26 April, 2024


Who Is Winning The ‘War On Terrorism’?

By Amer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

David Kilgullen, an Australian expert on counterinsurgency and military strategy, after surveying the fifteen-year vicissitudes of the so called War on Terror was more than candid when he concluded his latest book, Blood Year: Islamic State and the Failures of War on Terror, Black Inc., UK, 2016, with the following words: “No amount of high-tech weaponry will help, because the problem isn’t one of technology or intellect, but of character and will, and the harsh reality is that you can’t win without fighting. The Islamic State understands that; so do the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Do we?”

The IS attack on Brussels is the latest of that criminal state’s destructive agenda and once again IS has succeeded in distracting the Western powers to spend their time, resources and energy in upgrading and tightening domestic security while continuing with their half-hearted measures to fight IS on its own turf.

The main target of IS is not Europe or America, UK or Australia but Iraq and Syria, two countries that have fallen into the hands of the Shiah who are only fifteen per cent of world Muslim population. The political implications of this sectarian dynamics in the Middle East are largely being forgotten in the current debates over War on Terrorism.brussels-suspects

Photo – The three men captured on CCTV camera at Brussels airport, who are believed to have been identified, and went on to carry out the attacks

When the British created Iraq from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire they deliberately installed in 1921 a Sunni Muslim, King Faisal, to rule over the Shia majority – just as they chose a Hindu to rule over the Muslim majority Kashmir in India in 1846. Sunni rule over the Shia majority continued in Iraq until it was reversed after the U.S. invasion in 2003 and subsequent withdrawal in 2007-8. IS is now fighting to bring Iraq back under Sunni rule.

Similarly in post-independence Ba’athist Syria, the Alawites, a Shia minority is ruling over the majority Sunnis under the leadership of the Assad family. IS wants that too to be reversed.

IS’ suicide bombers are busy killing hundreds of Iraqi and Syrian civilians but that somehow fails to capture the same intensity of attention from the world media as killings in Europe do. Is European blood more precious than non-European?

IS is not alone in this anti-Shia battle. There are other terrorist outfits like the al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram and several more. While the media and Western leaders are too ready to condemn these terror enterprises they don’t seem to do the same about the ideological and financial backers of the anti-Shia armada.

Saudi Arabia in particular and its other five members of the Gulf Cooperation Council namely, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and U.A.E which are all authoritarian monarchies and staunch allies of the U.S. see in the rise of IS a powerful weapon to counter the ascendancy of Iran, the Persian Safavid enemy. The combined Shia power of Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah will, in the view of GCC, encourage the Shia in oil-rich Eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and oil-less Yemen to rise in revolt against the Sunni regimes. This inner fear drives them to support IS sometimes overtly but always covertly so long as IS does not threaten the existence of these regimes. That IS is capable of destabilising these regimes, is never in doubt.

The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi ultra-conservatism is the umbilical cord that links the various terrorist outfits. This ideology is the most dangerous export from Saudi Arabia that is winning many adherents in the West and recruits fighters to IS. The social media campaign by IS cannot win recruits instantaneously unless there are people whose hearts and minds have already been won over by a radical ideology. Wahhabism/Salafism does this very effectively. It is a losing strategy for the Western powers to respond to the military threat of IS while ignoring the sources of its militant ideology. How can the U.S. ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ IS without condemning the ideological and material support that IS receives from GCC?

IS is the product of Western geopolitical blunders. Had Bush and Blair to start with and Sarkozy and Cameron to follow not destroyed, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya IS would not have come into existence. IS is now an inconvenient reality. IS is dictating the terms of this war and through its diversionary tactics is deciding when to fight and where to fight.

Kilgullen’s words quoted at the beginning highlights the chilling predicament of the West. Without a firm resolve to confront IS and its supporters directly and with ample resources Brussels will not be the last theatre of death and destruction in Europe.

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  • 4

    My God is the nightmare about to start?

    Will Europe follow the Trump plan and close its borders to Muslims?

    Will we then see a pogrom of Muslims from Europe? (memories of what Isabella and Ferdindinad did to the Moors in Spain).

    Time to retreat to my spot on Munakkara bridge and catch something nice for lunch.

    • 7

      The world has to act to destroy the Wahabist Islamist menace. If what is needed is closing borders, so be it.

      Our country Sri Lanka is also i trouble. They moved from the Rajapakse camp to Sirisena-Wickremesinghe camp at the death bell of the Rajapakse era. Now they are changing electoral borders to get more seats and capture power in Colombo, Galle Kandy and elsewhere.

      Our people are asleep. Islamic bombs are going to wake them u soon.

      • 4

        Dr. Ameer Ali

        “Kilgullen’s words quoted at the beginning highlights the chilling predicament of the West. Without a firm resolve to confront IS and its supporters directly and with ample resources Brussels will not be the last theatre of death and destruction in Europe.”

        Who are the Supports of Wahhabi Salafi Ideology, Satanic-Iblisic Ideology and Terrorism?

        1. Saudi Arabia- Provides Oil to the West and buys Weapons.

        2. Qutar- Provides Oil to the West and buys Weapons.

        3. Bahrain- Provides Oil to the West and buys Weapons.

        4. United Arab Emirates- Provides Oil to the West and buys Weapons.

        5. Saudi Arabia- Provides Oil to the West and buys Weapons.

        al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis


      • 4

        Terrorism is nothing new to Sri Lanka. Terrorism in Sri Lanka is associated with Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism since 1948. In order to deny the fundamental rights of the Tamils, Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism encouraged Islamist Terrorism. Unless you wake up and get rid of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism, there is no doubt that Islamic bombs is going to be real.

      • 1

        Dr. Ameer Ali

        Why Iraq????

        “When the British created Iraq from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire they deliberately installed in 1921 a Sunni Muslim, King Faisal, to rule over the Shia majority – just as they chose a Hindu to rule over the Muslim majority Kashmir in India in 1846. Sunni rule over the Shia majority continued in Iraq until it was reversed after the U.S. invasion in 2003 and subsequent withdrawal in 2007-8. IS is now fighting to bring Iraq back under Sunni rule.”

        Why Iraq????

        Noam Chomsky Why Iraq


        At 36:20 he doesn’t even factor in the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. Really speaks volumes about the mind set of people in the west, it’s constantly about “us”, we will hoard their oil which will benefit us, it’s best for our interests, the international community might not like us but oh well, we will have increased terror which will be dangerous for us.

        The corpses that were piled all over the country many of which were children and most of which were civilians, the use of white phosphorus that effects fallujah to this day with incredibly high rates of birth defect, the effect the jihadist groups that spawned out of the massacre have on the populations of the region who account for most of the isis body count, the destabilization that continues to this day, the theft of another countries natural resources, the refugees who were scattered all over the Arab world fleeing the air strikes, the fact that the war was in fact illegal by international law is of no concern, as long as we were able to get ours it’s justified.

        Unreal that people can express this sort of ludicrous opinion in a serious manner and not feel any amount of shame or concern for their own mental well being. Delusional American privilege and jingoism at it’s worst.

    • 4

      Amer Ali

      1. “IS is not alone in this anti-Shia battle. There are other terrorist outfits like the al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram and several more. While the media and Western leaders are too ready to condemn these terror enterprises they don’t seem to do the same about the ideological and financial backers of the anti-Shia armada.”

      2. “Saudi Arabia in particular and its other five members of the Gulf Cooperation Council namely, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and U.A.E which are all authoritarian monarchies and staunch allies of the U.S. see in the rise of IS a powerful weapon to counter the ascendancy of Iran, the Persian Safavid enemy.”

      3. “The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi ultra-conservatism is the umbilical cord that links the various terrorist outfits. This ideology is the most dangerous export from Saudi Arabia that is winning many adherents in the West and recruits fighters to IS.”

      4. “IS is the product of Western geopolitical blunders.” .

      Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism” Interview

      British Definition of Nigger: Third Word People. You can do what they want.

      Aggression, a supreme international crime, is Worse than Terrorism.


      Published on Sep 18, 2013
      Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of many books including, with Andre Vltchek, On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare, talks about his new book, his body of work and his take on recent events, plus listener calls.

    • 2

      Dr. Ameer Ali

      “IS is the product of Western geopolitical blunders. Had Bush and Blair to start with and Sarkozy and Cameron to follow not destroyed, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya IS would not have come into existence. IS is now an inconvenient reality. IS is dictating the terms of this war and through its diversionary tactics is deciding when to fight and where to fight.”

      Noam Chomsky The War in Afghanistan Fascinating Lecture!

      Acting Without authority.


      Over the last millennium war has been the dominant activity of European states. The central tragic fact is simple: coercion works; those who apply substantial force to their fellows get compliance, and from that compliance draw the multiple advantages of money, goods, deference, access to pleasures denied to less powerful people. The deference commonly includes the awed acclaim of the educated classes. It is only in folk tales, children’s stories, and the journals of intellectual opinion that power is used wisely and well to destroy evil. It takes willful and dedicated ignorance to fail to perceive these facts.

      Simple way of stating the obvious. Thank you Prof. Noam Chomsky.

    • 0

      Whoever is winning, it is not Tamils.

      Discrimination against Muslims will only worsen it. A political solution is needed to address Muslim grievances and aspirations.

      SL is also vulnerable unless Muslim grievances and aspirations are addressed.

  • 5

    europe is “asking and eating”. idiots in europe opened borders for syrians and they will face the consequences in near future. whole europe will be islamizised. it’s time europe leaders take on trumps path and destroy muslim terrorists

  • 8

    Nobody seems to get it in there western dominated mind:

    If you kill people in Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Somalia, those people
    Affected will fight back. This is very simple to understand.If west is bombing
    Those countries, the west should expect more retaliation- this is war.
    The terrorist are the countries bombing the Middle East for resources,
    What chaos created by the west will engulf them.

    Muslims who are in the west are like house slaves who have to sing for supper from there
    Masters.What ever nonsense written by them is there work for supper.

    • 2

      Dr. Ameer Ali

      “The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi ultra-conservatism is the umbilical cord that links the various terrorist outfits. This ideology is the most dangerous export from Saudi Arabia that is winning many adherents in the West and recruits fighters to IS. The social media campaign by IS cannot win recruits instantaneously unless there are people whose hearts and minds have already been won over by a radical ideology. Wahhabism/Salafism does this very effectively. It is a losing strategy for the Western powers to respond to the military threat of IS while ignoring the sources of its militant ideology. How can the U.S. ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ IS without condemning the ideological and material support that IS receives from GCC?”

      The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi Follow the Satan, Iblis, Devil. It is in the Hadith of Najad. Abdul Wahhab is was infected by the Satan, and his followers as well.

      Hadith of Najd


      al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis


      • 2

        The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi Follow the Satan, Iblis, Devil. It is in the Hadith of Najad. Abdul Wahhab is was infected by the Satan, and his followers as well.
        1. Hadith of Najd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadith_of_Najd
        2. al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAvWmZfGjTU

        And Amarasiri rides again with his hackneyed cut and paste quotes.
        1. This is a wrong interpretation by half baked scholars all malicious critics of Sheik Muhammad. The reader is invited to the correct explanation by some of the most respected and revered pious predecessors who had a better understanding of what the Holy Prophet (S) said and meant than these contemporary critics. CLICK HERE
        2. Who is this al-Azhar cleric talking about wahabis/Salafist ? Is it Izeth Hussain or Amarasiri himself or one of a thousand mislead miscreants talking? Come, come Amarasiri,you claim to be an Egalitarian, a Philosopher, a Rationalist and you should know better to present a plausible case to link these Khawarij clones to “Wahabism”. This is what happens when you listen to or read what every Tom, Dick and Harry writes subjectively. Amarasiri this is not the way to do research. So your cut and paste thesis will end up where it belongs- in the trash bin! Remember that there is no substitute for research at source as the writings of Sheik Ibn Tayimmah and Sheik Muhammad are extant and are waiting for you to delve into it and find the truth yourself.

        • 1

          2. The video Amarasiri posted by an “unknown cleric” is one side of the story. The renowned Scholar and author Sheik Fowzan has a better understanding. To hear him log into http://youtu.be/QVu9Winm7nw

          • 1


            RE: Wahhabism and Salafism

            The modern Salafiyyah are a reincarnation of Wahhaabism. Wahhabis Follow Iblis, Satan to deceive and Mislead the Muslims.

            The Devil’s Deception of the Modern Day Salafi Sect Kindle Edition by Imam Luqman Ahmad (Author)


            Comments by Readers A Must Read!

            Imam Luqman Ahmad’s book actually gave a very detailed chronological explanation of the Salafi Sect. How it started and what it has become. All the misconceptions are addressed in this book. I highly recommend this book not only to Muslims, but even if you are interested in Islam. With so many “sects” out there, it’s best to protect yourself from falling into a trap of hatred, racism and self adulation.

            Read this book and protect yourself from the mass ignorance out there! May God bless Imam Luqman Ahmed for his hard work! Great book!!!

            Great clarification! “The modern Salafiyyah are a reincarnation of Wahhaabism. Many of their statements and positions on issues mirror those of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahaab.

            Not long ago there were people who were calling themselves Wahhaabis and they too claimed that no one understood Islam properly but them. However, after a series of religious verdicts condemning their claim to exclusive rights to the true guidance of Islam, the term lost popularity.

            The term, da’watus Salafiyyah, or Salafiyyism, a catchier phrase, then replaced it.” This quote here denotes the true deception of this modern day sect of Salafiyyah, because while they claim to be true followers of the Salafus-Saalih, they are actually imitators of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, who was influenced by Ibn Taymiyyah. If the followers of Salafiyyah would just make the proper claim of who and what they follow in reality, then there would be no need to expose their deception, but Imam Luqman Ahmad has done a tremendous job.

            Great clarification! A Somewhat Limited Audience to Those Interested in Contemporary Islamic Issues This is a rather specialized book that will appeal only to those currently interested in contemporary Islamic issues. To that extent, it has a relatively limited audience. Of course, the author takes one particular point of view from within Sunni Islam, deprecating the Salafis. There is a certain amount of repetition in the presentation. However, for those interested, on whatever side, it can be recommended.

            Posted earlier March 3, 2016 at 6:48 pm

            • 1

              The Devil’s Deception of the Modern Day Salafi Sect Kindle Edition by Imam Luqman Ahmad (Author)

              The deviant Luqman Ahmad is one of a hundred ( nay, possibly a thousand) malicious critics of the noble Sheik Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab. Amarasiri clearly takes the intellectually hollow attitude of an ” enemy’s enemy is my friend “. So whosoever criticizes Sheik Wahab must rank as a scholar and worthy of giving an attentive ear.
              What is this problem of “Wahabism” that is giving butterflies in the stomach feeling to so many? Let’s look into the genesis of this problem. Saudi Arabia had reverted to its pre-Islamic culture of idol worship and deviant precipices, all anathema, to the pure Islam that was taught by the Prophet(S) of Islam. The practises and rituals at this time were all inimical to its pristine creed. Very few of the ulema knew this but they were not able to do anything about it. The majority of the so called ulema were so corrupt that it was not in their interest to even attempt to change the status quo. It was in this period that Sheik Wahab, a gifted scholar by his writings and lectures began to change matters. As one expects in this scenario, he had over a thousand enemies and more who tried their utmost to stifle his attempts and what’s more obliterate him from the face of the earth. Avoiding prolixity, in fairness to the reader unlike Amarasiri, whose prolixity is legendary, those interested can learn more by CLICKING HERE.
              Having established that Sheik Muhammad was a pious man, a great reformer and who successfully completed his Noble mission, we have the second proposition of the IBLIS inspired critics. Now it doesn’t take much to prove that DAEESH ( they prefer to be called ISIS), Taliban, Al -Qaeeda, Boko Haram! etc, etc are EVIL. Hence they are, along with the critics of Sheik Muhammad, proxies of SHAITAN, IBLEES, and whatever name Amarasiri loves calling them. What is the connection between the teachings of Sheik Muhammad and the erroneous ideologies of these terrorists? Has Amarasiri or his mentor Izeth, or even Ameer Ali, been able to establish conclusively that there is a connection, without resorting to HE SAYS THAT SHE SAYS THAT HE SAYS ad infinitum? If you have to quote a critical author, then it is necessary to mention the arguments he presents with concrete, unassailable proof. Unfortunately we have still to see these arguments in this forum, in the many threads that discussed this subject.
              Amarasiri has bombarded this forum with unrelenting cut and paste stuff, much of it irrelevant. He often distracts the reader with his apparent enormous knowledge of everything under the sun, and beyond! We do not need Einstein’s theory of relativity, Quantum Physics, Astronomical Equations to establish that Amarsiri’s Wahabists and their clones have a link to the pure teachings of Islam as enunciated by Sheik Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab. Sheik Muhammad’s writings are extant so one has a tremendous opportunity to study and conclude for or against from first hand sources.
              The final point I wish to make is Amarasiri’s accusation that Sheik Wahab copied the material for his books from Sheik Ibn Taymiah. This shows how backward, ignorant and vindictive Amarasiri is! Of course there will be whole paragraphs, even chapters of similar thought and elucidation, because they all referred to the true and correct understanding of Islam. Otherwise, and if it were not so, the material would certainly be good fodder for their critics to rip them apart!

              • 1

                Typo errors:
                Read .. Culture of idol worship and deviant precipices Should read .. Culture of idol worship and deviant practices

  • 2

    Dr. Ameer Ali

    RE: Who Is Winning The ‘War On Terrorism’?

    Question: Who is a Terrorist? What is the Definition? Imperialist Barbarism?

    “David Kilgullen, an Australian expert on counterinsurgency and military strategy, after surveying the fifteen-year vicissitudes of the so called War on Terror was more than candid when he concluded his latest book, Blood Year: Islamic State and the Failures of War on Terror, Black Inc., UK, 2016, with the following words: “No amount of high-tech weaponry will help, because the problem isn’t one of technology or intellect, but of character and will, and the harsh reality is that you can’t win without fighting. The Islamic State understands that; so do the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Do we?””

    “The IS attack on Brussels is the latest of that criminal state’s destructive agenda and once again “

    Question: Who is a Terrorist? What is the Definition? Imperialist Barbarism?

    Who funded and supported the “Terrorists”. Who used the “Terrorists”? Why?

    To advance their Imperialistic, Empire Building Hegemony using Proxies. These so called Terrorists are of their own making. Afganistan, Iraq, Syria?

    Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism” Interview


    Published on Sep 18, 2013
    Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of many books including, with Andre Vltchek, On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare, talks about his new book, his body of work and his take on recent events, plus listener calls.

    Example: LTTE “Terrorists”?

    Who initiated and Made them? Para-Sinhala Buddhists in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?

  • 3

    A very revealing and concise treatise on the situation. Excellent. Bensen

  • 5

    Amer Ali –

    The World needs more Muslims like you to explain why Terrorism, Happens!

    People just categorise all Muslims as Terrorists!

    • 3

      Nangiye, I WOULD Love to put gold in your mouth to have added the kind of thoughts… but Not only muslims but our so clled buddhist ran amok.. with the patronage of MR net work with police men standing and watching indifferent. People have lost their memories. Days were not far away… BBS was so facists.. and all kind of brutal with the same tactics being played by brutal terrorists.

    • 1


      “People just categorise all Muslims as Terrorists!

      That is what the West, the British and their stooges want to say.

      Do you know On Western Terrorism?

      Want to know who the Real Terrorists are? The British and their supporters, a slew of them including the Great Satan

      Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism” Interview


      Noam Chomsky The War in Afghanistan Fascinating Lecture!


  • 2

    A very good analysis.

    “IS is now fighting to bring Iraq back under Sunni rule.”
    “Similarly in post-independence Ba’athist Syria, the Alawites, a Shia minority is ruling over the majority Sunnis under the leadership of the Assad family. IS wants that too to be reversed.”
    “IS is the product of Western geopolitical blunders.”
    “It is a losing strategy for the Western powers to respond to the military threat of IS while ignoring the sources of its militant ideology.”
    All very true.

    I will go a little further to suggest that the anti-Shia agenda is post-Islamic revolution in Iran and designed by the US to isolate Iran. It served to boost Saudi ambitions for regional hegemony.
    The US and Saudi Arabia (+GCC) are equally in it and there is now the 21st Century Axis of Evil comprising the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. It is a cynical anti-Arab and anti-Muslim alliance at work.

    Muslims across the globe have to be told in no uncertain terms what the Gulf regimes are about.

  • 4

    In any religious matter, we should look with love, kindness, mercy and grace; bringing out the spiritual nature.

    In the investigation of the suicide bomb incident at Brussels airport, in the waste bin of the suicide bomber, a note was found, which revealed that he was tired of running away and being hunted down and would like to end it.

    Obviously, before taking a step to end his life, the bomber had two options. Firstly, to ask Allah or God what he should do. Secondly, to get spiritual counselling at the mosque.

    Perhaps he did, but he decided to to kill himself and others; against the nature and character of Allah, which Muslims pronounce daily.

    In SL, Muslims similarly face insecurity after BBS extremist attacks in Beruwala and other areas. Probably, women feel insecure, in a male dominated SL.

    So, they express in articles, which is good for demopcracy.

    But we should help them resolve their issues with love and reconciliation. They are our citizens.

  • 1

    One thing you have to remember is we are not solving problems, but managing them. It all comes down to cost benefit analysis. Simply put, the benefits of good relationships with GCC exceeds the current threat of IS, which is funded by GCC. The tipping point is when the cost exceeds the benefits, i.e. IS threat is so high oil and weapon sales now deserves the back of the queue. Then we will hear the stop buzzer for the GCC-US relationships. I don’t see this happening, because both parties are quite good at maintaining the balance so far.

  • 7

    The West create terrorism to divide and rule others. We all know who created Bin Laden. We also know who supported the LTTE indirectly through diaspora for few decades. We also know that the West supported IS to grow, in order to undermine the Middle East. Eventually, it will backfire on the West. Sri Lanka has eliminated terrorism, because of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s courage and determination.

    Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has called for urgent international dialogue on terrorism. Dialogue will not work with the people who don’t want a solution, but they enjoy causing agony and suffering to others. If we had Ranil Wickremesinghe as a leader, the LTTE would have been demanding more and more through the Western countries while killing innocent people, intellectuals and political leaders.

    • 0

      Mr.Anthony Piyaththal, tell me the year, please, America supported LTTE thorough diaspora or direct. List those events here, please. We can start to talk. You are paid servant of Old King who sent you to Australia to create disturbances to Australian government in the Name of Eelam Tamils.

      • 5

        If you have a reasonable brain you wouldn’t have ended up in nothing after three decades of brutal war. The West is capable enough to trace every dollar that leaves the Western countries. The West is capable to stop the money that send by diaspora to the LTTE, but it didn’t. What does it tell you? The West banned the LTTE in 2006, still in 2007, 2008, and 2009 the LTTE received millions of dollars from Tamil diaspora. Can you imagine how much money they would have sent before the LTTE got banned?

        • 0

          If we didn’t end up in war, your boss Old King would have had no way to put you in Australia. Think faithfully. Don’t fault the logic. By now, you might have been within the 150,000 who were killed by the Chemical weapon.

          West is the one figured out the Old King have transferred up to 18 billions to foreign banks. You got that correct. You have no data how and how much LTTE transferred to Lankawe. Telling a story

          Now you understand how sharp the West is in investigating after your got in to the money laundering and disturbing peace in Australia projects foolishly undertaking for the Old King. If you have a reasonable brain you wouldn’t have ended up in that mess.

          India was the only one supported rebels at the start. Regan’s administration did like Mrs,Gandhi. America always went against rebel. At the end, (2008) There was a change in the American policies towards Tamils. It did not produce any benefits for Tamils. Don’t keep writing what read you from the Old Royal notes. Read the newspapers and figure out what is going on. First take your brain to near by laundry and have it washed cleanly.

          War is fought by two people. Oppressing dictators and oppressed minorities. Tamils are correct in fighting the war.

          • 4

            “First take your brain to near by laundry and have it washed cleanly”

            The above statement by you clearly indicates that you are not normal. You need a medical help. I don’t know why Colombo Telegraph allows this kind of useless comments in the name of free speech.

          • 4

            I am not in a mess, but you are. You have nothing to show after 30 years of war. I am very happy that I exposed the white man to Chinese and Sinhalese leaders. I have punished the white man more than any other Asian. I don’t enjoy worshipping the white man as you do. I have done two political researches equal to two PhDs, but I wasn’t invited for any Tamil diaspora or TNA meeting. Tamil fools will only invite Tamil intellectuals, if white man or New Delhi approves. Now you know why Tamils got nothing after three decades of brutal war. Tamils’ middle name is defeat, they have no hope whatsoever unless people like you all are locked up in a prison. Remember, I have supported the government and defeated you. It will continue, until you surrender. You can’t hide behind the white man forever, we will get you sooner or later as we did to your king Peraphakaran.

            • 0

              “We also know who supported the LTTE indirectly through diaspora for few decades. We also know that the West supported IS to grow, in order to undermine the Middle East.” Who is that “WE” anyway? First could you tell me how did you come to know?. I don’t know why Colombo Telegraph allows this kind of useless comments in the name of free speech.

              “I have done two political researches equal to two PhDs, but I wasn’t invited for any Tamil diaspora or TNA meeting.” First take your brain to a nearby laundry and have it washed cleanly. Man you wasted time to two articles but nobody has given you a PhD. First start to lament at them. When one gives you a PhD, we two can start to lament at TNA together, to let you speak in their meetings. Don’t start to cry for the round steak before you even cut the cow. (“Aadu arukka muthal….)

              One time, just to prove Tamils is ignorant and uneducated, a white man stopped a Tamil and asked him to guess how old he would be? The Tamil answered the Whiteman was 50 years old. White man asked how he guessed it so correct. The Tamil replied my half-mad daughter is only 25 years. By reading your writings, and comparing it with the other PhDs in CT, I have been thinking you might be a triple PhD. But, it seems it is only double! We, here in CT, have a long list of PhDs. There all are ok under normal conditions. But when sit down and start to think to write an article to CT only they get haunted and ended gibberish-ing all sorts of things. Welcome you the double PhD to the club of CT’s PhDs. We know TNA doesn’t invite CT’s PhDs for its meetings. Sad But what to do? Anyway we are happy to receive the latest addition to the CT’s PhD list.

              After all it is not bad, because your boss is King, a Caliph and a PhD from Lumumba. It is not bad he is employing his class PhDs like you for his services.

              “Now you know why Tamils got nothing after three decades of brutal war. Tamils’ middle name is defeat, they have no hope whatsoever unless people like you all are locked up in a prison.”

              Man, please take a good nap and clear the dope first. Otherwise you won’t be able to understand what I talk. For your information, you are the one got locked up in Australian Prison. In the Western world, one goes to prison if that one is a lawbreaker like you. That is why you left Australia and went to Lankawe. In the Wildlife Sanctuary of SinhaLE Lankawe, if you are an Eelam then Tamil you go to prison. That is why we left to West even before Lankawe start to think of it. To understand that, first cut and squeeze couple of limes and drink so the dope will diminish a little bit and eyes will start to sense the light outside.

              You went from Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE lankawe to Australia on paid money to expose Whiteman and ended up exposing yours. We went to west to expose Lankawe. Our job is not yet finished even though there is a resolution passed in UHRC that the Lankawe has to be investigated for war crimes. OISL named 47 criminal like your boss, the Old King as potential war criminals. America forced the OISL to remove that list from the report and saved your boss. You guy have deferred your arrest because of America. But your people first name has been made as criminal by OISL. So, is that why you are calling Tamils’ middle name is losers?

              “Remember, I have supported the government and defeated you. It will continue, until you surrender. “ I am a little bit confused here. Please help me man! Which government you supported? Yahapalanaya? That is the one has defeated your boss, without any hope redemption.

              “You can’t hide behind the white man forever, we will get you sooner or later as we did to your king Peraphakaran.” What I heard is, it is the American satellites tracked and sank the LTTE’s ships with arms. Keep mentioning, Man, the names of the 32 Whiteman governments helped your boss to defeat the Leader Pirapaharan. Comedy thamai…….

              • 2

                I never got locked up in Australia. Stop your lies, you lies won’t take you anywhere. Last thirty years your lies gave you nothing, but shame, agony and suffering. Americans and Indians came to defeat the LTTE, because we went to China. We forced them to help us, because we are smart. You are fools, your middle name is defeat and you lost it. The truth is you have been defeated, you have no chance again to fool others. We are watching you carefully, in fact I asked the Asian leaders to watch your every step very carefully.

                • 0

                  “We are watching you carefully, in fact I asked the Asian leaders to watch your every step very carefully.”

                  I thought China and Old King have been paying for you. But, now, are you telling that you are the one paying for China? Anyway very much thanks for you for having arranged a nanny to watch me on every step.

                  Have you got beaten up at Tiananmen Square on the head? What kind of hallucination is this? Who are those Asian Leaders man?

                  Can you give me the name and address of the publishers of your book, please? I want to recommend them to see the Angoda doctors. I cannot recommend that for you because the doctors will come back kick and on my butt for dislodging you from you cozy place CT and sending you there to create turmoil in the Angoda Hospital. Certainly, you are going expose in Angoda too as the way you exposed in Australia. Your good place is and you better return back to Australia and start count back the wires on the windows there. Do you know one thing man? I have stopped temporarily worrying about the Eelam Tamils after coming across you the Sri Lankan Tamil, the most dangerous creature in Asia. . Now I am worrying about the Tamil woman gave birth to you. Wouldn’t she have been, like all other mothers, when she was rocking the cradle and singing the lullaby, dreaming that when you grow up you too would be man within other men on this earth? Poor woman, she has been revenged by God for nothing. Just because I said I feel sorry for her, don’t send her name too to your Asian leaders.

                  “Americans and Indians came to defeat the LTTE, because we went to China.” Forget about the LTTE losing the war. But are you saying now the West defeated LTTE by giving the diaspora the money as you said earlier? Is that why the people are saying that your boss too paid a large sum of money to LTTE? Now only I understand that why people say that some kids’ parents had destroyed them by giving money. Man, you don’t keep telling your kind of truths, come to the reality of the events. You were sent to Australia to create turmoil there. You went to China and the Australians who were watching you on your every step deported you back to Lanka. Now you at victory of having your spaceship landed back on the Wildlife sanctuary Lankawe and howling loud.

                  The truth is you have been defeated, you have no chance again to fool others. It looks like something starting to go into the head. As long as the Yahapalanaya Government is in power, you and your bosses are blocked the accesses for your share of the UN Electric Chair. But, as soon as the Yahapalanaya Government is defeated, sure you will get your reward immediately. I don’t have to ask, but the West is watching every Step of the Yahapalanaya government. They will react immediately when the Yahapalanaya government loose.

                  • 3

                    My mother was very proud of me, because I haven’t killed anyone nor fooled by the foreign powers in the name of Eelam. By the way how much money you gave to the LTTE to kill others in the name of Eelam? Your hands are full of blood, you created agony and suffering for yourselves and for others.

                    You pushed the war. In the 1980s Indian Army gave to you, but you didn’t learn from it. In the 1990s Sri Lankan Army gave to you enough, you even ran to Vavuniya, but still you didn’t learn from it either. You asked for it in 2009 and got it plenty, but the sad reality is you still haven’t learned at all. That is why I call you “The Dangerous creatures of Asia.”

                    You are shame for humanity and disgraceful for Asians. Your defeat will continue. You won’t change nor learn, therefore you must be watched carefully. Go ahead and write another essay, it is really getting you isn’t it? Shame on you dirty Tamil, you are a true definition for lowest human being on this earth.

                  • 2

                    Today I went to saw an exhibition in Jaffna, organized by the Sri Lankan police force. There is no words for your evil. You killed a police officer(Tamil innocent man, father of two children) in 1978, in the name of Eelam. I met his daughter today. Thank God, you have been eliminated. You are a dirty Tamil, that is why your brain only works to kill others, instead of thinking smart. The West allowed you to sent money to kill others to get a foothold in Sri Lanka to control the Indian Ocean under divide and conquer strategy. I knew this that is why I asked MR in 2005 to get help from China. Soon as China came into the picture, the US dropped the Tamils and gone with the Sri Lankan government. We forced the US to dance our way. You think that the US is going to give something to you, trust me, we won’t let that happen. You are daydreaming. Smart Tamils are not with you, you are not born to win. Simple as that, period

                    My mother was very proud of me, because I didn’t even hurt my fellow countryman in the name of Eelam nor fooled by the foreign powers in the name of Eelam. By the way how many innocent people you have killed in the name of Eelam? Now you are hiding behind the white man under bogus name, but pushing the UN to find you. You created agony and suffering in your motherland, but acting like an angel. White man knows the truth, but using you to pressure the Sri Lankan government to impose his interests. We know how to play the game, we make sure that you and white man get nothing.

                    You pushed the war. In the 1980s Indian Army gave to you, but you didn’t learn from it. In the 1990s Sri Lankan Army gave to you enough, you even ran to Vavuniya, but still you didn’t learn from it either. You asked for it in 2009 and got it plenty, but the sad reality is you still haven’t learned at all. That is why I call you “the dangerous creatures of Asia.” You are shame for humanity and disgraceful for Asians.

                    • 0

                      China gave arms to both, in other words sold for both. It was the conclusion of the Lankawe Old Royal government after war and after they examined the arms used by LTTE. At least, the Americans stayed with one group, the Lankawe Government from 1980s, but the Chinese are the only one supplied arms for both. You are such a fool to advice to buy arms from that government. You Other colleagues, Israliens trained both too.

                      You told in 2005 to Old King to buy arms from China but he found out himself that he can get free the Chemical weapons from India. Whatever you advised was always made loss for Old King; isn’t that right? That is why I beg you to stay with India to get freebies.

                      Is that you told Kanangara to sign the Rubber – Rice pact too? At your Today’s conditions, I think the answer is “Yes”. Sirimavo’s BMICH… Are the pointed out to Old King of the Gold Mine of Nuraicholai? Is that not sure? But we are sure the that you are the one advised on Port City Project’s land handing over! Then, who asked to hack the 50 computers including the Media Central of Defence? Is that too you?

                      Your mind has killed 150,000 children, women, orphans and Olds in Mullivaikal alone by advising the Old King to get illegal arms from India and China. Are you denying this? The Total killing through the war is more than 500,000. Even the SinhaLE beast are not as cruel you the Sri Lankan Tamil, the Dangerous demon of Asia”

                      You Feel happy about India’s war crime in North. That is another one action shows your cruel mind cused. Your mind entertains on the suffering of the people.

                      You are Baba in politics. Indian army lost about 1000 troops left Lankawe not being able to launch war against LTTE. All what they did was bombed hospitals raped the Tamil Mothers and sisters. They are double the cowardice of you. It is shame for you to talk about that.

  • 2

    If IS aim is to attach Shia practicing countries, then Sunni practicing countries should be behind the IS.

    So… who are the Sunni practicing countries?? All pro American and West leaning countries.

    Who wants Bahrain to be reversed? Where minority Sunni dominating majority Shia??

    Europe will burn while West will continue to bomb Syria/ Iraq & Afganistan.
    WHO STARTED THE FIRE???????????????? WE DID NOT.

  • 1

    One super power is accused of worldwide terrorism.


    It is said that responses to this are really efforts/means of survival.

    But these in turn are themselves labelled “terrorism”.

  • 2

    The 9/11 that took place in America created the word Terrorism and which applied to Sri Lankan Civil war. Although I do not accept the killings of innocent civilians by way of suicide bombings, the LTTE had no other alternative to fight the hard-line Sinhala regime which suppressed and subjugated the Tamils all along. In plain words the civil war in Sri Lanka was due to the failure of the Sinhala leaders accepting to devolve powers to the Tamils. If this continues there will be another civil war which will erase the existence of this nation on earth.

    As for the ISIS and the Jihadists, these organisations was as a result of the Europeans and Americans intervening in the Middle East. Had not America and Britain went to war in Iraq and Libya, these organisations won’t have come up. Saddam Hussain and Gadhafi would not have allowed these organisations to show its feathers.

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      “In plain words the civil war in Sri Lanka was due to the failure of the Sinhala leaders accepting to devolve powers to the Tamils.”

      For this to happpen +50% of Tamils(all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion or date of arrival) presently living in areas outside North and East should move into North and East.

      Mr Sellam what is your opinion about this desire of Tamils to live among the Sinhalese. This fact makes me extremely proud as a Sinhalese.


  • 3

    Another ignoramus who attributes violence to Wahhabism.

    • 1

      It is easy to run away from issues by denouncing someone as an ignoramus or an infidel. But the questions raised will not go away and demand answers.

      The article did not attribute anything to Wahhabism itself. It only explains how Wahhabism is misused by Saudi Arabia, and its role in linking he fanatic fringes of Islam.
      The reference is to “The Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi ultra-conservatism”.

      I grant that Wahhabism can, as in the long past, be free of terrorist association.

      Will the “true Wahhabi” faithfuls have the courage to denounce in one voice what is done in the name of Wahhabism, not just by the fanatics but also by Saudi Arabia and the GCC as well?

    • 2


      “Another ignoramus who attributes violence to Wahhabism.”

      Wahhabism, and Violence go hand in hand. Wahhabies follow Satan, Iblis and carry out all Satanic actions. They specialize in re-branding ordinary Muslims to be non-Muslims and apostate and kill them. They also call Shia, Sufis and Ahmedia to be Apostates and kill them.

      They hate reason and hate thinkers and Philosophers. They want all to be idiots so that the Wahhabi Ulema can make them believe whatever they say.

    • 2


      “Another ignoramus who attributes violence to Wahhabism.” ???????

      What does the Data Say? The Wahhabies and their Clones Follow the Satan, Iblis, Devil.

      Wahhabi sack of Karbala


      The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred in 21st of April 1802 (1216 Hijri), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State, killing above 5000 of the inhabitants and plundered the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali (grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali bin Abu Talib (the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad)) which was destroyed.

      According to a Wahhabi chronicler `Uthman b. `Abdullah b. Bishr: “The Muslims” — as the Wahhabis referred to themselves, not feeling the need to distinguish themselves from other Muslims, since they did not believe them to be Muslims —

      scaled the walls, entered the city … and killed the majority of its people in the markets and in their homes. [They] destroyed the dome placed over the grave of al-Husayn [and took] whatever they found inside the dome and its surroundings … the grille surrounding the tomb which was encrusted with emeralds, rubies, and other jewels … different types of property, weapons, clothing, carpets, gold, silver, precious copies of the Qur’an.”

      How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism


      It would be troublesome but perhaps acceptable for the House of Saud to promote the intolerant and extremist Wahhabi creed just domestically. But, unfortunately, for decades the Saudis have also lavishly financed its propagation abroad. Exact numbers are not known, but it is thought that more than $100 billion have been spent on exporting fanatical Wahhabism to various much poorer Muslim nations worldwide over the past three decades. It might well be twice that number. By comparison, the Soviets spent about $7 billion spreading communism worldwide in the 70 years from 1921 and 1991.

      This appears to be a monumental campaign to bulldoze the more moderate strains of Islam, and replace them with the theo-fascist Saudi variety. Despite being well aware of the issue, Western powers continue to coddle the Saudis or, at most, protest meekly from time to time.

      For instance, a Wikileaks cable clearly quotes then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” She continues: “More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups.” And it’s not just the Saudis: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are also implicated in the memo. Other cables released by Wikileaks outline how Saudi front companies are also used to fund terrorism abroad.

      In fact, Saudi blogger Raif Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, made a similar observation about her husband’s flogging: “the Saudi government is behaving like Daesh [a derogatory Arabic term for ISIS].” About 2,500 Saudis are thought to be in ISIS’ ranks.

      Ensaf Haidar’s quip exposes a deeper truth. One could reasonably argue that the House of Saud is simply a more established and diplomatic version of ISIS. It shares the extremist Wahhabi theo-fascism, the lack of human rights, intolerance, violent beheadings etc. — but with nicer buildings and roads. If ISIS were ever to become an established state, after a few decades one imagines it might resemble Saudi Arabia.

      The money goes to constructing and operating mosques and madrassas that preach radical Wahhabism. The money also goes to training imams; media outreach and publishing; distribution of Wahhabi textbooks, and endowments to universities and cultural centers. A cable released by Wikileaks explains, regarding just one region of Pakistan:

      Government and non-governmental sources claimed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith clerics in the region from “missionary” and “Islamic charitable” organizations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.

      Although the Wahhabi curriculum was modified after the 9/11 attacks, it remains backward and intolerant. Freedom House published a report on the revised curriculum, concluding that it “continues to propagate an ideology of hate toward the ‘unbeliever,’ which include Christians, Jews, Shiites, Sufis, Sunni Muslims who do not follow Wahhabi doctrine, Hindus, atheists and others.” This is taught not only domestically but also enthusiastically exported abroad.

      The House of Saud works against the best interests of the West and the Muslim world. Muslim communities worldwide certainly need to eradicate fanatical Wahhabism from their midst, but this will be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish if the West continues its support of the House of Saud. The monarchy must be modernized and modified — or simply uprooted and replaced. The House of Saud needs a thorough house cleaning.

      • 1

        Wahhabi sack of Karbala.

        Amarasiri sheds tears for the ransacking of Kerbala. His case against his Bete noire “Wahabies”
        is that they,only they, created the worst crime in Kerbala. Kerbala was attacked many times long before Sheik Wahab appeared in the scene and even after the Wahabi attack. The reader can get a clearer picture if he CLICK HERE

        The city and tombs were greatly expanded by successive Muslim rulers, but suffered repeated destruction from attacking armies. The original shrine was destroyed by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil in 850 but was rebuilt in its present form around 979, only to be partly destroyed by fire in 1086 and rebuilt yet again.

        After the Wahhabi invasion, the city enjoyed semi-autonomy during Ottoman rule, governed by a group of gangs and mafia variously allied with members of the ‘ulama. In order to reassert their authority, the Ottoman army laid siege to the city. On January 13, 1843 Ottoman troops entered the city. Many of the city leaders fled leaving defense of the city largely to tradespeople. About 3,000 Arabs were killed in the city, and another 2,000 outside the walls (this represented about 15% of the city’s normal population). The Turks lost 400 men. This prompted many students and scholars to move to Najaf, which became the main Shia religious centre.

        For a refutation of the lies and slander the reader is invited to CLICK HERE

        • 1

          For a refutation of the lies and slander against Sheik Muhammad CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

        • 1

          Last para should read
          For a refutation of the lies and slander on Sheik Muhammad the reader is invited to click here

    • 2

      So Enlighten the Ignoramuses!
      Why are you posting Negative Comments Only?

      • 2

        This is a reply to Cassim.

  • 5

    “Who Is Winning The War On Terrorism”?
    I can’t say much about the winner but the profiteers definitely are the multi trillion dollar military industrial complex with every known war mongering politician and defense secretary recruited to be some kind of adviser or a board member.

  • 0

    Amer Ali

    ‘Who Is Winning The ‘War On Terrorism’?- The simple answer is………. Mahinda Percy Rajapakse showed the way forward………

    Catch the leader of the terrorist group……

    See him in custody through CCTV…..

    Strip his clothes………

    Penetrate a red hot iron through his anus………

    Then chop the head with the sledge hammer……….

    Tie the amuda to cover the burnt anus…….

    Tie the head to cover the chop………

    Shave the leader’s beard and musto……….

    Invite Kauna to witness the dead body of the leader in the presence of the soldiers………

    Dispose the body of the leader secretly…………………..

    All what happened to his subordinates and civilians are just petty exercises………

    Who cares………

    The world screamed then and later……………

    With the regime change ……….

    Memorize and practice the unwritten Mahinda Chinthana…………

    You will get the outright answer to defeat the worldwide terrorism…..

    Mahinda wanted to defeat Islamic terrorism with the creation BBS brigade…….

    But Tamil terrorists voted against him ……..

    It is time to award the Nobel Peace Prize for my darling Mahinda.

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  • 2

    We know to digress, don’t we— especially if something worth serious comment is before us.

  • 1

    Its worth remembering that most of the victims of IS are Muslim.

    • 1


      “Its worth remembering that most of the victims of IS are Muslim.”

      Why? Why? Why? Why? Circumstantial evidence given below.

      1. ISIS is a Saudi Wahhabi Clone, just like Taliban, Deobandi and Salafis.

      2. The Wahhabis follow the Satan, Iblis, who opposes Muslims who follow Allah. Satan, Iblis do not like Muslims praying to Allah.

      3. The Satan, Iblis came up with the trick of infecting Ibn Taymiah and his copycat Abdul Wahhab, to follow Satan, Iblis, re-brand Muslims as Apostates and then kill them.

      4. That is the reason why most of the Wahhabi and its clones ISIS victims are Muslims who follow Allah.

      5. Wahhabism and its clones such as ISIS are NOT Islamic. They are Iblisic, Satanic.

      6. So, they are more interested in killing Muslims than non-Muslims, as they know that the non-Muslims do not pray to Allah.

      7.This is the Ego War between Satan, Iblis and Allah, as per Islamic Theology. The story is similar in Christian and Jewish Theology.


      1. Iblis, Satan, Devil (Islam)

      The primary characteristic of the Devil is hubris. His primary activity is to incite humans and jinn to commit evil through deception, which is referred to as “whispering into the hearts”.The Quran mentions that Satans are the assistants of those who disbelieve in God: “We have made the evil ones friends to those without faith.”


      2. Hadith of Najd

      “O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.”


      3. El Azhar Islamic Scholar on Wahhabis/Salafis/Najdis
      al-azhar cleric about wahabis/salafis


      • 1

        2. Hadith of Najd “O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.”

        Amarasiri is again attempting to mislead the reader. The correct reference is

        Saalim bin Abdullaah bin Umar said: O people of Iraaq, how strange is it that you ask about the minor sins but commit the major sins? [The killing of al-Husayn] I heard my father, Abdullaah bin Umar narrating that he heard the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, saying while pointing his hand to the east: “Indeed the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the horns of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another…”
        Saheeh Muslim [4/1505 no.6943]

        The hadeeth of ibn Umar reported in at-Tabaraanee in ‘al-Awsat’ that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam prayed Fajr and then faced the people and said, “O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Madeenah, O Allaah bestow your blessings in our measuring, O Allaah bestow your blessings in our Shaam and our Yemen.” A person said, “And Iraaq O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “from there arises the horn of Satan and the trials and tribulations would come like mounting waves.”
        The reader can get more details by CLICKING HERE</a

  • 1

    Allah has decided to roll back the preachings of His last messenger(PBUH)

  • 1

    In the penultimate para, Dr. Ameer Ali says “IS is the product of Western geopolitical blunders

    In the last para, he agrees with the author in suggesting to the West that it must have “a firm resolve to confront IS and its supporters directly and with ample resources.”

    Now, how do you solve a problem? Is it by addressing and eliminating the Root cause or by taking further action which has NOTHING whatever to do with the Root Cause which he calls “Western geopolitical blunders”? Even here, he refers to the intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya (NO Syria) which are of recent vintage of just about 15 years.

    But according to Robert Kennedy, this started a long, long time ago during President Eisenhover’s time. He is quoted as saying: “Indeed, more than fifty years of violent intercession — ultimately in the interest of the fossil fuel industry — has stoked enormous resentments. Essentially, American geostrategic corporatism — under the guise of militaristic peacekeeping — created the same violent Islamic Jihadism the U.S. now battles against.”

    Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/kennedy-syrias-oil-pipeline/#F1POlGcA7sqqrlg8.99

    Dr. Ameer Ali is NOT the only person who has got it wrong. There are many others who blame Islam and Wahhabism. But no less a person than Robert Kennedy has named the real culprit and the cause. So, unless the world addresses the REAL cause, who knows what other New groups will the world have to face other than IS and those before IS?

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