16 January, 2025


Will The New President Of Sri Lanka Guide The Country In The  Correct Path

By Kumarathasan Rasingam – 

Kumarathasan Rasingam

The Singapore success is attributed to their leader Lee Kuan Yew developing a society where each race appreciate and respect that of others, encouraged to preserve its unique culture and traditions, let alone that of the majority. It’s fostering such an approach for a multi-race society enabled them to go forward. Lee Kuan Yew was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades with the country described as transitioning from a “Third world country to first world country in a single generation” under his leadership. 

The new Present has the power and support of the Buddhist Clergy, Buddhist Sinhalese masses who can easily persuade these people by explaining the prospect of a united country where all communities live happily like in Singapore, Switzerland and Canada where there is no discrimination against other community and how they prosper. 

It is a fact that any development without rule of law and justice cannot succeed. The country cannot prosper without a good system of government. It is high time before it is too late to fix the 70 year old ethnic problem faced by the Tamils in the North and East. The Diaspora Tamils are waiting anxiously to invest in Sri Lanka and waiting for the solution to the Tamil’s problems in the North and East. 

Sri Lanka can become a country like Singapore if the newly elected President Gotabaya Rajapaksa take a very firm and determined stand and lead the country towards prosperity and work towards this with genuine and sincere determination. If he shows the signs of prosperity and peace and justice in Sri Lanka during his first term in office he will definitely elected for the second and third term or even life time if he take up this with determined and unwavering mind. It all remains on the actions of the Buddhist Clergy, Maha Sanga and selfish extremist Buddhist Sinhala politicians. 

Due to the hardcore Buddhist Clergy and power seeking politicians who used racism as a short cut to come to power without considering the consequences Sri Lanka is remaining as an undeveloped and debt trapped country unable to move forward and in fact going backward, with heavy burden to the future generation to suffer from this debt trap. 

Had our leaders followed Lee Kuan Yew Sri Lanka would have ended a society rich in spirit, a gracious society, where people are considerable and kind to one another.

Singapore’s diversity is a fundamental aspect of each group’s identity. Lee Kuan Yew aimed for integration not assimilation, for him being Singaporean has never been a matter of subtraction but of addition

What the Tamils are demanding is for the separate identities for the respective ethnicities and not separate states. Therefore, it was proved in India that demarcating of provinces based on the language and ethnicity would run down the demands for separate states. It is also to be noted that when Mahatama Gandhi visited Sri Lanka [Ceylon] in 1927 made the following statement while speaking in Nalanda Mahavidiyalaya, he appealed to the students to follow the teachings of Lord Buddha and said ‘IF YOU DO NOT REPRESENT THE TEACHINGS OF LORD BUDDHA IN YOUR OWN LIVES, YOU HAVING BELONGED TO THIS INSTITUTE WILL BE CONSIDERED USELESS. YOU CAN REPRODUCE THE CENTRAL TEACHING OF GAUTAMA BUDDHA IN YOUR OWN LIFE .. HE GAVE US THE UNADULTERATED LAW OF MERCY AND HEINSISTED UPON PURITY IN LIFE”. 

In a multi-ethnic society we must make a clear distinction between citizenship and nationality. Citizenship implies political loyalty to the state irrespective of ethnic origin. You may be a Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim, but you are a citizen of Sri Lanka and your loyalty is to the Sri Lankan State, the second pertains to nationality, which includes cultural moorings. You are a Sinhalese, you follow Sinhalese culture practice Buddhist religion and you have your education through Sinhalese language, while being a loyal citizen of Sri Lanka. Similarly the Tamils also follow Tamil culture, practice Hindu religion and you have your education in Tamil Language. The success of nation building will depend upon the nature of political system. If the political system provides sufficient space for multiple identities to co-exist harmoniously the nation building will be on the right track. But if it does not provide for tolerance of multiple identities, tensions, hated and fissures will develop. For a meaningful solution to the problem of ethnicity and nation building can be found only if the political system enshrines tolerance, devolution, power sharing and autonomy.  [For Example: Canada where English speaking and French speaking people live peacefully – Quebec a French speaking province is an autonomous state where the French speaking people have the right of self-determination and they have their land and police powers to rule themselves without the interference of the central government.]

After the 1983 riots there was a surge of Tamil youth to the Eelam concept; good or bad is beside the point. If Prabakaran did not take it up, some other guy would have voiced it. The Tamils underwent several pogroms in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977 and no one can blame the Tamils for the uprising to protect them from state terrorism. 

In Sri Lanka ethnic strife is created by politicians and not by the people – people are mere pawns in the game of power politics. SWRD called for ‘Sinhala Only’, the LTTE for ‘Eelam’ and politicians of both sides kept blowing flames of ethnic hatred. 

The Provincial Council System was a half-baked system of power devolution enacted in 1967 in a scandalous rush. This formula failed to produce inter-communal reconciliation. Since independence in 1948 the Sinhala Buddhist political leaders took Tamil leaders and the people in the North and East for a ride. The Banda-Chelva, Dudly-Chelva pacts were unilaterally abrogated by Sinhala leaders, the successive Sinhala Buddhist Governments master-minded riots and pogroms against the Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983, imposed standardization in education, abrogated the ceasefire agreement, committed genocidal war from 2006-2009 and assimilation of Tamil race by colonization of Sinhala Buddhists in Tamils homeland in the North and East, Buddhisisation, Sinhalization and militarization of Tamils homeland where Tamils live for generations and centuries. 

The economic problems facing the country at the moment are enormous and radical members of the clergy seem to be more interested in seeking revenge on one group and rewarding others. At a time when the nation needs the collective effort of all in developing the country, the clergy should not deepen the existing divisions and damage even the little peace prevailing at the moment. 

Will the new president adopt a partisan policy favouring only the Sinhalese Buddhists to the exclusion of other communities on the assumption that it is not his responsibility to look after the interests of non-Sinhalese Buddhists because he had come to power with the Sinhalese Buddhist vote alone, thereby creating a stalemate situation in the face of the ethno religious division? In this backdrop, the fate of the country rests on whether or not he is able to solve this complex puzzle and act like a statesman like Lee Kuan Yew for the prosperity and betterment of the country.

Throughout history, except during the colonial era, Sangha played a moralising role in the governance of the country. While monarchs took care of the welfare of the people and clergy, members of the Sangha in turn instructed and advised rulers, not specifically on day to day administration or who to be appointed and who to be punished, but on the ways and means of establishing virtuous government and a just society within the bounds of Buddhism. Sri Lanka’s glorious past is silent testimony to this righteous combination.  

What is needed in Sri Lanka is Good Governance free from corruption, nepotism and favouritism upholding RULE OF LAW, JUSTICE AND NON-DISCRIMINATION OF MINORITIES

*Kumarathasan Rasingam – Secretary. The Tamil Canadian Elders for Human Rights

Latest comments

  • 8

    Kumarathasan Rasingam,
    “Sinhalese masses who can easily persuade these people by explaining the prospect of a united country where all communities live happily like in Singapore, Switzerland and Canada where there is no discrimination against other community and how they prosper.”
    Can you please tell Native Sinhalayo:
    • What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
    • What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority”?
    • What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities”?
    I raised this several times but all I heard was BS. Give sensible answers instead of talking BS.

    • 3

      A sensible answer cannot be given to someone who is incapable of seeing the bleeding obvious.

      • 2

        Those are the questions posed by all sensible people.


      • 4

        Sensible is again talking BS. You guys cannot give a sensible answer because you do not have one.
        Dravidians fooled the International Community with fabricated stories. But now most of them, except few hypocrites in the West know that Dravidians have been lying.

    • 2

      Eagle Eye
      May I add one more question?
      How is a Federal set up going to satify political aspirations +50% Tamils ( all Tamil speaking irresective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) who are presenly living outside North East?


    • 1

      Tamil Tigers love to bring up these countries as an example. They do this to make Sinhalese suffer frustration by their spy-masters based in these countries. This article and many thousands articles prepared by global spy-masters based in these countries by using internet or they are prepared by their branches based in Colombo.

      Sri need an intelligent agency stationed in Sri lanka and in these countries to propose same things to Palestine or create spy-based support to Palestinian in the same way these global spies are behind Tamil tigers within Western countries as well as within Sri lanka.

      We need to stand against Western countries and blood-thirsty extremist Jews who are hiding behind Tamil based in these countries.
      Sinhalese too who are citizen of these countries have right to spy or counters spy
      Jews run global government based in Western countries, Jews believe they are the only ones who have right to carry out secret espionage of a secret undercover government and they and their western supporters have given same rights to Tamil Tigers to run espionage against Sri lanka over last 30- or 40 years as they smuggle in provide them with refugee status and citizenship.

      Palestinian and Muslim are huge numbers in these countries, but if they attempt to collect money or write an article, they get them arrested and called them terrorist while Western governments help Jews to bulldoze Palestinian homes and kill them or drive them away from their country

    • 1

      I have replied this over a thousand times but the dense mind never wants to understand.
      If you know that you are a fool you are not a fool- but if you are a fool and do not realize that you are a fool then you are a BLOODY FOOL sir.

  • 1

    Will The New President Of Sri Lanka Guide The Country In The Correct Path
    Well, that depend on what the correct path is. As long as there is Tamil separatism and Muslim Arabisation, the President will have his work cut out. The writer praises LKW but forgets to mention that he imprisoned the Opposition and silenced the press. Long after his retirement LKW was asked about this and he said “If I had not done that, Singapore would not be what it is today”

    • 0

      correct path? more Chinese and more Tamil will be in his Family. under 99 lease, more Chinese will settled down and our ancient country automatically will be gone to Chines, Malays, Tamil and Christian who are a common union

  • 4

    Kumarathasan Rasingam,

    “It is high time before it is too late to fix the 70 year old ethnic problem faced by the Tamils in the North and East. The Diaspora Tamils are waiting anxiously to invest in Sri Lanka and waiting for the solution to the Tamil’s problems in the North and East.”

    Can you please tell us what is the ‘ethnic problem faced by the Tamils in North and East?
    Can you please give a list of ‘Tamil’s problems’ that prevent Tamil Diaspora investing in the North and East?

    Sinhala tax payers have devoted their money through the Government for the development of North and East that benefitted Demalu but Tamil Diaspora has not done anything so far. Native Sinhalayo say categorically that there are no serious problems faced by Tamils that should prevent Tamil Diaspora investing in North and East and improve the lives of Daliths who are being oppressed by Wellala Demalu. The truth is your Tamil Diaspora does not care at all for the Demalu in the North and East. They just want to use them as pawns. What Native Sinhalayo feel is this so called ‘Ethnic Problem’ is like what we call ‘Higannage Thuwalaya wagei’ (like begger’s wound).

  • 3

    President is not a career politician. So, we can expect some from him, Yet, all others around him are the same old parliament. They, whether young or old preach the same crap.
    Sri lanka should have Casteism. But, Racism is a western word and Buddhist – vocabulary doesn’t have any such similar words.
    Tamils in South India played the same Anti-Hindi, Anti-Brahmin, Anti -Hindu rhetoric because missionaries who spread the Christianity there could do that with Dalits. Sinhale politicians neglected the people. Even to date parliament once they get elected they neglect people. Now, they are addicted lie to voters and to cheat the public.
    Quebec is the largest Canadian Province. In contrast to Sri Lanka which is 65,000 sq. KM, Quebec is over 1.54 sq. KM and the population us about 8 million. You say European are not racist. I do not agree with that.
    Considering Tamils or muslims based on religion, or ethnicity will never for public of any kind.
    Just tell us how Tamilnadu politics has worked for South Indian Tamils (Note: Thelugus are neglected). Only ones who became happy was Tamilnadu politicians who exploited the state.

    • 0

      In Quebec, English is prohibited. In English Canada, they don’t talk one word against to it. Quebec says they banned English or other languages from street signs or advertisements to protect French culture of only 200 years. Every body must speak French. But both side can play hypocrisy on lanka to gain billions dollars from Tamil Nadu
      English Canada have Colonialist back ground and played uttermost criminality against Sri lanka. Sri lanka every rights to ban Tamil language and not only that, to expel Tamil which is the final solution

  • 2

    Now the country will be controlled then after 10 years or 15 years most of the parliamentarian will be living then DISCRIMINATION if persists the world power will step to advice rules.

  • 10

    Gotabaya Rajapaksa came to power purely based on racism and buddhist fundamentalism. He thinks he can develop this nation with strict and rigid administration alone. the rule of law and justice are fundamental for not only democracy but also for development. He has already showed that he will take revenge against those who were in power and who voiced against his credential. The arrest of Sampkika is a political one. There are possible arrests of Dr. Shaffi, Richard Baduideen, Mangala, and Rajitha. I am not saying they are genuine and they are good politicians. But they are not different to Gotabaya or Rajapaksa or Weerawanse. All of them misused power. If the rule of law is applied equally all of them should be inside the jail. Today I show a news item which said that Gotabaya issued an order to appoint all heads of departments by selecting appropriate candidates and they have to show progress within one year and if they fail he will dismiss them. Do you think that this applies to his elder brothers who were appointed as ministers? He was given power by his brother with conditions and when the time comes he has to go back to his father land. So, until that time ………………………………

    • 5

      “Gotabaya Rajapaksa came to power purely based on racism and buddhist fundamentalism.”

      That is the way Malabar Dravidians look at the outcome of the Presidential election. President Gotabhaya made an appeal to all minorities to join hand with him to develop the country but Dravidians and Muslims turned that request down and cast their vote to the opposition candidate on the request from their politicians who assumed that using minority power they will be able to make Sajith the President and force him to dance according to their tune. This time their strategy backfired.

      • 6

        Eagle, evil AKA Mahindapala the ultra racist living in Australia@

        Please take some good medicine so that your racial thoughts being away from your, while nearing to be burried in the next days to come. You as an octagenarian, should be well aware of the facts, that we all born to lanken soil should be given equal rights without conditions.
        If you as a political refugee, today become so called migrant citizen to Australia, should well be clear, if white australians would stand against you, you woul dnot have a good life there down in Australia.
        I wish you no pain at the time you shed your last breath, even if you contrasted the most racial picture of SINAHALA race, shaming us all. May True teachings of buddha be blessed,becuase even higly hateful people of ur nature should be given some pardon according to buddhism..- the noble religion to us

      • 7

        Eagle Eye,
        I don’t know what type of Dravidians/Ariyans are Sinhalese. Gotabaya was/is an American citizen until he gave nomination to president. You have divided Srilanka people as malabar dravidians and Ariyan Sinhalese and you think Ariyan Sinhalese are superior to other citizens of Srilanka. That is the mentality which destroyed Srilanka for seventy years. Equality does not mean dancing to the tune of other citizens. The brutality and the mentality of Mahinda family brought Srilanka still to dance with Chinese/USA tune. In politics winning and loosing is not permanent. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. So far Mahinda family was protected by Ranil and Sirisena. Do you in October 2018, Mahinda prepared to pay billions to buy Tamil and Muslim MPs? But still they are criminals. That is the truth.

      • 3

        What do you lose by powersharing? What do you lose by your children leaving their parent’s house and live on their own? separately,?

      • 1

        How can Tamils join hands with a war criminal who is responsible for the massacre of thousands of Tamil civilians?

  • 4

    Your question: “Will The New President Of Sri Lanka Guide The Country In The Correct Path?”
    My answer: Yes, only if you and your people in Canada help him do it. If you follow a different path like the LTTE and its supremo’s henchmen living abroad, the correct path will not be smooth for all of us including yourself. Despite this fact, the results will be achieved sooner than later.

    • 0

      Rajapaksas brought to Sri lanka by colonialists and brought to power by colonialists. I know Sinhalese Modayas cannot find a Real Sinhalese to rule the country. That is the reason colonialist brought Chinese, Malays and others to produce foreign rulers for Sinhalese Buddhists Modayas

  • 5

    If you look at the bio’s of previous leaders it becomes apparent that none of them have held a day job. The unelected db wijetunga was a policemen. Chandika was a nanny in Paris. The rest of them were lawyers that never practiced. Sirisena was a gram sevaka niladari.
    Gota on the other hand has fought against both the jvp and ltte. And survived a bombing. So straightaway he has a leg up on like nerds like SWRD and sirisena. He choose to be a computer systems engineer. A profession that offers no margin for error. Program’s have to be precise or the system collapses. This revels a man with a practical sense and result oriented mind. Also he is 70. An age where a man begins think about his legacy and perceive his own mortality. His brother was 58 when he became president. A completely different mindset.
    Gotabaya is a vegetarian. Which indicates that he understands Buddhism far better that these fat grotesque monks who eat anything.
    You can judge a man by his chosen family. His wife appears to be a traditional women. The fact that she is thin when most Lankan women are disgustinly fat indicates an organized family unit. Their only son appears to be some sort of sciencetist. Compair this too the low IQ mongoloids that are namal, yosthia and rohitha. Finally gotabaya lived in California during 90’s -the last period of American affluence and power. He must have picked up a trick or two.

    • 4

      “He choose to be a computer systems engineer. A profession that offers no margin for error. Program’s have to be precise or the system collapses.”

      In UK they use terms like Gas Engineer, … who do not have proper qualifications.

      GR must have be that kind of an engineer who replace computer parts. What kind of qualification he has in computing?

    • 3

      You pretty much profiled Gota by considering all positive attributes he had accumulated over time. You also highlighted a hidden card Gota got to use to calm down suspecting people. That is the familiar appearance of Mrs Gota. Think about the positive reactions she would get if she goes to war affected areas and provide sympathy to mothers/widows still looking for their lost children/life partners than any other members from the current ruling family.

  • 2

    It looks like, from Kumarathasan’s writing, he started the journey, but forgot to pick up the map with him. So he is going on the way the legs are walking. Those who changes every year their calls lately went for referendum, couldn’t go anywhere yet. Tamils have only one way of surviving; that is devolution of full power. The Zero Casualty Demon declared it is only Zero Chance. Old King said devolution is only a dream of Sampanthar. Anything other than full devolution is only a gas chamber of Jews for Tamils. This is the foresighted thinking of Thanthai Selva. He said that Tamils can be saved only by god and that is why he convened Vatukkotai Convention. Kumarathasan cannot undo it. Kumarathasan cannot make jokes on those. Kumarathasan is starting to campaign for King by advocating a new hope on him.

    The only reason of Royals wanted power was to save them, by themselves, as Ranil was expressing them of his inability to undertake that responsibility any longer. He lost the hope on all Foreign Affairs Ministers reversing the UNHRC resolution 30/1. So, Ranil didn’t like UNP wining the EP election. He will not contribute UNP to win Parliamentary election. He was willing to hand over the parliament to Old King from the time of 2018 NCM. He blocked TNA from bringing lawsuit for the coup against Royals. On the best opportunity of Vaalaiththodam losing the election, Ranil handed over the parliament one year early to Royals. Now Rapist Army is deployed in all 26 districts. Jaffna is cordoned by 150,000 Rapist and checking started.
    As Prof. Kumar has said somewhere else how a dictator start his authoritarian style by changing the fundamentals of the system to suit for his future brutal, iron fist actions, King wants to start the system changes in the name of efficiency. Probably Kumarathasan is thinking if he starts to carry Pantham like Karuna or Dougie, King might change. I don’t know about that.

  • 2

    Mr Rasingham

    ”Will The New President Of Sri Lanka Guide The Country In The Correct Path…” In my humble opinion, not likely.

    Since SWRD exploited religious & national sentiments, the Sinhala race & Buddhism became political tools. Career politicians transformed politics into a family business & those aspiring to become politicians or those who couldn’t make it, became bum sucking cronies, all wanting to join the gravy train of duty free vehicles & perks, kick backs, lucrative deals & plum jobs for family members. Buddhism was rewritten &, particularly, in recent years, became an interpretation for violence & racism, contrary to the teachings of Buddha but the monks (apart from a very few) dared not speak out, fearing the wrath of the misguided masses. Politicians have the blessings of those high up in the order & these monks do not want to upset the proverbial apple cart. After all, they have a good thing going with duty free luxury car permits & a comfortable life style, revered by the masses, in contrast to the simple life of a bikkhu as portrayed in Buddhist teachings . This is current politics, from Trump’s USA First & Boris Johnson’s Brexit hype to Mody’s Hindu nationalism in India. It’s all about nationalism, touted as patriotism, & the rhetoric that brings in the votes of an adoring public.

    Just as we had high hopes on Yahapalanaya, many are optimistic about GR’s ability to reform the country, albeit, with an iron. OK, so he has a reputation for getting things done (through fear & intimidation) but such was the rhetoric of Premadasa snr in the past, yet Premadasa’s short term vision didn’t get us anywhere. GR carries a lot of baggage but apart from his own kith & kin who blatantly plundered the country,

  • 5


    *** Did you write this article after a heavy night drinking. It sounds and reads like it. This is a Presidenet who was elected by 52 % of the Racist Majority ( although Charles thinks it is much lower at 41%) and has stated his position clear.

    1) He dosent believe in Human Rights and by that he means Tamil Rights .
    2) He will not devolve power to the North & East but will develop North an East for Colonisation to accelerate .
    3) He has told the Grieving fathers and mothers that what they need is some ” Kanchi” for the rest of their lives.
    4) Murders are being elected to the Throne and Killers of Lasantha , Thajudine are roaming free while ” Champika” is in detention for injuring a Cyclist . We dont even know whether it was due to complimentary negligence.
    5) Judges have stopped Delivering Justice.

    Gotha said one thing in Delhi and has now done a somersault under pressure fro China and gone back on his word to Modi . If it was Mrs.Gandhi the Indian Army will be on the ground to challenge the Chinese threat which is growing by the hour. Let us see what happens in the NewYear whether Modi rises up to the threat and insists on a Miitary Presence and that will calm things down . The “Laddu” brought by Jeyshankar hasnt worked. Let us hope that the next visitor the Defence Secretary may achieve something much more meaningful. As for you go and spend time with your Grand Children and warn them of the impending disaster facing Tamils and tier Homeland. Many Sinkalams dont even know that their Homeland is about to disappear under the Indian Weight hen Chinese Submarines start docking at Hambanthotta.

  • 1


    ” Netanyahu on war crimes probe: ICC has become a ‘weapon’ against Israel”

    Just read the above and tell me how a CRIMINAL leader Gotha about to be referred to the ICC at the next UNHCR meeting steer the Country in the correct path. If Nethenyahu who enjoys the support of the most Powerful Racist cannot escape justice how is Gotha going to escape justice to steer the Country.
    You are day dreaming. Why dont you head a Commitee get a million signatures urging UN to refer Gotha to ICC. He has already stated he doesnt believe in Human Rights.

  • 1

    Mr. Rasingham,
    No community carries special problems in Sri Lanka as all are common to all communities and economic in nature.
    The answer is economic empowerment only and nothing else howsoever you or tamil politicians bark.
    If you like, accept it and otherwise, you can take any decision and Sri Lanka government can face successfully as happened in the past. Therefore, do not talk about non existing, whimsical and fanciful things as no point you are wasting your time. Tamil Diaspora can invest if they like within the purview of Sri Lanka government and if they do not like, they can stay away.
    Hope that you get the message clearly

  • 0

    Dear Sir

    Being honest with yourself means seeing yourself clearly, of course, but what does that mean? It’s genuinely challenging to come to an accurate self-perception. Our perceptions of ourselves are informed by the stories we have told ourselves about ourselves. Those stories can be wildly inaccurate, and unfortunately judgmental.
    Have you ever examined your personal narrative? What stories do you tell yourself about yourself? Have you ever considered that some of those stories might not be true? Have you ever examined where the stories you tell yourself about yourself came from and continue to come from?

    The school my Father help to build carries a statement to date……’Be Honest to Yourself’.

    If you do not believe me please read Wikipedia info about my Father and pay particular attention to the minimalistic statements and specially the insulting references being added for what purposes and is unprecedented in a reference material and allowed??……….once you work this out regard to rewriting history then you know what else is at stake……….you will never see evil in others but will look for solutions within …

    Our Hon President can deliver (any elected would have delivered a long time ago) the sustained development SL needed if we all work together………we should have done this in 2009 ??

    We just have to remove all parties with identity politics/names and have compulsory military service for all our children from now on should be a starting point for any daring head of state??

    You are now scraping the barrel with understanding what is a Citizenship and Nationality means?? a new low level in ghetto politics if I may add.

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