20 September, 2024


Withdraw The Special Presidential Pardon Granted To Sunil Ratnayake: Jaffna People’s Forum For Coexistence

The Jaffna People’s Forum for Coexistence calls for withdrawal of the special Presidential pardon granted to Sunil Ratnayake, a former army staff sergeant, who was convicted for the murder of eight Tamil civilians including a five-year-old child in Mirusuvil, Jaffna on the 19th of December 2000. The conviction made by a Trial-at-Bar in 2015 was later upheld by the Supreme Court of the country in 2019. The Sri Lankan military has been responsible for grave human rights abuses at different moments from the very beginning of the armed conflict to the horrible end of the war. The human rights violations against Tamil civilians during the war have for the most part not found justice from the judicial system of Sri Lanka. That only a few cases where the military stands accused have been prosecuted so far and that only on one or two occasions were convictions made is a startling testimony to the structural ethnic biases of the judicial system and the unjustifiable tolerance shown by the state to crimes committed by its armed forces.

The Presidential pardon has overridden and nullified a verdict which indicated that at least once in the recent history of Sri Lanka the judicial system of the country could rise above the divisive ethnic politics spawned by the state. Rendering the role of the judiciary redundant and ineffectual, this Presidential pardon may act as a dangerous catalyst for future heinous crimes. We are utterly shocked that the pardon has been issued under cover of an emergency situation while Sri Lanka and the rest of the world are trying to deal with a deadly pandemic and a serious humanitarian crisis. The Jaffna People’s Forum for Coexistence joins other groups and individuals in condemning this pardon and other sinister attempts on the part of the government to take advantage of the impasse caused by the pandemic to achieve their narrow political goals.  

While this decision to pardon Mr. Ratnayake re-confirms that the state treats its armed forces as an entity that is above the rule of law, it once again explains why Tamils, other minority communities and marginalized sections of the country’s polity do not have much confidence in the local political and judicial apparatuses. To whom should we turn to for our security as citizens if the President himself is going against a decision made by the justice system? Where can the minority communities and those who occupy the margins of our society seek justice if a fair verdict made by the country’s courts of law could be annulled with a stroke of the Presidential pen? Decisions of this kind further the divisions within the country and curtail the space for ethnic reconciliation and pluralistic coexistence of communities. 

The brutal manner in which the JVP insurgencies were brought to an end with the aid of the military and the military’s involvement in the killing of Sinhalese protesters demanding clean drinking water in Rathupaswala in 2013 amply demonstrate that the military has been used by the Sri Lankan state to crush protests and struggles by the economically marginalized and downtrodden sections of the Sinhala community. The victims in these instances have received little to no justice from the state to date. The impunity the military enjoys in Sri Lanka is detrimental to all communities that inhabit this island. Therefore, it is essential that all communities in the island come together in denouncing the Presidential pardon of Mr. Ratnayake. 

The Jaffna People’s Forum for Coexistence calls upon the people of this country, members of the legal profession and groups that value democracy, non-violence and coexistence to take a firm, unequivocal stand against this Presidential pardon and urge the President to uphold the conviction made by the judicial system of the country and refrain from making similar decisions that undermine democracy and justice in the future. (Jaffna People’s Forum for Coexistence)

Latest comments

  • 11

    Should the Government also re-arrest the thousands of ‘rehabilitated’ Tigers?

    • 25

      Are you including the ‘Aranthalawa Bikku Killer’ MR/GR buddy X Minister,, Vinayagamurthi alias Karuna Amman?

      • 24

        “Should the government re-arrest the thousands of ‘rehabilitated’ Tigers?. Of course yes. In the same way let Tamil government arrest the millions of ‘condoned’ Sinhala criminals who are roaming free since 1956.

        • 6

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
          “In the same way let Tamil government arrest the millions of ‘condoned’ Sinhala criminals who are roaming free since 1956.”
          Where the hell this Tamil Government exist, in Mars?

          Not only Tamil Tigers, arrest those politicians that supported separatism and terrorism violating the constitution and jail the for life.

    • 26

      Adrian dumbo, if you want to arrest ex-LTTE, then start with Rajapaksa’s best friends;
      -Karuna Amman and Pillayan: Massacred 600 surrendered cops in the east and thousands of civilians
      -Inniyabarathy: helped the above goons to kill
      -KP Pathmanathan: one of the world’s most wanted criminals (check the Interpol website) and sole arms dealer for the LTTE that decimated this once beautiful country back to stone age
      -Daya master: mastermind who advised VP for many decades

      Non-LTTE killers;
      -Wimal Weerawansa: JVP killer
      -Douglas Devananda: EPDP killer
      -many other present day politicians who carried arms and fought the government back in the 80s/90s.

      When you have all these very senior members who gave orders to kill living in Colombo with STF protection, why do you want to arrest low ranking child soldiers? Let me see whether you can give me an intelligent answer. Don’t tell me these guys helped the government to win the war on terror, no they did not.

    • 12

      why, please do not display your sitting on your soiled backside tiny midget of an ignorant to the core cursed brain.?
      if they have done any acts of criminal offenses they have to arrested and punished by a clean legal process.
      in the event of them living a clean life they should be provided with educational opportunities to better themselves along with their families, employment a fair wage better decent housing and in a finale be treated as a loved equal citizen of this once upon a time till the blue-shirted petty racists came into power and permanently ruined this nation forever and ever.
      now their purple shirted comrades who call themselves as the SLPP are hell-bent on fast-tracking these pre-1956 objectives.?
      they should never be allowed to achieve these putrid objectives of a vain ambition of a desire.
      in anger & disgust, RJ.

    • 11

      Adrian Aged 13 3/4

      “Should the Government also re-arrest the thousands of ‘rehabilitated’ Tigers?”


    • 19

      The presidential pardon was illegal and unconstitutional so it is invalid. Presidential pardons can only be used in case of a miscarriage of justice.
      It will be reversed as soon as SLPP lose the elections…

    • 7

      Are we to hang Karuna Amman…. and Pilleyan….. and KP.
      Are we to jail all JVP leaders as they have two uprisings behind them….
      Are we to arrest Mr. Sambanthan for appearing in LTTE stage on couple of ocations…?
      Freedom is for everybody…. not only for Tamils.

      • 9

        S. C. Pasqual

        “Are we to hang Karuna Amman…. and Pilleyan….. and KP.”

        If you insist on hanging, you must first find a way to hang yourself by your clanking b***s.

        I believe most of us in this forum are opposed to capital punishment.
        Therefore forget the idea of capital punishment.

        “Are we to arrest Mr. Sambanthan for appearing in LTTE stage on couple of ocations…?”

        Did he? What an awful gesture by old Sam.
        Will you now supply us the evidence, reason, date, venue, occasion, and content of his utterances, …. ? If his behaviour was unacceptable, construed being illegal, then of course the most appropriate action should be to charge in the court of law.

        “Are we to jail all JVP leaders as they have two uprisings behind them….”

        Some of them have already gone through rehabilitation process and some of them didn’t. Some of them escaped to Hindia and then to western countries including Somawansa who used to be the anti Indian in chief. Then he came back as if nothing had had happened. Mahinda was the main human rights activist championing democratic rights of the JVP terrorist who went all the way to Geneva demanding UNHRC deal with UNP president and government. Mahinda enjoyed close relation with JVP.

        Then of course when Mahinda contested the presidential elections in 2005, he spent some Rs 185 million on LTTE to procure its services, rigging elections in North and East. Mahinda and clan should be charged for many illegal activities in 2005, bribing, vote rigging, money laundering, ……

        What should the people do now?
        Don’t you think you should maintain a dignified silence?

      • 4

        we do not want recently Sinhalised immigrant Thootukudi Tamil Paravans , banging on their chests and beating the anti Tamil drum. How are all your close relatives in Southern Tamil Nadu?

    • 8

      Adrian, generally speaking;
      1) while punitive sentences are given out to convicted felons, there’s a rehabilitation goal attached to the punishment for some convictions. Parole process takes into consideration rehabilitation of the convicts. Rehabilitated convicts are not recalled after their release.
      2) Random, racially motivated pardoning of a convict on death row is a different ball game.
      However, the situation in SriLanka has one serious consideration; state run terrorism where the state’s armed forces have committed brutal crimes on the Tamil minority for decades with impunity; state backed hoodlums have committed unspeakable acts of violence on the Tamil minority with impunity.
      A lot of crime has been committed by the state and its armed forces with impunity. That translates into a lot of criminals not ever charged and tried; justice never served.
      That was the foundation of legitimacy for the Tamil separatist movement and the resulting “civil war”.
      Justice is served equally and consistently. This has never been the case in Sri Lanka. These rogue governments, rogueness varying from government to government, failed to establish a just society.
      While many state officials and armed forces personnel have evaded law and justice, Veluppillai Prabakaran, when caught should have been charged and tried for all acts of terrorism that he committed. However, that should not be confused with fighting state terror and oppression via a civil war which is outside of the normal codes of justice to be considered unlawful.
      Let’s not forget the various SL governments at various time points that undertook negotiations with LTTE for a political settlement to proffer equal rights and justice to the Tamils. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s presidency included. This was because it was a legitimate war, one with a justifiable foundation.

      • 5

        Adrian, continuing my reply;
        Just as V.Prabakaran deserved to be tried for acts of terrorism, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Shavendra Silva et al and many of their predecessors should have been charged and tried for the crimes that they committed particularly against civilians, beyond the codes of a civil war and within international laws set out for a lawful war.
        Just as armed forces personnel followed high commands to inflict acts of war crimes particularly on the civilians but have been spared of prosecution, the LTTE soldiers deserved at least the same level of protection from prosecution.
        Those individuals, of either LTTE or SL armed forces or the state, who undertook crimes of their own (independent of high command) or failing individual legal obligations should be charged and tried in a court of law. Sunil Ratnayake falls in this category. We cannot clump all members of SL armed forces and LTTE into this category.

        • 3

          You hit the nail on the head. Some of these morons do not really understand what a judiciary is for and neither do they understand the difference between a legitimate war and a single handed act of murder and mutilation. What is really funny is I at times do not understand their written English and wonder what they are trying to express. Well the crux of the matter is Gotta the tyrant and scoundrel and himself a murderer has no respect or regard for the Constitution or the judiciary. His ambition in life was to become the President hook or by crook but now he must be finding his pants on fire ,may be his days are numbered compounded by the COVID 19 saga and he will never go down in Sri Lankan history for bringing down this beautiful country

      • 1

        Sugandh Thomas

        Thanks for your comment.
        Please note Adrian is only 13 3/4 years old.
        Teenager lives in his/her own secluded world, the world is all about himself/herself. Teen does not care beyond his/her meals, self indulgence, mobile, the world he/she created for himself/herself, …. parents deem enemies, … another million things …. inability to grasp and gauge issues, ….

        Does Adrian aged 13 3/4 understand what you have listed above?

    • 2

      Yes. And those who violated the unitary provision of the Constitution too. Arrest them all. Then it is fair.

      • 5

        If the Constitution does not simultaneously prescribe and endorse state run terror for oppression of minorities, then the separatist movement was just was entirely legal.
        You cannot pick and choose parts of the constitution to suit your agenda.
        Constitution shall be applied in its entirety. When not done so, there can be consequences, and some grave consequences.
        When the constitution is flawed and anti-democratic, a country with vastly reasonable human beings would set out to fix it, make it right, make it just and fair.
        Unitary state has not worked. Federal set up has been discussed in key moments in the history of this country and promised. It was last promised by Mahinda Rajapaksa post end of war.
        Gatam, what motivation underlies your comment?

      • 2

        The country has had a plethora of constitutions, which one are you referring? Post independent constitutions 1972 and 1978 together with their numerous amendments, were drafted and implemented by unashamedly racist politicians to impose Sinhalese domination and weaken the ‘concept of equality’ among the country’s citizens, with the aim of subjugating ‘non Sinhalese’, in particular Tamil speaking citizens of the country! These post independence constitutions are the reasons why we are all at this present mess! Worst of all, the present day racists politicians out do each other in taking pride for their refusal to implement constitutional provisions concerning devolution of powers! It is so pathetic that for some, such blatant acts do not amount to violation of the constitution!

    • 4

      How many of the rehabilitated were found guilty by a court of law?

    • 2

      You appear to be a born idiot not knowing about Ratnayake’s case and the rehabilitated Tigers. This man single killed mutilated and murdered may be in broad day light, the Tigers fought a war they did not go out looking out for individuals to commit these dastardly acts. Read the entire submission to the judiciary and if you have no knowledge of the English then write to us in Sinhalese

      • 2


        “the Tigers fought a war they did not go out looking out for individuals to commit these dastardly acts. “

        Are you sure?
        If you are not sure let me know, I can sent you a never ending list of civilians who were murdered/massacred by between 1971 and 2015.

        Though VP, Gota and other armed men and women were/are pathological psychopaths to massacre innocent people one thing common amongst them is that they all were/are secular war criminals, they didn’t spare anyone on religious reasons.

        Keep your eyes and years open, the next round of massacres will start in the south killing Sinhalese and Buddhists by the very Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.

    • 4

      He should surrender himself as Ratnayake was following his orders that came through the rouge unit within the military,

    • 5

      Can you give an evidence to prove that all the rehabilitated Tigers were charged and justice delivered a verdict to sentence to death in Srilanka? Where were you when the murderer sentenced to death in Srilankan courts?

    • 1

      Adrianna the Maradona’s own bolawathie of a bomawathie so far you have been in receipt of 32 dislikes so far for your unsavory uncouth brainless comments.?
      If I was or were in your high boots, I will be making every vile attempt to bring my worthless life on this planet to a quick end.?
      If you need the magic capsule known to the losers like you as the mighty potent ready to perform CYANIDE capsule or two, please ask and I will have it delivered to your disgusting self.
      Awaiting your orders, R. J.

  • 7

    this long time planned premeditated act by a kallathoni of a world-renowned war criminal who killed innocent suffering poor in wealth living in shocking conditions and now using the classless Sinhala Buddhist monks and their fellow uncouth, unsavory illiterate brainless petty racist lawless mobs to avoid being prosecuted by the international criminal court.
    to achieve these they are ably supported by the likes of China, Russia, Swaziland and a few other rogue nations who have no honest morals in them.
    an impartial judiciary is the only way will one be able to get this murderer a so-called staff sergeant back to his lawful rightful home which is the death row in a harsh conditioned prison.
    if he is hung by his privates he might become a vain hero or a martyr to the racist Yakko’s cause.
    I prefer him to rot in jail eating his own droppings till he drops dead in the year 2120.
    his godfather too should meet this same fete of a fate.?
    in anger. Rj.

    • 4


      There is an old Arabic proverb:
      ‘The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on’.

      • 3

        Blind and dumb Eagle, tell that to the Arabs!

      • 2

        Eager less ?.
        The disgusting old senile buddy who’s nothing but a liability of a curse on this fine planet, but pre-family planning or the Preethi the condom era product who nourishes on the bosoms of a mighty demala meenachi is making a vain attempt to justify his meager performance on many a forum’s a petty racist.?
        you have the perfect reputation as the dry joker of the 21st century.?
        I am proud to be named as the dog who has the balls to battle the petty Ku Klus petty racist hypocrite racists like your rotten self a bloody disgrace to the world.?
        if you need to find peace solace in the arms of the mighty devil without disgracing yourself I can provide you with a capsule or two of the guaranteed fast-acting cyanide tablet kindly given to me by the great late velu Prabha to enable the likes of your rotten self a living misery of 80 sad years to finally achieve something worthwhile without being good riddance from the bad rubbish case and your young meenachi wants me to give it to her so that whilst you are in your cuddling romantic mode she can feed the mighty capsule on to you.?
        she now realizes that love is blind, especially in her case, and desperately desires the right thing to the much suffering at your hand and other parts of your much-decomposed body.?
        man oh man, don’t you have any self respect.?
        All you get are many a disgusting dislike.?
        In pity, R. J.

  • 14

    The process of punishing crime is meant to be blind to ethnicity. In Sri Lanka, we know and it has been widely accepted both in the country and in the world that it has not been so. You cannot blame the Tamils for those among us who have committed well documented crimes being rehabilitated as our leaders. It is simply that in Sri Lanka politics has been criminalised and many are happy to canvas the patronage of criminals..

  • 4

    tell that to the US Government who released Marine Lt. Calley for Mai Lai, massacres in Vietnam in less that (03) years.
    Apart from the LTTE’ers released.
    Because these noises come from the this so called Civil Society who are do*s of a diasporic western hidden agenda.

    Lets focus on COVID the hidden terrorist who terrorising the world.
    What has the Civil Society, Manatunga/ Pakayasothy & the likes contributed to the curtail COVID??

    • 10


      “tell that to the US Government who released Marine Lt. Calley for Mai Lai, massacres in Vietnam in less that (03) years.”

      Mylai is in Vietnam and Mirusuvil is in North of Sri Lanka.
      FYI USA is a separate country.
      Did William Calley kill any Sri Lanky?

      Are you alright?

    • 3

      “What has the Civil Society, Manatunga/ Pakayasothy & the likes contributed to the curtail COVID??”

      They are not going to contribute anything.
      They are watching eagerly to find something that they can make a big noise shouting ‘Government is Violating Human Rights’.
      Probably they might join Hakeem and shout ‘Government violated human rights of the Muslim person who was cremated instead of burying’.

  • 15

    If this president had any intentions of uniting this country, and making the Tamil people feel they are being heard, and that their concerns are being addressed, he would never have pardoned this brutal criminal. This is a strong signal, that his policies will be based on pleasing his supporters.

    • 4

      The reason why this country went down the drain after gaining independence is that ‘Sinhala Kalu Suddas’ who took over power from ‘Para Suddas’ gave in too much to the demands of the descendants of slaves instead of saying ‘You guys live in this country because Sinhalayo accommodated you and gave you Citizenship by Registration. If you have a problem in living in this country in harmony with Sinhalayo without talking about ‘Separate State’, ‘Federal System’ you are free to swim across Palk Strait and return to from where your ancestors came’.

    • 5

      Only “IF” the President had the real intention of making amends about Uniting the country and making the Tamils feel that they are equal citizens that he wouldn’t have pardoned the brutal criminal Sargeant Sunil Ratnayake.
      That “IF”is a big if, it is clear he had no such interest or intentions.
      How could he with his Mahavamsa mindset.

  • 11

    This was not done in consultation with the P.M. who would have been wiser?

  • 3

    12,000 tigers should be rearrested.

    • 11

      JD………donkey then you need to arrest Rajapaksa friends (ex-LTTE high ranking members) and all JVP buggers like Weerawansa. Otherwise shut up.

    • 11


      “12,000 tigers should be rearrested.”

      Dimwit, according to Gota those who were considered members of LTTE had been killed during the war. If all of them were killed where the hell did you get 12,000 tigers?

      • 4

        The 12,000 are the young innocent men and women rounded up by the Sinhala army from the villages after the war.

        All the real Tigers been systematically killed by lethal injections by the army and many are still dying of cancer and these injections been supplied by the Chinese Govt.

    • 4

      “12,000 tigers should be rearrested.”

      Or better still….

    • 6

      How about the tens of thousands of SL armed forces personnel who supported and executed state terrorism on the Tamil minorities throughout much of the history of independent SriLanka? Should we hunt them down and charge them?
      How does an armed liberation movement weigh on the scale of justice against a state’s armed forces that systematically inflicted terror on civilians of an ethnic minority, sponsored and mandated by the state at various points in history?
      Terrorist acts of the state on the civilians were, at the least, equally criminal as those inflicted by the LTTE on the civilians.

  • 3

    How about the hundreds, if not thousands of hardcore LTTE Cadres who are now living in the West who massacred or helped to massacre thousands of not only Adults , but also Children Babies , Grand Maas and Grand Daddies in Aranthalawal MahBodhi, Mahanuwara, and even Dehiwala?..

    Where were these Jaffna CoExistence dudes when the LTTE Supremo Velupulle was holed up in Nathikdal?.

    All these could have been avoided if the the Jaffana Peoples Coexistence and their good mates in the South made those demands to the El Supremo and his Buddies in the West….

    • 3

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “How about the hundreds, if not thousands of hardcore LTTE Cadres who are now living in the West who massacred or helped to massacre thousands of not only Adults , but also Children Babies , Grand Maas and Grand Daddies in Aranthalawal MahBodhi, Mahanuwara, and even Dehiwala?..”

      When did you learn to ask intelligent and apt questions?

      Being the national hangman between 2005 and 2015 Gota along with his single handed generals have had enough time to demand the INTERPOL secure the members of hundreds, if not thousands of hardcore LTTE. Inapt generals could not collect evidence and go through the process instead they never missed an opportunity to gloat about how they obliterated LTTE, …. Coronona Virus is no mathch for the Rana Virus, ….

      Karuna, KP, Pillayan, …. hundreds of members of Pottu Amman’s agents were/are working for Military Intelligence. Why didn’t Gota and the single handed generals charge these ……………

      “All these could have been avoided if the the Jaffana Peoples Coexistence and their good mates in the South made those demands to the El Supremo and his Buddies in the West….”

      On the contrary people throughout the country should have demanded the state to declare the election results of 2005 ‘invalid, null and void’ as the entire island knew the clan got VP to rig the elections and was paid a hefty some of Rs 185 Million.

      The criminals who were involved in that joint criminal enterprise should have been charged for money laundering, rigging elections, bribing, dealing with a terrorist organisation, financing terrorism, …………..

      When will you make your best efforts to charge the clan, cronies and conduits?

      • 0

        Dear Native,-

        I remember you telling me that the El Supremo was paid only LKR 50 Million.
        Now you have jacked it up to LKR 185 Million.
        Is it the new figure adjusted for the Yahapalana Inflation?.

        Anyway the El Supremo will take offense to your comment if he was around.because even LKR 185 Mil is like a piss in the Pacific in comparison to that USD 4 Billion which the London ex LTTE Boss Suren offered to Mangala Samare and Dr Rani to give our inhabitants Yahapalanaya ..

        BTW Wonder what happened that USD 4 Billion,.
        It wouldn’t be even half now, with the Hair Cut Suren would have got in the London Exchange..
        How is your Super going Native?..

        • 1

          KASmalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          “I remember you telling me that the El Supremo was paid only LKR 50 Million.
          Now you have jacked it up to LKR 185 Million.”

          Do you really live in this world?

          “Anyway the El Supremo will take offense to your comment if he was around.”

          Like your presidents, prime ministers, ministers, politicians, state functionaries, … VP could not see beyond his nose and under his fat belly though in 1988 Hindians made a one off payment of INR 520 Million (US $38 million) to your brethren Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabakaran, promise of more to follow if he behaved. He went to war with Hindian IPKF, and got them out of the island while your
          Rana-viruses were hiding behind his bum. He believed it was the pinnacle of his diplomacy.

          Again VP thought Rs 185 Million was another Machiavellian manoeuvre on his part, Hindian got him trapped. Like all clever dick leaders of this island he was checkmated by Hindia, which paid/reimbursed the clan what was paid to your brother.

          Tiren Alles’s video clip is available on google, go listen to it.

          “How is your Super going Native?”

          I am fine.
          Are you trying to smoke me out of my habitat?
          Take care.

          By the way Basil is back, how is his plans to conquer the entire retail trade of this island?

  • 7

    Pardoning Sunil Ratnayake is a clear case of abusing presidential powers. As we all know, previous president, Sirisena also pardoned Royal Park murderer Shaminda Jayamaha. Unless the civil society force them to remove this power, this will continue to happen. There is a good reason to believe that this is a precursor to pardon Duminda Silva. Civil society should forcefully protest against this criminal act of the president. If not, he will continue to go on merrily as he wishes, giving complete disregard to the law of the country.

  • 7

    YOU FREAKING TAMILS … Just be patient Okay … I’m only trying to invoke the blessings of LORD BUDDHA by releasing a true Sinhala-Buddhist SOTAPANNA, Sunil Ratnayake, so that I can get the necessary power to protect you from the CORONA VIRUS. I’m sure that’s what you want … not another MULLIVAIKKAL.

  • 2

    I know of no country or territory where a pardon of whatever kind, unless it is subject to conditions, was withdrawn. So any request or demand for the withdrawal of a pardon is beyond reality. On principle anybody exceeding his/her authority commit murder in the guise of enforcing law and order should not be pardoned. The general readership of CT may know only of Mirusuvil murders, Chemmani murder (now seem to be forgotten) but the reality is the massacres that took place in the 1988 to 1990 murders and bodies burnt in tyre pyres. The gentry and the upper class society viewed all this with a Nelsonian eye. Further, I am told that a law was enacted to give immunity to those engaged in “quelling the insurgency/terrorism” in the South. But the reality is even if a family rival was a “sepoy” in the armed forces the entire families had to face the bullet and discreetly the remains were done away with. The politics was such that no prosecutions were launched for those crimes , hence the question of a presidential pardon will not arise in those instances. In my view this should not be an instance to project ethnic animosity as seen in some of the comments.

    • 3

      Good Sense

      “In my view this should not be an instance to project ethnic animosity as seen in some of the comments.”

      Good point.

      Could you guarantee the safety of men, women, children, elderly, ………….. irrespective of the heir ethnicity given the sadists’ involvement in many unsolved murders, example the series of female murders in Sabaragamuwa Province, between 2008 and 2015.

      What was the pressing reason/need a psychopath was being pardoned by another psychopath?

      FYI in the post independence era most murders/massacres were motivated by ethnic animosity, please stop pretending otherwise.

  • 3

    Who the hell are these ‘Jaffna People’s Forum for Coexistence’ to order the President what to do?

    If you guys are serious about coexistence, tell your racist Wellala politicians to change their mind from ‘Confrontation’ to ‘Coexistence’. ‘Confrontation Mindset’ was created by ‘Para’ Kallathoni racist bigot Chelva Nayakam. Later, this was strengthened by passing The Vaddukoddai Resolution that urged Demala youths to take arms to create a separate State for the descendants of slaves. Their arrogant behavior is the root cause for the problems in Sri Lanka after British left. Before British left, they prepared the right background for that. Wellala Demalu wanted to maintain the dominant position they held during British Raj that they managed to get by licking the a** of Brits. They forgot the fact that they live in the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo thanks to the kind gesture of Sinhalayo who gave citizenship in this country to their ancestors who were brought by colonial rulers from Dravida Nadu and abandoned here.

  • 4

    While I agree with much of this statement released by the Forum, I would say that it was far less “the horrible end of the war” than “the end of the horrible war”. One does not have to be a Sinhala chauvinist to have the latter opinion–indeed most of the world (including Bernard Kouchner who expressed this view when we met at the Unesco) were of this opinion. So long as there are those who feel that the end of the war was more horrible than its continuation, there will never be a unified democratic resistance.

    • 4

      It was a horrible end to a horrible war.
      I am not convinced that armed rebellion against the rogue state was the answer.
      Where we are today, in-spite of so many lives lost across the country on all sides, the fight for justice is still a long way on for the liberation seekers and the thirst for blood is still there in the minds of the oppressors.
      The oppressed still no better than when the separatist movement took shape and no less in resolve for equal rights and justice.

  • 8

    Mr Rajapakse is a an alleged criminal himself, more likely to be true than not.. so is it a surprise that he is not led by any morals, ethics or respect for justice?

    He should be forced to roll back this act of gross abuse of power.

    Where is the opposition of this country? If they are missing in action, it’s time for action by international players..

  • 1

    This is Sri Lanka. Take it or leave it.

  • 1

    What people need is Karuna virus but who is there to spread it?

    • 6

      Adrian the racist, who is there to spread the Karuna virus?

      TFN: The Rajapaksas will happily do that for you.

    • 2

      Adrian Aged 13 3/4

      “What people need is Karuna virus but who is there to spread it?”

      Instead you have hundreds of thousands of Rana-Virus and their single handed generals.

  • 6

    He pardoned a convicted criminal of murdering eight innocent people one being a five-year-old child. It was a unanimous verdict of many judges and upheld by the supreme court. The action by Gotapaya Rajapakse to free him was an example of abuse of power. He released him with just one stroke of a pen but did not think of the innocent victims and their immediate families who were voiceless and not given a chance to speak up for what he did to the monster who took eight lives and let him go free. By this prooves this country is for the criminals and not for the victims and law-abiding citizens. He did not bother to call the immediate families and ask their views and offer some meaning benefit in exchange like providing a good house and money. So is it that Sri Lankans are better off committing crime rather than being a lawful citizen.

    With this mentality, Gotapaya will not and does not deserve the support of the people because such people as heads of state cannot bring any good for the country. He did not respect the decision of the courts and rule of law and the equality of law to all citizens. Gotapaya is another monster dressed in gentleman’s dress as camouflage. He deserves to be sabotaged in all his work. He cannot be another Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore and he has very high hopes.

  • 3

    why are the Mahanayakes and the Cardinal hailing from the recently Sinhalised , once North West Tamil coast( Negombo, Chilaw, Puttalam) very quite ? Are they all endorsing Sinhalese racism and giving silent support to Tamil killers

  • 1

    it is quite obvious that co habitation is only a daydream with all these sick hardcore extremist despicable northern Tamils some of whom go on to justify the continuation of war. while it is accepted that a murder has been committed it is common knowledge that such crimes have been committed by both parties during the course of war and the great majority of them by the LTTE. Besides who accused and tried SR in a court of law. his Sinhalese superiors. Has any of the horrendous crimes committed by LTTE been brought before the law by any responsible Tamil. what happens during a war is part of war. justice has to work both ways. both parties are entitled for pardon. blue or green both parties attempted to end the war during its 30 years. the president himself was a death target of your terrorist group. a lot of lives were lost resources destroyed. a tamil today is free to travel to any part of the country and do anything what a citizen is entitled to without the slightest discrimination. unfortunately the doors of Jaffna are still not so widely open to the Sinhalese.

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