Chief Minister of the Northern Province C. V. Wigneswaran and Leader of Opposition of the Northern Provincial Council S. Thavarajah have called for the appointment of a fully-fledged Commission of Inquiry to determine all aspects which led to the student clash at the Science Faculty of the University of Jaffna on Saturday.
In a joint statement issued today, Wigneswaran and Thavarajah said that the fisticuffs among Jaffna University Students was an unfortunate incident and welcomed the appointment of a Committee of Inquiry by the University authorities.
“But such incidents should not be viewed from a purely criminal law standpoint. We must first try to find out the underlying causes that led to their violent behavior. Thereafter we must determine ways and means of dealing with such underlying causes and implement them. This would ensure that such incidents will not be repeated,” they said.
They noted that merely condemning such incidents or punishing certain students after an inquiry would not be able to bring about understanding and unity.
“In the past when the legitimate demands of the Tamil People were disregarded and they in turn ventured to claim justice for their demands peacefully and by non-violent means their actions were identified as criminal activities and such identification led to youngsters taking up to arms,” they recalled.
“Therefore when University Students have decided to resort to violence it is our responsibility to determine the underlying causes that had led to their behavior. It is for that reason we demand a full-fledged Commission of Inquiry into all aspects of the incidents. Such a modus operandi would bring to light the frustrations of the University students. Thereafter we could formulate ways and means of dealing with them,” the statement said.
Wigneswaran and Thavarasa warned that any attempt to deal with such incidents at a very shallow level would only precipitate matters and would not pave the way for real understanding and goodwill.
“At a time when the demographic pattern of the North and East after the war is being consciously changed, when the independent war crimes’ Inquiry is being dragged on indefinitely, when students from other Provinces are being admitted in large numbers into the Jaffna University, when such entrants are bent on forcing their arts and cultural background on the Jaffna soil, when there is reluctance and delay on the part of the powers in delivering political solution that would allow the Tamils to look after their political affairs in their areas of historical habitation, when there is a tendency to retain in the Province the Military far in excess of its needs (seven years after the War), all these activities must be considered by such a Commission in consonance with the recent violence to determine whether all such activities added fuel to the behavior of the students,” they said in the statement. .
They added that the appointment of such a Commission would prevent the racialists in the South trying to make political capital out of such incidents.
Ajith / July 20, 2016
This statement from the Chief Minister Wigneswaran and Opposition leader of NPC should be welcomed by all. It is important to understand the root cause of the incidentand how we can stop similar things happening not only in Jaffna but also throughout the country.
Amarasiri / July 21, 2016
Chief Minister CV Wigneswaran
“Chief Minister of the Northern Province C. V. Wigneswaran and Leader of Opposition of the Northern Provincial Council S. Thavarajah have called for the appointment of a fully-fledged Commission of Inquiry to determine all aspects which led to the student clash at the Science Faculty of the University of Jaffna on Saturday.”
It will be good, to fish out the idiots.
But don’t take too long for the report, and punish the perpetrators.
Oh Para, Para…Oh Para-deshis in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho
Boom Boom / July 21, 2016
How about a commission to understand the root causes of the shit in your brain preventing seeing the truth that Wigneswaran is a racist pig?
Amarasiri / July 21, 2016
Boom Boom
“the truth that Wigneswaran is a racist pig?”
If they manage to get the truth out, the racist pigs and those with shit in their brains, like yours, can be sorted out.
Do most Paras (Para-Tamils, Para- Sinhala, Para-Muslims and other Paras) have shit in their brains? Is that the reason why their average IQ is 79? Just Curious!
Nallasamy - Talawakella / July 21, 2016
Jaffna Campus is under Military Jack Boot for the past several years. 60% of students are from the South.
Joseph De Vazz - Kotte / July 22, 2016
To enter the University in Sri Lanka a Tamil student should take 70% marks and a Sinhala student can enter the University by taking only 50% Marks and this happens only in Racist Sri lanka. 60% of Sinhala students entered Jaffna campus through this racial selection.
sach / July 22, 2016
The so called langauge based entrance marks were introduced in 1971 and removed in 1972. It was only for 1 year in a history of 68 years. It is this tendency to LIE that i detest in tamils most.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 22, 2016
Cool story, bro :D
Too bad about the facts though – have you checked the latest cut off marks for Sinhalam and We Thamizh :D
Analyst / July 21, 2016
Analyst / July 21, 2016
The word should have been EXTERMINATE RACISM FOR GOOD.
COUNTERPARTS BELIEVE THEY ‘ RE the Kings and Queens of the Banana Republic of SL not realising they’re the PARA SINHALA AS Amarasiri points out repeatedly in his comments.
All are Para Deshis .
As we are in the world Arena things happened in the past like Annihilating the Minority cannot and will not happen in the future , and should not be allowed in this Para Deshis Island.
Unless the Students were admitted from the South with the INTENTION TO CAUSE UNREST.
Something Sinister.??? Unknown to others??
Naufer Mohamed - Kotte / July 22, 2016
What can Wiggy do? The racial seed was planted in 1956 with the SINHALA ONLY ACT. and now we are reaping the fruits sewn by the SWRD Bandaranayake.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 22, 2016
‘Nallasamy’ from Talawagella seems to be trying out all the religions after moving to Gotte – will we be seeing Muthupanda-Matara next? :D
N. Nadarajah - Mahanuwara / July 23, 2016
The Northern Provincial council has no police Powers and Wiggi does not have power to even to appoint or transfer a Peon.
The Sinhalese should respect the Tamil culture and tradition.
Antany Peter / July 21, 2016
“The racialists in the South trying to make political capital out of Jaffna university incident.”
Tamil fools know the outcome for their stupidity, yet they carry on their stupidity since the independence. If this is not insanity, what it is?
Tamil students spend more time in photo copy shop than in library. Educated fools who call themselves as deans and lecturers are encouraging plagiarism. Tamils don’t think anymore. No wonder why the West and India have been thinking for Tamils for the last three decades.
K.Pillai / July 21, 2016
Antany Peter rant: Tamil students spend more time in photo copy shop than in library
Did this man compare the photo copying time spent by other Lankan students?
What will foul mouthing the academic staff achieve?
Plagiarising is a bane of modern society – photo copying is just a tool. Did Antany Peter sight Melania Trump near a photo copy shop?
Joseph De Vazz - Kotte / July 24, 2016
Wiggy does not have the Power of a MP in Sri Lanka.
Sunil / July 20, 2016
without taking sides, step back and look at this incident without any biases.
You don’t see Tamil welcome dancers/drums and music used at ceremonies along with Kandyan dancers/Drums in other parts of Sri Lanka!
Make it so that both are included islandwide at ceremonies or have nothing at all, that will be better.
When you try to throw in Kandyan dancers/Drums in the North without simultaneously doing the same by including Tamil welcome dancers/drums Islandwide you give room for such problems.
Investigate this carefully, looks like someone might have been trying to provoke an incident!
shameful ,Don’t let Racially motivated people manipulate you like this!
Transform Sri Lanka into a secular Nation where all are treated equally and no religion or community are given special treatment.
also make sure all government servants are fluent in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Have all government forms, letters, documents etc available in all 3 languages.
just a few steps we can take to make a Sri Lanka with equal treatment for all.
Remember the world is watching and is not blind!
Lanka Watch / July 21, 2016
Sunil – It is good idea to have both dances and music at ceremonies at all universities but at what cost to the students. There are more reli
-gious ceremonies, where Kandyan dancing or Tamil dancing may not be appropriate, than public ceremonies, so suggest that let the Tamils students have their cultural dancing and drumming in N/E universities and let the Sinhala students have the Kandyan dancing in all other
universities in rest of the provinces, as appropriate and important thing is that both parties should learn to respect each other’s culture
and participate in each other’s events and as a rule National anthem should be sung in both languages in all public ceremonies at all uni-
versities and they should give the start.
I fully agree with rest of your comments.
Paul=Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 21, 2016
Not the east.
The is not Sinhalese, it is an ancient and historic Tamil province and was recognised as such by the Portuguese Dutch the British and most all Sri Lankan governments other than the Rajapakse government, the Sinhalese now living in the east,are very recent arrivals who were settled there illegally in the last 40-50 years by various Sinhalese led governments, since independence, on stolen Tamil land, to deliberately change the demography of the east and to marginalise the indigenous eastern Tamils.
Tamil and not Sinhalese is the mother tongue of 80% of the east and is the majority language in all three districts. Sinhalese is spoken by only 20% of the population of the east and had never had any historical presence in the east, until the arrival of these Sinhalese settlers who were settled there illegally from the late 1950s to present.
The bulk of them arrived there in the 1970s-1980/1990s. However Sinhalese is also now an official language in the east and there are special Sinhalese AGAs that have been carved out in the east and now even in the north for these recent Sinhalese illegal arrivals, where business is only conducted in Sinhalese, to the detriment of the remaining indigenous and original Tamil population in these areas.
A special Sinhalese AGA division has been carved out in the Mullaitivu district in the north for around 3000 Sinhalese illegal settlers who were settled there by the Rajapakse government after 2009,on land stolen from the Tamil IDPs. Whilst the real and original Tamil owners are languishing in some refugee camp or in some miserable hovel, their homes farms and lands have been given to these illegal Sinhalese settlers from the south, who are now being subsidised by the government and protected by the racist Sinhalese armed forces and are enjoying the good life in this newly created Sinhalese only division that previously never existed,whilst the original Tamil owners remain displaced poor and most probably starving.
In contrast Tamil speakers have been living in the Greater Colombo area, the western and Central provinces for centuries and constitute a significant percentage of these areas population. In the greater Colombo area Tamil is the mother tongue of 50% of the population and in the Nuwareliya district in the Central Province it is the mother tongue of more than 70% of the population. Tamil is also the mother tongue of the quite a significant percentage of the population in the rest of the central province and parts of Uva and Sabtagammuwa provinces.
Despite these large percentages of Tamil speakers, who have been living here legally ( not illegally settled on ethnically cleansed/Stolen lands) for centuries, I do not see any special Tamil AGA divisions to cater for these large Tamil speaking population or the use of the Tamil language or culture for any public/government events. These people’s taxes are being used only to promote the Sinhalese language and culture in these areas.
If special Sinhalese only AGA divisions can be created,where only the use of only Sinhalese language not Tamil is permitted, for these recently arrived illegal Sinhalese settlers in the north and east, and Sinhalese also made an official language in the east in addition to Tamil for the benefit of the 20% recently arrived government sponsored illegal Sinhalese settlers. The why aren’t there special Tamil only AGA divisionsnd electorates created in the western central Uva and Sabragammuwa provinces for the Tamil speakers who had lived there legally for centuries. Why isn’t the Tamil language also an official language in the western, central Uva and Sabragammuwa provinces where large significant Tamil speaking population lives. 50-70% in some areas and districts. Why is the Tamil language and culture being suppressed in all these areas now even in the east that is historically Tamil and 80% Tamil speaking?
If Sinhalese culture and language have to be given prominence in the Tamil north and east then Tamil culture and language has to be given prominence in the rest of the country, especially in the Greater Colombo, western ,central Uva and Sabragammuwa provinces where significant percentages of the population speak Tamil. Just like Sinhalese has been made an official language on par with Tamil in the east. Tamil has to be made an official language in all these areas on par with Sinhalese and special Tamil speaking AGAs and electorates for the Tamil speakers should be created in all these areas. If this can be done in the north and east for the newly arrived Sinhalaese settlers why can’t it be done for the Tamil speakers who had lived in these areas down south for centuries. What is good for the Sinhalese is good for others too,
Lastly remember the east is Tamil land to and not Sinhalese land and the recent behaviour there of the Sinhalese students there, with the overt and covert support of the racist Sinhalese occupying armed forces and police atthe Batticaloa and Trincomallee campuses for the display of only Sinhalese dancing and culture and to sing the national anthem only in Sinhalese only and not in Tamil must also be investigated, when the local Tamils and Tamil students protested they were severely assaulted and the Sinhalese armed forces and police took part in this. It started in the east and finished at Jaffna. The inquiry should investigate all this and the assault of Tamil students in all campuses not just Jaffna in isolation just because the attempt to Sinhalise the Jaffna campus by certain extremist Sinhalese Buddhist elements and the armed forces failed and they had to run away licking their wounds.
If Sinhalese cannot accept Tamil culture in the south then it is reasonable for Tamils not to accept Sinhalese culture in the north and east that is their lands. Even if the rest of the south does not accept Tamil language and culture the greater Colombo area ,western and central provinces, as well as the Colombo and Peradeniya campuses, will have to accept Tamil language and culture as a very large percentage of the population in these areas are Tamil speakers.
What is good for the Sinhalese is good for the island’s Tamil speakers too( Hindu Islamic and Christian)
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 21, 2016
Cool story, bro :D
N. Nadarajah - Mahanuwara / July 24, 2016
Transform Sri Lanka into a secular Nation where all are treated equally and no religion or community are given special treatment.
All the Rights the Sinhalese have the Tamils should also must have.
Destroy the Standardization Act. Why should a Tamil student has to obtain 70% to enter the University while a Sinhalese student enters the University with 50% of Marks. This is pure Racialism not practiced in any other country.
sach / July 21, 2016
so called historical tamil place all have Sinhala origin place names LOL
AVB / July 21, 2016
Your opinion indirectly indicates that universities in South do similar grand welcoming ceremonies (Saturday) for freshes with Kandian dancers and decorating campuses from the entrance but Tamil dancers are not included .. Is this true? i haven’t heard such grand welcoming in Southern Unis but only the cruelty of ragging has been increased
Shrikharan / July 21, 2016
Not just University welcomes. The goodwill should ooze from deep down from bottom of the heart. Both cultures should be included in ALL official welcome functions. Certainly private functions people can their own cultures without the other which is not necessary.
Tamil culture being visibly and noticeably ignored in most official functions actually resulted in the Jaffna University incident. This attitude was hurting the Tamils so much for so long, and certainly there was a background to this incident when Tamil students did not want Sinhala culture forcibly poured down the throats of the Tamils in their own territory and that mindset led to this and I cannot blame the Tamil students for this.
Give respect and get respect is the motto. Had if in the South Tamil culture also been represented then am sure there in the North too this would have naturally happened spontaneously without the need for Sinhala students forcing the way through.
sach / July 21, 2016
Without any doubt Sri Lanka is the SINHALA HOMELAND. It has been historically the place which was sinhala all the period except during invasions.
Sri Lanka has an unbroken record of Sinhala dynasty for 2500 years. The tamil homaland is in TN. The problem with Tamils is they need Tamil Nadu as exclusing homeland of Tamils, then SL as well because they were brought by the dutch as workers and a small percentage came here in 13 AD but lived under the sinhala king.
I dont think there is any sensible reasonable tamil who is matured enough to acknowledge that Sri Lanka is Sinhala homeland
Upali Wickramasinghe / July 21, 2016
sach – I beg to differ.How did Arahath Mahinda communicate with Devanampiyatissa – in the sign language? The history books I read – not Mahawanse which I have not read- says that after Vijaya got tired of playing Kuveni and after she bore two children,Vijaya and his pals from India destroyed the Kuveni’s community.In other words at that time only Vijaya and his cronies were left behind.Then they imported women from India.With the reputation he had in India, the women who came here had to be from the basest level of the Indian society, prostitutes and the destitutes.From this mix arose all of us that pervade as Sinhalese, Tamils etc.The bifurcation of the tongue could be due to the same manner as the variation in the speech and the words used by the Kandyan Sinhalese, Colombo Sinhalese and the Sinhalese from Matara and Hambantota.
Let us forget the Sinhala / Tamil/ Buddhist / Hindu differences.Our children at least got to live in peace and prosper.
sach / July 22, 2016
I dont know in which langauge Arahath Mahinda communicate, there has been no historical evidence to suggest that and it is upto historians to decide.
In which book ( other than Mvmsa) did u read about Kuweni? Please arrange a historian to see that book as it is only the Mvmsa that carries such tales.
Obviously the community in SL developed by the absorption of foreign immigrants to local people all the time. The end product of it is Sinhala people. You cant have two distinct communities in the same land by this process. Without a doubt Tamils came from TN which is their cultural homeland , SL is the cultural homeland of Sinhalese without any doubt.
Any solution to this so called issue can be achieved only by acknowledging that SL is the SINHALA HOMELAND
Upali Wickramasinghe / July 23, 2016
Sach: “Please arrange a historian to see that book as it is only the Mvmsa that carries such tales: Please read any primary school history text book.I studied at Rahula and Ananda.
Re Mahawanse :This place has no space to discuss it, but Mahawanse carries many stories which are impossible to happen.The best example is in the killing of Elara. Can an old man of 75 years fight a young man of 25 years in the manner described in many books? To melt ore it requires a lot of heat and the operational temperature is very high over 1500 deg centigrade.How was that achieved on the wall of a palisade, if it was heated on the top of the palisade and if heated at the ground level, how was it raised, and who invented the facility of pouring a melt at over 1500 deg centigrade through a atmosphere of 25 deg centigrade.It cannot be done even today on small scale.
Why have we forgotten that Dutugemunu’s father carried a Tamil name same as Devanam Piya Tissa.? Why hide those Tamil connections.
You do not have to know how Arahath Mahinda communicated but you can speculate and historians have done that.How did Vijaya communicate with Kuveni, was it by making a circle with his first two finger of the left hand and running the index finger of the right hand through it.
I have watched this non sense since 1954, from the day I had the facility to read the daily news papers and I very sincerely say that is we Singhalese contributed 75% to this problem.
It was O.K. to import the Ponnambalam brothers from India to defeat Dr. Marcus Fernando at elections and take one of the Ponnambalam brothers to Matara to canvass against Dr. Fernando but it is bad for the Tamils seek parity of status for their language.
Let us accept the fact that unless all of us drop this none sense we will be going back to the pre history days soon.
This country has no financial problem.If we shift to biofuels from imported fossil fuels, we will be saving at least Rs six billion every year.At the rate that vehicles are being imported it will hit the Ten billion Rupee mark within the next couple of years.We should concentrate on such topic and not on whether this is a Sinhala Buddhist Country.
Mark my word, which is based on observations I have made during the past 75 years,the Southern part of this country may not be there within the next 50 years.The people who are going to suffer in the immediate aftermath are the Sinhala Buddhists, who will loose all their living space.
Upali Wickramasinghe / July 23, 2016
Sach : “Without a doubt Tamils came from TN which is their cultural homeland”
Please consult any zoo-geologist and he will tell you that Sri Lanka broke away from India as much as the other lands broke away from the main geological mass.
The Buddha was from India so was Arahath Mahinda.If we are the descedants of Vijaya, we are also from Indian miscreant and Indian prostitutes.
Lanka Watch / July 21, 2016
AVB- This has not happened so far and Sunil is suggesting it
for the future. We have heard of only violent ragging through
the media and this is the 1st time in the history of Unis in
Sri Lanka that a welcome event for the freshers was arranged
by Jaffna Uni. and sadly ended up in fisticuffs.
Rohan / July 21, 2016
Not in just universities, but in any functions!
How do people welcome international dignitaries? ONLY Kandyan Dance, right? I hope, CT will accept the attached links that are relevant for my response.
Let’s go to the Convocation at University of Peradeniya.
Look at the background banner. It is a cultural symbol than educational depiction. It is PURELY a Sinhala Buddhist identity, isn’t it?
Also, AVB would be content with the picture with the Kandyan Dancers in the 2014 Convocation of University of Moratuwa and Colombo University.
See, these pictures are proudly published in the University websites. Ther are with Kandyan Dancers at the front. These are not from University of Kelaniya or University of Sri Jayawardenapura which can be called as ‘new’ universities with traditional Buddhist background, but the well-recognised metropolitan universities.
Then, how do they have the Convocation at Jaffna University? Naturally, with the Tamil cultural symbols.
We take all these for granted. We never notice them!!
Shrikharan / July 21, 2016
Dear Sunil
I appreciate every word you wrote and I too have similar views and have expressed in these columns.
sach / July 21, 2016
More than half of the students are Sinhala, while i agree asking Ves dancers to be included in the welcome dance may be too much this has shown very clearly the disdain the tamils have for anything non tamil and their fascist nature.
No everything cannot be equal in SL. In every country there is a main culture and in SL, Sinhala is the main culture.
Shrikharan / July 21, 2016
“No everything cannot be equal in SL. In every country there is a main culture and in SL, Sinhala is the main culture.”
Then Tamil is the main culture in that part of the country and so it was right to deny Sinhala Kandyan dancing in the Jaffna University. So you agree with me.
I can see you have a warped mind and I cannot do anything for that.
I have written what you said, before in these columns, “All are equal but not equal”. It is for people like you Sri Lanka is in this sorry plight. I hope you are living in Sri Lanka and telling these.
sach / July 21, 2016
There is a main culture in every country. The culture that is unique and born out of Sri Lanka is Sinhala and it is the dominant and has been so for time immemorial.
Shrikharan / July 21, 2016
“has been so for time immemorial.”
Sorry to disagree. Sri Lanka was two countries before foreign invasion. The Portuguese and Dutch maintained this island as two countries and it was the British who amalgamated the two into one country calling it Ceylon, and called its citizens Ceylonese.
The unfortunate part is when they left they gave the entire land to Ceylonese who were actually people of two countries and Sinhalese being majority Tamils became minorities in our own land in the North and East. So you have only your South you can call ‘from time immemorial’, but not the North & East and that is the property and land of the Tamils.
Lanka Watch / July 21, 2016
sach – Can you pls explain further what is meant by main culture
and secondary culture. fortunately Sinhala & Tamil cultures are
almost similar due Buddhism born from Hinduism. Din’t it strike you why Buddhists pray at Hindu temples. It all depends how one uses it. we are used to gun culture and white van culture and if we have used our cultures in the correct way from the days civil
-ization started in Sri Lanka, both communities would have lived side by side like brothers and sisters. Did not Lord Buddha teach that one should treat thy neighbour as thy brother or sister.
This is the period the age old Lankan history is being rewritten by various people and age old history books and Olas were burnt to ashes at the Jaffna Library with a purpose and I am sure you are puzzled about cultures as you are misled.
Upali Wickramasinghe / July 23, 2016
Lankawatch: in the recent past i have read articles which indicate that some practises at Buddhist and Hindu kovils are similar. In fact I have been told that at the newer temples even bathing Buddha statutes in Milk, Safron water and even Thambili water seems to be a regular custom.
Upali Wickramasinghe / July 23, 2016
Sach, I made a mistake, the moneys involved is in the region of 650 Trillion and it may rise to 1000 trillion soon.
Priya / July 21, 2016
Yes this is the need. During previous regime racial hatred was spread and all aspects you mentioned in last paragraph needs addressing. winning the hearts and souls of Nothern people is paramount and unless it is done with building trust gradually, there will not be a lasting peace.
Mutually we should have respect to each others cultures. However, ones culture should not be enforced on others. Erecting Buddha statues and planting Bo trees are showing off power and arrogance and nothing else. Instead of respect they get only hatred. These meaningless exercises should be stopped and North and East should be allowed to enjoy the freedom and liberty like South. Development should follow afterwards.If people are intrinsically happy with their lives they will not demand a separate state. That happiness cannot be achieved only by infrastructure development. It can only be achieved by respecting their culture and acknowledging them as equal citizens who are entitled to equal rights as Sinhalese. The formula is as simple as that.
Eusense / July 21, 2016
were you born yesterday?
Racial hatred was spread not by the previous regime but Tamil terrorists who suicide murdered over 100,000 Sri Lankan citizens!
Winning the hearts and souls of Sinhalese should be the way to go for Tamils who did not participate in terrorism. Tamils have to first win the trust of Sinhalese if they are to get the Forces out of the north. It is the Tamils who have to work hard on this not the Sinhalese.
I don’t agree with Erecting Buddha statues and planting Bo trees if that happens in the North; if no Sinhalese Buddhists live there. I consider religion as a private entity and should be practiced at a personal level but not as a show off in public.
Rohan / July 21, 2016
Not in just universities, but in any functions!
How do people welcome international dignitaries? ONLY Kandyan Dance, right? I hope, CT will accept the attached links that are relevant for my response.
Let’s go to the Convocation at University of Peradeniya.
Look at the background banner. It is a cultural symbol than educational depiction. It is PURELY a Sinhala Buddhist identity, isn’t it?
Also, AVB would be content with the picture with the Kandyan Dancers in the 2014 Convocation of University of Moratuwa and Colombo University.
See, these pictures are proudly published in the University websites. Ther are with Kandyan Dancers at the front. These are not from University of Kelaniya or University of Sri Jayawardenapura which can be called as ‘new’ universities with traditional Buddhist background, but the well-recognised metropolitan universities.
Then, how do they have the Convocation at Jaffna University? Naturally, with the Tamil cultural symbols.
We take all these for granted. We never notice them!!
Rohan / July 21, 2016
/were you born yesterday?/
seems, you were born ONLY yesterday.
LTTE may be called as a terrorist organisation. They were an armed movement of a bunch of boys. We shall live with that.
But, why did Sinhala PEOPLE just went on rampage to hit Tamil people when that Tamils were just minding their own business.
Why did Sinhala people, with the help of the government machinery, hit Tamils in 1956 and 1958?
Why did they do in 1977 and 1983?
Why did the government forces, with the presence of two Ministers, burn the Jaffna Library in 1981?
Less said the better about 2008-2009.
You were just born yesterday, and with severe handicap (sorry, I just noticed that yoou are deaf, blind and braindead).
Eusense / July 21, 2016
Mr. rohan
You appear to be either naive or are clueless of politics in SL.
Yes, that “bunch of boys” killed over 100,000 innocent civilians including Tamils during the war and at the end of war by holding them as human shields.
Are you a Tamil? if so how did you escape this big talk about the Sinhalese going on a rampage and killing innocent Tamils? You always forget what precluded every time those so called attacks on Tamils by Sinhalese mobs happened. Did Parayabakaran think of that when he killed those soldiers? Was parayabakaran and his “boys” just minding their own business?
It is the duty of an elected gov. to maintain law and order when ever the security of its citizens are compromised. You can call it what ever you want but peaceful existence without terrorism is important to me and the majority of Sri Lankans.
jansee / July 21, 2016
“Tamils have to first win the trust of Sinhalese if they are to get the Forces out of the north. It is the Tamils who have to work hard on this not the Sinhalese.”
Don’t be such a sob donkey. Even the state has agreed that the grievances of the Tamils have to be addressed. The issue that remains is how best and how much to address. You sinhalese idiots have been fighting among yourselves on the Tamil issues since independence and have built thriving political careers on it. You go and preach your nonsense to the sinhala politicians. It is not about trust. It is about how to handle greed, corruption, blatant racism, rapes, murders, white vans, religious extremism, etc. No one is talking about Hindu priests running wild in the streets and dropping their attire. Your screwed brain should address your concerns to sinhalese masses and the buddhist monks who have a penchant for flashing their dicks. Shame on you.
Eusense / July 21, 2016
Aren’t you the one who declared the Sri Lankan state is a Banana republic with full of stupid moronic politicians? I agree with you on that which include the Tamil politicians and leaders like Vignaswaren, parayabakaran etc. etc. too.
Why are you not surprised when these state idiots agreed “..that the grievances of the Tamils have to be addressed”? Don’t you know they are playing games? Looks like you too are born yesterday! As an ordinary citizen I don’t see any grievances of Tamil folks. Only separatists and terror supporters like you talk about “grievances”!
You keep vomiting stale stories of blatant racism, rapes, murders, white vans etc. etc. But not a single separatist like you here in this forum was able to substantiate any of these accusations.
jansee / July 22, 2016
I am not going to ask many, but just one. Whatever happened to the case on Trinco five? See whether you are a clever donkey?
“ONLY separatists and terror supporters like you talk about “grievances”!”
How easily you show-up as a closed-up stupid donkey. This is what you write: ” I agree with you on that which include the Tamil politicians and leaders like Vignaswaren, parayabakaran etc. etc. too.” admitting what in the next breath you deny. With a twisted donkey like you, god save SL, so to speak.
Rugger Thajudeen’s case was an accident but now it is murder. You stupid donkey, you can go on and on behaving like an insane person, lest you turn into one, just beware. Whatever it is, I will still pray for you, to turn from a donkey to a monkey.
Eusense / July 22, 2016
You keep on talking about Trinco five. Get over it! Tamils started a terror war where terrorists can’t be identified. That is how innocent Tamils get killed the same way Tamil terrorist suicide murdered innocent Sinhalese. Why are you not talking about those suicide murdered 100,000 southern Sinhalese but only about a 5 in Trinco? Just give it a rest and make this a lesson not to engage in terrorism.
If you don’t agree that our stupid politicians (both Tamil and Sinhalese) are the reason for the so called “Tamil grievances” I have nothing to say to you. If you don’t realize that Tamil leaders from the time of pre and post independence were the reason for you “grievances” I have to call you a “twisted donkey”!
You are overusing the word “donkey” and “monkey” my friend. What has Thajudeen murder has to do with what we are discussing here. People of SL realized the corruption of MR regime and voted him out. Now his activities are coming out. So, how do I become a “stupid donkey”.
Please, write sense if not do not reply.
Anpu / July 21, 2016
“Tamils have to win the trust …” – Nonsense.
“I don’t agree with erecting…. ” But that is what happening – SINHALISATION of N& E from 1948
Read this
Eusense / July 21, 2016
If you say “tamils have to win the trust…” is NONSENSE, there lies the problem Tamils have! Tamil terrorists created the mistrust by killing over 100,000 citizens and the Northern Tamils aided and abetted the terror group. I will guarantee that as long as this mistrust persists nothing will change. Being in the offence like most Tamil politicians do and trying to recruit foreign support further aggravate the mistrust.
Where ever the Sinhalese populations live they could erect anything they want the same apply to Tamils too. But I don’t agree erecting Buddhist statues and BO trees in public areas even in the south. They should be confined to compounds of Buddhist temples. These are political moves to stay in power using the majority voters.
jansee / July 22, 2016
“Tamil terrorists created the mistrust by killing over 100,000 citizens”
Please show the proof.
” I will guarantee that as long as this mistrust persists nothing will change. Being in the offence like most Tamil politicians do and trying to recruit foreign support further aggravate the mistrust.”
Donkeys guarantees are as good as paper fit for the dustbin. The Tamils cannot even trust any sinhala leadership even with formally documented agreements which repeatedly been unilaterally repudiated by them and this donkey is asking us to trust his guarantee. Who wants your guarantee?
Let the foreign support be and let the mistrust continue. It is better to trust the foreigners who have at least been banging SL from getting the starting point. The hitherto leadership have no shame in breaking agreements and promises. What trust are you joker talking about?
Eusense / July 22, 2016
Read past news items in any publication about Sri Lankan terrorist war from the the nineties to 2009. All are reported as they happened.
What ever the rest you say is your prerogative.
jansee / July 22, 2016
“Tamil terrorists created the mistrust by killing over 100,000 citizens”
“Read past news items in any publication about Sri Lankan terrorist war from the the nineties to 2009”
Don’t be such an evasive pathetic liar. Show the proof and I bet you can’t because it is your “valiant” soldiers who did that job. As if you have no shame at all, these “valiant” soldiers killed more than 70,000 sinhalese, too. You were just lucky that they missed you.
The slippery snake you are to slip on the “prerogative” Does the truth bite when that “guarantee” is phony?
Anpu / July 22, 2016
Tamils did not create mistrust.
Tamil converts Nayakes (add Sena, Bandra ) created the mistrust.
In 1928, in the course of the discussion on the Donoughmore Commission proposals in the State Council, D.S.Senanayake famously said:
“We do not want to get rid of anyone from this Island. Let us live together; let us be citizens of this country and not citizens of any other…. We want the Indians in Ceylon to be Ceylonese; to be domiciled here…. We do not deny them citizenship…. We would welcome the Indians as Ceylonese, but if they have no permanent interests in Ceylon, then let them be Indians; let them look after themselves. They must be either citizens of India or Ceylon…. We do not want to differentiate. We do not want to discriminate. We do not consider Indians as aliens…. We tell them ‘Become part of ourselves, become Ceylonese, and then share in the Government’…. That is our position, and I hope that our friends will not for their own purposes misinterpret us, but will appreciate our real attitude in this matter”.
But in a matter of months after becoming a dominion, the same Senanayake, now the Prime Minister of the country, turned his guns towards the most exploited and oppressed community in the island, the plantation Tamils, who lived segregated in line house in tea estates, away from the general trend of life without being allowed to settle down in nearby villages. Through Ceylon Citizenship Act no. 18 of 1948 and Indian and Pakistani Residents (Citizenship) Act of 1949, they were stripped of their citizenship rights which were followed by a third act, Ceylon (Parliamentary Elections) Amendment Act, no. 48 of 1949, legalising the denial of their voting rights.
The bills were blatant violations of Article 29 (2) of the Island’s Constitution drafted by British Soulbury Commission before granting Dominion status. The flimsy provision barred the state from making ‘persons of any community or religion liable to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of other communities or religions are not made liable.
As a consequence of the citizenship bills, over 700,000 Tamils became stateless overnight. It was, in fact, the hard labour of the Tamil plantation workers that made a large welfare state possible in the first place. For example, according to official statistical records, the tea production rose to an average 120,000 metric tons in the war years and had peaked in 1948 at137,000 metric tons. ‘….about 40 per cent of gross national income of Ceylon in 1950 was derived from exports and about 30 per cent of gross national expenditure was on imported consumption goods. Nearly 95 per cent of export earnings were from tea, rubber and coconut products’4 while tea remained as the major export crop. The Sri Lankan state generously spent the revenues to launch massive peasant colonisation schemes while providing free education, free health care, free milk feeding, free meals for school children and subsidies on essential goods, whereas the people who generated the revenues were left out as aliens who were denied even the fundamental democratic right of voting. Instead, they were presented as ‘parasites’ intending to oust the ‘Sinhalese out of their traditional areas’ by way of expansion.
Anpu / July 22, 2016
“But I don’t agree erecting Buddhist statues and BO trees in public areas even in the south.”
Hindu temple demolished to make way for Buddhist vihara in Jaffna —
Saivite priest P S G Sri Ayyappadasa Sampasiva Shivachariyar said that the temple, which was located in the village of Veemankaamam has been completely destroyed by the military, in an interview with LankaSri earlier this month.
The Pillaiyar temple provided a place of safety for the local Tamil population during more than 30 years of war, said the priest. Its destruction has now “created fear among the Hindu community,” he said, adding that it was a “painful” act.
Noting that every human has a right to worship their own religion, the priest drew on the Buddha’s teachings. “Buddha taught that those who follow Buddhism should go only in the path of non-violence,” he said.”But, ignoring that, in a place that constitutes a complete Tamil Hindu population, a Hindu temple has been brought down to the anguish of the Hindu community, and a Buddhist vihara has been built up in its place”.
Priya / July 21, 2016
Mate if husband and wife had a fight.Wife is trying to break away from the marriage.To keep the marriage intact she has to win the heart of the husband ???
Anpu / July 21, 2016
“To keep the marriage intact she has to win the heart of the husband ??? “
Of course if he has a HEART
Snowden Edward Asange / July 21, 2016
On a lighter note….What if he has had by pass surgery? Where all the yuck has been removed ?
Ppl need to chill…life is short…make it sweet 4 thyself n others…
To hell with racism….
God created ppl to love one another..not kill each other…the reason he created ppl of color caste creed height weight…he liked diversity….
So lets try to make the world a better place for the generations to come..
Just my 2 cents……
Eusense / July 21, 2016
mr priya
If the wife murdered relatives and friends of the husband for 30 years and now want to keep the marriage intact she has to win the heart and trust of the husband. Nothing less than that!
What a moronic scenario you brought up. Next time try something intelligent!
jansee / July 21, 2016
May be I am wrong – I thought most of the time it was men who try their tricks. Isn’t is heartening to hear the advances women have achieved.
Celeo / July 21, 2016
“Tamils have to first win the trust of Sinhalese”
Who the F..K are the Sinhalese to dictate terms to the Tamils? The Sinhalese are aliens in the Tamil N&E. The Sinhala armed forces are nothing but occupied forces in the Tamil land. Why should the Tamils win the trust of the alien Sinhalese? Is it because they are more in numbers in the other areas?
Eusense / July 21, 2016
Cool down proud young fellow! Be proud of your achievements rather than your ancestors. Find intelligent solutions for problems.
Unfortunately that is the situation now. Unless you want to continue and grow the mistrust and gain nothing!
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 22, 2016
Dear Eusense,
In UK all the Sinhala racists are like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs. They dare to confront any Tamil for fear of receiving their due. Their bravery is only behind closed doors among their ilk. Why cannot Sinhala racists in Srilanka too follow their example and leave Tamils alone. If this happens like in UK where there is no conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils in the open, peace will prevail in Srilanka. Foreign intervention is absolutely necessary to rein in Sinhala racists in Srilanka.
Analyst / July 22, 2016
The Point is 100% True.
The Sinhala Racists Bravery Chatters goes on , on the Phones , behind the net curtains and Thumbs up for Rajapussa Racism , all happens behind doors. Outside the houses they’re Respectable.
What a load of Cowards.
But the Curry lover Senile Oh Mi Lord is called to unleash Srilankan Racism in Public!!!
Eusense / July 22, 2016
Are you saying that the UK Tamils are thugs who will give “dues” to people (Sinhalese) who don’t agree with them? Wow! Are you one of them too?
Why do you think the Sinhalese should act like fighting dogs towards Tamils while living in the UK?
You want the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka to live like “dogs with their tails tucked between their legs” and “leave Tamils alone”? Tamil terrorism for 30 years and killing over 100,000 Sinhalese was leaving the Sinhalese alone???
Good luck with your foreign intervention. Looks like you want MR back!
jansee / July 23, 2016
“Tamil terrorism for 30 years and killing over 100,000 Sinhalese was leaving the Sinhalese alone???”
Here you go again? Will you never graduate from a donkey? Your time is up mite. You continue to be a pathetic liar and you will be shamed. Show us the facts instead of being an evasive slippery snake.
Celeo / July 21, 2016
Looks like someone is making an attempt for another BLACK JULY. Who could it be? Of Course who else other than the Joint Opposition. Isn’t it obvious? They are making every effort to topple this government. The Rajapakshes and their cohorts still believe that by promoting racism and by creating racial violence in the country, they can send Maithree – Ranil home before their term ends.
sekara / July 21, 2016
An important word is missing: “Sorry”
An apology to the victims would have far more impact than all the commissions of inquiry rolled into one..
Kumar R. / July 21, 2016
Did that thought even make a fleeting appearance in your mind when you realized that the “zero civilian casualty” claim was an ugly, abominable fraud?!
sekara / July 23, 2016
Kumar R.
I wonder what you have in mind.
When did I ever endorse that falsehood or any other of that kind?
I think that there is a serious problem with the Tamil nationalist psyche: They cannot say sorry for any misdeed whatever its consequence, not to the Muslims whom they drove out of the north, not to the innocent victims of the senseless violence of the militants; not to the Tamil people who were taken along the road to destruction by its narrow nationalist leaders.
Echo / July 21, 2016
It seems I get an opportunity to start a business with local university students to rent all sort of cultural instruments and dancers to government and non-governmental functions in all over Sri Lanka.
K.Pillai / July 21, 2016
On 18 July through Colombo Telegraph, Minister Champika Ranawake demanded Chief Minister Wignewaran to condemn the incident. The CM has done that even-handedly. This is all he could do. This shows the how much authority is vested on him. To make his position effective he must have the authority. This can only happen through devolution of governance. The Lankan Parliament must accept this.
Remember at one stage the former Northern Province Governor Major General (Retired) GA Chandrasiri insisted on making every NPC appointment and vet every piece of expenditure.
Untouchable / July 21, 2016
Give authority to Wellala politician Wigy to oppress low caste Tamils in Jaffna. According to the Report on Public Representation on Constitutional Reform, the marginalized Tamils in Jaffna do not want police and land powers given to high caste dominated NPC. 60% of Tamils in Jaffna belong to so called ‘Low Castes’. During Prabhakaran’s time the situation of low caste Tamils got better because he had to recruit them to LTTE terrorist outfit. After his death, things are getting worse for low caste Tamils. The enemy of Low Caste Tamils is not Sinhalese as depicted by Wellala politicians, it is Wellala Tamils. Wellala Tamils use Thesawalamai to prevent land going to the hands of Low Caste Tamils. Segregation of schools on caste basis is on the rise. That is why lot of Low Caste Tamils migrate to South and work.
sekara / July 25, 2016
“They added that the appointment of such a Commission would prevent the racialists in the South trying to make political capital out of such incidents.”
What about the caste-ridden Tamil racialists whom the Tamil politicians are pandering to?
And, is that as evenhanded as it gets?
Common Sense / July 21, 2016
The last sentence of the statement quoted below is of utmost importance.
“They added that the appointment of such a Commission would prevent the racialists in the South trying to make political capital out of such incidents.”
In my humble opinion the damage has already been done. Therefore the appointment of a Commission is now neither here nor there in the light of political advantage. When a motor accident takes place and there are persons with injuries what requires first is to put things right by giving appropriate medical attention. In any case an inquiry into the accident has to take place.
The temporary departure of Sinhala students in bus loads, which may be a sensible precaution to contain violence, is not without precedent when earlier non-Tamils, including Muslims were evicted from the North at the behest of the LTTE amounting to ethnic cleansing. The incident along with the precedent creates a bad image. One of the students being trated at the National Hospital adds fuel to the fire.
Clearly, Universities are a Central Government subject and within the the University premises there could be diverse cultural monuments. A good example is the Peradeniya University. If to that the Chief Minister and the leader of the opposition of the Northern Provinical Council were to say that ” ……when students from other Provinces are being admitted in large numbers into the Jaffna University, when such entrants are bent on forcing their arts and cultural background on the Jaffna soil, …..”, a territorial connotation is mixed in to the University life. What if other provinical authorities too were to encourage in such lines and say for instance University of Sabaragamuwa is a part of Sabaragamuvians and others are bent on forcing the cultural background on Sabaragamuwa can be interpreted as an act of separatism and good material for rablle rousers who want to destroy ethnic, regional and religious harmony.
As a promoter of harmony I advocate that it is the duty of every head of an educational institution to take all steps to achieve unity in diversity since it now appears that educational institutions are capable of igniting passions of division.
Paul_Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 21, 2016
There were hardly any non Tamils in the north. The Muslims are Tamils by ethnicity and Muslims by religion. They are a religious group and not an ethnic group get your facts correct before posting garbage.
Muslims were only around 75000 in the northern province and the Sinhalese population less than 20000 in a population of around 1.8 million in the north. Around 5% the most. The rest of the population were all Tamil.
Muslims were evicted because of their traitorous backstabbing attitude for conniving and colluding with the Sinhalese Sri Lankan armed forces against the Tamils and were also caught storing weapons provided by the armed forces in their mosques. No one asked them to do it and until these incidents they were treated very well and were considered part and parcel of the north. They are ethnically and racially Tamil and Dravidian, however they were brainwashed by the southern Muslim elite who themselves are Tamil and largely Dravidian to ignore these realities and work against their fellow non Muslim Tamils and paid the price for being traitors. They acted like a fifth column against the very same Tamil population with whom they shared a common origin language and culture and like all alien traitors on war time situations were either interned or exiled from the land.
The Sinhalese never belonged to the north or to the east. The LTTE never chased them away but they just packed up and left in most instances, as they never really belonged here. Do not lie.
Other than a few border villages there were never any Sinhalese presence from ancient times in the north or east. They only arrived in the north and east on a large scale after impendence.Illegaly settled on stolen Tamil lands by all successive Sinhalese led governments starting from DS Senanayake to the present so called Yahaplanay government, to deliberately alter the demography of the ancient Tamil north and east and make the Tamils are voiceless marginalised minority in their own lands. They have succeeded on this in the east to some extent, largely due to the support from the Muslims of the east, a people of South Indian Dravidian Tamil origin, who themselves are another immigrant group that arrived in the Tamil east three centuries ago as refugees fleeing Portuguese and Sinhalese persecution.
The Muslims in the east are currently in cohorts with the hard line illegal Sinhalese settlers and the armed forces, as they have their own agenda of stealing large chunks of the Eelam Tamil east to form their own Salafist havens. The Sinhalese settlers and the Muslim immigrants in the east individually cannot do much to the Tamils of the east but by joining hands together they have succeeded in marginalising the real owners of the east. The indigenous Eelam Tamils and the Tamilised Vedda. The largely passive and accommodating nature of most eastern Tamils has also contributed a lot to this, however now there is a lot of unease and anger of what is happening to them and their marginalisation in their own lands and the destruction of Hindu shrines and the installation of Budda statues and shrines by Sinhalese Buddhist extremist supported by the armed forces and police, especially in the strategic Tamil Trincomalee area,under the present Muslim led eastern province coalition government.
The recent arrogant racist behaviour of Sinhalese students in the Batticaloa and Trincomallee campuses, who assaulted the local Tamil students their with the support of the Sinhalese armed forces and Police, demanding only Sinhalese culture and dances and the national anthem to be sung only in Sinhalese in these Tamil areas, have also caused consternation. Lastly the government only recruiting Sinhalese and some Muslims personnel, doctors and others and hardly any Tamils to work in Tamil majority areas are also raising concern.
Even all the ancient Buddhist ruins in the north and east are not Sinhalese but Tamil, largely built during the era when Tamils also patronised Buddhism on a large scale. Many of these Buddhist ruins like in Kantaroddai belong to the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Sinhalese only practised Theravada Buddhism, however Tamils practised both forms of Buddhism and until the Chola invasion of the island in the 10 century AD, gave equal importance to Buddhism and Saivaism. It is after the arrival of the ardently Saivite Cholas that Buddhism died amongst the Tamil population in the island and in the north and east and only Saivaism remained.
If the Sinhalese cannot respect the Tamil language and culture and refuse to give any prominence to it in the southern areas, where around 3.5 million Tamil speakers live. Especially in the Greater Colombo area the western Central provinces and parts of the Uva and Sabragammuwa provinces, where they had lived legally for centuries, then they have no right to demand the same in the Tamil north and east, that is not their land.
Just because the LTTE was defeated largely due to India’s and many other countries supporting the racist war criminal Rajapakse government to commit war crimes and genocide on the Tamils, does not give the Sinhalese students of otherwise to behave like arrogant victors treating the Tamils like serfs, stealing their lands homes and farms and settling illegal Sinhalese and at times Out of area Muslim settlers, destroying Hindu shrines and building Budda statues and temples everywhere in the north and east to show who is the ruler and the boss and lastly demanding Sinhalese culture and dance forms to take prominence and not Tamil and to sing the national anthem only in Sinhalese in Tamil areas.
Learn to respect us first and treat us like fellow humans and then we will reciprocate. Remember most of the present day Sinhalese are not descended from any north Indian but from Indigenous and Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to Buddhism and Catholicism. Around 50% descended from Indian Tamil immigrants who arrived here only a few centuries ago during the Dutch and Portuguese colonial era. Yet many Sinhalese hardliners not only in this forum but elsewhere, may of them with surnames that indicate this recent South Indian origin, have the audacity to state that the island’s indigenous Tamils who have a history of 2300 years or even more and have lived and ruled their lands until European colonisation and only made a minority in the island. due to the British amalgamation the Tamil lands with the Sinhalese lands in 1833 to create a new colony called Ceylon, which they handed to a largely racist Sinhalese majority on a platter in 1946, do not belong to the island and should be kicked back to Tamil Nadu, the very same place where most of the ancestors of the present day Sinhalese arrived from, if they demand rights for themselves and for the Tamil language and culture, even in their own lands in the north and east. Leave alone the rest of the island.
The language that contributed most to modern day Sinhalese is not Pali or Sanskrit but Tamil. Sinhalese originated from Elu that was the original semi Tamil Dravidian dialect spoken in the island from prehistoric times. This how the ancient Tamil word for the island Eelam/Eezham originates and the Tamil parts of the island still called Tamil Eelam/Eezham and the indigenous Tamils Eelavar/Eezhavar Eelam/Eezham Tamils. It is an ancient historic name and word and the LTTE never coined this but only used this. The living proof of this is the Eelavar/Eezhava of Kerala, who were supposed to have migrated to then Tamil Kerala from then Tamil Eelam during prehistoric times.
When Semi Tamil Elu got slightly mixed with Prakrit it became Hela. With the arrival of Buddhism and large scale conversion, especially in the south. Hela got mixed up with the Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism and proper Tamil to gradually form modern Sinhalese by the 8 century AD. Old Sinhalese like Elu as very close in pronunciation to its Tamil mother.
Even now 35-40% of the present day Sinhalese vocabulary is derived from Tamil. There are around 4000 words in the modern Sinhalese language that is purely derived from proper Tamil. Take all the Tamil words from Sinhalese there will be no Sinhalese. Just Pali or Sanskrit. The Sinhalese grammar lexicon and alphabet is purely derived from Tamil. Not Pali or Sanskrit. The Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil grammar Virasolium in the 11 AD.
These real truth are not taught to the Sinhalese but a racist Mahavamsa myth that is part fairy tale and part historical fact, that goes on stating the Island only belongs to the Sinhalese Buddhists and the population that remained Hindu and Tamil do not belong and are alien confusing them and identifying them with the invading Tamil dynasties from India, and they should be kicked back to Hindu India. This what all the Sinhalese are taught from their childhood and brainwashed to believe and act upon it.
jim softy / July 21, 2016
Sinhala Students in the South, from the beginning should have stopped Tamils Students going to the Kovil.
Patriot / July 21, 2016
The biggest racist makes his statement. Well one would wonder why the Sinhalese do not complain about him living in comfort in Colombo 7 and polluting the 2500 year old Buddhist culture. When Nandikadal Thambi was recruiting underage boys to his baby suicide brigade Tamils moved to Colombo in hoards did anyone worry about the ethnic composition of Colombo then. This Chief Minister is the curse of this country may the 33,000 deities whom protect this land take care of this rabid racist.
Anpu / July 21, 2016
“polluting the 2500 year old Buddhist culture” Which is done by SINHALESE not any one else.
Rohan / July 21, 2016
Sinhalese culture 2500 years old. When Sinhalese as a language and Sinhalese people only came into existence from around 8 AD. Prior to that Sinhalese was evolving as a language and as a people from the indigenous Tamils and other immigrants from India, largely from South India who converted to Buddhism.
It is only around 7AD that even your Mahavamsa started to call all these people who converted to Buddhism as Sinhala. None of the ancient kings called them selves Aryan or Sinhalese as they were neither. They were from South Indian dynasties or Naga. Naga are Dravidians who spoke Tamil. The language of the ancient courts in the island was either Tamil or Pali. Monks in the Mahavihara had to be fluent in Pali, Sanskrit and Tamil. Not Sinhala, as there was no Sinhalese existing at that time.
sach / July 21, 2016
Sinhala language evolved in Sri Lanka and the inscriptions of earliest Sinhala can be seen from 5 BC. And the gradual evolution of Sinhala is documented and are its evidences are scattered all over the country.
And the early Sinhala scripts showed letters for ‘sha’ and ‘a ( for apple)’ which are absent even in modern tamil.
The Mahavamsa was written in 5 AD.
I think Sinhala historians should invite tamil eelamist propagandists to a public debate on history and defeat them and ask them to leave to TN without polluting sinhala ISLAND
Celeo / July 22, 2016
“gradual evolution of Sinhala is documented and are its evidences are scattered all over the country”
NO such thing is documented and there is NO such evidence what so ever. The term ‘Sinhala’ itself was adopted by the Mahavihara monks from the Indian Sanskrit texts. Nothing called ‘Sinhala’ was found as epigraphic evidence in the island till the two groups of people(Buddhists & Hindus)split in the 13th century to form their own kingdoms as Sinhalese and Tamils.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 22, 2016
Cool story, bro :D
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 21, 2016
“Therefore when University Students have decided to resort to violence it is our responsibility to determine the underlying causes that had led to their behavior. It is for that reason we demand a full-fledged Commission of Inquiry into all aspects of the incidents. Such a modus operandi would bring to light the frustrations of the University students. Thereafter we could formulate ways and means of dealing with them,” the statement said.’
Are Wigneswaran and Thavarajah justifying the violence instigated by a few individuals, that had the potential to create a national conflagration? Was this violence engineered by a few or was it the expression of the collective feelings of all the undergraduates and the population of Jaffna?
The only merit I see in the Commission of inquiry being proposed is the potential to expose the role of Wigneswaran ,those whom he backs and those he backs in placing road blocks on the difficult path of national reconciliation and stroking dying embers.
Dharisha Bastians in a wide ranging and perspicacious article in ‘The ‘Financial Times’ of this date (21/07/2015) says,”Ironically, the greatest sympathy for the ideology of separatism within the Northern Province comes within the ranks of its successful professionals. The Jaffna doctors, lawyers and academics, many of whom have built lives outside the war-torn region, have been the strongest opponents of TNA moderates and the Tamil party’s support for the Government’s reconciliation and accountability processes.
It is from within these ranks that support has built for Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran, a man handpicked by TNA Leader R. Sampanthan for his moderate credentials, whose positions on the ethnic question have hardened alarmingly and are at great odds with his party over the past two years.
The influential community actively supports hardline Tamil politicos including Gajen Ponnambalam, Shivajilingam and Ananthi Sasitharan and strongly oppose attempts by moderate sections of the TNA to build bridges between the community of the North and the rest of the island.
These factions, backed heavily by hardline sections of the Tamil Diaspora, responded viciously when the TNA called on the Northern Provincial Council to pass a resolution apologising to the Muslims for the expulsion of that community from the Northern Province by the LTTE in October 1990. – See more at:“.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Ajith / July 22, 2016
Mr. Rajasingham,
It is too much for you. I don’t see any difference between you and the joint opposition headed by Mahinda Rajapakse. It is a fact at one point you were one of the follower of Rajapakse. You are changing your support whoever comes to power and blame any Tamil leader who asked for justice to the Tamil. Thousands of innocent tamils were massacred by the state and it is undoubtedly proved that the government was intentionally used food, medicine and banned hard weapons during the war. Every one knows that war crimes were committed and it is a necessary to have a proper investigation to find about the truth. Those who asking for justice are in your eyes are hardliners. The root cause of this university student is not about kandyan dance or cultural even, it is started with the independence of this nation. Misuse of power and unlawful policies started in 1948. When the power was handed over to Sinhalese, the law and order was dead.
Rodney / July 21, 2016
This is the result of seeds of hatred Vignaswaram has sown.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 21, 2016
A correction to my previous comment:
—-,those whom he backs and those who back him in placing—
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 21, 2016
Here is the direct link to Dharisha Bastian’s article I have referred above:
It is most detailed story by a professional journalist on the subject under discussion. It is must read.
jim softy / July 21, 2016
This tobaccoo farmer Wiggy should be chased out.
sr / July 21, 2016
Big fuss over a small matter.
Children are studying and playing now.
Others quit the scene without attempting to be news makers.
Sinhala_Man / July 21, 2016
Wiggie, your words are good.
I’m sure that you are a very intelligent man, and that you will realise that we are all nearing the end of our lives, and the need is for us to put the needs of future generations ahead of our egos, and not think consciously of our role as perceived by historians writing long after we are gone.
Basically, you are saying, “Don’t play politics with this issue”. Let’s make sure that such an approach applies to all of us.
watcher / July 21, 2016
@Paul, just because your old, old grand mother slept with Portuguese, it does not mean Jaffna is owned by Portuguese or tamils.. Period.
Problem is, tamils are not prepared to assimilate with rest of the Sl people. Period.
Its only now westerners are beginning to see islam’s lack of assimilation with western countries is a issue.
In SL we had this more than 100 yrs and gladly to that nut, prabha we got rid of most of the filth.
May be we need another prabha to finish the job..
Aunty Wendy / July 21, 2016
Aney Watcher child just because your South Indian coolie ancestors imported into the island, by the Portuguese and Dutch, converted to Buddhism and assimilated as Sinhalese and then slept around with the Portuguese Dutch and everyone else, does not mean Paul’s ancestors did the same thing. Don’t judge everyone else by your own dirty family history.
Paul is Brahmin and to them even touching a Christian Portuguese would have been dirty and sinful,not like you and the most of the so called Sinhalese blogging here, largely descended from South Indian coolies who became Sinhalese and slept around with every one else, now calling themselves Aryan Sinhalese. The little Aryan that Sinhalese like you have is from the wrong side of the bed child. From all those Portuguese, Dutch and British who had hanky-panky with your great grand mothers.
Why should the Sri Lankan Tamils assimilate. They are not immigrants like your low caste Indian Tamil coolie ancestors. They are indigenous to the land, have an ancient proud history, belong to the island and live in their own land and ruled their land. Your South Indian immigrant ancestors did not belong, so were forced to assimilate and now make up the majority of the present Sinhalese.
You are very mixed up with your identity child and very racist like most Sinhalese.
The problem in the island is not Praba and the Tamils. Praba is dead and gone but problem still remains. Proves Praba was not the problem but a symptom. It is from mixed up racist Sinhalese like you reading all this evil Mahavamsa fairy tales and believing them to be true.
Fairy tales are good for little children but once you become a mature adult,you should learn to discern the truth. Problem is most Sinhalese have not matured. They are insecure like little children and believe in the Mahavamsa fairy tale and also the evil bed side stories that their politicians and Buddhist monks tell them, to make them feel great secure, then believe and act upon these fiction creating problems and nightmares, not only for themselves but for everyone else. Especially for the island’s Tamils whom they perceive as an outside enemy that has to be destroyed.
Insecure and immature majorities are very dangerous not only to themselves but also to others whom they perceive as the enemy or the outsider, who caused or is causing all their problems. Good example are the Germans during the Nazi era. The Serbs in former Yugoslavia and the Jews in Israel.
Listen to aunty Wendy child take an Asprin or Disprin and go to bed and stop reading evil Mahavamsa fairy tales and listening to all these frightening bed side stories told by the Sinhalese politicians and Buddhist monks. Not good for your soul, heart, blood pressure and wellbeing child. Then all your problems will be solved.
Watcher child you should always be watchful.
jim softy / July 22, 2016
A Brahmin with a Christian name.
Probably a kallathoni in Sri lanka.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 22, 2016
‘Paul’ must be one of those elusive ‘Brahmins’ who converted to Christianity to be closer to his low caste brethren.
I’m not sure ‘him’ is the appropriate word to use anymore, as he seems to have undergone another sort of conversion to appear as our Aunty up there :D
Siva Sankaran Sarma / July 22, 2016
I take it the operation was a success, ‘Paul’, going by your new identity :D
ibadun / July 21, 2016
It must be noted that in all other universities they Sinhalese welcome all sort of cultural activities in all function etc..Sinhalese they really motivate this in every university where they themselves talk with Tamil student and organize the same …so we have seen even in the war time Sinhalese university students protect Tamil university students and an extra there was a student who was arrested by forces then Sinhala students went to street to protest this. It is important to allow everyone to perform their cultural activities and take example from other universities¬if_id=1468920383331590
Rohan / July 21, 2016
No need of an inquiry. The occupying Sinhalese armed forces in the north and east should be packed off to the south. All stolen private and public land should be returned to its rightful Tamil owners and the public lands should be vested and used for the benefit of the local population of the area and not used to settle outsiders or members of the armed forces. Public land in the Sinhalese south or anywhere else in the world is not used for these purposes and the same should apply for the Tamil north and east.
They can continue the same activities that they practised on the northern and eastern Tamils like looting, torture, killing, raping and creating chaos on their fellow Sinhalese citizens and see how they will like it.
They supported these activities in the north and east and called these activities patriotic. Tamils cannot be the only recipients of these patriotic activities. The Sinhalese who ardently support these activities should also be beneficiaries of these same patriotic activities. Especially people like Somass. Karawa akki Ramona, Jimmy soft on the head, nuisance, Patriot, Bad student ETC.
They can be free to install lots of Budda statues and Buddhist temples,
wherever and whenever they can, and do whatever they like. Just like they do in the north and east. EG running pre schools, businesses, forcibly recruiting slave labour from villages on the pretext of recruiting locals for the armed forces, especially pretty young girls from poor destitute families, or farming by stealing lands from Sinhalese private citizens or using public lands. The local Sinhalese should happy with all these religious and commercial activities done for their behalf and benefit, especially when they contribute land around their areas, both private and public, just like they were very happy when it was practised on the Tamils.
You will see most of the north and east returning to normal once these Sinhalese armed forces and police are kicked out together with all these recent illegal Sinhalese settlers.
A federal solution should be found and land and police powers should be given to this federal North East unit. This will stop further illegal encroachment of outside Sinhalese and Muslim extremist elements from the further marginalising the Tamils from the north and east,in their own lands.
Outsiders, Sinhalese and Muslims are welcome to settle but should come here legally on their own accord. Not on state sponsored settlement,on stolen Tamil lands, that was used with the sole aim of marginalising the Tamils.
Without the support of these Sinhalese armed forces and police the remaining Sinhalese and Muslim population in the north and east will stop being cocky racist and creating trouble for the local Tamils. as they will be aware that there will have no outside support and this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated anymore by the Tamils.
The Sinhalese students in the Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Jaffna campuses will start to behave, as they will not have anyone agitating them to create trouble. With no outside support,they will stop treating the local Tamils like inferior serfs and stop strutting around and swaggering around behaving like some ruling superior race and behave like normal people. They will realise that they are here to study and not here to forcibly force Sinhalese language and culture down the throats of the local Tamils and learn to respect them and their very ancient classical culture that is one of the original and oldest in the world.
Silva / July 21, 2016
““But such incidents should not be viewed from a purely criminal law standpoint. We must first try to find out the underlying causes that led to their violent behavior. Thereafter we must determine ways and means of dealing with such underlying causes and implement them. This would ensure that such incidents will not be repeated,” they said.” and the rest of what the two uttered
The whole statement of Vigneshwaran is an evasion of the facts and law and giving cover and backing to their demand of a separate peelam. This is what they have been doing: to hide the truth behind a colossal amount of idealistic words and then proceed surreptitiously towards their demand of being a separate entity in Sri Lanka. Let us throw Wiggy’s giggles out of the window and demand a criminal investigation against those who have broken the law, whether it be Sinhala or Tamil students, and take corrective measures according to the prevailing law of the country. No fucking commissions are needed because all the commissions appointed since independence have only contributed to more and more omissions of the facts and implementation of the law and order. If the management of the Jaffna Uni is unable to conduct an investigation, may be with the assistance of the police, what is the use of maintaining such an administration paying tax payers’ money?
sach / July 21, 2016
This is the bottom line. We the supreme race of Tamils do not like to see anything non tamil in North. North should be exclusively Tamil. Jaffna University is a Tamil university only for Tamils and where only Tamil cultural events are celebrated. if anyone tries to change that, it IS racist and we tamils are victimized by that.
By not allowing to keep the North as PURE TAMIL the government is violating we the supreme tamils’ RIGHT to be FASCIST. we should have every right to not allow the evicted Muslims to resettle and not allow any sinhala student to come and stay. This is our final verdict to protect the tamil civlisation which is 5000 years old. Anyone who questions that is a sinhala genocidal racist.
If we attack any non tamil because we see so many buddha statues or sinhala skin ( which we consider inferior to us tamils) then again that is because we are victimised.
Aunty Wendy / July 21, 2016
Sach child, sadly I agree with you. I also feel most Sinhalese are inferior, they behave like little insecure immature children. You are very good example.
They Believe in all sorts of bed time stories that their politicians and Buddhist monks tell them. Like ” We are great. Tamils are our enemies must destroy them, steal everything that belongs to them or they will destroy us” They also love to quote from a part fairy tale called Mahavamsa that also tells them the same thing.
Aney why cant they read anything else like Enid Blyton or Agatha Christie or listen to some nice bed time stories like Aesop’s fables.
Of course I don’t like all this Budda statues now popping up every where in the north and east, like some cheap McDonalds franchise. Even Lord Budda does not like this, as this makes him cheap and the great philosophy that he preached of love tolerance and respect to all things living equally cheap.
He also would not like his image and philosophy used as a symbol of oppression and victory over other humans. This is not what he preached or wanted and this is what the immature childish Sinhalese are doing to the island’s Tamils. No wonder most Tamils hate think and consider most Sinhalese as inferior little children.
Think about it Sach child Aunty Wendy is very sad about your mental state and the mental state of most Sinhalese. Very dangerous to give power to immature children, as they will destroy themselves and other. Remember mummy used to say ” Sach my little pet don’t play with electricity you are a little child” power is also like that Sach.
Instead of Budda statue popping up everywhere in the north and east build McDonald’s everywhere but only serve chicken and mutton not beef Hindu Tamils won’t like that. Then Tamils will like MacDonald’s Budda, Sinhalese and even Sach. See must always listen to Aunty Wendy.
Shrikharan / July 21, 2016
Well said response to the Sachoo kid. Certainly he needs intense medical therapy.
srinath.gunaratne / July 21, 2016
This guy is a cunning cheeky fellow who turn everything to his own PEELAM project!
The number one Tamil racist!
senthil / July 21, 2016
So many man hours wasted for this issue not even worth for a penny. If you remove the army and few useless politicians (Tamil & Sinhala)and put them in jail, every thing will come to normal. They are the people invent new, new trouble to keep their jobs and golden-egg laying chicken live. Instead of wasting time we could have spent time to invent some new technology. Instead of stealing land, find new land in other planets. I think we are still living in stone age. Worst crime is producing many children because the world resource is limited and all the wars are for resources. Because people are greedy, the resource war will never end and winning and loosing is not permanent.
Karan / July 21, 2016
One thing we have to understand that any govt tactfully encroaching Tamil land after independence n still it’s continue. Particularly after 2009′ vehemently they are which ever govt in power doing their task of settling majoritians in the native lands of Tamil, India too supported n chased some settlers new in 1987 which was stopped by prabha after war with ipkf.
If any genuine reconciliation is there they must stop these illegal activities n promote coexistence with Tamils if SL wants United in future
n.ethirveerasingam / July 21, 2016
Thank you NPC CM and Opposition Leader,
I welcome your recommendation for the University and the Higher Educ Ministry/UGC to study the fundamental causes. They should do this study within 3 months with FULL resources and without any extension.
I will also recommend that the NPC study the problem of Higher And Tertiary Education in the North. NPC Commission should seriously consider whether there is a need for a university is each of the Provinces within the control of its own University and Tertiary Grants Commission. What this means is that each of the provinces will have a Provincial University and Tertiary Education institutions and and State institutions. This would solve the problem of students who qualify for university education but there are no space in the universities to admit them.
A university, state or provincial, should have students and staff from various ethnic, Caste, rural and coastal areas with inadequate schools, cultural and religious groups from within and out side the country. The percentage of composition should be determined by each of the provincial and state universities with specific rational criteria.
Nimal Wijetunga / July 22, 2016
Wigeneshwaran and his clan shall drop their Kallathoni mentality and if not nothing will happen to reconciliation or whatever. If you like you can live peacefully with Majority of Sri Lankans. if you try talk about Traditional Homelands, ancient TAMIL PROVINCE in Sri Lanka federalism, more police and land powers and other bull shit, reconciliation or even living peacefully will never happen.
Keep aside your unrealistic dreams, whims and fancies and most importantly Kallathoni mentality to make peace and harmony with other Sri Lankan masses.
If you think that you can take the route of Prabhakaran once again and take your tamil masses to hell, we are ready.
Nimal Wijetunga / July 22, 2016
Racist wigneshwaran [Edited out] must condemn the Jaffna university incident before asking Commissions.