26 April, 2024


Would Sri Lanka Elect A Tamil Or Muslim President?

By Vihswamithra1984

Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.” ~Marvin Simkin

Lakshman Kadirgamar

Lakshman Kadirgamar

The Western World, particularly the United States of America (USA) and Western Europe, can well afford to boast about human rights and their vehement protection on international platforms and fora. Especially in the United States, the first ten amendments (also known as the Bill of Rights) to their Constitution talk volumes for the safeguard of the rights of an individual. What is most significant about the US Constitution is, it has been crafted to safeguard the individual from the government and its potential threats to the individual. Freedom of Expression and of the Press is no more the luxury of a privileged class or creed. With their tumultuous history of agitation for civil rights, their intricate complex of immigrant-oriented social coherence and their firm and solid constitutional safeguards for separation of powers, American constitution has indeed stood the test of time. No country, whether in Europe, Africa or Asia other than the US would have elected a representative of a minority (African American) to its highest office. The only exception would be India, yet she would be electing a leader of a minority caste or religion, but not a non-Indian.

Would Sri Lanka elect a Tamil or Muslim President? In the current background, it is more than inconceivable, given the collective mindset of the majority voter-bloc, would Sri Lanka elect any person other than a Sinhalese. She may elect a Sinhalese non-Buddhist, even which is not likely in the context of the brainwashing our majority has been subjected to especially during the last few decades, firstly by the myths and fairy tales of Mahawamsa, secondly by the arrogant and thoughtless assertions made by the so-called modern-day protectors of the teachings of the Great One, Gautama Buddha. Our collective consciousness is too deep-seated in self-aggrandizement. The ultimate test for Sri Lankans as one nation, not as disparate ethnic groups but as one cohesive nation, will be if and when a representative of a minority ethnic group stands for election from one of two leading political entities, the United National Party (UNP) and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).

It is beyond all imagination, wild or not, for the SLFP even to nominate a Tamil or a Muslim, how much ever he or she may be qualified, from their ranks for the highest office in the country. Its base is so steeped in ‘Sinhalese-Buddhistness’, it is not in the realm of anticipation of an SLFP-sponsored non-majority candidate for President. The not-so-recent past has a glaring example, when President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s wish to nominate Lakshman Kadirgamar, a Rhodes Scholar and the then Minister of External Affairs for the post of Prime Minister when she was President met an unfortunate abortion and result was the country got Mahinda Rajapaksa who, by virtue of the fact that he was the Prime Minister at the time, got the SLFP nomination for President. The rest, as they is, history, and a very forgettable one.

Would the United National Party have the guts and courage to nominate an eminent Tamil or a Muslim for President? My guess is: it would, provided they could find an exceptionally qualified and suitable choice. The UNP, on the contrary to the SLFP, since the beginning of the Party, has had a liberal mindset at leadership level and its non-myopic, non-doctrinaire approach to social disputes has had their effects on their grassroots too. Its non-socialist approach to socio-economic issues where the individual is not sacrificed at the altar of an abstract society, has been diametrically opposed to the approach adopted by Marxian theorists who propagate that society’s good should always take precedence over that of the individual. The UNP’s thinking has its personal appeal to millions of individuals who at the same time consider that ‘social justice’ is an essential constituent of the overall social fabric. If and when social justice is at the core of one’s fundamental premise, safeguarding individual rights at whatever the costs becomes more palatable and amenable to the general public whose majority is always, in the writers mind, reasonable and not extreme and treacherous.

Many lives, whether of loyalists of the revolution or innocent bystanders, have been sacrificed in the so-called proletariat revolutions that have been embarked upon with some degree of success. The romanticist shade that is often associated with these revolutions has attracted a multitude of followers and sympathizers towards their cause. While some erudite pundits have gone out of their way to defend individual rights, many on the left of the political spectrum who believe in a Marxist dreamland still cling on to fantasies like state-owned economic factors as well as control over the proliferation of ideas could ultimately deliver the ‘goods’. Any ‘means’ to a good ‘end’ theory has fallen flat on the road to democratic capitalism.

Both Capitalism and socialism, if practiced with the sole aim of achieving a noble end and at the same time being devoid of any speck of social justice and catering only for a select few of cronies and henchmen, they are bound to fail. Crony-capitalism as well as crony-socialism has its intrinsic flaws and idiosyncrasies which ultimately direct and determine the path along which each dogma is taking their uninformed pilgrims.

Foreclosure of arguments for individual rights is the greatest danger that humanity faces today. Whether one comes from the Far West or Far East, or from Europe or South Asia, one would understand and acknowledge beyond any shadow of doubt that suppression of individual rights is a cardinal sin, in fact the greatest sin that any person, organization or government could commit against humankind. In Sri Lanka, the fundamentals are same; they hardly change, even an iota, to submerge individual rights and spread state-controlled propaganda. And the most ironical political reality that has emerged, particularly during the last regime of the Rajapaksas, is state-controlled programs wrapped in sugary coating were advanced as leading to achievement of greater good for greater numbers while they in fact were programs and projects that, for all practical purposes, that helped fatten their own financial purses.

Individual rights matter most in the context of a pluralistic, multicultural society such as Sri Lanka. But the collective consciousness of the people whose rights are violated on a constant basis, tends to become blurred in the face of other mundane demands on an average family in the context of increasing living costs and declining living standards. This greater and more pressing demand on the economic and financial aspects of human life invariably results in mass apathy which is the breeding ground for a corrupt and crafty politician to exploit to the maximum and create a domain of comfort zone wherein the average citizen is apathetic to the suppression of human rights and as a result, the corrupt politician is fine-tuned to the weaknesses and susceptibilities of the system. The crucial effect of this brutal process keeps producing a corrupt politician after another, for the system is too busy feeding on itself.

Against such an unkind backdrop, the governing parties of today in Sri Lanka are trying to grapple with an uncommon dynamic in that, having assumed power after a brutal campaign against an insensitive and cruel ruler-clan, the very forces that propelled them to power take to the streets demanding even freer and more liberal expression for better living standards and cleaner governance. The Government cannot afford to be seen to be faltering on this account at all- most of us will remember what happened in 1971 and the revolt of the betrayed children of the 1970 Sirimao Bandaranaike doctrine. The guns of power politics may have silenced the socio-political worriers of a different era, but in a modern enlightened social reality, the use of guns by the State against an unarmed troops for a socio-economic change may prove redundant sometimes and unproductive most of the time.

Tamils from the North, Muslims from the East and Sinhalese Buddhists from all over are powerful stakeholders of this polity. No government can summarily dismiss the crying needs of any of these communities. The Constitution has some safeguards against the rise of any dictator, but the civil leadership in the country needs to ensure that no community, big or small in numbers, can be discriminated against; human rights is no monopoly of the majority and any country that does not look after the interests, hopes and legitimate ambitions of the minorities is as guilty as those who fire bullets against the unarmored breasts of all civilians.

Bigoted fools may keep barking and unfriendly foes may shriek from the top of their lungs, yet the innocent whose only sin is being born poor and helpless in an abject squalid circumstance might lend an unhesitant ear to these fringe men and women for they know not what else to hear or listen to.

The task at hand is enormous and those who mean well will ultimately succeed for their mite too is not too weak nor inconsequential. It is apt to pose the same question Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru whose writings and orations have continued to echo in the chambers of learning: ‘How amazing this spirit of man?

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com

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  • 6

    There will one day be a Tamil President in Sri Lanka. This will happen when the mindset of people change and they think as Sri Lankans who want a quality life with modern conveniences and not get deceived by Oxford educated persons to study in swabasha in live backward. This will not to be very far like how Obama became US President and Sadiq Khan became London Mayor. The President will be guided by the constitution and parliament – so, it doesnt matter whether it is sinhalese,tamil or muslim

    • 12

      It’s mere stupidity to ask whether Sri Lanka will Elect A Tamil Or Muslim President:

      Ask when Sri Lanka is going to be governed by somebody with strict respect to the rule of law.

      Even today strict adherence to the rule of law is lacking.

      Impunity is the norm even today with the security forces and other wrong doers.

      • 5

        Comrade Thiru,
        Very well put and great question. Forget about ethnicity. Where the hell are our leaders who can implement the rule-of-law without discrimination? None is the answer. This is a serious problem as to why our country is a lawless banana republic.

      • 6

        Having a Tamil President/Prime Minister, Tamil opposition leader, Tamil IGP, Tamil Chief Justice or Tamil Attorney General is not going to solve the country’s National problem. That is not what the Tamils want.

        As Thiru rightly said, irrespective of race/religion, what Sri Lanka needs a genuine leader (a statesman) who is bold enough to solve the National issue once and for all for good and take forward the country in the right direction with strict respect to the rule of law. After the war ended in 2009, everybody expected Mahinda Rajapakshe would be a genuine leader (a statesman) will solve the National issue for good but everything changed (opposite to what people expected) after he won the 2010 election. Now, the only hope is Maithreepala Sirisena.

    • 2


      Sri Lanka will have a non S/B leader, the day when they accept the fact that SL is predominantly a S/B state. Whether one likes it or not, that is a fact. That does not mean non S/Bs have to convert into S/Bs’ or they have to obey the 5 precepts or a temple visit is a must on poya days. There were so many non S/Bs in Sri Lanka who were well accepted by the majority S/Bs as their men/women. Eg. the late Lakshman Kadir was a classic example. Such examples could be taken from the recent history as well. Late singer, Mohideen Beg was very much a S/B to the majority so as well, the politicians in the calibre of Fawzi, Alavi Moulana, M.H. Mohammed etc. Even SL had many Tamil origin kings in the past because they accepted country’s identity as such. The sudda’s, in the infamous agreement in 1815, accepted it and agreed to protect Buddhism and given the status of state patronage. (Later, in no time, the Brits had broke the agreement and as a result of that, the 1818 liberation movement erupted).

      You talk about Obama and the Sadiq Khan. Man, use the brain a little bit without going by like a parrot with what you have been taught in school or in the university. Obama and Sadiq have been very much absorbed to the English culture which is right in every sense. Do they have any issue with “God save America” or “God save the Queen” or taking oath by keeping the palm on the Bible? NO. They have, without any problem, question or hindrance, accepted the culture of that particular country (its the Western Christian) so that the general mass of those states had no issue of accepting them as their leaders.

      Thats is only important thing the non S/B leaders have to understand, in order to come to the helm of the administration in this country.

      • 10

        Eg. the late Lakshman Kadir was a classic example
        Laxman kadirgammer even though born in a tamil christian family educated in a christian institution with a christian reverend as father. He married a singhala woman and denounced both the tamil and christianity and became a Singhala buddhist but could not become prime minister let alone president. He said to chandrika he will work for annihilation of tamils without any pay back from you. Bur chandika being a daughter of SWRD who never hated tamils because of his tamil ancestral background felt that that she should reward laxman but was overruled and in well known.So don’t talk crap. The fact is SL will never accept anything that has the slightest hint of Tamil.

        • 1

          PROUDMAN, for your racist eyes, my simple clarification could be a “crap”. In fact, people like you dont want S/Bs’ to accept Tamilians as their brothers and sisters so that you can carry forward the “crap” and the myth that says “Sinhalese are against Tamils”. Lets assume the crap that you have said about LK was correct, then what do you have to say about other examples that I have mentioned above? And who terminated the life of the great LK? Now pls do not repeat another “crap” as its was not LTTE responsible for the murder of LK but an “inner” job.

          S/B culture is one of the most flexible and a practical cultures in the world that allows other faiths, believes be nurtured with it. (I am not talking about BBS culture or what city SB are currently following which’s mostly a western culture. I greatly appreciate Tamils (Hindus) for the untiring effort they put to value their culture whereas S/B’s are far behind, compare to Tamils in SL).

          So, PRODUMAN, my suggestion for you is do not go by your ancestral racists forefathers like SJVs’, Sundaralinkams’ etc., who bombarded Tamils with murderers ideas and made them as haters to SBs. Every single country in the world has a pre dominant culture. I do not think I have to explain you SL falls into which.


          • 3


            “….ike SJVs’, Sundaralinkams’ etc., who bombarded Tamils with murderers ideas and made them as haters to SBs.”

            You should know and accept that in an amalgamated country of Ceylon, the Sinhala Buddhist became a majority by default! This situation would not have materialised if not for the Brits! The Brits handed over the country to the Sri Lankan leaders under the 1948 secular constitution with English as the administrative language. All communities embraced the independence on this basis. Do you follow me so far?

            Now, the annals of the post independence period, who created conditions for ethnic disharmony? Is it SJVC or Suntharalingham? Do you consider Dharmapala as a trouble maker? Just compare the 1948 constitution with the present one; how lopsided it is in favour of the Sinhala Buddhists! Is this what you mean by the so-called minorities accepting that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country? Who do you think you are? Now reverse the Sinhala and Tamil positions; I can guarantee you that the Sinhala would have behaved exactly same as the Tamils. The Sinhala arrogantly and myopically bastardised the constitution to suit the Sinhala Buddhist using democracy as cover. This is the fact and at no stage, they consulted the Tamil Speaking people in congruous with democratic norms in order to form consensus; not at all. The message was to put up or shut up! You then have the audacity to label the likes of SJVC as a racist; what logic!

            • 1

              Burning, you have a serious burning problem. Distorting history or gone by the fabricated history. Or else, you are suffering from a common syndrome. Hate S/B’s without any acceptable reason for every damn thing.

              The high casts of Tamils were the favorites of Brits. May be the reason was that the Sinhalese fought against them in many struggles. 1818, 1848 and even before during the famous fights that Brits had to capture Kandyan kingdom. It was Sinhalas, predominantly have given a lesson to Brits – the imperialists.

              This particular hi cast tamils wanted to control the whole country. Hence the 50-50 and similar unjustifiable demands. It was way behind ’56 that tamil leaders (some) demanded eelam. (ex: C. Sundaralinkam demanded separatism in 40s’ and SJV forming the ‘demala rajya’ party).

              If Brits were not in favour of Tamils why did they appoint equal no. of representatives to Sinhlas and Tamils in 30s’? The demography at that time was 75% Sinhalas and merely 12% Tamil.

              It is no point to repeat history here again. Burning, you are yet another results of fabricated history of Sri Lanka by various interested parties. If you go by Prof Karthigesu at least (not his later writings which he had been forced to do so by LTTE) you can get a better picture.

              In a conclusion, what I want to say is this is not a question of who’s superior but everyone. Going by distorted history wont give you a clear path.

              • 2


                “Burning, you have a serious burning problem. Distorting history or gone by the fabricated history. Or else, you are suffering from a common syndrome. Hate S/B’s without any acceptable reason for every damn thing.”

                Exactly which part of what I said you did not understand? You really need to learn about the history swiftly as you appear rather shallow and ignorant to say the least!

                What have I fabricated? Come on pinpoint if you can?

                • 0


                  //You should know and accept that in an amalgamated country of Ceylon, the Sinhala Buddhist became a majority by default! //

                  Wasnt that alone a fabricated history?

                  • 1


                    “Wasnt that alone a fabricated history?”

                    Please do yourself a favour; just learn history authentically for your own good! I do not want to waste time with you as you seem very immature and a smug.

                    In 1833 the British Colonial masters amalgamated three separately administered nations namely: North & East, Kandy, and South.


                    “Colebrook-Cameron Commission, committee sent by the British government in 1829–32 to investigate its colonial government in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and to make recommendations for administrative, financial, economic, and judicial reform. Most of the recommendations were accepted; they signified for Ceylon the first manifestation of constitutional government, the first steps toward modernizing the traditional economic system, and the beginnings of a uniform system of justice, education, and civil administration.

                    The recommendations of the commission were as follows: (1) that the formerly absolute power of the governor of Ceylon be limited by a separation of the executive, legislative, and judicial authorities, a step that would entail the creation of an Executive Council, which was to act jointly with the governor in decision making, and a Legislative Council, which was to include some native Ceylonese members; (2) that all of Ceylon be united under one administrative system; (3) that more civil service posts be opened to natives; (4) that a uniform judicial system be created to promote greater efficiency and equal treatment before the law of Ceylonese and Europeans; (5) that rājākariya, the traditional system of land tenure, be abolished, along with government trade monopolies; and (6) that a uniform system of education be developed, with English as the medium of instruction.”

                    Pay attention to second point!

                    • 1

                      //(2) that all of Ceylon be united under one administrative system//

                      How on earth you say, only with the above simple sentence, SL was 3 separate units governed by 3 heads? In year 1798, king Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe (Kannasami) clingd into power and was there until 2nd March, 1815. By then, except kandy, all the coastal areas were under Brits. After the infamous 1815 agreement, administered mainly by John Doyley, using his talent in Sinhala language, Brits became the sole administrator/owner of this land. Then its obvious them to have such an action later somewhere 1833.

                      It’s easy to brand me as an ‘immature’ but truth cannot be hide my friend. SL has been ONE country from its inception. There are many instances to prove that historical fact. I urge you to drop this illusionism (concept of separation, homeland etc.,) and lets be together in this blessed island as one nation.

                    • 2

                      /In 1833 the British Colonial masters amalgamated three separately administered nations namely: North & East, Kandy, and South./

                      see how you falsify history.
                      North was ruled by Portugese, then Dutch and later British upto 1833. East was under Kandyan king.

                      As i have stated several times for god sakes do not falsify history and learn the history of this country

                    • 3

                      sachooooooooooooo the stupid II

                      “East was under Kandyan king.”

                      Could you give us the date of the origin of Kandyan Kingdom?

                      Was there any other kingdom apart from Kandyan kingdom?

                    • 0


                      Please grow up and be a good Buddhist. Check the time line of colonial presence in Ceylon. When was Jaffna annexed by the Portuguese? When did the Dutch capture Jaffna? What does Colebrook & Cameron reform means in terms of one administration? How did parochial customary laws such as Thesavalami survived to this date?

                      max, I said I have no time to waste with you! You need to venture out and read objectively rather than devouring the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinistic materials!

                      1833 to 1948 means only 115 years of single administration when Ceylon was given independence. This is why the ethnic divide remained conspicuous despite reasonable levels intermixing!

                    • 0


                      Ten years back there were so much materials on the net about the colonial administrations and how Colebrook & Cameron reforms changed all that! There must have been a meticulous work to remove any reference to North been a separate nation/unit!

                      Whatever they do they cannot expunge the academic materials and several books already published!

                    • 0

                      Burning Issue

                      “Whatever they do they cannot expunge the academic materials and several books already published!”

                      You can still access relevant materials if you have the have time and patience.


                      If you need any relevant material please let me know my friend the old codger will be pleased to provide them if we give him enough time.

      • 5

        “Sri Lanka will have a non S/B leader, the day when they accept the fact that SL is predominantly a S/B state. Whether one likes it or not, that is a fact.”

        Unfortunately, due to foolishness, the SinhalaBuddhist is the ONLY race in this entire world that believes that the majority race in a country is the sole owner of that country and all others (minorities) are outsiders.

        Another reason for this is, the Sinhalese are brainwashed right from birth with the Mahavamsa mind-set to believe the myth that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country and the non-Sinhala Buddhists (Tamils and others) are invaders and outsiders who do not belong to Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Celeo, what can I do for your inability to understand the simple truth that I have mentioned above? Who has said “the only owner of SL is S/Bs”? Now who is having the “foolishness” syndrome? Whether you belong to Tamil, Muslim, Burger or Sinhalese you have the EQUEL rights of Sri Lanka.

          Bashing Mahawamsa is not a new phenomenon and it has been a habit of those who hate S/Bs for the simple fact that they were the once who made this country bright in the history and later, the force that fought against invaders since 1505.

          Upto 17th century, it was Sinhalas who dominated even Jaffna peninsula. Read the Portugese ‘Kwarose’ if you need more clarifications. It was Dutch who brought Malabar Dravidayans to Jaffna for the tobacco cultivation. Thats the brief history of Tamil habitants in SL.

          • 6

            Mad Max,
            What a load of crap!

            “What can I do for your inability to understand the simple truth that I have mentioned above?”

            It is NOT the truth but a myth that you are made to believe from your childhood.

            “Who has said “the only owner of SL is S/Bs”?”

            You said SL is predominantly a S/B state which is not true. SL minus the N&E (Tamil homeland) can be called a predominantly a S/B state. The N&E is predominantly Tamil.

            “Bashing Mahawamsa is not a new phenomenon and it has been a habit of those who hate S/Bs for the simple fact that they were the once who made this country bright in the history and later, the force that fought against invaders since 1505.”

            This is another Myth. The Sinhalese fought the invaders since 1505 for petty reasons. Regarding the Sinhala rebellion against the European colonials, what is your point? It was not only the Sinhalese but even the Tamils rebelled against them. The king of Jaffna Cankli Kumaran fought a war against the Portuguese. The Tamil chief of Vanni, Pandara Vanniyan rebelled against the British rule. However, neither the Sinhalese nor the Tamils fought for independence, it was given to DS Senanayake in 1948 on a platter.

            “Upto 17th century, it was Sinhalas who dominated even Jaffna peninsula. Read the Portugese ‘Kwarose’ if you need more clarifications.”

            This is another Myth concocted by the Sinhala racists. Leave alone Portugese ‘Kwarose’, none of the records say anything like that. Please read the book “Jaffna under the Portuguese” written by Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe, Senior Professor of History at the University of Colombo. Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe is one of the very few who has done extensive research on Portuguese archives and Goa archives by living in those countries.

            In his book ‘Jaffna under the Portuguese’, Tikiri Abeyasinghe, who was Professor of Modern History in the University of Colombo till 1985, notes that the Franciscans alone converted 52,000 Jaffna Tamil Hindus into Catholics.

            “It was Dutch who brought Malabar Dravidayans to Jaffna for the tobacco cultivation. Thats the brief history of Tamil habitants in SL.”

            There is NO evidence what so ever to prove it. There is only a Dutch record saying they sold a few south Indian slaves (Pallar caste) to the Vellalars land owners (farmers) to work in their tobacco fields. However, there is enough Dutch records to prove that they settled tens of thousands of South Indian Dalit slaves in the Cinnamon gardens owned by the Dutch from Colombo up to Galle to grow Cinnamon. Eventually they all got converted to Buddhists and Catholics and became Sinhalese (most probably your ancestors).

            • 1

              Celeo, yet another crap from you. The following is a case in point to showcase how much you are bias to your idiotic ideology.

              //You said SL is predominantly a S/B state which is not true. SL minus the N&E (Tamil homeland) can be called a predominantly a S/B state. The N&E is predominantly Tamil.//

              According to the thesis of Prof. Indrapalan, SL’s history, at least beyond 13th century, it was Sinhala. Here’s a simple example not to claim learned Prof’s point but a simple factor that anyone can understand. Out of the no. of foreign travelers to SL at present how many of them coming to visit Hindu kovil’s, or any wonders that had been built by non S/B’s or they can boast about as their ‘products’? (I am taking all these examples just to deny your point that N/E is only to Tamils. Or the homeland concept. Not in a racial manner).

              In fact, the oxygen to Tamil racism was this bogus history. According to that, they talk about a 3000 year history here in SL. Paralally, a 5000 year Tamil history in India. Even, Mohendajaro Harappa civilization also is a creation of Tamils according to that bogus history. But the truth is only 2500 years ago Tamils had come to South India. By then, not only in India, the SL also had their own kingdoms. (Vaidika).

              The history of Tamils dont go long back. Linguistically it is almost same in Jaffna and South India. Yet another point to deny their ‘long’ history as they claim. They do not have to showcase anything here in SL as their proud history? But in South India.

              After the Portugese invasion, the ‘arya chakravarti’ administration which was under the Sinhala King was broken. Since the subjugation to Europeans, there was no independence struggle. Whereas Sinhalese were different to that. Upto Gongalegoda Banda, Puran Appu in the recent history, there were so many who fought against invaders. A possible reason for their lazy attitude to fight against invaders could be the lack of connection to the soil. Then came Dutch and they were the once who brought down people from Malabar for the cultivation of Tobacco. Malabars used to go back to their country after the cultivation. In order to stop that habbit, the Dutch brought down the law ‘thesawalamei’ in 18th century. Eventually that came a Law in the people of Jaffna.

              In order to put down the Sinhala history, some of the Tamil historians made a kind of ‘scary’ about mahawamsa and made it as a ‘myth’. Dr Siran Deraniyagala’s recent excavation in Anuradhapura also reveals that claim is bogus.

              If you see these points in the usual racist manner, Celeo, you never be able to see the light. Just accept the right as right and lets live peacefully as one nation here in our beloved motherland.

              • 4

                Max the brainwashed child of biased and idiotic Sinhala Buddhist ideology/Mythology,

                “According to the thesis of Prof. Indrapalan, SL’s history, at least beyond 13th century, it was Sinhala”.

                You are NOT talking about Prof. Karthigesu Indrapala but you are talking about Mr. Karthigesu Indrapala, a 1965 PhD student. 40 years after his 1965 PhD thesis, Prof. Karthigesu Indrapala as a senior Archeologist/Historian says his PhD dissertation (with very limited material) is completely out of date (obsolete) that even he does not have a copy of his 1965 PhD thesis what he wrote 40 years ago as a PhD student. He further says in his recently published book (he lives in Australia and there is no such threat for him), his 1965 PhD thesis (with full of assumptions and hypothesis) was presented as the first major attempt to bring together all available evidence on the subject and admits that it was in no way a complete study. In terms of continuing archaeological research (new findings) and changing historical perspectives, changing the views/opinions and assumptions is a natural happening and not due to any threat.

                “Out of the no. of foreign travelers to SL at present how many of them coming to visit Hindu kovil’s, or any wonders that had been built by non S/B’s or they can boast about as their ‘products’?”

                If you are talking about Hindu kovil’s, you can see many tourists at Nallur Kovil, Nainativu Nagapooshani kovil, Koneswaram, Muneshwaram , and Katharagama.

                What wonders did the Sinhalese build and tell me where it is said that it is built by the Sinhalese? The building of a few tanks and canals to take water to the fields, and a few Dagabas and places of worship does not make it a wonder. These were BASIC ESSENTIALS of the economic & religious life of any settled community.

                “According to that, they talk about a 3000 year Tamil history here in SL.”

                Mahanama, a Buddhist monk, an uncle of King Dhathusena, observing two groups of people in the 5th century A.D. – Hindus, speaking Tamil and the converts (Buddhists) speaking the new language (Prakrit) – hatched the story of Sinhabahu’s grandson Vijaya and his 700 followers (Bengalis), about 1000 years after their alleged landing, with the motive of projecting the Buddhists as a separate ethnic group, the Sinhalese (who will protect the Buddhist dharma in the island). Even the term ‘Sinhala’ he has picked up from the Sanskrit text Mahabaratha and the term ‘Lanka’ from the Sanskrit text Ramayana.

                “The history of Tamils dont go long back. Linguistically it is almost same in Jaffna and South India. Yet another point to deny their ‘long’ history as they claim. They do not have to showcase anything here in SL as their proud history?”

                You people boast about a written Sinhala history that was neither written in Sinhala or says anything about Sinhala, you boast about an ancient Sinhala history and civilization which is not mentioned anywhere in the ancient artifacts or publications or inscriptions as Sinhala, you boast about Sinhala Kingdoms which nobody, even Ven. Mahanama the author of Mahavamsa has never mentioned. You boast about a Sinhala Nation which never existed, you talk about a Sinhala race/ethnic group which came into existence ONLY after the 13th Century AD and you boast about a Sinhala country which neither existed then nor exist now. Just because your leaders, the Sinhala Kalu Suddhas (Senanayakes, Jayawardanes, Bandaranakakes, Wijayawardenas, Kothalawelas and many others) licked the bottoms of the British Suddhas, they gave the whole of Sri Lanka including the Tamil homeland to the majority on a platter and left.

                “Since the subjugation to Europeans, there was no independence struggle. Whereas Sinhalese were different to that. Upto Gongalegoda Banda, Puran Appu in the recent history, there were so many who fought against invaders.”

                Neither D. S. Senanayaka and the Congress nor Keppitipola, Puran Appu, Gongalegoda Banda, Anagarika Dharmapala and numerous Bhikkus and lay people fought for the independence? The Sri Lankans did not fight with British as a nation would fight against a colonial power for independence. Puran Appu and/or Gongalegoda Banda did not fight a national struggle (a brief uprising limited for few days, as a direct response to the introduction of new tax by the then Governor Torrington), Keppetipola fought for personal reasons and so were the others. Monarawila Keppetipola in 1818, Puran Appu in 1848, Mayadunne, Gongalegoda Banda, Kudapola Rahula thero, Wariyapola Sumangala and a few others were rebels who fought at different periods (long before independence) for different issues/reasons, it had nothing to do with the Independence. They were easily crushed and were executed very long before Sri Lanka obtained independence.

                When the Portuguese took the Tamil throne of the Jaffna kingdom, the last king of Jaffna Cankli Kumaran, fought decisively with the Portuguese forces. Unfortunately, Cankli Kumaran’s forces were defeated. The Tamil kingdom came under Portuguese domination in 1621, and this was how the Tamils lost their sovereignty, independence and their traditional homeland. Later, Moddeley Tambi of Jaffna led a revolt against the Dutch that shook the Dutch administration (Memoirs Zwaardecroon, a report from Dutch archives). Very similar to some of the Sinhala rebellion against the British rule even the Tamils have rebelled. Pandara Vanniyan (Kulasegaram Vairamuthu Pandaravanniyan) was known as one of last native Tamil chiefs to challenge British rule.

                Did anybody fight and succeed in sending the Brits out of the country?

                None of their struggle contributed to the Independence of Sri Lanka, it was granted in 1948, only after the British were forced to leave the region due to Gandhi’s struggle in India. Go and listen to Nanda Malini’s song ‘Nidahas baila’, it is very well composed with the facts.

                “Then came Dutch and they were the once who brought down people from Malabar for the cultivation of Tobacco. Malabars used to go back to their country after the cultivation. In order to stop that habbit, the Dutch brought down the law ‘thesawalamei’ in 18th century. Eventually that came a Law in the people of Jaffna.”

                This is a beautiful fairy tale (fiction) concocted by the Sinhala Racists to deny the Tamil existence in Jaffna. There is no evidence what so ever to prove this story except a record in the Dutch archive that says, when the Tamil Vellalar farmers in Jaffna needed labour to grow tobacco, the Dutch sold them a few slaves brought from South India (Pallar caste). Thesawalamei law has nothing to do with any of this. Before commenting about Thesawalamei law you should at least read it and see what is in it without making yourself a laughing stock. For you people, ignorance is bliss.

                Please give us a link to those Dutch records/ archives (not the fake ones created by a few racists) or any research paper published by a reputed historian which says Dutch brought Malabars for work in Tobacco plantations. The Dutch writings by Markus Wink very clearly says tens of thousands were settled in the South from Colombo to Galle for Cinnamon plantation. Cinnamon was their main export/income and Cinnamon did not grow in Jaffna.

                Please do not repeat like a parrot all what a few Sinhala racists have concocted. Instead, look if there is any solid evidence (if you had some good education) to what they are saying without proving yourself a modaya.

                “In order to put down the Sinhala history, some of the Tamil historians made a kind of ‘scary’ about mahawamsa and made it as a ‘myth’.”

                First of all, Mahavamsa is not a history book and definitely not the Sinhala history. It is a historical poem written in Pali by a Buddhist Monk to glorify the Buddhist kings of the Anuradhapura kingdom who patronized their institution (Mahavihara). At the end of every chapter it says, this is written for the serene joy of the pious.

                Take for example the Mahinda Rajapakshe’s period. The Mahavamsa has written 3 chapters about the Rajapakse royal family, but has no mention of Fonseka and has only one paragraph about Chandrika. This is exactly how the Mahavamsa was written right from its beginning. It was written according to the king’s whimps and fancies. What should be written and what should not be written was the discretion of the Buddhist king who ruled and who patronized the Mahavihara monks. What we see today is a very good example of what happened in the past.

                “Celeo, you never be able to see the light. Just accept the right as right and lets live peacefully as one nation here in our beloved motherland.”

                Sri Lankan Tamils are not just a minority but a minority with a territory or a territorial majority (a minority with a separate territory in which they are a majority). They had a clearly defined (Tamil speaking) territory, their historic habitat (formally Jaffna kingdom) in the North & East of Sri Lanka as their traditional homeland where they lived for several centuries as a separate nation with their own language, religion and culture until the British united the Tamil speaking North to the Sinhala speaking South in 1833 for their convenience in administration thereby reducing the Tamils to a minority and then left in 1948 without reverting back to the old federal setup. The ground reality as everybody can see is that the Sri Lankan Tamils are still having a clearly defined (Tamil speaking) territory, the Tamil speaking homeland (North & East of Sri Lanka) where they are living as a separate majority with a separate culture. Nobody can deny this. So please accept the right as right and let’s live peacefully as one nation here in our beloved motherland.

                • 1

                  Celeo, the long reply is full of facts bogus or otherwise. Racism is what has been there in the whole write up. You criticize Sinhalas for their alleged racism, but in the name of counter attacking the points that I have raised, you are deeper and deeper in the Tamil racism. I agree with you for the fact that Prof Karthigesu was a uni student when he wrote about SL history. I urge you to read Prof Tennakoon Wimalananda, Prof. Sirimal Ranwella also for a more balanced research of SL history.

                  //What wonders did the Sinhalese build and tell me where it is said that it is built by the Sinhalese? The building of a few tanks and canals to take water to the fields, and a few Dagabas and places of worship does not make it a wonder. These were BASIC ESSENTIALS of the economic & religious life of any settled community.//

                  The above is another piece of writing that says alot about you. If that is your perspective about thousand and thousands of ‘kulam’s which is there from north to south and west to east during the days of Sinhala or otherwise kings your current mental condition is pathetic. For your record, it was Sinhalas who were the masters of ‘vaapi’ culture let alont SL but the whole world. It was more than anything else but their knowledge, which built such monuments. If you see them as ‘basic essentials’, thats is not acceptable.

                  //If you are talking about Hindu kovil’s, you can see many tourists at Nallur Kovil, Nainativu Nagapooshani kovil, Koneswaram, Muneshwaram , and Katharagama.//

                  Yes I too have seen tourists at the above mentioned hindu worship places but do I need to compare the number with the Dalada Maligava or Mahamewna Uyana of Anuradhapura?

                  Again, Celeo, I want to stress this out as well. I am not trying to say Sinhalas are superior than Tamil or Sinhalas have to be given any speciality here in Sri Lanka against any other races, ethnic groups etc. Provocative Tamil racism also should be criticized. People like native vedda take no time to bash S/B for every single thing but keep silence over barbaric and racial actions of Tamils and Muslims.

                  //You people boast about a written Sinhala history that was neither written in Sinhala or says anything about Sinhala, you boast about an ancient Sinhala history and civilization which is not mentioned anywhere in the ancient artifacts or publications or inscriptions as Sinhala, you boast about Sinhala Kingdoms which nobody, even Ven. Mahanama the author of Mahavamsa has never mentioned. You boast about a Sinhala Nation which never existed, you talk about a Sinhala race/ethnic group which came into existence ONLY after the 13th Century AD and you boast about a Sinhala country which neither existed then nor exist now.//

                  Do you think you have written a marvelous piece of writing? Dont you know any language has its own development or expansion? If you expect the present days Sinhala language in the pre historic inscription stones, isnt it bit of absurd?

                  //Just because your leaders, the Sinhala Kalu Suddhas (Senanayakes, Jayawardanes, Bandaranakakes, Wijayawardenas, Kothalawelas and many others) licked the bottoms of the British Suddhas, they gave the whole of Sri Lanka including the Tamil homeland to the majority on a platter and left.//

                  Something I can agree with you. But do not leave your leaders as well. The South Indian origin Catholics in the calibre of Chelvas, Hindu Sundaralinkams etc. If sudda’s are very much fond of Sinhalas as you claimed, why did they give the best education (in Brits terms of education) to Jaffna, Batti and such Tamil dominated areas? Simple reason is they were just a tame ethnic group to them. And so many ‘white color’ jobs in the govt sector.

                  Then comes another foolish attempt to humiliate the independence of struggle of SL. It goes as this. //Neither D. S. Senanayaka and the Congress nor Keppitipola, Puran Appu, Gongalegoda Banda, Anagarika Dharmapala and numerous Bhikkus and lay people fought for the independence? The Sri Lankans did not fight with British as a nation would fight against a colonial power for independence. Puran Appu and/or Gongalegoda Banda did not fight a national struggle (a brief uprising limited for few days, as a direct response to the introduction of new tax by the then Governor Torrington), Keppetipola fought for personal reasons and so were the others. Monarawila Keppetipola in 1818, Puran Appu in 1848, Mayadunne, Gongalegoda Banda, Kudapola Rahula thero, Wariyapola Sumangala and a few others were rebels who fought at different periods (long before independence) for different issues/reasons, it had nothing to do with the Independence. They were easily crushed and were executed very long before Sri Lanka obtained independence.//

                  Celeo, an independent struggle is not a random one. It always is a collection of many struggles. They were not fighting to get anything personal but the independence to the whole country including your so called ‘motherland’ from the invaders – the Brits. For your records, Celeo, Sinhalas were never reversal in terms of weapons. Have you ever heard of ‘Balana satana’, “Danthure satana’ or any other fights that Sinhalas had against Suddas? Or how Alakeshwara had route Jaffna’s ‘Arya Chakravarti’ during the Gampola era in 1357-1374? If I were to take a moder day example, Prabha’s terrorism was not a spontaneous. It was a result of Tamil racism, nurtured by the Tamil leaders since 1930’s.

                  //Please do not repeat like a parrot all what a few Sinhala racists have concocted. Instead, look if there is any solid evidence (if you had some good education) to what they are saying without proving yourself a modaya.//

                  I think I can say the same to your Celeo. You can refer gold plate inscription of Vallipuram also to clear your doubts about home land concept.

                  //First of all, Mahavamsa is not a history book and definitely not the Sinhala history. It is a historical poem written in Pali by a Buddhist Monk to glorify the Buddhist kings of the Anuradhapura kingdom who patronized their institution (Mahavihara). At the end of every chapter it says, this is written for the serene joy of the pious.//

                  Yes agree. It is you people who bashing Mahavamsa for everything. has been written in a different context.

                  You have ended up your long tale by again with the aim of proving your myth, a Tamil Homeland in Jaffna. As I said in an earlier paragraph please refer the gold plate again. Yes Tamils are the majority in Jaffna – a part of Sri Lanka. You have all the rights to live, work, marriage, administration according to your needs. No argument on that and I dont think southerners wont to come and settle in Jaffna. Or at least those Tamils live in other areas.

              • 1


                “In order to put down the Sinhala history, some of the Tamil historians made a kind of ‘scary’ about mahawamsa and made it as a ‘myth’.”

                This is what your most favorite Guru Prof. Nalin Silva wrote about “The Mahavamsa Myth” to The Island newspaper (26 February 2014) and said the following:

                “Mahavamsa is clearly the Vamsakatha of the Asoka Bududahama, and it establishes the ‘supremacy’ of that sect over the other sects of Bududahama or other Bududahamas. However, Mahavamsa should not be considered a book of history in the western tradition as no attempt has been made to write a history of Sri Lanka or the Sinhala nation. Ideally, it should be treated as a Vamsakatha and nothing more.”

      • 1

        I am with you.


        • 2


          you wrote the following to max:

          “I am with you.”

          You are a Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinist and there is no shred of doubt about it! Your ostensible talk about equality and tamil language rights are pathetic and insincere. Your primary focus is to safeguard the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony and nothing else! You should hang your head in shame!

          • 4

            Burning Issue

            “You should hang your head in shame!”

            He won’t because he is Sinhala/Buddhist and a Southerner.

            By the way, he believes he is the smartest patriot in this island and he could build and preserve a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto here in this island.

            Well VP also thought the same and we know what had happened to him.

            Somaass is going to be disappointed as Sinhalese and Buddhists are no fools and they won’t buy his “Hiden Agenda”. He is one of the few noisy minority among Sinhala/Buddhists.

            He is a harmless stupid little boy.

            • 1

              Native the stupid, its nothing new for your to label people as your wish.

              // By the way, he believes he is the smartest patriot in this island and he could build and preserve a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto here in this island. //

              There is no such move from my end. Just because I have another opinion that you and other Tamil racists trying to propagate that does not mean that I am a Sinhala equivalent to yours.

              Yes my opinion is not harm but Tamil racism, inculcate by your school of thought is really dangerous.


          • 3

            yes yes,,,others are always racist and wrong, we tamils are always right

  • 17

    the answer his NEVER because our country is governed by the “SINHALEI” [Edited out]. Notice the quites as this does not mean all Sinhala people. Its a tragedy that true Sinhala Buddhist voices of the country have been suppressed and silenced by a few cowards that has hijacked our leadership. To them, our brothers and sisters who are Tamil will always be Para Demhala’s. Our Muslim brothers and sisters are Humabaya’s. What genuine reconciliation can anyone expect from a country of majority moadaya’s.

  • 8

    In some schools of thought , it was Lakshman Kadirgamar who won the LTTE war. He went around the world and got the LTTE to be branded a terrorist organisation and made it easy for Rajapakse.
    So Kadirgamar should have been elected the first Tamil president?

    • 8


      “In some schools of thought , it was Lakshman Kadirgamar who won the LTTE war.”

      It was VP who won two elections and a war for MR, greatly supported by Hindia.

    • 7

      It is true that Kathirkamar who contributed lot winning the war. But later murdered when there was a talk about make him as a prime minister. Nobody knows the real men behind his murder. Kathirkamar was given priority because he volunteered to provide his talent unconditionally to work against Tamils.He was never interested in the rights of the Tamils or suffering of the Tamils by oppressing regimes. If his services were recognised by Sinhala leadership, at least they would have made him to contest in the election from a Sinhalese majority area (say Attanagala)and elected him as a member of Parliament. In fact, he was used like Karuna, Pillian, Douglas etc.

    • 6

      Rajapkse rewarded Kadirgamar by facilitating his appointment as the permanent represntative in Heaven.

      • 4

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

        “Rajapkse rewarded Kadirgamar by facilitating his appointment as the permanent represntative in Heaven.”

        I agree with what you said BUT you made a mistake in one single word which makes a world of a difference. You shouldn’t have used ‘heaven’ but ‘hell’.

        So the correct statement would have been:
        Rajapkse rewarded Kadirgamar by facilitating his appointment as the permanent representative in Hell.

    • 5

      “and got the LTTE to be branded a terrorist organisation “

      This is very true. The man from Geneva did via Tony Blair what India could not cover.EU.

      Tamil President No chance.
      A Muslim President one day when Lanka becomes a copy of Pakistan.

      T for Trouble T for Tamil in homeland acting like the Irish with a smoking gun.

  • 10

    Does it matter ?…

    Muslims now control the retail trade in Srialanka.

    Soon they will take over as the leaders of construction and development of Housing and Hotels which will be the engine of the future Economic growth.

    Their per capita income is well above that of of the Sinhala inhabitants.

    Tamils are on par with them or perhaps second in per capita income with the remittances in FX even for the war affected ,bar the low caste inhabitants in the North and the East.

    Sinhala inhabitants in the South may soon be on par with the Estate Tamil inhabitants,

    But even worse perhaps, in access to Health and education facilities.

    The shenanigans of the last 18 months by the Government of the UNP Christian Faction and the Sira Party have been totally focussed on giving,

    Federal Government System to Tamils and to Muslims by default,

    Free and full control Rights to Govt Land, and free Housing ,

    Passports to the Tamils and Muslims and Sinhalese who have taken Foreign Citizenship.

    Privatise public enterprises

    Cut down Public Transport , Education and University Places.

    Encourage Private Universities for the high income family kids.

    But suppression of the poor students, increased prices on Sugar, Salt Dhal and Vegetables, jailing of Buddhist monks, restraining orders on them under the threat of jail terms, CID and FCID grilling of the Politicians who are standing up for the Sinhala rural poor are what the Sinhala inhabitants have got so far..

    And degrading the Armed Forces and Cull the numbers, for obvious reasons.

    And jail the Soldiers who eliminated Terrorists,

    Even some of our our FB Sinhalese can not see these developments.

    • 13

      KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

      “Muslims now control the retail trade in Srialanka.”

      What are you waiting for, loot their businesses, burn down their homes, kill their kith and kin, rape their women, ……… nationalised their trade, make them stateless, issue lisences to trade, periodically send in the kappang karayas (another method of income re-distribution), ………… you are rest assured the state will be right behind you,. the police will protect the murderers from the victims, Wimal will farce into dead to uphold the rights of Sinhala/Buddhists, ……………

      There are millions of ways in which you can deal with them to satiate your envy and greed, ….

      The Sangha will be right behind you, …………… go on,…. Who cares about the International Community, humanity, human rights, …..

      It is sad Cyril Mathew no longer alive to give you guidance,…….. but you can rely on Gnanasara, the saffron clad thug, ………

      • 6

        KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

        I forgot to mention, if you need any expert advice please contact Karuna, Pillayan, and the former members of Pottu Amman department now working for Military unintelligent.

        They too have plenty of experience in Ethnic Cleansing.

        Please don’t thank me, I am only helping you (of course free of charge) to realise the great potential.

      • 6

        Dear Native,

        Your lot don’t go Halal shopping … Right?..

        • 0

          KA Sumanasekera is a mentally retarded mutt.

    • 5

      KA Sumanasekera

      “Muslims now control the retail trade in Srialanka.”

      Is there anything wrong in that? Unless they have adopted illegal and immoral practices and I do not see any of such.

      They are thriving in business purely due to their own legitimate initiative, tact, hard work and ability to win confidence from the customers.

      You buggers are the people who are lazy and jealous want simply to see others who are doing well brought down to the streets. Then use Government help to send thugs and intimate people and so will part with their thriving property and you take over thinking now you can benefit something that came the easy way. But your lack of commitment, talent, tact soon make the once a flourishing industry brought down to a zero.

      This is your method what you practiced on the Tamils, feeling jealous Tamils are excelling in education and jobs, so destroyed their livelihood made Jaffna a ghost city, which was once very flourishing district.

      Then once you finished with the Tamils, send BBS thugs and played havoc with the Muslims so they will run away for you to grab.

      You will have to answer these on your own judgement day. Then it will be too late for you to repent.

    • 6

      Sumanasekera dont you realise that over 75 percent of Sri Lankans working in Muslim countries are Sinhalese. It is remittances sent by expatriates from the Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia,Qatar,Jordan,Dubai,Oman,Bahrein that bring in the much needed foreign exchange the country needs and these funds keep our economy afloat. If not for these remittances you and I would be on food stamps as expatriates remiitances are one of the primary means of earning foreign exchange to a cash strapped Sri Lanka.

  • 6

    Let’s take the question to Tamil Nadu, shall we?

    • 5

      You are referring to your Karawe ancestors and the ancestors of around 60% of the present day Sinhalese?

  • 13

    There is a strong believe, by the way, is that Lakshman Kadirgamar was NOT killed by the LTTE. It was an inside job.

    • 5


      The jury is still out on this case.

      • 6

        “Would Sri Lanka Elect A Tamil Or Muslim President?”


        • 8

          Ping Pong



          When did this island become your country?

          • 1

            “When did this island become your country?”

            Did he not say “our”… not “my” ?

            • 3


              “Did he not say “our”… not “my” ?”

              Read what he typed:


              Tell me what he really meant.

              I may be bit thick however I still can read and write.

          • 2

            “When did this island become your country?”

            On 4th February 1948.

            • 5

              ““When did this island become your country?””

              the island was, is, and shall always be until death do we part….

              the only marriage that stays from birth unless outed like Diego Garcia’s or northern Tamils.

    • 1

      Read Col. Thamilini’s book. She has mentioned very clearly how Prabha talked about Kadirgamar and boasted his act

      • 7

        Thamilini’s book?

        As NV said, “The jury is still out on this case”….. whether it was Thamilini’s book!

        Many hundreds of ‘reformed’ rebels had a sorry life with nothing to eat, no jobs, no respect, etc. How in the world Thamilini’s book had this kind of publishing house and publicity? Do you think the same publishing house would release of a book of any ‘senior’ rebels who volunteer to tell their story. The Vanni doctors, who were coached and coerced to glorify the kurakkan regime are happy to speak about the real thing now. Do you think their stories would be in print?

        Thamilini say in her book that she was never ill-treated, even harassed, but was treated like a mother. Does anyone, ANYONE, here believe that claim?

        Whenever she mentioned Prabaharan in good sense, she referred to him as the leader (thalaivar), but when ‘she’ talked the bad side, ‘she’ referred to him as Prabaharan.

    • 6

      an inside job
      in side the High Security Zone

  • 3

    Hay wiswa..man, How about Hakeem who no doubt put Allah and his Koran and shariya above Sri Lanka constition or Wigge who is self declared to have hate filled mind about Sinhala as the presidential candidate, eh?

  • 3

    Hay wiswa..man, How about Hakeem, the Muslim leader who by his religion put Allah and his Koran and sharia above Sri Lanka constitution or Wigge, the Tamil leaderHay wiswa..man, How about Hakeem who no doubt put Allah and his Koran and shariya above Sri Lanka constition or Wigge who is self declared to have hate filled mind about Sinhala as the presidential candidate, eh? who by himself has declared that he hated Sinhala language as the presidential candidate, eh?

  • 9

    We the average Tamils not interested in becoming prime-minister president or any other!! We want to stop government assisted settlement of other ethnics in our land !! colonization or land grabbing in our land !!Stop building Buddhist temples war victory memorials in our lands !! By the state assistance!!By the Buddhist monks!! By the forces !! want to treated as equal citizen by the government!! Also we had prime ministers Like Don Stephan perhaps the first followed by many Dudley Jhon Solomon West Ridge way Dias Junius Richard Percy !!

  • 4

    SWRD Bandaranayeke comes from a Tamil Christian Family. The pachchaperumal family. He had no Sinhala blood. He coverted to Buddhism late in life. CBK went to a christian school and is a self proclaimed athiest. Sri Lanka will elect a president suited for the job, who represents the peoples interests not a narrow ethnic religious interests that most Tamil and Muslim politicos seem to represent these days.

  • 5

    no i dont think so as it wont conform to the ‘great way of life’ as espoused by our good pal K A Sumanasekera ;)

    we had a great opportunity to make the late mr lakshman kadirgamar as PM in mid 2000’s when our pm late mrs srimavo passed away,but due to sinhala hardliners led by MR it was not to be as Chandrika just like her late dad SWRD caved into pressure,hats off to the JVP who was fully supporting Kadirgamar to be made the PM

  • 10

    Tamils are still the largest ethnic group in the east and not the Muslims. Moreover if the 200000 refugees from India return the Tamils will become a majority in the east as most of them are from the eastern regions and then the Vanni.
    Tamils and the Tamilised Veddah are the real indigenous population of the east. They have a very ancient history there and have ruled the east until the arrival of European colonials. Until the arrival of the Sinhalese after 1948. All place names and ruins in the east were Tamil Hindu and at times Buddhist. Nothing Muslim. They are only recent arrivals to the east. Arrived here three centuries ago as refugees fleeing Portuguese persecution along the western coast and then Sinhalese persecution in the central parts of the island.
    These immigrant largely low caste Indian Tamil Hindu ( not Arab or Moor as they falsely try to claim) converts to Islam only became powerful in the east due to large scale illegal settlement of Sinhalese by all Sinhalese led governments( including the current one) on stolen and ethically cleansed Tamil lands. This was done deliberately, using the state’s resources and the Sinhalese armed services to change to demography of the east and to marginalise the real owners of the east. The Tamils.
    The Muslims are now enjoying the result of this change in demography in the east by all successive Sinhalese led Sri Lankan governments since independence.
    Whilst the Muslims are not allowed to become too powerful in the Sinhalese south. The illegal Sinhalese settlers in the east have joined hands with the Muslims to aggressively discriminate and marginalise the largest community and the real owners of the east the Tamils.
    These eastern Muslims have now become so drunk with power and with the egging on of their co religionists down south, who at other times look down on them and hardly associate or marry into these eastern/northern Muslims, that they are now openly proclaiming the ancient Hindu Tamil east as their land and not the Tamils, who took pity on them three hundred years ago as fellow Tamils and gave them land and women, when they were fleeing from persecution. So much for gratitude from a bunch of ungrateful backstabbers.
    The Sinhalese plan to take over the east has failed miserably. All they have done is due to their hatred for the island’s Tamils marginalised them in the east and made another group of people whom they equally despise or even more, who arrived there as refugees, very powerful.
    This situation will not last long as many Tamils are angry on how they are being aggressively being marginalised and their lands being stolen by this immigrant Muslims led Provincial government in the east.

  • 4

    tamil or muslim [Edited out] to become the prsident of SL – i like your humour

    however, appa sira, ponil and UNP gay team are as same as a bunch of [Edited out]

    • 2


      Preserve what you have just said (and also written all these days, as when you finally go to hell it will help you accept your destiny.

      • 2

        [Edited out]

        • 0


          [Edited out]

          You dog, you are an insult to that lovely pet. Hell is anxiously waiting for you and all your writing will help you to have a permanent place there, so keep them quite securely.

          Thanks for keeping your reply brief

        • 1


          Who clicked the thumbs down for you.

          I condemn the culprit.

          Please do send in the edited version of your typing.

          We look forward to reading it.

          Thanks a lot for keeping us entertained.

  • 5

    The author is missing the point. Electing a African American president did not improve the state of race relations in America. President Obama is an American president first, and represents the majority American views (or how did he get elected?). Look at the number of race-related incidents taking place in America since he became President.

    The common candidate came forward as the ideal president to bring in a different ‘regime’ from the ‘former regime’. Regime change. Has it worked? If he was Tamil and allowed a major Tamil party to be the opposition what would have happenned?

    What Sri Lanka needs is a good leader. The search is on.

  • 4

    The author brings in ethnicity and religion into the scene and talks about the attitudes of various political parties presuming that they would act according to the general social attitudes as perceived by the author. Let me be very clear. Both the political parties are no fools and they would not select someone who would loose (with the exception of the incumbent who wishes to get re-elected). The factors involved could be ethicity, religion, caste, creed etc. But if the political party is cock-sure that the individual selected regardless of his ethnicity, religion, caste, creed would win the elections then they woul field that candidate. In some instances when they are sure to loose or would not get sufficient votes they would field some one outside the party, say as in elections of 2010 and 2015 where the UNP leader or a member chose not to contest. The underlying message of the author is that the average folk in Sri Lanka would look for these social attributes of the candidate. But it is interestting to note that people of Anuradhapura elected a White man, Mr H. R. Freeman as their MP and served so for quite a long time until his death. Although the situation appears to be what the author suggests, no one can predict the outcome for certainty.

  • 2

    “Would Sri Lanka Elect A Tamil Or Muslim President?”

    This will happen only when we stop calling ourselves Tamil, Muslim or Sinhale, and call ourselves Sri Lankans!

    • 3

      Pray what will this so called Sri Lankan identity represent. Sinhalese Buddhist?

    • 8


      “This will happen only when we stop calling ourselves Tamil, Muslim or Sinhale, and call ourselves Sri Lankans!”

      That will happen only when you treat the entire family well.

      • 1

        Native Veddah:-

        I treat my Entire Family Well, which consists of Brown, White, Black and Yellow people, and any other Colour of Skin or Belief System, you care to Name.

        Watch ‘DNA Nation’ on Australian SBS and you will Understand, WHY!

        • 4


          “Watch ‘DNA Nation’ on Australian SBS and you will Understand, WHY!”

          I did watch the teaser but I am unable to access the programme.

          “I treat my Entire Family Well, which consists of Brown, White, Black and Yellow people, and any other Colour of Skin or Belief System, you care to Name.”

          Would you mind educating your Sinhala/Tamil brethren?

          • 0

            Watch ‘DNA Nation’ on ‘SBS on Demand’ on Google.

  • 6

    Remember what BBS Gonsara of Balu Sena said in Aluthgama. We have a Buddhist sinhalese Police, We have a Buddhist sinhalese army so you minority fellows watch out. As long as laymen like Benga, Gonsara, Abayarama Chap is alive this country is set for doom.

  • 2

    If the right man or woman comes forward, it will not matter. Lakshman K would have been an excellent leader but the LTTE killed him.

    We were delighted when Mahendran was made the Governor of the CB but now, we hold our heads in shame. We are happy that the CJ is still at his place and wish him well.

  • 2

    Has Batalanada Ranil , the Yahapalana PM converted to Theravada Buddhism?.

    The good Professor who up dated the Mahavamsa presented the latest copy to Batalanda Ranil first.

    Batalanada even praised Mahavansa for chronicling the exact time of Buddha’s reign.

    And Batalanda now wants Burghers also to be included in the next edition.

    So he is asking Portugal, Netherland and Cameron for all historical documents in their Colonial Archives.

    Where is Bodhi Sira , Has he become an Anglican?…

    • 1

      Here we go again. Haven’t you got Anything New to Say?

  • 0

    The question is will Sri Lanka elect a Tamil or Muslim President.

    Its the Tamils who was/is governing Sri Lanka since independence.

    The Sinhala elected PMs & Presidents relies on the pre dominantly Tamil civil service to govern the country

    • 3


      “The Sinhala elected PMs & Presidents relies on the pre dominantly Tamil civil service to govern the country.”

      We are in 2016, not in 1956.

      Wake up.

      • 4

        We are in 2016 and in hell hole

  • 1

    Tell me one sinhala,Tamil or Muslim who has shown leadership qualities.none. so wanting a tamil leader who has not proved his mettle is a non starter. This article is highly unnecessary and non productive and continues to disrupt harmony between communities like most other articles in this site. These articles will only be a distraction that will prevent the election of a minority president

    • 3


      “Tell me one sinhala,Tamil or Muslim who has shown leadership qualities.none. so wanting a tamil leader who has not proved his mettle is a non starter.”

      Have all those past and present Sinhala leaders shown their leadership qualities and proved their mettle?

      Who are/were they?

      How did they prove it?

      If they haven’t shown leadership qualities why have you elected them repeatedly?

      In fact I never understood the so called leadership qualities. Please explain.

      • 1

        Native Veddah,
        I can’t teach you english. I have said there is no sinhala, tamil or muslim have shown leadership qualities. so your questions are irrelevant.

        • 2


          “I can’t teach you english. I have said there is no sinhala, tamil or muslim have shown leadership qualities. so your questions are irrelevant.”

          If they haven’t shown leadership qualities why have you elected them repeatedly?

          In fact I never understood the so called leadership qualities. Please explain.


          There is no h at the end of my name.

          • 1

            Native Vedda

            “{If they haven’t shown leadership qualities why have you elected them repeatedly? “

            Shall I answer on Vas’s behalf

            Because people did not have a clear choice. This is the problem people face. All are crooks whom do we elect? No one with vision had come forward. So a known devil is better than an unknown one seems to be guiding principle for people to vote. People know that is not the ideal but what to do?

  • 2

    People want a truly Sri Lankan to be the president; not a Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim or an alien.

    Late Mr. Kadiragarmer was identified as a true Sri Lankan but unfortunately he was assassinated.

    Those who expect Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim to be the leader are racial.

    How to be a Sri Lankan?

    Shed differences instead of highlighting them.

    • 3


      “Late Mr. Kadiragarmer was identified as a true Sri Lankan but unfortunately he was assassinated.”

      Same old bull again.

      “Shed differences instead of highlighting them.”

      You mus be joking.

  • 0

    Who killed Lakshman Kadirgamer?

    • 3

      Who else, sinhala Buddhist killed so call Tamil paradesi. Kathirgamar pig didn’t know single word of Tamil….used by sinhale just like baloon…u know i mean…
      bugger rot in hell…

      • 3

        Jamis Muthu Banda, the Tamil speaking Sinhalam

        “Who else, sinhala Buddhist killed so call Tamil paradesi.”

        Could I see evidence for your assertion.

        What is paradesi?

        “Kathirgamar pig didn’t know single word of Tamil”

        Are you sure?

        “used by sinhale just like baloon…u know i mean… bugger rot in hell…”

        Why do you wish him ill, even after his death many years ago? Din’t your mum teach you what is right and what is wrong?

        Your hatred towards others would only destroy you not the one whom you wish ill.

        Your rathu sahotharaya Somawansa Amarasingham has passed away today. Aren’t you going to pay him your last respect?

        May he attain Nibbana.

  • 3

    Lakshman Kathigarmar was considered a traitor by 99.99% of the Tamils. All he did was betray his own people to feather his own nest and ambition. He never identified with them their pain/aims and what they went through. On the contrary he looked down on them and thought he was something superior. Like someone has already stated this horrible evil man did not know a word of Tamil or pretended not to know. He was a servant of the Sinhalese and did their bidding very well to the detriment of his own people. They used him and when he reached his use by date discarded him. This what happens to all traitors and quislings.

    So why is the photo of this useless Tamil traitor there to represent the Tamils. He never considered himself as a Tamil. In fact the actively worked against them and Tamil people will ever consider him or his offspring as part of them. Please do not insult us by using this traitor’s photo to represent us.

  • 0

    Discussions as to whether there will ever be a President from Lankan minority community is a waste of time – as valuable as speculations on the Lankan who will attain Buddha hood.

    All so-called democratic countries have behind the scene corrupt-hands directing the elected governments. Lanka is no exception. For example in August 2013 Colombo Customs detected 250 kg of heroin in containers from Pakistan. What happened to the haul? Were the real culprits prosecuted?
    Two days back 91 kg of cocaine was intercepted in Colombo. No prize for guessing as to what will happen next.
    “The Guardian” (UK) of 11 June carried the news of a British-Tamil being kidnapped in Jaffna by men on motorbikes. Following extensive enquiries and help from the British High Commission the victim was found with extensive torture marks. The next step will be the Lankan black hole.

    Culture of impunity, nepotism and corruption are strongly embedded as ever. If rule of law and order is established, it will not matter as to which community the Lankan President comes from.

    Vishmamitra surmises that in 2004, CBK shortlisted Lakshman Kathirgamar as a candidate for PMship. From 1990s Tamil areas were indiscriminately shelled off Navy frigates and bombed by the air force. The ambitious Kathirgamar latched on to anti-LTTE stand and became a darling among Sinhalese. He was bent on crushing dissent but did not offer a realistic solution. Tamils felt that he was insensitive. Kathirgamar’s entry into politics – his competency in Tamil language was poor. He could not have won a seat in the N or E. Because his name is Tamil sounding he could not have a seat in South. In 1994 CBK made him list MP and made him Foreign Minister although Kathirgamar never got the mandate to represent Lankans. To endear himself to Sinhalese he canvassed the UN to make Vesak Day as international celebration day. He divorced his first wife and married a Buddhist Sinhalese. In the meantime the ambitious Kathirgamar went against conventions and challenged the Secretary General of Commonwealth but lost heavily. In August 2005 Kathirgamar was assassinated. The funeral was held according to Buddhist rites.

  • 2

    “Would Sri Lanka Elect A Tamil Or Muslim President?”

    they might elect a burgher if they could find one.Burghers have not annoyed the sinhalese since they left to australia.

    • 1

      Not only Burghers; Many Educated Sri Lankans are leaving the Country in Droves, to live in places where their Professional Qualifications are Appreciated!

      In Sri Lanka, Politicians with Little Education are Ruining the Country.

      • 0

        Hamlet nangiye,

        Educated srilankens do also not much to lanka. Just imagine what those uni dons do to the nation today. They can call a forum to clear some issues – burning issues inthe country. Do they make any contributions as it is the case on the west ? In Germany, Uni professors as higher professionals are often invited by TV senders to discuss issues and clarify them for normal people. Have you ever seen that lanken profs are ready to the the job ? No.
        That Dr Dewasiri or other hand ful woudl do their job, but others remains as if the crocodiles fed with clay behave. That is the nature of our people. They make more bla bla, but they dont know that each of them belong to contribute own part.

      • 1

        Gone were the days, west offered them suitable jobs, since USSR is broken away, those countries supply all the qualified candidates to western europe today. Not only qualifications wise, but also their easy matchs being part of europe make them easy to adapt the systems in Germany, UK, the Netherlands and other countries to be honest. Our guys are totally different from their cutlures. In today s world, just the qualification cant allow your the chances. I know some MBBS holders though started their jobs in the UK, but returned home after 2-3 years being unable to face the life in the UK.

        Lanken graduates in general are fine – better than average indian ones, but they are not the best in european job markets.

  • 1

    Disband the communal parties and join
    One of the main parties. Then a tamil or
    A muslim could be the prime minister or even the president. Obama became president
    because he was a Democrat.

    • 2


      “Disband the communal parties and join One of the main parties.”

      You may be right.

      However, though Kathiragamar was a senior member and foreign minister of this island why couldn’t the so called national party SLFP stomach the idea of electing appointing him as the prime minister of this country.

      SLFP never been a national party, its founding ideology was about Pancha Balavegaya.

      Do you still believe there are parties which represent all people of this land, may be naively?

      If you haven’t learnt anything from past 60 or so years of history I doubt you are going to learn anything new in the future.

      Why can’t the people join regional parties and demand and strengthen local democracy?

      I see some fury in your typing, rightly so, but aimed at the wrong target.

      A national party should be truly national, which ideologically accepts this island as belonging to people of multiple identities and respect the idea of unity in diversity.

      What I learn from your typing is that you want others to support a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto in this island.

  • 0

    Brave question.

    Answer: Not as long as the Mahanayake’s have the last word.

    • 0

      My foot! When would a karawe or durawa become the elected leader of Sri Lanka? Premadasa is the ONLY non-govigama leader, right? People were concerned about the potential of Vijaya Kumaranatunghe becoming the leader of the country. Will there ever be a time when a non-govigama to become the Mahanayake of Asgiriya or Malwatta Chapter?

      • 0

        ” karawe or durawa”

        Finally people vote for the party not the caste that was nominated to lead the party.

        Inferiority complex is infectious try to see around even the recent London mayor- the right time the right place and behold the opportunity like a lottery.

  • 0

    The Chief Minister of the Kotte Kingdom was a Tamil-Alagakonar;But he had to change his name as Alageswara to be the CM!

    The last King of Kandy was Kannasamy,a South Indian; But he ascended the throne as Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe!

    Had Kadirgamer changed his name to Kadirgeswara he could have ended up as President!
    But,I must hasten to add that,however distasteful the change of name idea,I do not mean this in a derogatory sense towards LATE kADIRGAMER.

  • 0

    “Not as long as the Mahanayake’s have the last word.”

    But that was not the case earlier.

    The Kandyan Sinhala Buddhist monks of the Maha Sangha (the Mahanayakes of Asgiri and Malwathu) had to overlook every Sinhalaya in the country and imported a Dravida blooded South Indian prince from the Nayaka (or Vaduga) dynasty (originally Telugu) that was ruling Tamil Nadu with Madurai as their capital from 1529 until 1736 to sit on the Kandiyan throne because the Sinhalese mixed up with everyone who landed in Sri Lanka and lost their ritual purity. The last four kings of Kandy were from the Nayaka (or Vaduga) dynasty brought to Sri Lanka from Madurai (Tamil Nadu) to rule the Sinhalese.

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