Under the orders of the Media Ministry, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRC) has blocked a Tamil News Website after it exposed the misconduct of Jaffna Magistrate A.A. Anandarajah.
The website, http://www.newjaffna.net/ is operated from the United Kingdom, and had published a series of articles revealing the misconduct of Anandarajah.
The Media Ministry had issued the order to block the website after several complaints were lodged against the website, for allegedly carrying false information and trying to incite racial hatred, the TRC had said. However, sources believe that the order to block the website was issued subsequent to a complaint lodged by the Tamil National Alliance against the website.
Both, the Ministry of Media and Ministry of Defence are carrying out investigations, and following the completion of the investigation, a decision will be taken whether to continue the ban on the website or to lift it.
Even though this is the first website to be officially blocked under the Yahapalanaya government, anti-government websites such as Lanka C News and Lanka News Web Today have complained that their websites have been blocked from time to time.
Amarasiri / October 30, 2016
RE: Yahapalanaya Blocks Tamil News Website For Exposing Jaffna Judge
“However, sources believe that the order to block the website was issued subsequent to a complaint lodged by the Tamil National Alliance against the website.”
So, the TNA is in Cahoots with Yahapalanaya, “Good Governance”. What did really irritate the TNA?
What is the difference between Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?
It is all in Tamil. Only those who can read and understand Tamil will know what they are talking about.
Lawyer from Jaffna / October 30, 2016
Get secret opinion from all judge and lawyer from north part of srilanka about Magistrate Judge A. A. Anantharajah. all judges and lawyers said this news to so many Media because of this kind of activities are not good to law and order in Srilanka.
Rohan / October 31, 2016
There are issues with some judges of Tamil background. But, the comment, /this kind of activities are not good to law and order in Srilanka/ takes the cake! Sarath Silva said he let Mahinda walk from a certain conviction. There is a judge who regularly abused his house maid. There is a judge who illegally possessed a baby elephant. There are many judges who happily went with Mahindapalanaya. Not good for law and order in Sri Lanka, eh?
Innocent Litigant / October 31, 2016
If this kind of thing not exposed innocent litigants will have to bear the brunt of it.For example when Supreme Court Judge(who died recently) who constantly hits & abuse his police guards hits his wife (who lived close to my place)I casually raised this matter with well known Lawyer couple (husband &wife)they meekly justified this.According to the book by Professor Nandasena Ratnapala Fundamentals of Criminilogy (Apradha Vidyawe Muladherma) in the professions of Judiciary, Police,Lawyers there is tendancy to protectif wrong doing is done by same profession this is sorry state because this will encourage offender to carry on regardless.Starting from the top it happens.But who is going to get protected the victims for Examples police officers who get hammered & harasedby Judge to whom they are to complain ??????????
NAK / October 31, 2016
Why was’t he reported to judiciary commission?
Thusara / November 1, 2016
That is not Journalist job.
Dhanuka Amarasekara / October 30, 2016
he was well known man to everyone in Jaffna and Kilinochchi consuming alcohol on court premises during the day for many many years till today in kilinochci, This is his habit doing again and again by denying he was found internally guilty of the consuming alcohol charges many times in front of the former chief justice Mr. Asoka de Silva.
Srikantha / October 30, 2016
If you need opinion, just get it from former chief justice, Mr. Asoka de Silva. He has given so many excuses to A.A.Anantharajah for consuming alcohol on court premises during the daytime.
Ramani Suthan / October 30, 2016
You can see all his files from AG department office, all his bad activities and past records in office, he is a 100 % Disqualified character and addicted to liquor and sex. If you need him , send him outside Jaffna and Kilinochci.
Jaffna Boys / October 30, 2016
He is a Magistrate Judge [Edited out] in Jaffna that girl still lives under Nelliyadi police division. We have videos, voice, many. If you need all will come on media near future.
Thanos / October 30, 2016
Just use the Tor Browser or even a basic online proxy to view that site. It very simply to the bypass this block.
Shrikharan / October 30, 2016
By blocking this website, Yahalpalanaya and their cahoots made matters worse for them and only increased the adverse publicity of this bad character Magistrate.
Before only the people who accessed the website came to know about MR. Anandarajah, but by blocking the website this news spread like wild fire and now every Tom, Dick and Harry knows.
Well done Yahalpalanaya you did a great job for the website.
jaffna / October 30, 2016
How can we expect justice in a rape case from a judge who has raped 07 girls in Jaffna ? How can we expect justice from a judge who consuming alcohol on court premises in Jaffna?
jim softy / October 31, 2016
but, web sites are not the law enrocements and justice. YOu should provide evidence to the law enforcement.
A web site cane judge.
there should be something else behind which you Tamils don’t want to open the mouth about it.
jim softy / October 30, 2016
Incestous sex habit of so-called Tamil high castes. Dalit girls are the victims. Can any one prove that his judgements had been affected by his drunkardness ?
What is the background to this case. Tamils have strange love – hate relationships based on caste.
Some people are not welcome in the North because of the Caste problem.
Mallaiyuran / October 31, 2016
Incestous sex habit of so-called Tamil high castes. Dalit girls are the victims. Can any one prove that his judgements had been affected by his drunkardness ? He is not a TNA’s or NPC judge. He is from the Lankawe system. In fact CT has produced Jaffna’s most famous Judge Ilancheliyan picture too. That is becuase Newjaffna.com has comaplain about Judge Ialancheliyan too. If Ilancheliyan is in murder conspiracy, that simply arguing black as white.
CT must question ban of a news media, but not give unconditional support for media thuggeries. CT is confusing Newjaffna.com as a government criticizer like it. The matter is far off of that. I would rather rate them as pro-government supporters based on their attack on those whom they target. Comments on that are not 360 degree ones, like you come across in CT like the category. Those are most of the time singing the proud of their sacred deeds.
Newjaffna.com does not criticize the wrong doing but dream itself as police and judge on those cases. If there is proper Media Ministry existed, New Jaffna.com might have struggled to keep up the license to publish its contents in that area.
A media can engage only up to polite and sober reporting. If they have evidences they can produce to the public and court. They should wait for Public, Politicians, and the law and order division of the government to take action on that. Changing the police or government is people’s business.
Under the cover of democracy, selecting the third grade gossips to promote on the media with low class editing is recognized as poor journalism. Tabloids are known in the West, but not media thuggery tabloids.
I do not know the TNA’s hands or part on this issue. But I would believe if so. Sooner or later, if the Jaffna Public has got involved in that it may turn out to be a surprise either.
It is a UK media. calling it as Newjaffna.com.
AJ / October 31, 2016
There is no Dalits in Sri Lanka according to Dalit Solidarity Netwok. Is it one of your ‘christians got Chinese government by the throat’ story? Haha
Common Sense / October 31, 2016
Blocking a website is denial of free speech. This is far from “yahapalanaya”. First look into the allegations. While not condoning misconduct it is possible to rehabilitate say for instance if the judge concerned is an alcoholic. Anyway this much milder than judges who demanded sex from wives of remand prisoners to grant bail.
Clearly we need a program to build good judges.
jim softy / October 31, 2016
Blocking a website is denial of free speech
that is how the corrupt world does.
There is no responsibility or correctness.
YOu can not wreck people becayse you have a big mouth or you have hatred or you want it your way.
AJ / October 31, 2016
You have a big mouth and heaps of hatred. Your freedom of speech is never affected.
David / October 31, 2016
Sri Lankan government is only good at blocking justice in any and every form.
Lanka Watch / October 31, 2016
Instead of blocking the Web Site that published the news to the people,
It is the duty of the ‘Yahapalanaya’ govt.to investigate the wrong doings of this bad ‘charactered’ govt. servant, who is a judge, and
who should set an example of good behaviour to the people, and take necessary action to punish him, by removing him from the Bench as his drunkard state of mind will impair his judgements. Treat these two
cases separately.
TNA has taken the wrong stand. This judge may be the one who is pro- tecting sellers of illicit liquor in conservative Jaffna and wonder
why is TNA trying to protect a man who is setting a bad example to
the people. Is this Web Site also exposing TNA’s inactivity.?
Uthungan / October 31, 2016
That depends if or not ‘Yahapalnaya’ government has itself earned a clean example to judge wrong doings, is it not?
Blocking a web site is a serious denial of free expression, especially if it is based on good evidence and is factual.
The public has a right to be informed.
truth finder / October 31, 2016
It’s not done Yahapalanaya! Chee chee chee!
Thanga / October 31, 2016
I was under the impression that this web site operated from Jaffna. Only now I find it is located in UK. I have read a few news stories carried by this web site. Most of them were down right lies or half baked truths. One news described the TNA MPs as parasites. This was an outright insult to the people who voted and elected them as their representatives. This web site should not think that it can disseminate lies under the guise of reporting news. It is mis-use of freedom of the press. I am glad that the government has shut down the web site.
Lanka Watch / October 31, 2016
Thanga – Agreed but the ‘Yahapalanaya’ govt. should not have blocked
the web site to protect a drunkard Judge, who has become a disgrace
to the noble profession. These are two different things. The govt.
should have disciplined the Judge on one hand with a punishment of
some form and dealt will the Web site separately for false propaganda on TNA., a surrogate of the Govt.and not say that they blocked it based on the stories of the Judge, where some eye witnesses have confirmed his bad behaviour in courts, in this column.
Govt. should allow certain amount of criticism, other wise we will
end up in Govt.shutting down the web sites, and I wonder whether you see the danger in we getting back to the dreaded dictatorial days of the past because no one could bring out the misdeeds of the govt.,then
Agree that TRC should oversee functioning of these web sites regularly,
specially the mushroom outlets, who abuse the freedom of the press, rousing communal feelings.
sekara / October 31, 2016
Uthungan rightly said “The public has a right to be informed”.
But much of the media (social media in particular) exercise more of a ‘right to misinform’ than one to inform.
I am not referring to this particular case, but there are many victims of such abused of the freedom of expression.
However, banning any source of information (or misinformation) solves nothing.
Various forms of safeguards seem to have meaning only for the rich, powerful and persons with ‘connections’.
Only a socio-politically alert community can prevent social crimes of the kind referred to.
Rajash / October 31, 2016
may be he is a soft man and he can only hand out harsh sentence when he is intoxicated.
Eusense / October 31, 2016
The guardian and enforcer of freedom of speech to the world; USA has blocked Wikileaks.
Why can’t Sri Lanka do the same???