By Colombo Telegraph –
“Responding to the Ambassador’s query about whether the Sri Lankan government was being responsive to demands from the international community to provide access to internally displaced persons, Menon said the Lankans were doing just enough to keep the Indians satisfied for now. On-the-ground cooperation with Indian relief providers was good, but he was unable to make any judgment about what the mid- to long-term prospects were for treatment of IDPs or on political devolution.” the US Embassy New Delhi informed Washington.
A Leaked “CONFIDENTIAL” US diplomatic cable, dated June 2, 2009, recounts the details of a meeting US officials in New Delhi, India has had with newly appointed Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna and Indian Foreign Secretary Menon. The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database.
Under the subheading “Sri Lanka: Delegation Coming Next Week” US CDA Peter Burleigh wrote “The Sri Lankan President’s Senior Advisor Basil Rajapaksa as well as Secretary of Defense Gothabaya Rajapaksa were now slated to come to New Delhi for talks next week, but a time for these discussions had not yet been nailed down. He underscored that the GOI was interested in hearing Sri Lankan plans both with regard to Tamil IDPs and regarding political negotiations. He hoped that the GSL was not aiming for quick elections in the north to establish an unrepresentative provincial government, as had been done in the Easter Province earlier. Menon speculated that after the visit, the GOI should have a better feel for GSL intentions.”
Read the cable below for further details;
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 NEW DELHI 001129 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/02/2019 TAGS: PREL PGOV PINR PHUM ENRG CE IN SUBJECT: CHARGE MEETS NEW INDIAN FOREIGN MINISTER; BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS WITH FOREIGN SECRETARY Classified By: CDA Peter Burleigh. Reasons: 1.4(B, D). ¶1. (C) Summary: In a June 2 courtesy call by the Charge, newly appointed External Affairs Minister Krishna said he welcomed enhancement of the bilateral dialogue. In a prior meeting with Foreign Secretary Menon, the Charge flagged the need to move forward on "legacy" issues in the run-up to next week's visit by Under Secretary Burns. Menon said he would soon share information on India's review of various bilateral dialogues and looked for progress on military-to-military agreements and civil nuclear implementation. The Charge urged that visas be issued to a delegation from the Commission on International Religious Freedom. End Summary. Meet the New Foreign Minister ----------------------------- ¶2. (SBU) In a twenty-minute courtesy call June 2 on new Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna, the Charge underlined the importance of moving ahead in the bilateral relationship, as reflected by the Secretary in her telephone conversation with Krishna on May 29. Krishna assured the Charge that he welcomed the expanding scope of the relationship. While there had been a change in the Ministry, there would be no change in the support of the UPA government for strong ties to the United States, he said. ¶3. (C) The Charge flagged the upcoming visit of Under Secretary Burns as an opportunity to resolve lingering bilateral issues while laying the groundwork for an enhanced strategic dialogue with India. Noting that Krishna had himself been a Fulbright scholar in the U.S. in the sixties, the Charge said that educational cooperation would be one of the likely topics of bilateral talks. Krishna said he looked forward to reviewing proposals to bolster dialogue with India and wanted a road map for forward progress. He said India would be happy to receive the Secretary this summer and said he would like to visit the United States early on, but this would not be likely before fall. (Bio Note: In an aside, Krishna mentioned the warm feelings he had for the U.S. from his studies at Southern Methodist University and George Washington University. He noted that he had met Senator Fulbright and had been able to hear Martin Luther King preach in Montgomery, Alabama during his stay in the United States. End note). Menon: Bilateral Architecture ------------------------------ ¶4. (C) In a prior meeting on June 2 with Foreign Secretary Menon, the Charge informed Menon that the U.S. was currently reviewing the various bilateral dialogues with India to see whether discussions could be enhanced and the structure of talks made more useful. Menon acknowledged the GOI was going through a similar process and that the intent was to revise, reduce and "evolve" the sets of dialogues to make the entire structure more rational. While this process had begun some time ago, it could not be completed until a new government was in office in India and the various stakeholders in the Indian bureaucracy had been satisfied. This was moving forward and Menon hoped to be able to share the results when Under Secretary Burns visited next week, if not before. India viewed the dialogues as falling into two basic categories -- political/military/security and economic. New Delhi was leaning towards having an overarching dialogue at the Ministerial-level to track progress and encourage forward movement. Menon: Mil-Mil Relationship ---------------------------- ¶5. (C) Menon acknowledged that India was reviewing its position on End Use Monitoring. He said that final approval of the Logistics Support Agreement may come relatively soon, but that an agreement on interoperability of equipment was under review by the Ministry of Defense. Menon said that the NEW DELHI 00001129 002 OF 002 GOI aimed at completing agreements in these areas by or before the time that the Secretary of State might visit. He understood the need to clean up "legacy" issues from the prior administration to allow time for the Secretary to launch a new dialogue with India. Civil Nuclear/Non-Pro: Pending ------------------------------- ¶6. (C) Menon said the GOI hoped to move forward with the selection of sites for possible U.S.-built nuclear power plants in time for Under Secretary Burns' visit. He said a response was pending to a U.S. demarche asking for assurances from the India Department of Atomic Energy as part of the U.S. Department of Energy Part 810 authorization/license process; Menon thought India's answer would be positive. Sri Lanka: Delegation Coming Next Week --------------------------------------- ¶7. (C) Responding to the Ambassador's query about whether the Sri Lankan government was being responsive to demands from the international community to provide access to internally displaced persons, Menon said the Lankans were doing just enough to keep the Indians satisfied for now. On-the-ground cooperation with Indian relief providers was good, but he was unable to make any judgment about what the mid- to long-term prospects were for treatment of IDPs or on political devolution. The Sri Lankan President's Senior Advisor Basil Rajapaksa as well as Secretary of Defense Gothabaya Rajapaksa were now slated to come to New Delhi for talks next week, but a time for these discussions had not yet been nailed down. He underscored that the GOI was interested in hearing Sri Lankan plans both with regard to Tamil IDPs and regarding political negotiations. He hoped that the GSL was not aiming for quick elections in the north to establish an unrepresentative provincial government, as had been done in the Easter Province earlier. Menon speculated that after the visit, the GOI should have a better feel for GSL intentions. Commission on International Religious Freedom --------------------------------------------- ¶8. (C) The Charge reviewed the role of CIRF and noted that we had encouraged the Committee members to visit India and talk to the government and various affected communities before issuing a report on religious freedom in India. However, the delegation was having trouble getting visas for their visit. The Charge encouraged the GOI to issue visas expeditiously to the CIRF delegation because a visit presented India with an opportunity to let the members see for themselves what the situation was on the ground and meet stakeholders. Menon was not encouraging about arranging meetings with government officials, pointing out the political and social sensitivity of anything touching on religion in India and noting official concerns about the appearance of a foreign government body evaluating Indian behavior. "That's a hard sell for the Ministry to make," Menon added, and while India acknowledged it had serious social problems, as a strong and vibrant democracy, it was committed to solving these issues itself. BURLEIGH
Donald J Gnanakone / August 30, 2012
Nothing new. Both India and USA failed in their international obligations and responsibilities to protect and save lives of Tamils in 2009.
It was international/diplomatic BS, and hypocrisy/dishonesty.
Mango / August 30, 2012
Dear Donald,
A more honest analysis would conclude that the US, India et al fulfilled their international obligations to save the lives of all Sri Lankan citizens, regardless of their so-called ethnicity by allowing GoSL to crush the LTTE.
We’re forever in their debt for the help they gave, actively and passively, allowing this mission to succeed.
A bitter pill to swallow, no?
Donald Gnanakone / August 30, 2012
@Mango. As usual you have no comprehension of the subject..
See the rape and molestation report where Tamils are treated in an inhuman manner. This is just 2 pages.
There can be 1,000 Pages on this subject alone for the 3 years. But who is going to read it and act on it.
The wrath of Gods will take place with divine intervention.
Mango / September 3, 2012
Dear Donald,
I see that your rape fetish has got the better of you, again. This story has nothing to do with rape, but as you’ve mentioned it, I ask again to provide proof that “80,000 war widows”” have been raped. And no, a few dubious stories on Tamilnut doesn’t count. It’s no better than the Daily News claiming that everything in Sri Lanka is perfect.
First you say “80,000 war widows”” have been raped and “some or many multiple times.” Where’s your proof? Who’s doing the raping?
Then you say “This is not the forum to share evidence of… rape that occurs”
If Colombo Telegraph isn’t the forum to ‘share evidence’ of alleged mass repeated rapes, why make the initial allegation?
Then you say “I don’t accuse the army and forces in the East or West doing that [rape] to the Tamil girls or women..”
So, if the Army isn’t engaged in wholesale and repeated rapes of “80,000 war widows”who is engaging in these multiple rapes?
Is it rehabilitated ex-LTTE cadres? Grease Yakas? Rape Tourists from Tamil Nadu?
Why would innumerable NGOs and INGOs currently operating inside Sri Lanka all remain silent about this hideous explosion of “mass repeated rapes” of “80,000 war widows”?
gamini / August 31, 2012
Donald this is what I was refering to as International Intrigue, where the Americans, the Indians, MR and VP were all involved at first, but later the rest knowingly played out VP and allowed MR to decimate many a Tamil. Even now the Americans, the Indians and MR are trying to damage control the whole situation before it blows up in their faces.
Renuka Siriwardena/ Kolonnawa / August 30, 2012
I don’t think this uneducated uncultured rascals can fool India all the time.
Bruno Umbato / August 31, 2012
Your beloved, MOTHER INDIA, needs at least half billion toilets urgently … I see your love of India … Please help them to build these urgently needed toilets if you have any love and their standing in the world ….
gamini / August 31, 2012
Bruno Umbato, who taught the Indians to soil on the streets without providing toilets. It was Mahathma Gandhi to repel the British.
Renuka, what is there for these rascals to fool India, as both Manmohan Singh and MR are working hand in glove although they may trade charges at each other for public consumption.
Bruno Umbato / September 1, 2012
Mahatma G never would have thought that his temporary measure is going to be a permanent feature in the landscape of India … If he would have known it, he would have preferred British to stay ….
I never could understand the slavish attitude displayed by some writers to MOTHER INDIA … Especially from inhabitants of a country which is the best around the region in almost every aspect of measure (standard of living, literacy, hygiene, health, electricity supply, education – name anything including toilets per person ) … Sri Lanka has already lost at least three decades of development mostly due to the thuggerish behaviour of the BIG brother … still, there are many many servile flaterers of that thugger … questioning about the impossibility of fooling India by “uneducated uncultured rascals” of Sri Lanka ….
Hema / August 30, 2012
//GSL was not aiming for quick elections in the north to establish an unrepresentative provincial government, as had been done in the Easter Province earlier.//
That is three years ago, These idiots still fear to conduct Nothern elections. Why is that???? They have done other all elections, but fear of provincial councils?? They don’t want reconciliation. they are waiting for another war with Tamils. bastards.
gamini / August 30, 2012
Hema, the MR govt. does not want to have Elections to the North, untill such time KP’s Party is sure of being returned, as their part of the bargain for sacrificing VP and crowd at MR’s feet. Along with the KP’s crowd, it appears that the TGTE is getting ready to break bread with MR, without advertising or paying too much publicity to ‘Devolution’ in order to make it easy for MR to survive and retain his position as the War Victor.
Donald Gnanakone / August 30, 2012
Gamini, do not be worried about TGTE.
They cannot chew gum and talk at the same time.
There will be no deal and therefore no worries..
TGTE is still getting their act together but issue some
serious Press Release Statements.
See where their support is with the Petition to the White House.
Only 330 signatures in more than 4 weeks… lol…
KP’s part won’t win 1 seat, even under PR system….
For Parliament 10 Jaffna district seats have been reduced to 6, and in the Vanni reduction by 1… It will mostly affect the UNP, SLMC, and Douglas. TNA will lose only 1 seat. But who cares how many MP’s TNA has in Parliament.
Rajapakses are scared of elections in the North and see the drubbing they will get even with Pillaiyan and Karuna as well as the FRAUD Moulana supporting them…in the EP PC elections. ha ha…
gamini / August 31, 2012
Donald the thing is, elections in Sri Lanka do not reflect the will of the people any more. This Tsunami Rogue believes he can cheat all the people all the time. Wait for the next Presidential Election and see the fun.
Native Vedda / September 1, 2012
” This Tsunami Rogue believes he can cheat all the people all the time.”
If not this rogue there are other rogues waiting in the wings to take his place if permitted by him.
MR is not the first rogue and he won’t be the last one as long as the people remained stupid.