19 February, 2025


WikiLeaks: Political Islam In Sri Lanka And The Maldives

By Colombo Telegraph

“At this point, there are three major SLMC factions: SLMC (Hakeem); SLMC (Athaullah); and the National Unity Alliance (NUA). (Note: The leader of the NUA is Ferial Ashraff, another close Mission contact, who is the widow of the founder of the SLMC, M.H.M. Ashraff, who died in 2000.) While they disagree on peace track issues, none of the factions is Islamist-leaning at this time. Other than the SLMC, many Muslims — especially those in Colombo — are supporters of the country’s dominant political parties, the United National Party (UNP) and the People’s Alliance (PA). Both the UNP and the PA are dominated by Sinhalese Buddhists.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Muslims display the victory symbol as they hold a picture of Osama bin Laden during an anti-Israel and anti-U.S. protest demonstration after Friday prayers in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Friday, July 21, 2006.

The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable discusses political Islam as a factor in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.The cable is classified as “Confidential” and written on July 17, 2003 by  Charge d’Affaires Donald A. Camp.

The US Embassy wrote; “Against this backdrop of routine participation by Muslims in the democratic process, there is very little evidence of political Islam in Sri Lanka. During the military campaigns against the al-Qaida/Taliban in Afghanistan in late 2001 and more recently against the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, there were some anti-U.S. demonstrations in which Muslims played a role. One party active in these demonstrations was the Muslim United Liberation Front (MULF), which has no parliamentary representation and has very few members. In general, the various factions of the SLMC did not participate in these demonstrations, though there was a slight undercurrent of anti-U.S. feeling among mainstream Muslims.”

“There is some information that some disaffected Muslims in the east have formed small anti-Tamil Tiger armed groups with names like “Osama” and ‘Jihad.’ Such groups are not a major factor in the east at this time. Nonetheless, fueled reportedly by money from “charitable foundations” based in the Middle East and remittances from Muslims working in that region, there has been an overall shift in the east toward an Islam with a harder edge. (Note: Across the wide spectrum of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka, there is also some indication that more women are honoring hijab norms by covering their hair, etc., than was the case in the past. This could be an indication of a push for prevalence of stricter forms of Islam within the community.) Anecdotally, Mission has heard that some anti-western views may be gaining a limited beachhead in the east where there was none before. The Sri Lankan government is well aware of the potential problem with Muslims in the east and keeps a close watch over the situation.” Charge d’Affaires further wrote.

Read the cable below for further information;

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 COLOMBO 001253 



E.O. 12958:  DECL:  07-17-13
SUBJECT:  Political Islam in Sri Lanka and the Maldives 

Ref:  State 205815 

(U) Classified by Donald A. Camp, Charge d'Affaires.
Reasons 1.5 (b, d). 

¶1.  (C) In response to Reftel action request, country
descriptions of political Islam as a factor in Sri Lanka
and the Maldives are contained in Paras 2-7. 


¶2.  (C) OVERVIEW:  Political Islam is not an
important factor in Sri Lanka at this time.  Sri Lanka
is a majority Buddhist country with a large Hindu
presence, and, of Sri Lanka's roughly 20 million people,
only about 7 percent are Muslim (the vast majority
Sunni).  While some Muslims are affluent and there is a
large population of Muslims in the eastern region, the
community as a whole is essentially a marginal player in
Sri Lanka in terms of the country's politics, culture,
and economy.  The key caveat to the moderate picture the
Muslim community presents involves Sri Lanka's ongoing
peace process.  In a dynamic that is already in its
early stages, eastern Muslims could become radicalized
in an Islamist direction if they perceive that a
possible negotiated settlement to the conflict would
leave the Tamil Tigers in control of their home region. 

¶3.  (C) DISCUSSION:  The majority of Muslims support the
various factions of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress
(SLMC), which holds 15 seats in the 225-seat Parliament.
Founded as a product of a local Muslim "identity"
movement that began after Sri Lanka's independence in
1948, the SLMC is a communal party, but is basically
secular, steering away from a discourse focused on
religious precepts such as shari'ah.  The party also
supports modern social norms, such as equality for
women.  With respect to foreign policy, the party has
generally not/not supported U.S. policy in the Middle
East, including in regard to the Israeli/Palestinian
dispute and Iraq.  That said, the main faction of the
SLMC, which is led by Minister of Ports Raul Hakeem (a
close Mission contact), is a member of the United
National Front (UNF) governing coalition and has not
protested the GSL's largely pro-U.S. policies.  In early
2003, the SLMC was buffeted by disagreements over how to
approach Sri Lanka's peace process, cementing political
fractures in the party.  At this point, there are three
major SLMC factions:  SLMC (Hakeem); SLMC (Athaullah);
and the National Unity Alliance (NUA).  (Note:  The
leader of the NUA is Ferial Ashraff, another close
Mission contact, who is the widow of the founder of the
SLMC, M.H.M. Ashraff, who died in 2000.)  While they
disagree on peace track issues, none of the factions is
Islamist-leaning at this time.  Other than the SLMC,
many Muslims -- especially those in Colombo -- are
supporters of the country's dominant political parties,
the United National Party (UNP) and the People's
Alliance (PA).  Both the UNP and the PA are dominated by
Sinhalese Buddhists. 

¶4.  (C) Against this backdrop of routine participation
by Muslims in the democratic process, there is very
little evidence of political Islam in Sri Lanka.  During
the military campaigns against the al-Qaida/Taliban in
Afghanistan in late 2001 and more recently against the
Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, there were some anti-U.S.
demonstrations in which Muslims played a role.  One
party active in these demonstrations was the Muslim
United Liberation Front (MULF), which has no
parliamentary representation and has very few members.
In general, the various factions of the SLMC did not
participate in these demonstrations, though there was a
slight undercurrent of anti-U.S. feeling among
mainstream Muslims. 

¶5.  (C) The very limited Islamist feeling that there is
in Sri Lanka flows from the Muslim community's fear of
the terrorist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
organization and not from the anti-U.S., anti-Israel
motif prevalent in the Middle East.  This perspective is
particularly widespread in the eastern region where
Muslims, who form somewhere over 25 percent of the
regional population, are deeply anxious that any
negotiated settlement to the conflict not leave the
Tamil Tigers in control of the east.  There is some
information that some disaffected Muslims in the east
have formed small anti-Tamil Tiger armed groups with
names like "Osama" and "Jihad."  Such groups are not a
major factor in the east at this time.  Nonetheless,
fueled reportedly by money from "charitable foundations"
based in the Middle East and remittances from Muslims
working in that region, there has been an overall shift
in the east toward an Islam with a harder edge.  (Note:
Across the wide spectrum of the Muslim community in Sri
Lanka, there is also some indication that more women are
honoring hijab norms by covering their hair, etc., than
was the case in the past.  This could be an indication
of a push for prevalence of stricter forms of Islam
within the community.)  Anecdotally, Mission has heard
that some anti-western views may be gaining a limited
beachhead in the east where there was none before.  The
Sri Lankan government is well aware of the potential
problem with Muslims in the east and keeps a close watch
over the situation. 


¶6.  (C) OVERVIEW AND DISCUSSION:  Political Islam is not
an important factor in the Maldives at this time.  Of
the Maldives' roughly 300,000 people, virtually all are
Sunni Muslim, which is the state religion.  Islam in the
Maldives is strictly controlled by the government, which
enforces a moderate form of the faith.  Women's rights
to full participation in society, for example, are
protected by the government.  With respect to foreign
policy, the Maldivian government generally assumes a low
profile, looking toward the Organization of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) and India, its influential neighbor to
the north, for its cues on major issues.  The
government, which is led by President Gayoom, who
considers himself a reformer in the Ataturk mold, is
basically quite friendly to the U.S., strongly
supporting the international campaign against terrorism,
for example. 

¶7.  (C) Despite this generally positive picture, there
are concerns that some trace elements of Islamic
extremism may be emerging in the Maldives.  The
government is concerned that some Maldivians returning
from studies in the Middle East may have imbibed radical
beliefs, and several reported Islamist-leaning
Maldivians were convicted of subversion in 2002.
(Note:  One Maldivian national, who was captured in
Pakistan, is detained in Guantanamo.)  Although the
country has relatively strong economic indices, there
are worries that unemployment and underemployment may
create a fertile ground for radicals.  Moreover, the
government's autocratic style may also help spark
dissent.  All that said, there is no evidence that any
Islamist organizations have taken root in the Maldives
at this time. 

¶8.  (U) Minimize considered. 


Latest comments

  • 0

    Other than following religous commandment SL Muslims have no hidden agenda. The overall picture is very moderate. There is no need for extremism. Freedom to practice ones religon is important factor for SL Muslims. The right to live as an equal citizen of the country is all the Muslims ask for.

    • 1

      The right to live as equal citizens of the country is all what the Tamils also asked for at the beginning. When denied by the majority they wanted their homelands be recognized. The rest is History.

      • 2

        Their homeland is Tamilnadu which is twice the size of tiny SL. Shows how greedy these Tamil extremists are asking for a second homeland just for 2 million Tamils in addition to the huge homeland they have in Tamilnadu. The Sinhala people demand equal rights which they are denied by giving special privileges for the Tamils by allowing highly discriminatory Thesawalamai law and special privileges for the Muslims by allowing their men to have 4 wives which is denied to the other communities. About time Sinhala people demanded for superior rights the minorities in SL unfairly enjoy.

    • 0

      Agreed. But the recent incidents “indicate” that there is a hidden agenda of promoting sharia law. Though I do not agree with BBS, what they were concerned about was mandating Halal certification in the guise of making local products suitable for followers of Islam. Every citizen of this country, “not only the Muslims”,ask for the right to live as an equal citizen of the country.

      This is what I think. No hard feelings Safa.

    • 0

      “The overall picture is very moderate.” So says Safa.

      Only when you start reading the nasty parts of “religious commandment” (your words) or nasty verses in the Koran five time a day and listen to interpretations of those verses by Wahhabis and the like of blind Ulema, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman who is jailed in the US for seditious conspiracy in 9/11 bombing problems for Sri Lanka start.
      Tell us, what rights minorities (including Shia, Ahmadiyya) in any Muslim majority countries have but Muslims in Sri Lanka haven’t? There is no need to make demands; “freedom to practice ones religion” is already here. But if your demand is to practice Islam like in Maldives, Pakistan and etc or practice it like at Muhammad PBUH’s time, then you are in for a rude shock. We don’t subscribe to it. We still remember some of you have written to weekend papers during 2001/3 UNP asking you to have implemented Shariya in Muslim majority areas. What a cheek.

      Like the US, Europe, Australia and many other countries we too have to keep our eyes open on preaching and activities like ‘Halaal’ by Muslim extremists. We have to be vigilant of Wahhabi activities. Otherwise, we will have a big problem sooner than later.

      • 0

        So you are an adventist reviving the renaissance of Buddhism overmaster the sanctity of the Nikhayas????

    • 0

      Sharia law is not applicable unless there is a Muslim Caliphate. Even most muslim countries with majority muslim population have not opted for sharia law. So there cannot be any hidden agenda for sharia in Sri Lanka where only 9.7 % are muslims.
      The contraversy over halal certification arose due to the certifaction of many products in the market by the manufacturers to increase market share. Now that it is withdrawn there is no reason for attacks on muslims.
      Muslims in Sri Lanka are not involved with extreme movements in other countries. The Wahabi movement is more a school of thought which emphasises on the monotheistic aspects of islam as opposed to the sufi school of thought. It is not a movement aimed at non muslims but a school of thought within the boudaries of islam.
      So for the moment this is the state of play within the muslim community in sri lanka as I am aware. As with the tamil community it is the grievances and attacks that motivate change and there is a danger of bringing in foreign influence if situations get out of hand. The Ulema and leaders are committed to avoid such a situation.

      • 0



        • 0

          This picture was speaks more than thousand words.

      • 0

        As I said elsewhere, I vehemently oppose any type of attack or violence on Muslims, or any other persons or their property. Only, pseudo revolutionaries like those who sought ‘Arab spring’ wants mayhem in Sri Lanka. Now, having denounced the wrong, I must also mention some bad or unfair denigration on Sinhala Buddhists by minorities.

        Of late, it has become a fashion for many a minority and anti-national elements and their web sites to condemn the Sinhala Buddhists for relying on ancient chronicle Mahawamsa for their history. Number of them have gone so far as to say we have ‘Mahawamsa mindset’. That was purely and simply to ridicule us. So much so, Colombian set of WOGs calling themselves ‘true Buddhists’ have also joined the bandwagon. Their write-ups accused Sinhala monks for not teaching true Buddhism. And all the anti-national clique joined together to praise stupid writers. We believe all this is organised conspiracy to dishearten Sinhala Buddhists and bring down their hard elevated unity.

        Vasu and many others are blind for truth. But they know that BBS, JHU and other Sinhala Buddhist groupings are no different to TNA, Muslim Congress, Tamil Congress or any other race and/or religion based organisation. I cannot understand why, those who condemn ‘Bodu Perahara’ of BBS now, hadn’t even bothered to criticize ‘Pongu Thamil’ rallies of LTTE then.

        They should know effort by BBS is to help rid the shackles of Sinhala Buddhists and give them confidence and set them for a renaissance.

        • 0

          What’s purported here of ‘RENAISSANCE’ is desecrating Buddhism not arts & literature? What is plausible nowadays is revival of Buddhism’s tenets in the minds of it’s adherents.

          • 0

            Renaissance, I meant here is; ‘aware and proud of being belong to Sinhala Buddhists tradition’ like in the late nineteenth century and unlike during 2001/3 RanilW’s government when Sinhala Buddhists were made to be ashamed of being Sinhla Buddhists. I am not talking about tenats of Buddhism which every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be an expert of these days.

            • 0

              Brilliant reply Leela. I take my hat off to you as a proud daughter of Sri Lanka.

        • 0

          Vasu, Bahu and other leftists are the curse of SL. Thanks to them, we lost thousands of our Sinhala youth in 1971 and 1989.

  • 0

    Record shows that prominent Muslim figures such as Fowzie have crossed over from UNP to SLFP and Rauf Hakim joined hands with UNP and then with SLFP. The picture corroborates what I have asserted earlier. But when the Twin Tower was attacked, they have even closed the roads in front of the Mosque in some places at Colombo to stage a demonstration in support of Osama Bin Laden, after the friday prayers.
    However, one cannot deny that some Muslims were not involved in illegal activities that were detrimental to the security of the country. The stealing of motor vehicles (including that of the Indian Deputy Commissioner’s at Kandy) by an unidentified group, abductions of prominent persons on contract basis, illicit drug trafficking, etc. The attempt on the lives of the professionals and the consequent transfer of the Police Inspector was a case in point. One cannot easily hide a full-size pumpkin within a plate of rice.
    When Tsunami attacked the coastal area of Sri Lanka on 26th December 2005, there were about 42,000 deaths of which almost one-half of them were Muslims. There was an allegation that a considerable part of the coastal areas were purchased by Muslims from the Sinhalese almost at double the price, with funds from Sadaam Hussain of Iraq and Gaddaffi of Libya. One ponders why these two Muslim leaders funded to purchase these coastal areas. It is after this discovery that a rule came to the effect that no one can purchase property within 200 meters from the shore, without hurting the feelings of any communities. One ponders whether coastal areas be dominated gradually in a systemmatic and calculated manner by a specific community so as to facilitate smuggling of unlawful items which can be detrimental to the country.
    I am compelled to assert this contention that Islam becomes destructive if misused by intolerant groups like Wahhabis, which can easily arouse emotions of love & hate, construction & destruction and peace or war. What is the assurance that Muslim politicians are not indirectly involved in such illegal activities. The case of Pottu Nauffer with a prominent Muslim politicians is a case in point.
    On the contrary, if the Muslim politicians in collaboration with other religious dignitaries insist that continuous interaction between the communities and inter-faith groups and holding of dialogues between Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianism & Catholicism at national levels, Sri Lankans in general would certainly encourage to find mutual understanding, respect and tolerate towards each other. Had such a step been preferred, even MR will find it difficult to adapt a policy of DIVIDE and RULE. The issue relates to the sincerity to the country and its people.

    • 0


      • 0

        Ayman & Mohamed Marzook,
        The picture itself corroborates my allegation. So do you assert holding pictures of an Islamic terrorist Osama Bin Laden as a hero is correct. Do you mean to assert that Fowzie having links with drug king Pottu Nauffer who killed and shot the High Court Judge of Colombo is correct? Can you tell the readers who was in charge of erecting the stage at the CMC for Chandrika to address the meeting. There is strong suspicion how the suicide bomber came to know that Chandrika would be getting from the front side of the stage. There are also some allegations that Chandrika was to be assassinated in a hotel at Saudi, but fortunately she has moved to a different venue. Even if that was organized by the LTTE, it should be condemned. There are some more news to be revealed.

    • 0

      Your conclusions are based on guessings and assumptions.Why do you think that the readers will be foolish to beleive them.

    • 0

      Citizen is a virulent anti-Muslim crusader from Batti. He now lives in Canada. I suspect that his information on the ground situation is limited to the web.

      His foot print is all over the blogs and other sites spewing venom and lies. He is also pro-Israel, and pretended to be a Sinhalese. I am sharing this with the CT readers so that you may judge us credibilty.

      His anti-Muslim diatribe doesn’t take into consideration the fact that those who commit crime do so irrespective of their religious background. Haven’t his favourite “boys” done enough damage to this country? Aren’t these Hindus, KP,, Karuna, Pillayan Douglas Devananada Iniya Bharathi are all criminals?. Paskaralingam and other government servants too have contributed to looting this country. Sinhala people in the south felt that Tamils robbed the Sinhala people and enriched the north. I want to ask Citizen if the Sinhala people were right and their perception above is true of all Tamils?

      He joins Leela Lester et al to denigrate Muslims, conveniently forgetting that extremism targeting Muslims will be directed at the other minority religions. Extremists are fully aware that neither religion nor race has any impact on criminality, yet they choose to attack.

      Citizen is no different. A racist by another name!

  • 0

    By hurling racial abuse at Muslim do you think that you can change the religion the way of life of the Muslims, or by burning and destroying the Muslims owned properties or killing Muslims. How much you can do all these, certainly you cannot wipe out Muslims from sri Lanka doing all these. You few Sinhalese racist tried to deny the Tamil peoples right and we all have been paying for this for last three decades. Well half of the Tamil population leading lavish life of western world, and putting pressure to our country, the government even could not match their diplomatic fight.

    • 0

      You mean their PROPAGANDA fight?

  • 0

    there is a school in beruwela where they train muslim youths for jihad.
    does that mean holy war against the infidels. The muslim guys date sinhalese girls but when a sinhalese guy dates a muslim girl there is a big fuss. why is this double standard mentality

    • 0


      • 0

        Why have you lost your temper when it is the SBs who should lose their temper for what goes on in SL aganist everything they hold dear like Muslims encroaching on their temple land. The relentless land grabbing and mushrooming of mosques everywhere and you say you care about your girls – very funny! The girls are nothing but child rearing machines to you. Do these girls have any time for themselves in between having children every year. More Muslim children born, the easier it is to take over the country to become the 58th Muslim country to be added to the 57 OIC countries already grabbed from other communities in the world.

    • 0

      Your quandary is what called uxorious.

  • 0

    Thank you, Leela and Citizen.
    One should not suppress what is present among a section of the Muslim population. Just as one is attacking Buddhist extremists mercilessly calling even derogative names like “Golu Balu Sena”, these Muslims extreme elements need to be fully exposed but I do not say one should use derogatory terms as used to the Sangha, the much venerated Buddha Cheevara towards the Muslim extremists. It is no good trying to defend the extremists under the general cover of Islam.
    This is not a Muslim country as much as it may not be a country which fully belongs to another religion. Historical and cultural perspective should not be lost. One cannot expect the Muslims living among a wider society to have what obtains in Muslim countries where even other Islamic creeds do not enjoy the freedom of worship that all Islamic sects, including breakaways enjoy here. Muslims have to learn to live enjoying the tolerance which their early visitors like Abu Said and Soleyman saw in abundance in this country. Some may disagree thinking they do not want handouts but want to enjoy their rights. That is where the problem lies. When new people and new interpretations creep among the orthodox Muslims of this country, the tranquility is disturbed.
    Even though it is no argument, one may even ask if it is good for a section of Muslims (the Internet-hero Muslims rather than orthodox Muslims ) to insist on rights of wearing the Burqa or Hijab what is wrong if some Buddhists also take to such a path of raising fundamental issues. It has been an old custom for women to cover their heads in India and Sri Lanka on occasions as seen from many temple paintings. There has been no objection to Muslim women covering their head with the Sari and it has been a sight demanding respect and admiration of their identity. It did not interfere with the environmental situation in the mosaic of dresses, either. The Burqa on the other hand, is something alien to this country and its environmental situation.
    In Iran which has been a leading land of female fashion so much so that they are the Iranian females in Paris who set standards, the authorities have permitted a more liberal form of female dress confined to a light scarf and over coat in preferred colours. Once President Rafsanjani was reported asking his Turkish counterpart during a visit to Turkey how that more Turkish women covered themselves with Burqa . He had said that his clerics were trying to impose it but with poor results. Even more recently, President Ahmadinejad referred to the pressure by feminine groups for liberalization of dress code.Iran even organised fashion designing competetions for Hejabdesigning
    Even in respect of Mosques, it was very pleasant site to see a few ancient mosques when one travelled from Galle to Colombo or from Colombo to Kandy. The Dawatagaha mosque in the centre of Colombo stands respectfully as one of the most admired monuments by Muslims as much as non-Muslims. But it it the conversion of these old mosques into modern day mosques resembling more the oil refineries of Saudi Arabia which has become an environmental eyesore to the unused eye. It is not just a case of religious issue. It is also an environmental issue. Buildings in urban or rural space should be designed proportionately to suit environmental situations.
    Is it right to ask the non-Muslims to bear with these displays which mean no more than one of exuberance and power as right of Muslims? This is where some balanced judgment might help maintain tranquility in the society. Demanding one’s right in society is a misdirection to which the world was exposed after WW II. Its effects have been far too damaging to national harmony.
    It is no secret that Friday Prayer sessions have increasingly become a vehicle to incite worshipers along politically oriented discourses and violent demonstrations have appeared outside certain Mosques following international incidents. This has been going on for over 20 years and the Police records will illustrate this. This was the result of new generations of preachers trained at Madarasas in lands like Saudi Arabia and Iran. Proof is available if Police records are pursued.

    • 0

      What is Buru-kwa and environ-mental situation?
      Wearing Bukra could emits substances harmful to the environment ultimately leading to damage the Ozone layer could be a new thesis of an itchy discovery for promising Lankan scientists.

    • 0

      Does the so called Cheevara adept with the Nikhaya of the Samgha? Do they enjoy whole heartedly the joy of monkhood in line with the Sakya Prince’s teachings. Firstly, the BBS is a misnomer which is vile to use in the pretext of Buddhism to an extremist group. It’s high time the affined Nikhayas should take steps unprejudiced to paraph a communique against this discernment.

  • 0

    Extremist group according to US intelligent report
    Sri Lanka Jamthi Islam, Thauhid Jamath, Thableeq Jamath, and Jamathi Muslim.
    When I first see the US intelligent document, I had a very good laugh. So, this is what CIA is capable of now. Can these so called extreme intelligent source can give us one single incident of extremism they had committed other than critising US invasion on lies such as WMD for oil and minerals and Israel occupation and terrorism in Palestine. I challenge so called CIA, if you can bring us evidence.

    • 0

      CIA put the finger in the wrong hole. Now whomever is pleased sniffs it.

  • 0

    Bodu Bala sena, A Buddhist organization that call for extremist Buddhist practices in sri lanka are given a media statement that they are not opposing traditional Muslims. Surprisingly, some report which says that transmitted from US embassy says as follows, “(C/NF) Source reported there are four primary Muslim groups based in Colombo: Sri Lanka Jamthi Islam, Thauhid Jamath, Thableeq Jamath, and Jamathi Muslim.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
    When I see these I really had a good laugh, as I know where it is come from and why such are published. This is nothing but the formal US strategy where they can’t accomplish their mission. In sri lanka their objective is to take army forces for their invasions and inert the Muslims against without making any voice.
    On a report prepared by Cheryl Benard who is a think tank work for Smith Richardson Foundation ,National Security Research Division for American intelligence was favoring the sufi Islam against any other form due to its inert nature. We must know the fact that H. Smith Richardson Foundation, one of the major backers of Brzezinski and Huntington’s drive for war. also they spread lies through the AFF, a so-called deprogramming cult made up professional kidnappers and mind control specialists, like Robert J. Lifton, Margaret Singer, and the late L. Jolyon West, all of whom were veterans of the CIA’s notorious brainwashing program known as MK-ULTRA. Or, they rely on the ADL, an organization linked to organized crime, that has been caught illegally spying on American citizens, and is one of the chief apologists for the zionist atrocities of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the utopian lunatics in the Israeli Defense Forces.

    In the report Cheryl Benard had mentioned that “encouraging the popularity and acceptance of Sufism.” Is one of the strategies to bring down the Muslim voice and opposition against the US strategy. So its clear that these are technique to suppress Muslim opposition such as the film they made against prophet, Iraq invasion and many atrocities around the world.
    Also it should be noted that , leaked US State Department cables revealed that in December 2009, US Assistant Secretary of State, Robert O. Blake, in a meeting with Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the Defense Secretary, raised the possibility of Sri Lanka contributing to the US-led coalition operations in Afghanistan. But Gotabhaya Rajapaksa had rejected this call and US is need of help the war it cannot complete.
    We know the fact that US started wage war against Iraq under the pre text of weapon of mass destruction and to date nothing such as found mean time invasion of Afghanistan under pretext of hunting one man osama binladen and the doubt that US citizens having on the destruction of world trade center as inside job are known to many. Israeli oppression in Palestine and its effort to caste Muslims that oppose their illegal occupation as most evil people is an open secret. With this context labeling sri Lankan Muslims and their organization that have no any kind of terrorist activity and giving reports without any single evidence of any sort of terrorism in sri lanka is really laughable. Also US in a position label any group in their favor as rebels and if they don’t cater their objective as terrorist or extremist. Will these lies will have an impact on sri lanka?

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