By Colombo Telegraph –
“We do not know how much of the story about Department of Homeland Security’s request to interview Fonseka is real and how much may have been fabricated by Fonseka himself to score points against the Rajapaksas.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

“We do not know how much of the story about Department of Homeland Security’s request to interview Fonseka is real and how much may have been fabricated by Fonseka himself to score points against the Rajapaksas.”
The Colombo Telegraph found the relevant leaked cable from the WikiLeak database. The cable recounts details of a meeting the US Ambassador has had with the Foreign Minister Bogollagama on November 2, 2009. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” by the Deputy Chief of Mission Valerie C. Fowler.
The US Ambassador Butenis wrote “Whatever the reality, the prospect of U.S. officials questioning Fonseka regarding Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s actions during the conflict clearly is of great concern in Colombo and put the leadership in a tight spot. While the Rajapaksas are keen on eliminating or neutralizing Fonseka as a potential presidential candidate, who could split the Singhalese vote, they do not have an interest in him being pressured as a war crime accomplice, who might be willing to provide testimony against the Rajapaksas. They would like to see Fonseka go quietly into retirement as a war hero who time has passed, but the general appears to have other plans.”
“Bogollagama said what concerned the GSL were reports that a DHS lawyer had allegedly told Fonseka that the purpose of the interview was to gather information about the possible involvement in war crimes of SL Defense Secretary and president’s brother and U.S. citizen Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. Bogollagama said any questioning of Fonseka about SL ‘official’ information would be frowned upon by the GSL and ‘could seriously impact our relationship.’” she further wrote.
To read related news link to this cable click here
Related news link to Fonseka’s DHS interview – WikiLeaks: Fonseka tried to shift blame on war crime to Gota
Read the cable below for further details;
VZCZCXRO6168 OO RUEHAG RUEHROV RUEHSL RUEHSR DE RUEHLM #1006/01 3061237 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 021237Z NOV 09 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 0714 INFO RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 2003 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 9039 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 7277 RUEHLO/AMEMBASSY LONDON PRIORITY 5196 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 3431 RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO PRIORITY 5148 RUEHOT/AMEMBASSY OTTAWA PRIORITY 0021 RUEHSM/AMEMBASSY STOCKHOLM PRIORITY 0683 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO PRIORITY 4259 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 9602 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 6896 RUEHON/AMCONSUL TORONTO PRIORITY 1357 RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA PRIORITY 3806 RHHMUNA/HQ USPACOM HONOLULU HI PRIORITY RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS PRIORITY RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHDC PRIORITY C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 001006 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INSB E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/02/2019 TAGS: PGOV PREL PREF PHUM PTER EAID MOPS CE SUBJECT: MFA CALLS IN AMBASSADOR OVER DHS QUESTIONING OF CHOD FONSEKA COLOMBO 00001006 001.2 OF 003 Classified By: DEPUTY CHIEF OF MISSION VALERIE C. FOWLER. REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). ¶1. (C) On November 2, Foreign Minister Bogollagama called in Ambassador regarding reports that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had requested that Sri Lankan Chief of Defense (CHOD) Sarath Fonseka come in for a "voluntary" interview with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Oklahoma City on November 4. (NOTE: Fonseka is a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) in the United States and has family and property in Oklahoma. He currently is in the U.S. visiting family and re-establishing his LPR status. END NOTE.) Bogollagama said the interview was a matter of "urgency and relevance" to the government of Sri Lanka (GSL) and asked for information to "help us understand and formulate a proper reaction." ¶2. (C) Ambassador recounted recent developments regarding Fonseka, including cancellation of his invitation to attend the recent Chiefs of Defense conference in Hawaii due to U.S. concerns about his involvement in human-rights violations during the conflict with the LTTE. She also explained that as a green-card holder, Fonseka was required by U.S. law to confirm his status as an LPR. But as regards the DHS request to see Fonseka on November 4, Ambassador said she did not know the specific reason for the invitation. ¶3. (C) Bogollagama said what concerned the GSL were reports that a DHS lawyer had allegedly told Fonseka that the purpose of the interview was to gather information about the possible involvement in war crimes of SL Defense Secretary (and president's brother and U.S. citizen) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. He said the GSL was very concerned about using Fonseka as a source for "prying" into the actions of the government in Sri Lanka and was seeking "immediate action" to prevent anything further from happening on November 4. He claimed that their sources (presumably the law firm Patton Boggs, which embassy understands has been hired to represent the GSL) told them that DHS had investigated war crimes in the past. Bogollagama said any questioning of Fonseka about SL "official" information would be frowned upon by the GSL and "could seriously impact our relationship." ¶4. (C) Bogollagama passed to Ambassador an Aide Memoire, which noted that allegations against the defense secretary affected the vital interests of the GSL and had already occupied considerable time and attention of both governments at the highest levels. It noted that the SL president had formed a panel to consider the matters raised in the U.S. Report to Congress on Incidents During the Recent Conflict in Sri Lanka and claimed that any information Fonseka had gained in performance of his official duties had the status of "privileged information." It closed with a request to the U.S. State Department to inform DHS that "there is every reason for the interview proposed for the 4th November 2009, to not take place," and noted the GSL's view that DHS "should forthwith desist from any endeavor in this direction." (NOTE: The full text of the Aide Memoire is reproduced in para 6 below. END NOTE.) COMMENT ------- ¶5. (C) We do not know how much of the story about DHS's request to interview Fonseka is real and how much may have been fabricated by Fonseka himself to score points against the Rajapaksas. Whatever the reality, the prospect of U.S. officials questioning Fonseka regarding Gotabhaya Rajapaksa's actions during the conflict clearly is of great concern in Colombo and puts the leadership in a tight spot. While the Rajapaksas are keen on eliminating or neutralizing Fonseka as COLOMBO 00001006 002.2 OF 003 a potential presidential candidate, who could split the Singhalese vote, they do not have an interest in him being pressured as a war crimes accomplice, who might be willing to provide testimony against the Rajapaksas. They would like to see Fonseka go quietly into retirement as a war hero who time has passed, but the general appears to have other plans. END COMMENT. ¶6. (SBU) BEGIN TEXT OF AIDE MEMOIRE (grammatical and other irregularities are preserved from the original): The assistance of the US State Department is sought concerning an unwelcome intervention by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in a matter of grave concern, that has the potential to complicate the existing dialogue between the friendly Governments of Sri Lanka and of the United States. The Government of Sri Lanka is informed that Sri Lanka's Chief of Defence Staff General Sarath Fonseka who at present is in the United States, has received a letter calling him for an interview with the DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In addition, on the 28th of October, General Fonseka had received a telephone call from a DHS Attorney to the effect that the intention behind the request for the interview is to use him "as a source against human rights violations done by Secretary/Defence". It had been clarified during the telephone conversation that the reference to "Secretary/Defence" relates to Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law and Order of Sri Lanka. It is pertinent to recall in this regard that Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa's duties as Secretary of that Ministry required his dealing with a situation of a grave onslaught that threatened the integrity of Sri Lanka and which was launched by the LTTE, an organization proscribed by several countries including the United States, for its terrorist activities. The allegations therefore leveled against the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary affect the vital interests of the Government of Sri Lanka and have occupied considerable time and attention of the respective Governments, at the highest levels. In fact, the US Ambassador in Colombo has already been briefed of the decision taken by the President of Sri Lanka to appoint a Panel to consider the matters raised in the US Department of State 2009 Report to Congress on Incidents During the Recent Conflict in Sri Lanka. This decision by the President stems from Sri Lanka's unbroken commitment as a democratic nation to the Rule of Law, under which allegations are first assessed as to whether they possess any substance meriting further inquiry. The Chief of Defence Staff is a high level position within the Sri Lanka Government. General Fonseka is on an official visit on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka. He traveled to the United States on a diplomatic passport for prearranged appointments with senior personalities of the State Department and other US Government Agencies. Moreover, whatever General Fonseka may have become aware of during his service with the Government of Sri Lanka and in the course of his duties, has the status of privileged information. He has no authority to divulge or share this information with third parties, without the prior approval and consent of the Sri Lanka authorities. Given the above, it is hereby requested for the US State Department to inform the Department of Homeland Security that COLOMBO 00001006 003.2 OF 003 there is every reason for the interview proposed for 4th November 2009, to not take place. The Government of Sri Lanka is of the view that the Department of Homeland Security should forthwith desist from any endeavor in this direction. Colombo 2nd November 2009 END TEXT OF AIDE MEMOIRE BUTENIS
Kalu Albert / November 25, 2011
This man is a sick fellow,He fancied himself as a combination of Hannibal, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Napoleon and Rommel. In Sarath Fonseka’s self-perception he was Sri Lanka’s greatest military treasure and all glory was due to him alone. It was the “I, me., myself alone” syndrome. that is why all these are happening to him.
karruppan / November 25, 2011
more you write more raw garbage you spew.
Malani - Dematagoda / November 25, 2011
It was at Gotabhaya’s behest that Sarath Fonseka was made Army Chief. He was scheduled to retire as he would have reached the mandatory age 55 on December 6, 2005. But Gotabhaya persuaded his brother to make Sarath Army Chief because Fonseka was the best man to lead the army at that point of time. There was also Fonseka’s colossal arrogance. so SF was manipulating things, see what the US Ambassador says “We do not know how much of the story about Department of Homeland Security’s request to interview Fonseka is real and how much may have been fabricated by Fonseka himself to score points against the Rajapaksas”.shame on you Fonseka.
It's me / November 25, 2011
What ever it is , time has come either to eliminate Fonseka from the face of earth or Release him and Get rid of his citizenry right to politics. Otherwise, send him and his wife away to their children, so world will know that we are not barbarians as Diasporas portraying us. But, Keeping him in Jails prove that those of who fabricating and assassinating his character are carpet Beggars.
So, If you are thirsty for his blood. Kill him, wrap it in the so called white flag, and get rid of him. But, for the same of mother lanka, stop poking your finger to the wound as it is getting better.
Suddenly, why is so important wiki leak or wiki lick. What is important is that arrogant, or not, Gen. Fonseka let our Army to victory against the Vicious Guerrilla Fighters in the world.
Because I am one and seeing and knowing how my kind is, I know Sinhalese and specially Sinhalese, (no I do not spell singalese) I know we are good at forgetting things fast.
B.Fernando / November 25, 2011
General Fonseka won the Presidential Election which was rigged by the MR cronies to declare him the winner. How can he let the winning candidate live free? The way the General was arrested after the elections and the use of Kangaroo Courts to sentence him alone is ample proof. Sri Lanka is heading towards a dangerous family dictatorship. General Fonseka is a threat to MR & Co. Something should happen sooner not later to save our mother land.
September Effect / November 26, 2011
What a loser. Fonseka lost the whole world knows it. If the election was “rigged” (how exactly?) why didn’t Fonseka mention it in his petition to the Supreme Court?? He mentioned lots of other pointless waffle which he was more guilty of than anyone else but omitted anything about election rigging.
September Effect / November 26, 2011
Man is a liar and traitor with a giant ego. He has no honour or integrity. That is his flaw. He sacrificed the nation and the Army (bringin increbily damage to this illustrious institution that up to the point he opened his filthy mouth was respected the world over) because of his personality flaws: arrogance, ego and lust for power and wealth. What he gets he deserves. This is what happens to a man who has no ethics or morals but his ego gets a giant boost thanks to stealing the credit of the actions of others
September Effect / November 26, 2011
Man is a liar and traitor with a giant ego. He has no honour or integrity. That is his flaw. He sacrificed the nation and the Army (bringing incredible damage to this illustrious institution that up to the point he opened his filthy mouth was respected the world over) because of his personality flaws: arrogance, ego and lust for power and wealth. What he gets he deserves.
Buddhi / November 26, 2011
MR is scared of SF, no one but SF as he is the true president of the people. This is the truth, nothing but the truth, the holy truth which is bitter to MR and his boot lickers. If they claim MR & co is patriot then Mervin (the vermin), Duminda Silva, etc, etc are too patriots…make a judgement, my fellow countrymen…ask yourself…
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