By Colombo Telegraph –
“We know the STF did it, but the bullet and gun evidence shows that they did not. They must have separate guns when they want to kill some one. We need forensic experts. We know who did it, but we can’t proceed in prosecuting them.” President’s advisor and his brother Basil Rajapaksa told US Ambassador Robert O.Blake.
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” and recounts details of a meeting US Ambassador to Colombo has had with President’s advisor and his brother Basil Rajapaksa on October 04, 2006. The cable was written by the US Ambassador to Colombo, Robert O. Blake.
Under the subheading “President is Keen on Human Rights” Blake wrote “Basil told the Ambassador that the President genuinely seeks the help of the Co-chairs, and the US in particular, to improve Sri Lanka’s human rights capability by lending experts, assisting with inquiries, and building up the indigenous Human Rights Commission (HRC). The Ambassador agreed that President Rajapaksa and Development and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe have strong reputations as human rights advocates, but noted the UNHCR lacked credibility.”
“Speaking with surprising candor, Rajapaksa explained the GSL’s efforts to prove that members of the Security Task Force (STF) murdered five students in Trincomalee in January: ‘We know the STF did it, but the bullet and gun evidence shows that they did not. They must have separate guns when they want to kill some one. We need forensic experts. We know who did it, but we can’t proceed in prosecuting them.’” the ambassador further wrote.
Ambassador Blake wrote “ He said that the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has been sufficiently trained in human rights, but that the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) has been credibly implicated in harassment and human rights violations. ‘We have few complaints in areas of SLA presence, but we have a problem with the SLN,’ Rajapaksa explained. ‘We didn’t expect them to work with civilians and they weren’t trained.” He said the President has prioritized human rights training for the Navy. Rajapaksa added that with a new law requiring that police notify the magistrate before they can detain a suspect for longer than 24 hours, ‘We have minimized harassment by the police.’”
Placing a comment the ambassador wrote “The Ambassador’s first meeting with Basil Rajapaksa sparked a candid response from the Presidential Advisor and laid the foundation for a pragmatic relationship with the embassy. Rajapaksa’s frank discussion of the GSL’s human rights struggles with its security forces and request for international assistance in human rights capacity building is welcome.”
Below we give the relevant part of the cable;
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 COLOMBO 001622 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/04/2016 TAGS: PREL PTER PHUM PREF MOPS CE SUBJECT: SRI LANKA: PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR BASIL RAJAPAKSA SPEAKS FRANKLY ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS AND KARUNA FACTION REF: A. COLOMBO 1617 AND PREVIOUS ¶B. COLOMBO 1604 AND PREVIOUS Classified By: Ambassador Robert O. Blake for reasons 1.4(b,d). "President is Keen on Human Rights" ----------------------------------- ¶5. (C) Basil told the Ambassador that the President genuinely seeks the help of the Co-chairs, and the US in particular, to improve Sri Lanka's human rights capability by lending experts, assisting with inquiries, and building up the indigenous Human Rights Commission (HRC). The Ambassador agreed that President Rajapaksa and Development and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe have strong reputations as human rights advocates, but noted the UNHCR lacked credibility. ¶6. (C) Speaking with surprising candor, Rajapaksa explained the GSL's efforts to prove that members of the Security Task Force (STF) murdered five students in Trincomalee in January: "We know the STF did it, but the bullet and gun evidence shows that they did not. They must have separate guns when they want to kill some one. We need forensic experts. We COLOMBO 00001622 002 OF 002 know who did it, but we can't proceed in prosecuting them." ¶7. (C) He said that the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has been sufficiently trained in human rights, but that the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) has been credibly implicated in harassment and human rights violations. "We have few complaints in areas of SLA presence, but we have a problem with the SLN," Rajapaksa explained. "We didn't expect them to work with civilians and they weren't trained." He said the President has prioritized human rights training for the Navy. Rajapaksa added that with a new law requiring that police notify the magistrate before they can detain a suspect for longer than 24 hours, "We have minimized harassment by the police." Comment ------- ¶11. (C) The Ambassador's first meeting with Basil Rajapaksa sparked a candid response from the Presidential Advisor and laid the foundation for a pragmatic relationship with the embassy. Rajapaksa's frank discussion of the GSL's human rights struggles with its security forces and request for international assistance in human rights capacity building is welcome. BLAKE
Janakie / January 30, 2012
OMG!! a Traiter :) :) :) :)
Sathyam / January 30, 2012
OMG ! Never thought he is that dim ! and he is an adviser OMG OMG. In comparison de mel guy looks a genious ! Hope this is not a family trait.
Sunanda / January 30, 2012
Is he a TRAITOR as well. way to go!! good luck Basil.
SHAN / January 30, 2012
Oh well there are soooo many ways of wiping off terrorism, I hope this is another version of Guantanomo bay hahahahaha…………….. & Another version of “Capture & Kill mission” introduced by the Americans hahahahahaha……………….
shan / January 31, 2012
This news would give another opportunity for a western country to blackmail sri lanka using “war crime” but it’s ok to kill more than 200,000 innocent civilians in iraq and afghan and not considered as war crimes (hahahahaha). Sometimes we got to admit that Big powers do like bullying smaller & developing nations.
SHAN / January 30, 2012
mimita / January 30, 2012
may be STF trained by mozads or CIA or FBI (hahahahahha) only god knows………. (capture and kill mission = bin laden style, Even though the enemy unarmed hahahahaha)……..
junta / January 30, 2012
STF are angels in comparison to the work of US forces
tour Sri Lanka if you need training in human rights
Nihal Aiya / January 30, 2012
This is f king treason according to MR regime. Arrest him and put him next to SF. that is the right thing. justice is same for everyone at MR regime. is it.
ank / January 31, 2012
So they knew it, but can’t prove it!? – according to what Basil said to Blake
Das / February 2, 2012
“Bullet and Gun evidence” are an essential part of the Crime Scene Investiagation, when guns have been/suspected to have been, used.
Firstly, all persons suspected of involvement are subjected to the Paraffin Test to detect gunfire residuea on their hands and forearms. It is an inexpensive and easily administered test and performed in all countries which scientifically pursue evidence. If the test is positive, that person has discharged a firearm in the recent past.
But this is not done in sri lanka, and has not been done even in the recent shootout when Bharatha Luxman Premachandra and three others were killed & Duminda Silva was wounded.
Fingerprinting of firearms and bullet casings are essential to determine the persons who handled firearms in a shootout, after collection of firearms, bullets & bullet casings from the crime scene – on the ground and from persons carrying them,in a manner which will ensure that fingerprints would not be obliterated, and thus identifying those who used them, are also essential investigations.
Then, bullets collected from bodies of persons (live or dead) and from objects in which they may have lodged are matched to firearms from which they were discharged, in special laboratories.
All these investigations are essential in deaths/injuries caused by firearms.
All such evidence is accepted by courts of law in other countries.
The Government Analyst Department should actively pursue these investigations which are the norm in other countries, after police have arrested suspected perpetraters,firearms and bullets.
But in sri lanka, the judiciary, law enforcement authorities and practitioners of law, appear to ignore these investigations – though most or all of them will very well know of them.
Will the judicial fraternity, the Bar Association, the IGP & Judicial Medical Officers, demand facilities & directives to pursue them as gun related crimes are on the increase.and these will ensure/assist in judicial procedures/processes.
Pingback: Basil A Traitor And Rajapaksa’s Delegation To The US « Colombo Telegraph / February 4, 2012
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Pingback: WikiLeaks: Karuna And Local Criminal Gangs Had Taken Over The Business – Basil To US Colombo Telegraph « Sri Lanka / February 8, 2012
P.P / February 25, 2012
What an info.
There should be more
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