2 May, 2024


Letter To The Tamil Diaspora: Dear Bala Thambi

By Romesh Hettiarachchi

Romesh Hettiarachchi

Romesh Hettiarachchi

Dear Bala Thambi:*

I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve heard the weather in London, England is pretty cold this time of year, though I can’t imagine it being as cold as Toronto (-22 deg. C. brrrr!).

I am writing to you in response to your various online reactions to the election of President Sirisena in Sri Lanka. I must admit a certain fascination following the various changes in your viewpoints since November, watching while you called for Sri Lankan Tamils to boycott the Sri Lankan elections and criticized other Diaspora Tamil groups who urged every Sri Lankan Tamil to vote in the elections. While I know that there are many Tamils who think differently than you (after all, few generalizations can be made regarding a group as varied and diverse as the Tamil Diaspora) I do want to address your perceptions that the election of President Sirisena has not changed anything.

Sri Lanka: an Island Divided?

You seem to be under the impression that Sri Lanka remains an island divided, pointing to the fact that President Sirisena’s victory was dependent on voters in the North and North East. Thambi, this is not really groundbreaking news: every vote matters in an election! President Sirisena was as dependent on voters in the North and North East as he was dependent on voters elsewhere in the country. As an astute observer of the Sri Lankan elections, you know that minority groups have in general voted against the incumbent, particularly in Sri Lanka’s recent history. Check the election map of the Sri Lankan presidential election in 2010. Moreover, as my friend Indi has demonstrated, maps of election results can be skewed to suit the purpose of the creator.

Tamil DiasporaYou harbor this belief based on your view that the Tamils voted en masse against President Rajapaksa and not for President Sirisena. Funnily enough, it’s the same view adopted by a certain former President. Look, mass generalizations simply cannot made about the voting intentions of groups of people. In this case, compare the votes of President Rajapaksa to the regional demographics: there simply are not enough Sinhalese in the North and North east to account for how many votes President Rajapaksa won in those regions. Clearly some Tamils voting for President proving the inaccuracy of your statement. Your generalized statement in legal terms is not supported by the evidence.

President Sirisena’s victory was a result of the Tamil population exercising their right of self-determination (i.e. voting to determine their own destiny) by voting in conjunction with other Sri Lankans in favour of President Sirisena. Their votes not only counted but mattered. I can only imagine your reaction if, despite these votes for President Sirisena, President Rajapaksa had won: you likely will say the votes of the people of the North/North East don’t matter; “they will never have a president of their choosing”! Further, while I will never agree with your view that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) were freedom fighters, I hope you recognize that the LTTE only represented the Tamil community as they threatened, intimidated and killed all who opposed them. Under the LTTE, Eelam never was and likely would never be a democracy.

The Historical Aberration of the Election

You scorn the self-congratulatory celebrations most Sri Lankans engaged in after the election results were announced. With all due respect Bala, most observors of the Sri Lankan election were shocked – look at all the predictions of election violence from outside observors. This is not a surprise when looking at the global context: peaceful transitions of power due to democratic results are super rare, particularly when so much of power is concentrated in the hands of so few. See for instance Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand, Kenya and Nigeria. Ukraine is still dealing with violence stemming from the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament to dismiss President Yanukovych and to hold new elections less than a year ago.

As Kate Cronin-Furman attests both the process and outcome of these presidential Elections were an aberration in global politics with electoral transition in this election only being peaceful as a result of the success of several moving parts: a strong Election Commissioner, competent domestic and international election monitors and the refusal by the military to take illegal orders.

Sri Lankans have every reason to be proud and self congratulatory.

Intersectional Diaspora Privilege

I know you think that I as a liberal Sinhalese am “Sinhala-splaining”, defending “Sinhala Supremacy” and am completely ignorant about my “Sinhala Privilege“. As you know I have little patience with the Privilege discourse. But if you want to use the Privilege discourse, then perhaps you should “Check your Privilege” – i.e. the intersectional privileges you (and I), enjoy as being a member of the Diaspora living outside Sri Lanka. Amongst the many privileges we enjoy in the Diaspora is talking about Sri Lankan issues in the abstract: rarely will we be affected directly by the issues we endlessly discuss.

Your failure to recognize your intersectional diaspora privilege is evident when prior to the election you urge voters to boycott the election but now either mock the election process/results or demand President Sirisena listen to you. Your failure to acknowledge your intersectional privilege is manifest when you relate all issues in Sri Lanka through the lens of accountability and justice when most people living in Sri Lanka do not have the same luxury; the lenses they adopt are far more complex. And while I recognize there are certain privileges that Sinhalese enjoy when either discussing or visiting Sri Lanka, you fail to recognize the privileges you enjoy in certain circles of the Tamil Diaspora where being Tamil is often times a prerequisite to being credible.

And yes I am well aware that in certain circles of the Sri Lankan community, being Sinhalese is a similar prerequisite to credibility. Its this awareness that causes me to act as I do.

The Long Road Ahead

Look, the work to build a different Sri Lanka is long and hard with little glimpse of an end in sight. Even today, President Sirisena has given himself less than 100 days to govern, after which there will be a second election. By the time the election is declared, we can sure the Sinhalese nationalists will have regrouped and there will once again be a ready to demonize all minorities in Sri Lanka and brand any opponents of Sinhalese nationalism, locally or in the diaspora, as traitors in order to obtain power. At that election every vote will again be needed to ensure this Sri Lanka will continue on its path to good governance and rights-centered democracy.

I again ask you to reconsider your unwillingness to work with those who do not think or talk the same way you do. Don’t call for a boycott of the electoral process if the elected leadership of the Sri Lankan Tamil community ask the Tamil community to participate in the elections. Stop undermining the elected leadership of the Sri Lankan Tamil people i.e. the Tamil National Alliance and Chief Justice Minister of the Northern Province CV Wigneswaran. You don’t have a stake in the Sri Lankan election; they do. You don’t need me to ask you to continue supporting the local needs of your people by donating your money and time to those communities; your commitment to your people is quite clear.

If you are willing to work with those you disagree with, you will be readily welcomed by my friends and I. We may be a rowdy bunch but know that all of us are well-intentioned. Till then, I’ll do my thing and I wish you all the best with yours. Please give my regards to Gayathri and the boys.

Romesh Hettiarachchi is a lawyer and mediator in Toronto, Canada and has no affiliation to any of the organizations mentioned. He can be reached @romesh_h. This is the second of three reflections on the Sri Lankan election written in the form of letters. The first can be found here.

*Bala Thambi is a composite construct of various viewpoints expressed by segments of Tamil Diaspora in the news and social media. This article is not written or addressed to any one specific person. Bala Thambi is a fictitious character with any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, purely coincidental.

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  • 19

    Being a member of the Tamil diaspora, I agree that primacy must always be given to the views of the Tamil people living in the NorthEast. At the same time, those who had to flee even as economic refugees, may want to return to their homes and such should have a say in restoring peace so that their return could be to a place that is not in occupation by an army. They do have a competence to ensure this by lobbying the international community. They, as any member of the international community, but more so as persons directly affected by war crimes have a competence in asking for the accountability of those who had committed such crimes. Their standing to do both cannot be doubted on moral or legal grounds. They have the right to employ resources to achieve both these. They also have a right to ensure that their kith and kin in the NorthEast live without fear and that their lands are not despoiled by an army in occupation. Sometimes, they own these lands. So, the matter is not as simple as Romesh puts it.

    The diaspora does not have the right to tell the people of the NorthEast how they should act in solving their own immediate problems as the well padded diaspora does not bear the consequences for any decisions that are made. Romesh is quite right on this.

    • 8

      Let Me tell you a True story about OUR Sri Lankan Disapora.. After the Tsunami.. These Diaspora Hoilday Makers were the first to FIGHT TO GET A FLIGHT OUT OF SRI LANKA.. WHile European Origin Tourist Stayed Behind to Help us Bury the Dead and Transport food.. Its was this Same SRi Lankan Daispora that sent us Good from Overseas.. Such as Canned Tin food the sell by date was late 90’s.. Moth eaten Winter JAckets… To Sri Lanka.. It Tooks more time to sort the Shit Of the Diaspora at the Air Port Terminal.. I Know many Sri Lankan Diaspora Who Take action rather than Write Bogus Letters. (many on 1 year Visa system).. OUR Sri Lankan diaspora like these Letter writers are paracites.. They will eat the Cake there, and once we Sri Lankans do all the hard work here come and eat the cake here as well. The diaspora love to take photos of their lives outside the country and send it here to be put on Magz’s and papers.. You know the paracite type.. SO Now these Paracites want US Lankan Tax Payers to Pay for this ministery so we can inform the paracite Diaspora.. When we Locals Have broken are BAcks to buid this nation for them just to come Suck everything for free.

    • 11

      Dear Romesh Hettiarachchi Mali

      I will send my boys from scarborough to give you my reply.

      Love bala Thambi

  • 11

    Sober thoughts. Most welcome. I believe that an overwhelming majority of the Tamil diaspora have realised that Tamil Eelam is only a pipe dream. Most of them are for and hope for, with the recent change in government, a path of reconciliation leading to reasonable level of autonomy for the Tamils for them to live with self respect and live with the assurance that their distinct identity will not get eroded and totally dissolved over time. This as the author says is a long road ahead. There should be mutual trust, understanding and patience. The new government and the mood of the people both in the South and the North make one feel optimistic that these are achievable.

    Sengodan. M

    • 14

      “Pipe dream”?I know for a fact Tamils still respect and honour thousands of young men and women who laid their lives for a cause in the past 30 years,that cause is not a stupid cause like jihad but a cause that rose due to four decades of deception and violent politics thrust upon them. So when autonomy and distinct identity as you say is granted to Tamils, what do you think the next step is? In a truly democratic country like UK or Canada it was a referendum, so the same is applicable to SL as well.

      • 0

        One or two?
        One in the North and East to be independent and another in the south to move all Tamil speaking people living in the South to North and East.

        • 2

          don’t dig others grave like your forefathers DSS and JT.

          referendum island wide that sihala and english the only languages.
          90% read and write.

          Cut suit UN will follow suit – short cut precedence established. Believe me you have Hindu NaMo blessing on this idea.

          “We have art and technology to wipe out bribery from the system.”

          religion and patriotism are emotions and tabbo.
          colonial skunk bucket=sihla buddhist.

          Satakaya Nattha!

          Sevura Hatao!

  • 24

    I understand that this is the second of three reflections on the Sri Lankan election written in the form of letters from you. The first one was addressed to the newly elected President.

    This second letter you claim is addressed to the Tamil Diaspora globally, specifically to those who called for a boycott of the recent Presidential election in Sri Lanka, but reference is made to the British weather for whatever reason

    Now that you have addressed the newly elected President and the Tamil diaspora, I hope your third letter will be addressed to the Sinhala people back in Sri Lanka. The rural Sinhala people, the city dwellers, the intellectuals, the professionals, the racist Sinhala politicians, the Sinhala politicians with no back bone but time servers, the genuine Buddhist clergies, and the Buddhist thugs who hide behind a saffron robe. If so you have a challenging task.

    I hope you will appeal to the above group of Sinhala people in the same passionate and logical manner you appealed to the Newly elected President & The Tamil Diaspora.

    There is a sense of relief all around that the Rajapakse clan is kicked out. People are not afraid anymore to express their opinion, people are openly criticising the past governance.

    I hope more like minded Sinhala people like you come forward and express liberal opinion.

    The challenge to Sri Lanka is to flush out the racist bias implanted by the Sinhala politicians in the minds of the rural, vulnerable and corruptible Sinhala people.

    The Tamils of Sri Lanka have kicked out Douglas, Karuna, KP et el

    Now over to you and I look forward to your appeal to your Sinhala brothers and sisters

    I am a Tamil diaspora, not affiliated to any of the diaspora organisations or political party or so called terrorist group or the left over rump of it, not now, not in the past and not in the future either.

    • 10

      Nice one steer the parasite out of any legal eagle.

      idea for part 3 to appe kollo kello

      Hetti should come out with an appeal that sihala is a cosmopolitian idoma with borrowings from sihala ulu/olu spanish missionary tiles- toppi karaya sooraya then they can undo the skunk bucket=sihala buddhist `werewolf mahawamse attitude and look for a brighter as free people as we lived at colombo till they raided the west and you sadly came later.

      take basque country it’s a solution with almost nil unemployment- sandwiched between france and spain and the pretty Pyrenees in the middle. Then belgium is another solution with all languages as a must- alls quite with the french speakers and their immigrant french population.
      Neither side should be serious because there was never a side before we just went home when the street lights came on and jumped over any hedge like little monkies but human dignity.
      naughty fellows.
      cheers mate.

    • 12

      Thanks Rajash & Romesh.

      Looking forward to this letter ” I hope your third letter will be addressed to the Sinhala people back in Sri Lanka. The rural Sinhala people, the city dwellers, the intellectuals, the professionals, the racist Sinhala politicians, the Sinhala politicians with no back bone but time servers, the genuine Buddhist clergies, and the Buddhist thugs who hide behind a saffron robe. If so you have a challenging task. “

      • 2

        @anpu.. how about a letter for jaffna, wanni and those rural people, then a tna letter as well

  • 20

    Romesh ,
    It is a pity that you haven’t interpreted what Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse said in his short speech after the elections in his home town. The worst part of it is that the Tamils will not get any thing or something to that effect.
    You haven’t interpreted what HLDM from the Srilankan or Sinhalese Diaspora wrote after the elections.
    You haven’t explained what Mr. Rajapakse told in parliament after the war with the support of many countries.We all are Srilankans and there is no Tamil, Singhalese , Muslim or burgher or something to that effect. Compare this to what MR as an angry person told to the crowd at an election meeting in the Eastern province.What is your interpretation of offering Dual Citizenship on a selective basis, just before the 8th elections.?
    What is your view on Diaspora donating money & other things to upgrade schools, hospitals, libraries etc in the war effected areas ? In most cases, what percentage or commissions have to be given to the army ?

    Above all what is your view on the existence of proud Qubeck within an equally proud united Canada ? I am sure you must be a proud Canadian OR or citizen.

  • 19

    The Tamil vote for Sirisena was clearly a vote against Rajapaksa than a vote for Sirisena who clearly indicated before the elections that he had nothing to offer the Tamils. Why would people vote for someone who offered them nothing unless the alternative was less than nothing which is what the Rajapaksa regime had been practising since 2005. There is no question Tamils have gone backwards since 2005.

    The percentage of votes for Sirisena is more or less the same as what the TNA received in the NPC elections in 2013 but yet what the TNA offered the Tamil people in 2013 is comepletely different from what Sirisena offered the Tamils in 2015. Any argument that Tamils voted FOR Sirisena falls in a heap of illogic and is an insult to the intelligence of Tamils who voted. The TNA’s position that Sri Lanka as a whole needed the democratic space (something the Rajapaksa regime continuously eroded away) with the hope of progressing the basic demands of the Tamil people is probably what swayed the Tamils voters rather than anything Sirisena offered.

    The author is right in that Tamils have always voted against the incumbent. Tamils have voted against incumbancy with the hope that a new President or government will for a change, address their interests just as much they do for the Sinhalese. But government after government, President after President, Tamils have been repeatedly let down, hence the vote for change or more likely, hope for change. Tamils voting for Sirisena has to be seen in that context. This time around, will Sirisena and the new government do things differently? wiil they govern for all Sri Lankans? Only time will tell.

    • 16


      You asked the question, “This time around, will Sirisena and the new government do things differently? Will they govern for all Sri Lankans?”

      No need to wait for time to tell. I can tell you now.

      The answer is a clear cut NO when it comes to citizens rights – the minority will always be treated as a separate entity with fewer rights. Remember MS is married to JHU and are contracted by a prenuptial agreement called a MOU. Need I say more?

      No, the Tamils nor the Muslims expect no miracles now that MS has come to power. Despite Romesh’s slants and obfuscations it is the Tamil and Muslim votes that swept MS over the line. But the Tamils and Muslims know better than to expect much from the Sinhala politicians. The Sinhala people’s brain has a very thick coating called the “Mahanama myths impervious testa”. No logic can penetrate this coating as such the Sinhala politician will continue to bungle along the same old lines and unfortunately with the same old results.

      • 7

        I am not optimistic either that things will be different this time around. So, the best option for Tamils and Muslims alike is to join hands and maximise their clout in Parliament by maximising their votes in the upcoming parliamentary elections. With Douglas and MR discredited even more in the North and the East, the TNA should campaign smartly to maximise their seats. The TNA should stay clear of any alliances with Sirisena or the UNP.

        I wish the SLMC would do the same, but I do not trust Hakeem to show any leadership.

        With MR attempting to make a comeback, the Sinhala parties in the Sirisena coalition (UNP, JHU, JVP etc) will compete with the MR camp for the Sinhala votes in the Parliamentary elections and we all know what that will entail, more Tamil-bashing.

  • 18

    No Romesh,

    The diaspora rarely talk about Sri Lankan issues in the abstract. For most Sri Lankans their heart and soul belongs to where their real roots are. Most have all their kith and kin still living in Sri Lanka. The election results are eagerly looked forward to by the diaspora and there was a palpable sigh of relief this time when MARA was booted out of office and that too peaceably.

    Anyway you do make some relevant points however sooner or later you need to start thinking inclusively and not exclusively, if you do have the best interest of all people in Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    Ideas are well expressed. Congrats Romesh malli

  • 18

    Putha Romesh,

    ” I do want to address your perceptions that the election of President Sirisena has not changed anything.”

    J. S. Tissainayagam http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/01/13/hold-the-champagne-in-sri-lanka-maithripala-sirisena/

    The conclusion of Sri Lanka’s presidential and appointment of Maithripala Sirisena as president of the country is not yet a cause for celebration, said journalist J.S. Tissainayagam, stating that the real challenges for Sri Lanka are only just beginning.

    Writing in Foreign Policy, the award winning journalist said that whilst Sirisena has pledged to implement constitutional reforms, this will do little to assuage Tamil and Muslim concerns. Tissainayagam says,

    “Neither presidential nor parliamentary forms of government — invariably dominated by the Sinhalese, who make up roughly 74 percent of the country’s 21 million people — is satisfactory to the Tamils and Muslims. Instead, they demand greater autonomy in the north and the east. But Sirisena’s election manifesto is completely silent on the matter.”

  • 2

    Dear Romesh,

    Bala Thambi Knows Very well that the Ground situation Here in Sri Lanka is not on Their side.
    And TGTE also tried to force some People to Not to vote for Any body. But our Compassionate Guy, Mr MaithereePala Sirisena Pushed The Hyena called AADAMBARA KAARA THATHA, Ma Ra Ya Jarapassa and His Vultures Clan From Raja Putuwa.
    After that Some Of his goons Ran away from Sri Lanka to Their Mother Countries.
    This Bala Thambi and His diasporas Group are Mostly neutralized Citizens of Their Own Residence Countries.
    So why they worry about the Tamizar Sri lankans Who wants to live a Peace full Lives of Their own.
    Not only Now, Even before they don’t want That Bloody EELAAM For Them.
    Even The Most of the Tamils, Did not want All Those So called BOYS and THAMBIS to Peep into their Palmirah Cajan Fence, And disturbing the own peace full life.
    Dear Bala Thambi,
    You guys are having Gala time in the West and Enjoying But You all Diasapora want to put Innocent Tamizars in srilanka to the Bait.

    You guys and Diaspora will have KFC, DOMINOS, Big Macs. Our Poor Tamizar kids must Eat Nandikadal Mud?????

    Nallai Kadai???.

    One of My Tamizar Friend who arrived on Sri lanka from Middle east for his vacation on the eve of Election day, phoned me.

    “Machan I am going home to Neerveli. Come and meet me, we can have Pukka time, come and enjoy”.
    I will arrange Some Panai Kallu and Meen Porriel.
    [Palm Toddy and Fried Fish].
    Wa Da. Remmember Like Those days”.
    Another Father of a Tamizar Friend came from 6 month stay at an europian City. Said
    ” Thambi, Anda Koolipanna Seewiam Engaluku Sari waraadi,
    Edai thaang Eangalaku Urumai Manal,
    Edai thaan Engada, Nalla, Alaghana Bhoomi”.
    [ Son, That Chicken Coop Life is not for us,
    This is the our earth, the land belongs to us,
    This is the our beautiful, good earth, the Paradise].

    So like wise, Tamizar are more Willing to accept Buddhist Sinhalese with friendly hands.
    But those hard-core Diaspora is Not willing to accept that, but want to get revenge for Killer V P’S Death with Death.
    They, Sri lanka Tamizars, We sri Lankan Do not need your [Diaspora’s] Advises .
    We all know How Your LTTE’s Socalled Naughty Boys Treated to you own People.
    There is a similarity of Pirpaharan and Mahinda Rajapassa of Power hungriness.
    But do not take all Sinhalese in to Same category, like Gothabhaya R did.
    Further More, AANANDI SASHIDHARAN Did Not Vote for Any Body, She Canot ask for Other Rights from Mr Maithree as She Did not used her franchise Voting rights to select a Governance.
    Honestly We Buddhist Sinhalese Expect Mr Wigneswaran As our Next President????.

    To Romesh, Bala Thambi and Tamizar Diaspora,
    BUDHU Sarana wewa.

  • 15


    Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah (1929 – 2014)

    A requiem

    “In 1958, while I was leading a research team composed of university undergraduates, all of whom were Sinhalese, that were engaged in a sociological study of peasant colonization in Gal Oya, ethnic riots unexpectedly broke out in our midst, and at Amparai, Sinhalese public workers went on the rampage in hijacked trucks, attacking Tamil shopkeepers and Tamil peasant colonists. My students, very solicitous for my safety, insisted that I stay behind closed doors while they stood guard. And I was later hidden in a truck, and spirited out of the valley to Batticaloa, a safe Tamil area. That experience was traumatic: it was the first time the ethnic divide was so forcibly thrust into my existence. And intuitively reading the signs, I wished to get away from the island, for I experienced a mounting alienation and a sense of being homeless in one’s own home.”

    by Sachi Sri Kantha, February 9, 2014



    Front cover photo: Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero (head monk of Naga Viharaya, Kotte), one of those who proposed the idea of a common candidate to contest the 2015 Sri Lanka Presidential Election.



    View on sangam.org


    Buddhism Betrayed? – S.J.Tambiah

    “There is no doubt that Sinhala Buddhist revivalism and nationalism, in the form we can recognise today, had its origin in the late 19th nineteenth and early twen…





    – masquerading as Sri Lankan ‘multi – ethnic civic nationalism’



    Buddhism Betrayed?

    This volume seeks to answer the question of how the Buddhist monks in today’s Sri Lanka—given Buddhism’s traditionally nonviolent philosophy—are able to p…





    Buddhism Betrayed?: Religion, Politics, and Violence in Sri Lanka
    Amazon.com: Buddhism Betrayed?: Religion, Politics, and Violence in Sri Lanka (9780226789507): Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah: Books



  • 7

    I’m not sure why Romesh malli is sending this to the Tamil diaspora. It is not the Tamil diaspora that sponsored the UN resolution or is conducting the investigation into war crimes. The Tamil Diaspora also doesn’t have the power to send peace keepers to the NE. I think Romesh should be addressing this letter to Obama Anna and Cameron Anna!

    • 1

      patriotism the last refuge of the scoundrel- the bombastic one.

      Aaaark, Aaaaark Kakko!

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