By Ayathuray Rajasingam –
Sri Lanka is a country practicing pluralism. The 13th Amendment was a bi-product of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord which provided room for a political system where the Provincial Councils also could enjoy power with the view to comply with aspirations of the aggrieved community. But Sri Lanka deliberately refused to allocate the required funds and power for the North-East Province for development and ignored the 13th Amendment which was a bi-product of the Peace Accord. In stead the Mahinda Rajapakse government de-merged the North-East Province and violated the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, the result of which saw the rise of rise of Islamic terrorism in the Eastern Province.
Now Gotabaya Rajapaksa after assuming office wanted to implement ‘one law, one country’ policy which will have complex issues in implementing it. In a country practicing pluralism, any attempt to implement the policy of ‘one country, one law’ often results at the expense of the rights of the minority. The Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord was signed mainly to avoid marginalization of Tamils so that the Minority Tamils will preserve and protect their identity. This will reduce the intensifying their protests. On the contrary it will promote mutual understanding and cooperation with the majority Sinhalese in all aspects and feel as Sri Lankans. Otherwise, the hardening of the ‘one country, one law’ policy can cause increased intolerance and even armed ethnic conflict. In the current situation where India and China are competing for supremacy, there is a strong possibility that China supported this idea to nullify the impact of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord with the view to expand its activities from Sri Lanka.
Upon an examination of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, it provided for a good governance which plays a vital role in involving minorities in societies and protecting their rights and interests. Both Sinhalese and Tamils can form a greater understanding of one another’s concern. Mention should be that at the time the Peace Accord was signed, Mahinda Rajapakse staged a protest on the streets of Sri Lanka against India. But he entered into agreements with China which is considered as a debt-trap and a threat to India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. One ponders whether he did it deliberately and now it has become a continuing story with his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
The avoidance of the Peace Accord became evident when C.W. Wigneswaran delivered his maiden speech at the Sri Lanka Parliament which was refuted by the Sinhalese extremists who were virtually reflecting Rajapakas’a voice. The courage of the Sinhala Buddhist extremists to criticize C.V. Wigneswaran’s speech in a threatening manner, appears to revive their view to build Ravana as an embodiment of Sri Lanka in their frustration against India because of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord which cannot be abrogated by Sri Lanka unilaterally. They were helpless when the Indian Air Force dropped four parcels in Jaffna and failed to issue a threat to India. The threatening criticism to C.V. Wigneswaran’s speech only demonstrated their cowardness on account of their inability to give a sound answer, when he singled that Tamils are also humans who have a right to live in this country without offending anyone. The threatening words were used by Sarath Fonseka, Sajith Premadasa, Udaya Gammanpila and Wimal Weerawansa without analyzing the speech of C.V. Wigneswaran, appeared to be a reflection of their aim to wipe out the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord. Their failure to abide by the teachings of Lord Buddha was a surprise.
When C.W. Vigneswaran told the historical truth about the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Sinhala Extremists unnecessarily provoked themselves as there were no traces to support the Ravana legend as ancestors of Sinhalese. Prior to Devanampiya Tissa, there were wide range of religious beliefs and practices and each appeared to have the liberty to embrace the faith of his or her own choice. However, worship of Yakshas and Yakinis was a widely prevalent aboriginal custom of pre-Buddhist Sri Lanka. Mahavamsa had not specifically mentioned the presence of any adherents of Buddhism other than the three visits of Lord Buddha to Sri Lanka, in its account of settling of the adherents of various sects by King Pandukaabaya. It was during the reign of Devanampiyatissa, Buddhism was introduced with the establishment of Vihares and monasteries. Moreover, the identity of the Sinhalese can be traced to the people of Odiyas and Bengal. The genetic, cultural and linguistic relation that the Sinhalese population shares with Odiyas and Bengalis has remained largely ignored, because of the thriving trade between Odisha, Bengal and Sri Lanka after the arrival of Vijaya, which contributed to the growth of the Sinhalese.
What astonishes is that some Sinhala Buddhist extremists rely on such Buddhist texts which are ambiguous and base their arguments that they are the descendants of the legend King Ravana and formed Ravana Balaya and Hela Urumaya. I wonder whether these Sinhala Buddha extremists knew the originality of the Sinhala race. Mahavamsa was written in Pali the 6th century prior to the birth of the Sinhala language. But there were inscriptions in Tamil prior to 7th century. The inscription of the names of Devanampiyatissa, Datusena and Kasyappa are cases in point. Ravana has nothing to do with Buddhism because when Ravana was born Buddhism was not known.
Ravana was neither a Tamil nor a Sinhalese. He was not even an Aryan or Dravidian. He was a Brahmin but belonged to the Rakshasa clan. He was born in a village called Bisrakh of Noida District in Uttar Pradesh. He was born to Vishrava (a Brahmin and a son of sage Pulasthiya) and Kaikesi (a daughter of demon king Sumali and a Gandarva Princess Ketumati). During his time of birth, in Sri Lanka there was no Sinhala race, but the clans.
During the period of Ravana’s birth, Sanskrit was the mother of all languages, but the locals in Noida District spoke Hindi. It is said that Ravana spoke to Rama in Sanskrit. However, because of the association with sage Agasthiya, who was a pioneer of Tamil grammar, Ravana learnt Tamil and Sanskrit. Since he was a strong devotee of Lord Shiva, he had composed music for Tandava Stothram. In Aranya Kanda it is said that Ravana spoke to Sita in Tamil when she was in the jungle because he considered Tamil was a sweet language.
The negative forms of love such as ego, attachment, regret, anger, hatred, fear, jealousy, greed, lust and insensitive are symbolic representation of Ravana and are common among the Rakshasas clan. The Ten Heads symbolize six Shastras and the Four Vedas. The presence of Rakshasas clan is seen mainly on Himalayan-Assam Belt. There is a community in North India called Sachora Brahmin who proclaim themselves as descendants of Ravana. Their predominant presence is in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharastra and Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps after the killing of Ravana, the Rakshasas clan would have migrated or scattered to these regions. As such, it is questionable how the chronicles Mahavamsa, Ravanavaliya, and Rajavaliya identified Ravana as the ancestor of the Sinhalese. He only waged a war against his half-brother Kubera of Sri Lanka and continued to rule Sri Lanka thereafter. Kubera belonged to a clan which is a combination of Rakshasa, Asura and Brahmin.
If these Sinhala racial extremists think that they are the descendants of Ravana, then the issue is whether Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism is fostering Ravana as a rallying point against India, when, in fact, Sri Lanka’s sovereignty is mortgaged to China on the pretext of receiving easy loans, which is a debt-trap and also an indirect threat to India’s sovereignty. They have forgotten the saying: ‘When you wish good for others, good things come back to them which is the Law of Nature’. They were not bothered to refrain from harsh speech which is one of the five rules of Buddhism. Instead they demonstrated their intolerance like the Rakshasas clan to prove they are the descendants of Ravana. If these Sinhala racial extremists think that they are the descendants of Ravana, then the issue is whether Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism is fostering Ravana as a rallying point against India, when, in fact, Sri Lanka’s sovereignty is mortgaged to China on the pretext of receiving easy loans, which is a debt-trap and also an indirect threat to India’s sovereignty. They have forgotten the saying: ‘When you wish good for others, good things come back to them which is the Law of Nature’. They were not bothered to refrain from harsh speech which is one of the five rules of Buddhism. Instead they demonstrated their intolerance like the Rakshasas clan to prove they are the descendants of Ravana. Thus, it showed that the Rajapaksa’s Government had a hidden agenda of backing China.
The contents refuted by Sarath Fonseka, Sajith Premadasa, Wimal Weerawansa & Udaya Gammanpila demonstrate that racial democracy in Sri Lanka has been the topic of much discussion. The time is ripe to realize that attitude of racial supremacist people had caused much racial conflict. The practice of ignoring and diminishing a race remains an irritant to many people affected by it. Race blindness is an invitation to turn a blind eye to chronicles rather than face up to its legacies. It has led to a toleration of the horror of genocide and collusion with the most contemporary forms of racial oppression. Let us believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. It is prudent to expose ourselves up to a broader attitude of connectedness, thus empowering to march together in cooperation with our fellow friends in Sri Lanka in compliance with the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord.
GATAM / September 7, 2020
It is high time to get rid of the sham 1987 Indo-Lanka Peace Accord and sign a new one. Things have changed. In 1987 India was with the Soviet Union (no more). In 1987 there was LTTE (no more). In 1987 China was not in the Indian Ocean (now China is). In 1987 there was no ACSA and SOFA with USA. Now we have and MCC will be signed soon. India has to fit in.
The new Accord must exclude ethnic nonsense. It must be nation to nation only taking into account national interests of SL and India.
Since LTTE surrendered to the SL army Tamils lost their begging bowl in international affairs.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 8, 2020
It is easier to make a statement. An Accord which is signed by two countries has to be abrogated by both countries and not unilaterally. Do you think India will agree to it when there there is a threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity by its rival forces. When Rajapaksas are leaning towards China, India and other Western countries will monitor it carefully. What is the guarantee that Rajapakse will not allow room for China to be station at Mannar for exploitation of Oil resources and that China will utilize it for military purposes on the pretext of oil exploration. Moreover, whether the LTTE is no more or not, what harm has caused if the 13th Amendment is implemented.
GATAM / September 8, 2020
No; any nation can rescind any agreement unilaterally (or refuse to sign any agreement). This is the sovereign right of every existing nation.
India will need a fresh agreement to safeguard its interests today (not Tamil Nadu people’s interests). It is Indian national interests and Sri Lankan national interests that they should agree on. Other matters, other actors/subjects and dead LTTE are irrelevant today.
India and SL as two nations can agree on a new Accord based on mutual national interest.
13A had and has no use. People of SL never wanted and it was never put to a referendum. It failed to end the war and it is a white elephant costing too much taxpayer money. 13A must be scrapped in total.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 9, 2020
Hot headed big mouthed Sarath Weerasekera has been summoned by Indian High Commision where the riot act will be read to him. Any nation can rescind any agreement unilaterally or refuse to sign any agreement and get away only if the other nation is weak. If they try that trick with a powerful nation, they have to face the consequences. Sirisena and Ranil were read the riot act by China and had to meekly honour the agreement signed by Mahinda and lease Hambantota harbour to China. The same thing will happen now with India. When 13th amendment is a noose round the neck of Sri Lanka, which can be tightened at any time to throttle it and bring Sri Lanka down to its knees, it is foolish for India to agree to abrogate it. Any fresh agreement to replace will be more tougher than the previous one. Indian national interests are two fold, one is external, to keep any entity inimical to its security concern out of Sri Lanka soil and the second is internal, to keep Sri Lanka government under its thumb by empowering Tamils. They will not make the same mistake like last time when Sinhalese whom they trusted, let them down
KA / September 11, 2020
“Sirisena and Ranil were read the riot act by China and had to meekly honour the agreement signed by Mahinda and lease Hambantota harbour to China.”
Have you seen the photograph of that occasion when some Chinese official read the riot act to Sirisena?
It appeared in Virakesari.
I thought Sirisena’s heart was throbbing, suffering from incontinence, and his brain was in shock and awe.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 11, 2020
China has already tightened its grip on Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka was compelled to mortgage or lease the Hambantota Port to China for non-payment of debt. First try to settle the loan instead of mortgaging the country before rescinding the Peace Accord. The jabbering of referendum at this hour is of no use at all. If your government thinks that it can scrap, do it. We also like to see the drama.
Ajay / September 7, 2020
Who Came When & How – is a never ending futile debate. It can only exacerbate the problem. And that’s what we have been doing for the last 100 years. Instead of keep on dissecting the moth-eaten mythical tales and fighting over them, why not look at the developed democracies and try to learn something. Treating all people as equal citizens and respecting their civil liberties and human rights irrespective of their class, race, religion and language should be the foundation of our public life. Everything else flows from this cardinal principle. “One country, one law” will only work if “PEOPLE are also treated as ONE.”
GATAM / September 7, 2020
No need.
African Americans’ percentage in USA is same as Hindus in SL. Both should have same rights. I do NOT approve violence and discrimination against them which is already illegal. All culprits have been punished. USA even produced an African American president 232 years after Independence. Hope SL will also produce its first Hindu president in 2180.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 7, 2020
GATAM, India wants Tamil problem to be kept alive so that they can use it to bring Sri Lanka to its knees. Therefore it is part of national interest of India to empower Tamils and through them to control Sri Lanka. So if a new accord is signed it will be more tougher than previous one, both regarding their security concerns and rights of Tamils. There is no difference between 1987 and now, only the players in this geo-political game have changed sides, which you are unable to grasp. Then it was India backed by Russia against USA backed by west, with China as observer. Now it is India backed by USA and west against China with Russia as observer. Did you hear that India has armed rebels in Tibet, who launched an attack on Chinese soldiers. Do you want similar arrangement to be in place to bring Sri Lanka down. Indian HC in Sri Lanka has told that India has no intention to abrogate 13th amendment. Let us wait and see what your cardboard veerayas are going to do. According to BJP, Sri Lanka is a Hindu country which has become Buddhist majority, and it will not be surprising if they annex Sri Lanka and install a Hindu puppet as President.
GATAM / September 8, 2020
No; not anymore. The so called Tamil problem only pushed SL closer to China and Pakistan. India was forced to watch helpless when SL army slaughtered Hindu terrorists with Chinese and Pakistani weapons (some donations and some others live experiments!!). This is what India wants to avoid.
In fact by 2007 India was forced to match Chinese weapons donations with their own donations to the SL military (lest SL would buy more Chinese weapons)! India even donated weapons previously denied by Russia over civilian casualty fears.
There is no way India can invade SL today. Any such attempt would totally jeopardize Indian interests within the island for good. The best bet for Saudi, India, Pakistan and China for a peaceful Indian Ocean is a neutral Buddhist nation in SL. If it is a Hindu nation, China, Saudi and Pakistan will eradicate it. If it is a Muslim nation, China and India will destroy it.
Pandi Kutti / September 8, 2020
Opportunistic Chingkalla racist, you Chingkallams are neither peaceful nor Buddhist but a bunch of lying racist war criminals who never honour what they state or sign. Do not give excuses for your racism and the mess you Chingkallams caused. As to the reason why Chingkallams tilt towards China , is because you are anti Indian to the core. Then try to blame the Thamizh for this too. India has never helped the Thamizh but always help Chingkallams, only use Thamizh. You people use India and then run to China. Thamizh problem ! What Thamizh problem? It is Chingkalla racists who are the problem. You are a very good example . Very opportunistic and cunning . Before the election you were hiding your racism and pretending to be quite tolerant , wanting the Thamizh and Thullukans to vote your good for nothing equally racist Sajith Premadasa , who was also hiding his Chingkalla racist tendencies. Now after the election , you think Thamizh and Thulluka votes are not important and want to woo the Chingkallams to your camp, so playing the racist card to the hilt. Typical Chingkallam
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 9, 2020
GATAM, India wanted Tamil problem to be settled in a fair manner, because they believed that politically stable Sri Lanka would not pose a threat. It is Mahinda who foolishly brought China in, thinking that he can scare away India and back him in denying reconciliation with Tamils. So India wants China out at any cost. They achieved success in Maldives because the government elected with India’s backing got rid of Chinese. This did not happen in Sri Lanka as Yahapalanaya government installed by India played a double game and not only allowed China to take a firm root, but also cheated India claiming that they were helpless. Now India does not trust any Sinhala politician. India wanted LTTE to be eliminated and supported Sri Lanka. Without India’s consent, whatever weapons given by China and Pakistan would not have done anything. Had Prabaharan surrendered to India in 2008, India would have called a halt to the war, after which Sri Lanka security forces could not have advanced even an inch. As in 1987, either surrender completely to India or end up with disaster and shame.
SJ / September 10, 2020
India together with the US provided crucial satellite information that helped destroy LTTE supply vessels.
India was publicly accused of active involvement in operations on Sri Lankan soil, side-by-side with SL armed forces.
India wanted to annihilate the LTTE, while the US was happy with defeating and disarming.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 11, 2020
Do you know that Sri Lanka piled up more Chinese debt despite having to pay millions of dollars to service its current obligations when its was burdened with heavy debts and confronted with financial crisis. Now Mahinda Rajapaksa had given a green light to the Tamil diaspora for foreign investment. The economic reality is that Sri Lanka leased out Hambantota Port to China because of the persistent balance of payment crisis resulting from the reduction of trade over the years while the external debt servicing costs have been soaring. As such first try to settle the loan borrowed from China. Moreover, the Colombo International Financial Centre Project is seen as a threat to the sovereignty of Sri Lanka because 20 hectares of land had been granted to China on a 99 year extendable lease. Have all these facts in mind and talk. Otherwise there will be a time when Sinhalese will be asked to study Chinese & embrace communism as their religion as is happening in Tibet.
SJ / September 12, 2020
Did the Chinese impose any debt or project on the SL govt the way the US is trying to impose MCC and India trade and services agreements?
If both Tamils & Sinhalese could learn English to the neglect of their respective languages, why not another which will enrich their culture (4000 years + compared to at best a millennium of most European culture).
I think that you should seriously advise Tamils (especially Indians) about the destruction that their Tamil faces through penetration by English, rather than shed crocodile tears for the Sinhalese.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 12, 2020
The China’s ‘debt-trap policy’ diplomacy is a predatory project.
RMN / September 7, 2020
Please remember the governments, past and present, are on the path to assimilate Tamils socially culturally and politically. Several Sinhala Parliamentarins have already expressed this point in the Parliament. In 1950s IMRA Iriyagolle said that disunity would not arise because we ( sinhalese ) want to absorbe you( tamils ) into our community. Another Parliamentarian Sagara Palansuriys said we want to absorb you. Why do you resent that ? Because there are 40 million people speaking the tamil language across the Palk Strait, you people give up the tamil lnguage and get absorbed, get assimilated. In another occasion CP de Silva said look at me, four hundred years ago my forefathers were tamils who came from India. I am now a Sinhalese. What is wrong with me ? There are several M.Ps in this Parliament working towards this goal. One country One Law is not aimed for granting equality but to absorb the minorities into the dominant race and become One.
Pandi Kutti / September 8, 2020
You are correct . They had planned this long before independence and took the Thamizh politicians past for a ride and even the current ones like SamSum . Samsung is good but not SamSum. The British did not care and still do not. They wanted Trincomalee and Katunnayake as their bases and the Chingkallams promised this and as usual renegaded . Chingkallams are very good at smirking , smiling , making small talks , bribing and promising all sorts of things , until the get what they want and then renegade or sabotage. Like Faust who sold his soul to the devil , the Chingkallams will ruin the country and sell themselves and the land to the devil , as long as they achieve , what the Mahavamsa myth told them , kill and destroy the Thamizh and make the land solely theirs. They were not able to do it until the British gave them the opportunity and the tools in 1948
KA / September 9, 2020
Hindia’s total Naval power is much greater than China, and quietly moved naval assets to south china sea in the current stand off, where as China just protested even though China has far more naval assets than Hindia in numbers.
Yes, Chinese did provide you weapons but that would not have altered balance i Hindia & US had not actively helped, participated and lead disruption and destruction of LTTE supply & logistics, including ships.
US provided bushmaster guns (after ACSA), intelligence etc.
Solheim has now openly stated in that it was only Hindia that wanted destruction of LTTE, and all (US, UK, EU) helped Sori Sinhala Lanka.
A recently published book admits RAW was fighting in the field along with Rapist Army, even loosing personals where only 3 survived in a large group, not to mention all other help such as finance, intelligence provision etc.
So, Hindia basically obliged voluntarily and not by compulsion. The story of compulsion by China is for Tamil Nadu and other audience.
The same book also mentions that RAW was got the whiff of Chinese and finally realised MEA and itself (RAW) of Hindia were spoofed by Sorry Sinhala Lanka. The response of Hindia’s MEA, the book states, was on the line similar to let China build roads, railways ports etc., we will run our own bus, trains, planes, war ships etc.
Momentous20 / September 7, 2020
Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord simply does not exist. Where were the arms to make it work? With sagacity Frederik the Great said, “Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments”. The Tamil side had it, but in terms of the Accord it was divested of it by a 30 month war ending, March 1990. For 19 years till 2009, there was no instrument to play and the music remains stilled for 11 years with no instruments seen.
Realities can make us Tamils, only lie low.
S. C. Pasqual / September 7, 2020
Mr. Ayathuray Rajasingam,
Just wondering…….
Was there a war between SL and India to have a “”Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord””…..?
As far as I know Tamils walked away from the agreement with Rajiv Ratna Gandhi first and got their asses kicked by IPKF and killed him to show gratitude.
MR government didn’t de-merged North-East. Supreme court did. Because the requirement for merge was never satisfied.
MR couldn’t violated the non existent Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord because Tamils walked away from it first.
KA / September 7, 2020
Tamils did not sign anything.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 8, 2020
Why should the Tamils sign. It is an Accord between two countries. It was applauded at the General Assembly of the UN.
KA / September 11, 2020
My point is Hindia & Sori Sinhala Lanka cannot blame Tamils (or LTTE for that matter) for not being able to implement it (whatever Hindia & Sori Sinhala Lanka meant).
It is not the Tamils, nor Sinahalese are spoilers, it is Hindia that deliberately sabotaged it, believing that it would enable to occupy the Island indefinitely.
Punchi Point / September 12, 2020
Really? When was it applauded in the UN General assembly? Give the exact date. You won’t since you are just making up stories. Stop spreading rumours.
GATAM / September 8, 2020
Tamils are irrelevant to India-SL relations.
Rajiv was inexperienced and naive to mix up TN politics with international politics and paid the price.
When Modi was in Jaffna last he spoke in Hindi. Only Hindis and Sinhala army present there understood what he said. He refused a translator.
When you come to a deal with your neighbor you deal with the other householder, not his dog, rat, cat, etc.
Pandi Kutti / September 8, 2020
idiotic racist man the Chingkalla army understood HIndi , Don’t make me laugh. Pathetic opportunistic racist UNP now Sajith party politician wants badly to find a connection between Chingkallams , largely descended from Dravidian South India low castes and slaves and HIndians
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 12, 2020
Modi got Thirukkural translated in Gujarai. He reminded the significance of Thirukkural in Tamil Nadu. Now Tamil Nadu is likely to be dominated by BJP and Modi is with Tamil Nadu. The DMK idiots will be kicked out soon. DMK and Tamils are different.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2020
“Tamils did not sign anything.”
Perhaps “word is their bond”.
KA / September 9, 2020
No body gave or took word or bond.
Again, I think it was this Malayalees , Namboothiris and Telungu Brahmins who favoured Sori Sinhalam.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“Was there a war between SL and India to have a “”Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord””…..?”
You must be joking.
JR and his valiant armed forces surrendered to Hindians the moment Mirage 2000 roared up in the sky. Hindian IPKF occupied North East completely and the Sri Lankan cowards were prevented from entering those areas.
JR and the Sinhala/Buddhists chattering classes believed Americans/Pakistanis/Chinese/Brits …. would save their a**s prior to signing Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement. What a stupid idea.
The Sinhala/Buddhists noisy minority never learn.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 8, 2020
During the 1970s there was this Wahabbism began to spread and was a threat to all South Asian countries. Moreover, this ethnic problem in Sri Lanka created another havoc after 1977 to the extent of affecting the spirit of the SAARC. India wanted it to be solved amicably. If Sri Lanka after 1977 began its persecution of innocent tamils on the pretext of terrorists, there is provision in the UN Charter that countries can interfere and settle it at a time when there was threat to India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Why should the Tamils be part of it. It is a problem between two countries. Only Premadasa was against it without realizing the importance of the Accord & joined hands with the LTTE. Eventually he too was assassinated by the LTTE. It was de-merged during MR’s regime. Now he says India cannot interfere, but why can’t he then abrogate it. Does he want to lose Kachchativu?
GATAM / September 8, 2020
Kachchativu had nothing to do with the 1987 accord. It was the dowry for accepting 500,000 Tamils as Sri Lankans in 1973 under Sirima-Shastri Pact. SL loses nothing by losing the island. In fact that will lead to less needless confrontation between SL Navy and poor Indian fishermen. They should be allowed to fish in the north seas of SL.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2020
“It was the dowry for accepting 500,000 Tamils as Sri Lankans in 1973 under Sirima-Shastri Pact. SL loses nothing by losing the island. “
Aiyoooooooooooo GATAM
As far as Hindians are concerned they don’t give a damn about whether Kachchativu remains with Hindia or Sri Lanka as long as Sri Lanka remains part of the Akhand Bharat. For Hindians Sri Lanka (minus North East) is the Sinhala state of Hindia.
Therefore you should stop harbouring any other futile thinking(?).
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 9, 2020
GATAM, according to Kachchativu agreement, Indian fishermen will be allowed to continue their traditional fishing activity around the island and that they can use Kachchativu to rest and dry their nets and attend the annual church festival. India let Tamil fishermen down by getting killed, injured, boats and nets damaged and catch stolen by Sri Lanka navy who wanted to take revenge on them for the battering they were receiving form LTTE. Kachchativu was ceded to Sri Lanka without permission from Tamils who are the rightful owners for which they have proof. Unfortunately Tamils cannot take the matter to international courts and redeem the injustice.
SJ / September 10, 2020
“Indian fishermen will be allowed to continue their traditional fishing activity around the island “
Don’t cheat.
There was also a time limit agreed for Indian fishing activity around the island.
Poaching started in earnest by taking advantage of the time when local fishermen could not go to sea.
Mallaiyuran / September 10, 2020
” MR government didn’t de-merged North-East. Supreme court did. Because the requirement for merge was never satisfied. “ Can you make Old King to issue a statement saying that?
Buffoon De Silva appointed Old King as President dismissing his Hangbangtota Help Fund robbery. When Old Rowdy King became president, he appointed Lemon Puff (JVP) to de-merge North East & fire CJ Shiranee. Can you make any one of these people deny to public media these things did not happen? There was no reason for de-merger, so they found a fault in JR’s signature. So Sampanthar Ayya asked, if that excuse is true, Old King to fix that problem and re-merge. He didn’t. So, at least now it staying de-merged because Old Rowdy is refusing to fix the problem court pointed out.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 11, 2020
A war need not be essential for a Peace Accord to be signed between two countries. It was for a regional cooperation and also for neutralizing terrorism. Had your Sri Lanka government not de-merged the North-East Provinces, Al Saharan Group would not have attacked the churches the result of which saw hundreds of people died. Now what happened with China over Hambantotal Port deal other than mortgaging the country. Moreover, do you know who was instrumental for the assault on Rajiv Gandhi after the signing of the Peace Accord. Why Should Premadasa released the Naval rating as he became President. Do you know who arranged the 5-star treatment at the prison for the Naval rating who was convicted at the Court Martial.
SJ / September 7, 2020
Nobody even mentions one deadly part of the Indo-Srio Lanka Accord of 1987 which compelled Sri Lanka to refrain from anything that will be seen as harming Indian interests. Some of the clauses infringed on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka.
Mrs B objected to that aspect. (The then anti-India JVP did not even talk about it. It was simply obsessed with the proposals concerning Tamil people’s rights.)
A full study of he accord will tell us what India’s role was about.
“But he entered into agreements with China which is considered as a debt-trap and a threat to India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. “
Look at
for some useful truths.
BTW, is the writer more concerned about what happens to India than to this country?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 7, 2020
Before making stupid comments read what several people including me have mentioned in the past about Indo-Lanka accord. I have stated that in the part concerning security, India had been tough on Sri Lanka addressing all issues in clear manner, while in the part concerning Tamils, India had been lenient on Sri Lanka, giving room for provisions to be manipulated. At present security concerns of India that Sri Lanka will not permit any entity inimical to India to use its territory to undermine its security, is breached by the presence of China in Hambantota and Colombo ports. Verbal assurance that is commercial agreement with a Chinese company and that they will be used only for commercial purposes and will not allow China to use them for military, will not be taken by India seriously.
SJ / September 9, 2020
Before one stupidly accuses people of this and that, one should take a look at the dozens of one’s stupid utterances without scientific basis.
Where have you criticized India for the four ‘in bad faith’ clauses that have nothing to do with the problem that the Indo-Sri Lanka accord was supposed to address? (I referred to the four DEADLY clauses, and you appear to laud India for imposing its will on Sri Lanka.)
Have you read statements by Mrs B or Marxist (not JVP) critics of it?
It was the stupidity of the LTTE that gave the President the power to dismiss a Provincial Government.
The Accord, although inadequate in some serious respects, had yielded the best thus far. The LTTE fully screwed it up out of sheer pettiness to spite the EPRLF.
At the time India’s concerns were about the US influence.
Before speculating on what China will do, check on China’s record.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 8, 2020
Can you tell us the aspect to which Mrs.Bandaranayake objected to it. What was the deadly part.
SJ / September 9, 2020
She rejected the Accord as a whole.
But she was the only Sinhalese leader to draw attention to the dangers to the country’s sovereignty. That was a sound comment.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 9, 2020
You are displaying your stupidity because you are unable to grasp the reality. When India dropped food aid in Jaffna, JR asked for help from USA who advised him to settle the problem with India, as they had other plans to sabotage India, as by then they had infiltrated LTTE with promise to help them. Even the security forces were not prepared to take on Indian army. So JR had no option than to surrender. This is a wise one as otherwise there would have been destruction, ending up in ignominy. India naturally took advantage of pathetic position of Sri Lanka and imposed its will. Any Sinhala politician who talks big about sovereignty does it for the gallery as the sovereignty of Sri Lanka depends on the security concerns of India. In 1987 it was breached and India intervened, and now again it has been breached and India will intervene if Sri Lanka refuses to accommodate India’s position. In 1987 Jaffna civil society leaders requested Prabaharan to accept the accord but he refused to listen and today Tamils are in this sorry state. Now the situation is different with foolish gung-ho people at the helm and India having support from USA and west.
SJ / September 10, 2020
GS, do not BS.
“…the sovereignty of Sri Lanka depends on the security concerns of India.”
There was no serious threat to India’s sovereignty from Sri Lanka. The worst case scenario was the US bid for China Bay Tank Farm, which India outbid successfully.
India fed and bred rival militant groups and pitted one against another for its own gains.
The bomb that it made exploded in its own hands.
Let India try any nonsense to its own peril.
Mallaiyuran / September 10, 2020
May I know how Lankawe crooks satisfied Chinese lenders their ability to repay the White Elephants financing, other than accepting Chinese Commission?” Do the writes learned “Lending & deb-trap” in UOJ library?
Their debt problems arose mainly from the misconduct of local elites and Western-dominated financial markets. How local elites are involved China’s Colombo port Management? Does it too losing money? Is there any kind of misconduct of local elites? China was sub lending for Western Financial Markets? So now Hangbangtota Port is sold to Western Financial Markets, not for China? Is that is not debt-trap, how many time China allowed Lankawe to default installments? What are concession China gave to Lankawe to delay payments and repay at favorable amount,
KA / September 11, 2020
“India fed and bred rival militant groups”
LTTE’s development and growth is uniquely and organically complex and independent depending on many factors.
This is why it took 30 odd nations for destroying the LTTE, not to mention all supposed super powers involved one way or another.
Even then, it required split in LTTE and Hindia’s so called military (without shame) fighting along with Rapist thugs called SL Forces for destroying LTTE.
Native Vedda / September 11, 2020
“This is why it took 30 odd nations for destroying the LTTE, not to mention all supposed super powers involved one way or another.”
What are you talking about?
It just took one man and his stupidity to destroy LTTE.
It was the psychopath Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabaharan who annihilated LTTE single handedly maybe some support from Hindians.
Native Vedda / September 11, 2020
SJ types
“Let India try any nonsense to its own peril.”
Is this Chinese veiled threat to Hindia through Mao’s ardent supporter?
Is it coming from Chatham House report, a whiteman’s capitalist tool?
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 12, 2020
Mrs.Bandaranayake was not the head of Sri Lanka at that time. She & her husband were the root cause for these problems. She was leaning towards China and then pose as Chief of the Non-Aligned Movement. But she allowed the Pakistani planes to refuel when India was at war with Pakistan.
Mallaiyuran / September 10, 2020
Here Chatham House writers’ game.
In Sri Lanka and Malaysia, the two most widely cited ‘victims’ of China’s ‘debt-trap diplomacy’, the most controversial BRI projects were initiated by the recipient governments, which pursued their own domestic agendas.
Do writers understand what is loan lending and Debt trap? In all countries lending is controlled by governments. In New York, lender cannot call and harass borrower by phone. Any fool ever walked into a bank and asked for loan for a project would know the first question the bank asked was how he/she would pay back. They ask what the loan is for, Budget of project, expert certification of technical, commercial viabilities. These documents has to come from accountants, architects, engineers, commercial partners……Then Applicant has to establish his personal worth, business worth, income. These come from local governments land deeds, bank letters, creditor’s debtors’ confirmation letters, employers’ certifications, Royalty letters, Schedule C, P&L, Balance sheets, 1099…….
Thanga / September 8, 2020
Like Mahavamsa this write-up also contains myths and legends Yet, along with Dipavamsa, they are among the primary sources for the reconstruction of the early history of Sri Lanka
Ramayana is an epic based on a semi-fiction woven around a real King Ravana. So is Rama a real character but Ramayana has woven semi-fiction around him To date, there is no agreement with any precision over the story of Ramayana took place. It must have happened several centuries before Christ. One source says Ravana ruled over Lanka from 2554 to 2517.
The writer says Ravana was born in a village called Bisrakh of Noida District in Uttar Pradesh. If this true, how did he became the king of Lanka?
Ramayana claims Ravana was a Yaksha king. Mahavamsa says prior to the arrival of Vijaya (a fictitious character symbolizing the settlers from present Bengal and Orrisa) to the island of Lanka, it was peopled by Nagar, Iyakkar, Ratchadar and Pulindar.
It is generally agreed Ravana belonged to the Iyakkar dynasty who worshipped Siva and therefore a Hindu. Saiva saints living between the 7th century and the 9th century have sung hymns in praise of Ravana and his wife Mandothari as followers of God Siva. Even the holy ash all Hindus wear is praised because it adorned the body of Ravana.
GATAM / September 8, 2020
That is a worse myth and a hilarious one!
Holy ash!
Native Vedda / September 8, 2020
“That is a worse myth and a hilarious one!”
Please consider these ones:
VP won the fourth largest army, IPKF.
MR and GR won LTTE single handedly.
Kamal won LTTE single handedly.
Shavendra won LTTE single handedly.
Diaspora believe VP won the war.
Weerawansa believes he single handedly evicted Ranil, won USA, Europe, …stopped 13th A.
Now Sinhala/Buddhists are being convinced they are the direct descendants of Ravana (10 heads, Pioneer aviator with a flying machine, Composer of Gambothi raga, devotee of Siva, versed in Vedas, a skillful warrior, ….)
Are you one of them?
GATAM / September 8, 2020
There were no flying ride on peacocks, flying monkeys, aliens and UFOs. Get real NV. Seems like you only believe myths.
The Ravana story is a made up fairly tale by Valmiki. There is nothing more to it than that.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 11, 2020
So why don’t you tell this story to Thailand, Indonesia and Holland. There is a depiction of Ram in Holland currency. There is a depiction of Lord Ganesha in the Indonesian currency. There is a large Ganesha Temple in Thailand. The list is long.
Native Vedda / September 11, 2020
“There is nothing more to it than that.”
Yet you and some Sinhala/Buddhist nutters believe many myths as if Buddha and Kataragama Theiyo have vouched for the authenticity.
What a pathetic people you have become.
N. Perera / September 11, 2020
Are you one of them? One is the world’s best guard of honor given to Rajiv Gandhi by a Sinhalese brave sailor and last respect given by LTTE Tamil Terrorist
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 12, 2020
Do not forget the Tamils and the LTTE are different. The LTTE is not the sole representative of the Tamils.
N. Perera / September 11, 2020
Sita had 2 boyfriends or 2 husbands? Long time Rawana kept Sita, someone keeping lady for what purposes? Animals also love and like sex.
GATAM / September 8, 2020
Now the racist anti-Muslim and anti-Christian government has banned the beef industry. This is insane.
SJ / September 9, 2020
You can, however, import beef though from India. So you can see who the real targets are: the producers and exporters of beef.
Punchi Point / September 12, 2020
Ayathuray is busy trying to convince India, that India should support Tamil separatism here trying to make a totally idiotic construction that Sinhalese are a danger to India. LMAO Ayathuray should know that Indians know very well that the Tamils in Srilanka are looked at by the Sinhalese, as the Indians look at Muslims, and that the Tamils are infact like the Muslims in India, descendants of medieval invaders and settlers, only difference is that Muslim settlements in India predates permanent Tamil settlements here by several centuries. India is very well aware that the Tamils like the Muslims in India have caused enormous damage to the Sinhalese. Ayaduray should also know that the Indians do not care one bit about the Tamils in Srilanka, their only concern is that Tamil separatism in Srilanka should not bear fruit, as it will adversely affect their territorial integrity, with the Tamils’ ethnic brothers in India wanting to secede. Indians are also only too familiar with the Tamils laying claims to all of Indian historical and cultural heritage, and the most despised acts of insulting and attacking even Sanskrit and trying to compete with Sanskrit as the basis of Indian civilization.
Punchi Point / September 12, 2020
Ayathuray’s muddled writings and totally idiotic constructions are so hilarious:
The reaction of Sarath Fonseka, Sajith Premadasa, Weeravasa, Gammanpila to Wigneshwaran’s Tamil racist stunt in the Parliament, according to Ayyathuray “…..appeared to be a reflection of their aim to wipe out the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord.” Seriously!?
I can’t stop laughing…. so foolish of Ayathuray. Get it into your head Ayathuray, none of the Sinhalese politicians even consider the so-called Indo-Srilanka Accord even valid. There is no need to wipe it out, its already wiped out, by the actions of the Indians themselves. (Its also doubtful whether the accord was valid in the first place, as it was brought about through coercion and bullying a small nation). So your numerous hilarious totally dumb constructions like the above one, to make a conflict between the Srilanka and India and/or convince India of some non-existing pressing need to act against Srilanka, is baseless. You are just proving how foolish and unintelligent you are. Whatever you say, India is all too aware how the Tamils killed their Prime Minister and also the danger of Tamils in India wanting to secede in the event Tamils in Srilanka gets a separate state here.
AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM / September 12, 2020
Punchi Point,
Who said that I am for separation. I strongly believe in Federalism. If you think Federalism is separation, no one can help you. You better study about Federalism. Co-existence is a vital aspect of Federalism through devolution of powers to Provinces/States like in Canada, Switzerland, USA, India, etc. Moreover, Tamil Nadu is only a State and not a separate country. First, try to settle the loan to China, otherwise in the long run you will have to cede the entire country to China and China will begin to destroy to all places of worship like in Tibet.
Agnos / September 13, 2020
Mr. Rajasingam,
PP and his ilk will continue to equate federalism with separation. As for some of his other points, Indians no longer worry about the assassination of RG. It is water under the bridge, and they understand that RG was way in over his head as well. Now it is all about China.
As for India’s fears about separatist sentiments in TN, they don’t worry about it as long the N-E within SL has the same amount of rights as TN within India. That is only quasi-federalism, but still a lot more than what the PCs have. SL Tamils need to make that clear to India and the GoSL in any new negotiations. That with the LTTE no more, Tamils haven’t resorted to any violence, and are not advocating anything beyond what TN has.
I have talked to senior BJP leaders from Northern India and the impression they give me is that it is hard to put the SL Tamil issue on the agenda at the Center when TN leaders are not pushing hard for it. Even though the BJP is an insignificant player in TN, the two main Dravidian parties need to come to a consensus on behalf of the SL Tamils and work with the Center.
Punchi Point / September 12, 2020
By your own writings it is clear that India is a part to the conflict, and cannot act as a impartial mediator. India already has a problem with China in the north, and will definitely get into a lot of trouble meddling with Srilanka again.
How is SriLanka’s debt to China a threat to India’s sovereignty? Srilanka has debt to many countries in the world.
What India did starting from the late 1970’s/early 1980’s by financing, arming, training and aiding Tamil terrorists is an illegal act according to international law. Around 1984, as many as 13,000 Tamil terrorists (read: Tamil youth from this island being made into terrorists in Indian camps), were being trained by Indians in several different camps. Then in 1987, India wanted to make Indo-Lanka accord, and then they sent their so-called Peace Keeping Forces, which had a full blown war, fighting with the very terrorists they have armed and trained making our island into a hell hole. The original accord was to assist Srilanka to disarm the Tamil terrorists, which didn’t happen. The war continued and ended only in 2009, 22 years after the so-called Indian PEACE accord.