19 January, 2025


WikiLeaks: Basil Is Corrupt, Education Limited And Expelled From School

By Colombo Telegraph –

“Embassy contacts say Basil has no close advisors and more enemies than friends in Sri Lanka because he makes a habit of trying to ‘buy people,” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

“Basil worked for the Ministry of Mahaweli Development, where he earned the nickname ‘Mr. Ten Percent’ for demanding a ten percent commission on every project. Basil continues to be accused of significant corruption in his current position,” the Embassy further wrote.

Basil worked for the Ministry of Mahaweli Development, where he earned the nickname “Mr. Ten Percent” for demanding a ten percent commission on every project.

The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” details biographic data related to the Presidend Rajapaksa’s brother  minister Basil Rajapaksa. The cable was written on May 15, 2007 by the US Ambassador to Colombo Robert O. Blake.

Ambassador Blake wrote “The President consults Basil on most political matters. Basil’s influence can be seen in the alleged deal with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to suppress Tamil votes in the North and East in the November 2005 Presidential election and the January 2007 Cabinet reshuffle and luring of ‘crossover’ opposition members of Parliament. According to Embassy contacts, Basil advises the President on an array of topics despite his limited education and lack of relevant work experience (see paragraph 12).”

Under the relevant paragraph 12 Blake wrote “Basil was also educated in Matara and Galle. According to his school friends, he was expelled a couple of times from his college in Galle. He joined the SLFP at a young age and supported his brother Mahinda in 1970 when he contested the Beliatta electorate in the Hambantota District Parliamentary elections. In 1977, however, he joined the UNP and worked against his brother. Basil worked for the Ministry of Mahaweli Development, where he earned the nickname ‘Mr. Ten Percent’ for demanding a ten percent commission on every project. Basil continues to be accused of significant corruption in his current position. Basil rejoined the SLFP for a few years, but then crossed back to the UNP in the 1990s. Former President Chandrika Kumaratunga refused to allow him to rejoin the SLFP during her tenure. He then moved to the U.S., but returned in 2005 to support Mahinda’s bid for the Presidency.”

Below we give the relevant part of the confidential cable;


Classified By: Ambassador Robert O. Blake, Jr., for reasons 1.4(b,d).

5. (C) The President consults Basil on most political matters. Basil’s influence can be seen in the alleged deal with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to suppress Tamil votes in the North and East in the November 2005 Presidential election and the January 2007 Cabinet reshuffle and luring of “crossover” opposition members of Parliament. According to Embassy contacts, Basil advises the President on an array of topics despite his limited education and lack of relevant work experience (see paragraph 12).

6. (C) The President’s brothers have few advisors of their own. Gothabaya occasionally consults some of his army colleagues who have retired. Embassy contacts say Basil has no close advisors and more enemies than friends in Sri Lanka because he makes a habit of trying to “buy people.”

12. (C) Basil was also educated in Matara and Galle. According to his school friends, he was expelled a couple of times from his college in Galle. He joined the SLFP at a young age and supported his brother Mahinda in 1970 when he contested the Beliatta electorate in the Hambantota District Parliamentary elections. In 1977, however, he joined the UNP and worked against his brother. Basil worked for the Ministry of Mahaweli Development, where he earned the nickname “Mr. Ten Percent” for demanding a ten percent commission on every project. Basil continues to be accused of significant corruption in his current position. Basil rejoined the SLFP for a few years, but then crossed back to the UNP in the 1990s. Former President Chandrika Kumaratunga refused to allow him to rejoin the SLFP during her tenure. He then moved to the U.S., but returned in 2005 to support Mahinda’s bid for the Presidency.


* First published on January 5, 2012 by Colombo Telegraph

Latest comments

  • 23

    I haven’t read carefully, but the headline is sufficient.
    I don’t want Basil in my country. If he’s American, why can’t he go back there?
    There’s a problem about him being expelled TWICE by the same school. Was he taken back after the first expulsion?
    However, I noticed on the first page that Sughandh says that he was educated at Ananda.
    Never mind that! Get the help out of my country.

    • 21

      The last line should have been:
      “Get the hell out of my country!”
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 48 3111 444V)

      • 6

        But my dear Iskolemahathya, .
        6.9 millions of mercy cows dont respect our common opinion. Nor would the SB monks stand against the illegal appointment of Basil aka 50%.
        Like or not we have to bear the pains another 3.5 years if divine forces would do the job for us, let pray together that all these evil dogs 🐕🐕🐕🐕go out of our sights sooner than later😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

    • 15

      Dear S_M:

      It’s pretty clear Basil has been Mahinda’s and Gotabaya’s right hand man, their adviser and contributed to the Rajapaksa failure in 2015 and the failure unfolding now. The supposedly educated brothers sought to leverage the cunningness of their uneducated younger brother.

      No amount of education would have helped the Rajapaksas to contain their thievery, thuggery, and blood thirst.

      If Basil doesn’t have new tricks to unleash at this time, which of I am sure Basil is incapable, the appointment is just hype to intimidate the opposition. Fortunately, opposition and other parties are not concerned though SLPP wants us to believe otherwise. Even ally SLFP has ridiculed this appointment.

      The Rajapaksas, with such a bad reputation on the international front and with the mounting international pressure, better hold their tails between their legs and straighten up whether they like it or not, if they don’t want to face the wrath of the voters.

      Btw, it was someone by the id “Sugath” who commented in 2012 that Basil was educated at Anandha.

  • 18

    And he could pronounce ” covid” though he is appointed as the head of powerful commission……? Let alone some sort of knowledge he should bring with, if he is to lead even buffaloes in a paddy field ? Who do they think all the srilanken s are? Not even far poor people on some poor countries behave so today but oldest democracy in Asia to represent this way?☹☹☹☹☹☹😐

  • 37

    Robert Blake has done well for an American diplomat. His reading of character and assessment of political developments are on the mark. Looks like he had good informants in all the right places. Maybe he was especially curious about what his fellow countrymen (dual citizens) were up to in Sri Lanka. Basil seems to have had bad friends even during his school days. They have gleefully snitched to the Ambassador over a couple of free shots of Jack Daniel that Basil got kicked out from school several times. Oh … Boy. Basil the Bagman thinks with money there’s nothing that he cannot accomplish. This corrupt mentality plus lack of education plus political power is a deadly combination … that is Basil. He has jumped the line between UNP/SLFP several times without any shame, taken bribes and kickbacks like a greedy pig, bribed Prabhakaran to not allow Tamils to vote, and bought MPs … … the proper place for him is not the Parliament, but prison.

  • 15

    That “Wikileaks” database details of May 15, 2007, posted by the then US Ambassador have to be updated. Perhaps, the only “Updated” detail would be from “10%” to “25%” as of date but could go up depending on the “Exchange Rate” ( Rs. to US$).

    Why we all the time refer to that “6.9 million” as “Poonakku” drinkers and “Thanakola” eaters? What do you think and “Assess” of our “Chairman” and the “Commissioners” of the Election Commission who acted against and “Violated” the Constitution of the country and “Authorized” the entry of Ranil Wickramasinghe of UNP and this Basil Rajapakse of “Pohottuwa” (SLPP) to the Parliament? There are not even the “Politicians” who are presently, Legally sitting in Parliament in the Opposition such as Sajith – the Leader of the Opposition, Anura K of NPP and Sumanthiran of TNA. The One and the Only citizen who makes a “Voice” against this “High Profiled Violation” of the Constitution of the country by the EC and its Chairman is Nagananda Kodithuwakku. What country of “Wild Beasts” we live in?

    • 13

      Brother Simon entire world is well aware of the facts about Rajapakshe s and for what they are genetically modified. Sadly punnaku drinking/eating majority would hardly believe the truths. Consequences are before their eyes today. Best example of the “harakiri ” in this epoche of the century. ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹

      • 9

        Ur kadamandiya people are the best example for the cross section of the society. If they are asked smash their head against the Kalugalgediya while chanting pirith, they would do it on one go.😐😐😐😐😐😌😐😐😐😐

        • 8

          Dear LL: You reminded me of my “Kadamandiya”. Two of them Burampi Singho and his wife Seelawathi, both got “Ceynofarm” visited me. My wife cautioned me of the language (vocabulary) to be used and not to encourage them on the use of that singular and plural forms of abuse. I asked Burampi Singho, whether he got his Fertilizer for the vegetable cultivation. He instantly gave an “earful” and said: “Munta Hena Hathama Gahanna Ona. Api Me Sare Ivaretama Ivarai. Me Sare Kanna Nevai Venne, Ara Maha Ekage Eta Deka Thambala Bonna Thamai Venne.” Seelawathi followed: ” Oya Bellige Puthalata Vehi Nathi Hena Wadinna Ona Me Karapu Aparadeta. Warrellako Ena Gamana. Denne Redda Ussala Ammata Hu…..nna.” For our luck, the Buddhist priest Rev. Soratha from my village temple arrived and that verbal beating suddenly stopped.

          I am waiting till the travel restrictions are lifted to get out of this place. Things are getting bad. Even I am not safe.

  • 12

    People who are arguing over ‘education’ dont understand how things work at the top of the ladder.
    As long as you become a freemason, sell your soul to satan, sacrifice children, family members, cannibalism etc to reach the master mason rank, you will be granted a position as a political leader, corporate CEO, celebrity etc regardless of your so called ‘education’.
    In fact many of the ruling classes have serpent seeded DNA (fallen angel or demon) in them and are not normal people. They are identified from birth and are fast tracked through the masonic ranks.

    • 13

      Dear Humble,
      Was it you that I once asked about “freemasons”?
      Google and you’ll get a lot, but it doesn’t amount to anything of government-shaking significance.
      I could say more, but this is ridiculous talk, and remember it wan’t started by me!
      Basil is no “freemason” and he cannot now become one. If you want to know I’ll explain it all. also, remember that unlikeyou, I’m not anonymous!
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 48 3111 444V) of Bandarawela, aka “Sinhala_Man”

  • 15

    OMG how many comments in such short span. Looks like BR returned with his own army to take up the minister post.

    • 9

      Dear Chiv:
      This article was First published on January 5, 2012 by CT.

      It is carrying here all those comments from 2012.

      I wonder what those folk thought of the Rajapaksas in 2015, and then in 2019, and now.

      • 6

        Thanks for clearing my doubts. But isn’t it interesting to see many who commented thought it is ok to elect criminals,murderers and crooks. This thought has not changed and here we have 7 million of them.

      • 2


        I was thinking on the same lines to formulate my comment when I saw yours.

        The Malwana sprawling mansion of Basil Rajapakse situated in the Gampaha district came up before the District court and just as he was getting cornered, Basil through his Lawyers came up with the plea that he was not the owner!
        Chapter closed..

        MaRa, GoRa, and BaRa are actually 3 different personalities , but have one thing in common. Sleaze. Most of the corruption took place after the defeat of the LTTE. in 2009. With that euphoria they assumed that the country had given them an open VISA for an indefinite period until a short break between 2015-2019.

        My take is that of the 3 siblings BaRa is easily the shrewdest. Unfortunately for him The Ministry of Finance is broke!

        • 1

          Dear Plato,

          Quite apparent that the Rajapaksas are not trying to fix the failures but build a framework that secures their grip on power.

          The country will be littered with white elephants further bankrupting the country while the Rajapaksa cahoots amass more wealth.

    • 2

      Thanks, Sugandh,
      For drawing our attention to those dates.
      Your explanation highlights our very poor powers of observation. Well, no; not really. If our puny minds are to function in this universe for c. 100 years (only – consider the age of the Universe – perhaps scientists have yet to settle on some age for “Dear Old Universe”); if our minds are to function, then they have necessarily to filter out those things that don’t make sense.
      However, now that you have shown us where we went wrong, I understand.
      In 2012, I was a “law-abiding fool” who didn’t use things like proxy servers which the Paksas (now Treble-Paksas) had told us are illegal. They may be illegal, but given the way that the Treble-Paksas are acting, I don’t consider their use to be “unethical”.
      It looks as though even old guys like me had better prepare for the war of attrition that the Paksas have launched on us.
      However peaceful our protests, they will claim that we started it all. All that we want to do is to subsist the way it is laid out in the “CHORIC SONG” here:

      • 3

        Dear S_M:
        The level of insecurity that is being felt by the double-Paksa regime is so palpable and unfolding on the frontlines.

        I wonder what instructions have been given to the police and how much pressure is being exerted on them to carry out those instructions.

  • 21

    Yet another rotten to the core Rajapaksa enters the scene, pretending he is going to take this terrible mess and make it right. Nandasena Mugabe has put us in deep sh*t, and no amount of shoveling by any member of the family is going to get us out of this cesspit. We have unqualified war criminals and felons leading this country, and we cannot expect to be dug out of this mess.
    The inmates are running this asylum.

  • 16

    Corruption, Cheat, Threat & Murder are a family business. Not only Brothers but also their pedigri are good at this business. Unfortunately, 69 million think differently and for them that is a plus point.

    • 10

      In that 6.9 millions:
      Not only sinhala Buddhists but also muslims and tamils are there. That is the saddest reality. And dont forget about the younger and first time voters.
      Srilanka is wonderland.
      .people called him 10% for good reasons but became minister of finance. Like the kukulkotowa is taken over by a fox as the guard. Citizens are stand still todsy ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹

  • 4

    The assessment of BRR in 2007 as per Wikileaks quoted in CT is sleazy and fails to cover his disenfranchisement for an election offence. The Wikipedia on BRR indicates that he was educated in Isipathana and Ananda, but Wikileaks cable of Robert Blake mentions an education in Matara and Galle and talks of being expelled several times. Clearly one cannot be expelled from a school several times and one wonders what other school would admit a child expelled from one school. Clearly BRR does not have the political touch of his brother Mahinda. However, he is widely credited for having organized a new political party, the SLPP, without having brother Mahinda in it officially, sweeping the local government elections within a short time after its formation. Although not availed in Wikileaks, I wonder what update the US Ambassador made on that account. Clearly, the general impression that he is a simpleton made by the original Cable is quite different in comparison with the stated electoral achievement. Amassing of wealth by dishonest means by Ceylonese was an issue that even the British administrators of colonial Ceylon could not deal with and conduct of BRR reported is nothing new.

  • 5

    I don’t think Wiki Leaks statement on Basil is correct in saying that he was expelled from school, when he was not! At Ananda, he may not have excelled but he was a decent student, like all of us. Some excel in their own sphere after school and so did Basil in his chosen field.

    I am told that he sole handedly organised the election victory of his uncle Lakshman Rajapakse while he was still in school. He was only 17 then! When he was the Gen.Secretary of the SLFP Youth League, its leader the late Anura Bandaranayake was full of praise for him.

    Let us be fair and give him a chance.

  • 16

    More illiterate and more dishonest more the best for SL. Basil the Ugly American has all the qualities and thus the best person to lead Dukka Deepa. Let him start with Finance, a ministry without finance. Who cares and as long as the Royal family benefits it is all fine. Let the 6.9 million fools to take matter into their own hands. Now thanks to 6.9 million modayas Gota has created ministers for every thinh in SL including sea water, fresh water, fish, crabs, chicken, coconut tree, mango tress, kithul tree and soon our biggest Modaya Blind Eagle Gona may get a portfolio for massage parlours.

  • 14

    To be inpower Buddha…budha and sinhala …sinhala. But in fear or in need Muruga…muruga.
    What a confused bunch these guys are.
    Then in the Tamil areas destroy the hindu kovils and plant a buddhist temples with army and police and some rowdy clergy. What a funny bunch of people and no wonder the country is totally ruined. The country is only good for Blind Eagle moron and HLD.

  • 2

    Is there any thing mentioned about the connection BASIL-GAMINI and company had with ACTRESS SNOJA BIBILE Who was working as public relation executive at mahaweli authority head office at darley road mentioned in the wikileaks report?.AT THAT TIME BASIL WORKED AT MAHAWELI MINISTRY AS GAMINI DISSANAYAKAS BAGAGE BOY.

  • 4

    In that 6.9 millions:
    Not only sinhala Buddhists but also muslims and tamils are there. That is the saddest reality. And dont forget about the younger and first time voters.
    Srilanka is wonderland.
    .people called him 10% for good reasons but became minister of finance. Like the kukulkotowa is taken over by a fox as the guard. Citizens are stand still todsy ☹☹☹☹☹☹🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕☹☹☹

  • 1

    At least just for one day , I want to register my protest against ” Everything
    Rubbish in the name of Governance.” in our country. Get Lost !

  • 3

    Under the relevant paragraph 12 Blake wrote “Basil was also educated in Matara and Galle. According to his school friends, he was expelled a couple of times from his college in Galle.
    What I understand is that BR (b. 1951) was educated in Issipatana (1956-62) & later Ananda.
    Which school in Matara or Galle could have expelled him? Some Montessori school?
    A little caution to cross check on gossip will make stories more credible.
    I do not think that the public has been fed with myths about BR that need shattering. The relevant information on his political career is adequate to give an idea of his performance and potential.
    “Under the relevant paragraph 12 Blake wrote “Basil was also educated in Matara and Galle. According to his school friends, he was expelled a couple of times from his college in Galle.””
    Overdoing the garnishing does spoil a salad.

  • 0

    Well in many SE Asian countries we have Political Kangaroos, Basil belongs to that group. Even in Sri Lankan, we have many Political Kangaroos. Thie main is to grab power and make money. In the case of Basil he does not require qualifications, marriage brokers do not require qualifications, Je is a good broker using money deals. < He may even know Mandarin who knows?. To be an MP or Minter you do not require Qyalkifications We had SWRD, NM, Colvin. SJV, GG, and many old politicians, Now we have stooges with a very bad record of cheating and cases against them. Some have Passport Fraud. Abusing servants, Drug deals. gangsterism, They know that even if they are sentenced to death legally they will come out like a free birds. Like in Cuba there will be soon people's revolution. The symptoms show that the making dynasty will disappear to China after selling the country, Buddhist monks have to blame for this condition, Why are they shouting now, Put all of them behind the bar. Thye can enjoy a comfortable life in jail. Drugs are available.

  • 1

    The mansion built in Malwana in the Gampaha district cost more than Rs.250 million. The funds for the construction went from the bank account of Basil Rajapaksa to the architect who designed and supervised the construction. The Yahapalana initiated an investigation as to who funded the construction. It is at that stage Basil Rajapaksa disowned the ownership of the house.

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