20 February, 2025


Wijeyadasa’s Madman Responds

By Hilmy Ahamed

Hilmy Ahamed

I am compelled to respond as a signatory to the civil society statement defending Attorney at Law Lakshan Dias against the threats and intimidation of Justice and Buddha Sasana Minister, Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe. He has branded all of us signatories to that statement as mad women and men who should be in Angoda.

Granville Perera using alternate media has responded to Hon. Rajapakshe’s claim about madness and I quote, No mad man admits that he is mad. When you ask a patient at the mental hospital in Angoda, if he is mad, he will without hesitating point towards the outside world and say all the mad men are out there. That is exactly what Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, the Minister of Justice and Buddha Sasana (believed to be allegedly hiding the fugitive extremist Buddhist monk Gnanasara Thero) said in the Hiru TV show on 26 June 2017″. He also claimed, “everyone who signed a petition in support of Lakshan Dias, the Human Rights defender and Attorney at Law are “mad men” who should be in Angoda”. Is this a clear indication that he has lost his head? Lakshan Dias had to flee the country as he is being hunted by suspected Wijedasa Rajapaksa’s goons”.

Has Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe lost it or is he hoodwinking the Sinhala Buddhist voter to believe that Buddhism that survived the colonial rule and the kalu Suddas thereafter is under threat from a small minority of Muslims and Evangelical Christians? Venerable Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero and the Bodu Bala Sena have managed to keep their coffers filling from the sweat of our Sinhala workers in Korea and Japan using the same rhetoric. Is Hon. Rajapakshe doing this stunt to fill his ballot box?

Many Muslims and Christians voted for Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, because he was one among the few honourable candidates on offer. Did we all misjudge the charming Hon. Rajapaksa?

Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Minister of Justice, and Buddhist Affairs is also a President’s Counsel, a former President of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka with a Doctorate in Law and in Buddhist Philosophy (University of Colombo and Kelaniya).

Lakshan Dias is a fearless young lawyer who boldly defended his fellow Christians in and out of the judicial system. I have had the pleasure of working with Lakshan in difficult circumstances on racist assaults on minorities and can without hesitation declare that Lakshan did not lie during the Derena TV show where he claimed that there were 197 incidents of violence against the Christians under Yahapalanaya. Today’s count stands with 20 more at 217. The National Christian Evangelical Association of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) has meticulously documented these incidents of violence against the Christian community. Police complaints have been made against some of these incidents, while others are in the judicial process, most have photographic or video evidence. These have been published up to January 2017 and are in the public domain. Others are available in the web portal of NCEASL and are easily accessible by the Public. For Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapaksa, most of these are minor (sulu) incidents. I wish he would sit on the other side of the fence and experience the fear and frustration one has to endure when we see Ashin Wirathu style intimidation of minorities. The Christians say, it’s a test from God, but I say, a volcano is about to erupt. 

H E President Maithripala Sirisena generated the confusion, when he declared that there were no Catholic Churches that had been attacked by racists. A perfectly true statement, because the Catholic Church was almost an extension of the Rajapaksa regime with Cardinal Malcom Ranjith being part of the Rajapaksa household. That concession and security continued even under Yahapalanaya. Regretfully, H E President Sirisena probably doesn’t realize the cold war between the Protestant and the Catholic Church. When the President asked the Cardinal whether there had been any attacks against his Church, he truthfully said NO, there has not been a single attack. The cardinal will face his Lord one day, and will need to explain why he misled the President, as he knew very well the daily torment that his fellow Christians undergo. In Sri Lankan parlance, the Cardinal led the President up the Murunga tree.

Hon. Rajapakshe claims that he has initiated action (or did he intimidate) to disbar Lakshan Dias as a lawyer. The CRIME – Lakshan worked as an activist to defend his faith and claimed that there were close to 200 incidents of violence, hate, intimidation, threats, and destruction of Christian churches and prayer centers in during a the TV talk show titled “Aluth Parlimenthuwa (new parliament)” on  14 June 2017, Ironically, three monks and a layman have initiated action in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka against Lakshan probably at the behest of Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe. We would soon know whether we need hybrid courts to hear cases against the grievances of the Northern Tamil minority as per the Geneva agreement, or that we would have a Judiciary that cannot be intimidated by the Minister of Justice.

Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe also claims that he associates himself with the Asgiriya Prelate’s stand against the minorities. As a cabinet minister, and also the Minister of Justice, is he questioning the minorities’ right to equal recognition as guaranteed by the Constitution? A person who cannot provide equal justice to all citizens should not hold the position of Justice Minister. He should immediately resign from his ministerial portfolio or should be removed by H E Maithripala Sirisena. The Sri Lankan Constitution clearly defines that “every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice”. The assaults and intimidation of minorities’ right to religious freedom and practice is a clear violation of the Constitution.

Hon. Wijedasa Rajapaksa has joined the phobic extremists to brand civil society as conspiring with Western nations and the international community to undermine Sri Lanka- A clear reminder of the Weerawansa days of the Rajapaksa era when anything and everything is linked to an international conspiracy.

Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe and his Government go down on their knees for GSP+ concessions, loans to pay for their luxury duty free vehicles, import substandard consumables for the masses and to repay massive debts that have accumulated by the misrule of our politicians during the last 70 years. Well, echoing our Honorable Minister’s parlance, they should all be at Angoda and not at Diyawanna.

Europe and the rest of the developed world dole out their taxpayers’ money to fill the begging bowl of Sri Lanka and other poor nations. They are answerable to their citizens (unlike our politicians) to ensure that they are not funding and supporting despotic rulers and to ensure adherence to democratic values, human, women’s and child rights, transparency, good governance, etc. They engage civil society organizations working in respective specialties to monitor the proper implementation of their grants to the Government. Most of these civil society organizations don’t work as an extension of the Government in power, hence there is constant conflict. The successive governments continue to have appointed ‘spokesmen’ to undermine the work of civil society. Regretfully, Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe has become one such person, attacking the NGOs and civil society as traitors to the nation. For all of these opportunistic politicians, civil society has been their darling while they are in the Opposition. Evidence of this could be seen in the way Mahinda Rajapaksa is bending backwards to appeal to civil society.

The worst of Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s diatribes comes when he accuses his Muslim Parliamentarians too as mad men, which convinces me that Granville Perera has spoken the truth. Of course our Angoda mental hospital won’t be good enough for any of our honourable men from Diyawannawa, but the Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore would be an acceptable option..

In this days of minority bashing, I am reminded of a statement from Hon. Eran Wickramaratne, Deputy Minister who said “In any country, it is the responsibility of the majority community to protect and look after the minorities”. Does Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe agree with his parliamentary colleague?

Latest comments

  • 11

    Catholic Church only interested in maintaining their lavish lifestyle. Maha Sangha loves their lavish lifestyle. They like to maintain their status quo. Both, screwing the innocent congregation selling them snake oil.

    Why give it up? They will sell their snake oil and keep the division going as long people realise their stupidy.

    Buddha and Jesus lived simple lives. Is any of their modern day priests and monks living up to that standard.

    I doubt it.

    • 2

      Hilmy Ahamed————————————————————————————-
      “He has branded all of us signatories to that statement as mad women and men who should be in Angoda.”———————————————————————————-Certainly Deal Dasa should be in Angoda. Is he addressing the inmates of Angoda, the low IQ Sinhala “Buddhists” and low IQ Catholics?— It is all about Self-Interest ————————Recall the 95 Theses of Martin Luther, the Papal Hegemony and the Indulgences.. Sinhala “Buddhist”: indulgences and Catholic indulgences, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho occupied by the Paras of Average IQ 79….—— “Religion is the Opium of the masses” – Karl Marx,

  • 5

    Turncoat Wijedasa Rajapaksa is positioning himself to gain more Sinhala Buddhists votes. His strategy is an old strategy orchestrated from the time of SWRD Bandaranayake which has inflamed this country over and over again because of such self serving opportunistic politicians like this Rajapakse and the deposed Rajapakses.

    Ranil should axe this racist idiot and a BBS stooge as he is a national and international embarrassment to Sri Lanka

  • 3

    Hilmy Ah mad,

    The reason you write crappy article after crappy article is to divert the attention from Muslim terrorism and Muslimization of Sri Lanka. Who’s behind mad dog Sali and Bududeen???? There are lots of media reports of a possible Muslim terrorist attack on SL. Muslim politicians, Muslim University students who study in Muslim countries, Muslim travelers who travel to Muslim countries, members of Muslim organizations, Lebbes /Imams are under surveillance by Western intelligence agencies. Muslim politicians and organizations receive millions of dollars from Middle East to Muslimize Sri Lanka. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– We must thank very- brave- Mr. Wijedasa Rajapakse for taking on Muslim extremists, Dollars-eating-NGO-crooked-lawyer and the likes. Muslims are very cunning, they fooled previous governments.

    • 4

      Thank you for your comment. You seem to be relying on media reports for your assumptions. I can assure you that I am in constant tough with national intelligence because we as a community dont want our children to go astray. I can assure you that I havent heard anything from them regarding a possible threat from international terrorists. A good example is day before yesterdays Lankadeepa story that ISIS was planning to bomb the US embassy by hijacking a plane from Ratmalana. The US embassy has denied any knowledge of such threat. Some time back, the Prime Minister met some Muslim leaders and said that we should be vigilant because there may be a threat. I asked him to provide any evidence and he said, there are facebook shares, tags and comments on questionable posts. I asked him whether Sinhalese dont share these materials and he was dumb-folded. The whole world is illiterate about social media. We tag, share, comment or forward anything and everything to our groups. Does that mean we endorse violence? All of us I mean as Sri Lankans

      • 2

        Hello Hilmy,
        Your baseless statement “the Catholic Church was almost an extension of the Rajapaksa regime with Cardinal Malcom Ranjith being part of the Rajapaksa household” clearly indicates you are also a religious and political extremist.

        CT- I cannot understand why do you allow these filth to appear in your media!

      • 4

        “”I asked him to provide any evidence and he said, there are facebook shares, tags and comments on questionable posts. “
        Burka bristol! Surprise has been the style of all Afgans against russians and americans.
        Historically Islamist never tell before an attack and it is blasphemy for you to divulge – its fatwa to the core at marrikade slaughter house. Can you deny it moron rabble rouser??
        “” Does that mean we endorse violence? ” you can never be a fool to fool the fools but you can’t fool the world with your defencive talk as a couple of post’s from this site have gone to syria on training too.
        An asian (non muslim) with european living (he gets visa on arrival) who had never visited USA was pleasantly suprised when the immigration officer (6 years ago) asked him a question or two about an old european flame of 15 years ago- she is a simple woman too. you can run but you can’t hide.!!

      • 1


        It’s not the same when a Sinhalese endorses violence on Social media when a Muslim does it in this day and age.

        Same way, during the late 80s when JVP threat was there, we could have ignored when a Muslim youth endorsed violence and taken seriously when a Sinhalese did it. Now it’s the reverse.

        I have seen many times Muslim youth on Social Media, inciting mass genocide against Sinhalese. This website doesn’t allow external links, otherwise I could have copye/pasted those links here.

        Any Muslim who endorses violence against Sinhalese should be hunted and taken down. Who the hell do Muslims think they are.

        • 1

          Idiot, this website will allow any link or copy and paste as long it is not a fabricated filthy story by you. You are a cancerous rat not fit to roam around a good house. If you keep on writing with your Rtd. Lt. name, all the people will have very bad opinion about the force.

          • 0

            Walli, I am not and so is Shamal going to roam around your house or remove your wife’s skirt, unless you are not capable and want our assistance. Stop talking nonsense and address your grivenences

        • 0

          With all due respect to you Rtd. Lt Reginald Shamal Perera, what evidence do you have that these social media posts are really from Muslims. I have been following quite a few of these and am convinced that these are certainly not coming from Muslims the way some of Islam is contextually used. No Muslim would be ignorant of the basics of Islam. So, dont judge the Muslims by social media posts but try and engage them. You may have some pleasant surprises.

  • 5

    Good Artcle..
    We now call Wijayadasa as

    Hes a curse to our Motherland…

    • 4

      Rudy Baga he has carved a place for himself with the assistance of i-slam humanity and is an asset to Asia.

  • 1

    1.he (New King) declared that there were no Catholic Churches that had been attacked by racists. A perfectly true statement, because the Catholic Church was almost an extension of the Rajapaksa regime with Cardinal Malcom Ranjith being part of the Rajapaksa household.
    2.Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe and his Government go down on their knees for GSP+ concessions,

    3.For all of these opportunistic politicians, civil society has been their darling while they are in the Opposition.

    This is all Hilmy’s usual mixing the poison into the child’s milk!

    1). It is absolute false that Yahapalanaya is protecting Catholics because they are Old Kings extension or Sinhala rowdies and monk does not want to touch on them because they are Old King’s favored. This is Hilmi’s anti Catholic sentiments only. It is no hidden secret who Cardinal Malcolm Rajit is. He is no different from the Kandy Ayatollahs. But Hilmi tearing apart Catholics is his ultra-racism. Catholics are continuing to dress and behave like conventional Sinhala style. Their shadow life style is helping them to escape from being targeted. But those lift up their loudspeakers to the tower top and shout on that five times a day is simply attracting more attention. I am not aware of Cardinal Malcolm is doing anything special to Catholics protection, other than seeking nepotism and share on the looted money. It is immoral to Hilmi write like that.

    • 1

      Malayuran, yes, the catholics dress like the sinhalese, but so do the Christians. Why are they being attacked. The catholics will probably also lift their dress after mid nigh mass

      • 2

        may be because you take a ride on the wolf at midnight and wear the same crusaders cap like the jihadist.- world order!

  • 0

    2).Hilmi wishes Lankawe should not kneel to EU. He is comparing exporting without duty to EU and poor girls getting a penny out of that kind of deal to corrupt Parliamentarians importing luxury vehicles without duty. If the word “No Duty” there “Anaikku Punai saman” by Hilmy’s comparison. All Muslim countries’ governments are kneeling down to EU. Further all Arabian Muslims dreams to migrate to EU and dyeing in the sea on that dream. Hilmi is advocating kneeling down only to the Lankawe’s New Colonial master Abdulazeez. He is worried Lankawe taking GSP+ because the conditions on that are pretty against Hilmi’s Sharia law. (Not counting if ever Yahapalanaya will do what it promised to GSP+ board) .

    3).It is quite understandable why Hilmi is struggling to stain the NGOs. If Deal Dasa is North Pole, Hilmi is the South Pole on the same magnet or vice versa. It was after freedom the Lankawe Journalists are taught to “Kettle laugh at Pot”.

    Isn’t it that is why UNP after SLFP after UNP after SLFP is the Lankawe Muslim-Sinhala political history? Isn’t that is why even after UNP-SLFP and 25 Muslims MPs are in the Yahapalanaya cup, nothing can be brewed out from it. Did one of the 25 Muslim MPs are talking against Deal Dasa?

    • 0

      Just go in to the Hansard you illiterate and see what deal Dasa has got from the Muslim MPs

  • 1

    Tamils here trying hard to prove that language Tamil evolved in south India. that is not the truth. Tamil language is a derivative of proto Dravidian language that came to India with people migrated from south west Iran Elam region to Godavari river basin around five thousand years back. spread south ward engulfing Andhra pradesh, karnataka, kerala and tamilnadu. nobody can deny that. from proto dravidian language derived telugu, karnataka and tamils. it was around five thousand years ago. people who lived there some migrated to lanka, some remained there. they were Australoid. yakka,raksha and devas were original inhabitant of lanka. they accepted nagas from south India as all were same stock. other than that there were no link between lanka and tamil people. tamil came here as invaders under chola and pandian dynasties. trying hard to massacre all sinhalese people but sinhalese fought back and survived. still that hate between sinhalese and tamils is on. as such no historical affinities with sinhalese race and Dravidian race.but anceint inhabitants were same Australoid in both south India and lanka.

    we know still state tamils speak yamils and most of them are hindus. if those two cast came from tamilnadu still they should speak tamil or tamil derivatives. no such thing visible. as such do not speak utter bullshits.

    muslims came here from south India here from in kotte era. muslims are south Indian darvidians not arabs. that is truth. genetic affinities between Australoid Tamil speaking community in india and sinhalese may be more than ten percent but can not go beyond that. in every test it proved so.that is due to historical affinities not Dravidian mixture.in south india cast to cast genetic affinities differ very vastly. that is two different race. darvidians and Australoid.

    • 3

      Ranjith (sparrow)

      What you are saying is half-truth and half-myth.

      If you read all the ancient Indian (Hindu, Buddhist & Jain) texts such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabaratha, Jataka, Bagawath Geetha, etc, etc, you will find that in every text (both North and South Indian) the tribes Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva and many more are mentioned not as Sri Lankans but as Indians. In Tamil Nadu you will find even place names such as Nagakovil, Nagapatinam, Nagakulam, etc. How did the Indian tribes Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva get into the Mahavamsa? The Mahavamsa author has done a copy-and-paste job. He must be well versed in all the above Sanskrit texts. He has taken the Indian Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva tribes and converted them into native Sri Lankan tribes. The only tribe original to Sri Lanka is the Veddas. The Sinhalese are nothing but Indians and mostly South Indians.

      The Muslims came to Sri Lanka from south India. However the South Indian Muslims are not pure Dravidians, they were Arab mixed Dravidians.

      The chola and pandian were arch enemies. The Pandyans were helping Sri Lanka to fight the Cholas. Most of the Sri Lankan kings took wives from the Pandyan dynasty.

      • 1

        Gamarala you are correct. No one is denying that there is Arab mix amongst the South Indian Dravidian Muslims but it is no much , like the Sri Lankan Muslims are trying to claim. The most amount of Arab is amongst the Mappilla Muslims of Kerala. Even here it is only around 15% the most, despite all the claim to Arab origin. The rest is Indian. It will be far less amongst the Muslims living along the eastern coast of India, modern day Tamil Nadu, from where the overwhelming majority of the present day Sri Lankan Muslims originated from will be between 5%-10% the most if I am generous. This does not make the present day Malayalam speaking Mappila Muslims of Kerala or the Tamil speaking Marrikars, Lebbais, Rawthers, Thambis, Kayalars, of Tamil Nady Arabs. They are Dravidian Malayali or Tamil with a dash of Arab. Just like many other modern ay non Muslim Tamils and Malayali having European or Aryan Greek Roman Iranian Malay and other blood. They do not call them selves European Aryan or anything. The DNA of a Sri Lankan Tamil is 29% Bengali. Does this mean they are Bengali? This little bit of Arab just made them more lighter than the average Tamil or Malayali. As seen by this Mapilla song

        This typical traditional Malabar Mappila culture. Now they want to give up this rich ancient Tamil Muslims culture for Arab Wahhabi Islamic culture

        • 6

          Real Siva Sankaran Sharma first tell me what pleasure you get by talking about Moors ethnicity? On any subject you always caw like a crow with few line on Moor’s ethnicity. If you are worried so much why don’t you sue the Government to remove our ethnicity as Moors and insert Tamil Muslims? Definitely you cannot do that even if Prabakaran had taken over and also you cannot remove from our hearts that we are not Tamil. You give a Malayalam movie clip as Mapilla song. Correct word is Moplas which became Mapilla for Tamils. I know 100% very well that no Moplas of Malabar or Marikkars of TamilNadu or Moors in Sri Lanka hold dancing fun fare during the wedding celebrations. Overwhelming evidence is there to show not only Arabs but Persian and Turkish traders too came. The word thulukkar came from thurukkiar that is Turkish. Fez too worn in our cultures. Culture wise there is a 95% difference except for the language spoken and the broken Tamil spoken in Sri Lanka. Nobody says we are not mixed race.

          • 1

            Kerala during the era of the film largely spoke a form of Tamil called Malayalama . Modern Malayalam the highly Sanskritised dialect of Namboothiri Brahmin who migrated from Tulu Nadu together with Nairs, written in the Tulu based script was only made the official language of Kerala and the original Tamil language and the Tamil scriptused by the masses, was banned by the British in 1865 , as these Namboothiri and Nairs were their allies. Even now you will notice many of the Malayalees who involved in the Eelam Tamil genocide , where from the Nair community. Nirupama Rao, Shiv Shankar Menon, Narayan, Nambiar. As for wearing Fez copies the Sri Lankan Muslims copied this in the late 19th and early 20th century, during the era when the Ottaman Turks were powerful and like typical Thullukans wanted identify with them and not with the Arabs. That is all, Now they think the Gulf Arabs are powerful so become carbon clones of the Gulf Arabs. Typical converted low caste mentality to latch onto anyone who is powerful and their identity.

            • 1

              I wrote you were showing Malayalam movie clip as Moplas wedding culture and like an outright idiot talking about dialect of films, Namboorthiri and nair. Nair or Nayar is a caste name like Namboorthiri, Reddiar, Nadar etc many of these caste are in South of Kerala like tirunelvelli too. British did not ban any language but banned Nair participating in their administration because of their hostilities toward British administration. This Thullukan you call no need to identify with Turks because they were section of Thurukkiyar (Turks). All of them were handsome people compared to you Australoids. But remember these Thullukar, Moplas, Marikkars etc. introduced dresses to you when your women were wearing only scanty covering of lower part and bare breast. They introduce 4 yds cloth which became Veysti for your men and six yds cloth which became saree to women. The rest like jackets came later. Even very old picture in the Museums (India) you can see women bare breast and men with loin cloths. Just imagine how their dresses few hundreds years before. History proves we are not slavish race like you and there are ample proofs to show you and we are miles apart. Just because you all were civilized by your British masters don’t try to be on top of the ladder.

      • 0

        you idiot read ramayanaya very closely or mahabaratha and tell me where were yakka, raksha and devas. they were lankens not indians. those stories do not talk on veddas community. read those old historical stories carefully. Naga were tribes inhabited in south coastline of India at the time of arrival of dravidians.do not talk bullshit. if you can find sorcery books here written in proto elu read them it give you clear picture. I am from that community. I read all most all the books as my relatives were owners of those books. do not talk like mad man.

        • 3

          Ranjith (sparrow)

          The Dimwit with a bird brain who cannot see beyond his nose…

          Do you know how to google?

          Why don’t you google and find out about the tribes of ancient India as mentioned in the ancient Indian texts?

          Out of the many ancient Indian tribes you will also find Yaksha, Rakshasa, Naga, and Deva. Do not be a complete idiot forever, come out of your ignorance.

          If you read the Mahasamaya sutta in the sutta pitika, it is mentioned that when Buddha was living in the great forest at Kapilavatthu (North India), many tribes living in different parts of the country came to see him. Here, Buddha says, so many Yakkhas, Nagas, Rakshas, Asuras, Supannas, devas and Brahamas got together and so the Arahants of Buddha rejoiced with them.

          Other than the Naga tribe that lived in both India and Sri Lanka, Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Deva tribes living in SL from ancient time is a mystery because there is NO archaeological/epigraphic evidence what so ever to prove it. Only the Mahavamsa says so and it is very clear from where the Mahavamsa has picked up these names.

          From the archaeological/epigraphic evidence it is clear that during the early historic period the tribes that lived in the island of Lanka were Demadas, Nagas, Kabojas/kambojas, Milekas, Muridis, Merayas and Jhavakas (not Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Deva) and the ruling clan was Lambakannas and Moriyas.

          Other than what is said in the Mahavamsa, can you find any archaeological/epigraphic evidence to prove that such tribes (except Nagas) existed in Sri Lanka?

          • 0

            you know nothing on proto history of lanka idiot. first read some books and get knowledge. lanka’s first inhabitants were hominids came from africa. they were travelling toward east. some gone to even australia and papua new guinea. some lot remain here.that is the truth. sorcery developed by some hominids settled down in down south of lanka. their burial ritual was to cut neck of deceased men and fixed fig head.sorcery rituals developed with that rituals.read more books on proto history of lanka. this type of very ancient burial site exhumed recently in far down south alone coastal belt.do not write like idiots. our language is very similar to vedda language. vedda exchanged salts from us with dried meats called dadamas. that is our history first inhabitant of this land from migrating from Africa.this is our land. you idiots selling true history of our beloved land to foreigners with distorted history. idiots. we are from original inhabitant of this land.get lost fucking idiots.

            • 0

              proto history of lanka??? LOL!
              original inhabitant??? My foot!
              Ha, ha, ha…
              Ranjith (sparrow) is dishing out bull crap from his bird brain.

          • 0

            bullshit. recent excavations in down south found burial sites of headless humans but fixed pig or wild bore heads. that means yakka tribes existed here even before arrival of Dravidian to godavary around five thousand years ago. as per carbon particle time evolution system that burial site was more than eighteen thousand years old. yakka ritual was to dedicate their deceased relatives to head of yakka called mahasona. mahasona depicted as creature with pig head. this ritual indicated that people belief. yakka tribes believed after death they would go to yakka vimana. that was why that kind of burial rituals performed by yakka tribes. likewise for other tribes they had separates rituals.that way we can determine existence of different tribes here in proto historical periods. Mahawamsa was written base on akththa katha. not on actual facts as far as proto history of lanka is concern. that is accepted fact. monk who wrote mahawamsa was not arahath state monk. as such he did not have mental state like peravisu kanda piliwela danna nuwana. as such he had to defend on akththa katha. Demada is name for damila or tamils. tamils came to know around three thousand years ago after arrival of dravidians to godavary and conquered south India. poor Australoid had to accept defeat and live under dravidian rule but in lanka. yakka, raksha and devas fought back. nagas migrated to lanka due to discrimination of Dravidian. that was how history written. till chola invaded us nobody touched lanka as yakka were great fighters. . it is written in south indian rock scriptures. .

            • 0

              OMG, Ranjith (sparrow) is Concocting more and more fairy tales from thin air using his bird brain. He seems to be even better than the monk who wrote the Mahawamsa when it comes to writing fiction.

        • 2

          “if you can find sorcery books here written in proto elu read them it give you clear picture. I am from that community.”

          This is the biggest JOKE ever. Sorcery books are all from Kerela (Malabar). Sorcery books here written in proto elu must be a dream you have seen in your sleep. All the Sorceress in SL chant in old Malayalam language. All the Kattadiyas in down south, specifically Matara are from Kerela (Malabar) and what they chant is Malayaala Manthara. Today they have modified their names into Sinhala along with Ge names.

          • 0

            As far as sorcery history of lanka is concern you are only a toddler kattadiya. we are not kattadiyas. we are aduras. do not try to be pandithayas. I learnt our ancient system reading books written in elu not in any other languages. get lost mad monkeys. you idiot do not know anything on history of sorcery in lanka.you kattadiyas may be from kerala but we are lanken aduras or yakaduras not kattadiya of south india.

        • 1

          ranjith, ramayana and mahabaratha were fairy tale mythology. This was said by reputed Indian Anthropologists. Don’t be an idiot.

      • 1

        Muslims traders (before Mogul invasion) first came to west coast of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Malabar. From Malabar to Tamil Nad in the east and Sri Lanka in the south. It was also known Arab traders came directly from eastern parts of Arabia and named Sri Lanka as Serendip.

        • 2

          They did arrive but not in their thousands but only a few hundreds over a span of a few centuries and their genetic contribution to the Muslim population of Kerala Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka is minimal, even the Moors Islamic council in Colombo was finally forced to admit this truth, that the original Arab/Tamils mixed half castes would have only amounted to a few hundred. The most amount of Arab is found amongst the present day Malayalam speaking Mappila Muslim of Kerala and even amongst them it is only around 15% the most to their genetic contribution. It will far less amongst the Muslims of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. Most of the Sri Lankan Muslims migrated from Tamil Nadu a few centuries ago.
          This is a typical Traditional Muslim Mappila wedding song and you can see that the strong Indian Hindu influence . These songs are called Oppanah in Malayalam from the Tamil word Oppanai.
          You can see other than the head dress the woman are all wearing the typical white cloth and jacket that all women in Kerala traditionally wear. Hardly anything Arab.

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            Again I ask you Real Siva what pleasure you get by trying to remove our ethnicity? Do you think any Moor or Government will accept that? You are showing a movie clip as Moplas (Mapillai) wedding song and talking about dresses that is alien to Kerala Muslims. Instead of showing this very old movie clip (May be over 60 years old) why don’t you go to Moplas’ wedding in Kerala, video it and upload in you tube. Or at least give a link to a video of real wedding. You can give the link in CT. You hate to see any Arab connection in these parts, why? Is it because you are an inferior type or because any kicking got from Arab? This is the problem with Australoid descent people, inferior feelings.

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          The last time a group of people came making those claims got a bloody good whacking at Nandikadal. You will be next.

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      South west Iran was Babylonia (present day Iraq) and the people were from Caucasoid from which Semitic and Aryans cropped up, definitely no Australoids. Elam (not Elem) was an ancient city in southern part of Babylonia. From where did you copy all these? Is it from reliable works of reputed Anthropologist or mythology day dreamers Anthropologist of yours?

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        Who said Australoid from Babylonia. Australoid are the ones who decent from hominids walked from Africa towards east via beaches. Elam is a region of south west Iran. from there Darvidians came to India. They may be Caucasoid and negroid or mixer. but not Australoid.North Africans are Negroids but you can see fair ones like in Egypt, Morocco,Tunisia..Local Muslims are Tamils not Arabs. Their mother tongue is still Tamil. like state workers.

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          sparrow Ranji,
          ” Australoid are the ones who decent from hominids walked from Africa towards east via beaches.”
          O great proto historian/kattadiya/ ,
          Kindly explain how they walked from Africa to Sri Lanka without passing through India? Or did they use Ravana Airlines Dandumonara 330?

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          You are the fool said that above that Dravidian came from Elem in south-west of Iran. It is accepted fat (scientifically) Dravidians are native to India and from Austarloid descent. So how can they come from your imaginary Elem in that region. You idiot keep you mouth shut if you do not know past history, Anthropology and Archaeology from reputed people in these fields.

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        Mesopotamian civilisation belong to Sumerians who were the original inhabitants of middle east. They were dark skinned and called their cities “UR” and practiced irrigation of their fields for agriculture by damming rivers. Dravidians are also dark skinned and the only people in the world who call their cities “UR”. eg Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu, Nellore in Andhra, Bangaluru in Karnataka, Trivankur in Kerala and Nallur in Jaffna. The oldest rock filled dam is in Trichi, in Tamil Nadu, and this practice of damming of rivers were subsequently copied by others including Sinhalese. There is nothing in history of damming of rivers by Aryans or Arabs. Arabs in fact practiced lift irrigation called “Shadoo”. As there is research going on about the possible ancestral connection between Sumerians and Dravidians, do not be hasty to condemn others. Adivasis (ancient inhabitants) of Tamil Nadu, Veddhas of Srilanka, Aborigines of Andaman and Orang Asli (ancient man) of peninsular Malaysia are genetically similar. They are Australoids and have genetic similarities with Fijians, Papuans and Maoris too. But Australian aborigines have been found to be genetically similar to Dravidians, and are supposed to have gone there all the way through Papua New Guinea. Institute of oceanology in India as well NASA feel that ancient Dravidian archaeological treasures are lying buried in the sea and probably in the future will be brought to light with modern technology.

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          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, don’t bring as proof what is not proved. You yourself say, ” research going on about the possible ancestral connection between Sumerians and Dravidians”. Until such research prove as black and white, don’t give anything as proof. I had read some reputed anthropologist works on origin of races and they say Dravidians are natives to south west India and were of Australoid origin. You know Mesopotamians were not Australoid nor Negroid but Caucasoid. Ur was a city in a part of Baylonia and only one Ur. Gospel tells about a David’s mighty man’s father as Ur. Pronounce it with short sound of vowel U not long as Tamil Oor. Just because of minor similarities in sound do not make it as Tamil word. There are many similar sounding words in all language, eg. Chinese Nai Wai (a place) which in Tamil sound dog’s mouth. Then you must say there were Dravidian in China breeding dogs for its mouth. Don’t you think all these were silly talk. My view is all the people from middle-east to Bangladesh and south to Sri Lanka and Maldives are mixed race people and not belonging to any pure race. If there were any pure races it will be around 15-20%.

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      So you are an Geneticist and Anthropologist now. How many books you have written? How much money and prize you receive for the study of Moors and clarification of their ethnicity? You are a donkey or monkey clinging upside down on a branch?

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    W. Rajapakse needs help. But don’t white wash the west their selling arms making a lot of money and living in style. Australia has 4000 people on an island that’s a crime. They helped to attack the Middle East they should take all middle eastern refugees.

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      “”They helped to attack the Middle East they should take all middle eastern refugees.””
      Make them soylent green and help the world out of starvation and you can join them too.

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    What the hell is happening here? The Sinhalese extremists are attacking the Tamils and Muslims, the Tamil extremists are attacking the Sinhalese and Muslims and the Muslim extremists are attacking the Sinhalese and Tamils. Why all this hatred and racism? Where are we heading?

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      Yes it is really pathetic. The comments here is like small children. When one has a toy the other one takes it then the other one cry’s then they fight. When the parents ask they say that is mine and the other one says no that is mine. Then they say I took it first then the other one says I took it first so it goes on.

      What I see here is the bigger version of those small children. The thing is as a nation we have not grown up and we are still wearing pampers.

      Sometimes I wonder why I wasn’t born in the US or Canada or Europe or even Singapore but I was born here and there is nothing I can do.

      If our nation is to ever to achieve anything we have to realize that we are here now. . And how as a nation can we get together and build our nation so that the land we call our mother will be proud of us and our future generations will be proud of us too.

      Wonder whether this will ever happen.

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    Ahmed says “Many Muslims and Christians voted for Hon. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe”. this has been the bane of our country’s experiment with democracy. People like Rajitha Senaratna who represents the majority Thambi electorate of Beruwala has become the champion of Muslim rights for cynical poilitical reasons. Politicians need to represents the countries historical and national interests, like they do in Britain, US and Australia. We all know the ‘rights’ the minorities in those countries have, far from the Anglo-Saxon centre of power. In that sense, Wijedasa Rajapakse needs to be congratulated and his right of expression preserved.

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      US and Australia have federal system.In Britain minorities (Welsh,Scottish)enjoy their own country.So here you want a federal system with minority (Tamil) having their own country like Wales and Scotland? Perfect I must say!

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      No Nonsense, you are talking nonsense. Rajitha represents the Kalutara district which is one of the most racist Sinhala Buddhist district. So, you assumption of a small number of Muslims from Beruwela will make no difference

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    Treating Scottish and Welsh equivalent to Tamils and Muslims in Sri Lanka shows your ignorance. The people in the British isles, including the English, Scottish and Welsh, and the Irish, peoples are all Anglo-Celtic historically, but developed distinctive languages and cultures. The Welsh and Irish were invaded by the English and their cultures vandalised by the English. In Scotland, they used more cunning to convert them from Catholicism to the Henry VIII pseudo-church and gave them crumb jobs in the colonies like India, to make them comply. Compare that with the history of Moors in Sri Lanka. They came in as Ottoman Turkish traders and mercenaries and our foolish kings gave them land, allowed them to internarry, and saved them from Portuguese and Dutch persecution. They are paying us back today!

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    Avant Garde is haunting Wijedasa who became the dealdasa. There is no escape. He would be incarcerated

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    the madman from marrikadde on the hill talking shop about his foreign faith of Jihadist!
    With divisions in the libtards a triangular contest may take place at the next presidential election Then the tamil speaking muslims and tamils the self styled minorities vote would not bear any significance in the final count.
    walla O wackabar boom!!

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    Wijedasa is history. This will be his last term in parliment

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