3 May, 2024


Enemies Of State, Their Fall And The Guillotine

By Muhammed Fazl

Muhammed Fazl

Muhammed Fazl

Nobody can give you freedom, nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it – Malcolm X

In the nation of alcoholics, wife-beaters and hateful losers, it becomes an irony when transvestites come out of the closet brazenly at night and onto the streets to ply their trade as against ‘war heroes’ and ‘men in power’ being enslaved and gagged from speaking out. Talk becomes cheap when it does not ‘walk the talk’. It has also been the norm to look for a change of government through elections when democracy does not exist, to seek redress in courts of law when the independence of the judiciary is seriously compromised and to make powerful speeches in parliament and elsewhere only for it to fall on deaf ears.

Taking into account the recent hate-mongering acts/speeches against the Muslim minority by racist elements enjoying state patronage and immunity from prosecution and the down-played war crime allegations against the Sri Lankan armed forces and their political leaders, it could be seen as a futile exercise if opposition forces opts to ‘play by the rule book’ in their quest for change and/or justice!

Having referred the dictionary for the word ‘traitor’, I cannot help but see the spotlight fall on President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his ‘band of brothers’, and it makes me contemplate between being coy and a coward or standing up for what is right. It is also precisely this feeling that which takes me in to the camps of ‘men of honor’ and the ‘patriotic kind’ in robes!

Having fought a war on ethnic lines, it would be interesting to read medical reports on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) tests carried out on serving soldiers. Since sections of the forces are familiar only with the Sri Lankan version of the ‘art of war’ as a life skill, it need not be surprising to find them craving for fresh blood. With all due respect to their training, wearing a set of military uniforms does not change one’s mindset or loyalties to one’s race and religion. Their conduct was quite evident especially during the last stages of the LTTE war when unarmed and innocent Tamil lives were just numbers. In recent times in Aluthgama, they were ‘on duty’ largely as mere spectators if not complicit when homes, business and lives belonging to the Muslim community went up in flames!

Marching over the dead bodies of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians unjustly killed in order to capture or kill a few hundred key enemy combatants is definitely a NO in my book of heroism either. And when a leader of a country murders its own unarmed and innocent civilians, it is essential for it to be considered a crime so the rule of law can be upheld. Five years after the end of war, the failure to interrogate suspects of mass murder to date (as alleged), let alone taking legal proceedings against them, could also be the catalyst for a state of lawlessness. As for the ‘men of faith’ in saffron coloured robes, it must also be mentioned that their attempts in the revival of a violent form of a philosophy under the banner of Buddhism for legitimacy and their stirring up of racial passions for Supremacism  for political gains of the present government seems to be getting steam.

With no end in sight for my ‘love affair’ with the Secretary of Defense Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, it  becomes imperative for the public as well to identify their real enemies and not to get swayed or misled by rhetoric speeches of powerful people who are well versed in exploiting weaknesses of the ignorant masses! If Mr. Gotabaya considers instilling fear and carrying out extra-judicial killings and beatings against anyone threatening his and his brother’s corrupt empires as a right and a privilege for being part of the war effort, it would be a serious error in judgment on his part.

And every time a journalist or a rights activist is harmed or killed, there would be many more to fill the empty slots …..and some of them would be even more determined and relentless in their conscientious acts and attitudes. Fear lasts only till such time when one is killed or beaten up. And sooner he realizes the existence of a fearless and an outspoken generation, it would be much easier for Mr. Gotabaya and his patrons to deal with the ‘God of Mercy’ when their ‘natural term’ expires in this world. With the end game being imminent, for fear of accountability and the resultant showdown at the ‘guillotine’, Mr. Gotabaya’s acknowledgment of the next elections as NOT JUST ANOTHER ELECTION and his intended ‘no stone left unturned’ effort in winning it by ANY means necessary needs to be understood. Reaching a breaking point in their daily struggles in life, the masses should brace up for interesting and trying times ahead should a united coalition of opposition parties gets their act together and considers the next one as the ‘mother of all battles’.

*The writer can be contacted on muhammedfazl@msn.com 

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  • 7

    “transvestites come out of “

    This statement of yours just put me off. you have no idea of what is democracy but are a Muslim bordering on jihad.

    Don’t compare mad vicious monkeys with transvestites. Go down to Europe especially Scandinavian and see how well they perform.The 21st centenary belongs to women gays transvestites etc.

    Aren’t Muslims just macho who like to fu** many women(especially Arabs and Pakistani) world record holder one legged Arab in Dubai – 100 wives.

    We loose sympathy for your cause if you compare and even more because religion like Islam and Christianity are both land grabbers, crusaders from the inception of your stupid faith. mankind can do without your belief in public.

    Take care my boy your good work can evaporate. We have seen bigger guns than you just vanish even before performance.

    • 4

      I have nothing against transvestites and was only trying to imply their fearlessness in coming out in a country with conservative values as against politicians elected by tens of thousands of voters refusing to speak up against this despotic regime! So Mr. Javi, I think you got me wrong here.

      As for your statement “mankind can do without your belief in public”… please note that over 1.5 billion people think otherwise.

      • 5

        As for your statement “mankind can do without your belief in public”… please note that over 1.5 billion people think otherwise.

        Who gives a toss to the brain dead and bin lardens tainted knickers- no one in this world has seen any god/alla they are just bullshitosis.
        The Russians,Chinese and Europe don’t want to see you anymore and that means the world will get rid of you first by `nalli cut`
        On the other hand the Jewish folk are really great we have over 200 medical discoveries from them after 1948 an Einstein, Sigmund Freud etc so many. What are muslims they just buy and sell and Badurdin discriminated the Tamils to let the substandard Muslims get qualifications etc etc.

        Without western thought and oil research muslims would be under rock and neoither would you be using cloud at this very moment.

        • 3


          Disgusting racial coat to an excellent article. Your hatred towards muslim and islam will not take you anywhere other than to pit. Fault is not with you, it is with the history of India!

          • 0

            Manisekaran ,

            watch this video

            Albert Einstein, Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud Exposed!


            • 1

              The lie about hora oru culture sigiriya.

              another of Tri murti and ajanta.

              The west has many quacks and theories because that is part of democracy and free speech. the fact is Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud theories are still in use. These things are done by lobbyist to reap billions like the millennium bug- (UK lost 3 billion on that scare)
              Why have you not told us who stole the nuke tech from hitler and why US is run by them- even today more green cards are issued to the arabs by the Jewish administration so I really don’t understand racist reason but do know your stupid political is wagging.
              Pseudo-morphnism is big buisness

            • 5

              For every thing, there are people who like to criticize it and like to present alternate theories whether it is right or not.

              See this FAZL guy; remember how he started as a muslim Jihadi.

              Instead of saying Allahu akbar after every two words, now he preaches completely a different religion. He has enlightened but the wrong way.

              Your youtube clip that kind of garbage as well as the page that you have commented on.

            • 0

              Thanks Srilal.

          • 1

            Go tell that race/religion stories to the marines. if i were to tell the truth about your nadu from a deccan point of view you would cry and I dont blame india but greedy bastards in religion who say only I saw.

            Guys like nassar hussain english cricket are folk we respect not your class of perverted race religious politicians.
            These ghetto folk dont come in that catogary of keeping their personal faith to themselves
            Similarly, the para tamils and para sihala.

      • 0

        “please note that over 1.5 billion people think otherwise. “

        With 9/11 Imran Khan made the same statement on CNN/BBC now where are they ??


        The sihala buddhist attack was coming as you asked for it betraying your closest neighbour.

        Like VP Enjoy- Einstein means Hiroshima

      • 2

        Over 1.5 billion think otherwise.

        You don’t know your religion.

        Do muslims allow muslims to escape from that religion ?

        How about muslim women ? – Is freedom only a thing in mind for them.

        You say a nation of alcoholics and wife beaters. Ask people who lived in the middle east who the best drinkers, womanizers, not wife killers are. Wife beating is not in their books. they kill wives.

        Before preaching show your true-self.

  • 8

    Dear Muhammed Fazl –

    RE: Enemies Of State, Their Fall And The Guillotine

    “Nobody can give you freedom, nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it – Malcolm X”

    “Taking into account the recent hate-mongering acts/speeches against the Muslim minority by racist elements enjoying state patronage and immunity from prosecution and the down-played war crime allegations against the Sri Lankan armed forces and their political leaders, it could be seen as a futile exercise if opposition forces opts to ‘play by the rule book’ in their quest for change and/or justice!”

    Muslims need to form defense Home Guards With the help of Citizens who wants peace and tranquility. So, the state sponsored rioters need to know that they will be victims as well.

    The problem is the state protection to the killers by the Police and the armed forces.

    So go after the head of the snakes, wherever they could be found.

    Punish the guilty, not the innocents.

  • 4

    very well put… Gota n Gandassara are in a love affair I thought…ith Mahinda being the 5th wheel…

  • 3

    Sensibly & bravely written, MF, but watch out for those white vans or some other means, because your dealing with the lowest of the low ! SL has never seen this kind of evil, and I hope will never again !


    Good Luck to you !


  • 8

    Well, in today island newspaper Rajitha Senaratne MP reveals few things about BBS.

    Around 4 years ago BBS was completely anti-Tamil but had no funds to make a splash. Vithanage, the handler of BBS was also a virtual pauper who could not afford to fund any movement.

    At the time the MP was dealing with this monk he was agitating against Tamils for beating up a monk in Tamil Nadu.

    Gnanasara then invited to Norway to meet members of the Tamil diaspora. When he returns he no longer blames Tamils for beating up a monk in Tamil Nadu. He now blames Moslems.

    Not only Gnanasara has become anti-Moslem overnight, his handler Vithanage is awash with money to fund the campaign.

    If one notices carefully, his actions coincide with what is taking place at UNHCR. He sparks Aluthgama riots when the committee headed by Navi Pillai takes on human rights investigation in Sri Lanka. EVERY time Gnanasara goes berserk there is international scrutiny over Sri Lanka.

    • 2


      Let us assume for a moment what you say is true, if so, why your mighty gottabayya who claims to have eleminated the terrorism ( Killing civilians) and all time vigilant aginst its resurrection, is sucking upto BBS? Who on earth stopped him taking the actions against BBS if BBS was sponsored by Tamil diaspora?

      • 1

        Hey there buddy,

        There is a moron calling himself ‘JimSofty’ online here somewhere. The guy is being taken for a ride by Tamils but he does not know it.

        There is no doubt people like JimSofty and Gota have inherent flaws. Its these flaws that Tamils are exploiting.

        • 3


          You are the most intelligent one without any inherent flaws.

          Only problem is you talk only a little bit and you can not think beyond that.

          I mean you don’t want to understand that you are also preaching crap.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

    • 2

      That is very interesting. So the argument goes that the Tamil Secessionist diaspora is funding a Buddhist monk to aggressively carry out anti-Muslim propaganda to further the cause of the secessionists ? This goes against the commonly held belief (from the comments) that Gotabhaya is involved. So Gnanassara becomes an enemy of the Sinhala.

  • 4

    Outcome of next election or any election not going to change anything.
    Since 1948, we have seen both UNP & SLFP governments and many PM’s and Presidents.
    All what we see is country going downhill, and still going.
    We need Leaders, not politicians.

    Do we have any?


  • 6

    Mr.Fazl Muhammad

    ‘ In the nation of alcoholics, wife beaters , and born losers ‘ ……
    You obviously have had a troubled childhood and need professional help .

    • 5


      “You obviously have had a troubled childhood and need professional help.”

      Methinks Fazl is a closet-gay, afraid to come out into the open for fear of the repercussions in a homophobic society. So, the gremlins are fighting within him. Poor chap.Wish I could help.

  • 3

    Great piece Mohammed, as usual you have called a spade a spade without any fears. You added the realities incl. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) etc, but Rajapakshes have no knowledge to sense anything like that but their political survivial. No matter the minority educated folks of the island feel that the society is reached all appalling levels to this day, they move their caravan.
    I,as sinhalese, but reading about lanken news, feel this island has been governed a candidate of this nature except Premadasa. Even Premadasa was not this much devious. Aluthgama incident or Rathupaswala killings are nothing for them – this MR has made it public. His silence for some issues are also a great response from his regime. Police is not at all independet to this day, the media spokesman prevaricates leaving primafacie evidence aside.

  • 3

    Excellent interpretation of true feelings of the majority Sri Lankans today. Well done young man!, I am pretty sure there are thousands of Fazls’ in line to join the force. It’s just a matter of time now. My sincere wishes.

  • 4


    I simply dont see the connection between “transvestites coming out of the closet brazenly at night and onto the streets to ply their trade” and “‘war heroes’ and ‘men in power’ who are enslaved and gagged from speaking out.” It makes no sense to me unless you are homophobic and anti-gay,and want to have a jab at the expense of the gay community at any cost.For all your big talk about freedom and democracy and human rights, this sentence itself shows the discriminatory trait in you. You sure seem to walk the talk. But only where your bigoted interests are concerned. Grow up and learn to accept that society is of all shades and colours and that gays and transvestites are no lesser a component of a multi-cultural society – a concept you seem to strive hard to fight for in the background of racict Sinhala Only elements brewing trouble for the minorities in srilanka.

    • 1

      Dear Ali,

      I have nothing against transvestites and was only trying to imply their fearlessness in coming out in a country with conservative values as against politicians elected by tens of thousands of voters refusing to speak up against this despotic regime! On a personal note, some time back, I had a gay man as a best friend but lost touch due to frequent travelling.

      • 4

        If you known a gay you should be aware that you could be jailed under Disability Discrimination Act in the EU and it could be very harsh.
        If you have been on the forums of European or US sites you would see the spontaneous reaction of folk -they are very quick to point this out.

        The world can do with out stupid religious crusaders concepts but the world has to accept these folk who are born with a difference from the general norm. That is what we mean by being civilized.

        Happily Agnostic!

  • 4

    in aluthgama, muslims started attacking a monk and sinhalese and thought they could get away with it. but that turned out to be their worst nightmare so far. hope there will be more nightmares for them , if they don’t learn to co-exist with the majority

    • 3

      ela kolla
      “in aluthgama, muslims started attacking a monk”.
      But WHY did the muslims attack a monk? Were they on Kudu or were they simply mad?
      Ella kolla, be warned that spreading false rumours is a criminal offence.

      • 3


        ” WHY did the muslims attack a monk? Were they on Kudu or were they simply mad?” – go and ask those muslim [Edited out]

    • 1

      We could better use the MERVIN langauge ..Had. [Edited out] you ela kolla fated the way the muslims and sinhalese faced it in Aluthgama, we could have made up our minds. You re not even worth a toilet paper. [Edited out]

  • 3

    For the time being, I take only this man, Muhammed Fazl’s talk about wife beaters. I say wife beating is in Muslims blood. Why?

    Read just two accounts from Hadith: Muslim (4:2127) says, Muhammad, has physically struck his favourite wife for leaving the house without his permission. Imagine how Muhammad may have treated his less-favored wives.

    Next, Abu Dawud (2126) says, A man from Ansar named Basrah said: ‘I married a virgin woman in her veil. When I entered upon her, I found her pregnant. (I mentioned this to the Prophet).’ The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘She will get the dower, for you made her vagina lawful for you. The child will be your slave. When she has begotten (a child), flog her.’

    Time permitting, I shall answer your rest of the points in due cause.

  • 1

    I am no Muslim. I will only say this to you and nothing more. IGNORANCE OF THE IGNORANT IS THE MALADY OF IGNORANCE.
    That sums up your version of Islam and Prohet Muhammad (PBUH).You better keep one thing in mind that however much you try to be little and ridicule Islam, the more it spreads to all corners of the universe. Wait for the day when you will be submerged by the flood of Islam which is the fastest growing religion in the world. Nothing could stop that and your efforts to distort facts of our beloved Prophet is only a drop in the ocean. Islam has seen more apostles like you before and all have perished, NOT ISLAM.

    • 2

      Go convey your stupid beliefs to the pigs even that wont fatten them.

  • 4


    In my opinion, Muslims are idiots who read and who believe only the quran. You guys think, you are the world and every one else is wrong.

    You create your own almighty and the world.

    Read the comments written by others.

  • 2


    How ISlam talks about Wife beating;

    Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God has gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them. Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband’s absence, because God has of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness you have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourge them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great! Rodwell[1]

    [‘Refractoriness’ means hard or impossible to manage, stubbornly disobedient’].

    Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme. Dawood[2]

    Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. Pickthall[3]

    Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. If they then obey you, look not for any way against them; God is All high, All great. Arberry[4]

    Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. Shakir[5]

    Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whom part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance) for Allah is Most High, Great (above you all). Ali[6]

    COMMENT ON 4:34

    The introduction emphasized the husband’s superiority over the wife. 4:34 starts by establishing that precedent. The beginning states: men are “superior”, men have “authority”, men are “in charge”, etc. Muhammad placed the man over the wife; he is her custodian and she obeys him. Then the Quran proceeds to lay out their respective roles, then lists a progression of steps to be followed when dealing with a rebellious wife:

    admonish them: The husband is to verbally admonish her
    send them to beds apart: If that fails the husband is to sexually desert his wife
    beat them: If both measures above fail the husband is commanded to beat his wife.
    The husband, as the manager, increases the pressure on his wife to bring her into obedience to him. If beating her doesn’t work they will move towards divorce. (Note that obedience to her husband is not required if he orders her to do something sinful, causes her physical pain, or something she is incapable of doing).

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