21 January, 2025


Lankadeepa Caught Lying: “Sniffer Dog Visiting Shop Owner”

Lankadeepa, the blue riband publication of the Wijeya Newspaper group was caught lying with regard to the Aluthgama riots in one of its lead stories published on June 26th in which it said that a “shop owner who set his shop on fire was caught making a false complaint”.

The story was a lead story under the title “Shop owner burns shop and complaints to the Police”

LankadeepaThe lead story which was widely circulated in the social media and proved invaluable ammunition to forces which supported the Buddhist extremism purportedly stemmed from a statement by the Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana.

However, the owner of the shop while denying each and every assertion made by the newspaper in its lead story instead said that he lighted a matchstick on June 15 in the night to locate the padlocks for the three shops.

“I was informed at around 10.30 that my shop was set on fire and I came here and lit a matchstick because I couldnt find the padlock. I lit it in front of everybody who was here. When I walked in a part of the shop was on fire and I found two petrol bombs in it” he said.

An emotional shop owner said that the sniffer dog did not identify him.

“I used the matchstick to open the padlock, this is all built from hardwork I don’t owe a red cent to any bank or anyone. I have two vans and my own house and have earnt all this through hardwork. After the paper article even the Police never questioned me. The Police also had no suspicion.” he said while tearing.

He further iterated that the switchboard is located inside the shop and there was no electricity which is why he had to use a matchstick to locate the keys for the padlocks.

The Lankadeepas sister publication, “ADA” is also accused and widely viewed as a newspaper which empathises with the Bodu Bala Sena Rhetoric and Sinhala Extremism.

In stories carried out daily since the violence, and preceding the violence the ADA newspaper took a stoic supportive stand to the actions of the BBS.

Both newspapers have not condemned the BBS for its actions and the resulting violence and instead portrayed a picture that was out of sync with what was actualy taking place in Aluthgama,

In another lead story the Lankadeepa also said that there were petrol bombs and machets found in Dharga town a Muslim populated area, completley ignoring the ground realities of how such petrol bombs came in to place in the town.

Instead the Lead story gave a portrayal of the Petrol Bombs being hidden by Muslim youth when in fact they were bombs that were found following the riot and were dumped by the roadside.

Latest comments

  • 13

    Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Liars.

    “Lankadeepa, the blue riband publication of the Wijeya Newspaper group was caught lying with regard to the Aluthgama riots in one of its lead stories published on June 26th in which it said that a ” shop owner who set his shop on fire was caught making a false complaint”.

    So we know who the liars are.

    1. The President

    2. The Ministers.

    3. Sinhala “Buddhist” Monks.

    4. The Newspapers and their Editors

    5. The Police

    6. Others..

    • 3

      Lankadeepaya is part of the lying group.

      Others are:


      n a letter addressed to Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister GL Peiris, the Muslim Council went on to state that Sri Lanka’s Deputy Permanent Representative Manisha Gunasekera had given ‘ridiculous’ casualty figures, adding,
      “She, like the IGP, is implying that the Muslims were the cause of the violence as they have cast the first stone when the procession was allowed to go through a Muslim village.”

    • 0

      This is what you call a “Alibaba State”. A state governed and run by a bunch of Alibabas who have no self respect or self pride.

      From top to bottom are thieves, liars, thugs and looters. They are mere stray dogs trying to grab anything that they could by any means.

      Sri Lanka been made a pariah state by big crook Alibaba looter.

  • 12

    LankaDeepa would have got additional perks ( loans and Notebooks etc) to write this article. Even the print media is in support of cruelty. Diurnally, The quality of journalism has degraded to an all time abysmally low level.

    We must salute CT for exposing the corrupt connections with media organizations and government. The truth always hurts and that is why CT is blocked.

    • 2

      LankaDeepaya or Lanka Pacha, Lanka lies?

      • 0

        I am Lanka Liar – I don’t lie. Please believe me I am a Sri Lankan

  • 8

    Well cant expect much from a rag sheet which is best used to clean the bums of Harold Leela and Shenali Wadduge!

    • 3

      Peace Lover

      “Shenali Wadduge!”

      [Edited out]

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

        • 0

          On another note Mate shuu! its a woman’s world out there. Can be nasty with no trace especially in the UK. They bring the dead back to life castigate them screaming sex under pressure. Its been big business in the US for quite sometime.

        • 0

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 3

      Peace Lover please don’t compare Lankadeepaya newsprint paper to toilet paper because toilet paper dose serve a more valuable service than the said news print.

  • 7

    Wijaya Newspaper Group (Daily Mirror, Lankadeepa) going down below ethics of their mentor the Late D.R. Wijewardene??? Will Sunday Times too end up like with other State lapdogs like Sunday Observer, Sunday Leader, Silumina. Never expected Wijaya Group employed Editors to end up like that K9 Rajpal A.
    Ranjith Wijewardene, Are you amongst the living or inactive??? Any undue influence or duress???

    • 9

      Even Sunday leader started signing hosanna of brothers after it was bought over by a Rajapakse proxy.

      Now almost all news media in SL is under brothers control.

      Only web based news maintained outside Sri Lanka become only source for the news to read what happens behind the scenes.

    • 3

      Its the communist revolution where you are told how to think.

      From my childhood I never liked the `uduran kana socialist parities of lanka and its big names- they were just greedy bastards, banda family now meeharka family is the hybrid.

      Freedom has to plucked it is never given on a platter. Roosevelt/Churchill made mistakes wholesale after the war and its that you are feeling.- enjoy and fight for your rights if it means anything or be bombed to freedom by IAF.

    • 1


      “Wijaya Newspaper Group (Daily Mirror, Lankadeepa) going down below ethics of their mentor the Late D.R. Wijewardene??? Will Sunday Times too end up like with other State lapdogs like Sunday Observer, Sunday Leader, Silumina. Never expected Wijaya Group employed Editors to end up like that K9 Rajpal A.”

      It is in their Para-Genes, in the Para-DNA from South India. They may be in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, but they are still Paras.

      Thr Para-Sinhala will always lie, inlike the Native Veddah Aethho.

      The Vedda Tribe


      Para sinhala will lie. Just read the lies over the past 3 weeks.

      It goes all the way back to the Para-monk Mahanama, lies and imaginations.

  • 8

    I am a long time fan of the English daily and weekly published by this group.I was wondering why the comments I send to these news papers are not published while same comments are published in Colombo telegraph.
    Now I know the real reason.

    • 1

      Raizuh Langai

      “I was wondering why the comments I send to these news papers are not published while same comments are published in Colombo telegraph. Now I know the real reason. “

      I had the same experience. You will have better experience with The Truth The JVP newspaper.

      Lankaweb hardly publishes amarasiri’s comments. The liars and racists Paras cannot defend their position, It is for the Modayas.

      So, they want tu turn the whole Country into Modayas.

      Welcome to the land pf Para-Modays to be.

  • 6

    Good work CT and thanks for exposing the racism and bias in the press of the Sinhala Modayas!

    Some idiotic Sinhala Buddhist racist woman at a Buddhist temple told me that if the Muslims and minorities were not attacked by BBS that would be No Buddhism in Sri Lanka. This kind of IGNORANCE and Paranoia among the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas is what is promoted by the Gutter press that is the WIjaya News Papers.

  • 8

    The NO LIMIT shop fire was also said to be self started by the owner!

    Another Sinhala Buddhist racist rumour to spread misinformation and hate and drive the minorities out of the economy and business..

    Long live the Miracle of Sinhala Modayas!

    • 3

      Oh.. no..no.. our Laundry Owner, Mr. Ajith Rohana, Police Spokesperson never said the fire of No limit was self started. All what he said was fire started due to Electrical fault or cigarette butt. That was ruled out even before fire started and that was according to the Script given. He also pointed out, that kind of fire can jump and burnt anything out side the building and the burnt Motorcycle outside the No Limit building was the proof and that fire would have jumped from the Aluthgama.

      • 1

        Only southern lankan Gass Gembos jump.

        The fire may have been spontaneous combustion with so much methane from the meeharak around the vicinity.

        Then no-limit may get help (insurance) rebuilding.

        I met AYS Gnanam after his Cyntex industries was set on fire 83. the great man still drinking his plain tea from SS cup and saucer smiled and said he was contemplating further investment in textiles and he did.

  • 7

    Sleeping with the hare and hunting with the wolves! The owner of the news paper is a UNP MP, the editor is visited frequently by govt ministers frequently… Men made of straw.

  • 0

    these pathetic scums are experts in claiming insurance after burning their own shops…

    • 12

      Sadly you just demonstrated how ill mind is. You must be one of the hero’s who is saving Buddism in SL? What a hypocrite you are! Do you even know the pansil?
      Taking pansil publicly which tantamount to becoming a Buddhist and it consists of undertaking abstinence from 1) injuring or killing any living thing (panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami); 2) theft or taking that which is not given (adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami); 3) immoral sensual enjoyment (kamesu michchhachara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami); 4) false speech or lying (musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami); and 5) intoxication as tending to becloud and weaken the mind (sura-meraya-majja-pamada-tthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami).

      • 0

        yet another so called sri lankan loser who would have the mindset to sympathize minorities for every sin they commit

        • 13

          You’re yet to show a shred of evidence nor a motive to show what this mythical ‘sin’ the SL Muslims have committed.
          1) They have supported the war with lives in the armed forces and got beaten for it by the LTTE on countless occasions. Lost a lot of lives and livelihoods in the North and East.
          2) The SL muslims including the ACJU (which your Gnanasara is clearly targeting) canvassed and lobbied other Muslim countries on countless occasions to support us in the war. UN votes are proof, Pakistani fighter jets and pilots training us and participating in bombing LTTE during the last stages, Iranian arms and support which are all clearly documented.
          3) They are successful and have provided employment to many Sri Lankans and even support countless number of Buddhist organizations. Play a lot of taxes. Yet for e.g. you decided to destroy and burn the garment factory that employed no less than 400 poor Sinhalese women in Aluthgama. Ask one of those girls about this ‘sin’ you talk about.
          What an ungrateful buggers we are?
          As for the Sri Lankan Muslims, they observe Pansil every day in their daily lives. Sadly only if the our saviors and heros in Aluthgama, Beruwela and Dharga town like you;
          a) killed 4 people and injured 80+ (panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami) – injuring or killing any living thing
          b) Looted and stole lorry loads with state sponsorship (adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami) – theft or taking that which is not given
          c) Listen and enjoyed pervasive speech filled with twisted sexual innuendo (kamesu michchhachara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami) – immoral sensual enjoyment
          d) Lies upon lies upon lies that most people who know cant even believe that you can say so many lies and get away with it in this day and age (musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami) – false speech or lying
          e) Listen to MP Thewarapperuma who has sworn in parliament that the intoxicated rioters included even robed monks (sura-meraya-majja-pamada-tthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami). – intoxication as tending to becloud and weaken the mind
          You are clearly the biggest enemy of Bhuddism. Some day soon once you completely destroy it our children will curse you. Stop wasting your time trying to defend the indefensible and blame others for your failures and spend your time learning more about what Buddha really taught. At least if not the country, you might have some peace in your sick mind! Theruwan Sarani!

          • 0

            sadly you have never mentioned the atrocities committed by muslims on Sinhalese. not a single word on para muslims attacking a monk and the buddhist procession. this clearly shows how pathetic you are..

            • 4

              I responded to your first comment in the context of what you said. If you care to know my stance on the incident you mentioned. I absolutely deplore any attack on anyone. Be it human or animal, brown skin or white skin, Buddhist or Muslim. As such if you take the monk being allegedly attacked on Poson poya day, there is no doubt if it is proven true then, the perpetrators should be brought to book. The full force of the law should work to punish them. Lock them up and throw the keys. That is why we all pay a lot of taxes to run the Govt., Police and Courts systems. Their failures and ineffectiveness should be fixed by electing good strong leaders who can implement the law and any inadequacy in legislation fixed. Not promote violence and killing innocent people.
              However since the reality is that 4 people who died and the majority of the houses that were destroyed are Muslims and none of them were connected to the incident apart from them being Muslim proves that what happened was a very unfair and totally un-Buddhist act. BBS and the rest of the thugs with the help of some the Security forces decided to break the law and punish a lot of innocent men, women and children who had nothing to do with it. Some were even Sinhalese who lost their homes. If you go by that logic, if a stray brown dog bites you, then you kill all the animals that are brown and destroy all their nests and homes. Only because they were brown. What stupid logic is that ?
              Don’t be sad! I beg you to use your brain and THINK! as I know Sri Lankans are intelligent. Are we going to keep doing this over and over and over ? After the Muslim who next ? Sinhalese Christians, then wealthy Sinhalese, then those who have a job? the list goes on until the poorest of the poor kill each other and no one is left because in every group and sub-group there are good, bad and a whole lot in between. The law that governs the country and the laws within our religions that we follow is what makes us civilized. If we still cant figure out what is right and wrong after 30 yrs of suffering and with 2500+ years of a great Buddhist civilization then we have failed Buddha’s philosophy. As much as we love our children and families, the Muslims and other communities too love theirs. Try to put your self in their shoes. Within all our communities there are good people as well as a bunch of racists and trouble makers. Look at to even very developed countries like the US or Britain or Australia and you see the same mix of good and bad. Sri Lankans are known world wide to be much friendlier and people than most others. People like Tony Greg have said that over and over. Where ever Sri Lankans go they fit in because we are mostly good people. Yet we always let those bad fringe get away and drag us all down in Sri Lanka. We did the same to Muslim mosques because a monk was attacked, now they too feel the same as you feel. Is that fair ? when we are 70%+ of the population which I think is like the parents in a family and they are a mere 9% which I think is like a child. We were like a drunk parent going home in the evening and beating up the child because she did something wrong. Lets be honest, there is no way in hell 9% of the population can threaten 70%+ in any kind of situation. We are acting like cowards instead of being the brave parent identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the children and helping the whole family grow strong as one. But what we did was a major failure that can destroy the whole family including its kids. Regardless of race religion or any other grouping including rich, poor, religious leader or political leader, if anyone in Sri Lanka breaks the law then they should be PUNISHED! and Punished according to the law by the systems in place. Instead the law of the Jungle has taken over and is destroying everything including the Buddhism that is what you should be SAD about. I sure am.

              • 0

                thanks for filling up CT with your rubbish. however, you have never mentioned the atrocities committed by muslims on Sinhalese. not a single word on how they have invaded the lands in eastern part in SL, wilpaththu, kuragala, devalagala….etc. next time they will chase us from our houses. we need to stop them before the para muslim issue comes to our houses…

                • 2

                  That’s all you could say? I think people know RUBBISH when they see it. Have you ever done anything with your life ? I wish you get well and be successful. If not you will drown in your own Lies, Anger, Hatred. Btw don’t forget we too “invaded” this land from the Veddahs.

                  • 0

                    when one sees your comments, whole world would realise that you’re nothing but a piece of crap sympathzing atrocities committed by para muslims. i wish you a speedy recovery

                    • 2

                      Ok… I’ll let the whole world judge and rest my case. :)

    • 0

      [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

      • 0


        • 3

          Thana Kolla, what is there to laugh at? All your comments have got a “DONG”!!

          • 0

            thanks for ending the thread with a typical buru comment of yours

  • 3

    poor man !

  • 3

    It is not enough to expose the Lankadeepa news paper. The names of the editor, and the journalist who penned the news report must be named and shamed. the Daily Mirror is a similar newspaper which took a serious dive in credibility after Liyanaarchchi took over as editor. Does Ruwan Wijewardene have any credibility, or is he another effeminate non entity?

  • 1

    The Wijewardena’s, Senanayake’s, Jayawardene’s, et al screwed the country and her people for everything they could get. The Ponnambalams, Macan Markars shared in the spoils. Until the hoi polloi got a bit educated and were able to figure out who the real crooks were. Of course by that time the system was rigged and the laws favoured the wealthy and powerful.

    Now the gam battas ( Rajapakses ) are trying to emulate the by-gones days without the Oxford type education. So, we have the Sri Lanka of today. All cosmetic, no foundation !!

    To expect the owner of a newspaper to understand and stand for the principles of journalism and reporting he/she must be educated and groomed for it. You cannot expect someone who inherits his wealth to have a clue on how to go about the first step.

    As a people we do not value our own right to vote. We exercise this valuable right by being lazy and not voting! In a democracy this is the only tool in the hands of the public to make change and make sure change keeps happening. 60 years of independence, and we still do not understand how it works and therefore are stuck with racketeers and crooks running our country.

    When elections come around, just look at all the posters in your neighbourhood. Its all a collection of gangster, petty crooks and their sons. Funnily, its rare a daughter of a crook runs for election! Have any of you wondered why?

  • 1

    Muslims in Burma too are being attacked by Buddhists and many have been killed.
    I pray that our situation in sri lanka will normalise.

  • 1

    Lanksdeepa has gone to Dogs Utter Waste of Wijewardenenes Investment.

  • 0

    Most readers may not know that Mr. Ranjit Wijewardene never interferes with the running of the newspapers of the Wijeya Group.All editors enjoy the full freedom to take decisions regarding all editorial matters.Some editors who have become stooges of the regime do slant and distort news to appease their ‘rogue masters’. It is unfair to blame Chairman Wijewardene for the sins being committed by some editors who have turned sycophants.

  • 0

    Well said Saman as many of the commentators don’t know the editorial and ownership chinese walls within the Wijeya Group.

    With pressure on Champika to resign as she has no more clothes left on her I trust there will be an editorial slant that will return to a balance. Only time will tell.

    It is also worth noting that once Lakehouse was nationalized without compensation (small amount paid much later) the Wijeya group started from scratch and grew organically to where it is today. That contrasts with the blood money that started the Ceylon Newspapers Group, that is now bleeding and losing its staff, as they cant even pay the wages, and will disappear when the Govt. stops funding it.

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