11 September, 2024


When Primordial Identity Turns Predatory 

By Ameer Ali

Ameer Ali

The carnage in Christchurch, New Zealand, that killed almost fifty worshipping Muslims inside two mosques was not the first crime of Muslim hatred in history and will not be the last. The unassailable stand that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern took in support of social and religious pluralism in New Zealand and globally, and the frankness with which she expressed her disgust and horror at the murderer and his poisonous ideology while demonstrating in multiple ways her sympathy with and attachment to the victims, is unique in the prevailing climate of Islamophobia in which politicians of all persuasions with an eye on the ballot box (especially in Western democracies), are soft peddling with this monster. Jacinda Ardern stands toweringly tall among them.   

The assailant who committed that heinous crime trumpeted that he was a ‘white supremacist’ who, with his co-supremacists, a tiny minority no doubt, wanted this world cleansed of Islam and Muslims. In the eyes of these supremacists, their target represents evil. What is evident from the Christchurch episode, as it was from a similar episode in 2011 in Norway, is the transformation of the primordial identity of Western nations into predatory identity with an anti-Islam expression. Primordial identity is defined as the “unique traditions and culture” of a society, and predatory identity as the “chauvinistic, aggressive and militaristic expressions, often targeting societies that differ from them, in ethnic or religious terms.” (Akbar S. Ahmed, Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration and Identity, Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2018, p. 20). When the Western primordial identity exhibits an anti-Islam expression that identity is transformed into a predatory identity.   That transformation did not take place as long as the West was able to subjugate the world of Islam and Muslims, and impose its will upon their polity, economy and even culture. Edward Said in his pioneering study of Orientalism has shown how this subjugation was achieved. Once that grip over the world of Islam started slipping away, due to reasons explained below, the transformation from primordial to predatory identity became unavoidable and even respectable. Islamophobia with its associated violence is the sad reflection of that transformation. How did this transformation take place?

Even after decolonization of Muslim lands, Western imperium did not lose control over the Muslim world. When Cold War began Islam was used instrumentally by the US superpower to checkmate Godless Communism. Even Arab socialism espoused by charismatic Nasser and few of his Arab contemporaries could not loosen the imperium’s grip over the Muslim world. With the overthrow of the Shah by the Khomeini inspired revolution and subsequent expulsion of all Americans from Iran, the imperium’s hold over the Muslim world started loosening. Yet, more than the Iranian Revolution it was Al-Qaeda’s attack on the United States in 2001 that really shattered the imperium’s confidence.

That was not an attack just to register the attacker’s hatred of democracy and freedom, as President George Bush berated before launching his anti-terrorism “Crusade” (a term he was advised to withdraw almost immediately in fear of rekindling the medieval Christian animosity towards Islam), but an attack that signified not only the changing dynamics of centre-periphery relations under post-colonialism, as Salman Sayyid argues (A Fundamental Fear: Eurocentricism and the Emergence of Islamism, London: Zed Books, 2015 edition) but also, and more importantly, the re-emergence of an enemy that Western imperium thought to have defeated and kept under subjugation until very recently. Al-Qaeda challenged the very foundation of the Westphalian based world order.

Sixty years before Al-Qaeda’s attack, Japan did the same on Pearl Harbour in 1941.  The difference between the two was that the first was launched by a state while the second by an elusive non-state actor. Yet, the response from US was the same. In retaliation, US bombed Japan with atomic weapons, annihilated Hiroshima and Nagasaki and forced its government to surrender to the will and might of West’s imperium. In the same manner in 2001, US and its allies mistook Al-Qaeda for a state or state-based entity and bombed, destroyed, invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, states that were not the home of that elusive enemy. Al-Qaeda escaped from their net, refused to surrender, set an example to other non-state Muslim actors and even tutored them the techniques of how to confront a states-centric imperium with transnational Islamism. 

A supercilious US, confident of its military might thundered that there was no place anywhere in the world for the enemy to hide, and with support from its allies, escalated the War on Terrorism, causing death and devastation in a number of Muslim countries, beside Iraq and Afghanistan. Deaths and devastation destabilised, dislocated and destroyed several Muslim nations such as Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Palestine and Lebanon. Thousands died and millions were impoverished and became homeless.  While Muslims perished and their economies shattered, the War on Terror cost Western economies trillions of dollars that otherwise could have been spent to benefit their own citizens. According to one estimate, US alone spent $1.6 trillion in the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. What a colossal waste!       

The only way out for the war victims was to migrate to places where they could at least sleep at nights without falling victim to a bomb. US, Canada, the UK, EU countries, Australia and New Zealand became favoured destinations. However, the influx of Muslim refugees with their cultural baggage into Western nations took place at a time when Western economies themselves were facing slowdown in growth.    

While Al-Qaeda’s Islamist challenge threatened the Westphalian world order, globalization brought tremors to the post-World War II economic order. The rise of China followed by India meant that economic power was shifting from the centre to the periphery. The simultaneity in the collapse of a hegemonic West along with its economic superstructure on one side and rise of multiple economic power houses with geopolitical implications on the other spelt double jeopardy to West’s primordial identity. 

The post-World War II generation of ‘baby boomers’ in the West and its Y generation who were fortunate to enjoy a plethora of economic entitlements delivered by a prosperous welfare state, now witnessed those entitlements evaporating in stages by governments that faced repeated budget crises. Economics of Keynesianism that backed the welfare state lost its rationale in the face of stagflation in the late 1970s and 1980s.  Governments had no choice but to roll back their interference in income distribution and started transferring that function to the market forces. The result was persistent unemployment and widening income gap. As long as economic growth was robust and affluence was taken for granted, any excess demand for labour in Western factories and farms was satisfied by importing cheap labour from outside. Immigration rules were relaxed and surplus labour from former colonies in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and among them tens of thousands of Muslims flocked to the West with their families. They worked hard and established their own enclaves with all Muslim cultural accoutrement. There was an air of tolerance at that time and the primordial identity of receiving societies rarely felt threatened by this Muslim influx.   

That tolerance changed after 2000 when globalization shifted the economic growth pole outside the West and Islamism threatened the Westphalian order with its own Islamic Order. In addition to these and tough somewhat related to them, two other developments worsened the situation. One was a shift in the theatre(s) of War on Terror from far away Muslim lands to Western cities, and the other was a new wave of Muslim refugees, themselves a product of the War on Terror. 

The time was now ripe for politicians of the Far Right to emerge exploiting the twin deterioration in domestic security and economic prosperity. To them Muslim immigration and Islamophobia became vote winning trumps. As the centre right and centre left parties saw their traditional supporters deserting them and moving to the far right they had no choice but to speak the same language although with great subtlety. 

‘White Supremacy’ is not something new that came out suddenly. In a sense, it is the product of Orientalism. Similarly Islamophobia occupied European mindset ever since the Battle of Poitiers in 733.  They remained subdued under the shade of Western political and economic hegemony. The collapse of that hegemony has enabled the primordial identity to metamorphose into a predatory identity. The Christchurch massacre was its latest manifestation. 

In a global economy in which armament industry is singularly the largest money spinner and contributor to global economic growth no amount of gun control is going to make even a dent on a weaponised economy and culture. Automatic and semi-automatic rifles are not the only devices that lunatics and haters can use to massacre innocents. There are other novelties in the murderous bazaar that they can have access to. What the world needs is not gun control but a radical shift in what it produces, how it produces and to whom it produces. Even if that cannot be achieved, if external aggression, internal oppression and economic injustice can cease, guns and weapons will automatically fall silent.                  

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  • 5

    “it was Al-Qaeda’s attack on the United States in 2001 that really shattered the imperium’s confidence”

    How silly of you Professor. The 9/11 attack was an INSIDE Job Planned and Executed by the US Intelligence Agencies and Mossad to Create the Excuse for the so-called War on Terror targeting the Muslim world. There is enough and more information about 9/11 in the internet and I am sure you know how to find it. Don’t be fooled by Detractors who call those who expose the Evil Hands behind 9/11, as “Conspiracy theorists”.

    • 3


      Wherever Muslims set foot they cause violence and then there is also a conspiracy theory implicating the victim as the perpetrator of that violence, correct?

      • 8

        Rtd. Lt.

        Really? Rubbish as usual from you, Old man.

        Muslim world has been under siege during the last two decades at least with Millions Killed and many more millions wounded and forced out of their homes into a life of misery in Refugee Camps. Haven’t you heard of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, Old man?

        Now that you are retired, do some reading and try to understand what you read and LEARN, Old man.

      • 7

        Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera

        Wherever Muslims set foot they cause violence and then there is also a conspiracy theory implicating the victim as the perpetrator of that violence, correct?

        New Zealand Prime minister Jacinda Ardern not saying what you are saying, A ruler made use of the majority to look after the minority, not like July 83.

        • 2

          Muhandiram & rbh,

          Don’t waste your time with a stupe please.

          • 0


            Many reply to my ideas means there point of validity. things that you understand
            as stupid , All are entitled to your informed opinion.

    • 4


      Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi-Salafi Allies, who follow the Satan, per the prescient of Najd, have launched 19, 238 air raids on Yemen.

      15 of the 19 hijackers who on 9/11 were Saudis, Wahhabi-Salafies.

      They were under the belief that they will get 72 Virgins or Raisins, but per Hadith of Najd, they will burn in Hell-Fire.

      • 1


        Motion: The West Should Cut Ties With Saudi Arabia


        With friends like these, who needs enemies? Saudi Arabia is out of control. After the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, most likely on direct orders from the Saudi Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammed Bin Salman, it’s time for the West to sever ties with this regime of criminal despots.

        The House of Saud assassinates journalists and imprisons dissidents. Its military indiscriminately bombs civilians in the cruel war against Yemen, which has led to a massive humanitarian catastrophe with an estimated 85,000 children dying of starvation.

        And that’s not to mention the Saudi regime’s oppression of women and religious minorities, or its troubling support for Islamist fundamentalism around the world. Saudi Arabia has long been accused of backing terrorist organisations and funding the extremist schools that provide them with recruits and influence. Saudi Arabia is a menace, and the West should end its alliance with this pernicious regime.

    • 3

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      Primordial instinct for survival, like the primal instinct of a mother to save her young, survival of a species, tribe, race, or ideology is a good analogy in this article.

      However, it goes both ways. The primordial instinct of the Islamists against Western Imperialism, and the primordial instincts of the white supremists in a global economy, to maintain their hegemony.

      After all World War 1 and World War 2 , were Western Imperialism wars. However, the fallout was decolonization of Western imperialism .

      In the case of Islamists, or rather Satanists, they are egged by the Devil, Satan , per Hadith of Najd, and Western Imperilism and hegemony gave good data in support of their Worldview.

      The many wartime survival verses of the Quran, the Uthmanic Codex, that were not abrogated by subsequent peaceful verses, have given fodder to the Islamists to commit crimes and terrorism, in the name of religion, Islam.

      There are two Qurans. The Meccan Quran, peaceful, like the Old Testament, and the Medina Quran, violent, because of survival reasons, like the Old Testamrnt, with rules and behavior. Many Muslims are confused, and they have suppressed the Philosophers, lovers of wisdom, to the extent of burning books and forbidding the study of philosophy, wisdom.

      • 3

        Correction: New Testament not Old

        There are two Qurans. The Meccan Quran, peaceful, like the NEW Testament, and the Medina Quran, violent, because of survival reasons, like the Old Testamrnt, with rules and behavior. Many Muslims are confused, and they have suppressed the Philosophers, lovers of wisdom, to the extent of burning books and forbidding the study of philosophy, wisdom.

        Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour,


        There is often a return to superstitions in societies, the shunning of science, the supremacy of intellectual terrorism, the spread of tribal and sectarian divisions and wars, and the persecution of every free thinker to the point of exile or murder.

        In all the struggles endured by free thinkers in which they were either killed or exiled, we find the same elements of decline no matter the time or place. This includes the time and place of the struggle of Abul Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd (1126 -1198), or Averroes in the Latinised form of his name.

        Ibn Rushd is the most capable rationalist philosopher in the history of Arab civilisation, and the best versed on the achievements of his age and the ages before him.

        Ibn Rushd was summoned to the Mansur’s court, publically insulted and cursed and accused of heresy. The king ordered him to be exiled along with anyone who spoke about philosophy.

    • 3


      Some Muslims are very stupid, for example like the leader of the Mosque at Christchurch NZ where 50 worshippers were killed by a white supremist, as he claimed that the weapons were supplied and paid for by Mossad, the Israeli Spy agency.

      Was this white supremist killer so poor he could not afford to buy guns, or it it the Brainwashing and stupidity of that Muslim?

      Are the Mossad guys so stupid to be involved in such a massacre? Do the Mossad guys want a war between the Islamists and the white-supremists? Of course, the Jews know that it was the White supremists, Nazis, who carried out the Holocaust , that killed 6 million Jews, along with 50 million others during WW 2, the Imperialist wars.

    • 1

      Ameer Ali,

      RE: When Primordial Identity Turns Predatory

      Mehdi Hasan expose media hypocrisy on New Zealand Mass shooting.

      Subject: Islamophobia and the Media


      “A non-Muslim terrorist has to kill on average 7 people more than a Muslim terrorist to get equal coverage as a Muslim terrorist”

      It is terrorism where the white supremacists who carry out more terrorist attacks in the US get less credit than the terrorist Muslims.

      When the white supremacists carry out terrorist acts, they are mad, unstable and suffers from mental illness..

      However, when Islamists and Jihadis carry out terrorist acts, they are NOT mad, NOT unstable and DO NOT suffers from mental illness..

      What the Islamists and Jihadis suffer is from Brain-washings, and expect 72 Virgins or Raisins in the after life.

  • 4

    Mr. Ameer Ali Remove your colored sun glasses & see the event through your necked eye. You know your holy book. you should have gone through it more than thousand times. As such very difficult to understand your essay. Did anybody wash & clean up your mind ? With this essay I feel you have become just an ordinary Muslim writer.Respect you earned as moderate writer dipped into your so called hell I feel. retaliation is normal among ordinary people.we like it or not event took place in cherish church is a retaliation against your ISIS & the other extremist groups brutal actions that took place in last several years. Islam phobia may be your reply. But terrorism should be controlled by terrorism. Israel proved it as far as PLO activities are concern . Likewise none believers might have felt same. That is my understanding. Anyway that may be only the beginning. More events like this will take place everywhere in the world. Your ISIS & the other pets should take responsibilities in full for the hardships you Muslims might have to go in near future all over the world I suppose. Blaming others make no sense. Understand true picture & attack it direct. That may be the only way out for you Muslims all over the world. Tit for tat may verse the situation. We know you are not part of that brutal gangs. But you as member of that community can contribute for peace & harmony just condemning brutal activities of your people. Just white washing them just putting blame on the other parties may worse situation for you people world-wide. Just acting as man in deep sleep will not solve your problems I feel. Blaming the others & whitewashing your gangs may push evil towards you people sooner than latter.

    • 2


      But terrorism should be controlled by terrorism

      What happened to japan Hiroshima is justified

      • 0

        rbh If you can not understand difference between terrorism & conventional war please do not write comments on these subjects. thank you very much. Anyway Issac Newton theory can not be forgotten at any time for any event or events.

        • 0


          To win a Conventional war must they use use what hiroshima was it is the worse treatment than treating the terrorist, If the terrorist support the super power then the term changes When countries try to occupy other countries, the design a formula as done what was reason of iraq and did the find chemical weapons

          • 0

            conventional war required lots of man power. if it is lacking only solution is atomic or nuclear weapons. There was ample evidence to prove usage of chemicals as weapons to quell uprising in northern Iraq. No question about it. I do not justify things took placed in Iraq but Sadam himself got USA to occupy his territories.Going through events tell us the actual situations. Sadam ambitions to take leadership in Arab world created his down – fall.

    • 4

      The Failed Sorcerer

      “As such very difficult to understand your essay.”

      These articles are meant for intellectually developed persons. In your case go read/watch Kapati Narihami, Hari Apuru Ammachichi, …………

    • 2


      “As such it is difficult to understand your essay”

      It looks like Muhandiram, too has a problem. Well, in a Land where the mean IQ is 79 , there are many with such handicaps, but both of you must be commended for trying to understand the issues raised in the essay.

  • 2

    The message of Jascinda the PM of NZ to my mind is really addressed towards the Islamic Fanatics more than the white mad guy or his associates who were involved in this shameful and tragic crime. Muslims have to revise their thinking about extremist Islam and its philosophy of killing and punishing all those who are not Muslims or against Islam or those who dont believe in Islam. Also high time they change their view and perhaps beliefs that once you kill someone in the name of Islam and presto 70 odd virgins are awaiting you in heaven. So the centre piece of reward in Islam is virgins for multiple sexual over indulgence. Are they not happy with the several virgins that they can marry in this life of Samsara distorting what is said in Quran. It is time for sensible and rational and logical Muslims to come out and wage a holy war against their people who are destroying not only their own people but destroying Islam in general. As an Imam recently said in Australia if you want to follow your way of life then go back where you came from and practice it 100%. If you are not prepared to follow the way of life and values of the host country then please get out. Many Islamic migrants who have entered the west as refugees and then start undermining the values of the host country. Why cant the Muslims understand this simple logic? Have they lost their power to visualise thinks in a logical manner owing to extremist ideas ingrained into their brain from childhood. It is also very patent that extremism is preached in Mosques and Islamic schools by extremist clergy who are prompted by extremists and out of their total darkness about reality.

  • 1

    Meanwhile piglet Badudeenaya is cutting down very valuable trees that are more than 300 years old and has made billions of Ruppees and settling illegally smuggled Muslims from Maldives, South India, and Rohingyas. According to his own JIhadi henchmen, he came to Colombo with his couple of rags in a carrier bag and now has become one of the richest men in Sri Lanka.
    It is time for Mahinda, Ranil, and Maithri to sign a pact in order not to stoop so low to seek support from Badudeenaya’s and piglet Ass-rof’s political parties. It is time Sinhalese show their ownership of Sri Lanka by refusing to vote whoever seek support of Muslim parties. After several assaults and threats on Hindus in Kotahena, Mannarama, Thirikunamalaya, Madakalapuwa, etc, Tamils are going to join forces with Sinhalese and vote whoever not seek support of Hakeem-Badudden Marakkala menace.
    Amir, forget what is happening in other parts of the world, instead you must condemn cunning Muslims’ shenanigans in Sri Lanka or face the reactions.

    • 1


      Ever since the Paradeshis , Paras landed illegally from Bharat and elsewhere, they have been cutting down trees, and destroying the habitat and environment of the Native Veddah Aethho.

      When will the Paras return to their Para Homelands?

  • 1

    The civilizanal responsibility of unbelievers and other non Muslims is to phase out Islam with least physical harm to the innocent brainwashed. Events like Christchurch should never happen. They counter the very purpose of the whole exercise.

    • 0


      The Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and Judge tried to get reason to Islam and the Muslims, and the Ulama ganged up on hum, with the help of the rulers, exiled him and burned is books.

      Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour


      In the age of civilisational decline the political mixes with the religious, the social with the individual and the economic with the geographic.

      There is often a return to superstitions in societies, the shunning of science, the supremacy of intellectual terrorism, the spread of tribal and sectarian divisions and wars, and the persecution of every free thinker to the point of exile or murder.

      He also wrote The Decisive Treatise, Determining the Nature of the Connection between Religion and Philosophy.

      This book makes him the originator of the idea that Greek rational heritage does not contradict Islam and that scriptural sciences have an arena as do rational deductive sciences.
      Ibn Rushd is the most capable rationalist philosopher in the history of Arab civilization.

      The reasons for the persecution of Ibn Rushd vary according to those who studied his struggle and their intellectual levels.

      A final reason offered was Ibn Rushd’s book The Incoherence of the Incoherence, in which he responded to the fallacies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s The Incoherence of Philosophers. He did this despite knowing Ghazali was the master of the Almohad dynasty who were in power, and believed the earth was located between the horns of a bull.

  • 2

    Muslim people have a responsibility to contribute maximum to shed differences & live hand in hand with other communities.

    Not only for business matters but also for all the social matters & should especially make their female folks active participants with their masks off.

    Male dominance & bigamy are very unpleasant in human society.

    With all these things they can’t be whitewashed.

    • 0

      Real Revolutionist

      Muslim people have a responsibility to contribute maximum to shed differences & live hand in hand with other communities.

      Muslim community was living in new zealand the shooting was meant for supremacy of whites this is to shed difference , But the prime minister participated with mask

      • 1


        What happened in New Zealand was a crime (though Muslims enjoy an uncivilized right to look down on non-believers of Islam) & the head of the state has a responsibility directly or indirectly over it.

        Her wearing a shawl was very personal & why should we bother about it.

        It might have been the reason that a kind of fear made her to appear in public like that, to avoid an attack from (your pet) extremists.

      • 0


        If it’s for white supremacy it’s not Muslims should have been attacked, it’s blacks should have been.

        • 0

          Real Revolutionist

          Why nelson Mandela was in prison and , Ghandi On a train voyage to Pretoria, he was thrown out of a first-class railway compartment and beaten up by a white stagecoach driver after refusing to give up his seat for a European passenger. That train journey served as a turning point for Gandhi,

          • 0


            Ah, there you’re; it’s relevant to white supremacy as Gandhi was considered black.

            You mean to say New Zealand attack was due to those attacked were blacks?

            Then why should Muslims only take the matter so seriously?

            • 0

              Real Revolutionist

              I have worked in place white have a seperate toilet , none other than white use

  • 2

    Oh ! it was an Angelic looking white boy who did it who was concerned to keep NZ clean and None of the Great Intelligence gatherers of the world were aware??

    The great Western hedgemony say “WE DID’NT START THE FIRE”………………Then who did Ameer Nana..

  • 0


    And 5 of the alleged Saudi hijackers somehow managed to escape unscathed and return to Saudi Arabia without even a scratch on their bodies! Did they have some miraculous powers or is there any other explanation?

  • 1

    Sympathies to all grieving families that lost loved ones in the Christchurch massacre. Also, we must grieve for the defenseless and countless millions of Muslims and Christians who are denied JUSTICE from the silence from those like you when people of your own religion are facing mass execution. People are being massacred daily with the endless supply of weapons that originate and profit the West. Many are killed while prostrating before God. They don’t make the headlines and not even news worthy for many media outlets when slaughtered because they are non-white in parts of Yemen, Iraq, Afganistan, Syria, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Cameroon, DR Congo etc. How about the “Islamic supremacists” who are both primordial, predatory, and are state actors like the murderous Saudi government? The Saudi’s are even more brutal than any deranged, lone wolf white supremacists. The Saudi crown prince MBS ( alias Meatgrinding Bone Sawyer) acts worse than the Christchurch killer. The Saudi’s abuse holy scripture, flout international law and conduct crimes against humanity in their murder spree without any retribution for waging war in Yemen. They kidnap, torture, bone saw and dismember their dissenters, and follow-up by vaporizing the victim’s body parts in consular generals residential Bar-B-que pit without a trace. Everyone behind these inhuman crimes and atrocities identity themselves not only as Wahabi Muslims but those who claim to be the custodians of Islam world over. If such primordial predators can perpetrate these kind of heinous crimes with impunity against their own nationals like Jamal Khashoggi and activists such as Ms. Loujain al-Hathloul, Raif Badawi, Samar Badawi, Nassima al-Sada, then where is the condemnation, bans, embargoes, HR filings against state actors and sponsors of terror? I bet your Muslim masters who covertly pay your bills for not challenging their criminality and mendacity are getting their petro dollars worth when writers like you are paid to look the other way. What kind of predatory predisposition is this Dr Ali?

  • 2

    PM of New Zealand is an angel among all leaders.
    she stood with victims
    she condemned this brutal killing .
    she banned guns for public ..
    she helped all victims .
    above all; remorse and sympathy won the hearts and minds of humanity ..

  • 2

    “The Saudi’s are even more brutal than any deranged, lone wolf white supremacists. The Saudi crown prince MBS ( alias Meatgrinding Bone Sawyer) acts worse than the Christchurch killer.”

    CondemnedLiza, you are berating MBS and the Saudi rulers for their Crimes in Yemen and other places. You seem to conveniently forget that the Saudi Crimes would NOT have been possible if Not for for the Staunch and Unflinching support provided by the Sole Super power. In Yemen, in addition to supplying advanced weapons and intelligence to the Saudis, the US carries out Aerial attacks and has also deployed troops on the ground. The Biggest Culprit in the World is the US. The US Not Only carries out its Own highly Deplorable Criminal Activities in various parts of the world, the main Targets and Victims being Muslims, but also Actively Supports Criminal States and Rulers like the Saudis.

    So, CondemnedLiza, Learn to Blame where Blame is due.

  • 0

    [Ever since the Paradeshis , Paras landed illegally from Bharat and elsewhere, they have been cutting down trees, and destroying the habitat and environment of the Native Veddah Aethho.

    When will the Paras return to their Para Homelands?]

    Moda Amarasiri,

    First Para Sinhalayo have to go back to India before Para Dhemalu go because. Para Dhemalu have been here long before even Para Sinhalayo or their bashava was ever invented and also long before Buddha.The problem now is that Para sinhalyo have replaced trees with ganja trees while Para Dhemalu importing ganja from Malabar.

    Less brain and less knowledge you have and thus less doubt for you . I know you may not know anything about the origin of India or Ceylon and its people and may be uttering some rubbish based on some trash you may be reading in Sinhala text books or sinhala pathara, the writers too have the same brain as you are.

    A few idiots like you is enough to ruin SL and worst part you may be looking ways for leaving the country on someone else’s charity.

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