19 January, 2025


Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s Empty Rant

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“Is Sri Lanka destined to be a nation of sheep that needs a government of wolves?”

The Rant

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe (WR) has joined President Sirisena’s reckless verbal onslaught on the Constitutional Council (CC) that was set up by the 19th Amendment ( Daily Mirror 15/2/19). I use, “verbal onslaught,” intentionally since, as in the case of the previous criticism, WR’s own two -cents -worth solo chorus is devoid of any justification in terms of evidence; it is just a lash. 

One can understand President Sirisena’s frustration since what squashed the latter’s quixotic, mad, manoeuvre to violate our constitution and set up  a fake PM and a fake government for 52 days had been an independent judiciary which is the outcome of the CC’s efforts. The “fake Prime Minister,” had also,understandly, joined the tirade before that. WR’s push is a mere chorus act to back the two. Being a lawyer with good briefs WR should have known better not to handle an imbecillic one.

Integrity and The Political Class

Of course, in this era  of leaders of poor integrity in Sri Lanka, WR is just another addition. We have seen Udaya Gammanpila, Wimal Weerawansa and crazy Vasu and many others shouting deceit from the floor of parliament and under the safety jacket of privilege. WR has not even taken the caution to utter his bit in parliament. 

Against the crumbling and decomposing political culture now prevailing in the island, even men like these maybe regarded as “normal.” The country is coming to that. Members of Parliament can utter lies without batting their eyelids; promise and never deliver; condone public theft and murder; run the country into serious debt traps; take bribes and commissions; create any number of financial privileges for themselves. …All these, while the hapless population watches  “something normal occurring”  at the expense of them being starved of necessities. 

A new class has stabilised in Sri Lanka-the class of privileged political elites. These persons try to reach the affluent economic class of the beogeousie not by hard work and investment risk but by cheating the people and robbing the state. 

Political party stability is at stake as opportunism holds sway; sway; we know the two do not go together. Members of a party do their own thing and cannot be sacked. Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is formally a UNP member but he can take any line free from the thinking of that Grand Old Party. He enjoys the best of both worlds as he can both win elections from that party and act contrary to its policies. Gone are the days when we had gentlemen who would resign from the portfolio and the party upon serious disagreement.

The lesson to society-at-large is disastrous. “Your word is your honour;” we used to hear that been said in our school days. No more of that rubbish! We are yet to receive the list of politicos involved in that vast network led by alleged drug kingpin Makandure Madush now sighing in Dubai police remand. Drugs kill our youth and destroy whole families. But why bother? We can make quick bucks in a big way.

Constitutional Council Composition

With this background preamble out of our way, let’s now get back to the primary issue at hand namely, WR’s slashing attack on the Constitutional Council. The Prime Minister explained in parliament how the CC plays and what its composition is. Hon Speaker, Karu Jayasuriya, has also done that both in parliament and in publication (Sunday Observer). It is clear the ten member council has been structured to be independent of the hold of any single political party or political leader. The Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition are in it and they sometimes take joint decisions. The Speaker chairs it and he represents parliament. The following are relevant extracts of the Speaker’s aforesaid publication:

“The Constitutional Council was set up in July 2015 through the 19th Amendment of the Constitution, which introduced Chapter VII A to the Constitution. Prior to the 19th Amendment, the ‘independent’ commissions such as the Elections Commission and National Police Commission were either defunct or hamstrung by political influence. Judicial appointments, and posts such as Attorney-General, Auditor-General and Inspector General of Police were filled unilaterally by the executive President.

After January 2015, President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe lobbied to introduce a mechanism by which the appointments and functions of these critical commissions and positions could be depoliticised. The Constitutional Council was the mechanism finally adopted by Parliament for introduction in the 19th Amendment. Supported by all political parties in Parliament, the UPFA, UNP, TNA and JVP, the 19th Amendment was passed with a resounding majority. Two hundred and twelve MPs, or over 90% of members, voted in favour, with only one, UPFA MP Sarath Weerasekara voting against. Thirteen Members of Parliament abstained from voting.

As set out in the Constitution, the Council would consist of 10 members, of whom seven would be Members of Parliament, and three citizens described as “persons of eminence and integrity who have distinguished themselves in public or professional life and who are not members of any political party whose nomination shall be approved by Parliament.”The Chairman of the Council, per the Constitution, would be the Speaker.

The Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are also constitutionally required to sit on the Council by virtue of their office. One Member of Parliament is selected to the Council by the President at his discretion. The Prime Minister and Opposition Leader together by consensus nominate two Members of Parliament to the Council. 

A final Member of Parliament is nominated by agreement of the majority of the Members of Parliament belonging to parties and groups other than those to which the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader belong.”

Back to the President?

Can WR recommend a more independent CC? What is the grouse for him to demand that the CC be abolished? He doesn’t tell us. 

Besides, the alternative is plain evil: to go back to the President himself making appointments.  Currently, appointments to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal are based on the President’s own set of nominations but vetted and approved by the CC.  The criteria for such assessment by the CC are stated clealry. What is wrong with this, Hon WR? Here, the President does have a say but up to a point at which the CC takes over in order to add a professional input. 

WR is displeased with the refusal of the CC to approve the President’s choice. If the CC has no such discretion of independent assessment then one might as well let the President appoint as was done in the past. We have seen what happened then. Sri Lanka had a CJ who was (reportedly) ever ready to give the judgment that was required by the President. We also had a CJ who openly stated he had intentionally ‘saved’ Mahinda Rajapakse in the Tsunami case. In such a situation why have a CJ at all? And a Supreme Court?  The President can be both the court and the CJ. Wonderful, isn’t it?

One does not need anymore than an elementary imagination to imagine what a constitution-violating President as we possess today would do. Our President seems to think that the constitution is a throw-away paper like the one that wraps sugar.

WR wants the CC abolished impliedly to put back in place the former scenario. Oh My God, a firm “no.”

Cries our cherubin-looking Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe: ”it [CC] has not taken correct, impartial and reasonable decisions. For instance, former Solicitor General Suhada Gamlath was rejected by the CC as Attorney General just because he had been appointed as the Justice Ministry Secretary during Mahinda Rajapaksa regime. When the name of Justice Deepali Wijesundera was nominated as Appeal Court President and as a Supreme Court Judge, it was rejected by the CC as she delivered the verdict of the ‘white flag case’ convicting the accused,” he said. These two reasons are valid enough as they would spark fears among the public about the political impartiality of judicial decisions. Justice must not necessarily be impartial; but be seen to be impartial,” is the accepted dictum. Besides, the CC would have had other considerations as cited in the criteria. They all go together. WR is simplifying a situation to suit his purpose.

WR’s Challenge

This seems, also, the reason why WR accuses the CC of being “corrupt.” He hasn’t given any evidence of corruption. WR is dishonest since he knows, himself being a lawyer, that a brief must be founded on evidence. His advocacy in this instance is bereft of evidence.

Against the emptiness of his rhetoric WR, like a war hero, throws a challenge to the members of the CC to come for a TV debate on the matters raised by him. It is like the challenge of the village Chandiya (ruffian) with his sarong tucked up and waiting for an acceptance he knows will not happen.

Why don’t we have media leaders who will pursue Minister Rajapakse pitting him against an opposition. It is the responsibility of media to create a critical population that would subject the kind of assertions as that of WR’s to test. But where? 

Is Sri Lanka destined to be a nation of sheep that needs a government of wolves precisely led by persons like Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe? Maitripala Sirisena? Mahinda Rajapaksa?

Latest comments

  • 19

    Shaymon Jayasinghe has bowled a goolie that has clean bowled Wijedasa Rajapakse

    • 17

      Wijedasa lost his equilibrium long ago. When he is batting he doesn’t know from which end he bats- from the bowlers end or wicket keepers end.

      • 12

        Bugger was NEVER different and would not change his dots asa leopard either. Not just he lost his blance, but his nature was painted twisted by the media.. May well be, he thought he would have been proposed as COMMON CANDIDATE of CRIMINAL pohottuwa movement – albeit clear today than no times before, that RAJAPAKSHES would not want to throw it away from their sibling circles.
        He like many others grew up from scratch and educated as a lawyerhas no different to that of GMOA president Dr Paddeniya. The kind of personalities would not think twice being rational. Just let their abusive thoughts and minds to govern. If these men would have been positive, this nation would have become prosperous within few years. So, you cant straighten his tail. That is effortless.
        I wonder, even if the bugger behaved as if he usually dives in the pits stagnated with excreta, but media channels keep interviewing the bugger for some reasons ? Why cant MEDIA themselves stand against the kind of BP men ?

        • 0

          Shyamon: Sri Lanka needs a a massive Yellow Shirt Movement, as in France that unites all ethnic and religious communities to fight against rising inequality, poverty and ALL the Corrupt Politicians who have put Sri Lanka into massive Debt trap and the IMF-Wold Bank Middle Income Country (MIC) debt trap “Bailout Business”.
          Today we have fake statistics about poverty. DCS has “raised” the poverty line to LKR 4,500 per month which is less than the global poverty line of 1.5 US$ a day.
          Also, during 2018-2022 the increase in Sri Lanka’s debt servicing of US$ 5 billion, which is why the ruppee is crashing, is driven by the maturing of US-Euro dollar International Sovereign Bonds according to the head of the External Resources Department (ERD) Ms. Visaka Amerasekera and not by loans from China. The names of the big US-Euro Banks and Sovereign Bond traders and their unethical lending practices to corrupt local politicians (on the advice of IMF and WB), are not revealed to the Sri Lanka public. This information like the Bondscam Report is “embargoed” . Why?
          Citizens of Sri Lanka have a right to know the local and foreign actors and networks that have put the people in a foreign debt trap and IMF Bailout Business.

        • 0

          Burampisingho. He tablke has excreta with different stinks.He savours them.

      • 2

        “A new class has stabilised in Sri Lanka-the class of privileged political elites.”

        A violent blood-soaked upheaval is the only answer to decapitate the current well entrenched ruling-class. What will that throw up? I dunno ……… we can only keep pulling out the weeds in the garden until something we like crops up.

        Good ol’ Velupillai Prabakaran had the right idea and was good at it …………. but was restricted/limited by race/ethnicity ………. it should have been more broad-based and more all-encompassing ……… then it would have had wider support and never failed! :))

        “Can WR recommend a more independent CC? What is the grouse for him to demand that the CC be abolished? He doesn’t tell us.”

        You are asking for feathers from a tortoise ……… he has none.

        • 3

          nimal fernando

          “Good ol’ Velupillai Prabakaran had the right idea and was good at it”

          That was what Premadasa too thought about him.
          The psychopath did not abide by what he set out to do in the first place. Like all his fellow little islanders he too suffered from superiority as well as inferiority complexes. He thought he was too clever. I am beginning to suspect all along he was a admirer and foot soldier of Sinhala/Buddhist fascism. Otherwise he would not have won a war and two elections for Mahindawamsa.

          • 2

            “I am beginning to suspect all along he was a admirer and foot soldier of Sinhala/Buddhist fascism. Otherwise he would not have won a war and two elections for Mahindawamsa.”

            You have a point there, Native!

    • 1

      Mrs Manawadu, it is no use bringing Murali or Shoaib Akhtar in for someone who does not come to the Wicket. WR is a crook but he is no fool. He obviously is counting on Mara camp coming back to power with Gota leading.

      The way the things are going in the country, it is possible – regardless of howsoever sickening it is to a part of the society.

      • 0

        Janaka, remember how this crook ran to MR, when a bomb was thrown into his garden.That act was correct. He who served the upper social class at Tangalle, cleaning their back sides after they defecate, paid his pooja and pleaded not to throw him to the dogs, his relations. from which stinking kennel he had escaped.

    • 1

      I think this guy was the most corrupt politician of the Yahapalanaya Govt.

    • 0

      Lankens to turn out to be lunatic albeit education, beyond my comprehension.
      See, what I found about WR is below

      Early life and career
      Rajapakshe hails from a family in Walasmulla, Hambantota District. He commenced his career as a Banker and resigned after a period of 5 years to enter the legal profession. He holds a degree in Law from the University of Colombo and has been practicing in the field of law since 1984. He won the award for the Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) in the field of legal affairs in 1998 and was appointed as a President’s Counsel in 2001. He had been an examiner in the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.

      While engaged in his legal practice, he held several public offices such as Chairman of the Rent Board of Review, Chairman of Sri Lanka Press Council, Vice President of the World Association of Press Council, Director National Film Corporation, Director Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, Managing Director Associated Newspaper Ceylon (Lake House), Panel Chairman, to inquire into the allegations of misconduct against Attorneys-at-Law, Chairman of Disciplinary Committee, to inquire into the charges of doping, against Athletes.”

      As is common issue with many other LAWYERs and higher professionals, sinhala people after achieving their goals, seem to be forgetting their begining for what they are made lawyers or medical doctors thanks to lanken free education.
      We have enogh LAWYERs that would become lethargic after achieving their selfish gains. They dont care about the nation at all. I wonder how these men would ever be able to face the counterparts in Europe and law bound other countries.

  • 19

    Thanks Mr Jayasinghe.
    I commend General Sarath Fonseka once again here, since he is the first ot have revealed that Wijedasa was not at all whole hearted him as the minister of Justice in the GGovernance govt. Avant-Garde case was sent under carpet by the direct mediation of this man.I wonder how he can continue as a senior lawyer.. these men are even more abusive than those drug kinpins being current caught in flagrante delicto in Dubai.
    Wijedasa, may well be because of his surname, is even most notorious than satakaya wearing Rajapakshes. Deeladasa as behaviours are beyond all ethics and morals. In the fake govt made by them, Deeldasa was one of the ministers who shamelessly joined hand with the abusive bunch. Today, I question myself, not once several dozens of times, this man is known to be a senior lawyer, regardless of this Dr title. How could even a NOVICE lawyer endorse the FAKE govt created by SIIRSENA on the 26 the Oct 2018, all of sudden behind the doors. Entire world regardless of the partiality, joined hand with Mr WIckramasinghe to protect democracy in the country. I think those guys who themselves identify as ” lawyers” should be subjected to scrutiny, considering some senior men as lawyers behave as if they are out of the basics of that profession.

    Constitutional council according to WR is highly abusive. This came all of sudden since they failed to get those judges passed and put off the on going investigations against the bunch of JOIN OPPOSITION criminals.
    There are enough information that RAJAPKASHEs will have to face the truth in coming weeks – all is now en route regarding their crime investigations.

  • 17

    I reiterate here once again, lanken main media and Rajapakshes work together to undermine the facts in today’s context.
    That is why it has been that difficult to outreach the masses yet.
    So, Mr Jayasinghe, even we would have been fighting to send the message across, not many would get it.

    Why don’t we have media leaders who will pursue Minister Rajapakse pitting him against an opposition. It is the responsibility of media to create a critical population that would subject the kind of assertions as that of WR’s to test. But where?
    Devil is even darker than we just guess at it. Just now i happened to tune into ” DERANA LIVE”. BP Rajapakshe has been making every effort to mislead the nation saying that UNP did not reveal what they wanted bla bla… Derana TV ( one of the leading highly abusive TV senders but work as RAJAPKASHES TV) btw, yet today, telecasts lot more about Rajakshes than the rulers. During that 52 day coup, Derana has telecasted and misled the nation round the clock.
    Where are the media ethics ? Media Dept has no teeth in their paragraghs ? why is that ? If UK ruling politicians can block some TVs which stand against the ruling politics, why not LANKEN counterparts react so ? I think it is high time MEDIA MUDALALIS to be charged with HUGE fines so that they cant abuse their MEDIA freedom any more.
    In a counrty such as ours, if various sinister groups constantly make every effort rabblerousing the nation, they should be subjected to punishments going by prevailing laws.
    Currently, MEDIA MUDALALIS abuse their freedom on broad day light, but nothing seem to work agianst them. Daily Mirror brings almsot untruths about current situation. NOthing from law and order side seems to work on them … why is that ?

  • 12

    You have been repeatedly hitting the nail on its head!
    It is this same Wijedasa Rajapakse[ WR ] who wrote a Thesis stating that the 1978 Constitution was drafted by Prof; A.J.Wilson [son-in law of S.J.V.Chelvanayagam Q.C ]. He was subsequently proved to be a Liar by several prominent academics who were students and later colleagues of the learned Prof:Wilson.
    W.R. IS A lumpen element!

    There are two types of citizens in Srilanka.
    1] Citizens who are Wolves in Sheeps clothing.
    2]Citizens who are Sheep in Wolves clothing.
    It is a bit difficult, though, to quantify their approximate percentages.Could it be 50-50!?

    • 5

      the main problem I see in your people (srilankens) is that they are NOT honest enough.
      If both politicians and people would be honest and fight together for making palpable change in the society, then we can achieve so many things within shorter period of time. And lawyers are the worst that would break the laws. Wijedasa proved it not once but several dozens of times in his public life. Nor are they shameful. How and what would they pass to their offsprings/future generations ?

      Where i live in Europe for such a long, as i notice it, lawyers would not just abuse the paragraphs the way OUR silly so called lawyers would do. Our lawyers, execept a smaller portion, would abuse their profession not respecting the lawyer profession.

  • 7

    Explicitly set forth!!!. Thank you, SJ.

  • 4

    Thank, you S J. An explicitly set forth article. We enjoyed it.

  • 10

    In my opinion WR is worst among the crooks. At least Rajapaksas do not take pain in hiding their crap but this guy is crook pretending to be otherwise. I cannot fathom the idea of this shit head was the Law Minister at one time. We have had all kind of shit heads including GLP, Sarath ,Hakim and others. But this crook was the worst to be in that position. Definitely a rabid hyena in sheep,s cloth. Others were functioning as mere proxies ( for MR), where as this guy was self serving,opportunistic crook who would go to any extend for his own gain.

    • 4

      WR claims to have a Doctorate from the Ruhunu University, but it is fake claim. Don’t know why people hanker after these titles especially when they least deserve it.

    • 4

      I don’t see any difference among the crooks of Mahinda & Co. All are the same. They are very common in cheating the Sinhalese, pretending as patriots and corrupting this nation and assasinating all their rivals who are barrier to the aims.

  • 0

    Shyamon Jayasinghe: what you have written is mostly the your version of the truth. Anyway, I can understand as the parliament is full of Bond scammers, Drug barons, Drug addicted, Killers, chain snatchers, Drug transporters, Money launderers, and very old play boys who runs the car into a paddy filed when the chick scratches the willy.
    I know you have to cut the president to the size to suit the Bond Scammer Alibaba who has started lieing again for the next round.
    But, it is important to hide the lack of a Lichchavi-malla type govt, Failed FCID which questioned released the same Boss who established it, One million jobs, WIFI kits to every kid by december 2018 probably to find out where Cocaine and HEroin are available, pornography and how to screw up school children of both sexes.
    Not only the bond scam, Rs 178 worth dollar has to be hidden.
    IMF came to Sri lanka, before that UNHCR came to discuss the sri lankan human rights. New finance minister set up a a branch of foreign ministry in his electoral district and not the electorate.. World Bank came and they say Sri lanka has to change LAWs, and some other things to restructure the humongous debt that Sri lankan has to pay this year and some years begining from this year. In other words, they say ,ake every thing for sale to USA and EU companies. ANYWAY, YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOME SOLID TRUTHS TOO. But, in Sri lanka the democracy is changing the govts from SLPP to UNP headed by Ranil. What happened in Sri lanka, I mean the game that was played by the SPEAKER is being played right now in VEnezuela. USA appointed student leader second president of Venezulela is governing the country on his own too. He has a rapid privatization program. US eXON had come and on their own scanned the VEnezulen Seas for oil. A state court of USA has imposed $1.4 billion fine for the VEnezulean oil companh and some $ 350 billion mess had been created by the USA.
    Anyway, Maithripala sirisena is a very difficult situation. From one side Ranil, from the other SLPP. IT is like Dutugemunu, stuck by the father and the HAdi Damalu (Ranil).
    Writers writing for SAMANALA party have so many things to hide on behalf of UNP. UNP is selling even the Drug campaign and Army resurrecting Reservoirs in Sri lanka all began by the MS.
    I heard Sri lanka had 40,000 tanks and now we have 19,000. Two europeans came and gave a reward to president for EXCELLENT WATER MANAGEMENT something that Ancient Sinhala people did not learn, may be for pesticide residues and fertilizer residues in water which cause kidney failure.

    • 1

      Bond scammers such as RK are not in SJ’s list of crooks. Accidental of course. SJ is not a Batalanda Ranil’s boot licker or a UNP stooge. Certainly not.

      • 2

        Lal loo

        “SJ is not a Batalanda Ranil’s boot licker or a UNP stooge.”

        Nor a Saffron Clad thug Ampitiya Sumanarathna’s b***s sucker like Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe either.
        Read the article:

        Justice Minister meets with Ampitiya Sumanarathna Thera in Batticaloa
        Wednesday, December 21, 2016

  • 1

    If my memory serves me right, the intention of setting up the CC was to create a body of reliable, unbiased and honest group of persons to prevent abuses, principally by politicians, in matters of importance and in vetting the suitability of persons for important positions. Thus, merit was to be recognized as the sole criterion. The original proposal was to have a ten-member Council, comprising THREE persons from Parliament and SEVEN non-political persons selected for their competence and integrity. This would be inconvenient for our politicos. So they manhandled this commendable idea by reversing the composition to SEVEN politicians and THREE outstanding persons !
    Is it any wonder that its conduct is blemished?

  • 2

    Sri lanka has a humongous Water, Air and Food pollution problem. The reason is Cancers have sky rocketed. In order to police the name of the Maharagama Cancer ward, they made it a cancer hospital and named APEKSHA. Food is mostly processed and are full of additives, air is full of petrol and diesal fumes and smooke residues, Water is full of fertilizer and pesticides. BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY PREVENTION PROGRAM OR DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT. BECAUSE THAT AFFECT THEIR HELP MARAYAS that comes as business economy and the e,bassy lobbying for more businesses.
    WE import cars, fossil fuel, car parts all from what the women sent. Then cancers are increased and poor are hospitalized. then they by expensive medication which can be bought cheaper else where or can be manufactured in srilanka, again money sent overseas. WE CALL IT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.
    Rajitha Senarathne says that Srilanka has the best health yet he and every minister went to Singapore to get hospitalized for physical check which needed needed Rs 100 lachs from the PResident’s fund.
    So, It is simply changing the govt from PALHORU #1 to PALHORU #2

  • 7

    Shyamon sahodaraya,
    Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is worse than a wolf. We refer to WR after a venomous snake called the Black Mamba. This reptile is worse than our polanga’s. I will share you this information although the proof is lacking. We heard many years ago from Mahinda insiders that it was this snake WR who had given a legal opinion from the Army Act, and that too an ancient piece or legislation from this act to have FM Fonseka arrested. It was according to WR’s rubbish that Mahinda government had pushed for the arrest of FM Fonseka. The made-up charges of General Fonseka plotting to overthrow the Mahinda government by leading a military coup was another set-up that was used. I think FM Fonseka knows about this snake who operated in the shadows. This is why Sarath cannot stand deal-dasa.

  • 2

    Where in the world, there are professional Politicians. They all say they want to serve the country or their region. Wijedasa Rajapakse claimed that he is a PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN. Wijedasa Rajapakse’s preference is SLPP camp as that is all composed of professional Corrupts. As the Justice minister he removed so many files and allowed Drug dealers files go missing. You say he is UNP. Yet why he is without a Minister post. Probably he is not very loyal to Ranil as he gave all the files of SLPP to those who wanted those. So, court cases are well and prepared.

  • 5

    Thanks for this article. Wijedasa Rajapaksa jumps from one party to another with the greatest of ease; Characterized by a complete absence of morality or integrity. As the Minister of Justice – appointed by the UNP – he protected many individuals from prosecution. Now he claims that the CC is corrupt and the Daily Mirror gives front page headlines to this statement. Shame of them all.

    • 0

      OK, all what you have said about WR is known,,and is old hat for most in this forum.
      But his mischief is still tolerated by your man and his UNP.
      Can you say anything about that unholy dalliance?

  • 0

    Dr Ranil and his buddies put the 19 A to castrate the President.
    And it is working well.

    But it has generated some bad side side effects, which may come back to bite even Dr Ranil in the bum., although the current lot in the HC gave Dr Ranil a Bonus..

    Dr Wije is a well educated, very smart Lawyer who came from the Village Stock.
    He had to fight hard to get to where he is. now..

    I can’t understand why he is still sucking up to Dr Ranil & his Rogue Brigade when Wije didn’t even get that LKR 34 Mil Bonus from Dr Ranil unlike Dr Ranil’s heavy hitters like Young Sujiya in Colombo..-

    BTW I, just watched Derana news Bulletin of Friday with the head line of CCTV coverage where Kudu Chuti was getting blasted in the lounge while watching TV. .

    Sira wasin his element flaying the Milk Powder Mafia after slaying the Drug Mafia in Dubai.
    He even gave notice to o Kassippu Mafia about his next crusade which is going to be launched in a couple of weeks.

    Then came the Clip of Dr Ranil talking to his followers in Killinochchi.
    All Dr Ranil was about how he loves the TNA and promises to apologize to them. for the destruction and killings in the North.
    And prosecute all and sundry who have been accused of killings..

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      Recently you have come to say more about Ranil than Mahinda.
      What is happening?
      Are you fed up with your day job, the lead b***s carrier to Mahinda?

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        How can I not talk about Dr Ranil, when everything revolves around him..

        Dr Ranil’s ex Best Finance minster was interviewed by Dr Ranil’s own CID just after Kamburugamuwa Madush was busted in Dubai.
        And the Ex FM brushed aside the Colombo Media saying it is a routine thing.

        Have you ever heard in you Diaspora Lands, the CIDs there conducting routine Interviews with Crown Ministers?.

        Now the talk of the Town in the Port City is that there are over 100 of our Crown MPS who have been dealing with Madush.
        And 20 of them are in the Government as Crown Ministers and junior/ State ministers.
        And President’s Bond Rort Report also has over 100 names .

        Between Aloysious and Madush they have stitched up Dr Ranil’s Yahapalanaya Tee..
        Haven’t they My Dear native.
        And your are worrying about Mahinda’s balls….


        • 2

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          I am worried about your physical as well your mental well being when you are out of the scene suddenly for a long unspecified length of time. Don’t you think it is reasonable for us to worry about you?

          Aren’t you campaigning for Dr Gota for the 2019 presidential elections? What is the campaign theme?

          “Disciplined, developed, democratic, Sri Lanka under Gota’s dedicated, disciplined and courageous leadership”
          “His entire clan is behind him.”
          “You get one hundred and fifty four for the price of one”
          “An expert on population control”

          Being close to Mahindawamsa please advise him to go for voice training, can’t bear his squeaky voice. Listening to him is alone a form torture.

  • 3

    Wijedasa Rajapaksa had been a Buddhist monk. He is a heeraluwa. That itself shows him up. He has since made heaps of money and gave his son in marriage spending millions. That marriage ended the next day.
    This fellow has no scruples at all but is a smooth speaker before monks

    • 0

      He was also latrine cleaner of yore. That was his fmily’s source of employment. .

  • 2

    If UNP is to win the election, Ranil, his corrupt csabinet have to quit politics. Right now UNP is butterflies, Money launderers, those who charge their Viagra buying to President’s fund, Bond Scam is not yet solved. UNP can not establish their own govt so, need all the three wheller parties and minister posts to them via the national govt which has even suspected killers.

  • 0

    Shyamon Jayasinghe the best journalist Lanka ever got?

  • 2

    This grasshopper is morally bankrupt. Biggest spiv in parliament and fits in well with other bankrupts. Lacks integrity and suppressed cases against the rajapakses when he was justice minister. Disgrace to the legal profession which is now full of ratbags. God help SL. Must get rid of this vermin that has taken over parliament the likes of deplorables gonapilla, pissuvasu, kehelgoo, kathagamage and this MOF.

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    As usual, Saimons are blowing Ranil PUKHamu’s whistle without stopping to breathe.
    Sri lanka’s supposedly best English writer seems to have got his English wrong. What is an ’empty’ rant? Looks like he needs a lesson or two on adjectives that don’t make nonsense of what you want to say. Old sod.

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    How this godaya fellow who can’t even speak proper English got 2 doctorates (thesis written in English) and became a PC speaks volumes for the low levels to which the country has sunk.

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      Who is a ‘godaya’ ADOORIAN? Is it anyone other than a lansi like you?

      At least he has a true sinhala name (Wijedasa) whereas you are on a borrowed karapothu name, shamelessly.

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        Gune – In the ancient days wije represented the ability and Dasa represented the servant. So wijedasa represent the ability wash stinking asses after dropping stinking bombs in to the latrine pit.

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    Most of the political proposals , inquiry commissions, amendments never see the light in Lanka and mostly end up in the garbage. They are either eye wash, solutions to get out of crisis, satisfy world bodies, to fool the public during elections —etc. A proposal initiated in Jan 2015 which is extremely vital for governance is still being debated after four year , which probably will end up in garbage because of rogues like WR, if not with government change. This has been the norm in Lanka. For years, I have not seen anything positive to come out of our politicians.Whether srilankan airlines, cricket board, constitutional council , reconciliation , RTI ,abolishing presidential rule, financial regulations , constitution 18,19 20 21 22 (dosent matter,just numbers) have all ended up in garbage.Same with commissions, truth finding, fact finding, no finding, prison killing other killing —-etc.But when politicians want PTA,car permits/perks they get it done in no time. Commissions in Lanka means getting some retired people hired to sit for days until they are fed up or run out of allocated budget(which ever comes first) and then report are to president in a gala function, with photos flashed all over media . You will never hear about it again until the next is initiated on the same subject but with different title and people to head. All this is at tax payers expense. Jeyawewa.

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    I am confused. How come UNP is full of shit heads like WR, Dayasiri (is he still alive???),Tissa—-etc —-etc, who get elected with the backing of the party and work with the opposition from day one. You do not see this phenomena much with SLFP/SLPP or JVP. Where as in SLPP you have rogues who are stead fast , and stay put, knowing the end game is fast approaching.

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    Just like what MR said to Sirisena, WR would have advised the president to abolish the CC and make him the CJ. Thereafter the judiciary will be surrendered to the President.

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    Credit to Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe (WR) for telling fellow MPs about a new list MP ex-VC Dr SMM Ismail.
    All Ceylon Makkal Congress founder-leader Rishad Bathiudeen forced another Muslim list MP to step aside and personally escorted Ismail into Parliament on the list. WR pointed out that Ismail was under investigation by UGC for wrongdoings during his tenure as VC South Eastern University of SL.
    WR never ever mentioned the bane of list MPs, the horse trading, etc. This ‘list’ and fence jumping are reasons for our present predicament.
    Did WR ever wonder how ‘someone’ scored 98% in a Law College examination? The student never showed brilliance before or after the paper. How during?
    MS was an architect of the Constitutional Council of SL (CC). MS was peeved when CC dissented on his nominees for judicial appointments.
    MR, in the Daily Mirror of 15 February, slams the CC for the ‘collapse of the entire state sector’.
    The WR outbursts on CC are politically motivated. He still has hopes in a political future.
    Dr Dr Dr Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha, please address as to why the need for CC arose.

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    Reader Leelananda above says that WR was a Buddhist Monk in his salad days. Perhaps,he wanted to end up as a Mahanayake! But he has moved laterally and ended up even as a Minister of Justice.Not bad eh?

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    If I might recollect it well, this stinking lunatic SOB was brought to politics by President Chandrika, and from then onwards to date, we hate this disgusting bugger for no any class in him, have huge sollowen headedness too, and the bugger is mighty too big for his shoes like his masters Sirisena and ME

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    To analyze and dissect some of the politicians in Sri Lanka is a waste of effort. The current issue involving the CC is its dissent on the presidential nominations of persons to designated positions. The role of the CC in this country is beyond the mandate of say a Senate committee in US, examining the suitability of Presidential nominations. The President of this country is a politician and so does the majority of the members of the CC. The public perception is that until recently the Prime Ministerial view prevailed on the CC or the PM “accepted” the concerns of the TNA. So basically this is a tussle between politicians and their interests, typically between MY3 and RW. Both of them lured us to vote for good governance in 2015. MY FOOT! Almost of all of the politicians are robber barons sucking public resources to the hilt. Their place should in reality be in a dunghill.

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