such as Pereras, Silvas, and Fernandos that the Portugese brought from South India and settled in the South of Ceylon for fishing, toddy tapping and cinnamon peeling are talking about ancient Sinhala history, what a JOKE!
Off the Cuff / April 6, 2015
Dear Ravi Perera,
The East was NEVER an Exclusive Tamil Habitation.
It was NEVER a Tamil Kingdom.
The Dutch National Archive is the repository of the following historical record.
During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy, who had close ties with Ceylon’s Buddhist population. There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory. Elephants captured on Ceylon were herded past here to Jaffna to be sold in India, hence the name Elephant Pass.
This is unchallengeable and unambiguous evidence of the location of the BORDER of the Kandyan Kingdom of the Sinhalese and that of the Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna.
It also provides historical continuity of the border to the last Tamil king Cankili II of the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom. The border did not change during Portuguese rule and passed to Dutch rule when the Dutch defeated them.
Thus the Territory South and East of Elephant Pass was the Sinhala Kingdom of Kandy. There was absolutely NO Tamil Kingdom in the East.
Here is a satellite view of “Elephant Pass” that will make things clear. The A9 road runs on the Isthmus of Elephant Pass. The Northern end of which is on the Jaffna Peninsular while the Southern end is on Mainland Lanka.
Zoom out till you have a good view of the Peninsular.
Prof (Dr) Pradeep Jeganathan, a Tamil gentleman of repute says.
“Not every legitimate ruler of southern Lanka was a Buddhist in early modern times. Yet also it is not historically accurate to say that the Kings of Jaffna ruled the east, certainly even a cursory glance at Dutch records and the doings of Rajasinha the 2nd will tell you, that the Kings of the Kanda Uda Pas Rate, (the five countries on top of the mountains) were also the overlords of Batticoloa and Trincomalee”.
Who is Dr Pradeep Jeganathan?
Pradeep Jeganathan is Professor in the Department of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences at SNU. His research interests focus on the perpetration of violence, survival and bad death. Simultaneously he also has begun research on familial and romantic love. He also has continuing interests in colonial forms of knowledge, post-colonial nationalism and sublterneity and Theravada Buddhism. Cyber-cociality and cyber-subjectivity is another interest. He has published extensively on these themes.
Pradeep was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he won the James McCormack Award for Outstanding Engineering Research, and the Robert Boit Prize for Short Fiction, and graduated in 1988 with a joint degree in Electrical Engineering and Creative Writing. He received his graduate training in socio-cultural anthropology at the University of Chicago, where he was awarded the University’s Century fellowship, and dissertation fellowships from the MacArthur & H.F. Guggenheim foundations. In 1997 he was awarded the departmental distinction for his doctoral dissertation, and subsequently the EarlS. Johnson Post-doctoral fellowship in the Social Sciences.
He then moved to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, where he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Institute of Global Studies. In 2000 he was awarded the McKnight Land-grant Professorship in the University. He moved back to his place of birth, Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2004 and took up an appointment as Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Ethnic studies, where he also served on the Board of Management, and directed and worked on a number of large scale, multi sited field work projects, with grants from a number of international agencies including NORAD and IDRC. In 2008 he moved to Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies, as Senior Consultant Anthologist, and also served as visiting faculty at the Post Graduate Institute of Archaeological Research, at the University of Kelaniya.
Kind Regards,
Zeekay / April 6, 2015
“The Dutch National Archive is the repository of the following historical record.”
Quote of another `private company` VOC building `POST` with contracting mercenaries (as seen at South Africa) and registered in the Netherlands with no government, eg. just like Brook Bond when there was no government but worst because of the catholic/protestant wars.
If Cargills says something about European History then it must be the gospel truth?? slime ball.
Off the Cuff / April 7, 2015
Dear ZeeKay,
East India Company
Originally chartered as the “Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies”, the company rose to account for half of the world’s trade, particularly trade in basic commodities that included cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpetre, tea and opium. The company also ruled the beginnings of the British Empire in India.
The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth on 31 December 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the Company’s shares. The government owned no shares and had only indirect control.
The company eventually came to rule large areas of India with its own private armies, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions. Company rule in India effectively began in 1757 after the Battle of Plassey and lasted until 1858 when, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown assuming direct control of India in the form of the new British Raj. (wiki)
The Dutch East India Company
(Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC, “United East India Company”) was a chartered company established in 1602, when the States General of the Netherlands granted it a 21-year monopoly to carry out trade activities in Asia. It is often considered to have been the first multinational corporation in the world and it was the first company to issue stock. It was a powerful company, possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, strike its own coins, and establish colonies.
Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade. Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tons of Asian trade goods. By contrast, the rest of Europe combined sent only 882,412 people from 1500 to 1795, and the fleet of the English (later British) East India Company, the VOC’s nearest competitor, was a distant second to its total traffic with 2,690 ships and a mere one-fifth the tonnage of goods carried by the VOC. The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century.
Having been set up in 1602, to profit from the Malukan spice trade, in 1619 the VOC established a capital in the port city of Jayakarta and changed the city name into Batavia (now Jakarta). Over the next two centuries the Company acquired additional ports as trading bases and safeguarded their interests by taking over surrounding territory. It remained an important trading concern and paid an 18% annual dividend for almost 200 years.
Weighed down by corruption in the late 18th century, the Company went bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1800, its possessions and the debt being taken over by the government of the Dutch Batavian Republic. The VOC’s territories became the Dutch East Indies and were expanded over the course of the 19th century to include the whole of the Indonesian archipelago, and in the 20th century would form the Republic of Indonesia.
Re “If Cargills says something about European History then it must be the gospel truth?? slime ball”
Though appearing in new attire the body is the same and the brain is the same. It is crass Stupidity to even attempt a comparison with the VOC or even the much smaller East India Company with Cargills!!!!
An Idiot remains and Idiot no matter what he wears.
Kind Regards,
Zeekay / April 7, 2015
Hello OTC!
Liar plagiarist of the classic order.
OTC says “”possessing quasi-governmental powers,”” (non governmental agency private we still use it for immigration known as Border Security Force)
Slime Ball says: “The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth on 31 December 1600,”
she died in 1603 after giving assistance to the dutch protestants to defeat the catholics (Charles v or Carlos 1 Spanish was roman emperor and his wife living in Spain was Queen of Spain & VOC was for his mistress to deal)
nothing less but more she needed the dutch fast ships.
But the company was founded in Founded in 1602, the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie or VOC) flourished and survived for two centuries.
TIMELINE : Extract From the Dutch Museum of VOC: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/explore-the-collection/timeline-dutch-history/1602-trade-with-the-east-voc.
Lanka only sell elephants at first because it is Hindu.
¬¬In 1600, Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud, the principal secretary to the Moroccan ruler Mulai Ahmad al-Mansur, visited England as an ambassador to the court of Queen Elizabeth I,[138][141] to negotiate an Anglo-Moroccan alliance against Spain.[137][138] Elizabeth “agreed to sell munitions supplies to Morocco, and she and Mulai Ahmad al-Mansur talked on and off about mounting a joint operation against the Spanish”.[142] Discussions however remained inconclusive, and both rulers died within two years of the embassy.[143]¬¬
This article is about the trading company.:
“”The Dutch East India Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC….
….and in the 20th century would form the Republic of Indonesia.””
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_East_India_Company (GOD Buddha god forOTC)
After the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, the VOC was a financial wreck, and after vain attempts by the provincial States of Holland and Zeeland to reorganise it, was nationalised on 1 March 1796[46] by the newBatavian Republic. Its charter was renewed several times, but allowed to expire on 31 December 1799.[46] Most of the possessions of the former VOC were subsequently occupied by Great Britain during theNapoleonic wars, but after the new United Kingdom of the Netherlands was created by the Congress of Vienna, some of these were restored to this successor state of the old Dutch Republic by the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814.
16th century
Osias Beert the Elder, from Antwerp. Dishes with Oysters, Fruit, and Wine, c. 1620/1625
After the silting up of the Zwin and the consequent decline of Bruges, the city of Antwerp, then part of the Duchy of Brabant, gained in importance. At the end of the 15th century the foreign trading houses were transferred from Bruges to Antwerp, and the building assigned to the English nation is specifically mentioned in 1510. Antwerp became the sugar capital of Europe, importing product from Portuguese and Spanish plantations. The city attracted Italian and German sugar refiners by 1550, and shipped their refined product to Germany, especially Cologne.[11] Moneylenders and financiers did a large business loaning money to the English government in the 1544–1574 period. London bankers were too small to operate on that scale, and Antwerp had a highly efficient bourse that itself attracted rich bankers from around Europe. After the 1570s the city’s banking business declined; England ended its borrowing in Antwerp in 1574.[12]
Fernand Braudel states that Antwerp became “the centre of the entire international economy, something Bruges had never been even at its height.”[13] Antwerp was the richest city in Europe at this time.[14] Antwerp’s golden age is tightly linked to the “Age of Exploration”. Over the first half of the 16th century Antwerp grew to become the second-largest European city north of the Alps.[citation needed] Many foreign merchants were resident in the city. Francesco Guicciardini, the Venetian envoy, stated that hundreds of ships would pass in a day, and 2,000 carts entered the city each week. Portuguese ships laden with pepper and cinnamon would unload their cargo. According to Luc-Normand Tellier “It is estimated that the port of Antwerp was earning the Spanish crown seven times more revenues than the Americas.”[15]
The Sack of Antwerp in 1576, in which about 7,000 people died.
Without a long-distance merchant fleet, and governed by an oligarchy of banker-aristocrats forbidden to engage in trade, the economy of Antwerp was foreigner-controlled, which made the city very cosmopolitan, with merchants and traders from Venice, Ragusa, Spain and Portugal. Antwerp had a policy of toleration, which attracted a large orthodox Jewish community.
Antwerp experienced three booms during its golden age: The first based on the pepper market, a second launched by American silver coming from Seville (ending with the bankruptcy of Spain in 1557), and a third boom, after the stabilising Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, in 1559, based on the textiles industry. At the beginning of the 16th century Antwerp accounted for 40% of world trade.[15] The boom-and-bust cycles and inflationary cost-of-living squeezed less-skilled workers. In the century after 1541, however, the city’s economy and population declined dramatically, while rival Amsterdam experienced massive growth.
View of the Pier of Antwerp from the Vlaams Hoofd
The religious revolution of the Reformation erupted in violent riots in August 1566, as in other parts of the Low Countries. The regent Margaret, Duchess of Parma, was swept aside when Philip II sent the Duke of Alba at the head of an army the following summer. When the Eighty Years’ War broke out in 1568, commercial trading between Antwerp and the Spanish port of Bilbao collapsed and became impossible. On 4 November 1576, Spanish soldiers plundered the city during the so-called Spanish Fury; 7,000 citizens were massacred, 800 houses were burnt down, and over 2 million sterling of damage was done.
Subsequently, the city joined the Union of Utrecht in 1579 and became the capital of the Dutch revolt. In 1585, Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, captured it after a long siege and as part of the terms of surrender its Protestant citizens were given two years to settle their affairs before quitting the city.[16] Most went to the United Provinces in the north, starting the Dutch Golden Age. Antwerp’s banking was controlled for a generation by Genoa, and Amsterdam became the new trading centre.
“”Though appearing in new attire the body is the same and the brain is the same. It is crass Stupidity to even attempt 2″”
After all you are a product of plantation labour from tobacco to coconut so like your class in the West India Dutch Company the West Indies people scream RACIST – slime ball.
Off the Cuff / April 7, 2015
Hello Jaadi,
I knew Zeekay was your new Mask Dimwit, but all of CT readers would not have.
That’s why I responded.
Now that they know too, the STUPID comments from Jaadi/ Javi/ Zeekay will be IGNORED as usual.
Get yourself another name to hide behind!
Though you changed cloths your Brain was that of the Stupid Dimwit Jaadi’s. That’s the ONLY thing I said!!!
Perhaps you may not have understood even that!!!
Ha ha haa!!!
VOC >>> EIC >>>>>>>>>> Cargills, Ha ha haaaa!!!
Better luck next time Dimwit.
Kind Regards,
Zeekay / April 7, 2015
What ever an invertebrate you are sitting on your brain and just another Brahman made you jump.
Just like your soul just like the poodle leaning on some other lamppost – own smelly karavadu.
Cant face the fact that you are born into a small bigot family… and just for the money- like `money-pal- manipal university`
On poppy day in England the cockney’s brush up their `cockney rhymes.` it’s a sight to watch at East End of London.
You are nowhere near that art but just farting and fuming like the crab in hot water- President Sirisena knows better that he needs BBS as they are the monks in India who have the mass support.
Alican / April 7, 2015
“”Department of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences at SNU. “”
the new `manipal (money pal)`university of UP from 2011.
a great deal of plagiarism but never did the micro processor- just talk.
Rajneesh is dead no he is alive.
But the man with the record and presidents
award plus CBE- Narayana Murthy Infosys- Chairman Emeritus
25 Greatest Global Indian Living Legends.
f reports are to be believed, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal is keen on bringing Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy into the party fold.
The speculations became rife after the ex-Infosys boss met AAP leaders Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia at the Delhi CM’s office on Tuesday.
Murthy, if agrees, will be the second IT honcho to join the AAP after ex-Infosys director, V Balakrishnan.
Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/narayana-murthy-aap-arvind-kejriwal/1/428446.html
Native Vedda / April 7, 2015
Say hello to Javi.
Anpu / April 7, 2015
“Yet also it is not historically accurate to say that the Kings of Jaffna ruled the east,”
You are wrong according to this.
Jaffna had given minimal logistical access to its Trincomalee and Batticaloa seaports to the Kandy kingdom to secure military advantages against its enemies; this was used by their influential European overlords to consolidate power in the region. In 1603, the first Dutch fleet arrives at Trincomalee and Batticaloa ports.[49] In 1612, D. Hieronymo de Azevedo, after great difficulties due to torrential rains, arrived at Trincomalee with a Portuguese contingent from Kandy. Here de Azevedo “was keen on building a fort” to the scope; he called in aid from King Ethirimana Cinkam of Jaffna but not seeing him, he abandoned the enterprise and he marched towards Jaffna.[10][50] The early death of Cankili I brought upon by the Portuguese conquest of the Jaffna kingdom saw all the territory of the kingdom of Jaffna, comprising both Trincomalee and Batticaloa, assigned to the “spiritual cures of the Franciscans”. The Jesuits followed the Portuguese soldiers to Trincomalee and Batticaloa when they occupied the two localities.[10][50][51]
Ravi / April 7, 2015
OTC is picking up bits and pieces from here and there (Dutch National Archive, Pradeep Jeganathan, etc) and misquoting (quoting out of context) and then creating his own history based on his own assumptions.
The quote in the Dutch National Archive does NOT give any evidence to prove that the BORDER of the Kandyan Kingdom of the Sinhalese and that of the Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna was the same during the Portuguese rule and passed to Dutch rule without any change. Neither does any of OTC’s references say that the border of last Tamil king Cankili II remained the same after the fall of the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom to the Portuguese.
The Eastern Province has a land area of 9,361 square kilometers (3,613 square miles). The Tamils have had a presence in the region that goes back two millennia. Successive post-independence governments in Sri Lanka, backed by hard-line Sinhalese nationalists, have attempted to deny the Tamil Hindu character of the region.
The Siva temple at Trincomalee known as Koneswaram is of considerable antiquity despite the strenuous efforts of Sinhalese nationalist historians to deny the Tamil Hindu character of the ancient port city. The inscriptions dated to the kings Udaya III and Mahinda IV refers to Tamil lands (Demel gam bim) in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka.
The arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century and the fall of Jaffna Kingdom led to turbulence in the Northern and Eastern districts of Ceylon. The only kingdom that existed in Ceylon (both Kotte and Jaffna kingdoms fell into the hands of the Portuguese) was the Kandyan kingdom and many of the old Tamil Hindu principalities sought protection from the Kandyan kings. The king of Kandy invited the Dutch to fight the Portuguese. The Dutch captured some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province (including Trincomalee and Batticaloa) from the Portuguese and handed it over to the king of Kandy. (That was the period when Robert Knox landed in Trincomalee and was taken as a prisoner to Kandy). But the Kandyan rule does not deny the Tamil presence in those areas. Some parts of the Eastern and Northern Province coming under the Kandyan Kingdom made no difference to the Tamil position in regard to the inhabitancy. The Tamils would have had and yet have no objection what so ever to the benevolent and accommodating rule of the kandyan kings whether they were from the Kalinga or Nayakkar dynasty, and see no inconsistency in the Tamil claim to those areas even under the Kandyan rule.
The Tamils were a clear cut majority in that region until post-independent governments colonized Sinhalese in the region. Even though most of the Eastern Province came under the umbrella of the Kandyan Kingdom, the census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 indicates that the two Tamil provinces (North & East) were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881). The Sinhalese population constituted only 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces in 1881; Sinhalese accounted for only 0.51% of the total population of the Northern Province, and 4.2% of the Eastern Province. Even in the census of 1920 only 4 percent of the population of the Eastern Province was Sinhalese. It is only in the past fifty years that there has been a substantial influx of Sinhalese settlements through state intervention.
Nobody has ever come across a Sinhala person or family that claimed a Northern or Eastern Province habitancy or origin. If you speak to the Sinhalese living in those areas today, each one of them will say that their father, grandfather or great grandfather is from the South (settled in North & East by the government after independence) where as there are any number of Tamils who hail from North and East and proudly proclaim their habitancy. Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism endeavors to suppress the historical evidence, but facts are stubborn. The Tamil Hindu historical claims to the East will not be forfeited regardless of the attempts by the Sinhala governments to transform the ethnic character of that land.
Alican / April 7, 2015
“Jaffna Tamil Kingdom”
like the sinhala muslim you lie too plantation boy o!
there were no kingdoms in the `totta kattu elam nadu`
but like rajapassa kingdom of idiots.
The kingdoms of were in the sub-continent with languages and culture of its own-
pandaya conquest from the sub continent and the hiding place for fugitives /sigiriya is one of a prince in hiding.
forefathers of independence lanka also hid in the sub continent.
Off the Cuff / April 8, 2015
Dear Ravi,
Your comment of April 7, 2015 at 12:09 pm refers.
Re “OTC is picking up bits and pieces from here and there (Dutch National Archive, Pradeep Jeganathan, etc) and misquoting (quoting out of context) and then creating his own history based on his own assumptions”
If I am misquoting you seem to be having a lot of trouble proving it.
I have presented little known historical factual data along with the references to allow ANYONE to verify what I have written.
I am aware that the Separatists and the Exclusive Tamil Homeland proponents, including Mr Eelaventhan Manickavasakar, the writer of the current article, will have a headache trying to counter them. You are no exception.
Re “The quote in the Dutch National Archive does NOT give any evidence to prove that the BORDER of the Kandyan Kingdom of the Sinhalese and that of the Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna was the same during the Portuguese rule and passed to Dutch rule without any change. Neither does any of OTC’s references say that the border of last Tamil king Cankili II remained the same after the fall of the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom to the Portuguese”
Let’s analyse it.
quote “During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy”….unquote
Dutch ruled the former Jaffna Kingdom in the 17th century.
They were at war with the Sinhala Kingdom of Kandy.
quote “There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory” unquote
They built a fort at Elephant Pass.
It guarded the BORDER of the Jaffna Kingdom from the Sinhala Armies. That BORDER was WITH the Kandyan King’s Territory.
Thus on one side of the BORDER was the Dutch occupied Jaffna Tamil Kingdom and on the other side the Kandyan Kingdom of the Sinhalese.
Please note that there was neither another Kingdom between the former Tamil Kingdom and the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom nor was there a No Mans land. The natural boundary was the Lagoon on the East of Elephant Pass and a narrow strip of land at the eastern seaboard connecting the Mainland and the Peninsular.
During Portuguese occupation of Jaffna, the protagonists along the same BORDER were the Portuguese and the Sinhalese of the Kandyan Kingdom.
Thus either the Portuguese encroached into the Kandyan Kingdom or the Sinhala armies encroached into the territory controlled by the Portuguese or the Border remained static after the Tamil Kingdom fell to them.
If the Portuguese encroached into the Kandyan Kingdom then the territory passed on to the Dutch would have been LARGER than the actual Tamil Kingdom of Cankili II.
If that happened East of Elephant Pass, the Sinhala armies would have been INSIDE the Jaffna Peninsular to begin with (to get pushed back later). In that event, part of the Jaffna Peninsular, would have been WITHIN the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom during Portuguese occupation of the Tamil kingdom (smaller one than the Jaffna peninsular itself).
If the second happened the territory passed on to the Dutch would have been GREATER than the ORIGINAL kingdom of Cankili II. Which means the Kandyan Kingdom would have ORIGINALLY been further North West of Elephant Pass.
Thus there is no way that the ORIGINAL Tamil Kingdom could have encroached into the Mainland, South of Elephant Pass, beyond the Natural border of the Lagoon and the eastern seaboard of the mainland.
The Mahabaratha refers to the Sinhalas as NATIVES of LANKA.
Krishna addressing Yudhishththira says that he saw the Rulers of the Sinhalas at the Rajusya Sacrifice where he Identifies the Sinhalas as the Natives of Lanka.
That was over 3000 years ago!
Thus if we go by the Mahabaratha The Sinhalese ARE the NATIVES of Lanka and have a history dating back over 3 millennia. More than 500 years BEFORE Vijaya’s supposed arrival as!!!
Mahabharata, Book 3, Chapter 51,
Vasudeva Krishna to Yudhisthira
All kings, even those of the Vangas and Angas and Paundras and Odras and Cholas and Dravidas and Andhakas, and the chiefs of many islands and countries on the seaboard as also of frontier states, including the rulers of the Sinhalas, the barbarous mlecchas, the natives of Lanka (wiki)
Please note that the Cholas, Dravidas, Naga’s, Rakshasas, Veddas etc are not mentioned as inhabiting Lanka. Only the Sinhalas are mentioned as the Natives, Inhabitants and Rulers of Lanka
However, scientific evidence points to parental populations of Lanka originating from the Indian subcontinent and Lanka itself. Sinhalese are not found as indigenous elsewhere in the world other than in Lanka. Thus the Sinhalese have EVOLVED in Lanka from Parent stock. There is also scientific evidence that suggest the Sinhalese is a Parental population of the Lanka Tamils and might be an offshoot of the Sinhalese themselves who have adopted Tamil Language due to their proximity to India’s Tamils.
Religious edifices does not prove which ethnic group is historically more ancient in Lanka than the other. The fallacy in that argument is the assumption that the Sinhalese are Buddhists and were always Buddhists which of course is untrue.
The early parents of the Sinhalese had brought their own religions from the Indian subcontinent and those religions existed in Lanka from prehistory. The population became overwhelmingly Buddhist after it arrived at a much later date during the reign of Emperor Asoka of India and received State patronage.
Therefore the existence of Ancient Hindu shrines anywhere in Lanka does not give automatic ownership of the locality to Tamils as the ancient Sinhalese were also Hindu because their parents were Hindu.
Re “The Eastern Province has a land area of 9,361 square kilometers (3,613 square miles). The Tamils have had a presence in the region that goes back two millennia”
You will have a tough time proving the 2 millennia claim as religion no longer comes to the equation.
The Eastern Province did not exist till the British created it in the 19th Century. Hence there were no British Made borders. The Kandyan kingdom encompassed the whole of the EAST right up to Elephant Pass. Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Vedda and other ethnic groups lived within that boundary but not a SINGLE Indian Origin Tamil. The overwhelming MAJORITY within that boundary were Sinhalese.
Re “The inscriptions dated to the kings Udaya III and Mahinda IV refers to Tamil lands (Demel gam bim) in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka.”
That is a puerile argument.
First of all the British Provinces did not exist during times of Udaya III and Mahinda IV. Hence your argument breaks down on that fact alone.
Today there are many Tamil Lands in Colombo. Does that give ownership of the Colombo District to the Tamils? Obviously it does not.
This is the type of argument you and most of the Separatist Tamils make.
When the British arrived 85% of Lanka was under forest cover. Hence it was uninhabited except for the Vedda community of hunters.
Living on a small section of the perimeter of a large Forrest does not give you any claim to the uninhabited forest. The same claim can be made by others living in different areas on the perimeter of the same forest.
Your arguments fail the moment the artificial boundaries that you rely on are removed.
All Land was owned by the King (I believe this was so in the Tamil Kingdom as well).
The first census of Lanka’s population was in 1827 yielding a total population of 889,584. The next in 1871 gave a total of 2,400,380. But a detailed breakdown is unavailable.
Data is available for the 1881 census and it shows the population mix as follows
Tamil———687,200 (includes Indians)
The first time Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils were separately enumerated was in 1911. This showed that there were more Indian Tamils (531,000) than Lanka Tamils (528,000).
This allows us to estimate the Lanka Tamil population in 1801 to be about 150,000.
This is not a population that could have occupied 4,665,350 Acres of Land, which is the extent claimed as the Exclusive Tamil Homeland.
Two centuries earlier, the populations would be much smaller and how they managed to defend this land which has a porous border of around 2000 km against a population more than 5 times larger to themselves becomes incomprehensible and ludicrous.
Kind Regards,
Ravi / April 8, 2015
“Thus there is no way that the ORIGINAL Tamil Kingdom could have encroached into the Mainland, South of Elephant Pass, beyond the Natural border of the Lagoon and the eastern seaboard of the mainland.”
Once again you are quoting out of context, making a lot of assumptions and your own interpretation and then coming to your own conclusions where as your premise is completely wrong.
The quote in the Dutch National Archive talks about the 17th century (Dutch period), long after the fall of the Jaffna kingdom to the Portuguese. After the Portuguese captured the Jaffna kingdom, the people were very unhappy, the Portuguese were not only demolishing their temples but also forcefully converting the people, which made them seek help from the Kandyan kingdom (the only kingdom that survived). They preferred to be under the king of Kandy rather than the Portuguese. The Kandyan king brought the Dutch to fight the Portuguese and capture the lands (this was the main purpose of bringing the Dutch). The Dutch captured a large part of the former Jaffna kingdom (North and the East) from the Portuguese and handed over to the Kandyan kingdom. That is how the area up to Elephant pass in the North and the East came under the Kandyan Kingdom. Later, the Dutch managed to chase away the Portuguese and take over the whole of Jaffna, but instead of handing it over to the king of Kandy, the Dutch decided to keep it for themselves. This is when the conflict between the king of Kandy and the Dutch began and the king’s Armies started guarding the borders of the king’s territory including the lands that the Dutch captured earlier from the Portuguese and handed over to the King (remember giving ginger and taking chilli story).
Your argument is based on the borders of the 17th century Dutch period (after they captured a large part of the former Jaffna Kingdom from the Portuguese and handed over to the Kandyan Kingdom) and not the borders of the Jaffna Kingdom during the rule of the last Tamil king Cankili II. Also, the Tamil lands coming under the Sinhala Kingdom does not mean that the Tamils in that land were replaced by the Sinhalese.
Try to look for the Portuguese National Archive of the 16th century (before the arrival of the Dutch), then your entire argument and assumptions will become null and void.
“The Mahabaratha refers to the Sinhalas as NATIVES of LANKA.”
Until today, neither the Natural Scientists nor the Social Scientists could establish anything that was written in the Mahabaratha or Ramayana as facts. Nobody has proved yet that the Lanka mentioned in the ancient Indian Sanskrit texts actually refers to the island in the southern tip of India. Nobody has proved yet that the tribes mentioned in the Mahabaratha such as the Sinhalas, Nagas, Yakkas, Devas, and so on really existed or not.
In order the create a history for this island, the scholarly monks of the Mahavihara in Anuradapura who wrote the Pali chronicles must have been very fluent in Sanskrit and very thorough/well versed with the Indian Sanskrit texts (Epics, Puranas and the Jatakas) and must have adopted most of the stories (including the names) from the ancient Indian Sanskrit texts.
Most of the mythical/supernatural stories and legends in the Mahavamsa were derived either from the Jataka Tales or from the Indian Epics and Puranas written in Sanskrit. For example, stories with names/terms such as Pandu, Vasudeva , Simhala, Sinhala, Lanka, Yaksha, Naga, Deva, Raksaha, etc are found/mentioned for the very first time only in the Indian epics/mythology Mahabaratha, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, etc. and the historians are not sure if they were true. Very much later, the Mahavamsa has also adopted it (from Indian epics) but with a different twist by including a new (Lion) story. The beginning chapters of the Mahavamsa stories which includes the names Sinhala, Lanka, and the Deva, Naga, Yaksha, Rakshasa, tribes has NO archeological/epigraphic evidence in Sri Lanka and the present day historians do not accept any of them as true. The island was named ‘Lanka’ (influenced by Ramayana), the people were named ‘Sinhala’ (influenced by Mahabaratha), and the four tribes Deva, Naga, Yaksha, Rakshasa is nothing but a cut and paste from the Mahabaratha. The monks of the Mahavihara in Anuradapura who authored the Mahavamsa seems to be experts on copy & paste. Historically it is from the Mahavamsa depiction the Sinhala race was originated.
“The first census of Lanka’s population was in 1827 yielding a total population of 889,584. The next in 1871 gave a total of 2,400,380.”
We are not talking about the entire Ceylon here, we are talking about the Tamil (Tamil speaking) areas of Ceylon that was once under the Jaffna kingdom (before the Dutch gave a part of it to the Kandyan Kingdom and later the British gave the whole part to the Sinhala government at independence). Since we do not have the census during the Portuguese, let’s look into the British census.
The census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 indicates that the two Tamil provinces (North & East) were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881). The Sinhalese population constituted only 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces in 1881; Sinhalese accounted for only 0.51% of the total population of the Northern Province, and 4.2% of the Eastern Province. Even in the census of 1920 only 4 percent of the population of the Eastern Province was Sinhalese.
With 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces (North & East) in 1881, you are still trying to call it a Sinhala land, LOL!
“Today there are many Tamil Lands in Colombo. Does that give ownership of the Colombo District to the Tamils?”
This is another joke. There are no Tamil/Tamil speaking areas in Colombo and the Tamil population in Colombo District is only a minority.
Off the Cuff / April 8, 2015
Dear Ravi,
Yours of April 8, 2015 at 11:52 am refers.
Re “Once again you are quoting out of context, making a lot of assumptions and your own interpretation and then coming to your own conclusions where as your premise is completely wrong”
Nothing has been quoted out of context. In interpreting what the Dutch wrote no assumptions have been made. The conclusions are based on factual data and you have failed to show the interpretations are not accurate.
The Data I used is backed by verifiable, Factual, Independent, Documentary evidence which is accessible to anyone. You have been unable to give a different interpretation to the Data.
The Dutch were in occupation of the Jaffna Peninsular and the Kandyan Kings territory was the mainland. The BORDER between the two from Elephant Pass to the Eastern seaboard is clearly established by the Dutch.
You are trying to overcome the obstacle presented by these hard facts by attempting to ignore them and resorting to story telling.
I am aware of the horrendous torture that the Tamil people were subjected to by the Portuguese in order to convert the Hindus to Catholicism and have no doubt that they would have been given refuge by the Sinhala Kings, the same way the tortured Muslims were given refuge by settling them in the East.
I am using the Borders that existed in the 17th century to deny you the use of the 19th century borders of the British.
I have also used Scientific data that shows that the parental populations of the Sinhalese are Indians to deny you the use of religious edifices such as ancient Kovils (ie Koneswaram) to establish antiquity of Tamil habitation to the exclusion of the Sinhalese.
Parents of the Sinhalese were Hindu too and therefore established Hindu kovils wherever they lived.
Thus I have successfully denied you the use of British administrative boundaries and OLD religious edifices to make fraudulent claims of habitation.
Now read again the arguments you made about habitation. The figures that you produce are again attempting to use British administrative boundaries that has no currency during the existence of the Tamil Kingdom.
Your arguments as well as Eelaventhan Manickavasakar’s are the same. Both of you are using non existent British Administrative boundaries that are not relevant.
Consider a very large Park which does not have any habitation but is used by all as a place of recreation. On one side of the park is a village with a 100% Tamil population. On the other side is a Sinhala population and on a third is a Muslim population. Each of them are a majority in their very own village but the Park is common property. Your argument annexes the Park to the Tamil village and you claim the whole territory a Tamil majority area. The same claim could have been done by the other two communities as well.
This is exactly what you are doing with the Eastern and Northern Provinces. But the moment the British borders become irrelevant you loose your argument.
I have made those British borders irrelevant.
I will continue with my comment in a few hours.
Kind Regards,
Ravi / April 8, 2015
Do you know the story of how the Parangi (Portuguese) went to Kotte? What you are doing here is somewhat similar. Without beating around the bush repeating the same like a parrot, please come to the point.
What you were talking about is the 17th century borders and boundaries and NOT the borders and boundaries of the Jaffna Kingdom what the Portuguese took over in the 16th century. A very large part of the former Jaffna Kingdom was captured by the Dutch from the Portuguese and given to the Kandyan Kingdom (this was the purpose of bringing the Dutch).
Your so called verifiable, Factual, Independent, Documentary evidence is only valid for the 17th century and after (ie after the Dutch decided to capture the Jaffna peninsula and keep it for themselves). The borders and boundaries of the former Jaffna Kingdom changed after the arrival of the Dutch (17th century).
Why don’t you come up with some verifiable, Factual, Independent data regarding the borders and boundaries of the former Jaffna kingdom before the arrival of the Dutch?
Btw, I know that the British borders (provinces) did not exist before the 19th century but however the North and the East existed as one kingdom.
You analogy to a very large Park is not a valid argument. Here we are talking about 3 different kingdoms. It so happened that one of the 3 kingdoms belonged to the Tamils. After the fall of the kingdom (Jaffna), the neighbouring kingdom (Kandy) was trying to capture it (on people’s request) to protect the people but they were able to take only a part of it.
All the lands, jungles, rivers, ponds, trees, animals, people and everything else that is found within that kingdom belongs to that kingdom. It is only after the independence, the lands, jungles, rivers, ponds, trees, animals, people and everything else (in the 3 kingdoms) were unified into one and given to the Sinhalese just because they happen to be larger in numbers and that is when all the problems started.
Off the Cuff / April 8, 2015
Dear Ravi,
Yours of April 8, 2015 at 5:52 pm refers.
Re “please come to the point”
1. The Dutch boundaries are of the 17th century and hence they deny you the use of 19th century British boundaries.
As a result all your arguments that use British boundaries becomes inadmissible.
2. Ancient Sinhalese heritage is Hindu and hence it denies you the use of ancient Hindu temples/Kovils as evidence of exclusively Tamil heritage.
As a result all your arguments that use Hindu religious edifices becomes inadmissible.
3. When the British arrived here, 85% of Lanka was UNINHABITED forests, frequented mainly by the Vedda population.
Thus these areas cannot be used to prove Lanka Tamil HABITATION.
4. You have not provided any reliable and verifiable evidence to establish the borders that you claim for the Jaffna Kingdom.
5. I also questioned how a population of about 150,000 in 1801 could populate 4,665,350 Acres (18,880 sq Km) of Lanka and defend a porous border of about 2000 km against an opposing population of about 1,034,500.
These figures expose the Fraudulent Claims that Mr Eelaventhan Manickavasakar and you have made.
I explained these points in my posts of April 6, 2015 at 11:25 pm to Ravi Perera and April 8, 2015 at 4:49 am to you.
Yet you have been unable to produce a comment based on a time period more representative of the last king of the Tamil Kingdom, Cankili II.
I am sorry to say that instead of providing factual counter arguments, you have resorted to story telling and going round the mulberry bush, to avoid difficult questions.
If you try to avoid addressing the issues raised I will be compelled to repeat them over and over till they are addressed.
Kind Regards,
Kumar / April 9, 2015
This Off the Butt is a stupid bigot with a tunnel vision, and the wall of the tunnel is so thick, he does not see anything beyond that. You are simply wasting your time arguing with an imbecilic moron. Just ignore this fool.
Ravi / April 9, 2015
1. You are quoting the 17th century Dutch boundary mentioned in the Dutch National Archive and talking about the Jaffna kingdom. Both the 17th century Dutch boundaries and the 19th century British boundaries are different from the 16th century Portuguese boundaries and the 15th century Jaffna kingdom boundaries. The king of Kandy brought the Dutch to chase away the Portuguese and capture the entire former Jaffna kingdom but were able to capture only up to Elephant pass in the North and most parts of the East. Later however the Dutch captured the left over land (Jaffna peninsula) but they did not give it to the king of Kandy.
As a result all your arguments that use 17th century Dutch boundaries and the 19th century British boundaries becomes inadmissible.
2. Ancient Sinhalese heritage is Hindu??
Can you prove this? What evidence do you have to prove that Ancient Sinhalese were Hindus?
If you do not provide any reliable evidence to prove this, all your arguments that use Sinhala Hindu becomes inadmissible.
3. Before the colonials arrived, may be 90% of the 3 kingdoms would have been UNINHABITED forests but it belonged to those particular kingdoms. Whatever lands, forests, rivers, ponds, trees, animals, people and everything else that is found within that kingdom belongs to that kingdom. Irrespective of the population density, the entire Jaffna kingdom (including the UNINHABITED forests) belonged to the Tamil king.
4. Neither do you, you are showing the 17th century Dutch borders and misleading the readers to believe that it is the borders of the Jaffna Kingdom. Most of the Sinhala racists do this but they cannot fool the Tamils.
5. This is another very stupid question. Not only the Jaffna kingdom, even if you compare the population of the Kotte kingdom or the Kandyan kingdom with its respective land areas you will have to ask the same question. If you go back to 1st century AD, the population of the Anuradapura kingdom would have been a few thousand but the land area of that kingdom would have been tens of thousands of acres mostly UNINHABITED. Are you trying to say that those lands (including the forests) does not belong to the kingdom?
6. A simple google search will give you the time period of the last king of the Tamil Kingdom, Cankili II.
Ravi / April 9, 2015
You are absolutely correct. Nobody is taking OTC seriously, most of the readers seem to be considering him a laughing stock. I think I am wasting my time arguing with a bigot. As you said, the best thing is to ignore such undesirables.
Kumar / April 9, 2015
Another best joke is, this OTC’s factual arguments are, giving the facts of 17th century and talking about 15th century. I have noticed several times, when the subject is about apples, he will give facts about oranges and then say “I am arguing with factual evidence” and keeps on arguing repeating the same even after someone corrects it while asking more and more utter stupid questions. When you ignore him, he will say “It was a walk-over, I won the argument, and he ran away” and feels very happy. Even the small kids are more intelligent than this fellow. Just because he knows to write a little bit of English, he thinks he is a scholar. This fellow is a top class bigot. Most people engage with him only for fun to make him a clown and have a good laugh but not for any serious issues.
Burning Issue / April 9, 2015
I note that you feel the pinch; your Dutch document fiasco has gone round the merry-go-round and exposed to elements; you still do not get it!
Your claim that you base your arguments with facts is being laid bare for all to see! I truly feel sorry for you. The reality is that, unlike the other Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists, you know that, the Tamils one day will gain what they deserve. You also know that the fabricated historical nonsense that some Sinhala Buddhists espouse that, the Tamils are invaders will not stand the test of times. You know unequivocally that the both Tamil and Sinhala heritages are convoluted and intertwined and it is because of the visionless Sinhala political leaders pushed the Tamils to stake their claim to their land.
What you have been endeavouring to do is establish some semblance of land share based on numerical ratio! This will not work; only way is to empower the Tamils and at the same time promote the national trilingual policy that will render the demography a non-issue through passage of time. This is the only way to keep Sri Lanka a united country.
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Ravi,
Yours of April 9, 2015 at 2:20 am refers.
Re “1. You are quoting the 17th century Dutch boundary mentioned in the Dutch National Archive and talking about the Jaffna kingdom. Both the 17th century Dutch boundaries and the 19th century British boundaries are different from the 16th century Portuguese boundaries and the 15th century Jaffna kingdom boundaries.”
The statistics you and Eelaventhan presents are Fraudulent and is designed to mislead the CT readers.
You are JUMPING Centuries of History in order to Fraudulently USE British administrative Boundaries, which did not exist during the Tamil Kingdom days.
You cant use the Tamil Kingdom boundaries because then your arguments will leak like a sieve.
I have provided you with verifiable evidence from the Dutch National Archive regarding the boundary that existed in the 1600s between the Dutch ruled Tamil Kingdom and the Kandyan kingdom of the Sinhalese. Those boundaries say that your claim to the East is FRAUDULENT.
You are not referencing factual data but has resorted to Fairy Tales and fantasising about a greater Tamil Kingdom that did not exist. Instead of Fantasising and Story telling, provide verifiable and authoritative proof as I have done.
“2. Ancient Sinhalese heritage is Hindu?? Can you prove this? What evidence do you have to prove that Ancient Sinhalese were Hindus? If you do not provide any reliable evidence to prove this, all your arguments that use Sinhala Hindu becomes inadmissible.”
That question underlines your POOR knowledge about Lanka.
There are only TWO possibilities.
Either the Sinhalese were the ORIGINAL inhabitants of Lanka
Or their Ancestors were MIGRANTS from somewhere.
If it is the first then this discussion ends as the Sinhalese would be the NATIVES and the Tamils would be Aliens.
If it is the second then the ANCESTORS of the Sinhalese have most probably come from India (or elsewhere) and has a history in this Island of over 2500 years.
If they came from India, then they professed a RELIGION that was in India at that time. The major religion was Hinduism.
There is scientific evidence that shows that the Sinhalese are GENETICALLY related to the people of the Indian Subcontinent. (please see “Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations” available for download from the Internet and “Genetic affiliations of the Sri Lankan population” (1995) Dr. Gautam K. Kshatriya (wiki).
Dr Kshatriya says,
“The Bengalis, the Tamils, and the Veddahs are considered parental populations for the Sinhalese. The Bengali contribution is 25.41%, the Tamil (India) contribution is 69.86%, and the Veddah contribution is only 4.73%.”
Thus the Sinhalese have a predominantly Tamil (India) contribution followed by the Bengalis and the Veddahs.
Please note the Tamils that he refers to are INDIAN TAMILS and not Lanka Tamils.
Thus unless you can counter scientific and historical evidence the ANCESTORS of the SINHALESE are undoubtedly Indian Hindus. Which means the Sinhalese have a Hindu heritage
Re “3. Before the colonials arrived, may be 90% of the 3 kingdoms would have been UNINHABITED forests but it belonged to those particular kingdoms”
But your problem is that the Tamil Kingdom was small and did not encompass the East. Both you and Eelaventhan FRAUDULENTLY use BRITISH boundaries not Tamil Kingdom boundaries because without British boundaries you lose the East.
It was the Dutch held Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna that came under the British. In the 1600s, when the Dutch was at war with the Kandyans, the common border between Dutch Jaffna Territory/Kandyan Kingdom Territory went through Elephant Pass (reference provided earlier).
And that Dutch ruled Jaffna, EXCLUDED the Eastern part of the mainland, South of Elephant Pass.
Re “4. Neither do you, you are showing the 17th century Dutch borders and misleading the readers to believe that it is the borders of the Jaffna Kingdom. Most of the Sinhala racists do this but they cannot fool the Tamils”
I have done my part by proving your claim to the EAST is a FRAUD. I have provided authoritative evidence to support what I wrote.
Now the ball is in your court to prove your claim to the East. You have been unable to do so by presenting verifiable data because such data does not exist.
I have no intention of convincing the Separatist Tamils. They are beyond redemption. But what I write will get the unbiased Tamils thinking and may wean them off the misinformation that the separatists have been feeding them.
What I write is also aimed at the foreigners who can read the references I provide and reach a conclusion of their own.
Bottom Line, my writings makes it difficult for the separatist propagandists. That’s why you see Separatist Donkeys such as Kumar, who are unable to write a challenging comment, resort to name calling.
Re “5. This is another very stupid question. Not only the Jaffna kingdom, even if you compare the population of the Kotte kingdom or the Kandyan kingdom with its respective land areas you will have to ask the same question”
The Sinhalese are not making any Land Claim based on Historical Habitation the Separatist Tamils do. Hence you have to prove that you were capable of populating and defending the TERRITORY you claim to inhabit.
To Populate a Territory you have to be able to defend it from the enemy. This is a simple TRUTH.
Thus the question how a population of about 150,000 in 1801 could populate 4,665,350 Acres (18,880 sq Km) of Lanka and defend a porous border of about 2000 km against an opposing population of about 1,034,500 is valid.
By returning the same question to me you are actually admitting that Tamils could not have defended the area claimed, thus exposing it as a FRAUD.
But remember the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom successfully defended itself from the Portuguese but the Tamil Kingdom could not.
You see, there are many factors that expose your fraudulent claims to the East.
Re “If you go back to 1st century AD, the population of the Anuradapura kingdom would have been a few thousand but the land area of that kingdom would have been tens of thousands of acres mostly UNINHABITED”
Ha haa, you don’t have to go so far. If you go back to 1214 AD, The Tamil Kingdom of Jaffna VANISHES in to oblivion. It did not EXIST.
When you get angry, LOGIC runs away.
Re “6. A simple google search will give you the time period of the last king of the Tamil Kingdom, Cankili II”
I don’t write without research and facts at my command but you seem to be shooting from the hip.
Kind Regards,
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Ravi, Burning Issue and Kumar,
Ravi, yours of April 9, 2015 at 2:26 am refers.
Re “You are absolutely correct. Nobody is taking OTC seriously, most of the readers seem to be considering him a laughing stock. I think I am wasting my time arguing with a bigot. As you said, the best thing is to ignore such undesirables”
I have posted a reply to your earlier comment a few minutes ago and I noticed this second comment of yours after posting mine.
Kumar is an IDIOT who cannot write a challenging comment but I thought you were different because of the skill you displayed in attempting to avoid difficult questions.
But without waiting to see what my response would be to your comment of April 9, 2015 at 2:20 am, I was sorry to note that you were making preparations to run away. That usually happens when you challenge someone without facts at your command.
Perhaps you saw the trap closing in.
Burning Issue, Yours of April 9, 2015 at 7:35 pm refers.
I have posted a reply to Ravi a few minutes ago. It will be available at this link when the moderator releases it.
I am glad to note that I have a silent audience who are propagating separatist ideology but are afraid to challenge me.
I have delivered a KO punch not just a pinch.
Ravi seems to be getting ready to Run, even before he has read my reply. Kumar of course is an IDIOT who cannot write a challenging comment. Why don’t you join forces and try your luck in de-legitimising the Dutch National Archive document?
Re “Your claim that you base your arguments with facts is being laid bare for all to see! I truly feel sorry for you”
Non of the FACTS that I placed before CT has been disproved. That’s because I base my arguments on Fact.
Ravi is running round the Mulberry Bush trying to avoid the difficult questions. He relates Fairy Tales about the East without any supporting evidence. I have shown why the Dutch boundary can relate to Cankili II’s. Other than unsupported Fairy Tales no evidence has been forthcoming to disprove it. If it is factually proved I will accept it but so far nothing but fairy tales.
If you don’t agree, read what Ravi has written and quote or paraphrase them for all to see.
You are from the East so why don’t you help him?
Re “You also know that the fabricated historical nonsense that some Sinhala Buddhists espouse that, the Tamils are invaders will not stand the test of times”
Read what I write with care.
I did not start writing yesterday.
Don’t try to use me to further your propaganda.
I have stated many a time that the Sinhalese EVOLVED in Lanka and that they are GENETICALLY related to Tamils from India. I have also stated that the ancient Sinhala HERITAGE is HINDU (which Ravi did not believe) and hence the presence of ancient Hindu religious edifices cannot be used to prove ethnic habitation.
I have also provided scientific data to reinforce what I have said. You have read them many a time but has not challenged them.
The mistake the Lanka Tamils do is to believe that they are Dravidians from India. The large disparity in the Sinhala and Lanka Tamil populations does not support that. Genetically you have no connection to Plantation Tamils who are from Tamil Nadu, which you should have had if you are also from Tamil Nadu but you are Genetically connected to the Sinhalese.
Due to the above scientific anomaly I believe that the Lanka Tamils are Tamil speaking Sinhalese.
Re “You know unequivocally that the both Tamil and Sinhala heritages are convoluted and intertwined”
That is exactly what I have told Ravi and when he asked me to prove it I did so in the reply I linked you to.
Re “… and it is because of the visionless Sinhala political leaders pushed the Tamils to stake their claim to their land”
It was not your Land to claim.
The land claim originated from the power hungry, vision less, educated Lanka Tamils who fanned racism in order to grab power.
You very well know who the educated were and who denied an education to the majority Tamil population. They completely mislead the uneducated Tamils by inflaming animal instincts in them.
You freely use the word “TAMIL” but the voices the world heard was only of a minority of Power Hungry Tamil Educated class, who at every step of the way resorted to rape, pillage, violence and even burning whole villages to keep the uneducated as uneducated. The Landless as Landless. The Poor as Poor. The Oppressed as Oppressed.
I don’t think that you want to engage me by challenging that statement as I have the facts to back it up and you know it.
Re “What you have been endeavouring to do is establish some semblance of land share based on numerical ratio!”
It is already in the Constitution and is the PRIMARY Law. That may be why the TNA rejected the 13A.
You should research the subject before writing about it.
Re “only way is to empower the Tamils and at the same time promote the national trilingual policy”
I have no problem with that as long as all citizens are treated as equals. A Trilingual policy is not needed a bilingual policy is sufficient. Let the Sinhala learn conversational Tamil and the Tamil learn conversational Sinhala as compulsory subjects. English can be studied at tertiary institutions as required.
I see that the moderator has released my comment of April 10, 2015 at 1:08 am.
Kumar yours of April 9, 2015 at 12:41 am and April 9, 2015 at 10:35 am
As I told Ravi and Burning issue, you are an IDIOT who has not produced a SINGLE challenging comment.
I will be happy if you can prove me wrong.
Kind Regards,
Kumar / April 10, 2015
“I was sorry to note that you were making preparations to run away. That usually happens when you challenge someone without facts at your command.”
First, let me laugh (LOL), I am sure most of the readers must be also laughing at this fool, as I told you, once again he says his opponents ‘RUN’ when they start ignoring this idiot for bringing non relevant facts (facts of oranges to prove apples).
I am sure you are going to ignore this fool and I am sure he will rejoice saying “I won” (LOL). Enjoy the fun in making a fool happy.
His ‘verifiable authoritative evidence’ from the Dutch National Archive regarding the boundary that existed in the 1600s between the Dutch ruled Jaffna peninsula (a small part of the Jaffna Kingdom) and the Kandyan kingdom of the Sinhalese (after a large part of the Jaffna kingdom was given to them) is not relevant because it does not represent the whole of the Jaffna kingdom that the Portuguese captured from the Tamil king.
I read all your responses to him, you have very clearly told him NOT to use the British boundaries (North & East provinces) and NOT to use the Dutch boundaries (because the Dutch were brought by the Kandyan king to capture the former Jaffna kingdom from the Portuguese and hand it over to the Kandyan Kingdom which they did by capturing the North up to Elephant pass and the whole of East and gave it to the Kandyan king).
However, again and again he is JUMPING Centuries of History in order to Fraudulently USE Dutch Boundaries, which did not exist (totally different) during the Tamil Kingdom days (facts of oranges to prove apples). Either he is a complete dimwit or a fraud.
I am laughing again (LOL), when you asked him to prove that the ancient Sinhalese were Hindus, he is using fairy tales and going round the mulberry bush again. Then he talks about scientific data which is not at all relevant (facts of oranges to prove apples).
His another stupid argument is that if a kingdom is unable to defend its territory then that territory does not belong to that kingdom, (LOL) what a joke. This fellow does not know even the very basic general knowledge. If we see the world history, most of the conflicts between kingdoms were due to territory. Some kingdoms were successful in defending while others were not, that does not mean that the lost territory did not originally belong to the former kingdom. This fellow has to go back to school and learn some basics.
Looks like he cannot even understand English. He has totally misunderstood why you brought the analogy of the Anuradapura kingdom and taking something else (LOL). When you talk of apples, he understands oranges.
Even then, he simply cannot understand that if you go back to 1214 AD, not only the Jaffna Kingdom but also the Kandyan Kingdom and the Kotte kingdom VANISHES in to oblivion. They did not EXIST. I am wondering if this fellow knows what logic means (LOL).
I have proved beyond doubt that this fellow is a bigot and a jobless vagabond who is like a leech (suck your time by arguing without sense). Do not waste your time, ignore this fool and let him rejoice, only make fun out of him, not serious stuff (LOL).
Burning Issue / April 10, 2015
“I have delivered a KO punch not just a pinch.”
I am sure you did; that was in your dreams!
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Burning Issue,
This is what I wrote to you.
Ravi is running round the Mulberry Bush trying to avoid the difficult questions. He relates Fairy Tales about the East without any supporting evidence.
If you don’t agree, read what Ravi has written and quote or paraphrase them for all to see.
Your reply April 10, 2015 at 3:31 pm was as follows
“I have delivered a KO punch not just a pinch.”
I am sure you did; that was in your dreams!
You have failed to either Quote or Paraphrase anything Ravi has written that is supported by verifiable evidence.
Why, could not find any?
As I said Ravi was writing Fairy Tales.
Kind Regards,
Off the Cuff / April 11, 2015
Dear Readers, Kumar, Ravi, Burning Issue, Anpu,
Kumar addressing Ravi says
Quote “I read all your responses to him, you have very clearly told him NOT to use the British boundaries (North & East provinces)” unquote
Kumar is laughing as ignorance is bliss.
Ravi wrote,
quote “the census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 indicates that the two Tamil provinces (North & East) were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881)” (April 7, 2015 at 12:09 pm)
“We are not talking about the entire Ceylon here, we are talking about the Tamil (Tamil speaking) areas of Ceylon that was once under the Jaffna kingdom” (April 8, 2015 at 11:52 am) unquote
Let the poor fool continue to laugh.
Ravi writes a story without any supporting evidence.
Kumar repeats the same, again without supporting evidence.
They believe one separatist confirming another separatist is evidence!
Ravi writes about a Tamil Kingdom (defunct in 1624) without establishing it’s boundaries. Then he makes a 200+ year jump to the British provincial boundaries claiming the provinces of North and East as the former Tamil Kingdom.
When asked for verifiable evidence they have NOTHING to provide.
Northern Province – Created in 1833, composed of the maritime districts of Jaffna, Mannar and Vanni, and the Kandyan province of Nuwara Kalawiya. In 1873 Nuwara Kalawiya was removed.
Eastern Province – Created in 1833, composed of the maritime districts of Batticaloa and Trincomalee, and the Kandyan provinces of Bintenna and Tamankaduwa. In 1873 Tamankaduwa was removed. In 1886 Bintenna was removed.
Luckily the British removed Nuwara Kalawiya, Tamankaduwa and Bintenna otherwise these GREEDY Separatist Tamils would have claimed those areas as parts of the Tamil Kingdom as well.
The Document available at the Dutch National Archive confirming the COMMON border of the Dutch ruled Tamil kingdom of 1600s and that of the Sinhala Kandyan kingdom, ran through Elephant Pass has thrown a spanner in the fraudulent claim of these greedy separatists. Hence they are trying their best to discredit it but will fail to do so.
I wrote, To Populate a Territory you have to be able to defend it from the enemy. This is a simple TRUTH.
Kumar refers to the above and says His another stupid argument is that if a kingdom is unable to defend its territory then that territory does not belong to that kingdom, (LOL) what a joke” unquote
How he arrived at that conclusion after reading what I wrote is inexplicable, if he had any intelligence.
As I said before, the Dimwit cannot make a challenging comment.
Kind Regards,
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
Ravi pottayo,
Once aagin you are giving the population figures given by Eelavanadan. read my reply well.
“Nobody has ever come across a Sinhala person or family that claimed a Northern or Eastern Province habitancy or origin”
The new families settled far outnumber the sparsely populated sinhala people in the east who were there before settlement. The sinhala people settled in the east has not been settled in a new country, they have been settled in part of the country that has been neglegected due to years of foreign rule.
Once again read what I have written well
Alican / April 7, 2015
All the evidence points to a Spanish Kingdom. When you Tamil bugger belive King Dutugemunu was a Tamil,””
Ravi Perera, muslim from the town of Machilipatnam (Andra Pradesh). The trading centre from Roman times to portugese, dutch, british.
Portuguese crown had been united in a personal union with the Spanish crown in 1580, with which the Dutch Republic was at war,
Archbishop of the Portuguese colony of Goa, Dominican Vicente da Fonseca,- 1587 death, the Archbishop of Goa,
The Portugese used Spanish Tiles and many spoke Spanish- Buro, (donkey) purro (oil cake)- you call them Sinhala tiles – thief of the plantation colony.
Sorry no Ceylon clearly defined as Portuguese colony from it’s begins at south west india.
Until 1970 when they formally resigned back home under attack from Indian army and the Carnation Revolution.
ravi perera / April 7, 2015
Kumar Thanbi,
“The above is Ravi Perera’s versin of SL history.
If the above is Ravi Perera’s history then prove to the international community that your version is correct.
“All these Sinhala Buddhist/Christian converts such as Pereras, Silvas, and Fernandos that the Portugese brought from South India and settled in the South of Ceylon for fishing, toddy tapping and cinnamon peeling are talking about ancient Sinhala history, what a JOKE!”
Look at who is laughing at the Perera’s , Fernando’s etc.
Coming from a hadi Tamil buger this a double JOKE!.
Hina Hina Hina Venna Hina guti Kapu nisa
Kumar / April 7, 2015
Thoothukudi ravi perera the Sinhala speaking South Indian,
The Portuguese brought labourers from Thoothukudi in South India and settled in the Southern parts of Sri Lanka for fishing, peeling cinnamon and tapping toddy.
By living in the South with the Sinhalese, a large part of them got converted to Sinhala-Buddhists and adopted Portuguese surnames to hide their original identity. People like ravi perera who talk a lot about the Sinhala race should check their ancestors without believing in their adopted surnames because I am sure they descend from those Thoothukudi families. Even a simple DNA/genetic test will prove this beyond any doubt.
So ravi perera, I am sure your forefathers are those from Thoothukudi, South India who were brought by the Portuguese as labourers. Just because you speak Sinhala and go to Buddhist temple do not think that you are a real Sinhalaya, you sound very much like a convert.
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
Kumar Thanbi,
“Thoothukudi ravi perera the Sinhala speaking South Indian”
Kumar thanbi, are you a North Indian ?
Thanks for letting me know that I was brought here as a labourer by protugees.
Are you a refugee in Toronto ?
[Edited out]
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / April 6, 2015
Ravi Perera,
Our history is like what a blind man groping in a dark room identifies!
What is certain in terms of ethnicity and demographics is that,
1. We, the Sinhalese and Lankan Tamils are genetically quite similar. This is fact that is increasingly being proved.
2. Our distribution island wide at the time of the first census conducted by the British in 2011. This is the only numerical basis, sans subsequent distortions, we can rely on.
3. The ugly events that have unfolded among our midst since around the time of independence until now.
Let us learn the lessons from these and plan our future based on this. Until we treat our people equally and accord each and everyone one of them equal rights under the law and in practice, we will not solve our problems. We will only have more and more of what we had in the past.
Further, develop the provinces, including the North and East, to make them vibrant economic entities, generating income and prosperity. This will create a demand for skilled manpower and promote cross-island migration. There is no need for government sponsored colonisation.
Let the North and East be designated Tamil-speaking or Tamil heritage provinces. The rest of Sri Lanka can be Sinhala-speaking or Sinhala heritage provinces. This would not preclude the so-called ‘others’ living in large numbers in every province.
Preserve our historical landmarks,,with extreme care and a sense of responsibility towards our future generations. Let us preserve our ancient place names and our colonial heritage. We have much to be proud and very much more to be ashamed. Let us work together to make amends for the latter.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Native Vedda / April 6, 2015
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Ravi Perera the Sinhala speaking Demela is ashamed of his ancestry which he would have traced back to South India. There is also another dimension to his virulent attack on shared history.
Is he trying to hide something that he does not want others to know about? His overzealous defense of Sinhala/Buddhist imagined history makes him a suspect.
Basil P / April 7, 2015
“”Is he trying to hide something that he does not want others to know about?”
Greedy, shameless muslim veddha working 366 days (21hrs per day) to tell us what??
Implement the great British yarn of equality. Utopia paradai.
If copied then everyone live in tin houses and ambude hitan gunk go.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran,
Please gift him some night and day soap.
ravi perera / April 7, 2015
Our history is like what a blind man groping in a dark room identifies!” To a great extend this statement is true. This is applicable histories of other countries too. When logic and common sense is applied to history , it could provide you with some sort of direction.
I do not think even you doubt about the fact that the current provinces were created by British.
I hope you won’t doubt the fact that the present day Eastern province was very much a part of the last Kandyan Kingdom and has never been under Jaffna Kingdom.
Inspite of the fact the Tamil and the Sinhalese are genetically similar, the tamils want to be considered a different nation and are talking of their own homeland. Hence the question of the ownership of East will always crop up.
Present day Eastern province has to be opened for future Sinhala settlement and that is the only way we can safely preserve it as part of the Sinhala territory. Colonisation is a word tamils use wrongly to describe the Sinhala settlements in the east and the North Central province.
This is like the whites in South Africa accusing the blacks of colonisation if the black govt tries to settle Blacks in the present day white majority areas.
Eastern province can never be considered part of the Tamil territory and this is something no Sinhalese will agree to. If the Tamils insist of Eastern province as part of their heritage, I am afraid to say we will not have a peaceful solution. I do not think you guys can convince the international community on this either.
Burning Issue / April 7, 2015
ravi perera,
Please know that when you quote other people you need to use inverted commas or use Quote and Unquote to denote the quote!
You say:
“I do not think even you doubt about the fact that the current provinces were created by British.”
Based on what Mr Perera? Do you accept that pre 1838, there were 3 separate administrations? Do you also know that it was the Kandiyans who first muted for a federal governance?
The bottom line is that, Sri Lanka must concede to a form of Tamil centred autonomy congruous with international standards. This is because, the Sinhala Buddhists messed up big time. Your ancestors had it good because, they converted to Catholicism during Portuguese time for obvious good times and then converted back to Buddhism when it suited! You are now trying to tell the Tamils what is right!
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
“Based on what Mr Perera? Do you accept that pre 1838, there were 3 separate administrations? Do you also know that it was the Kandiyans who first muted for a federal governance? “
What I have written is about the Eastern Province and that the Tamils can not have it as part of their homeland.
“Your ancestors had it good because, they converted to Catholicism during Portuguese time for obvious good times and then converted back to Buddhism when it suited! You are now trying to tell the Tamils what is right!”
I think it is applicable to your ancestors than mine. You buggers are asters at licking…
Eelavanathan has written about the Eastern Province belonging to Tamils. I wrote something countering his argument.I guess this is what you are saying as “You are now trying to tell the Tamils what is right!”
Kumar / April 8, 2015
Ravi Perera
“I think it is applicable to your ancestors than mine. You buggers are asters at licking…”
Can you show me at least one Tamil Perera?
The Tamils (including the king) fought a war against the Portuguese, they did not adopt the parangi (Portuguese) surnames such as Silvas, Fernandos, and Pereras.
It was you buggers that were licking…
Native Vedda / April 6, 2015
Ravi Perera Sinhala speaking Demela
“Tell me a single country that takes your accusations seriously.”
If Hindia did most countries would fall in line. Therefore make sure your Sinhala/Buddists don’t antagonise Hindia by rebalancing Indo/Lanka/China relation. If necessary Hindia would see to that it createed a Sinhala Eelam.
“Whilst it is acknowledged that Jaffna was, for about 300-400 years out of our history of 2500 years,”
Where does it say our history mean exclusive Sinhala/Buddhist history? Please cite evidence.
” Whilst Tamils are an overwhelming majority in the North the same can not be said about the Eastern Province. Muslims and the Sinhalese together constitute about 64% of the eastern Province.”
Could you cite reference and the timeline.
“But most significantly the Tamil kings of North did not think of them as separate rulers of Tamil Kingdom.”
However did the Sinhala kings think of them as separate rulers of Sinhala/Buddhist Kingdom?
“They like all the other Sinhala kings aimed ultimately at being the Monarc of all Sri Lanka.”
What has Sinhala kings aims got to do with Tamil kingdom, Sinhala kingdom or Sinhala/Buddhist kingdom?
According to your Mahawamsa Elara was king of Anuradhapura for some 44 years, Does it mean Anuradhapura was a Tamil Kingdom? Similarly Chola ruled 70 years did it make Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura Tamil Kingdoms?
You have a very big problem accepting the island’s shared history. Therefore I conclude your ancestors came to this island during Dutch rule to work in the tobacco farms. Which part of South India did they hail from?
Ravi Perera / April 6, 2015
[Edited out]
Native Vedda / April 7, 2015
Ravi Perera Sinhala speaking Demela
“Veddo, [Edited out]”
I am here.
How can we help you with your own identity crisis?
We are here to help you, do not hesitate to ask us anything that would help you to hide your ancestry.
Heretic / April 7, 2015
Native Vedda,
” Whilst Tamils are an overwhelming majority in the North the same can not be said about the Eastern Province. Muslims and the Sinhalese together constitute about 64% of the eastern Province.”
“Could you cite reference and the timeline.”
I don’t have time to find a reference but the above estimates appear to be correct AT THE MOMENT. You want to take up the “Muslims out and Sinhalese in” effect? What is the point?
Native Vedda / April 7, 2015
“I don’t have time to find a reference but the above estimates appear to be correct AT THE MOMENT.”
AmerIndian population in 2013 stood at 5.2 million while the rest of the population is about 317 million.
About 600 years ago there is no evidence of European population ever lived in that part of the world.
Using the current population census lets assume that America never had AmerIndian population before 600 years ago.
” You want to take up the “Muslims out and Sinhalese in” effect? What is the point?”
I have no point however make a note, I never said anything about “Muslims out and Sinhalese in”. If you insist on a response please refer your question to yourself.
Alican / April 7, 2015
Heretic ,
“”“Muslims out and Sinhalese in” effect? What is the point? “”
Heroin mulla not wanted!
Its called vision from the Portuguese effect and the Jews/Syrian Catholics of Kerala.
Cabral was outraged by the attack on the factory and seized ten Arab merchant ships anchored in the harbour, killing about six hundred of their crew and confiscating their cargo before burning the ships….
Vasco da Gama sailed to India for a second time with 15 ships and 800 men, arriving at Calicut on 30 October 1502, where the ruler was willing to sign a treaty. ¬Gama this time made a call to expel all Muslims (Arabs) from Calicut¬ which was vehemently turned down. He bombarded the city and captured several rice vessels.[3] He returned to Portugal in September 1503.
So the Muslim mercenaries fled to the island of Ceylon.
The Indian government left the Portuguese civil code unchanged in Goa, with the result that Goa today remains the only state in India with a common civil code that does not depend on religion.
BBS just opened the issue but it was hijacked by `all opposition` to rajapaksa to drive him out.- a grave mistake to have internationalized it the wrong way. Same as saying Gotabaya ordered the killing of Lasanta but now claiming Fonseka because he is in power- `All oppositions are canny like government – when they come to power all they do is steal like the rest because they don’t mean to govern a nation for its good but selfish interest.
BBS is the party that can unite the Tamils and Sinhalese at grass roots while the Lanka Muslim with the Egyptian and north African concept has put Lanka in the sorry sate it is in from 1968- LIBO Country courtesy Lanka Muslim.
Get the religious fanatics Muslim out and the issue is clearer.
Anpu / April 7, 2015
Ravi Perera,
Tamils have the rights to call N&E as their homeland.
Northern perspectives on the Tamil homeland
By: Professor Bertram Bastiampillai – Opinion http://www.tamilcanadian.com/article/2404
This is the fourth part of the article, “Northern perspectives on the Tamil homeland,” where the author traces the historical roots of the Tamil homeland concept, which was formulated in the 1950s by the Federal Party as a core demand and is now espoused by the LTTE and TNA.
British in the North
When the British took over the Island in 1796 from the Dutch, they unified the administration of both the Tamil and the Sinhalese areas, which were governed separately earlier. In 1833, the Island was divided into five provinces. The present northeastern Sri Lanka came into existence in 1873. As a colonial power of the industrial age, British rule over the Island was markedly different from those of the previous colonial powers in many ways, including the degree of centralization, unification and consequent ability to introduce social and economic changes. The province came under the administration of the government agent and the kachcheri. Acquisition of English education became a substitute for industrialization and economic growth.
The recognition of Tamil linguistic identity of the present Northeastern Province by the British is evident from the Cleghorn minute of 1799, which reads as, “Two different nations from a very ancient period have divided between them the possession of the island. First, the Cinghalese inhabiting the interior of the country, in the southern and western parts, from the river Wallouwe, to that of Chilow, and secondly the Malabars, who possess the northern and eastern districts. These two nations differ entirely in religion, language and manners.”
This is confirmed by the Arrowsmith map of January 1803, published in London, probably drawn in conformity with the Treaty of Amiens of 1802. Even the British have acknowledged the concept of Tamil homeland when they carved out the present northeastern provinces in 1873.
In the early years of British rule very little was done, and that too cautiously and reluctantly, to upset the social order in the areas of the Tamils of Ceylon and even elsewhere. At the acme of the British administrative structure was a governor, a proconsul of the British sovereign, but in the provinces and districts there were European civil servants to manage the administration under national supervision. Under such a setup, naturally, the areas of the Tamils too came under the administrative sway of these civil servants.
Even with the best of intentions, however, the British could not abstain altogether, or for long, from setting in motion a process of modernization. Influenced by the evangelical and humanitarian ideas that were prevailing in Britain, the new masters abolished by stages the old institution of slavery, which had been nurtured and exploited by the Portuguese and the Dutch. This change affected the northern Tamil areas too where there were a number of slaves. The status of the native aristocracy was reduced and made more dependent on the British, but like their predecessors, the Portuguese and the Dutch, the British continued to use this native aristocracy as a means to rule the Island. This feature is clearly evident in the Tamil areas where the native functionaries were allowed to continue in their offices, but under a stricter supervision by their civil servant superiors.
A significant point to be noted is that even when the British ruled over the whole of Ceylon they recognized the distinctiveness and separateness of the areas in which the Ceylon Tamils mainly lived from those areas of the Sinhalese. These Tamil populated lands were treated as separate administrative provinces from those provinces composed mainly of the Sinhalese people. The British also allowed the continuance of customs, laws and institutions and minor officials peculiar to these Tamil-inhabited areas to remain so long as they were not in diametric opposition to their essential policies or practices. This administrative attitude of the British makes it clearly evident that to them, although the whole Island was under their complete control, the people of the Sinhales areas and the people of the Tamil areas were two distinct elements of the same island’s population. In fact, the recognition of such a distinction by the British authorities grew even clearer when they began to gradually introduce political or constitutional innovations from the late 19th and early 20th centuries onwards.
However, the British rule and missionary activity in the northern Ceylon led to a Hindu renaissance in the 19th century as it was in the case of India. The pioneer of this movement was Arumuga Navalar, who by sheer coincidence hailed from Nallur, the seat of the Kingdom of Jaffna. Although this movement gave a Tamil and Hinduism an identity lately in the 20th century, Tamils in Jaffna were accommodated in the larger horizon of Tamil Nationalism unlike in the case of southern Sri Lanka. The Hindu renaissance movement of the 19th century triggered off a similar movement in southern Sri Lanka, which gave way to Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. Both these movements pioneered Sri Lankan nationalism, which unlike in India transformed itself into Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism, a sophisticated form of the Mahavamsa’s Sinhala-Buddhist ideology. The effects of this could be seen in the journey towards self-government and later separation among the Tamils during the post independence era.
The Recognition of Traditional Homeland in Sri Lankan politics
In 1929, the Kandyan National Assembly fostered the case for a federal system of government when its membership gave evidence before the special commission (Donoughmore Commission) on the proposed new constitution. According to Kandyan National Assembly, the island was to be carved into the three self-governing areas: the northern and eastern provinces in which the Tamils predominate; the Kandyan provinces and the southern and western provinces inhabited mainly by the Low-Country Sinhalese. Each of these communities would thus be granted a government of its own. For purposes affecting the welfare of the entire island, those three governments would be united in a federal government thus ensuring that no section would be in a position to dominate over the others. The claim of the Kandyans has been highlighted in an article titled ‘The Kandyans urged for three federal states in 1928 and 1948,’ contributed to the Sunday Observer of 5 January 2003 by Lakshman Kiriella.
The Communist Party of Ceylon too recognized the nationhood of the Tamils of Northeastern Province. Their view was expressed in a rally held in Colombo and their resolution at this rally was later forwarded to the Ceylon National Congress as the Communist Party’s resolutions and memoranda of October – November 1944. It reads as follows: ”As there are distinct, historically evolved nationalities, for instance the Sinhalese and Tamils with their own contiguous territory as their home-land, their own language, economic life, culture and psychological make-up, as well as interspersed minorities living in the territories; the constitution of a free and united Ceylon should be based on the following democratic principles:
•Recognition of the equality and sovereignty of the peoples of Ceylon;
•Recognition that the nationalities should have the unqualified right to self-determination, including the right, if ever they so desire, to form their own independent state;
•Recognition that the free constitution should contain statutory guarantees protecting and advancing the political, social, economic, educational and linguistic rights of interspersed minorities, as their freedom of religious worship, and secondly, statutory abolition of discriminations and privileges based on caste, race or community and making it a penal offence under the constitution to infringe the above.
•Recognition that those Indians, now in Ceylon, who are prepared to make this country their permanent home and adopt Ceylon citizenship, should have the same rights and privileges as any other community.
“As, however, the most economically developed areas are in the traditional homelands of the Sinhalese people and as the Tamils and minorities have contributed and will contribute towards such development, as well as to the general development of the whole country, this meeting further declares that the constitution of a free and united Ceylon should provide for two equal chambers, one a Chamber of Representatives, elected on the basis of universal adult franchise according to territorial electorates and the other a Chamber of Nationalities, elected on the basis of universal adult franchise and ensuring the principle of the equality of the nationalities of a united Ceylon.”
Even members of the Soulbury Commission who drew up a constitution for an independent Sri Lanka recognized in their report (Chapter VII, P 52) that the Ceylon Tamils constituted a compact and closely knit community dwelling chiefly in the northern and eastern provinces. In order to give sufficient representation of the people of the northeast, sections of which was sparsely populated due to forest coverage, it provided for each province to have one member for every 75,000 inhabitants and an additional member for every 1000 square miles.
The recognition of northern and eastern provinces as the traditional homelands of the Tamils is also seen in the Bandaranaike–Chelvanayakam pact of 26 July 1957, and the Dudley Senanayake–Chelvanayakam pact of 1965. After prolonged negotiations between the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and the Indian government, there emerged the Indo–Sri Lanka Accord signed on 29 July 1987 between the governments of India and Sri Lanka. The Accord recognizes the present Northeastern Province as historical habitation of the Tamils and other communities.
Northern perspectives of the Tamil homeland Professor S. K. Sittrampalam http://www.tamilcanadian.com/page.php?cat=434&id=2285&page=0
The Traditional Homeland of The Tamils http://www.sangam.org/BOOKS/Book-Arudpragasam/Contents.html
Dismantling the Chauvinist Foundation of the Sri Lankan State — Part One
The Contours of Sovereign Process — Part Two
Dutch and the Tamil Homeland — Part Three
The British Demarcation of the Tamil Homeland — Part Four
The Sri Lanka that went down the drain — Part Five
Achieving Peace and Harmony by Ending the Territorial Pursuit and Abuse of State Process by the Sinhala Race — Part Six
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
You talk about Cleghorn minute of 1799. According to this tamil territory ends in River Walawe. if this statement is true King Dutugemunu too is a Tamil. You too must be believing that Dutugemunu was a Tamil.
Again you quote the SWRD Bandaranayake-Chelva, Dudley -Chelvan and also the Kandyan convention as having recognised North east as your homeland. End of the day non of these agreements materialised since it did not have the support of the sinhala masses. (Politicians will do anything to get into power)
You quite rightly say that the present day North east came into existence in 1873. Prior to that when the british demarcated the boundaries initially there were only 5 provinces. Present day Polonnaruwa was part of Eastern province and Anuradhapura was part of Northern province.
Can you pls do a detail write up on how you are going to convince the international community about East being part of your homeland
Anpu / April 7, 2015
Ravi Perera,
“detail write up on how you are going to convince the international community about East being part of your homeland “
It is already done by many including Prof Bastiampillai, Prof Sittampalam, Mr Arudpragasam,…
Please spend some time on the information given above via several links then put your view (indicating which article etc.)
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
“It is already done by many including Prof Bastiampillai, Prof Sittampalam, Mr Arudpragasam,…”
With what success…
Comese / April 8, 2015
Homeland. Where the Iranian resides is called Aryan.
Lanka monkey island ( Sir David Attenbrough) the land of chieftans never a kingdom.
I reside in Europe and its homeland and I always get back home down south.
Interesting from Sirmavo concept of dragging the power of the people.
Nasser who signaled the creation of PLO.According to Sadat, Nasser decided to wage “a large scale assassination campaign”.On 26 May 1967 Nasser declared, “our basic objective will be to destroy Israel”. On the morning of 5 June, the Israeli Air Force struck Egyptian air fields, destroying much of the Egyptian Air Force. Before the day ended, Israeli armored units had cut through Egyptian defense lines and captured the town of el-Arish.[223] The next day, Amer ordered the immediate withdrawal of Egyptian troops from Sinai—causing the majority of Egyptian casualties during the war.[224] Israel quickly captured Sinai and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.
Nasser cut relations with the US following the war, and, according to Aburish, his policy of “playing the superpowers against each other” ended.[238] In November, Nasser accepted UN Resolution 242, which called for Israel’s withdrawal from territories acquired in the war. His supporters claimed Nasser’s move was meant to buy time to prepare for another confrontation with Israel, while his detractors believed his acceptance of the resolution signaled a waning interest in Palestinian independence.
Today Egypt is a different story and its military like Pakistan lives on USA special US-AID – $3-5 billion each to keep the stupid people quarreling.
Musharaff is facing the same as Nasser(civil ruler from army) vs Amer (Army)
Mahinda vs Gota so you got Fonny playing the saxophone.
Anpu / April 8, 2015
Ravi Perera,
“With what success…”
What success we have with Sinhalese Buddhism?
Appe okkame / April 10, 2015
“”What success we have with Sinhalese Buddhism? “”
TGTE terror!!!
Transcriptor UK Anpu has conveniently:
!swept under the rug!!!
For centenaries/decades/years encouraged people to see politics through colour/ethnicity/religion.
Transnational Tamil Governments threat of death by the Ku Klux Klan
Values of aspiration and independence were/are still associated with whiteness.
USA will keep on keeping on training the fineness of Lankans armed forces to kill kill like Cambodia, like present day Egypt.
a freak state spring- Tunisia at best.
SUCCESS…!! Boom boom.
Native Vedda / April 8, 2015
Ravi Perera Sinhala speaking Demela
“With what success…”
Please read this paper which hopefully would solve your identity crisis:
By Ananda S. Kulasuriya
Dynastic changes are not an uncommon feature in history. In the history of Sri Lanka they have been especially common and have sometimes taken place in such a rapid succession that one might form the impression of their being a recurrent feature. One observes the succession of the Moriyas by the Lambakannas, followed by the Panrjyas and the Kalingas. Usually such changes have been the result of the weakness of the central political authority,internal discord, factional disputes, and other such decisive forces which provided excellent conditions and ideal opportunities for ambitious kings, particularly from the sub-continent, to invade the island. Sometimes they have been caused by less hostile circumstances, at least in their initial stages, such as appeals for intervention by rulers to outside powers. There seem to have been certain special forces and features that marked the changes that occurred in the late medieval period. We shall be concerned here with a discussion of those forces
with a view to understanding the special features of the process of change, the manner in which a comparatively insignificant clan of foreign descent acquired power and rose to the highest ranks of the governing elite, and also the forces that brought about its downfall.
The question, “Why were the new elite unable to gain sovereign power when it was just within their grasp?” will engage our special attention.
This paper is in three parts. Part I deals briefly with the prevailing social and political conditions. Attention is focused on a divided kingdom and the formation of regional principalities, with rival aspirants to the throne.
Part II traces the emergence of a new elite. New elements consisting of dislodged groups, some from within the island, others from outside, appear to settle in the western
and south-western regions. Two clans of foreign origin are particularly important: the Menavara vamsa and the Giri varnsa. The rise to power of the AJagakkonaras, representatives of the latter clan, is followed especially through the career of its foremost representative, Nissanka AlakeSvara. Their decline and fall was complete with the consolidation of political power in Kotte.
Part III is concerned with an analysis of the factors that favoured the growth of the new elite. Their claims to leadership and the means they adopted to achieve power and consolidate their position are briefly reviewed and also their eclipse and final disappearance from the political arena.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No. 2 (1976), pp. 136-155
Ravi / April 7, 2015
Ravi Perera
Where on earth, which ancient history (chronicles, stone inscriptions, artifacts, etc) talk of Anuradapura as a Sinhala kingdom? Can you please cite at least one reliable evidence? If it is Mahavamsa, please tell us which chapter?
Ravi Perera / April 7, 2015
“Where on earth, which ancient history (chronicles, stone inscriptions, artifacts, etc) talk of Anuradapura as a Sinhala kingdom?”
All the evidence points to a Spanish Kingdom. When you Tamil bugger belive King Dutugemunu was a Tamil, the wealth of the Tamil diaspora is 5 times that of Sri Lanks GDP, what garbage can’t you think
Native Vedda / April 7, 2015
Ravi Perera
“When you Tamil bugger belive King Dutugemunu was a Tamil, the wealth of the Tamil diaspora is 5 times that of Sri Lanks GDP, what garbage can’t you think”
There is no difference between Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamil brethren in what both believe.
Sinhala/Buddhists believe the first ape spoke Sinhala and practiced Buddhism.
Your Tamil/Saivaites brethren believe the first ape spoke Tamil and practiced Saivaism.
But then the Sinhala/Buddhist historians believe in Sinhala Aryan lion impregnated a Venga women and gave birth to Sinhala/Buddhist race.
In your case you believe yourself to be a Sinhala/Buddhists, another myth to hide your ethnic affinity to South Indians.
Why can’t you simply tell us that you are proud of being Sinhala and a Buddhists and your ancestors came from South India. Your elaborate ploy to hide your origin will take you nowhere.
Be a man/woman.
Kumar / April 7, 2015
When Ravi Perera has no evidence to prove your request he is pretending like a nut case and talking gibberish to escape. Real jokers!!
Pacs / April 7, 2015
Truth is not tasty and not palatable
soma / April 7, 2015
Dear dr R.N
“Until we treat our people equally and accord each and everyone one of them equal rights under the law and in practice, we will not solve our problems. We will only have more and more of what we had in the past.”
As far as I am concerned Tamil grievances fall into two categories, political and non political. For their problems of non political nature I am so much emotionally consumed. I am 100% with them They have suffered too long due to the political ambitions of their leaders like Chelvanayagam. I want them to be treated absolutely equal in all respects. Mostly I look at the issue from the point of view of a zoo keeper. The more I think of the political issue the more it becomes clearer to me any devolution, federalism will lead only to the greatest bloodshed the world has ever seen.
Your suggestion of just “designating” North and East as Tamil majority areas seems quite innocent. Once granted you may say let’s call these areas Ealam and so forth. Dear Doctor please allow me to copy and paste what I have repeated 1000 times in these columns.
“Reality of the matter is in view of the demographic distribution of the Tamil speaking people throughout the island there is no conceivable solution to the problem which may satisfy the political ambitions of at least 75% of them. So there is no option other than living in one political entity where all citizens are equal in all respects.”
Dir.Rajasingham Narendran / April 9, 2015
Dear Soma,
Thanks for the comment. I did not suggest the North and East should be declared Tamil majority provinces, as much as I did not suggest that the other provinces should be declared Sinhala majority provinces. What I suggested was the essential cultural character of the provinces be recognised and we move on. We can live where ever we want, in whatever numbers, time and economic circumstances would dictate, without fearing sinister motives that were and are afoot to destroy existing cultural hall marks and historical realitiee that existed within our memories and in verifiable records. Sri Kabka as a State is a British construct as much as its provinces are. Let us sit together, discuss, debate and reach conclusions on whether the provincial boundaries have to redrawn, new provincesve to created or reduce the number of provinces.
Tamil-speaking people live in large numbers in and around Colombo, however, they have never question the Sinhaka cultural indenting if Colombo.Tamils and Muslims also should not fear that the cultural hallmarks that characterise the areas where they live as communities in the north and east and give them a sense of belonging, are not swamped State sponsored colonisation and sinister fiddling. I was driving to Jaffna from Colombo yesterday and noticed how Tamil village names in the Negombo to Puttalam belt are being Sinhalised blatantly and brazenly. thoroughly has become Thopuwa. Pallavi has become Pallawiya. Even in Anuradhapura, Alankukam has become Alankulama. This onslaught on their historicity is what the Tami,s and Muslims perceive, fear, protest and resist.
Further, why should devolution of any sort lead to blood shed? The demand for an independent Eelam, was a slogan to coarse the Sinhala majoritarian State to accommodate the Tamils equal status and share political power, that developed a dynamic if it’s iwn, due to the shortsightedness of the State and the Tamil political leadership. The Tamils were almost destroyed as a result and Sri Lanka became known in the world for the wrong reasons.
Power has to be shared with the Tamiks and other minorities, and their communal rights recognised. This cannot be done within the framework of a majoritarian State masquerading as a democracy. How this should be done has too be seriously studied and the modus operandi worked out.
There was a demand for a separate State in Tamil Soyth Indua at one time, however it was defused by naming the state Tamil Nadu by the Nehru government. Today Today, Ztamil Nadu is as Indian as any other Indian a State and every Tamil is proud to be an Indian and share the thread that links them together.
In Sri Lanka we tend to permit the rabble to rule the roost and irrational influence eventts, This rabble has and is yet setting the pace in our national life and us yet trying to further lead us to more hell.
We have to find solutions to our problems based on a future vision. This vision should be inclusive of all citizens and communities as part of a mosaic called Sri Lanka. Most Tamils from Lanka live abroad, even the most virulent segments of the Diaspora, take pains to Identify themselves as Tamis from Sri Lanka! The do not want to be identified with India. This is the truth that should be grasped and made the foundation to built a new United, civilised, humane Sri Lanka in the 21st century.
Ravi Perera / April 9, 2015
Dear Dr Narendra.
It would be interesting too see when and how the villages in Anuradhapaura , negambo and puttlam had Tamil names to begin with.
I would like to know your answer.
You also mention that onslaught on the historicity of Tamils and Muslims is what is feared by these tow communities.
I doubt if the above statement is true with regard to the Muslims.
70% of Muslims live among Sinhalese. In spite of the antiques of BBS, the Muslims do have a good relationship with the sinhalese.
As for the Tamils, the fear is mostly driven by unrealistic expectations and demands that can not be justified in terms of history or numbers.
DBS Jeyraj writting the foreward in the book called Vannathikulam written by Noel Nadesan mentions about Vanathikulam being converted into Padaviya and the subsequent settlement of the sinhalese in Padaviya as a grievence of the Tamils. Now padaviya is in the present day Anuradhapura district. North and East which is about 30% of Sri Lankas land is considered the traditional Tamil homeland by the Tamil people.
It seems like there are many Tamils who believe that some areas of north western province,Anuradhapura and polonnaruwa areas are also part of traditional homeland.
Finally you make an interesting point about redrawing provincial boundaries. I would like to know what your suggestion is for the area which would be considered a Tamil majority province
Anpu / April 9, 2015
Ravi Perera,
What do you say about this?
“DBS Jeyraj writting the foreward in the book called Vannathikulam written by Noel Nadesan mentions about Vanathikulam being ****converted into Padaviya and the subsequent settlement of the sinhalese in Padaviya**** as a grievence of the Tamils.”
“What is now happening in the East is a monumental crime against humanity with *****genocidal attributes******.” DBSJ in 2007
DBSJ has changed his tune
All this is OK for you!
“In a bid to break ‘Tamil’ territorial contiguity between the Northern and Eastern Provinces, a certain zone was marked out to be made separate and ‘Sinhalised.’ Parts of Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Trincomalee Districts along with the Padaviya (formerly Padavikkulam) portion of Anuradhapura District were merged into one entity for politico-military purposes. It was linked to the Anuradhapura Secretariat for administrative purposes.
The Tamil people living in 28 traditional Tamil villages and hamlets and 40 agricultural settlements were driven out through sheer military brutality. Flourishing villages like Thennamaravaady were razed to the ground. Coastal places like Kokkilai and Kokkuthoduvaai were annexed.
Villages like Kurunthumalai and Mankindimalai were made part of a military complex and renamed Janakapura and Kalyanipura. Sinhala people were brought in from the south and settled. Many were trained and armed and made auxiliary forces. The creation of the Weli Oya region is the perfect example of state-sponsored ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka.”
Native Vedda / April 9, 2015
Ravi Perera Sinhala speaking Demela
Read this paper and you will find partial solution to your identity crisis.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, No. 2 (1976), pp. 136-155
When the Chola’s were running riot for nearly 77 years could you tell us which race lived in the East? Remember Kandyan kingdom was not fully formed until about 1470.
Heretic / April 8, 2015
” Velupillai Chelvanayakam was a catholic crusader from overseas Malaysia.”
Those days competent professional Jaffna Vellalah migrated to work in other parts of Ceylon and other colonies. Some of them married and children were born overseas.
Chelvanayakam was a protestant Christian not Catholic. The Vellalah became Anglicans while the other castes became Catholics. There are many famous Anglican Vellalah in Jaffna.
Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) was founded by Chelvanayakam and Naganathan who were Jaffna Protestant Vellalah Tamils. If they had been non Vellalah or crusadors the Hindu Vellalah would not have founded a party with them.
Burning Issue / April 8, 2015
What is your point? What exactly you are trying to show here?
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Burning Issue,
One point that I observe is that Chelva is not the man that he is portrayed to be by Eelaventhan Manickavasakar and other Separatists.
He was playing politics with casteism as he played politics with the Citizenship Act.
Quote “The legislation to deprive the Indian Tamils of their citizenship and voting rights began the process of alienation. It was on this specific issue that dissenting Tamil Congressmen led by S. J. V. Chelvanayakam broke away from the parent body and formed their own organisation.
The Ceylon Tamils who supported Chelvanayakam felt that the disfranchisement of the Indian Tamils would weaken Tamil political strength in Parliament. There was no other permanent bond of interest between this largely middle-class group and the community of Indian Tamil plantation workers” unquote
A. Jeyaratnam Wilson, “Electoral Politics in an Emergent State: The Ceylon General Election of May 1970” (page 18)
I don’t know whether that is the point Heretic was trying to make.
Kind Regards,
Anpu / April 10, 2015
Aj Wilson has written many other things. You just pick things to suit your twisted logic.
“The memory of Black July is today deeply embedded in the Tamil psyche. Many Tamil or pro-Tamil authors refer to the event as the “genocide” or the “holocaust” of Tamils “
“The last advice of the late Professor A.J. Wilson, a highly respected academic who had the closest connections with the hierarchy of the government echelons from time to time, and who was an optimist genuinely believing the possibility of Tamils and Sinhalese co-existing, was that the Tamil academics and professionals should not let themselves to be lured by promises, sweet talk, and false vanity liberally dispensed by their Sinhala counterparts and Sinhala leaders. According to him this is what that had spoiled Sir P. Ramanathan, G. G. Ponnambalam, M. Thiruchelvam and to a certain extent Thanthai Selva (SJV Chelvanayagam) and A. Amirthalingam. Writing in 2003 on the positions and policies in Tamil politics in the past, Mr. V.T. Thamilmaran was comparing the discourses of two political intellectuals, A.J. Wilson and the other being the doyen of ITAK, V. Navaratnam. “
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Anpu,
Aj Wilson has written many other things. You just pick things to suit your twisted logic.
Yes I know that he has done that.
He is also a proponant of Homeland claims and I don’t agree with him.
In this case he is writing about another Tamil political Leader to whose ideology of Tamil Homelands AJ Wilson also subscribes.
Hence AJW’s observation of SJV has currency and carries more weight than if the same thing is said by a Non Tamil.
Unfortunately you cannot understand that.
Kind Regards,
Burning Issue / April 10, 2015
Contrary to what you say about SJVC; at his public funeral in Jaffna many Sinhala politicians from all parties turned up and delivered heartfelt eulogies about his legacy! No one can provide any shred of evidence that he ever made racist comments about the Sinhala. He was a Tamil Nationalist no doubt but a fair one who negotiated two thoroughly workable pacts amid objections from hardline Tamil nationalists. My only regret is that he was 10 years younger during the early 70s; he would have steered the Tamils away from violence; he was too frail then even to stand up unaided.
The same cannot be said about Mr Anagariga Dharmapala, can you?
Off the Cuff / April 10, 2015
Dear Burning Issue,
Re “Contrary to what you say about SJVC;”
You are confused as usual Burning.
It was Chelva’s Son In Law, A. J. Wilson, who made the observation that I presented. Anpu too had forgotten that.
Surely he would have known his own father in Law better than you Burning?
Re “The same cannot be said about Mr Anagariga Dharmapala, can you?”
That is a childish argument when the discussion is focused on SJV Chelvanayagam.
What has Dharmapala got to do with Chelva anyway?
Rashtrapati Bhavan : 25.10.2014
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee released a commemorative postage stamp on Anagarika Dharmapala at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (October 25, 2014).
Speaking on the occasion, the President said release of the commemorative postage stamp on Anagarika Dharmapala will contribute towards further strengthening the bilateral ties between India and Sri Lanka and bring the two nations closer. He was confident that the relations between the two countries will continue to further strengthen in the coming years to the mutual benefit of our two peoples.
The President said this stamp release on one of the apostles of Buddhism, once again reminds us to work relentlessly and collectively to ensure an era of peace, stability and friendly bilateral and multilateral ties in order to create an enabling environment for the rapid socio-economic development of the people.
The President paid his humble homage to Anagarika Dharmapala on the occasion and congratulated the Department of Posts for bringing out the Commemorative Postage Stamp on Anagarika Dharmapala who worked selflessly all his life with a missionary zeal to propagate Buddhist ideals and to restore the glory of Buddhism.
Kind regards,
Chennai / April 11, 2015
“”Re “The same cannot be said about Mr Anagariga Dharmapala, can you?” “”
Visa on arrival and Modi the other backward class is planning the biggest `Mela` to Katharagama from Kanpur to reclaim the Island before the end of the decade. Sinhalese would be a bygone dream when they walk over you.
Heretic / April 11, 2015
OTC and BI,
“I don’t know whether that is the point Heretic was trying to make.”
I was merely trying to correct a mistake and provide some additional information on Chelva and Jaffna Tamils.
Hopefully you have understood that I don’t like the “identity boxes” of religion/language/caste/region/village. Naturally I was born into a “box” but I left it a long time ago. Unfortunately most people still seem to be in their “boxes”.
Alican / April 8, 2015
Heretic the Muslim of Africa says ” was a protestant Christian not Catholic.”
They are both crusaders, murders thieves like the Muslim and have no business but brain washing and bombing Asia.
They enter villages pay handsome monies convert and run elsse where to do the same.
The order now in India is if you convert take them away or suffer in a cold jail as a terrorist.That is the message to the friendly Jews too.
How much are you being paid by Boko Harem/ISIS or are you expecting a portion of Egyptian funding by the CIA??
Heretic / April 9, 2015
“How much are you being paid by Boko Harem/ISIS or are you expecting a portion of Egyptian funding by the CIA??”
I want all of the above funding. Where should I send the details of my bank account in Dubai?
Thanks in advance.
mummy# / April 9, 2015
douchebag go to Yemen the funds are flowing on camel back- muslim don’t use Yankee bank.
Heretic / April 9, 2015
Burning Issue,
For some reason there is no “reply” function to comment you. Anyway,
“This will not work; only way is to empower the Tamils and at the same time promote the national trilingual policy that will render the demography a non-issue through passage of time. This is the only way to keep Sri Lanka a united country.”
I agree with the goal: a united country.
I agree with the trilingual policy.
In addition to demography religion should also become less important. Why do most of us want to live in an identity box like being Tamil Hindu Vellalah or Govi Buddist?
In addition to Tamils the Muslims should also be empowered.
Alican / April 9, 2015
Iranians, Islamist muslims Parsis all have caste Go caste yourself before getting into Tamil or Sinhalese caste which is open as a book.
Pan_Arab Vs Pan_Islam is your soup of death not for the sinhalese or tamils to bother or be lured into.
India and Isaerel have a pact. russia and India have a cold war updated security pact.
Go kiss Yankee [Edited out]
Go to Yemen Heretic thats wher your spoils are. Lanka is not for soul suki game.
Lanka Liar / April 13, 2015
Lived in India when there was war. Was on sick leave when he was in government. Now in Canada I think. Enjoy brother you know how to make hay. All because of Vellupillai you know who.