3 May, 2024


Winning The War Is Not Establishing Peace

By Chandrika Kumaratunga

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

It is difficult to envisage delivering a lecture to commemorate Mr. S.J.V. Chelvanayakam without reflecting upon the one issue that concerned him most – the minorities question in Sri Lanka. Mr. Chevanayakam and his Party, the Federal Party, engaged in a long and difficult struggle to win the Tamil peoples’ rights.

I would like to present to you some thoughts about the ethnic and religious problems we have faced since Independence. I do not intend to go into the history of the problem as most of you here would be well versed in it. I shall focus on the possible causes of these problems and the options we have for its resolution.

The ethnic problem of Sri Lanka has led to political conflict, violence and terrorism. Problems began to arise between the three major communities that had lived in harmony and peace for many centuries, after de-colonisation in 1948. The leaders of all communities living in Sri Lanka fought side by side on a common platform for Independence. With the emergence of independent Sri Lanka after nearly five centuries, the various communities awakened to the existence of their rights – ethnic, linguistic and religious – individually and collectively. Similarly to other newly independent nations, the majority community in Sri Lanka established itself within the political power structures, claiming their rights in the economical, social and cultural spheres, setting up laws, institutions and practices to guarantee their privileges to the exclusion of the “other” that are the minorities. The ruling elite, comprised mainly of the majority community, arrogated an unequal share of opportunities to itself, while excluding the others.

Hence, as in many other countries, “identity” became a major platform for demands of minority communities. People felt that discrimination was occurring due to their specific identity, which was different from that of the ruling majority. Perceptions of discrimination and non-recognition of rights of different groups has led to conflict all over the world. Poverty and deprivation, the non-recognition of ethnicity, language and religious rights are all cited as causes for conflict.

We must adopt a holistic view of conflict, their genesis and causes. In recent times, scholars hold that the main cause of dissent and violent conflict is the existence of inequalities among different groups and communities living in a country. Inequality, deprivation and discrimination should be looked at not only in economic terms but measured in social, cultural and political terms.

Perceived injustice engenders violent or terroristic responses from the victims of that injustice. Frustration and despair caused by continued social marginalization, economic deprivation and political defeat has been known to result in violence. It was said that “young hope betrayed, transforms itself into bombs”. Leon Trotsky described the two emotions central to terrorism as despair and vengeance.

Prof. Frances Stewart writing on Horizontal Inequalities states that the exclusion of some communities from an equitable share of the benefits of prosperity causes inequalities and lead to conflict.

It has also been affirmed that poverty, injustice and inequality and their relationship to conflict may be measured by the difference in opportunities for the excluded. The denial of rights to the excluded of certain groups with a common identity becomes the bedrock of dissent and violent conflict.

Governments have often actively engaged in discriminatory policies against minority groups. History is replete with examples of States and Governments employing the concept of the “other”, represented as the “enemy”, as a tool of Government management. For a large part of human history the “enemy” has helped entrench weak rulers and Governments in power. Governments whip up hatred against the “other” by maintaining the myth of the dichotomy between “us” and “them”. This requires the oppression of the other and the denial of their rights. Such exclusion takes place not only through outright hostility but also through neglect of minority groups. Differences among diverse communities living within a country have been exacerbated by rulers, to their advantage. They tend to conjure up “an enemy” from peoples who belong to different ethnic, religious, caste or political groups.

As for Sri Lanka, the constant economic, social and cultural deprivation of the Northern and Eastern regions is clearly related to the violent conflict we have witnessed. Low levels of development of infrastructure, relatively little opportunity to access quality education and employment, political marginalization with minimal opportunity to participate in decision-making processes in the political and administrative superstructure, are undoubtedly the root causes that gave rise to the terribly violent conflict.

The consistent rejection by the State of the demand of the Tamil movements for language parity, led to increased demands for power sharing through Federalism, and finally the demand for a separate State.

It is of interest to reiterate that numerous studies have ascertained that when all communities living within a State are guaranteed equal opportunities – economically, socially, politically and their separate identities are respected and given free expression, they will become a productive, vibrant part of the State, celebrating the richness of its diversity, while building an united, strong and stable country.

Such a society is called a Cohesive, Shared or Inclusive Society.

It is a society where the political, governmental and societal structures are designed to allow the equitable distribution of and equal access to the benefits of development and prosperity for All, irrespective of the community to which they belong. The Constitution of the State, its political structures such as Parliament and other elected bodies, its government and administrative structures will all have to be constructed in a manner as to accommodate free and active participation of All, in political and governmental processes, as well as the guarantee of equal rights to all.

Sustainable development, prosperity and peace necessarily imply that the “other” be brought in and included fully and honestly into the processes of economic development, as full and equal partners of the process of government – to power sharing, for instance.

To end poverty, hunger and inequality in a durable manner, we need inclusive and sustainable development and an inclusive society. Without this, conflict and destruction will ensue.

Stewart and Brown in an Oxford University study affirm that cultural, economic, political inequalities occurring between specific groups cause deep resentment, resulting in violent struggles. They hold that violence in multi-religious and multi-ethnic Nations is not caused by the presence of diversity or by the “clash of civilizations” as stated by Huntingdon, but is due to the exclusion of the less powerful groups. The marginalized groups then mobilize around their group identity – be it religious, ethnic, linguistic, ideological.

The most potent source of violent conflict today is identity.

In an inclusive society, all citizens are aware that they have equal opportunities and will contribute fully to the Nation building.

Thus Social and Political stresses in such a society will be minimal.

In a Nation where all citizens and communities feel satisfied that they are equal partners, sharing equally political rights, economic, social and cultural benefits, there will prevail political stability and economic prosperity. Leaders and every citizen must recognize the value of diversity, rejoice in its richness and limitless potential and strive to build Unity within Diversity. I would call this a Cohesive and Shared Society.

This is the eternal recipe for lasting Peace in any country. A socially cohesive society would respect the dignity and human rights of everyone, whilst providing equal opportunity for all.

I could cite examples of many countries where benefits of development as well as political power are shared equitably, resulting in the creation of inclusive and shared societies. These countries have successfully resolved conflicts arising from ethnic, religious and linguistic differences by adopting policies of inclusivity and the granting of equal opportunities and rights.

The experience of these countries is proof enough that peace ensues when benefits of development, prosperity and political power are equally shared. These States effectively built inclusive Nations. I must underline here that the proper functioning of inclusive societies can only be achieved within the framework of a free and democratic State.

The challenge of the 21st Century for many Nations remains the enterprise of erecting pluralist, multi-ethnic, multi cultural States. This requires that we manage the existing diversity within our Nations, directing the richness of this diversity towards positive change in order to build Free, Democratic and Prosperous Societies. We need to accept and celebrate diversity, not reject it. The combined efforts and skills of peoples of different communities can only enrich our Societies, not damage them.

Let us reflect a while on the conflict that prevailed in Sri Lanka.

I need hardly say that we lived through an extremely violent and destructive civil war waged against the State by some factions of the Tamil citizenry. Six years ago, in 2009, the civil war was brought to an end after 25 long years of suffering on all sides of the divide. We have won the war, we have not yet won peace. The ending of a conflict or a war does not necessarily bring peace. The mere absence of war is not peace. Peace entails much more than victory in war. The victor of many wars may not possess the vision nor the ability to build peace. In the words of Francois Mitterrand, a former French President, “Peace is a battle. It is not won easily. Peace demands humility and sacrifice from everyone. It requires strong, committed and visionary political leadership”. It requires the will to comprehend and accept the root causes of a conflict and to seek solutions to them.

The Tamil community and their leaders first demanded equal opportunities, especially in education, jobs and political sharing. The continuing non-resolution of the issues led to political mobilization and the demand for political powers – first a Federal State and then a separate State. The rise of the Sinhala majority with successive Governments apportioning the best and most of the public benefits to the Sinhalese majority community led to the frustration and anger among the minority communities who had, during the colonial administration, enjoyed many privileges. The Tamil political leaders at the time were all committed to democratic policies. They made innumerable efforts to negotiate with successive Governments to obtain equal rights for the Tamil citizens. The continuous denial of this led to the mobilization of armed militias, violence and even terrorism.

We know that Mr. Chelvanayakam left no stone unturned in his attempts to arrive at a political settlement of the minorities question. The Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact, the Dudley/ Chelvanayakam Pact and so many other Agreements were arrived at with much difficulty. However, every one of these Agreements were thwarted and prevented from being implemented. Invariably, the opposition to these Agreements was always led by small groups of Sinhala extremists who would join themselves to the major political party in Opposition.

Sinhala Only : The Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact and the Reasonable Use of Tamil Bill, for instance, was arrived at to guarantee the rights of the minorities after the promulgation of the Sinhala Only Act.

Although some saw the Sinhala Only Act as an affirmation of Sinhala supremacy, I maintain that the then Prime Minister, Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, did not see it in that way. Granting the Sinhala language its due place after nearly five centuries of colonial suppression of the Sri Lankan identity and our different cultures, bringing back the official use of Sinhala was seen as the driving force for the regaining of our National Lankan identity. The mistake made may be said to be that the language of the other two major minorities was not given its due place at the same time and that a third language was not brought in as a link language, as was done in India.

I need hardly say that, leave alone the Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact, the implementation of the Reasonable Use of Tamil Bill has not yet taken place nearly 60 years after its birth. Then there was the Indo/Sri Lanka Agreement and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. These too were sabotaged by the same Government which was persuaded to promulgate it.

The moral of the story is that non-violent attempts at resolving the minorities question through a negotiated political solution has been consistently thwarted by the extreme opportunism of the two major political parties in our country. Indeed, there were extremist groups and individuals, but they were not in any way a major force until the rise of one chauvinistic political party and a couple of extremist groups, less than two decades ago. If I may give you one example of the opportunism of so-called political or civil society leaders in this country, there is a certain gentleman, who calls himself a Doctor of something or another, who fought hard for Eelam and a separate State while he was a member of one of the five armed groups in the 80’s. He asked for and obtained a ministry in the North/East Provincial Council, fully supporting the 13th Amendment and even a separate State at that time. Today this man has taken to expressing theories against any form of political sharing, having changed his view a few times for and against power sharing in the interim period, according to the bidding of his political patrons. It is truly sad that people of some intelligence and knowledge adopt such attitudes knowing full well how dangerous and destructive they can be to the Nation’s progress.

When my Government first came into power in 1994, I was deeply committed to attempt to change the prevailing political culture and the attitudes of political leaders.

I was personally committed to the concept that political power sharing and inclusivity were the solutions to Sri Lanka’s minorities’ question. I had ascertained that the majority of adherents to the exclusivist Sinhala Buddhist concept of the State belonged to a small minority of the elite ruling class politicians and clergy and others closely linked to them. The masses, in their vast majority were not committed to extremist political views of any type.

We understood that we must negotiate with the minorities and their leaders and bring in suitable concessions and that sharing what we possess with others will not reduce our strength. Instead, it will enhance it, by bringing together divided communities to work together bringing in skills, talents and knowledge of the marginalized that were deprived to us since the beginning of the conflict. The diverse skills and talents of all our peoples, actively participating in the nation building process, will immensely enrich and unify our divided Nation. Our country is economically weak and our State is fragile. We needed to do much to build a strong, democratic and prosperous State.

Hence we adopted a strategy of honest, public discourse to inform the people that the only viable solution was to choose the path of dialogue, negotiations and peace achieved by means of a federal constitution and by building a cohesive Nation and an inclusive State. We won three major elections within eighteen months, with an increased majority vote at each one.

A gallup poll we conducted at the time my Government came to power in 1994 showed that only 23 per cent of the Sinhala people opted for a negotiated settlement of the conflict. We undertook extensive programs to take the message of peace and shared societies to the entire country. We held seminars, workshops, street theatre and used the media widely. At the end of 2 years another survey showed that the number of people opting not only for peace, but this time also for devolution of power had increased to 68 per cent.

I must emphasize that my Government only employed democratic methods to persuade the people.

For the first time in the history of independent Sri Lanka, my Government offered a comprehensive solution to the minorities’ problem. Firstly, we began and completed a large number of essential development projects in the North and East, even while war had to be waged. Infrastructure damage during years of war was reconstructed – roads, bridges and culverts, irrigation works, telecommunication, electricity schools and the University, hospitals, saw extensive reconstruction and we made available credit for agriculture, small industries and fisheries.

This no doubt created some employment locally for youth, who until then had seen no hope of a better future for themselves. Thus we were able to demonstrate to the Tamil civilians that there could exist Sri Lankan Governments with honest intensions of including the Tamils and all other citizens equitably in the development process. Empirical evidence showed that the numbers of youth joining LTTE armies were somewhat reduced, since we adopted these policies.

Secondly, we understood that economic development alone could not succeed in creating a society where all our people would feel they were fairly and equitably included. For this, it was required to share political power which we the Sinhalese had jealously guarded to ourselves since independence, marginalizing all others not only in practice but also by law, by means of various legal enactments of constitutions and laws.

Hence we proposed to enact a new constitution, containing extensive devolution of power to the minorities, together with various other measures adopted to guarantee their rights. This draft constitution also contained measures to abolish the Executive Presidency which accords excessive power to the President.

Today, with the end of the war, as well as the convincing defeat of terrorist politics in our country, we have an opportunity as never before to do what is required to resolve the minorities question, especially the Tamil peoples’ problems. For the first time since Independence we have the two major parties participating in Government together. They are jointly committed to a common policy and action programme. The Government has clearly enunciated the need to resolve this problem quite contrarily to the policies of some previous Governments, which stated that there were no ethnic or religious problems in Sri Lanka. The Government has agreed to several essential actions to promote reconciliation in our divided Nation : Resolving the Land issue, implementing a comprehensive infrastructure development, creating livelihoods and a focus on women headed households.

It has also agreed to undertake actions to ensure accountability with regard to violations of fundamental freedoms that may have occurred on both sides of the divide during the war. Firstly we must engage in the difficult but most essential exercise of arriving at a political solution acceptable to all. Then, and only then, would we have won a durable peace. The Government has also rebuilt very quickly confidence in itself and good relations with the International community. I am confident that we will receive the support of the majority of our peoples, as well as that of the International community for our enterprise to transform a divided and violent Nation into a united, free and prosperous Lanka with a strong and stable Government, and for our efforts to build a democratic, pluralist State which is the only magic potion I know, that can bind together diverse peoples of our multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-religious and cultural country and transform it into one undivided and strong Nation.

To achieve all this we need to essentially change the attitudes and deeply entrenched fears of our people. We cannot continue to dwell on history, chanting forever who did what wrong. We have to rise above hatred, anger, fear to reach out to the humanity we all possess. We must start writing on a fresh page, if we are to cease the unprecedented opportunity history has today presented to us.

Rabindranath Tagore said “Bigotry tries to keep Truth safe in its hands, with a grip that kills it”. Let us not allow one moment of Truth to be stifled by the bigotry of a few.

Let us build a new future for our children, children trapped in poverty, in ignorance, traumatized by political and social violence, children without the opportunity to enjoy the freedom and joys of childhood. An environment where they will have access to good education, health care and nutrition and a peaceful and stable society, where they can grow up healthy, enlightened and skilled, secure in their faith of the future we all dream about.

*Full text of the Chnadrika Kumarartunga’ speech – SJV Chelvanayakam memorial lecture – 25th April 2015

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Latest comments

  • 49

    The Queen of Thieves thinks we have forgotten her record.

    • 16

      So what would you say about the records of your ruler -Rajapakshe.

      Her records were all lies- when considering Billions MR et al grabed from lanken tax payers funds- with allmost all high profile frauds being revealed.

      • 18

        still he won the war and stabilised the country..it is 100000000 times better than the era of this uneducated, thuggish robber. During her PSD violence period when many journos died and were assaulted was a stagnating period of this country…..and it is back!

        • 13

          ”stabilised” the country by heavily militarisisng the Northeast and terrorising journalists and media.

        • 1


          Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksha his Madamulana Home after being Defeated by The People with Common Sense with his Moda, Mootals with Avereage IQ of 65.

          Mahinda Rajapaksa, Bangawewa, Bangawewa.


        • 2

          @Sach, the greatest think tank of our time has spoken his golden words again. Welcome back, please spread the usual rubbish you generally spread. He won the war??? When did Jarapasa win the war. The guy who directed the war efforts, mercilessly slaughtering civilians was dragged to prison. The bugger who gave the orders ran away when he was a major to be a petrol station cashier in the west, even that position he was not fit for. Hahaha, it shows what a buffoon you are. You are nothing but a racist piece is shi$. CBK uneducated? bloody joker her qualifications are far more serious than the farm labourers you support. Disgusting bugger, go and jump in a dump, maybe that is where you are from. Any leader could have finished off the LTTE if they did not care about the civilian casualty, but this cow dung did not give two flying fuc$s about who died as long as it was not his family. He was too busy pillaging this beautiful land.

      • 20

        So what would you say about the records of your ruler -Rajapakshe

        Werewolf- she spawned the RM passa and lost control like the tamils who created the tiger and could not hold its tail.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

      • 2

        Queen of Theive’s record was proven by Victor Ivan – which was not challenged by her –

        SJ if you say “her records were all lies ” – then prove or go to courts and file a case against Victor Ivan on behalf of CBK – On the other hand your multibillion allegation against – MR – still only rumours – Therefore before become a key board worrier collect facts/evidence and put forward them – otherwise we have to consider your comments as “wattiamma’s Gossip”

        It is pathetic to see there are so many wattiammas still savouring unproven gossip and commenting on this blog

        For a change -How about talking bit more about CB Governor passing sensitive information to his son in law and making him a billionaire for the life at the cost Sri Lankan Tax Payer – still only 100 days gone – wait and see to witness more –

        This woman CBK should be banished from public forums for what she had done to this country during her tenure – She virtually bankrupt the country – However she manage to increase her wealth from near zero to Billion

        One single fact many of the normal voters still appreciate is the total elimination of LTTE goons by Rajapakshas – which no other yahapalanaya jokers could achieve for many decades.

    • 8

      Chandrika Kumaratunge has correctly diagnosed the problem with politics in Sri Lanka as majoritarianism masquerading as democracy. She has had the guts to say this. Further, it was her government that tried to introduce a new constitution with substantial devolution of powers and failed to the perfidy of the UNP and the principle Tamil political formation. The LTTE of course did what it could to undermine the who,e exercise. Give credit where credit is due.

      Whatever she is being accused of, does not negate the truth that she has brought to the fore of public debate.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 8

        Hope you are not hearing Indian voices of retaining within brood and negotiating a cooperative fedral setup in practice not wordsworth, beside the lake beneath the tree at flower road I dreamt a dream lie les miserables ; Je pense, donc je suis; ??

        no harm meant but haven’t you got board of hearing all your life while others the politicians in power don’t listen??

        “and failed to the perfidy of the UNP and the principle Tamil political formation. “

        It’s always a setup match therefore they have gone to the extent of calling the art of sandwiching with lies a scientific act political science PhD spin doctors in jail too.
        Video woman Anticipation of the outcome for always rather than let the cat out of the bag with howlers like CJ eviction which caused the rut (of course she was not that clean for the IC to take action but point for consideration like Musharraf act of jailing CJ- miscalculated)

        Never try to understand a woman she would drive you crazy- we say this for always.
        you are going in for nil from Sonia-Chandrika nexus but the sky falling on you that is how Raul who passed his masters in the american ambassadors cubical because LTTE would kill him but he spent 2 years in a UP village shack by himself and none even abused him- – Oh he is battcha and lost to a goonda CM’s cycling son from down under qualifications.
        Good luck Dr R.N.

  • 34

    Your Excellency,
    One request, can you suggest to to remove the “Race ” from the Birth Certificate and include “Nationality” as Sri Lankan or not which we believe will make a significant improvement in reconciliations.
    Then issuing National Identity Card in both languages will make it smoother.

    • 22

      Yes we should leave off race. Whenever I am asked to say my nationality, I say I am a Sri Lankan.

      Talking of birth certificate, we must also delete the column ” Are you married” . I know many mothers do not get the children’s bc because the child is born outside marriage. Sometimes due to social stigma, children do not attend school. This is not due to the fault of the child. I do not know whether CBK would read this, if she reads it, she would do the needful. I am aware how she worked closely with Prof Harendra when he was the chairman of NCPA

      I hope CT can highlight both issues

      • 14

        The Brits have experimented with that- broken families, partners for tax incentives, wedding expenses etc.

        the family that eats together stay together.

        Now there are incentives for couples to get married.

        Think about it nothing is fool proof

    • 16


      “One request, can you suggest to to remove the “Race ” from the Birth Certificate and include “Nationality” as Sri Lankan or not which we believe will make a significant improvement in reconciliations.”

      Its a good idea. Instead of race nationality should state

      Sinhalese kallthonie

      Tamil Kallathonie

      Muslim Kallathonie

      or simply kallathonie

      Sinhala/Buddhists bigots of Venga.

    • 6

      ” not which we believe will make a significant improvement in reconciliations. “

      LOL this shows the level of stupidity of sinhalese going after CBK goons

  • 9

    You must be ashamed to publish photo of chandriks real look now.
    We Sinhalese always will have a leaders to fight off bloody Tamils from motherland
    If you dare publish this post

    • 33

      It was sad to see that Chandrika was suffering a serious bout of dementia, and delusion/hallucination. She certainly maintains her reputation of speaking many untruths without batting an eyelid.

      It was also disturbing yesterday to hear that the main cause for our youth to bear arms and take to violence against the Sinhala armed forces was some other reasons. She, after 32 years since 1983 riots still hasn”t got it.

      May be it is time for the TULF, and TNA to sit with her and explain on the death anniversary of our dear friend and former combatant/journalist Sivaram -founder of Tamil Net.

      May be former militants like Adaikalanathan, Suresh Premachandran, PLOTE’s Sitharthan may be able to explain to her the real reasons including STATE TERRORISM, Torture, Arbitrary Arrests, and RAPE.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice

      • 15

        therefore she carries the illicit trawling video knowingly.(%|%)

      • 7

        Mr Gnanakine,

        “I would like to present to you some thoughts about the ethnic and religious problems we have faced since Independence. I do not intend to go into the history of the problem as most of you here would be well versed in it. I shall focus on the possible causes of these problems and the options we have for its resolution.”

        At the beginning of her article she has encapsulated in the above paragraph that she will not get into details of the conflict. So, I feel that you have levelled rather unfair criticism against her without paying attention to her overall message. We Tamils must recognise her message and her intention to endeavour a viable solution and encourage her efforts wholeheartedly. Your ill-judged comment is misplaced and not warranted.

        • 25

          Bayagullah Burning Issue,

          I stand by every word I wrote. It is too bad Jokers like you who do not comprehend what is really going on. Even the TNA who are aware of everything in their relative electorates do not have the courage of their conviction to speak and demand for what the Tamil electorates and their voters want.

          TNA is very lucky that they do not have any credible competition to oppose them in the Parliamentary elections and NPC elections are 3 years away.

          Just because she doesnt want to get into the details, or she avoids the details deliberately, that does not mean that I should keep silent?

          Furthermore, she dares to give reasons why the Tamils were violent giving her reasons which are wrong. That is why I said “President Chandrika still does not get it”.. If so how the hell is she going to resolve the Conflict Resolution and pave the way for Reconciliation?

          There cannot be any reconciliation for the Tamils unless there is Accountability, Truth and Justice.

          The Tamil victims and Survivors need to receive similar compensation what the Sinhalese and Muslims received. Why not.

          All you buggers are dreaming that if you drag this long enough the Tamils would forget the Rape, Torture, Murder, Disappearances, Arrest, Beatings, stealing Tamil properties, land and Gold.

          You fellows need to learn from the Jewish History and the Genocide committed by the Nazis. The Jews say -Never Again -despite they getting JUSTICE at Nuremberg where Nazi WAR Criminals were prosecuted and HUNG.

          WTF did the Tamils get? More humiliation and deceit. Breaches of Promises, Trust and Confidence.

          So do not write rubbish.

          Donald Gnanakone
          Tamils For Justice

          • 6

            [Edited out] J Gnanakone,
            You said “WTF did the Tamils get?” However, WTF you did?

            • 3

              @Bell… The people who matters in SL, India and the US knows WTF I did for the past 6 months.

              Obviously, you won’t be in that loop. Many in the UNP or even TNA did not know what I did. That does not matter to me. It is the results is all that matters.

              There is a ton of work to do in the NP and EP. We have not even scratched the surface and should force the GOSL and other governments to take such responsibility. may be Chandrika should be persuaded to take on the job of Swamination as well, because he is doing JACK.

          • 2

            Mr Gnankone,

            You do not know me and obviously not privy to what I have lost in the Tamil Struggle! I am not talking about properties by the way. When I view the Tamil Struggle, I cannot allow my emotions to dictate but need to endeavour to see things objectively. I have always been advocating for an impartial international based investigation on the War Crimes and Crimes against Community; I have never relented on this call!

            CBK has been invited by the TNA to give a lecture in memory of SJVC. You objected to her not mentioning about the real cause of the Tamil youth to take up arms. This was your charge; there was no mention of what you stated in response to me I quote:

            “All you buggers are dreaming that if you drag this long enough the Tamils would forget the Rape, Torture, Murder, Disappearances, Arrest, Beatings, stealing Tamil properties, land and Gold.”

            This issue is not the subject of my comment and you know that; it is extremely disingenuous of your to convolute this serious issue with what I raised. I said that you missed the overall message of CBK; I outline below some highlights:

            CBK states:
            “We know that Mr. Chelvanayakam left no stone unturned in his attempts to arrive at a political settlement of the minorities question. The Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact, the Dudley/ Chelvanayakam Pact and so many other Agreements were arrived at with much difficulty. However, every one of these Agreements were thwarted and prevented from being implemented. Invariably, the opposition to these Agreements was always led by small groups of Sinhala extremists who would join themselves to the major political party in Opposition.”

            CBK is an ex-president and leading the presidential mission to find a viable solution that is acceptable to all. She, in this capacity, exonerated SJVC from the vicious accusations that the Sinhala Buddhist Racists level against him as the father of Tamil racism! I do not know about you, but for me it is huge and telling!

            There is more I can talk about her speech that have gone beyond just window-dressing to appease the Tamils. There is genuine willingness to resolve the Tamil question. To this end, CBK must exercise brinkmanship and employ sagacity in all what she says and does in order to achieve her goals. Whether you like it or not, the Sinhala are the overwhelming majority and their concurrence as to a solution for the Tamils is absolutely vital and CBK needs to ensure that she carries the majority community with her all the way till a solution is fashioned.

            You set up the Pressure Group the “Tamils For Justice” and this does not give you licence to jettison other opinions. You do not have the right to address people like me “All you buggers”! You manifest extreme arrogance and devoid of guile. There is no wonder as to why the Tamil groups are in mess as you guys go round busy-boding and upsetting people with ill-thought out concepts.

            I have no time no, but would like to take you on for a debate at some point!

            • 2

              Don’t let her burn, baby burn you baby, nero is hero!!

              “SJVC from the vicious accusations that the Sinhala Buddhist Racists level against him as the father of Tamil racism! I do not know about you, but for me it is huge and telling! “”

              You know hide and squeak is a rats favourite game.

              ¬we¬ learn to discriminate from our lesson of experience Who knows the future better than discrimination??

              Colombo boys always think therefore we are and have been the centre of thought for over 500 years – ships sailed chariots of the gods came we saw oscar nemyer.

              Please don’t get entangled in more debates though I like to see your sparing with equal thought of yours; no harm meant.peaceful you very eeeemotion.

            • 3

              Mr. Bayagullah,

              you have got the gomme end of the stick of this conflict.

              It is true I have no idea of WTH you are as you do not have the guts to reveal yourself. I do not debate with unknown and anonymous nincampoops.

              I have enough people at Chandrika’s level to debate and certainly not you. FYI I was in Parliament this afternoon and I cannot mention where else I was at this morning.

              You can freely debate with some others , but not me.
              I have no time or inclination. I have plenty of things to. But could not resist to give my sentiments about Chandrika’s speech. She nor you don’t get it.

              I stand by all what I have said, about you and your ilk as well as Chandrika and the GOSL. I am aware of what is going in virtually every part of the NP. In fact I am going again on Thursday for a week and will celebrate Vesak there.

              Donald Gnanakone
              Tamils For Justice

              • 3

                Mr Gnanakone,

                Your ego is as big as the Mount Everest. Your self-centred condescending attitude is rotten to the core. I made a comment about your judgement and you got the hump!

                Mister, there are plausible reasons for people to obscure their identity on these forums. I will not bring myself to your low level in resorting to write abusive terms about you. I will leave that to you as you are very good at it.

                In retrospect, why do I want to debate with a cheap arrogant individual like you. You are a self-appointed busybody who goes around talking nonsense. Your conduct along with your ilk cause more harm to the Tamils than anything.

                I for one think that Wigneswaran, Sampanthan and Sumanthiran combination is working well; all they need is our support and backing. We do not want busybodies like you to meddle and disrupt progress. The best thing you can do is to disband your worthless group and allow the Tamils on the ground to handle the matters.

        • 5

          Burning Issue,

          The sky fell on you folk courtesy the long standing nexus Sonia and Sirima daughter Chandrika.

          Go check it out with RAW or South Block.

          If the Tamils don’t use the Joker in all this Hindu and woe Modi you will be annihilated by your own stupidity.

          Modi says Hinduism is not a religion- True.

          The way you live but not the what you say is religion.

          Don’t get involved in criticising Hindi because that is an internal problem linked to Pakistan (Hindi language is more to do with Persian conquers)
          Native Veddha is thinking of Utopia to keep him trolling for life.
          Anyone loves when you speak a few words of their mother tongue.
          Its called lovers delight.

      • 5

        [Edited out] J Gnanakone,
        Why do you want former terrorists like Adaikalanathan, Mandayan Kulu Suresh Premachandran, PLOTE’s Sitharthan to explain about STATE TERRORISM, Torture, Arbitrary Arrests, and RAPE?
        You forgot Karuna, Pillayan, Ananthy Sasitharan, and Douglas Devananda!

      • 1

        Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder

        Listen to this recent History. Tamils are the only people who need Justice. Everybody need Justice.

        [Edited out]

    • 1

      @Solomon, before changing your name to an English name, learn the bloody language. It is an easy language to learn.

  • 15

    Great Speach by Our previous president Chandrika Kumaratunga !

    I have first time read in my life our previous leaders speach and the speach shows the differences with other writers and so called experts.

    We hope our goverment Can win over extreamist and change the course of events.

    To achieve this we need to change the attitudes deeply entrenched in us, We have to rise above hatred, anger, fear to create a strong united Sri Lanka.

    I am worried about the minority extreamist , the power hungry individuals and external components to manipulate Sri Lankan politics. I hope our politicians will win over all these elements and create a better country for all our citizens to enjoy a decent life.

    If the system is made robust, the majority will be always majority based on individual preferance and majority religion will continue to trive as always in our country together with minorities and there preferances.

    • 8

      “”Great Speach by Our previous president Chandrika Kumaratunga !””

      Its called beating about the bush – effective speaking but no bumble bees to make the Tree bear fruits and that is exactly what makes them politicians in the first place- love of self above the stupid masses who await speeches because they cannot afford the Opera.

  • 7

    Dear Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga,

    RE: Winning The War Is Not Establishing Peace.

    Yes, Madam. Thank you. Thank you again for helping getting the Common Sense Candidate nominated and getting elected. Jayawewa.

    1. “I shall focus on the possible causes of these problems and the options we have for its resolution.”

    Bertrand Russel is supposed to have said, ” Identifying the problem is 95% of the Solution”

    2. “The leaders of all communities living in Sri Lanka fought side by side on a common platform for Independence.”

    “Similarly to other newly independent nations, the majority community in Sri Lanka established itself within the political power structures, claiming their rights in the economical, social and cultural spheres, setting up laws, institutions and practices to guarantee their privileges to the exclusion of the “other” that are the minorities. The ruling elite, comprised mainly of the majority community, arrogated an unequal share of opportunities to itself, while excluding the others.”

    However, they all need to be CONSTANTLY REMINDED that this is the LAND OF THE NATIVE VEDDAH AETHHO, and that they are PARADESHIS, PARAS in this Land. So we must correctly refer to them as Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamil, Para-Muslim, Para-Malay, Psra-Portuguese (Parangios), Para-Dutch, Para-English and the recent Para-Chinese.

    3. “The most potent source of violent conflict today is identity.”

    “In an inclusive society, all citizens are aware that they have equal opportunities and will contribute fully to the Nation building.”

    Succinctly stated. A Section of Para-Sinhala headed by the Rajapaksa Family, wants exclusivity and Para-Sinhala Hegemony. The civilized want good governance and civilization.

    It is like the conflict between Mara, who opposed Buddha and Buddha. MaRa Vs. the People of Lanka.

    The present-day Mara is MaRa, Mahinda Rajapaksa. He is being “supported” by 5.8 million misled Modayas, with an average IQ of 65. As part of the plan, the Modayas need to be educated to get common sense.

    After all that is what Buddha and the other religions leaders did. Get them away from Mara, Devil, Satan, and Iblis.

    The Vedda Tribe


    • 27

      The War ended 6 years ago and not 100 days ago.

      How come some people say that she got Maitri Sirisena elected?
      She could not help the candidate with the support of Sirisena himself, Ranil and the UNP, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka and Arjuna Ranatunge, JUH, JVP, many in the SLFP, and all the Muslims could not win Attanagalle and Anuradhapura electorate. (UNP Chandrani Bandara’s seat). These are all full of Sinhala Buddhist voters.

      For thos Sinhalese who are politically ignorant and Naluwa Chandrika, It was the 2.4 Million Tamil and Tamil speaking Muslim voters who won the Presidential elections for the SLFP Sirisena candidate.

      Now the Tamil voters are being totally ignored except putting Swaminathan in charge and now Super Woman Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunge in charge of Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation.

      She blames everybody else other than herself (11 years as President and 1 year as PM) for the problems of the country. See my comments about her speech above.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice

      • 5

        Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder.

        “For thos Sinhalese who are politically ignorant and Naluwa Chandrika, It was the 2.4 Million Tamil and Tamil speaking Muslim voters who won the Presidential elections for the SLFP Sirisena candidate.”

        6.2 Million – 2.4 Million = 3.8 million voters.They Were not Muslim and not Tamil.

        They were the people with Common Sense who were Sinhala and Buddhist.

        Those who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa had less common sense.They were Buddhist, Tamil and Muslim as well as catholic.

        Tamils for Justice need to get transformed into Tamils with Common sense.

        So Modayas, Mootal and fools to be transformed to People with Common sense.

        This is what Wimal Weerawansa, Modaewansa, Mootalwansa, says. 2/2 =0. My Calculator says 2/2=0.

        Modayas and Mootals are Common among the Paras, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, in Sri Lanka. So they all need to be reconditioned to have common sense.

        • 19

          Sinhala Buddhist Modaya Amarasiri,

          If the 2.4 Million voters did not participate in the elections, Rajapakse would have won by 2 Million Votes.

          If they have voted for Rajapakse he would have won by 4 Million votes.

          So which part of this Maths Modaya Amarasiri cannot figure it out.

          Oba Harima Modaya nethe??

          Also you buggers do not comprehend the foreign funds which came into the opposition… I cannot discuss such a sensitive subject nor will I ever write a Kiss and Tell Book of such details. But Trust me there was some big funds which came into the opposition hands. Chandrika did not generate all those funds in the last 3 months?

          Donald Gnanakone
          Tamils For Justice

          • 7

            Donald Gnanakone Mootal Tamils For Justice Founder,

            This is the Problem with Modayas, Mootals and Fools. Para-Sinhala or Para-Tamil do not seem to have an exclusive right to be Modayas or Mootals, whether they are Tamils for Justice or Sinhala for Justice.

            “If the 2.4 Million voters did not participate in the elections, Rajapakse would have won by 2 Million Votes.”

            Yes, mathematically. If the others, who voted for Maitripala Sirisena did not participate as well, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have won by 5.8 + 2.4 + 3.8 = 12 million votes. That didn’t happen. Mootals do not understand that. People always vote, unless threatened like the Mootal Veeran VP.

            “If the 2.4 Million voters did not participate in the elections, Rajapakse would have won by 2 Million Votes.” Yes.

            Something similar to that was done by the Great Maha Mootal Veeran Velupillai Prabhakaran in 2005, by getting money from Mahinda Rajapaksa and Not allowing the Tamils with common sense to vote. Had Mootal VP, allowed the Tamils with Common sense to Vote, 1,200,000 , or rather 80% of those votes about 1,000,000 would have voted for Ranil Wickramasingha.

            Fortunately, the 2.4 Million Tamil and Muslim voters with Common sense a;pmh with the others who had common sense participated and defeated Mahinda Rajapaksa, Mootal Veeran Velupillai Prabakaran’s Buddy.

            Why is that some Tamils choose Mootals to lead them? Did they learn from their Para-sinhala Countrymen because both are Para from India?

          • 6

            Donald Gnanakone Mootal Tamils For Justice Founder.

            “6.2 Million – 2.4 Million = 3.8 million voters.They Were not Muslim and not Tamil.” They Voted for Mairipala Sirisena.

            [Edited out] Donald Gnanakone [Edited out] Tamils For Justice Founder. Amarasiri pities the Tamils represented by “Tamils for Justice”.

            Of course, that is the case if the Tamils and Muslims with Common sense did not participate in the Voting.

            If the Tamils and Muslims with Common senses got converted to be Mootals and Modaayas, like the others, and voted for Mahinda Rakapaksa. the Results would have been,

            Maitripalq Sirisena= 6.2 -2.4 = 3.8 Million

            Mahinda Rajapaksa = 5.8 + 2.4 = 8.2 Million

            Still Maitripals sirisena Would have got 3.8 million votes from the Sinhala and Buddhist Voters/

            Majority = 4.4 Million.

            This was extremely unlikely, because converting a voter with Common Sense to be a Mootal, Modaya and Fool is much harder, whether Tamil or Sinhala.

          • 4

            [Edited out] Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder,

            The Mootals who have led both the Tamil [Edited out] and Tamils with common sense have done them a great disservice.

            Now we we hanw a new set, [Edited out} Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder.

            It is rather fortunate that the Tamils with common sense Voted for Maithripala sirisena, along with the 3.8 Million Sinhala Buddhists and other citizens despite a call for boycott by the Mootal fraction.

            The Good News for Both Tamils and Sinhala is that the Mootal Modaya Fraction is declining.

            • 2

              There is no use debating with the likes of the founder of ‘Justice for Tamils’. They are consumed by hatred and their response to anything contrary to their beliefs is to become abusive. If that doesn’t work they will have acid thrown at those who oppose them or attack them using thugs.

              There are many reasons why certain groups would like to keep the conflict going on. There is money to be made when there is conflict and refugees and need for weapons and ammunition.

              • 8


                Do you eat much parripu for protein??

                At least have you heard of this man and family from Colombo 7 and why he is personally concerned so much??

                Aren’t you In the hell of an inter-ethnic power struggle of a one person democracy where equality is never whispered?

          • 4

            [Edited out] J Gnanakone,
            Foreign funds were needed because local funds were not available under Mahinda Rajapakse rule. Why does it bother you?

          • 5

            [Edited out] Donald Gnanakone Misleading Tamils For Justice – Founder.

            Amarasiri Wrote:

            “Yes, Madam. Thank you. Thank you again for helping getting the Common Sense Candidate nominated and getting elected. Jayawewa.”

            Donald Gnanakone, read what Amarasiri wrote above. You need to attend some classes in Comprehension, before leading the Innocent Tamils to nowhere. Are you Donald Gnanakone Mootal Tamils For Justice Founder?

            True, everybody helped, but without the 6.2 million common sense voters, and a leading candidate, who had to pull enough voters from the majority community, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have won.

            “Also you buggers do not comprehend the foreign funds which came into the opposition… I cannot discuss such a sensitive subject nor will I ever write a Kiss and Tell Book of such details. But Trust me there was some big funds which came into the opposition hands. Chandrika did not generate all those funds in the last 3 months?”

            • 3

              Amarasiri [Edited out],

              Whyv are you like a Modaya quoting me and trying to confuse the readers???

              You too do not seem to understand English.

              My objection to Chandrika was that Chandrika pretending that Tamil and Muslims did not exist, and 2.4 Million votes that Sirisena received from those 2 races never ever existed. Like another Ungrateful Sinhala Buddhist, she did not thank the Tamil and Muslim voters.

              These politicians and all 3 GOSL leaders must learn to say Freaking THANK YOU to the Tamil and Muslim voters FIRST.

              Gratitude is a virtue seldom in a man, but never ever in a Sinhala Buddhsit.
              There lies the major problem. Sirisena became President because of the Tamils and Muslim. First and foremost acknowledge that.

              Donald Gnanakone
              Tamils For Justice

              • 2

                ¬Gratitude is a virtue seldom in a man, but never ever in a Sinhala Buddhsit.¬

                Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive ― Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

                The coconuts heads play croak-et, drink hot croako display their stupidity in pol addi of the past world and believing in an inter-ethnic power struggle as profitable.

                Labour, Tory but UKIP too want a `European Common Market` to buy and sell goods tax free but not the laws regulations and immigration. The wealth that it can create is more than – an inter-ethnic power struggle as profitable.

                This comes from jealousy, envy, hatred until an outside force knocks their heads together like we and region had for 500 years and it boomerangs on them.

                From the days of Nasser 1968 what has the country and Sinhala speaking Muslims achieved but sending maids to MME and employing maids in industry and what do these men do polygamy??

                Sinhala Buddhsit never mention `equal` because they are stupid living in the past of dynasty making over dead bodies.

                PS Amere don’t worry take it easy mate,
                You finding common sense in 86% of the village is an uphill task only possible after a world war.- So you see your folk lie, lie & lie-aristocrats nonsense.

                • 2

                  Life is Good,

                  “PS Amere don’t worry take it easy mate, You finding common sense in 86% of the village is an uphill task only possible after a world war.- So you see your folk lie, lie & lie-aristocrats nonsense. “


                  There is NO difference between the Mootals, Modayas, and Fools, when it comes to Justice for Tamils, or Justice For Mislims or Sinhala, when they were lead by Mootals, Modayas, and Fools, who electS them. The same Mootals, Modayas, and Fools.

                  Them they call themselves by various names, Justice For (Para) Tamils, Justice for (Para) Sinhala, Change the National Flag to have ONLY their Myth based National Flags containing a Lion or a Tiger.

                  These Para Mootals, Modayas, and Fools, should have a Donkey, Buruwa, Kaluthai, as their anima, with due respect to the Donkey, Buruwa, Kaluthai. May be Mootal Donald Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder, should join the buddies of VP and KP, and form a Grant Party of Mootals, Modayas and Fools. There are at least 5.8 Million of them.

                  One such Example, Wimal Modawansa. The Average IQ of the Modayas who Support Mahinda Modapaksa is around 65.

                  Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s Speech on Wimal Weerawansa. 2/2 =0 , says Modawamnsa, Even my Calculator says 2/2 =1. Can my calculator be into Modawansa’s ( Mootal, Modaya’s) head? Anura Kumara says, EEEYA, EEEYa.


                  What about the other Modaya, Mahinda Modapaksa?

                  Mahinda rajapaksa worst lie ever told


                  Inside Sri lanka #08


                  • 2

                    Always there Amere the man from Ampare Does Seacology pay the womens and childrens subsistence plus a few bob when they attend classes.-Uraniya Lagoon,

                    One man democracy needs a logo to go with it- its all in the marketing of marketing than leave it to groups and lawyers etc etc. to be labeled and swallowed – first time obama needed Satchi & satchi to win. presentation is important and power follows. please leave it.

                    “”Can my calculator be into Modawansa’s ( Mootal, Modaya’s) head? Anura Kumara says, EEEYA, EEEYa. “

                    Obviously they are Zero’s
                    There are no hero’s of war but blood and gore human misery and a cost that is more than the value of victory itself.
                    from dictator to mockery- should i say the worst is yet to come?? keep fingers crossed for a good supper and high tea at 2:00am siesta.

              • 2

                Donald J Gnanakone Tamils For Justice Founder.

                “Like another Ungrateful Sinhala Buddhist, she did not thank the Tamil and Muslim voters.”

                “There lies the major problem. Sirisena became President because of the Tamils and Muslim. First and foremost acknowledge that.”

                Use common sense.

                We all know the truth, CBK knows the numbers and the truth as well. She knows unless one gets numbers from non-sinhala Buddhists, the candidate will not be able to win.

                Do you remember the day after the defeat of MaRa, what he said at Medamulana? I lost because of Minority Voters. Yes. If not for the Minority Voters, assuming everything the same, mathematically, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have Got 55% and Mairupala Sirisena 45%. Still about 20% of the Minority voters voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa, for various reasons including defeating the LTTE Terrorists.

                However, in a situation like that with no Minorities, with only Sinhala Buddhists, they would not be able to Play the Tamil, Muslim and Minority card.

                Then, he would have lost with a bigger margin.

                If CBK had praised the Minority Voters specifically, instead of praising all Voters who voted for Democracy, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have used that as Proof, especially coming from CBK.

                So, CBK is much smarter than Mahinda Rajapaksa and Wimal Buruwansa.

                The error she made, was allow Mahinda Rajapaksa to be the nominee for the Presidency. She Corrected her error on 2014 with a lot of help.

                Donald J Gnanakone, be thankful for Tamils, Muslims, Sinhala Buddhists and Christians and others for their Common Sense in voting for the Common Sense Candidate.

                Mootals, Modayas and their Mootal and Modaya Leaders lost.

            • 2

              “Chandrika did not generate all those funds in the last 3 months?” “

              During her time as PM she posted several of her women to ministry of defense UK charities as directors, Councillors of secure labour seats etc How about other countries?? Most of these women of UK are cool millionaires now (they got paid for numerous items within the scope of the job- that is UK style) How about Harry J the Danish Diplomat and his Gibraltar offshore (I won’t tell you because I know him too well) She is floating as much as MR except its in close relatives who told the public- I know president but I am British.
              Votes are purchased in a village environment of 86%.They would have purchased the Sinhala votes- hard times so why not take the offer would have been the voters demand while RM’s men would have pocketed the loot for distribution thinking they would win.

      • 14

        “” It was the 2.4 Million Tamil and Tamil speaking Muslim voters who won the Presidential elections for the SLFP Sirisena candidate. Now the Tamil voters are being totally ignored””

        History keeps on repeating for the [Edited out] Tamils.

        Independence forefathers Sinhalese and Tamils hid in Tamil Nadu women sari returned and deported the estate Tamil worker.

        VP fought the Indians and drove them away for the Sinhalese finally to be killed by Sinhalese.

        Wiggi wants the Nadu to keep out while left [Edited out]wants to fish in troubled waters.

      • 6

        [Edited out] J Gnanakone,
        Are you saying 2.4 Million Tamil and Tamil speaking Muslim voters are stupid to vote for Maithri instead of Mahinda?
        You would have wished Mahinda won.

        • 6


          “Are you saying 2.4 Million Tamil and Tamil speaking Muslim voters are stupid to vote for Maithri instead of Mahinda? You would have wished Mahinda won.”

          It is hard to reason with Modayas, Mootals and Fools, whether they are Tamil Mootals or Sinhala or Muslim Modayas. You can come up with all the math you want, but if they have a following of Mootals, Modayas and Fools they will just gulp it.

          Two Examples are given Below. There are 5.5 million of them.

          Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s Speech on Wimal Weerawansa, 2/2 =0, my calculator says 2/2 =1. EEEEYa EEERya EEEEya EEEEYa


          Mahinda rajapaksa worst lie ever told-


  • 18

    Hear hear Chandrika Kumaratunga,

    It couldn’t be better said – you have now become a genuine stateswoman for Sri Lanka.

    Where is our self proclaimed perverted political wizard, Dayan jayatilake?

    You have well and truly put him to hang his head in shame.

    • 5

      If CBK was not active in chasing away MR et al, nothing would have happened towards the highly abusive politics of Rajapakshes

    • 12

      “”Hear hear Chandrika Kumaratunga, “”

      Nothing to hang on to but the same old knickers that kills and kills once in power.

  • 1

    I really wish she will get a “face-lift” done like the former Majority Chief of the United States House of Reps. !!

    • 9

      she will get more than a face lift in fact the nation when Hillary loses the Presidency once again in 2016- Harry J. Bahaaaaa.

  • 7

    We need mention when people are in power they don’t realise what their duty is an lament that others are not doing their’s. Chandrika was there for two terms.

    • 6

      Gullible nutters and opportunist,

      when miserable come to power they don’t know what to do –
      Bush, Lenin, Churchill, Maggie,Blair.

      But one thing for sure like the squirrel they hide their new ill gotten wealth in safe offshore accounts- money for a couple of generations

  • 4

    1994 befor come to power she went to Jaffna with her huspend and says the same and after came to power what was happend?can she bring peace?

  • 0

    The single reason for SL’s so called ethnic issue is a history debate…SInhalese have one version and tamils have another…resolve it…that is the ONLY cause

    • 4

      And you have none.

      • 0

        what do you have?
        I have asked this question from many tamils here. Like Narendran, BI and many to give a source about tamil history as a nation before 14AD……NONE gave…

        BI as always ended up talking nonsense that did not relate to what I asked. But jumped up when someone posted a link to T Sabarathnam’s SL conflict and history…My advice is please read T Sabaratnam’s history version because his version also proves my point. :)

        And the dentist just gave a link to an article he previously wrote….

        So my question again, WHAT DO YOU HAVE?

    • 10


      Good to hear from you. By the way we didn’t miss you.

      “The single reason for SL’s so called ethnic issue is a history debate…SInhalese have one version and tamils have another…”

      And you, Jazz, Taraki, Sinhala Banda, Mechanic, Sarogini, Irathinavalli, Bandu, Champika, Ganapathipillai, …………………. and few others have their own version of history.

      “resolve it…that is the ONLY cause”

      Beat the Tamils hard into accepting Sinhala version of history. But then the problem is whose version of the history, yours, Jazz’s, mechanic’s, champika’s, Nalin’s, Lal loo’s ……………….

      Now the Sinhala/Buddhists should first agree among themselves.

      • 0

        Have you eelamists agreed on one version? At least the sinhalese have proof in what they say…what do u have?

        Between what makes you think you have any authority over history?

    • 3


      You called SJVC was racist!

      CBK says:

      “We know that Mr. Chelvanayakam left no stone unturned in his attempts to arrive at a political settlement of the minorities question. The Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact, the Dudley/ Chelvanayakam Pact and so many other Agreements were arrived at with much difficulty. However, every one of these Agreements were thwarted and prevented from being implemented…”

      What do you say to the above? Do you think that there would have been Tamil militantly if one of those agreements had been implemented? Who do you think derailed such agreements? Your stance should resonate with those who derailed every attempt that SJVC endeavouedr; how do you feel about that?

      • 8

        Burning Issue

        Come on be serious.

        “What do you say to the above?”

        You should know better, if you ask a racist you should expect to receive a stupid answer.

      • 0

        Yes SJVC is a racist, actually most of the tamil politicians were racists and casteists. Ponnambalam was the biggest racist.

        what authority does CBK have? Is she a virtue of truth now? How come what CBK (the biggest failed leader in this country) says has any relevance?

        These so called agreements were aimes at keeping the North and East purely tamil where tamil migration was only allowed. That is the reason south did not agree to it. This demand comes from tamil’s thinking that North and East is a Tamil historical homeland which is not.

        That is why as I said before this is simply a history debate and nothing else.

        The war was bound to happen…..the federal party was formed in 1951 years before sinhala only act..

        • 7


          Stupid is as stupid does, says:

          “The war was bound to happen…..the federal party was formed in 1951 years before sinhala only act..”

          “Sri Lanka: What went wrong”


          “After his return from Oxford in 1925, Bandaranaike advocated Sinhala and Tamil to supplant English as the Official languages of Sri Lanka, after the advent of Independence. In 1931 when he formed the Sinhala Maha Sabha to contest our first General Election under adult franchise, he advocated Sinhala and Tamil to replace English after Independence.”

          “S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike was an intellectual of the highest possible calibre. For example he is by far the most quoted politician in Sri Lanka of the twentieth century. Another example of his intellectual capacity was that after his first visit to Jaffna in 1926, he advocated Federalism as the only honourable way for the Sinhalese and Tamils to live together after Independence. (S. J. V. Chlevanayagam first advocated Federalism in 1949).”


          • 1

            Even I had read the above recently, poor sach did not know her own country polictical history, she asserts about the historic roots which are mostly debatable.

  • 8

    A very eloquent speech that fits the commemoration of a great gentle gentleman. May his ways and thought live forever.

    There is nothing substantial in President Chandrika’s speech that one can grip as a path to a political solution between the two Nations of Peoples. Her thoughts, based on her constant reference to minority rights, are still anchored in viewing the Tamil National question as a minority problem.

    One had expected that she would have revealed at least an impressionist view of a political solution in such an important occasion that Tamils and all peace loving people in the Island would have hoped.

    • 2

      I wouldn’t say it was “eloquent.” But CBK deserves to be given a chance to help nudge all parties toward a solution, despite her past failures.

      • 8

        that is what is known as “unfair trolling partner”

        changing sides like a chameleon.

        Lefty Looneys

  • 2

    An excellent speech Madam.

    You are not someone who would just talk the talk but walk the walk. As you expressed, SriLankan have given you an overwhelming mandate electing you as the President to sort the ethnic issue, and we, those minorities who still live here knew you had got Neelan working on it, but unfortunately VP thought getting a solution meant he would be ended up without arms, that was something he was not prepared to afford even if Tamil Eelam given in a plate. Such was his idiocy. Ultimately he brought your effort to an end by ambushing Neelan, and with that effort LTTE clearly demonstrated to the world what they were up to. Not only him, but some of the well educated ones who comfortably live overseas too believed that by sacrificing a few poor young ones time to time, they could keep SL forces at bay. Most of us in NE who lived through LTTE’s time, from land mines explosions to the war, knew if any SL government really wanted to bring the NE under its control, it could. This was clearly evidenced when IPKF were chasing the LTTE, it was only matter of weeks that LTTE were to be brought under control by IPKF but just then Premadasa saved them with their fame still in tact, and which only helped impress the Diaspora that they were gloating our boys chased the IPKF away. So, what had stopped the other governments other than MR’s from going with a full blown onslaught was, whether it can afford the collateral damages including innocent casualty that is inevitable, human right violations and war crimes, loss of lives of soldiers. All these didn’t matter to MR, and he went ahead treated each and every Tamil as terrorist and became a hero amongst the extremists. The biggest mistake he did was trying to fool the IC with his zero causality theory and impart the expertise gained to other forces that were fighting terrorism.

    Had he accepted the casualties and took genuine effort to compensate the affected and make real piece, he would been a father of the country. Instead, he proved that he was a real thug of worse kind by further infuriating and annihilating the ones who affected by war. Grease yakka just an example to explain his cruel mind. Karma thought at last enough is enough and the king has been brought down to the earth, with him his acolytes, crooks, thugs, thieves, felons and drug smugglers. They alway want prove, whether it be war crimes or corruption in the order of billions dollars, doesn’t matter how black and white the crimes that they committed were. Courts might need such hard evidence but not voters, they knew the first thing a skilful thief does is erasing the traces of the crime, or the cover up. That was the judgment they did offer for MR, did he learn?. If they did, they will not try to derail the piece process instead hope they would work for a just and fair Sri Lanka where everyone feels belong to, have equal rights. They will not fight for a separate the South by erasing the lines representing the minorities from the national flag.

    Even better for those who committed crimes in the believe that MR would return to power is to accept the crimes now rather than waiting until the commissions come knocking on the doors. This way you could help cut down the cost of chasing the relevant documents. An update on amount of money being recouped from the corrupted ones to be provided to the public on a regular interval. Good starting point would be the cost of helicopter joy riding by Weerawansa.

    Re a Dr of some sort, he would have been energised because of your reference, and he am sure will bombard the CT readers with one his own bs, stay tuned. Not even worth mentioning these type of U turn smart patriotic characters, who only can fool themselves and people like MR.

  • 31

    What were the TNA thinking asking CBK to deliver the SJV Chelvanayakam Memorial Lecture? Thanthai Chelva was interested in the Tamil National Question – not the “minorities question”! When she refers to Tamils as Minorities and ‘talks of reasonable use of Tamil and the 13th amendment as not being implemented – as though they were great boons to Tamils, I froze – there ended my faith in CBK being able to promote unity..Read my CT article to get a true perspective on what SJV stood for!

    • 4

      Dear Usha:

      I am an admirer of your contribution to Tamil rights and your unflinching attitude as a lioness in that respect and we speak with one voice. Although CBK was not a cuddly toy in dealing with Tamil sufferings during her tenure which I put down to Human Frailty.
      But she is now a reformed character and you might wonder why I say this and to be honest I came round to seeing her as such a character through the prism based on her reaction to the Channel 4 programme ” Killing Fields ” despite loosing an eye sight and we all know how. After watching that from her London Home she said she cried. To answer your question about TNA asking her to deliver SJV memorial may be that is what influenced them but I cant vouch for this.
      As for bringing people lie her whose past is not tainted like Mahinthas ( who I will never forgive or forget ) into our fold goes to show that despite our suffering ( I speak as a person who is still comforting the widow and the mother) we are prepared rise above our prejudices and I am sure despite your lioness instinct you are every bit the same caring and compassionate individual.

      Kind regards

  • 0

    Stop. Take stock. Make a to do list. And move on.

    CBK re-writes the script. Keep moving. Excellent plan.

  • 9

    All this romantic talk is to lure her son into position of power and increase the family stolen from tax payer wealth.

    We saw the women in India Nazi Graft Sonia and we are seeing a repeat over here at Lanka.

    Aren’t they family friends that made the sky fall on the jaffna Tamils??

    With 86% villagers and 90% with low IQ <50 what cant one do with the village tamil trolls. Still movie mad MGR.

  • 13

    We cannot continue to dwell on history, chanting forever who did what wrong…
    This statement is an insult not just to the Tamil people, but to all the countless UN officials including the Secretary General who are advocating for justice and accountability. The whole concept of accountability is to not sweep things under the rug and start over as CBK is urging. This idea of forgetting the events of 2009 is shared by all parties that make up Sinhalese politics. Unfortunately for them, it is an argument that is detached from reality. The UN and the US are not going to go away. We are not going to wake up one day to a statement from President Obama saying “I made a mistake with the UN resolutions. Oops, sorry – My bad. Let’s just forge the whole thing and move on”. That’s a fantasy that’s just not going to happen.
    The sooner the GOSL accepts reality, the sooner everyone can get to the inevitable end-game. I suppose there are two kinds of people in the world. When condemned to death, one group will ask for a swift death without delay to get it over with. The other will ask for delay and postponement to try to squeeze out a few more pathetic days of existence. Sadly the GOSL and CBK belong to the latter category.

  • 7

    Fidel Castro is a Leader. He had the back bone to resist american bully and stand alone at leader he built certain things, Health care system of Cuba, unique to the socialist world just being a neighbour to the capitalist bully.

    CBK is not a leader. She talks mostly like an illegitimate daughter of a Sri lankan leader. She indirectly says that SWRD was wrong.

    CBK must understand what Tamils did as LTTE if they did any where in the world, examples, Africa and former Yugoslovia, Sri lanka would have been two countries and Tamils have slaughtered like stray dogs.

    She is not intelligent enough to understand how accommodative Sinhala buddhists were for other ethnic groups and other religions were.

    Just Political crap people who are not leaders but became leader because of inheritance. Political ingenious is not about cheating people by words.

    What is the importance of this crap written by western academics. How does it fits to Sinhale ? Are those words fit for universal application or their own society ?

  • 9

    Sri lanka does not have true leaders except people who inherited the leadership from their parents and they think they are the chosen ones.

    Other wise, this is the same crap that leads to more trouble.

    Target is one the result will be completely unexpected.

    So screw up the country to escape from the BS that was preached.

  • 9

    “”The ethnic problem of Sri Lanka has led to political conflict, violence and terrorism.”

    The lust for free falling power in the Banda family is unparalleled in the world- Inferiority complexed SWRD first started the killing of whites and tamils.

    Did not CBK sponsor Hambantota Hora RM knowing his character and he had swindled the kids of UK funds??

    They had a big fight but are still alive to do what they all do without fail- Tarunayata Hettak like the Gande Gandhis!

    The Bandas – Its time Sinhala/Buddhists returned to whence their ancestors came.

  • 12

    If Kumaratunga and her President are genuine, she will have to

    1.Get her government to sign the Rome Statute that would enable the International Criminal Court to act. She does not explain why she did not do so when she was Head of State

    2.Immediately admit Amnesty Internal, Human Rights Watch and International Crisis Group into the country

    3.Withdraw the Prevention of Terrorism Act – slated by every major human tights group in the world.

    4.Focus on the obvious fact that the ‘Mahavamsa mind-set’ is the bottom line in the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka which any fool can see.

    5.Focus on the fact the politically-active Buddhist monks are the major problem, the curse, in Sri Lanka. She should know this because one of them assassinated her father and others wrecked every Pact she has referred to between the Sinhala government and Mr Chelvanayagam

    6. Realise that until the Sinhalese people and their politicians say “Sorry” to the Tamil people (as the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd did to the Australian aborigines), nothing can even start to change. When in power, she said that each one should apologise to each other. For what reason would the Tamil people apologise? For having their basic human rights abused?

    7.Tell her Prime Minister Wickremasinghe that to go to Jaffna and then give an interview (to an Indian journalist) just a few weeks ago, in which he called Justice Wigneswaran, Head of the Northern Provincial Council a liar and that he will have nothing to do with him, is no way to seek reconciliation with the Tamils – any more than to carpet-bombing Jaffna with half a million civilians, in her so-called ‘War for Peace) which she, as President, Minister of Defence and Head of the Armed Forces, did.The humanitarian tragedy this caused resulted in what has been referred to as “The Exodus” resulted in concern being expressed by the then UN Secretary General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali

    8, She had 9 years to settle this problem and had the backing of everyone from all the ethnic groups in the country which no other leader ever had, but failed (miserably), She now has the answers.

    If she had gone down the path of her visionary husband, Vijeya Kumaratunga, someone I had the good fortune to meet, Sri Lanka would have been a better place for all. He was too fine a man to survive in Sri Lanka as a politician. Sri Lanka has produced a number of policians but no Statesmen. The only two who came close to this were Chelvanayagam and Vijeya Kumaratunga.

    I would have thought that Justice Wigneswaran would have been a better choice to deliver the SJVC Address. Unfortunately, those who proposed her name are simply too stupid or too frightened of what he would have said.

    Brian Senewiratne

    • 9

      “The only two who came close to this were Chelvanayagam and Vijeya Kumaratunga. “

      SJVC true to his faith was a crusader like Dr Mathir.

      Vijaya was simply a movie star like Ronald Reagan who let the horses out and bolted the barn (Franco & António)

      Anyone better than that??

    • 2

      Thanks Brian.

      “In countries like Sri Lanka – not party to the ICC – international pressure plays an important role in keeping a focus on the issue of accountability for mass atrocities. A contribution to the openGlobalRights’ debate on the ICC. Español, Français”

      Small steps forward? International pressure and accountability for atrocities in Sri Lanka – https://www.opendemocracy.net/openglobalrights/kate-croninfurman/small-steps-forward-international-pressure-and-accountability-for

  • 2

    Poverty is the root cause of inequality.

    Great majority of the inhabitant population who happen to be the Sinhala Buddhists were the poorest along side the low caste Tamil and a few Muslim people in remote areas on this Madam.s watch. .

    Terrorism which was planned and executed by Vellalas living overseas and with the help of the West didn’t have anything to do with elimination of poverty.

    Except the Diaspora financed Prabakaran used the poor to do the dirty work of killing innocent fellow poor in rural and urban areas..

    There was a sentence ex President has copied and pasted which is worthy of noting.

    However I doubt whether she understood or cares about.

    And here it is .

    To eliminate poverty Sustainable Rapid and Village centred Economic Development is the crucial need in any country whether it is 1st, 2nd 0r 3rt World.

    Did this ex President do it or at least attempt to do it?.

    When the cousin Ranil tried to give Prabakaran North and East , she chopped him at the knees, with the help of the JVP.

    One has to be a donkey to believe what this woman says about elimination of poverty and bringing prosperity.

    In fact this ex President connived with the UNP London and the Diaspora Eelaam to topple the Regime which brought in sustainable Economic Development to the Village especiall in the North and the East.

    But the Vellalas were not happy.

    Now the Whisky Loving ex has joined with the JVP and cousin Ranil to stop that development totally and completely.

    So much for her love , affection and caring for the great majority of the Sinhala Buddhist inhabitant population in the rural sector.

    The way the ex President handled the fight against Terrorism is a disgrace.

    The way she used the PSD was criminal.

    But no probes, or commissions.

    BTW I thought Dayan had a proper Degree and a post Grad , not a Certificate from Sorborne..

  • 7

    “There cannot be any reconciliation for the Tamils unless there is Accountability, Truth and Justice.”
    There is no signs at all for peace in Sri Lanka. There is a big contradiction between truth and the Sri Lanka People wish and will. It can be deciphered from all the writings followed by the comments there in. All the writers,the politicians and leaders are expressing with distorted conscience. They are not looking at the real truth. some section of Sri Lanka is looking for the Total annihilation of the Tamils. Or looking to bring the Tamils under Neo modern slavery. Some are aiming to do some thing and hush up the problem. The name “War for peace ” is biggest cheat,tragedy and comedy.
    The situation in Sri Lanka is like Pontious Pilate,the Jewish priest and their followers, Jesus Christ at the court.
    If they want a justice and peace they should have given priority for Tamil problem. All act for the majority vote but not for the Truth and Justice.

  • 5

    “Hence we adopted a strategy of honest, public discourse to inform the people that the only viable solution was to choose the path of dialogue, negotiations and peace achieved by means of a FEDERAL CONSTITUTION”…

    A statement par excellence, if it means what we like to interpret it as!

    • 7

      Cooperative federalism
      Modi told the Sinhalese-dominated parliament in Colombo that “cooperative federalism” was working well in India and suggested it could be a model for Sri Lanka too.

      Modi under control and she with Sonia axis wants to hood wink the tamil like she did with Vijaya.

      Prime Minister Modi had pledged USD 1.5 billion in financial assistance on a currency swap arrangement. The Reserve Bank of India and Central Bank of Sri Lanka agreement will help Sri Lanka keep its Rupee stable. The Sri Lankan Rupee has been under pressure since early January and has fell around 1.5 per cent so far this year despite Central Bank action to sell dollars to defend it. The bank also announced today the cutting of policy interest rates for the first time in 16 months. The deposit facility Rate and the lending facility rate of the Central Bank are reduced to 6 per cent and 7. 50 per cent, respectively.

    • 5

      Hippocratic Sinhala Intellectual could not accept their own truth. Chandrika saying if the “Sinhala Only” hurt Tamils it was only an accident. The same woman is explaining there was intentional discrimination in political and economic matters. This is how she is hiding the elephant with “Munthani”(the small hanging part of the sari over the shoulder) of her sari. The Genocide planned and committed by the Sinhala intellectuals’ story has been well said in the NPC resolution requesting for International Inquiry. Chandrika should read it. The Genocide started with DS 1948. 1958 was biggest mass murder of Tamils. Following that, the 1961 Satyagira, Chandrika’s Navali – Chemani and Kirishanti family murders are the big ones. She is not ready to accept the murders done her father, mother and her self. She is not seeking accountability for Genocides of 1958. 1961, and her time. Everybody understands how fraudulent that is. This is her competition with the old king

      “If I may give you one example of the opportunism of so-called political or civil society leaders in this country, there is a certain gentleman, who calls himself a Doctor of something or another, who fought hard for Eelam and a separate State while he was a member of one of the five armed groups in the 80’s. He asked for and obtained a ministry in the North/East Provincial Council, fully supporting the 13th Amendment and even a separate State at that time. Today this man has taken to expressing theories against any form of political sharing, having changed his view a few times for and against power sharing in the interim period, according to the bidding of his political patrons. It is truly sad that people of some intelligence and knowledge adopt such attitudes knowing full well how dangerous and destructive they can be to the Nation’s progress.” This is her competition with Dhayan de Silva. Altogether, she is trying to take together on the Master and the servant. To carry on this race, she has used the most truthful politician of the Land, SJV’s memorial. Tamil lost their jobs. Tamils lost their education. Tamil lost their properties. Tamil women forced to kneel down in front of army. Tamils Lost their land. But they still had their clean politics by Pirapaharan and SJV’s sincere sacrifice. Today SJV’s fame has been polluted by the ITAK’s comedies.

      Chandrika used Kathigamar to destroy Tamils. Chandrika broke the peace deal Ranil made with LTTE and sank their ship even without Ranil knowing the initiations. Chandrika forcefully sacked the Ranil government. Chandrika brought Old King as the Prime Minister. There is a corruption case against Chandrika and she was punished by the court for that. After the change of government, she has not attempted to clear her name, if she did nothing wrong. Chandrika now wants to take up on Dhayan De Silva and the Old King together. Back boneless Dhayan De Silva who surrendered to the old King after he sacked Dhayan would not be able to accept this challenge. But old king is almost certain to regain his power.

      Although some saw the Sinhala Only Act as an affirmation of Sinhala supremacy, I maintain that the then Prime Minister, Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, did not see it in that way. Granting the Sinhala language its due place after nearly five centuries of colonial suppression of the Sri Lankan identity and our different cultures, bringing back the official use of Sinhala was seen as the driving force for the regaining of our National Lankan identity. The mistake made may be said to be that the language of the other two major minorities was not given its due place at the same time and that a third language was not brought in as a link language, as was done in India.. For the first time in the Lanakve’s history a new explanation has been given Chandrika. This Sinhala Only bills was planned by JR and SWRD from 1944. Her father wanted to rule the country all together. He is one started “Federal Government ” dupe first and he is one cheated SJV first on that. She is again hiding the elephant with her Munthanai saying she does not want to deal with the history. She is clearly trying to establish that her father had the right to make the entire as Sinhala country.

      This is what they say in Tamil Koli thinda kallanar kooda niru Ulavuraar. (The thief who ate the chicken also searching for the missing chicken with all other)

      So she takes the Tamils issue on her hand. TNA who issued false statement during the election to support Chandrika’s candidate, now has sacked Ananathi and has installed Chandrika to fight for the Tamils right.

  • 8

    “The moral of the story is that non-violent attempts at resolving the minorities question through a negotiated political solution has been consistently thwarted by the extreme opportunism of the two major political parties in our country”

    Thank you madam for an excellent speech. Perhaps the persons responsible for causing the war, “thwarting solutions” in the first place should be questioned by the CID and bribery commission?

    Why did my generation have to suffer for the mistakes of your parent’s generation?

    • 6

      Victory at war seldom covers the cost therefore the hurry of spin doctoring government.

      Half the wars are avoided if you pay your dues within your generation-

      Alas, they all dream of dynasty making which is real when they get that power to fly to palaces around the world and be felicitated as reps of the people of a sovereign nation- pomp fanfare.

      5000 DPL passports are enough to smuggle tons of gold to offshore accounts and establish knights to fund the cause of their clan.

  • 1

    How come France operates only with French and Britain operates only with english.

    Only Sinhale needed other languages.

    Sinhala people should never take her or her descendents in to powerful positions.

    • 1

      “How come France operates only with French and Britain operates only with english.”

      Have you never heard about the minorities with their own languages in France and United Kingdom? Why is UK called UK? Please use Google.

    • 6

      “How come France operates only with French and Britain operates only with english.”

      Moootal man- Because you are faulty towers not European – Be your self please you cant prepare simple calculator.

      `New World`after reconquesta 1492 Granada of Spanish Isabella mark with blood of royalty across Europe representing the cultural values.
      Buro/Buruva/ulu/olu/boru Spanish Villa-James Bond Sean Coronary Gold Finger.
      Grabbed the Chinese by the bowels.GDP Corn fed Pig.Catch the monkey by it’s tail like in jungle book.

      has been widely dispersed around the world, it is official language in 83 countries/regions (ISO), spoken in 105 other countries (E).

      Curiosity: English language does not have official status in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


      español (“Spanish”) and castellano (“Castilian”)
      with the expansion of the former Spanish Empire (Spain), the language spread around the world, it is official language in 21 countries (ISO), spoken in 44 countries (E);


      in French: le français

      is spoken as a first language in France, French-speaking Switzerland, in parts of Belgium, (Brussels), Monaco, and in parts of Canada, (Quebec), and by French communities elsewhere. Official language in 40 countries (ISO), spoken in 54 countries (E)


      in German: Deutsch

      German is official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Italy (South Tyrol); 5 countries (ISO), spoken in 40 other countries (E).



      Natively spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, and East Timor; official language in 9 countries (ISO), spoken in 34 countries

  • 0

    She may think now two terms was not enough to settle the national question for her. For MR life presidency would have been bestowed if not for the common candidature, and the idea was originally JVP’s. Presidential form of governance enabled this, a president elected by the majority votes of minorities, this is what indigestable to the sinhala supremacists. To how extend she helped and found a common candidate because of the clout she possesses by virtue of her family status in Sri Lanka is understandable. The same cannot be told to Rajapakses however they aspire for. Such power brokers would be business magnets and barons in the absence of a former president and a daughter of premier parents. People may tolerate a dynast for that than a robber baron as a behind the scene facilitator though the regime that was to blame, considered that as a conspiracy. However if it not worked well, it would have boomeranged on the ‘three’. People in Sri Lanka is over educated cynics (-ve) and they hate dynastic politics (+ve). Therefore if she helped to rotate common candidacy every 5 yrs for the main parties it would erase separatism and also the infiltration of tenacious insurgent thoughts. ‘Once captured power they won’t give it’, like fears be eliminated from the people’s mind. Mahinda was also not bad in that he handed over the power immediately. Coup mentality is not there in our forces. Common candidate for every term! That is the only hope for democracy and reconcilition without foreign intervention!

  • 8

    1.The lady has forgotten her father’s assessment of Chelvanayagam as “one of the most dangerous types of human beings in the world.”
    (Peter Schalk, review of A.J.Wilson’s ‘S.J.V. Chelvanayagam and the Crisis of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism

    2. She says “the implementation of the Reasonable Use of Tamil Bill has not yet taken place nearly 60 years after its birth.”
    Ten years of that 60 years was under her rule?

  • 7

    And I alone with the help of my uncle Ratwatte am responsible for that supreme peace established during my tenure ( although that did not help me much to protect my own eye. Or was it a case , like Jesus, sacrificed my eye for the benefit of others?)

  • 1

    CBK, former PM/President – and the daughter of that arch Sinhala Buddhist supremacist SWRD who, arguably, divided this country along racial lines – invited to make the SJVC Memorial itself is a forward movement in our recent political history. I was there when my friend
    Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam was invited to deliver the SWRD Memorial some years ago. I was then pleased liberalism slowly but surely is making its way back in our ruptured political landscape by the very forces that introduced the sceptre of communalism into our politics. Of course, one can turn and say much of what she recommends now could have been done in the nearly decade she was very much in the saddle. But I understand, despite all the liberalism in her, Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism lead by unyielding, egoistic and influential priests of the higher order and a Sinhala army were far too much for her to handle simultaneously. But, hopefully, the situation – and more critically the context – is changing and there is room to hope space for justice and reason will be created in the changed dispensation. I congratulate the organisers of the SJVC Memorial for this excellent choice.

    BTW, there were some comments here about her son entering politics.
    Why not? He is an educated boy, well brought up as far as we know. He is miles ahead of the kudu, pimp and thieving variety – for sometime dominating our Parliament.

    R. Varathan

    • 7

      “”Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam was invited to deliver the SWRD Memorial some “”

      licking the plate of the assassinated please villager better sleep it catching choppers by day light,

      or better still listen to the sound of cricket’s on a hot summers day drinking hot corako your favourite cheap pastime.

      Jaffna you never played cricket or rugby nor is it the capital of the soil.

      “He is miles ahead of the kudu, pimp and thieving variety – for sometime dominating our Parliament.”

      86% villagers undoubtedly create the kuddu terror et al greed idiots kutti mani and want to wash away the tears blaming the 4 walls as if we don’t see or feel- puta madre cabeza!

      Worship tree stone what more?? hide and squeak don’t live on evil planets.

  • 14

    Dear Mrs. Kumaratunga,

    Winning The War Is Not Establishing Peace

    Before I reflect on some of the points I wish to cast my mind back and reveal something. I think it was about 10 years ago after you retired from Politics I saw you inside the Hampstead Post Office and you were in the Queue 2 places in front of me.

    You were not a cuddly toy when it comes to the Tamil issue but you are a World away from Mahintha. We owe you an apology for blinding you but that happened during a War which was forced on us. We owe you a sense of gratitude for bringing the terror by an Evil Empire and not blinded by Natural human reaction to take revenge but instead albeit late playing a crucial role in wrong footing MR and bringing MS out. The change of Regime is only a temporary relief but we have a long way to go before we reach parity.

    It was during your tenure that we had the battle for Mullaithivu with high human cost on your side and I still remember watching hundreds of dead Soldiers herded on to trucks and then the final battle in which thousands perished at Nanthikadal and that should never happen.
    MR was never going to win the peace as he was a born Racist and a War Monger.

    1) It is difficult to envisage delivering a lecture to commemorate Mr. S.J.V. Chelvanayakam without reflecting upon the one issue that concerned him most – the minorities question in Sri Lanka. Mr. Chevanayakam and his Party, the Federal Party, engaged in a long and difficult struggle to win the Tamil peoples’ rights.

    *** He was knocking his head against a brick wall and you might not agree as you were part of the establishment but sadly we will never get anything from the Majority willingly but that is the truth. Prabakaran was a creation of Sinhalese Atrocities and it is no use denying it.

    2) I shall focus on the possible causes of these problems and the options we have for its resolution.
    Hence, as in many other countries, “identity” became a major platform for demands of minority communities. People felt that discrimination was occurring due to their specific identity, which was different from that of the ruling majority.
    We must adopt a holistic view of conflict, their genesis and causes. In recent times, scholars hold that the main cause of dissent and violent conflict is the existence of inequalities among different groups and communities living in a country. Inequality, deprivation and discrimination should be looked at not only in economic terms but measured in social, cultural and political terms.

    *** In Sri Lanka it wasn’t just discrimination but killings simply because of ones Ethnicity. Sri Lanka holds the record for the number of Race Riots and I speak as a person who has lost three and for me Prabakarn was a means to an end. He gave us hope where none existed under Thanthai Selva. I am no Jesus to turn my other cheek.

    3) Perceived injustice engenders violent or terroristic responses from the victims of that injustice. Frustration and despair caused by continued social marginalization, economic deprivation and political defeat has been known to result in violence. It was said that “young hope betrayed, transforms itself into bombs”. Leon Trotsky described the two emotions central to terrorism as despair and vengeance.

    *** This is why I call the LTTE freedom fighters not Terrorists.

    4) Prof. Frances Stewart writing on Horizontal Inequalities states that the exclusion of some communities from an equitable share of the benefits of prosperity causes inequalities and lead to conflict.

    *** It was not just inequalities, but killings and finally Standardisation which gave birth to LTTE.

    5) As for Sri Lanka, the constant economic, social and cultural deprivation of the Northern and Eastern regions is clearly related to the violent conflict we have witnessed. Low levels of development of infrastructure, relatively little opportunity to access quality education and employment, political marginalization with minimal opportunity to participate in decision-making processes in the political and administrative superstructure, are undoubtedly the root causes that gave rise to the terribly violent conflict.

    *** The above is an accurate analysis with one correction. Tamils had ample opportunity to access quality education. But I am sure you would admit that it was the attempt to introduce Standardisation to curtail the privileges enjoyed by the Tamils giving reasons that the Tamils under British had access to best education and it was by curtailing the privileges enjoyed by the Tamils under British the Majority could reach parity which was a wrong decisions and bad policy.
    In my view what should have happened was just the opposite. Standard of the Sinhalese education could have been improved without restricting Tamil opportunity.

    6) The consistent rejection by the State of the demand of the Tamil movements for language parity, led to increased demands for power sharing through Federalism, and finally the demand for a separate State.

    *** The demand for Federalism was not just for language parity but also equally for preservation of Tamil Culture, land and Security to avoid the horrors of Krishanthi.
    There was a passive colonisation of the East which unchecked would have eroded Tamil Culture in the East.

    6) It is of interest to reiterate that numerous studies have ascertained that when all communities living within a State are guaranteed equal opportunities – economically, socially, politically and their separate identities are respected and given free expression, they will become a productive, vibrant part of the State, celebrating the richness of its diversity, while building an united, strong and stable country.

    *** The above in the absence of the means at our disposal to achieve the above is meaningless and especially when we had two Nations although the Catholic Preacher Dayan will disagree.

    7) The most potent source of violent conflict today is identity.

    *** I will rephrase it and say the ” Denial of Tamil Identity by the Sinhalese.

    8)In an inclusive society, all citizens are aware that they have equal opportunities and will contribute fully to the Nation building.

    *** I have always said and say it again.

    United under Subjugation we FALL.
    Divided as two distinct groups under a Federal Structure we STAND.

    9) In a Nation where all citizens and communities feel satisfied that they are equal partners, sharing equally political rights, economic, social and cultural benefits, there will prevail political stability and economic prosperity. Leaders and every citizen must recognize the value of diversity, rejoice in its richness and limitless potential and strive to build Unity within Diversity. I would call this a Cohesive and Shared Society.

    *** We can achieve the above only under a Federal System

    10) We know that Mr. Chelvanayakam left no stone unturned in his attempts to arrive at a political settlement of the minorities question. The Bandaranaike/Chelvanayakam Pact, the Dudley/ Chelvanayakam Pact and so many other Agreements were arrived at with much difficulty.

    *** Sadly the stones he turned were all in the Cemetry and under every Stone there were Tamil bodies some from Race Riots.

    11) Although some saw the Sinhala Only Act as an affirmation of Sinhala supremacy, I maintain that the then Prime Minister, Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, did not see it in that way. Granting the Sinhala language its due place after nearly five centuries of colonial suppression of the Sri Lankan identity and our different cultures, bringing back the official use of Sinhala was seen as the driving force for the regaining of our National Lankan identity.

    *** I was not privy to the above but I have always believed that as a shrewd politician he used the Race Card to come to power to solve the Ethnic Problem and paid a heavy price. This is precisely why I don’t think that there is no internal solution and we need a Carrot and Stick approach with International Input.

    12) A gallup poll we conducted at the time my Government came to power in 1994 showed that only 23 per cent of the Sinhala people opted for a negotiated settlement of the conflict.

    *** I am surprised that the figure was 23% as I would have thought that it will be in the region of under 5% based on the attitude of my best friend who is Sinhalese.

    13) I must emphasize that my Government only employed democratic methods to persuade the people.

    *** You made a mistake. You could have used the services of Thugs from Hambanthotta.

    I have the following request for you now that you have been entrusted with Nation building.

    1) Devolve Land and PolicePower to the North & East.
    2) Bring those Guilty of war Crimes to books
    3) Begin the process of Genuine Reconciliation

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