16 January, 2025


Why The Government Needs To Overcome The Fear Of Labeling

By Sara Dissanayake

Dr. Sara Dissanayake

The recent attacks in Ampara were perpetrated reportedly based upon a canard that continues to re-surface from time to time. While this piece refrains from divulging into the details of the rumors and how the said chain of events transpired, such acts of violence undoubtedly warrant utmost condemnation and swift investigation and legal action against the perpetrators.

The incident was discussed the following day at the weekly Cabinet meeting, raising concerns over escalating tensions between the Muslim and Sinhalese communities, in particular with regard to police inaction during attack. Ministers Rauff Hakeem, Mano Ganesan, Daya Gamage and Rishard Bathiudeen condemned the violence and urged the government to ensure that action is taken against the culprits for inciting communal violence. Separately, Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan issued a media statement condemning the attacks, and President Maithripala Sirisena was quoted stating that such incidents are detrimental to reconciliation in the country.

Unfortunately, there is a disturbing tendency in our country to continue treating such attacks as isolated incidents perpetrated by angry mobs, rather than seeing them as a part of a larger pattern of violent extremism that prevails in the country. Politicos and media reports often describe such events as ‘incidents’, ‘attacks’, ‘clashes’, and ‘tense situations’ orchestrated by ‘angry mobs’. Simply and boldly put, what transpired in Ampara is a clear-cut case of hate crime driven by extremists. It baffling as to why, still at this point, the state leaders and senior officials are reluctant to publicly and explicitly declare such attacks as a hate crime. How many more incidents fuelled by different ethno-religious groups would it take to accept that Sri Lanka faces the threat of far-right extremism? It is high time that the state adopts the accurate terminology to describe the prevailing circumstances, and to muster the courage to label the incident for what it really is. At this juncture, it is imperative that we examine beyond the scope of the particular incident, and examine the greater security implications to the ‘politics of labeling’.

Right-wing extremism in Sri Lanka

Following the annihilation of the violent Tiger terrorists, Sri Lanka’s security vacuum was replaced by the re-emergence of ultranationalist rhetoric from all fronts, as well as politicisation of faiths. Essentially, we witnessed the interplay of ethno-religious fascist movement against minority groups, and the growth of radical extremism among the minority groups. While the ultra-nationalist Sinhala Buddhist groups have been hitting the headlines for hate speech and actively inciting communal disharmony, there is also reportedly a rise of hardline Salafi sectarian groups, as well as the birth of Siva Senai, Sri Lanka’s first Hindu right-wing organisation in 2016.

The previous government is being accused for tacitly supporting anti-Muslim attacks, but the incumbent regime is yet to respond accordingly due to its unwillingness to declare the incident as hate crimes, and failing to accept that right-wing extremism is a national security threat prevailing in the country. Generally speaking, following communal clashes we see only politicos of the minority ethnicity raising concerns, and the state leaders and senior officials tend to shy away from explicitly condemning the hate crime in the strongest terms. Reactions elicited from the latter, if any, fall under one or more of the three categories: a) vague in nature; b) urging the authorities to apprehend those responsible as an answer; c) blaming opposing political forces for the attacks. Today, there is still a general lack of acceptance at the state level that hate crime fuelled by right-wing extremism (regardless of the ethno-religious background) is a legitimate security concern for Sri Lanka. While several arrests made last year is commendable, it is inadequate in addressing the larger issue at hand.

Why Semantics Matter

The contentious politics of labeling is a tricky business, especially for politicians. Language and semantics is a double-edge sword. Understandably, politicos tend to shy away from using direct or certain terminologies pertaining to sensitive issues, in an effort to avoid political hara-kiri. Any hesitation at labeling the attacks as hate crimes demonstrates that political correctness prevents policymakers from fully addressing the threat. In Sri Lanka, far-right extremism is under-addressed as politicians attempt to avoid the appearance of bias against the Sinhala majority.

From a national security perspective however, the failure for the state to clearly classify such incidents as extreme right hate crimes results in two unfavourable scenarios: first, downplay of the threat; and second, the inability to promulgate and/or implement appropriate counter-measures. Hate crimes from all fronts shake the very core of social cohesion and nation-building. Its spillover effects- if continued to be left unaddressed- will be dire. Failing to recognise the attacks for what it actually is undermines the magnitude of the menace, and by extension, would inevitably be interpreted as the indifference on the state’s part. Downplaying the threat has a greater impact to the general public as well, as it contributes to the normalisation or the mainstreaming of extremist ideology, which further fosters an environment conducive to an increased number of hate crimes. Clearly, it creates a vicious cycle with horrific long-term consequences. Consequently, undermining the threat inevitably hinders the state from addressing the problem accordingly.

To this end, semantics play a crucial role in formulating the national security discourse of a nation. The state needs to overcome the fear of referring to the words ‘hate crime’ and ‘right-wing extremism’ to all types of ethno-religious clashes in their rhetoric, in order to mould and direct their national security policy. It is paramount for the government to give due attention to the existential problem, by explicitly denouncing and correctly labeling the act for what it really is.

‘Securitisation’ or the process of state actors to transform subjects into matters of security, can only be successfully achieved through an amalgamation of the awareness of the threat landscape, courage to adopt the accurate language, and the right mindset of policymakers to prioritise national security over personal agendas and petty politics. Starting from the top, the President and the Prime Minister and other senior government officials need to begin by publically and consistently denouncing all hate crimes, regardless of the ethno-religious background of the perpetrators.

Maintaining Consistency

Far-right extremism cannot be attributed to a single ethnicity or religion alone. It is imperative to reiterate that mollycoddling minority groups in the name of reconciliation is equally detrimental to nation building. While hate crimes are commonly associated with individuals from the majority perpetrating harm against its minority counterparts, the state must equally address cases where minority communities incite disharmony and harm to other groups. The minority status and ‘victim mentality’ should not be abused in order to justify instability and violence, and the state should maintain its consistency and professionalism by treating all cases of hate crimes equal under the eyes of the law. The government cannot afford to turn a blind eye to tensions stirred by minority groups, in fear of minority backlash. The inherent problem lies in the selective enforcement of the law and the culture of impunity- all attributed to the lack of consistency and political will. Again, it is time for policymakers to prioritise national security and reconciliation over their personal agendas.

Reluctance to naming the devil does not make it go away. Labeling any type of racially or religiously motivated attacks as hate crimes could empower government to devote more resources to combating the threat. With the launch of the first ever National Policy on Reconciliation and Co-existence in late February, the government needs to strengthen the initiative by maintaining consistency to promote reconciliation and co-existence. Violent extremism does not diminish with regime change, unless there is a political will to identify the threats accordingly.

As our Constitution enshrines the rights to all religion, the state is legally and morally bound to safeguard her citizens against any acts of ideologically motivated violence. The existing legal framework is adequate to address hate crimes in the country. To name a few, Article 15(7) ensures that religious freedom supersedes freedom of speech, and the Penal Code prohibits use of certain types of speech that hurts religious sentiments or incite communal disharmony. The Prevention of Terrorism Act finds an individual guilty for expressing anything to cause commission of acts of violence or religious, racial or communal disharmony.

As long as our government chooses to remain complacent about the severity of far-right extremism that emanates from the different ethno-religious groups, it becomes extremely difficult to curb the threat. As our country is already home to several extremist groups, failure to address hate crimes as a national security concern makes it enormously conducive for radical ideology to further gain its foothold and legitimise its rhetoric within Sri Lankan soil. Now is the time for damage control before Colombo further lets the genie of violent destruction out of the bottle.

*The author is a Research Fellow at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland and a Senior Fellow at the Institute of National Security Studies, Sri Lanka.

Latest comments

  • 30

    Thank you for your article. Prevention is better than cure. Stringent laws should be enacted to label such hate crimes as punishable, even if the hatred is voiced orally.

    • 5

      K S Sivakumaran

      I find it difficult to understand how these men who rioted were turned on by violence as if they were having intercourse every other day. Do these rioters unemployed or unemployable hang around at the street corner awaiting/hoping things to happen?

      The thugs are always fired up, raged enough and ready start violence against the minorities. I don’t think these are men who are adversely effected under belly of the society, as sociologists may want us to believe.

      What actually motivate them to destroy properties, businesses, places of worship, …..
      Look at those raged thugs, angry all the time, envious of those meagerly doing well, propensity to use violence, brainless barbarians feel no remorse, ………………… and know very well that the state institutions and local politicians are with them.

      What a pathetic people, what a pathetic county.
      This is not the first time won’t be the last.
      You will find number of supporters in this forum who are eveready to justify the thugs and rationalize events.

      • 4

        Dear Native Vedda,
        K S Sivakumaran believes that stringent laws could do the trick.
        Dr. Sara Dissanayake, thinks that publicly and explicitly declaring such attacks as a hate crime, will solve the problem.
        What is difficult to understand!

        • 3


          “K S Sivakumaran believes that stringent laws could do the trick.”

          It won’t.
          Whom are you expecting to implement these laws, it is the same old Sinhala/Buddhist racist institutions such as the police, functionaries, …… and the politicians who constantly interfere in the process of law and order. I am too bored to give you examples of what had happened in the past.

          The President himself made sure no legal actions should be initiated against the patriotic war heroes, even if they have committed frauds, murder, war crimes, looted the state coffers, raped children, ……He could not afford to charge war heroes simply because they taught the Demelas a lesson they will never forget hence he rewards them with permanent and life long impunity.
          What on earth are you talking about?

          “Dr. Sara Dissanayake, thinks that publicly and explicitly declaring such attacks as a hate crime, will solve the problem.”

          As a racist commentator/columnist she purposely deny the origin of hatred to the entire process of how racism is permanently institutionalised through selective nation building process, embedded in Sinhala/Buddhist consciousness, reflected in the conduct of state affairs, absolved all crimes committed against the minorities since 1948, reinforced by media reporting, …. and by fear mongers afflicted with paranoia, ………………….

          The fundamental root cause is the idea this island exclusively belongs to Sinhala/Buddhist, a race classified as such only in the past 100 years.

          Mixing language with religion has produced a lethal cocktail which we have seen to have been put to effect through out the post independence era. Until both are de-linked competitive racism cannot be extinguished.


        • 3



          Rather than dealing with symptoms, dig deep down to trace the root cause that has trigger periodic violence.

          What is the purpose of Chapter II having a prominent place in the constitution if Buddhism cannot guide the citizens a middle path? Well it was meant to protect the crooks, patriots, crooked patriots, murderers, fraudsters, war criminals, …… who can invoke chapter II and hide behind it.

          Perhaps K S Sivakumaran and Sara could help to delink Sinhalese from Sinhala/Buddhists and Buddjhism from Sinhala/Buddhism. Maybe you too can help both.

          • 2

            Native Vedda, I thought that my sarcasm was easy (for you) to spot; evidently not!

            • 1


              “Native Vedda, I thought that my sarcasm was easy (for you) to spot; evidently not!”

              You are wrong again.
              Though my comment was addressed to you it was meant for Sara Dissanayake, Dayan, somass, Percy the pathetic, Shenali the stupid and Shenali Waduge (the unhappiest person), Jimmy, thrishu, ……. and millions of others.

              Thanks for your sarcasm.

              • 0

                Native Vedda,
                Your final sentence, ‘Maybe you too can help both’, in your earlier response invalidates your excuse. Sorry!

        • 0

          That’s a nice one!

    • 1

      I think you want something stronger than PTA. Kick on back of Sumanthiran MP. Do you what he did? When Appe Aanduwa brought the hate speech bill to parliament he kept protesting that they there were recycling the Emergency regulation and PTA into that. He said all the laws are good only to put Kallathoni Demelos and the Kallathoni Marakalaya. Nothing can do anything to the original species of the Wildlife Sanctuary, SinhaLE Lankawe.

    • 5

      Srilankens will never be able to find peace so long extremists supportive leaders are ALIVE.

      Not many buddhist monks are fundementalists.
      But politicians like Rajapakshes abuse them – ape hamuduruwane… ape hamuduruwane… is how he starts his public speeches.

      Man should go forever if we at all to start peace process in the country.

    • 1

      Sara Dissanayake

      A recent study “Acute and Everyday Violence in Sri Lanka” by Vidura Munasinghe and Danielle Celermajer captures to lesser extent the violence is reasonably alright take on police violence in Sri Lanka,

  • 28

    Absolutely! This is the problem that needs to be tackled head on by the government to avoid the future generations having the same fate in Srilanka as we did back in 1980’s.

    Very well written and to the point. You are a real asset to Srilanka Dr Sara. Thank you!

  • 19

    I read your other two articles now as well and I can feel that your views are what Sri Lanka needs today. A bold writer who looks at an issue from a unique perspective. Well done

  • 1

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  • 2

    What role do former/current soldiers and ex-LTTErs play in these incitements? Also what is the role played by the islamic radicals trained by Saudi and Arab extremists, inside and outside SL?

    There should be an open discussion about the after effects of training several generations of young men and women (in the case of the LTTE) in the art of violence, intimidation and bullying.

    The war may be over, but the old warriors are still around, and if they cannot find a job as lucrative as in the past, what propensity do they have, given their skills and knowledge in war craft?

  • 16

    Very elaborated article with points to be considered by PM and Maithiri. Its touches the bottom of problems created by Political Terrorism .

  • 2

    K S Sivakumaran

    I find it difficult to understand how these men who rioted were turned on by violence as if they were having intercourse every other day. Do these rioters unemployed or unemployable hang around at the street corner awaiting/hoping things to happen?

    The thugs are always fired up, raged enough and ready start violence against the minorities. I don’t think these are men who are adversely effected under belly of the society, as sociologists may want us to believe.

    What actually motivate them to destroy properties, businesses, places of worship, …..
    Look at those raged thugs, angry all the time, envious of those meagerly doing well, propensity to use violence, brainless barbarians feel no remorse, ………………… and know very well that the state institutions and local politicians are with them.

    What a pathetic people, what a pathetic county.
    This is not the first time won’t be the last.
    You will find number of supporters in this forum who are eveready to justify the thugs and rationalize events.

  • 3

    Dr. Sara Dissanayake,

    In your first para you have listed few Muslim Ministers, Opposition leader Sampanthan and President Srisena. However, former president or anyone from his new political party SLPP or UNP leaders kept silence on this matter. Why? Either both Ranil and Mahinda are afraid to those were responsible for this hate crime or they are part of this hate crime. After 2009 we have seen such hate crime and violence against Muslims and Muslims religious places, businesses in various parts of the country and it is very obvious who are behind these type of hate crimes. Not only politicians but also civil societies, religious leadership and professionals should openly expose those who are behind this such dirty political game players.

  • 17

    A brilliant piece by Dr. Dissanayake!

    • 3

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

      “A brilliant piece by Dr. Dissanayake!”


      Brilliant means:

      1.(of light or colour) very bright.
      2.exceptionally clever or talented.
      3.excellent; marvellous.

      • 0

        Yes, Native….. you have articulated it .. I cant agree with you more.

    • 1

      Is Thero watching horse race on the TV simultaneously?

      Third time! He is stopping with…….
      Run Marble Run,
      Run Secretary Run,
      Run Pinky Run…….
      What is this? Is this in any connected to this thread?

    • 2

      You are pretending that you are against hate crime but you wanted to bring back Gota who initiated hate crime against Muslims with the BBS.
      It is brilliant because she did not specify who was behind hate crime? She may be afraid to Mahinda or She is trying to the blame purely on the government.I suspect that the timing of this article is to put the pressure on this government in order to weaken the government further with Sinhalese in order to help the former regime. If she is honest she should openly criticise the previous regime who initiated hate crime after the end of war. Can she do it?

      • 0

        Yes, she can do it… on all fours!

        Or would you prefer this missionary position of an article of hers?

    • 2

      Get your humanitarian paws off my country.

  • 2

    Up to now, political leaders have NOT dismissed the sterility additive rumour as a canard. Says something.
    An explanation was given that the Ampara incident was the work of some drunken youths.
    In 1981, the then ministers Cyril Mathew and Gamani Dissanayake were in the thick of the Jaffna Library fire. They said that the riot was the work of some drunken police. Where did lackadaisical attitude lead us to?

  • 26

    Thank you Dear Dr. Sara Dissanayake ,

    Your article is the best I ever read on CT ,not just this incident but comparing with the all the past ones too.

    I have the fear honestly that if the concerned politicians ,intellects do not come
    together to end this fear psychosis which is a miscalculation of parties behind the scene, who have desperately been trying to create a Myanmar situation in Sri Lanka for the past few years.,on the contrary , with so much of weapons freely available on the street after the war ended , would only lead to another Belfast, because to-much of religious divisions now in sri lanka ..

    I do not want to say more ,but a lot of blood would be split of all people,This government’s lethargy and fear of politicians and loosing votes is heading the country to disaster,with all their diplomacy with doing what is politically right instead of what is legally right backfired, instead of winning more votes they even lost a lot in hand and made insignificant political parties stronger .

  • 11

    One of the biggest blunders this government ever did was taking the NGOS from the preview of The MOD, I wont be surprised if more sophisticated weapons have been smuggled into the country .

    I am still extremely against using of drones in Sri Lanka even Drone toys .

    What you need to do is to create a defense force with equal numbers of members from all races and religions, send them overseas for special training and post them everywhere as special squads , North ,east ,south ,west & every where , and ban all drones or bring them strictly under the preview of the air-force

  • 1

    An extremist, the Rapist Army tutor is consulting the Appe Aanduwa the risk of ignoring basic principles of Security of the country. As a military expert, she cares less about the Humanitarian concern or the rule to law or even the diminishing democracy of the country. Her focus is on how to bring the minorities under the hegemony of the majority.
    Following the annihilation of the violent Tiger terrorists, Sri Lanka’s security vacuum was replaced by the re-emergence of ultranationalist rhetoric from all fronts, as well as politicisation of faiths.
    Sara Dissanayake accepts LLTE is annihilated, so no chance of they coming back. But she worries about the countries security, even beyond having 150,000 Rapist Army Soldiers in North that is 3:1 with the pollution of Tamils there. The reason of her fear is not the Aava Kuzhu (, a group many time advertised as revived LTTE in South for the propose of hate mongering) or suicide jacket man (Because of her military connection, she knows who they are), not Sampanthar (Only Joint Comedy Club is fearful for breaking barrier and enter in Satchithanantham Army camp, she does not fear for him) but because of Maravanpulavu Satchithanantham. Instead of analyzing military need for Lankawe, better place for her in acting as partner to Vadivalue. Even he doesn’t talk like this in his movies. Apparently she doesn’t know who Siva Senai is who Satchithanantham is. Salafi is no comparison to Siva Senai. Satchithanantham is not bringing in any new religion or religious authority from India to Tamil Eelam

  • 1

    The LG election promise of Yahapalanaya in the North was that they will be building 1000 Buddhist Temples in North. About 2700 Hindu temples were destroyed in that area by Rapist Army. The country’s’ constitution is not secular but “Buddhism Only”. When a man, who was living at his later years at Nainativu Vihara, died the army defied all Environmental Laws, all human health Laws, all Jaffna Municipality laws and even the ordinary citizen protests when the Army was burning the Body in the people living area. Police went into court and threatened the judge with murder if he had prevented or issued an injunction on that heinous deed. It refused to arrest Rapist Army on the court order. The judge, who was serving under Colombo government, publicly said that he cannot go beyond the police threat. That is how the Army is committing religious hate crimes in North. After the war, thousands and thousands of children and women were left out helpless. These people were forcefully converted in exchange for food, shelter, and protection which were supplied by government but used as weapons by Rapist Army and Saffron clad Army. Siva Senai must have come to Lankawe, long ago, when the Negombo, Chilow, Puttlam Hindu Tamils (the so called cinnamon peelers too), in millions were forcefully converted to Buddhism. India is a secular country. Anybody can change to any other religion. But, Indian Siva Senai’s policy is stopping Muslim and Christian’s religious organization forcefully changing Hindus into their religion. Lankawe is Buddhism only Country by imposed Majority Buddhists and Rapist Army-Police. Maravanpulavu Satchithanantham was never implicated in any extremism. In fact, he has been major Tamil Party’s democratic activist. He wants to stop the trend started after the war. His course is 100% legitimate and justified.

  • 1

    the state leaders and senior officials are reluctant to publicly and explicitly declare such attacks as a hate crime. This is a comedy written by a person lacks knowledge and capacity. Lankawe is country accused by International NGOs and UNHRC. There at least three UN Commissions independently investigated in three different fields and found Lankawe is involved War Crime ! War Crime!
    42 people were directly named in one of its interim report. 4 resolutions were passed against Lankawe in UNHRC. One of it is insisting Lankawe to investigate the “War Crime” using Foreign and Commonwealth Lawyers and Judges. Lankawe dismissed the Dictionary meaning of “Foreign” and explained it as the Sinhala Lawyers and Judges livening in other countries (similar to Sara Dissanayake). Sara Dissanayake is so adamant to accept that there is war crime committed against Tamils & it is on the process of action being taken against Lankawe by UNHRC. She is simply discounting that risk on that and exaggerate the security and insisting the attack in Amparai is “Hate crime”. It is a full blown riot. In the West hate crime laws are not applied riots like Amparai incident. Apparently she argues it is beyond Incident. But then she is confusing it as hate crime. The same way UNHRC wants to bring in only Transitional Justice not traditional justice to Tamils i.e not the regular Looting, Murder and Rape charges. If allowed some army officials will be going for 300-400 life time inside. This is allowing practically anybody who cannot be identified as war criminal to escape.

  • 0

    Other comedy is she putting Sampanthar in her witness stand. Sampanthar’s famous speech recently at parliament is in CT. Poor reader Sara Dissanayake missed it. It’s explicitly accusing Old King as conducting hate propaganda to win election. Sampanthar challenged Old King is he continues this hate mongering he would end up creating Tamil Eelam. She was able to only read a narrow statement Sampanthar released to Media. So she is banging on that. Sampanthar accused Old King as the maker of Tamils Eelam. TNA is an umbrella organization all Major Parties. But sadly Sara Dissanayake is insisting even TNA should not be in her nation building. It is imperative to reiterate that mollycoddling minority groups in the name of reconciliation is equally detrimental to nation building. Does she accepts that Sampanthar accusing Old King as Tamil Eelam creator? Then why did she bring Sampanthar’s witness here. Is that because she is not a stateswoman but a cunning stealthy fox? What she means by these sentences? : The contentious politics of labeling is a tricky business, especially for politicians. ……………….. To this end, semantics play a crucial role in formulating the national security discourse of a nation. Is that all because in her dictionary there is nothing as right-wrong, lawful – Illegal or crime but only cunning and slippery?

    Far-right extremism cannot be attributed to a single ethnicity or religion alone. Is that so? A victim defending oneself is the murder, but the criminal’s crimes are only a fear in the dream of minorities, nothing more than that?

    Now is the time for damage control “before” Colombo further lets the genie of violent destruction out of the bottle. What is meaning of before here? She is a partner in Army’s preplanning?

  • 1

    Dr Sara a timely article indeed. I agree entirely what you said and analysed except not sure if we have adequate measures against such hate crime.

    There should be an “independent committee” or a special task force permanently assigned (with judicial power) to identify such crimes (the responsibility should be removed from the elected politicians forever) and deal with them on the spot with possible capital punishment based on the consequence of their action to the nation. A data base/intelligence gathering unit specially assigned too. Some kind of “national security act” to be specifically designed for hate crime too is required which supersedes all other law of the land, such no citizen of Sri Lanka is exempted be it politicians/religious priests/political parties/individuals to incite violence against each other in any name….as defined in the act. If we had this from day one of independence we would never have caused such pain on each other to date. I am not sure why we are not actively pursuing the “one and only” measure/act needed that will put an end to anyone’s ignorance for ever and free us all to contribute to something more useful to us and all humanity too. would not this be the best way to pay tribute to all our children who died of the violence since Independence…..a nation mature enough to take on board the lessons learned?

    • 2

      Thiagarajah Venugopal

      “I agree entirely what you said and analysed except not sure if we have adequate measures against such hate crime.”

      Could you tell us why you are so impressed with her shallow typing.

      These are not hate crimes, so don’t go along with Sara’s flimsy justification these systematic and perpetual crimes as just hate crime. What you periodically witness is much deeper structurally ingrained in the psyche of the people who can be easily triggered into violent and offensive mode.

      Why are they easily being triggered and do resort to instance justice, lynching? Why do they have to destroy premises and properties, temples and houses, set alight, kill, hurt, ……………….. merely hearing a rumour?

      Think about it.
      Perhaps you may want to arrange en masse anger management counselling to the entire people of this island.

      • 0

        As I understand your question is why did i accept the above analysis…. in your view the analysis does not start with a clear understanding/statement of the depth of the problem correct? therefore the discussions/solutions/conclusion can not be appropriate??

        What was shared by Dr Sara is her thoughts as she see them and I merely responding based on my knowledge how her conclusion could be more effective if we had the additional measures I stated….as I already know how limited protection we had in the country all this time with the existing laws mentioned…………which may have been adequate if applied under emergency protect human life and dignity but then again it was left to the politicians to decide…….

        I think she captured your thoughts you have shared regard to the “violent nature” of our socity under “hate” which I think is good to go for the analysis. Hate crimes covers a very wide variety – Race/Religions/Language/Cast/Sexual orientation of people………this is my understanding and willing learn more from all of you too. ThanK you

  • 0

    If we had an act/law of this nature

    -we never had to revise the constitution million times
    -country would be the most educated nation in the world that everyone want to invest and to know for the right reasons – not for geo political interests
    -we do not need heavy expenditure on armed forces (only need a strong secret services backed up by the most efficient police force)
    -all our able men can be put to better use for them and for the nation than wasting time in the armed forces as we are never going to fight any invading army. We do not need to buy anymore military hardware either.
    -most of the politician need to be technocrats/armed with specific skills and can not make a living based on race/religion/language discussions but really need to contribute intellectually to comply to their job scope/specifications for national growth.
    -avoid race riots/wars and the killing fields and the trauma that we all have to live through….no money can cure this pain…….
    -save a fortune to the budget dealing with the national hobby called race and religious bashing “specialist” in demolition work/arson/killing etc. Anyone who can build/any skill is now not in the country and overseas for the past 40 years ++ contributing to life/progress elsewhere – we are a work force resource managed by all others for their needs elsewhere overseas…..but we have nothing to show for as a nation. No wonder we have no man power to support nation building activity as skilled labour force. This will change as we can attract back all our citizens to lead a dignified life at home with their families while serving the nation proudly.
    -this act should also cover foreign nations/citizens too who intervene in domestic divisive politics such we can work with international/Geneva protocols for further assistance.

  • 0

    Dr. Sara Dissanayake “Now is the time for damage control before Colombo further lets the genie of violent destruction out of the bottle.”

    Sara The “Genie” of Sinhala Buddhist Racism was let out of the bottle by “SWRD” and fed and groomed Sinhala politicians including Gamini Dissanayake.

    The Genie is now out of control. Any thug can adorn the yellow robe and go on the riot attacking minorities and their property.

    The police will not touch them and the politicians will not condemn them or punish them

    I understand that Buddhist Monks don’t even pay respect to the national anthem , when national anthem is played they remain seated.

    It is impossible to put the Sinhala Racist Genie back in to the bottle.

  • 0

    Sara Dissanayaka
    The Ampara riots started with the canard that Muslim eateries mixed a sterility additive to the food served to non-Muslim customers. Political leaders are scared to call this a canard. In fact Rajitha has sent samples for testing.
    Few months back a similar rumour (complimentary belts) in Colombo was used to set fire to Muslim owned businesses.
    Charlatan Wiratu in Myanmar used the same rumour to attack Rohingyas.
    Do you believe this rumour Sara? If you do not, then you should pay attention to this before further damage is done.
    By the way Sara, the Dayan Jayatillaka’s ‘brilliance’ rating is recognised by Sanja only!

  • 0

    Sara Dissanayake is an Army school extremist. She has no idea anything about a democratic Government. Her attempt here is fear-mongering about the security on behalf of the Rapist Army.

    Is there no law in Lankawe to protect a restaurant attack? Entire world now knows Lankawe has extreme punishment laws and all of them are used only against minorities. It is the position of UNHRC the PTA has to be repealed. Every hate crime provision there is only and strictly applied against Tamils. That is the only reason UNHRC HG has insisted many times that PTA should be replaced, in contrast to Sara’s talks. But because the CTA proposed in place of PTA contains more anti-minority provisions law and external countries refused to show their support to implement it against minorities. So now it has its problem.

    Though Sara has lot to caution about ISIS, Lankawe Police report is there is no direct threat, locally, to Lankawe by Muslims (ISIS like the ones). Her speculative writing about ISIS is only to name gaining with minorities suffering. That will bring her only Rohan’s end. This is not a warning, but a reminder of the worldly reality.

    Sara Dissanayake might have had an encounter with an ISIS circumstances. She has formed her own private hate on it other than the world’s concern of ISIS. She is translating it against Muslims. So she needs a shadow to hide and shoot her arrow on Muslims, her perceived ISIS. She found one as ”Minority Extremism”. But, she has no known parallel to ISIS in Tamils side. Tamils are finished. Sinhala Extremists are targeting Muslims.

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    Sara is naturally has no connection with the real Mahavamsa story or Vijeya’s grand mad sleep with a lion to create a warier race.(But the reality is most these rowdies are poor Tamil Nadu, pious Hindu coolies, and they should replicate exactly up country Tamils, but they turned to violent crowed only after forcefully converted to the criminal religion Sinhala Buddhism) . So she is encountering a problem of how to frame her story. It is fully evident though out her epic, classic material presented here, but not referring any factual material or published statistics. Her situation is like the suffering of a fish out of water. She completely failed to connect her story to the need the protection of Sinhala Buddhism, but is only a protection of the country against ISIS.
    Sara Dissanayake’s problems is the about her newly found out ISIS, part by through her job and by a probable bitter experience too. She is struggling to artificially camouflage this but only bring out a call for tougher Sinhala hegemony controls over the Tamils and Muslims.

    She is matching Maravanpulavu Satchithanantham and trying to saw as violence from minorities is increasing. Unlike seasoned Thero or Malinda, she is novice and a foolish story teller. So she forcefully brought Satchithanantham and opened her mind. Everybody, including Sinhalese knows the 1958 trouble was started with writing Buddhist SRI on the back of Tamil Brahmin with molten tar. But until now nowhere any direct retaliation from Hindus on that. Though, at this time Sampanthar is the leader, but most part of the Tamils freedom is/has been guided by Christian Tamils. (Sara Dissanayake could not find anything against Christians because she should have heavy Christian connection in her life. Otherwise there is no explanation when she has displeasure with Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam but she has tactfully protected Christians by not mentioning.)

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    President and Prime Minister will deploy the armed forces and the Police to quell the violence.

    But it is HISTORICAL IN SRI LANKA that these forces will do nothing to quell the arson , violence and murders as all the violent mob is Sinhala Buddhist. Instead these forces even encourage destruction of non Sinhalese businesses.

    Will there be a lawful Police force in the country at any stage.

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    The government needs to pay very close attention to Muslim preachers/imams in this country. They should keep accounts of their bank accounts, specifically where money is coming from (which foreign sources of funding if any). Islam is evil.

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      Truthseeker ????

      The government needs to pay very close attention to All Vikara Banayas , patricularly Venom. :Galagodaya and his golayaas , in this country. Also all Arab / European / USA must should keep accounts of these Terror Monks bank accounts, specifically where money is transferring to and from (which Budda Terror Organaisation , like Viradhu Terrorist – Myanmar , sources of funding ).
      Budhdism not only a Jungle Philosphy but also is evil which being proved by all flesh eating wild animals named ‘Sinha’ who follow this ‘Ism’ in Sri lanka and Myanmar…
      We always pray ‘ peace be upon in mother lanka’..

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    Dr Dissanayake,

    Is there anything called “Wanda-Pethi” that could permanently make someone infertile? Or is there something that could make someone’s fertility temporarily benign?

    We know there is medication to make a man active, so to speak. I for one, take a 50mg dose of Viagara one hour before the lights are off. And I know for a fact that, it works. But is there anything called Wanda-Pethi?

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      Yes, there is. It is called Promescent.

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    Sara Dissanayake,

    However well-intentioned your article maybe, it is important to keep in mind that a state is not the result of a “social contract” between rulers and individuals as Machiavelli, Rousseau and Dayan Jayatilleka would like us to believe.

    Weber nailed it when he argued that a state is a “human community which successfully lays claim to the monopoly of legitimate physical violence within a certain territory.” And the American security studies scholar Bary Posen took it further when he argued that restraint would be a better grand strategy to follow than liberal hegemony.

    I still can’t figure you out though (no pun intended). When you sit on my face (pun intended!), you come off as a liberal. When I try reading you between the sheets (oops, I meant the lines), I see you as either a nationalist or as a silly.

    Anyway, what a view!

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