By Dayan Jayatilleka –
The JVP and FSP seem to be mired in strategic errors which have proved among the most bloodily expensive in the history of the world’s left.
Strategic Blunder 1
Both the JVP and the FSP oppose the presidential system. However, the FSP’s Kumar Gunaratnam criticizes the JVP for allegedly softening its commitment its abolition (though one has not seen any documentary evidence to back the charge). It has now become a stated obstacle to left unity.
‘“On the other hand, the JVP has now started to espouse the virtues of the executive presidency. We have heard its top leaders stating that the executive presidency is not that bad. The JVP has been against the executive presidency since its introduction to this country. The present day JVP may change its stance, yet we have no reason to change our policy of detesting the executive presidency. These differences would not let us join with them,” Gunaratnam said.’ (FSP rules out any truck with JVP – The Island)
He seems to forget Rohana Wijeweera’s presidential candidacy in October 1982.
There are no valid grounds for a leftist or indeed a progressive to stand for the abolition of the executive Presidency.
Lankan liberalism’s argumentation that a presidential system makes for authoritarianism is demonstrably nonsensical. The latest international survey, while listing the decline of democracy, has several countries denoted “full democracies”. Uruguay is one of them. Uruguay has a presidential system. It had a presidential system when President Juan Bordaberry declared a state of siege and instituted a civilian-military junta in 1972. During that time Mujica one of the leaders of the Tupamaros, was imprisoned at the bottom of a disused well.
Uruguay had a presidential system when decades later, the Tupamaro candidate Tabare Vasquez became President and still later when he was succeeded, by popular election, by Mujica himself who had been vice-president! The Tupamaros never tried to abolish the presidential system because they were rational enough to know that the dictatorship they had suffered so terribly under, and the country’s option of a presidential system as such, had nothing to do with each other.
Every ruling Communist party governs in a Presidential system (China, Vietnam, Cuba etc.).
Virtually ex-guerrilla movement with a Marxist-Leninist ideology has assumed the leadership of their countries, by winning a presidential election. This is widely manifest in Latin America, with the Nepali Maoists as an episodic exception elsewhere.
Every national liberation struggle which has won state power has a presidential system (e.g., South Africa).
Every anti-imperialist or state which counterbalances unipolar hegemony has a presidential system (e.g., Russia).
Every country which had a bourgeois democratic revolution in its history and political culture, has a presidential system (USA, France).
Why do almost all Marxist-Leninist, Communist, revolutionary, leftist, radical and progressive parties and forces, support the presidential system or do not oppose it and call for its abolition? Why do they perform much better and come to the leadership of their countries through elections in presidential systems or remain within or opt for presidential systems?
The reasons are simple. Firstly, the presidential system better reflects the views of the majority of the citizenry, who in most countries, are socioeconomically underprivileged. This gives a better chance for progressives to attain leadership someday.
Secondly, as in Chile under Salvador Allende or the Venezuela of Chavez, it is the legislatures that are more easily manipulated by vested interests of a reactionary nature. Even in the USA today, Joe Biden’s progressive attempts on social spending and voting rights are blocked in Congress (by two rightist Democrats) and by State legislatures controlled by Republicans.
Strategic Blunder 2
The second mistake is to assume that as a crisis mounts, developments can go only one way, namely in a direction favorable to the left and more socioeconomically radical solutions. That is based on the pattern of the Russian revolution. The history of the European counterrevolutions culminating in Italy, Germany and Spain in Fascist dictatorships, shows there’s a more frequent outcome.
In a country like Sri Lanka where “Be a Hitler!” is a renewed slogan, it would be unwise to rule out that outcome as the crisis mounts. In an intense crisis, things can shift to the Left or further to the Right, or to the Left initially and the Right eventually.
What happens is a battle of the organized vanguards–the left and the Right, chiefly the military. The outcome is decided by two factors: (a) on which side an effective majority of the masses are, or whether they are neutral and (b) whether there is a significant shift towards the masses on the part of a decisive part of the military.
Therefore, the crucial element is THE INTERMEDIATE STRATA. Which side will they pivot to, or will they stay neutral? Mao Zedong, strategist of genius, said “unite the many, defeat the few”, which he elaborated as ‘unite all forces that can be united, isolate the main enemy, win over the intermediate forces, neutralize those who cannot be won over’.
Are the JVP and FSP following this strategic advice?
Strategic Blunder 3
A second major mistake the Left looks like it is making is the assumption that if it is the Rightwing regime and not the Left that abandons the rules of the democratic game, the regime thereby unmasks and delegitimizes itself, and the beneficiary cannot but be the Left, in fairly short order too.
That militarization/polarization theory was pure crap. In Indonesia, Chile, the Philippines and almost every other place, when the dark night of the dictatorships finally ended, it took decades and the democratizing force – and successor administration—was never the radical, still less revolutionary or Marxist-Leninist left.
In Chile, Pinochet’s departure took 15 years and it was the hands of Salvador Allende’s Socialist Party, after its many splits and reformist renovations and under the leadership of the moderate-centrist Ricardo Lagos. The earlier vanguards, the Chilean MIR and the Communist Party, which had spun off a radical offshoot together with the ‘Miristas’, named the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (MRPF) were (sadly but understandably) kept out of the Democratic Concertation, the broad democratic bloc that defeated Pinochet’s dictatorship in the referendum and eventually took power electorally.
Strategic Blunder 4
While at a time such as this, of unprecedented pressure on real wages, almost any strike is justified, some strikes can be wrong because they are just dumb and potentially dangerous. The rash of wildcat strikes in the health and transport sectors fall into that category, not because they are unjustified but because they turn the majority of the citizenry against sections of the trade union movement, i.e., the organized working-class.
The wildcat strikes are also incredibly ill-timed. The coming surge of peasant unrest due to the inevitable crash of the Maha harvest, require the backing of the urban working class and the student movement.
If the latter go into action arbitrarily and prematurely, they not only earn the wrath of the citizens, but far worse, provides the regime with an opportunity for a crackdown in the guise of a pro-citizen intervention, thereby depriving the peasants of the effective support of the urban wage-workers and the student movement.
The rash of wildcat strikes merely give the impression of creeping anarchy and if they continue, they will have the same result that the health and transport sector strikes had in 1989, namely to turn public opinion against them, enabling the unleashing of repression.
SJ / February 12, 2022
It is patently dishonest of the author to say that Rohana W’s contesting the presidential election in 1982 is inconsistent with the JVP’s stand on the executive presidency.
The JVP and FSLP are dead right on their stand on that system that brought tragedy to the whole country.
I can assure the author that Sajith Premadasa that some are dreaming of will change nothing for the better.
“The second mistake is to assume that as a crisis mounts, developments can go only one way, namely in a direction favorable to the left”
This is a false charge. Both JVP and FSLP are acutely aware of risks like a reactionary coup.
“assumption that if it is the Rightwing regime and not the Left that abandons the rules of the democratic game”
There is a difference between rejecting the game itself and accepting the rules and then cheating.
There is no concrete evidence to say the the JVP will cheat on the rules that they have agreed to. (There are suspicions based on its past. That is another matter.)
The FLSP does not have much faith in the game.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
Dayan Jayatilleka
Next time around make sure you don’t attend funerals of dignitaries at Kanatte in case both Gunaratne and Anura want to have a friendly chat with you.
Please leave them alone.
You should keep supporting Sajith and EPRLF Premachandran, historically both need a lot of support.
leelagemalli / February 14, 2022
See, how a man who obtained his PHD from Oxford, the manner he behaves today. He shamelessly say, that his govt would not work with AG.
This man GLP is a curse for srilanken academics.
Human Touch / February 15, 2022
Dear LM
One may attend Oxford or Harvard and get PhDs upon PhDs, but if the person doesn’t rid himself of greed, he is bound to descend to the lowest level in search of worldly gains.
No amount of English or grammar can hide what is in one’s heart.
It is true that some peasant farmers may have more self-respect/Dignity and happiness than most of these “tie-coat professionals” or white-cloth clad honorable politicians.
It is very sad that this is the reality in our country.
I sincerely think that if we had a very strong independent Judicial system that was impartial, dedicated, and professional it would solve much of the issues plaguing Sri Lanka.
The truth is that most professionals like our DJ and GLP will bend over backward to as yes men to those who wield power. The Judiciary is no different. Ass licking is their thing.
Some of our academics have an additional qualification: they have post-doctoral degrees in ass licking. I think there must be a special department in oxford dedicated to that. The higher they go the harder the ass lick.
When DJ was with Mara, he licked Maras’s ass clean…so clean, mara was afraid to take a shit…
SJ / February 12, 2022
The wildcat strikes are also incredibly ill-timed. The coming surge of peasant unrest due to the inevitable crash of the Maha harvest, require the backing of the urban working class and the student movement.
This comment is driven by the fear that others may steal the limelight from SP and his balawegaya.
What he hoes for is that the the SP balawehaya could hopefully hijack the mobilisation of the urban working class and the student movement to its benefit.
Many of his parallels from the rest of the world are red herrings drawn to push his line that is too obvious to regular readers of his recent comments.
I will not waste time explaining their irrelevance..
chiv / February 12, 2022
Over to Prof / Doctor DJ, Silly Lanka politics.
SJ / February 13, 2022
I wonder how silly one has to be to knowingly and constantly indulge in remarks on silly politics.
Congratulations for keeping it brief this time.
chiv / February 13, 2022
Prof KIA, you mean looking at the current state instead of silly, SORRY Lanka is a more appropriate term…DJ and you love indulging in long lost left politics while the nation is desperate for food, fuel — . Any who reads Rajan. P article knows how you two are blowing your own stupidity. Many of us are aware of the Spin Doctor who dosen’t need any introductions, but can you provide facts on parallels from rest of the world instead of your usual dodgy ” I will not wast time” statement. I guess you can’t digest the DJ,s categorization of China, Cuba, Vietnam, N.Korea and Russia. How can we forget the great statement recently made by you” parliamentary democracy is a tyranny”.
chiv / February 13, 2022
Is the above statement brief enough for you ???
chiv / February 13, 2022
By the way I fully agree with your counter on JVP. I was about to type that in my very first statement but decided to wait and watch.
SJ / February 13, 2022
So that was why the “Over to Prof / Doctor DJ, Silly Lanka politics.”!
Dr No 0, you can be less pathetic, if you try.
SJ / February 13, 2022
This one is.
old codger / February 12, 2022
“Every ruling Communist party governs in a Presidential system (China, Vietnam, Cuba etc”
Maybe, but even they don’t have the power to single-handedly ruin the agriculture of their countries. Everything depends on whether the executive President is a stupid knave or a wise arahat. Even Dr.DJ knows arahats are difficult to find nowadays.
SJ / February 13, 2022
DJ needs to brush up his history.
Chairman (NOT PRESIDENT) of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet was the nominal head of state in the USSR, real power was with the General Secretary of the Party.
The Party has control over the Chairman. But Khrushchev had to step down in 1964 after messing up Soviet agriculture.
In North Vietnam and North Korea, the de facto head of government has been the Party Chairman.
China has a Chairman of the republic (with a break).
There is a qualitative difference between President and Chairman in terms of answerability. Mao too had to step down briefly owing to failure in agricultural policy.
DJ cannot be ignorant of that.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
“Mao too had to step down briefly owing to failure in agricultural policy.”
I am flabbergasted.
Mao made a mistake where he could do no wrong. He had stepped down briefly owing to failure, he didn’t know how to blame others. I suppose the proletariat must have rallied round him, ….
How many of them died of starvation and due to purges?
chiv / February 13, 2022
OC , how is this for an explanation. SJ types a parlimentary democracy is a tyranny whereas there is difference in terms of accountability.between Chairman and P.resident.
old codger / February 13, 2022
Some people assume that only they can read.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
old codger
“Some people assume that only they can read.”
Only SJ can read 毛主席红皮书 (Máo zhǔxí hóngpíshū – Chairman Mao’s Red Book).
SJ / February 13, 2022
It is worse when they misread.
chiv / February 13, 2022
OC when a jerk is sitting at the top does it matter whether he is called Chairman, President or His Highness A. Hole ???
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
“OC when a jerk is sitting at the top does it matter whether he is called Chairman, President or His Highness A. Hole ???”
It does matter when you have Chairman’s or president’s b***s carriers are around.
SJ / February 13, 2022
A glass ball gazing partner too.
What a match!
SJ / February 13, 2022
Hi Dr No 0
What a profound utterance!
Think of all the Presidential jerks the US has had.
chiv / February 14, 2022
Yes definitely includes President Trump. I am no hypocrite like you, in eternal denial.You are indded blessed to have SirFail, Pissu Sira, Covenant house specialist, Tsunami Hora. I repeat I agree with your Counter on JVP . but NOT your view on parallels of the rest of the world , so I request DJ to clarify but no answer.
old codger / February 13, 2022
“when a jerk is sitting at the top does it matter whether he is called Chairman, President or His Highness A. Hole ???”
Perhaps you shouldn’t hurt the feelings of decent jerks?
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
Anyone with some knowledge would have to agree with you here.
It is not only just Presidential powers but family rule single-handedly ruined the agricultre of our motherland lately. Had Gota/former pretrol shed assistant in the US been awaer of the gravity of the decisions, would it have gone that long ? And he should have studied whether the rich nations (agricultural countries), succeeded it. How come the moronic Gota to feel that ” we can make this country filled with organically produced crops/fruits/vegetables and other plants” while in the same time, going around the globe with a ” begging bowl” not being able to survive the next day ?
As you articulated it above – ” Everything depends on whether the executive President is a stupid knave or a wise arahat”-
Had the experts/responsible authorities including ” panittu kata-election commissioner” done their job properly, would the srilankens ever fall in to a mess as being faced today ?#.
old codger / February 13, 2022
“And he should have studied whether the rich nations (agricultural countries), succeeded “
You must forgive him. He was only following his aiya, who went to the UN and boasted that SL was the first country to ban pornography. But at least that didn’t set the country back 2000 years.
Mahila / February 15, 2022
”panittu kata-election commissioner” done their job properly, would the srilankens ever fall in to a mess as being faced today?#.
I agree.
You seem to have forgotten, “the Gedera Yana Gamang Supreme law officer of Diyawanna lake circular road fame”, who decided against all factual material presented, because of his personal opinion!!! Not Justice on facts of the case!!
He is hardly heard and seen, even on the Diyawanna Bund, I am told!
Then too, we would not have problem, faced by Sri Lanka??
The perceived good that came out was elimination of terrorism and LTTE.
Perhaps, that would have happened anyway with a professional Military commanded by duty bound officer of character. FM Sarath Fonseka was in waiting any way!!
Sinhala_Man / February 13, 2022
Thanks SJ (Professor Sivasegaram),
When I saw this article, there were just these two perfect comments by you.
I decided, around 2018, that the only political grouping that I could associate myself for the little that remains of my life, is going to be the NPP.
I now have grandchildren. I don’t need the advice of a chameleon like Dayan to decide which politicians will be good for the future of the country. A WhatsApp conversation yesterday revealed to me that few realise what an inconstant man Dayan is.
That says nothing about his stint as one of Varthrajah Perumal’s Government. This does:
That’s by HLDM. I’m trying to kill a second bird with that. I hope that those who imagine that Eagle Eye is Mahindapala will realise that the latter writes too well to be masquerading as EE.
The NPP doesn’t insist that we read Marx, Engels and Antonio Gramsci. Where does that last live? Not in Lanka, so not relevant.
As for the Frontline guys, isn’tPremakumar Gunaratnam
brilliant in these 58 minutes? I listened spellbound:
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
old codger / February 13, 2022
It might interest you that Dr.DJ and HLDM were as thick as thieves in the Premadasa era media. HLDM was editor of the Sunday Observer, I think . Both were unceremoniously thrown out by CBK.
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
but they could not succeed throwing out from UPFA. That is why we saw DJ was always struggling to get posted to by each successive govt.
I wonder why DJ was not sent to South Korea being part of SORYSENA s deligation to that country this week. Loook how ballige puthas silenced SIRISENA s rise by sending him to Seoul this week (pacifier). Sirisena would have been very happy if he would be sent to even Greenland or Alaska
…. giving him some respect. That is why current govt did…. in order to keep all shit buddies under one umbrella.
Human Touch / February 15, 2022
I think it is highly unfair that you attribute names to pseudonyms.
You may put your unwanted credentials for reference, yourself, which no one wants to know, but those who prefer to use pseudonyms should be respected and left anonymous.
This is a platform where Ideas matter, more than those lousy titles or I am so so and so crap.
Please don’t feel offended, I thought I should mention it.
If anyone wants to use his real name he will do so of his own accord.
Thank you very much
Simon / February 12, 2022
All this while I was thinking of “Slaves” who are generally categorized as “Menial” but never thought of people with “High Education” and call themselves “Professionals” would ever be “Slaves”. So going through this article by “Prof” DJ, I changed my understanding and that generalization of a “Slave”.
SJ: You have done justice in analyzing and replying to the contents of the article. Your reply is more than enough for the present.
However, as regards “Strategic Blunder 1”, I would ask “Dr?” DJ to read through the booklet of NPP titled “Rapid Response to Overcome Current Challenges”, page 20 titled “Political Reforms” wherein it states: ” A strong Parliament with a Cabinet accountable to Parliament instead of an Executive President where power is arbitrarily concentrated in one person”.
Dr. DJ: Please don’t underestimate the present-day generation and lead them up a gum tree with your rhetorical analyses of the political situation in Sri Lanka. Of course, you ably fit with your “Pay Master” – Sajith of SJB.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
“Dr. DJ: Please don’t underestimate the present-day generation and lead them up a gum tree with your rhetorical analyses of the political situation in Sri Lanka. Of course, you ably fit with your “Pay Master” – Sajith of SJB.”
The present-day generation doesn’t give a damn about
ideology, Castroism, Marxism, Maoism, SiriMaoism, Leninism, PolPotism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Prachandaism, Hoxhaism, Guzmanism, Mugabeism, ……….
Get a life
Native Vedda / February 13, 2022
Dayan Jayatilleka must get a life.
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
.needless to say that srilanka mlechcha media makes “porawal” (weerayas/heros/pundits/ ) mostly out of self-proclaimed sinhala bps.🐃🐃🐃
Sri lanken media made DJ a weeraya/ naming as one of the most powerful political scientists we have in the country/ so DJ feels that he makes predictions one behind the other (if we are not we truly know how inconsistent DJ has been since 2009).🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
The same is the case with Gotabaya/ Mandasena (pissusena going beyond the level of Polonnaruwa donkey)and it ended up making him the “President ” of a country where Punnaku drinkers are the majority .🐃🐃🐃🐃🐕🐕🐕😶
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
Same was the case with “dhammika pani maker” until that uneducated man ‘s subconscious mind suddenly revealed the high chapter monk in a f2f meeting that he is a man being controlled by “kalimma ” to the manner Gota aka Mandasena (please dont mix it up with Mandela) being remote-controlled by Ghanakka /Ghanasara (nation s molester).
Knowing the reality/ what we the insignificant minority can do is very little/- srilanka made by Rajapakse mlechcha politics is pre calculated so as Saudis did it with the most MISTERIOUS murder in recent times/that of journalist Jamal Khashoggi 🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃
Human Touch / February 15, 2022
For starters, every Sinhala Buddhist must know that according to the Dharma, it is a person’s attributes like attitude, behavior, character, and honesty that make him great.
It is not his family background, degrees, alma mater, caste, or creed.
Anyone who accords undue respect to animals in coat and tie must equally be a worthless idiot.
Simon / February 13, 2022
NV: “The present-day generation doesn’t give a damn about……..” You said it well. Hope Dr. DJ will get the message.
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
Are you talking about ” Dayan Jayathilaka” ?
I have no doubt, he would not.
He has shown his levels of tendencies over the years. Unfortunatley, his father was a decent fellow and would not have tolerated the nature of DJ if he lived today. History proves that Late Mervin Silva was a great journalist.
His son was seen with MR, Wimal Buruwanse and all the kind of vicious politicians of this country on and on. Our eyes could not believe but all that would not be a problem of the kind of person. Let s hope he will recover oneday.
Human Touch / February 15, 2022
Mervin Silva is Dead?
and he was DJs Father! Unbeleivable.
Does it mean Malaka Silva is DJs younger brother?
Just kidding, hahahaha
By the way present-day Journalists are the biggest shoe-shiners you can find in SL. Fox news guys look like saints when compared to tis lot.
Derana and Hiru Journalist will take the highest honors in that regard.
I would hold that cheap shoe-shinning scumbag chatura Alwis responsible for misleading 90% of the Sinhala-Buddhist population to a vegetative state.
The day Mara and co get the noose around their necks, Chatura Alwis should not be left out. I think Chatura should consider it a privilege to be stringed alongside…
People like Chatura are not journalists, they are advertisers or marketers at best.
To me, their kind are pure traitors or shameless scum bags.
old codger / February 13, 2022
“Of course, you ably fit with your “Pay Master” – Sajith of SJB.”
Dr.DJ is his own paymaster. I doubt Sajith is interested in fake revolutionary rhetoric. Neither Mahinda or Ranil were. There is a species of wasp that lays its eggs inside anaesthetised spiders. When the young wasps emerge, only the spider’s skin is left. Get it?
Jit / February 13, 2022
OC, Ranil never bought DJ crap and for that DJ was/is still furious about. However, MR bought his candy floss wholeheartedly and gave him full powers to defend the sordid war crimes under their regime, which DJ quite readily tried to whitewash with his expert dirty laundry expertise at the UNHRC Sri Lanka 11th Special Session in May 2009.
old codger / February 13, 2022
Ranil saw through the guy and didn’t even pretend to listen to him. MR saw possibilities (one has to admit his speeches in English are much more convincing than any Pohottuwa type), used him, and discarded him.
leelagemalli / February 13, 2022
I wonder why DJ did not join SORYSENA in his trip to SOUTH korea last week. That way, he could take away the bordem of DJ which he s been suffering for the last few years. No matter anything and everything would be there case, these buggers would be more than happy to take the advantage of the situation.
Good Sense / February 13, 2022
Part I
DJ makes a case for a Presidential system, citing various examples, including ones headed by “leftists and freedom fighters” being “Executive Presidents”. The Sri Lankan “Executive Presidency”, particularly after Prez Junius Richard, became an “Executioneering Presidency”. Ronnie Gunasinghe was identified as the “Chief abductor” of Media personnel Richard de Zoysa by the mother, was blown by the same bomb that took President Premadasa, father of Sajith, to whom the author now holds a brief for him. The parliamentary system of Mrs. Sirima Bandaranaike from 1972 to 1977 too was “iron fisted”. The nature of the system has nothing to do with “My way only” leadership. The command “Organic at Once!” is a classic example under the present government. Much earlier, “Preme” was only PM, when he gave “rough treatment” to late Dr. Mike Joachim for voicing a professionally correct different opinion, which was later admitted as correct by “Preme”. From 1972 onwards people are sovereign. They were only consulted in the “lamp-pot” referendum. In all other cases a blank checque is given to the politicians to gallivant after every election without any right of supervision by the people. That is what must be corrected foremost.
Good Sense / February 13, 2022
Part II
The entrenched Article 3 of the current constitution specifies that people are sovereign and that is inalienable. Article 4, now treated as entrenched, specifies the way in which people’s sovereignty is exercised, dividing it as legislative, executive, and judicial powers, and vesting it into various institutions. However, there is nothing that allows the people either to be consulted or to review the same excepting in very limited instances, the only one being the “lamp-pot” referendum. Knowing very well that this method is yet another way to perpetuate “representative democracy” and politicians thinking that they are not accountable to the people, kleptocracy has crept into the system in a big way. The judgement delivered by the fullest bench of the UK Supreme Court in the instance of Boris Johnson causing the Parliament to be prorogued to scuttle the discussion on implementation of BREXIT was declared illegal and through “Judge made law”. It was ruled that anything to avoid accountability is illegal. Here??? The ability of the people to participate in government the foremost part to be addressed and not whether a system is Presidential or Parliamentary. I believe that a remedy in this direction can be the answer many maladies.
Human Touch / February 14, 2022
Let us see what the JVP will do to press for justice for journalist Chamuditha Samarawickrama’s residence attack.
Another fellow was taken into custody today at panadura, let us see what the JVP will do on his behalf.
Until the JVP can fight for justice on behalf of all those who have been attacked or victimized unlawfully, I will be very skeptical about voting for them.
Actions speak louder than words, let us wait and observe.
nimal fernando / February 15, 2022
I find it fascinating that ……… it’s easier to hoodwink professors in universities with this kind of crap ………. than the average pleb on the street ………
The proof of the pudding is in the eating