3 May, 2024


LTTE & Tamil Lunatic Fringe Anti-Muslim Racism

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

This article is really an addendum to my three-part article on Tamil lunatic fringe anti-Muslim racism in Colombo Telegraph of April 28, May 2 and May 9. I feel impelled to write this article because the political context has changed radically since I wrote the last one. At that time the LTTE was seen by me and practically everyone else as the rump LTTE, just a vestigial presence without much bite and vigour to it. We were mistaken. It has become clear that for quite some time there has been a resurgent LTTE without the limiting epithet of rump, an LTTE with plenty of bite and vigour to it, though it may not be identical with the pre-2009 LTTE. Consequently I now have to reassess Tamil lunatic fringe anti-Muslim racism taking count of the LTTE.

The recent statement of the US State Department about LTTE activities in 2014 clearly establishes that there is now a resurgent LTTE: “The LTTE used its international contacts and the large Tamil diaspora in North America, Europe, and Asia to procure weapons, communications, funding and other needed supplies. The group employed charities as fronts to collect and divert funds for its activities”. The detail about the procurement of weapons has a chilling effect. The statement led to questions in Parliament about Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera’s controversial meeting with the GTF leader and others in London. I would give weight also to Kumar David’s article in the Colombo Telegraph of June 21 on the Northern Province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran who has apparently developed the ambition to become leader of the Tamils. He therefore adopts a confrontational posture towards the Government. He has become severely critical of President Sirisena, after having alienated Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, and is the rising star of the hard-core Tamil diaspora, evidently meaning the devotees of the LTTE. The details in this paragraph attest to the enhanced stature of the resurgent LTTE.

Mangala MuslimsI will now recapitulate some of the details from my earlier article. My articles have been published simultaneously in the Island and the Colombo Telegraph. For several weeks I got favorable responses, more from Tamil readers than from others, including Fr. S.J Emmanuel of the GTF, and a Tamil expatriate magazine in Canada published two of my articles in translation. None of that was surprising because over several decades I have been outspokenly critical of Sinhalese discrimination against the Tamils, and of Muslim support for that discrimination. Suddenly there were attacks against my articles, which were sustained over several weeks. I noticed some odd features about those attacks. They were mostly from persons using nom de plumes that declared a Tamil identity. The other attacks could be unfair, even insulting, but they were much milder than the Tamil attacks. I posed the question “Why the hatred?” because there was nothing in my articles that could explain the
intense Tamil hatred shown in the responses. I noticed furthermore that there was nothing comparable in the responses to other articles appearing in the Colombo Telegraph.

The most significant feature of the attacks for the purposes of this article is that they were concerted ones, not something that happened at random according to the whims and fancies of individual Tamils. They did not begin with my first article but after some time, they continued for several weeks with around seven to ten Tamils going at it, they mysteriously subsided for a brief while, they continued thereafter for several more weeks until, quite abruptly, they stopped altogether. Later a couple or so stragglers from the old days, accompanied by some newcomers have carried out further attacks, but there is no sustained hate campaign. It seems very significant that after my earlier article there were no responses at all from the Tamils who were involved in the concerted attacks. Who concerted the attacks? Almost certainly the resurgent LTTE. Why were the concerted attacks called off? It is possible that there has been a struggle between extremists and moderates within the LTTE, and the moderates have prevailed.

I will now make some observations on Tamil lunatic fringe anti-Muslim racism from a LTTE perspective and thereafter from a general perspective. Two charges have been consistently made against me by Tamil racists that to my mind make sense only when seen in a LTTE perspective. The first is that I am, and have been for decades, notoriously anti-Tamil. That is factually absolute nonsense and they know it but they affect to believe it. In my earlier article I brought out details to show that amongst non-Tamils I must be accounted as quite exceptionally sympathetic towards the Tamils. But that makes no impact on the minds of the LTTE type of Tamil. They keep repeating that I advocated famine as a weapon to end the LTTE rebellion. I have produced detailed data to show that I advocated precisely the opposite. That too makes no impact on their minds. The truth is that the LTTE type of Tamil is under a compulsion to believe that I am anti-Tamil, the mad logic behind which could be something like the following: for the LTTE only Eelam matters and anyone who stands in the way of it should be regarded as anti-Tamil, including Muslims such as myself.

The other charge is that I am anti-Indian, which also is total nonsense. Perhaps the mad LTTE logic behind it goes along the following lines. The LTTE knows that it can get Eelam only with the blessings of India. The LTTE would want the fat agricultural lands in the East exclusively for the Tamils, and that would require the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from the East. India would want, as a reward for enabling Eelam, an area in which it feels totally secure and that would require the ethnic cleansing of any group that might be hostile to it. So, from the LTTE perspective, it would be a pukkah idea to project all Muslims without exception as anti-Indian. Such might be the mad logic of the LTTE. I am open to alternative explanations.

I sense a qualitative difference between LTTE racism and that of the Tamil lunatic fringe racists. Both share a tendency for the rational faculty to go into abeyance, which I hold is integral to racism. But in the case of the LTTE the moral sense also goes into abeyance. The probable explanation is the well-established fact that an excess of power leads to two horrible consequences: a weakened grasp of reality, and an inability to distinguish between right and wrong. The LTTE, as we all know, enjoyed for a long period absolute and total power over the unfortunate Tamils under its heel, a power that it exercised with utter brutality and with no moral compunction at all.

My impression is that the ordinary Tamil lunatic fringe racist has not lost his moral sense altogether. What cries out for explanation in his case is that his anti-Muslim racism is much more intense than that of his Sinhalese counterpart. I have to be tentative and very brief in suggesting an explanation in the remainder of this article. An obvious part of the explanation is that the Tamil caste system is much more rigid, much more hierarchical than the Sinhalese one. It is part of the explanation for the shocking fact of the failure to build any sense of solidarity with the estate Tamils. It seems reasonable to presume that the Tamil racist will show a greater propensity than the Sinhalese racist to regard the Muslims as lower beings. I have also in mind the fact that Freud pointed out that the most vicious and irreconcilable quarrels take place between peoples who are nearly identical. The Tamils and the Muslims have a linguistic commonality.

Before concluding I must reiterate yet once more that my strictures on Tamil racism apply only to a tiny fringe of the Tamils and not to the generality of them, and furthermore that there is better rapport between the Tamils and the Muslims than there is between either of them and the Sinhalese. In conclusion I must pose the question, Why is it that so much hatred and fury has been directed against me by the lunatic fringe Tamils? I believe that the explanation is that I don’t fit the stereotype of the Muslim who is at the best an excellent businessman or excellent drug trafficker, who can be treated with benign tolerance as essentially inferior beings. On the contrary, over the decades I have acquired the following image: an intellectual, a public intellectual, a writer of highly educated prose, a political analyst, a member of the literati, culturally thoroughly Westernised and utterly highbrow. Consequently when a Tamil racist starts reading an article of mine he gets into a state of hysterical hatred that issues in mad dog rage. One of them kept on attacking me for weeks with his first paragraph invariably full of expletives such as fool, mad, nincompoop, numbskull, imbecile. My friendly advice to him and other Tamil racists is this: Racism is a disease. Get well soon!

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Latest comments

  • 11

    At least it is a “lunatic fringe” of the Tamils whom you are accusing. But let me tell yoy about the “main steam” muslims and their anti-Tamil racism.. It was Badudin Mohamed Minister of education in 1972) brought the despicable legislation that Tamil students have to score higher marks than Sinhalese and Muslim students to be selected in University admissions.Can you deny that? Not a single Muslim voice opposed that.
    Later it was changed mask the obvious racism, and territorial quotas were given. Tamil students were severly marginalized and this was the starting point of Tamil Tigers.
    It was Muslims who were the “military intelligence officers” to spy on Tamils. Several innocent Tamils were arrested and victimized for being mistaken for LTTE members.Mulims always played along with racial Sinhalese leaders when the Tamils were persecuted and subjected to pogroms.Izeth needs some treatment for his Alzheimers.

    • 3

      Weren’t the standardization committee discover grade inflation in Tamil areas? for example, no one ever gets 100% on written essay exams but Tamils were scoring 100% even in English essay exams and then it was revealed that even in Science exams in the written subjective parts their scores were significantly higher than even the best in the top Schools in Colombo? Wasn’t that one of the reasons for it?

  • 4

    Yes Izeth, I think you are right that extremists find your rational approach deeply frustrating and as a result hate you more .. pity for them. I value your criticism of all parties on the island, however as discussed before we differ on the point of what is possible: i believe we have a duty to take on ethno nationalism in Sri Lanka and now Sinhala ethno-nationalism is the sole, dominant and rapacious type that is left. The lunatic fringes of others a side – this is the problem. At we are obligated to support international efforts to contain it, and to deliver a truly liberal, in every sense, solution (i.e. not malaysia, not philippines) but US or UK nation. Anything else can be manipulated in the future by ethno nationalists. We need to see real accountability and we need to see a real political solution with genuine devolution and power sharing. That is the only hope for this tragic island. Well done another good piece.

    • 9

      I don’t think we hate him. We pity him. In the holy month of his religion, a man near to meeting his Maker, who spews so much of hate is to be pitied, not hated.

      • 8

        Ponkoh Sivakumaran

        “In the holy month of his religion,”

        What holy month?

        It seems unholy month in Kuwait, Tunisia and elsewhere.

      • 0

        Ponkoh’s “We pity him” is meant to express contempt.His pity is misplaced. At the age of 88 I am still having a dam good time. I enjoy writing. Every one of my articles gets encomiums from readers. Now froth at the mouth Ponkoh – IH

  • 12

    Izeth Hussain,

    All you illogical arguments show that you belong to lunatic & fanatic IS camp. The basic you got to understand is that Muslims implies those who follow Islam which is a religion not a language. It is no wonder most of the Muslims all over the world are lunatic & fanatic religious people and have no loyalty to their Language or to their country but only to ‘Allah’, and you are beyond any doubt one of them. Tamil and Sinhalese are languages not religions. Being a Muslim, your alliance to Pakistan and anti-Indian stance is well known and very difficult to hide with all your illogical arguments. Whenever Pakistan cricket team wins against Sri Lanka, most Sri Lankan Muslims cheer and celebrate. This mush is your loyalty to the country you live in.

    You may not be called a racist because Muslims are not a race. Sri Lankan Muslims came to Sri Lanka from south India and have a short history. Islam is in existence for less than 1400 years and originated in Macca. You can’t claim that you are an Arab decedent as you don’t speak Arabic but an original ‘South Indian Tamil-Hindu’ converted to Islam, may be a few hundred years back. So, better know your origin and respect it. Truth sometime hurts.

  • 7

    Wahabist, Izeth H., knows that no one reads him except the Tamils. The guys who go around beheading in the most brutal of ways, want to talk about Tamil racism. He should try to address his fellow lunatics before he talks about others. Advice to deaf and ageing ears.

    • 5

      The opening sentence of this Ponkoh Siva is a pukkah example of what I call ethnolunacy, the irrationality that goes integrally with racism. He calls me “Wahabist”. In fact I detest Wahabism and have written against it.On what facts does he call me Wahabist? He should be factual in his reply.
      He writes that Izeth H “knows that no one reads him except the Tamils”. I know no such thing. How does he know that I know that? Has he got special telepathic powers that enables him to read my thoughts without ever having met me? How does he know that no one reads me except Tamils? Has he or anyone else carried out an opinion survey to establish that point? My questions are really of a rhetorical order meant to show that this poor Ponkoh Siva is far gone in ethnolunacy. It is a characteristic he shares with other Fringistas. – IH

      • 5

        Asalam Malaikum Izeth Hussain

        You started to write lunacy and getting it back in style.

        You are a bad apple amongst a basket of good Muslim apples.

        Please go and join the Jhihadi’s or the ISI’s.

        You hate ridden oldie is trying to point score by blatantly promoting hatred.

        You belong to a Islamic lunatic fringe who will never change.

        I have many Muslim friends. They are not like you. I have lots of respect for some of the Immans, Soofies and Mukkies of Mosques.
        They are hardworking good messengers.

        Your idiotic crusade will not last long.

  • 9

    Islamic Fundamentalism is a cancer to the world without exception of Srilanka.

  • 5

    There are “lunatic” fringes in all races, religions and political parties.
    In Sri Lanka, LTTE is dead and buried – but is ‘resurrected’ by the army and police occasionally, and by writers like Hussain.

  • 8

    Izeth Hussain

    Racism is prejudice or animosity against people who belong to other races.

    Your ‘Anti-Muslim Racism’ implies that Muslim is a race. I think you are inventing and introducing something new to this world. Can you please reveal & explain your invention to others? This would possibly be the first invention by a Muslim lunatic.

    • 3

      Human Insecurity also can be a factor fort Racism.

      Muslims make others in secure; the way the preach; behave and practice their religion.

      Muslims are good liars in the name of their religion.

      Only thing the do after anything is Allah U Akbar or Peace be with the God.

      Why otherwise, God is not in peace and he is not great ?

    • 1

      Alvar – the term “racism” is today used to cover relations between ethnic groups as well as between races.Pierre-Andre Taguieff, a foremost theorist on race, wrote in his book Racism that it is paradoxical that while the term “race” has fallen into disuse because it has become ideologically suspect as a consequence of what Hitler did to the Jews, the term “racism” on the contrary flourishes. He writes that it is used in connection with a number of situations which are characterised by rejection,exclusion, hostility,hatred, fear, scorn.
      Alvar – learn, if you can. – IH

  • 3

    Izeth Hussain

    RE: LTTE & Tamil Lunatic Fringe Anti-Muslim Racism

    “We were mistaken. It has become clear that for quite some time there has been a resurgent LTTE without the limiting epithet of rump, an LTTE with plenty of bite and vigour to it, though it may not be identical with the pre-2009 LTTE. Consequently I now have to reassess Tamil lunatic fringe anti-Muslim racism taking count of the LTTE.”

    “They were mostly from persons using nom de plumes that declared a Tamil identity. The other attacks could be unfair, even insulting, but they were much milder than the Tamil attacks. I posed the question “Why the hatred?” because there was nothing in my articles that could explain the
    intense Tamil hatred shown in the responses”

    You need to keep writing. Be Well aware of those who are behind. Expose the War Criminals, LTTE and and if they want Eelam Nadu, they need to carve it out of Tamil Nadu, not in the Land of native Veddah Aethho.

    Thanks for writing this article. They say, there is no-smoke without a fire,

    Who are the people setting the ant-muslim fires?

    1. LTTE , did that in 1990s by expelling Tamil speaking Muslims in the 1990s. That was a war crime. Forgotten People – The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka (English)


    2. The Tamil Diaspora dominated by LTTE was used by Norway, Israel and the Christian Fundamentalist west to attack the Muslims. under various pretexts.

    3. In Sri Lanka, there has been a lot unethical conversions of Sinhala Buddhists and Tamil Hindus to Fundamentalist Born Again Christianity, and many Sinhala Buddhist groups were attacking Fundamentalist Christian unethical practices and Churches. So, the Norwegians and their clones had a new plan.

    4. The New Plan BBS. Fund and promote BBS as a Sinhala Buddhist Organization to attack Muslims, under various pretexts.

    The Various Norwegian Agencies That Supported BBS Personnel
    July 3, 2013

    Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha MP


    “The reason I believe investigation would be useful is because of two names I noticed in the official Norwegian statement. One is that of the Worldview International Foundation, which is essentially run by a gentleman called Arne Fjiatoff, who has been in Sri Lanka now for several decades. During this period he has been involved in a range of projects with various Sri Lankan governments, which are in theory designed to benefit the Sri Lankan people, but which have also brought considerable benefits to Arne himself.”

    • 1

      Izeth Hussain

      RE: LTTE & Tamil Lunatic Fringe Anti-Muslim Racism

      Expose, Expose and Expose.

      Are they part of the Islamo Phobia Network. Norwegians, Israel and others helping them?


      These organizations form an often-interconnected group responsible for spreading fear, bigotry, and hate against American Muslims and Islam. This small network of organizations remains very tight-knit, often disseminating each other’s materials and financially supporting one another.

      The main players spreading misinformation about Islam & Muslims

      The network misleading the public by amplifying fear & misinformation

      These are the individuals working alongside the misinformation experts and validators to lead the efforts in spreading hate and misinformation about Islam and Muslims.

      These grassroots groups serve as the “muscle” of the Islamophobia network and use sophisticated communications strategies to recruit and engage volunteers. As a result of these organizations’ scare-mongering tactics, they enjoy a boost in fundraising, often with the seed funding provided by the main think tanks featured in the Islamophobia network.

      This select group of elected officials amplify the messages of the misinformation experts in the form of policy recommendations, speeches, or released statements

      The worldviews of this group are shaped by religious fault-lines, and they view tolerance of Islam as incompatible with their own fundamentalist beliefs.

      Spreading anti-Muslim hate in the United States depends on a well-developed right-wing media echo chamber to amplify a few marginal voices. The individuals and organizations featured on this site share a symbiotic relationship with a loosely aligned, ideologically-akin group of right-wing blogs, magazines, radio stations, newspapers, and television news shows to spread their anti-Islam messages and myths.

  • 11

    Oh, Mr Hussain, We must thank you for attracting ongoing attention to the issue of “persecution” of Muslims of Sri Lanka through undeserved “racism” towards them.

    This is the most burning issue in global and Sri Lankan politics, much worse than other issues like the billions who go hungry every day, and the massacre of innocents in the Middle East by the savage Sunni thugs financed by Saudi Arabia. It is certainly worse than the plunder and murder of the Palestinians by Zionists.

    Because this “discrimination” in Sri Lanka is preventing us buying the remainign real estate from Colombo to Galle at what ever price asked for. It is also preventing us from increasing our hold of the Kandy CBD from 99 to 100%, not to speak of Galle from 80 to 100%.

    So keep up the pressure Mr Hussain by complaining about RACISM, persecution and other injustices towards us in Sri Lanka. We must continue to help topple governments that do not yield to our demands.

    Just one word of caution, look up the meaning of the word RACISM before you put pen to paper next, and look into the history of India and South Asia generally to see why people are so nervous about Islamist invasions.

  • 8

    Izeth Hussain is seriously suffering from downright anti-Tamil hate.

    I am a British Tamil and stand for Britishness. British values tolerance. It tolerates hundreds of races from world over to live peacefully in Britain.

    Izeth wants everything for Muslims. At his dwindling age he must reflect broad minded sense.

    What LTTE did to the Muslims is wrong. At the same time what the Muslims are doing to the Tamils is utterly wrong.

    Muslims produce more babies to change the demography not only in Sri Lanka but world over. Even in poverty they produce.

    Izeth, please do not write provocative articles and infuriate yourself when persons like me bluntly respond to you.

  • 7

    Our partiality and bias destroy communal harmony in this country. Whatever we say, the truth will always prevail. Mr. Hussain you have stated that “…. anti-Muslim racism is much more intense than that of his Sinhalese counterpart.” If you study the Sri Lankan history you will not say this. Have you studied about brutal ethnic riots between Sinhalese and Muslims in the past (before the independence and after)? Can you remember the ‘son of the soil’ campaign carried out by Sinhala Buddhist racist elements?

    You also said that “….the Tamil caste system is much more rigid, much more hierarchical than the Sinhalese one.” Again you are mistaken. Recall the fact that the cast-minded Sinhalese voted for Sir Pon. Ramanathan against Sir Marcus Fernando in 1911 because Marcus was a low cast but Ramanathan was a high cast although their religion and race differ. You have very clearly demonstrated your very poor knowledge of history and your biased analysis.

    Further, it is a well known fact that the LTTE brutal-ism almost destroyed the Tamil cast system in the North until the LTTE’s defeat. The fact is fact. You cannot conceal this. Honorable journalist will not do that.

    • 4

      Dr. MYM Siddeek RE: Caste discrimination in Sinhala society.

      “Recall the fact that the cast-minded Sinhalese voted for Sir Pon. Ramanathan against Sir Marcus Fernando in 1911 because Marcus was a low cast but Ramanathan was a high cast although their religion and race differ”

      Sinhala Caste System and the Nikayas

      The plight of the Sinhala `DALITS`- Karava, Durava, Salagama, Berava and Rodi. Caste discrimination in Sinhala society.
      Friday, 9 September 2011 – 10:42 AM SL Time


      Free education has brought out wider egalitarian impact in Sinhala society, but this has not eliminated the caste inequality altogether. Rather caste has been made an underground phenomenon rarely discussed in public, but remained bottled up within the individuals and local communities only to be rekindled from time to time in the caste inspired political loyalties during the time of elections, social conflicts and social uprisings (Jiggins 1979, Chandraprema 1991).

      This caste alignment did not emerge out of the blue. There had been a long history of Kara-Govi rivalry in diverse quarters and at various social levels from the 1860s if not earlier. Let me detail some facets without claiming that this brief review is comprehensive.

      The grand war time alliance of Sinhala Buddhist interests appears to have unravelled. I attribute the bad blood between the Rajapakse and Fonseka camps to vendetta and revenge. This is largely a personal feud born of a sense of betrayal. However, I wonder whether the legacy of caste has had a tangential role in the matter after all. Rajapakse is the scion** of an old southern Govigama family while Fonseka was a Karave general also from the south.

      Let us explore the issue in some detail. Professor K.M. de Silva in his `History of Sri Lanka`, refers to the MIGRATION OF THE KARAWE, SALAGAMA AND DURAWE CASTES FROM SOUTHERN INDIA TO SRI LANKA BETWEEN THE 14TH AND 17TH CENTURIES AD. The Karawe, a maritime caste, appear to have had a disproportionate influence in the Sinhala military in medieval times. M.D. Raghavan`s publication, `The Karave of Ceylon: Society and Culture` illustrates the cultural history in some depth. Michael Roberts also documents Karawe elite formation in his seminal publication `Caste Conflict and Elite Formation, the Rise of the Karave elite in Sri Lanka: 1500-1931`.

      Caste divisions are not unknown in Sinhala Buddhist history. The Govigama-Karave competition intermittently resurfaces in our history. The Govigama are the farmer caste akin to the Tamil Vellalar. The Govigama are perhaps 50% of the Sinhala population while the Karave are likely 10%. The Govigama unfairly dismiss the Karave as a fishing caste.

      King Vijayabahu in the 11th century DENIED ACCESS TO THE SO-CALLED LOWER CASTES to venerate the Buddha`s footprint at the summit of Sri Pada or Adam`s Peak. These castes were confined to a lower terrace further down. This led to an immediate counter when a 12th century rock inscription of King Nissanka Malla warned that the Govigama caste could never aspire to high office.

      The 13th century Sinhala literary work, the Pujavaliya went on to assert that a Buddha would never be born in the Govigama caste The Govigama reaction was swift. Kandyan Buddhist civil law as later documented in the Niti Nighanduwa, placed the Govigama at the top of an elaborately ordered caste hierarchy.

      The Kandyan Buddhist clergy – the Siam Nikaya – DENIED ENTRY into the Buddhist monkhood to the non-Govigama. They EXCLUDED THE KARAVE. This led wealthy Karave merchants in the maritime districts to finance the journey of Ambagahapitiya Gnanawimala Thera to Amarapura in Burma for the ordination into the Buddhist monkhood in 1800 AD. While the newly founded Amarapura nikaya had 21 sub-sects defined on caste lines (i.e. Karave, Salagama and Durave), it nonetheless offered a rare opportunity for the Karave to join the Buddhist religious order.

      Other Karave ABANDONED BUDDHISM ALTOGETHER AND CONVERTED TO ROMAN CATHOLICISM to seek caste emancipation. 50% of the Karave caste might well be Christian today. At present, Karave Christian youth have the best education outcomes in Sinhala society.

      Many of us were thankful that these caste divisions in Sinhala Buddhist society had ebbed. However, recent events indicate that this may not entirely be so. In the late 1800s, Charles Henry de Soysa, the foremost Karave philantrophist, had hosted a banquet to the Duke of Edinburgh in Colombo, an event boycotted by the Govigama political elite led by Solomon Bandaranaike. Dr. Marcus Fernando, a Karave leader of no mean accomplishment, ran for the Educated Ceylonese seat at the 1911 elections. The Govigama elite, led by the Senanayakes, successfully defeated him and ensured the victory of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, a Tamil candidate, instead. The Govigama preferred Tamil leadership to that of the Karave Sinhalese. That was treachery on the part of the Govigama.

      We now witness a situation where Rajapakse has LITERALLY CRUSHED FONSEKA. Let us not forget that all Sri Lankan heads of state, with just one exception, have been Govigama. Non-Govigama representation in Sri Lanka`s legislature has declined since independence. And all three revolts against the post-independence Sri Lankan state were led by the Sinhala Karave or Tamil Karaiyar.


      The feud between the President and the erstwhile General, while personal in nature, has now developed caste over tones. The President`s camp was uncertain of victory in the run-up to the polls. Reports suggest that it deftly and subtly played the caste card within the military to deny Fonseka the military vote. The President succeeded. In the ensuing post-poll purge of the military, the Karave have disproportionately been targeted. Other KARAVA GENERALS have been SACKED from the armed forces. KARAVE BUDDHIST MONKS had been arrested. Much to my chagrin, caste may still be alive in Sinhala Buddhist society, albeit as an undercurrent.


      General Sarath Fonseka, despite what some consider to be his betrayal, is Sri Lanka`s first four star general. He had won one of Sri Lanka`s highest awards of military heroism – the `Rana Wickrama Padakkama`. India`s national security advisor had described Fonseka as the best army commander in the world. Its time he is set free.

      the Govigama-Karawe caste equation in Sinhala society- by Lakruwan de Silva and Prof. Michael Roberts

    • 1

      Dr Siddeek – your gratuitously insulting response is both surprising and not surprising. The view that Tamil anti-Muslim racism is much more intense than that of the Sinhalese is not only my view. It is shared by many Muslims. The responses to my articles over a long period shows that very clearly.There is not a single Sinhalese response – I repeat not a single one – that could match the Tamil responses for hysterical hatred and mad dog rage.Can you deny that? Perhaps you did not read those responses. In that case what business have you to challenge what I wrote?
      How dare you insultingly assume that I am ignorant of Sri Lankan history and of Sinhalese-Muslim ructions. After 1989 I wrote of those ructions from 1975 to 2002 when no one else did, until MIRJE produced a report on the subject. Later I covered the BBS’s anti-Muslim campaign in a series of articles. Don’t facts matter to you at all?
      If you serious;y dispute that the Tamil caste system is much more rigid, much more hierarchical than the Sinhalese one, it means that you know nothing worthwhile on that subject. You insultingly assume that I am unaware of the well-known fact that the Goigama Sinhalese voted for Ponnambalam rather than for Marcus F because of caste prejudice. But what on earth has that got to do with the relative strengths of the two caste systems? Likewise the fact that the LTTE almost destroyed the caste system.The utter irrationality shown in your response suggests that what is behind it is simply a desire to insult.
      To the reader – The Muslims are the most divided of our ethnic groups. Some of them hate to see other Muslims shine.Dr S’s weird performance is not therefore surprising. – IH

      • 1

        [Edited out]
        I still support their glorious history.

        Izeth, you are lambasting the Tamils and the Tigers. Why do you hate them?

        LTTE chased away the Muslims because they belonged to the 5th column.

        Did the LTTE kill one Muslim before, during or after the Muslim exodus.

        Look at what the Muslims are doing all over the world in the name of Islam. ISI’s have murdered many Christians and Shiites Muslims?

        Muslims joined the government forces and raped and killed the Tamils. Mrs Anita Annalingam – a former LTTE cadre was gang raped by a Muslim senior soldier and his subordinates. Muslims were provided with shot guns by the government to defend themselves against the LTTE.

        But the guns were turned against the innocent Tamils.

      • 1

        “Some of them hate to see other Muslims shine” Until now it was only the Tamils who didn’t like him shine. Now it is “some of the
        Muslims also” Where will this Hus stop?

        “There is not a single Sinhalese response – I repeat not as single one” says he. Another characteristic Hus lie. There have been many Sinhalese who have expressed their disgust with this off-target cannon. Take a hike, Hus. A very long one please.


  • 3

    BBS is right in their action about these cap changing crowd…..

    During Freedom fight in East Pakistan ( today Bangladesh)..Bengali speaking Muslims supported West Pakistan intelligent people and Urdu speaking military ( like what these Tamil speaking Muslims in N-E helped to Sinhala army and state)….

    10000 s of Bengali Muslims were slaughtered by muslim west Pakistan army and all girls at Dacca University were raped …..

    At this stage India with international supported invaded East Pakistan and BANGLADESH was born…

    What happened to these Bengali Muslim Traitors ???

    Pakistan refused to accept them…Newly born Bangladesh government refused citizenship to this Bengali Muslim rapists…murderers…traitors

    Today these racists .bengali..muslims are living as stateless in their birth place inside fenced camps with UN charity ….not even the self claimed guardian of ISLAM the Saudis don’t care about these traitors ..

    Exactly same fate will happen to converted Tamil Hindus live as Muslims in North and East in SL one day…

    These Muslims have done irreparable damage to Tamils in this country for money …..

    Fasting days are good for Muslims to clean their mind and body ……

    Look at this racist writer ..how his mind is polluted with rubbish and anti-Tamil …revenge…

    Badi-U-Deen has destroyed world class education in this country ….and writer like these parasites are dying to destroy existing relationship between Muslims and Tamils …

    There are many countries to day to help and care about Tamils in SL ….


    Not only Sinhalese now it seems even Muslims will live with fear from cradle to grave for LTTE…..

    The US has already said many times LTTE is still active ..he he he ….


  • 3

    ISIS is entering in this country through these traitors ..who are ready to change their religion for minister posts and money .

    .also ready to write any rubbish to separate people and clash among themselves

    Already one guy is calling for separate units for Muslims …something like Islamic Caliphate ???

    Over to BSS….


  • 5

    Hi Raman,

    This is my response to your comment you left in this page today. I have always been admitting that there are genuine grievances for the Tamils and I sympathize the Tamil struggle for their rights. But I never supported terrorism as a means to achieve their rights. But their struggle for their genuine rights failed so far because they tried to distort the truth and give fabricated stories to the world. One of them is the false propaganda similar to what you have stated in your comment. As an academician who have worked more than 35 years in higher education sector I know very well what happened in relation to the university admission policies of the successive governments.

    The language based standardization of university admissions was introduced in 1970 when SriMavo Bandaranaike came to power. Accordingly, Tamil medium students (not only Tamil students) have to score higher marks than Sinhalese medium students. You should be aware of the fact that majority of the Muslims students too study Advanced Level in Tamil medium. In fact, this in justice was rectified by Dr. Baddiuddin Mahmud when he became Education Minister in 1972. This is the truth of the matter. He introduced district quota system. Accordingly, 30% of the students were selected on island-wide merit basis; 65% of the places were allocated to the districts on the basis of the population strength of each district. But, within each district, the allocated number for each district was selected on 100% merit basis. The balance 5% of the places were allocated to five underprivileged districts such as Trincomalee, Nuwarelia, Moneragala and other two. Because of the district quota system a large number of students who were deprived places in the universities benefited. Those beneficiary students were mainly from Vavunia, Mannar, Mullaithuvu, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Ampara, Nuwaraeliya and other. Do you think that majority are in these districts Muslims and Sinhalese with the exception of Ampara district?. I will tell you one particular example. In 1982, one student from Kilinochchi district was selected to the university medical faculty with just 182 marks when a student from other districts had to score at least 250 marks to enter the university medical faculty. Do you think that the majority in Kilinochchi district are Muslims and Sinhalese? But I do not deny the fact that the students from Jaffna district were adversely affected by the district quota system. But much more than that, the benefits derived by the Tamil students from other districts were immense and many folds. Otherwise you will not see a large number of Tamil engineers and doctors today from those districts I have mentioned above. This is what we call ‘Jaffna mentality’. When the Jaffna Tamils are affected due to something, they cry for it and generalize it as an issue of the entire Tamils. This is a good example. They do not appreciate the befits derived by the Tamils from other districts due to the district quota system. If you do not admit the truth and continue to publish fabricated stories, you will never be able to achieve even your legitimate rights and find remedies for your genuine grievances. Please admit the truth and tell the truth like a gentleman.

    • 2

      Dear Siddeek,
      Your statement about Tamil students is not correct. I studied at Royal College and in my class there were 76 Sinhalese, 32 Tamils and 38 others like Muslims, Burghers and those of mixed parentage. At that time, admission to university was purely on merit. Our papers were marked by the same examiners. Out of the 32 Tamils, 10 ended up as doctors and 06 ended up engineers. All these were from families originally from Jaffna. Of the 76 Sinhalese, only 06 ended up as doctors and only 05 ended up as engineers. Of the Muslims, only 03 ended up as doctors and none as engineers. Also 01 burgher ended up as an engineer and 01 Tamil / Burgher mixed person ended up as a doctor. This clearly puts off your accusation that the standardization and district quota system was introduced because Tamils were favoured and given high marks by Tamil examiners.If people of Srilanka are equal as being propagated by the government for international consumption, what is wrong if the persons chosen on merit belong to whatever the race, religion or district. I hope that this will clear your wrong view.

      • 1

        Dear Dr. MYM Siddeek, Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam and Raman,
        University Entrance and Standardisation, the Truth
        This applied to the Science stream and not the Arts stream. Science Education requires a high investment in facilities and personnel, whereas Arts Education requires a much smaller investment. Hence this was an exercise in affirmative action. However the better solution would have been to provide at least ONE school in each of the 22 districts with the identical standard of Education that govt schools such as Royal had.
        Dr. Siddeek is right and both Dr Gnana and Raman are wrong.
        Today a Jaffna student enters the University with LOWER marks than his/her Sinhalese counter part in Colombo, Kandy, Galle, Gampaha etc.

        Do we hear the Sinhalese objecting?

        Dr Siddeek is right about the ‘Jaffna mentality’. This has been the Bane of Sri Lanka. The Jaffanese Elite (15% of Tamils) DISHONESTLY project anything that effects them as that effecting the whole Tamil society.
        The Grade 5 Scholarship Examination by which an under privileged student is awarded a scholarship to enter a Privileged National School is separated by the two media streams Sinhalese and Tamil. The qualifying aggregate mark is HIGHER for the Sinhala stream and LOWER for the Tamil stream.
        Thus a Tamil Student enters the Prestigious Royal College in Colombo (and Premier National Schools Island wide) that has the best Science Education in the island, with LOWER marks than the Sinhala Counter part.
        Consequently a Tamil Student of LOWER standard pushes out a Sinhalese student with a higher standard, from gaining an equal competitive advantage at University Entrance.
        Do we see the Sinhalese complaining?
        Why Standardisation of the Science stream
        “Media-wise standardisation,” to use the jargon of administrators, was a device to weight the marks of the candidates so that those qualifying for admission from each language group would be proportionate to the number who sat the examination in that language” (“Affirmative Action in Sri Lanka”, p 251 by Prof K.M. De Silva)
        The LOGIC behind the decision is therefore the distribution of facilities in Linguistic Proportions and it is grossly unfair.
        Govt revenue depends on taxation. Everyone pays Indirect tax which is the major portion of govt revenue. That revenue is in proportion to the National Ethnic Ratio.
        “From 1978 onwards Sri Lanka’s university admissions policy changed from one of ethnic preferences to one of regional preferences in favour of rural areas -– without regard to ethnicity or religion”. (KMD Silva)
        The Moors-Malays saw their number of admissions to scientific courses double between 1970 and 1975 (KMDS)
        In late 1981 a new formula was announced for 1982-83. The principle recommended was a two-tier system in which 40% of all students were chosen on the basis of the highest aggregates attained at the examination on a country-wide basis; a second tier was to be chosen on the highest aggregates achieved at a district level. The 60% of students so chosen would come in at a lower level than the 40% who were on the wider “merit list”—the aggregates of the former category of students varied greatly from district to district. The 15% special allocation for educationally backward areas was to be eliminated. The proposal to abolish the latter allocation was received with relief by critics of the system who argued that the pendulum had swung too far towards the “underprivileged” districts. However, Ministers and MPs representing the latter districts put up a spirited defence and succeeded in preventing the introduction of the new scheme. In the election years of 1982 and 1983, the government preferred to let the existing system continue rather than persist with a change which had brought together, in defence of the 15% allocation, an extraordinary coalition of forces. Naturally, Sinhalese from rural areas led the campaign, but they had the support of the Tamils from the districts of Mannar, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Ampara—in short, all Tamils except those from the Jaffna district—and the Muslims as a whole. Thus the system of district preferences, introduced originally as a temporary device, survived into the late 1980s, and indeed to the present day. (KMDS)
        The History
        1970 – Standardisation by media introduced. Students to science-based courses were admitted on the basis of separate pre-determined minimum mark levels applicable to each of the three language media.
        1971 – The principle of standardisation of marks was extended from language medium to subjects as well.
        1974 – The principle of district quotas was introduced for the first time. Eligible students were classified according to the administrative districts from which they had taken the GCE (A/L) examination. Students were selected in the order of merit of standardised marks. The number of places available for each course of study was allocated to the districts in proportion to their general population.
        1976 – 70% of the places in each course were filled according to the order of merit on an all island basis as determined by the standardised marks obtained at the GCE (A/L) examination. The remaining 30% were filled on a district basis.
        The concept of “educationally under-privileged districts” was introduced in this year and one-half of the places to be filled on the district basis i.e. 15% of the total number of places was reserved for students from 10 districts classified as being “educationally underprivileged”
        Underprivileged districts were:
        1. Ampara 2. Anuradhapura 3. Badulla 4. Hambantota 5. Mannar 6. Monaragala 7. Nuwara Eliya 8. Polonnaruwa
        9 Trincomalee 10. Vavuniya
        1978 – Standardisation was abandoned and the new government decided that admission would be on the basis of raw marks as was the practice prior to 1970. It also decided that a student who would have gained admission to the University had there been a standardisation of marks should not be deprived of such admission owing to the abolition of standardisation.
        Batticaloa was calsified as an underprivileged districts, increasing it to 11.
        1979 – Government decided that admission should be made only on the basis of raw marks and that the places available in 1979 should be filled according to the following formula:
        (a) 30% of the places in each course of study were to be filled on an all island merit basis.
        (b) 55% of the places in each course of study were to be allocated to the 24 administrative districts in proportion to their respective populations and filled on a district merit list.
        (c) The remaining 15% of the places in each course of study were to be allocated, in proportion to their respective populations, to 12 administrative districts deemed to be “educationally underprivileged”
        These students were also chosen on a district merit list.
        The underprivileged districts now numbered 12.
        1. Ampara 2. Anuradhapura 3. Badulla 4. Batticaloa 5. Hambantota 6. Mannar 7. Monaragala 8. Mullaitivu 9. Nuwara Eliya 10. Polonnaruwa 11. Trincomalee 12. Vavuniya
        1980 – The number of underprivileged districts was increased to 13 with the inclusion of the Puttalam district.
        1985 – The government decided to change the district and underprivileged district quota as follows:
        (a) the national merit quota to remain at 30%
        (b) to increase the district quota from 55% to 65%
        (c) to reduce the under-privileged district quota to 5% from 15% and also to reduce the number of such districts to 5 from 13.
        The underprivileged districts were: 1. Ampara 2. Badulla 3. Hambantota 4. Mannar 5. Mullaitivu (KMDS)
        “The district quota system, though detrimental to the students from the Jaffna district, benefited Tamils living in other Tamil districts. In 1974 Jaffna’s share of university admission shrank to 7 percent, roughly equal to its population ratio. This system benefited students from Vanni, Batticoloa, Trincomalee, and Ampara. It was under the district quota systems that the first student from Kilinochchi entered the university” (T. Sabaratnam in Pirapaharan’s Biography)
        The Current Position
        This is the current standardisation scheme
        Policy on University Admission UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION http://www.ugc.ac.lk/downloads/admissions/local_students/Admission%20to%20Undergraduate%20Courses%20of%20the%20Universities%20in%20Sri%20Lanka%202012_2013.pdf
        . Admission to all courses other than the courses stated in above will be made on a dual criteria, namely:
        All Island Merit
        Merit on District basis
        Under All Island Merit criteria:
        (i) Up to 40% of the available places will be filled in order of Z – Scores ranked on an all island basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above.
        Under District Merit Criteria:
        (i) Up to 55% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the 25 administrative districts in proportion to the total population, that is, on the ratio of the population of the district concerned to the total population of the country.
        (ii) A special allocation up to 5% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the under-mentioned 16 educationally disadvantaged districts in proportion to the population, that is, on the ratio of the population of each such district to the total population of the 16 districts;
        1. Nuwara Eliya
        2. Hambantota
        3. Jaffna
        4. Kilinochchi
        5. Mannar
        6. Mullaitivu
        7. Vavuniya
        8. Trincomalee
        9. Batticaloa
        10. Ampara
        11. Puttalam
        12. Anuradhapura
        13. Polonnaruwa
        14. Badulla
        15. Monaragala
        16. Ratnapura
        The number of places allocated on the district merit quota given in (i) and (ii) above will be filled in order of Z – Scores ranked on the district basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above
        You will note that students from the following minority districts have preferential entry to the Universities with LOWER MARKS than student from other districts. Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ampara and Puttalam.
        But propagandists still unashamedly use these like a Beggar’s wound that never heals.
        My sources
        Prof K.M.D. Silva was a critic of the policies introduced in 1970. He was a member of the University Grants Commission (UGC), and its Vice-Chairman. He chaired an official committee in 1987 which investigated the impact of these policies on the Sri Lankan University system, He left the UGC in 1989 and again chaired another official committee in 1993 that investigated the impact of these policies. He is hence, an authority on the subject.
        T. Sabaratnam wrote Pirapaharan’s Biography and provides an alternate Tamil view to that of the Tamil politicians.

        Kind Regards,

        • 2

          Dear OTC AKA MNIN Perera
          You are wrong about introduction of standardisation. It was first resorted only after SLFP led government came to power in 1970. However the results of the 1969 A Levels were out and the names of the persons entering the Medical and Engineering faculties had been released. So the government did not tamper with it and Tamil students entering these faculties in 1970 escaped. But as for engineering faculty out of the 250 students 175 were Tamils. To compensate this, government elevated Katubedda to a university and started engineering faculty there and admitted large number of Sinhala students into it. Prior to this Katubedda was only a technical college. But after 1971, students were admitted to Medical and engineering faculties on ethnic basis.

          In the late 60s there was a Sinhala organisation for which the President was Dr. Seevali Ratwatte, a brother of Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranayake, which was agitating about the presence of large number of Tamils in Medical and Engineering faculties and wanted it changed by dropping merit as the criteria and using ethnicity as the criteria. They could not do anything under the Dudley Senanayake UNP government, but when Sirimavo Bandaranayake came to power, they were able to get it implemented. You could ask the Tamil students at Royal during that time who will testify that Sinhala students in the same class with lower marks than their Tamil class mates entered medicine and Engineering faculties, while Tamil students in the same class with higher marks than their Sinhala class mates could not enter. It is interesting to note that for the 1976 admission in order to gain Tamil votes at the 1977 election, the government scrapped the standardisation and resorted to merit as the criteria.

          After 1977, the JR Jayawardena government, in order to take the bad international image for racism in education, introduced the district quota system. If you go through it carefully, it was another way of ensuring large Sinhala presence in the medical and engineering faculties, though Sinhala students in Colombo were affected. In order to pacify the Colombo Sinhalese, he allowed a private medical college to be started in Ragama. The worst affected district in district quota system was Jaffna district. Strangely after the war started and Jaffna district was hit badly with no electricity, not enough food to eat, no exercise books to write, bombs and shells falling in their midst, resulting in Jaffna district to be one of the worst in terms of living standards, the cut off point for Jaffna district was never lowered. This is why we call the government racist.

          In other parts of the world where there is no discrimination between Sinhalese and Tamils, You will find that there are more Tamils in the universities than Sinhalese. Whatever government would come to power, the Sinhalese will never allow Tamils to prosper. They will bring Tamils down either by legislative means or by state sponsored violence. In foreign countries Tamils are prospering because there is no one to destroy their houses or businesses. Please introduce merit as criteria for everything in Srilanka which will ensure peace and prosperity to all.

          • 1

            Dear Gnana Sankaralingam,

            Can you COMPREHEND English?

            You say “You are wrong about introduction of standardisation. It was first resorted only after SLFP led government came to power in 1970”

            I said, 1970 – Standardisation by media introduced.

            How Idiotic can you get?

            You say “…..blah blah blah…..wanted it changed by dropping merit as the criteria and using ethnicity as the criteria”

            I can see that your intelligence is subordinate to your Racism.

            I wrote the following, Students to science-based courses were admitted on the basis of separate pre-determined minimum mark levels applicable to each of the three language media.

            “From 1971 onwards, a new ‘standardization’ policy was adopted, which ensured that the number of students qualifying for university entrance from each language was proportionate to the number of students who sat for university entrance examination in that language” World Bank report 1999 “The Root Causes of the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka”

            Do you see any difference between the world Bank report and what I wrote?

            Your view point appears to be warped by Racism.

            I stated the chronology as is and did not justify anything.

            You are looking at everything with a Racist Eye and has lost objectivity.

            You wrote “But as for engineering faculty out of the 250 students 175 were Tamils. To compensate this, government elevated Katubedda to a university and started engineering faculty there and admitted large number of Sinhala students into it. Prior to this Katubedda was only a technical college”

            Are you saying that Katubedda admitted ONLY Sinhalese?

            Please refrain from writing half baked comments using half baked info. You are ignorant of the History of engineering education in Lanka.

            In 1893 the Government Technical School was established at Maradana, Colombo. It was a pioneering Institution for Science Education in Lanka.

            The name was changed to Ceylon Technical College (CTC) in 1906. CTC provided Technical Education in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering LONG BEFORE the birth of any University in Lanka. The first came in 1921 as an affiliated University College of the University of London.

            The engineering students of Colombo Uni College (CUC) did not have Engineering Labs and came to CTC for their Lab work. The Institute of Practical Technology (IPT) at Katubedda was a Canadian Donation. Some of the courses from CTC Maradana were relocated at Katubedda but they still went to CTC Maradana as their Labs were located there. These labs could not be relocated as the Colombo Uni students were still sharing the CTC Labs.

            In 1972 the Principal of IPT was LH Sumanadasa. When Katubedda became a campus of the University of Ceylon he was appointed its Head and the Department of Architecture was transferred from the Colombo Uni to Katubedda. The IPT Academic staff was absorbed by the new Uni Campus.

            The Katubedda Campus of the Uni of Ceylon commenced operations on 15 February 1972 with ONE faculty, Engineering and Architecture. The first batch of students were admitted after 15 February 1972 from the 1971 A level results and was an ethnic mix.

            You write a whole heap of CRAP sans references in order to give your illogical opinions the ring of credibility.

            I will address the rest of your comment tomorrow.

            Kind Regards,

            • 2

              Dear OTC,
              I cannot waste time with people who are not prepared to accept truth. I stand by my statement that standardisation was brought in to satisfy demand by the Sinhalese to reduce number of Tamil students especially from Jaffna entering Medical and Engineering faculties. Initially it was media wise standardisation started in 1971 by SLFP government and after 1977 a mixture of district wise standardisation and merit by UNP Government. You are quoting one Sabaratnam writing that media wise standardisation was started in 1974, which is wrong. You are saying Dr. Sideek was in Higher education for 35 years, naturally he is not aware of what happened before that in the 70s. If you cannot accept truth how do you expect any reconciliation. You are insulting those Tamil students who were unfairly denied of their due place. The correct position for the government was to have invested more money on building top schools in the districts and give scholarships to deserving students in backward areas to continue their education in good schools. Instead of it , the governments resorted to easy method of hitting the Tamils especially those from Jaffna. Pleas stop your racist attitude if you want to acheive peace.

              • 0

                Dear Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

                I don’t know whether you are suffering from a memory loss disease. Just read what you have written.

                July 1, 2015 “It was first resorted only after SLFP led government came to power in 1970″ i.

                July 5, 2015 “Initially it was media wise standardisation started in 1971″
                You have no command of your points. You are plucking from the air as you go along.

                The Authority I quoted for the History, is Prof K.M.D. Silva, who was a critic of the policies introduced in 1970. He was a member of the University Grants Commission (UGC), and its Vice-Chairman. He chaired an official committee in 1987 which investigated the impact of these policies on the Sri Lankan University system, He left the UGC in 1989 and again chaired another official committee in 1993 that investigated the impact of these policies. He is hence, an authority on the subject.

                It is the UGC that admits students to University.

                Sabaratnam was quoted to show an alternate Tamil view as clearly stated under “My sources”
                Re “You are saying Dr. Sideek was in Higher education for 35 years”
                I did not say it. He said it himself (go back and re read) and you were trying to contradict him without sufficient knowledge of the system.
                Re “naturally he is not aware of what happened before that in the 70s.”
                That is an Idiotic argument.
                What are records for?
                How do you learn History?
                By having personally lived the past?
                Re “You are insulting those Tamil students who were unfairly denied of their due place”

                You should try to use your BRAINS once in a while. Take off your Racial Coloured glasses. Perhaps then your brain will start to function.
                I wrote the following in my opening comment (June 30, 2015 at 11:50 am)
                The LOGIC behind the decision is therefore the distribution of facilities in Linguistic Proportions and it is grossly unfair.
                Re “The correct position for the government was to have invested more money on building top schools in the districts and give scholarships to deserving students in backward areas to continue their education in good schools”
                The correct thing is not always possible when you dont have money to do it. That is why Affirmative action is used even though it will ALLWAYS negatively effect the advantaged while positively affecting the disadvantaged.
                Affirmative action has been used even in the Richest Country in the World, the USA.
                In 1996/97 Tamils from Jaffna requested and obtained a Disadvantaged District Status for Jaffna district.

                Hence for the PAST 19 years Tamils from Jaffna has been entering University with LOWER marks than their Sinhalese counterparts from Colombo, Galle etc.

                You did not know this because you are looking through Racist glasses.

                Kind Regards,

        • 0

          Finally some verifiable facts, thanks OTC. Perhaps we should get rid of the lower cut off marks for We Thamizh now. Surely then the inherent We Thamizh intellectual superiority (which we all know is an actual thing) will take over and We Thamizh admissions will skyrocket instead of plummeting into oblivion :D

          • 0

            Dear Siva,

            Dr. MYM Siddeek writes the Truth. He draws on 35 years of experience as an Educator in Higher Education.

            He said “I will tell you one particular example. In 1982, one student from Kilinochchi district was selected to the university medical faculty with just 182 marks when a student from other districts had to score at least 250 marks to enter the university medical faculty”

            T. Sabaratnam who wrote LTTE supremo Pirapaharan’s Biography says in that biography “The district quota system that came into effect by the end of 1974 introduced the scheme whereby 30 percent of the students were admitted to the university on the basis of merit and 55 percent on the basis of district quota, with the balance 15 percent of the places reserved for backward districts.

            The district quota system, though detrimental to the students from the Jaffna district, benefited Tamils living in other Tamil districts. In 1974 Jaffna’s share of university admission shrank to 7 percent, roughly equal to its population ratio. This system benefited students from Vanni, Batticoloa, Trincomalee, and Ampara. It was under the district quota systems that the first student from Kilinochchi entered the university” (http://www.sangam.org/Sabaratnam/PirapaharanChap8.htm)
            Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam on the other hand tries to generalise the situation accross Lanka using the infinitely small enviorenment of Royal College, the MOST privileged govt boys school in the Island.

            Naturaly Royal College in Colombo will get affected as AFFIRMATIVE action is an equaliser where the facilities advantage of the priviledged schools and the facilities disadvantage of an underpriviledged school is evened out even in a small way. That is the whole purpose of affermative action.

            His arguments using Royal as an example is Idiotic and not what is expected from a learned person.

            Here is a personnal experience.

            Regular examinations are held in the University for it’s Undergraduates. The answer scripts should not carry any identification mark other than the Index number.

            It was noticed that some answer scripts caried the Tamil “ohm” character at the top. This has been going on for a long time before it’s significance was realised, possibly due to the controvesy caused by Cyril Mathews accusations in Parliament of leniency of Tamil examiners in awarding marks at public exams. The examiners in a given subject at Pera Uni were of mixed ethnicity. The Sinhalese examiners of the Engineering Faculty at Peradeniya Campus decided to be very strict when awarding marks for these scripts. Any small mistake that normaly would have been overlooked were no longer overlooked.

            Over time, the Tamil students got the message as they had no control over the ethnicity of the examiner who would mark his/her answer script. The “ohm” mark disapeared and the playing feild became even once more.

            If I remember correctly, this was somwhere in the late 60’s or early 70’s.

            Kind Regards,

          • 1

            Wee Thamihz Senior Journalist Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon D:

            “Finally some verifiable facts, thanks OTC”

            Poor OTC, he does not have the sort of perverted sense of humour that you possess to understand your sarcastic comment which is at his expense.

            I am sure you would enjoy reading a detailed study on the effect of standardisation:

            Weightage in University Admissions Standardisation and District Quotas in Sri Lanka

            Pages 152 to 197

            By C R De Silva

            Modern Ceylon Studies
            Volume 5 Number 2 1974
            Published in 1975


            • 0

              Dear Tamil non Vedda,

              As I stated in my comment of June 30, 2015 at 11:50 am, the use of LLINGUISTIC Proportions was grossly unfair.

              It is reccomended that you read before you start punching the keyboard.

              My comment carried the HISTORY and as Siva Sankaran Sarma said, is verifiable.

              What you failed to notice (due to succumbing to a reflex instead of thinking) is that C. R. de Silva’s analysis does not go beyond 1975. But the scheme of admission has under gone many changes afterwards.

              K M de Silva who is an outspoken critic of standardisation, a member of the University Grants Commission (UGC), and its Vice-Chairman has this to say.


              The latest refinement of this came in 1996-97 when the Tamils from the Jaffna peninsula, hitherto the most vocal critics of the system joined in asking for the status of a disadvantaged district for Jaffna itself.

              This claim was first made before the UGC review committee of 1993: on that occasion it was rejected by the committee. With the change of government they succeeded in securing this advantage. It remains to be seen whether this reversal of the position taken by Jaffna politicians from being the most vigorous advocates of a merit system to the somewhat low-key claimants for the benefits of district quotas will be purely temporary or become permanent.

              More important, it illustrates the significance of the change that has occurred in the university admissions policy. It had ceased to be affirmative action on an ethnic basis in support of the Sinhalese majority and even politicians from the Jaffna district were comfortable with it as a form of regional, i.e., district, preferences.

              I suggest that you read “Affirmative Action Policies: The Sri Lankan Experience” by K M de Silva. I have lost the link to the pdf but your noolaham.net/project/ might have it.

              I take this opportunity to thank you for CR De Silva’s essay. Unfortunately an important page (page 152) is missing.

              Kind Regards,

  • 2

    IH tells us, among other things –

    “I have acquired the following image: an intellectual, a public intellectual, a writer of highly educated prose, a political analyst, a member of the literati, culturally thoroughly Westernised and utterly highbrow”.

    Phew! What a CV!

    As someone once said famously, “There, but for the grace of God, goes God!”

    • 2

      What’s to be done Know Little. It’s not what I say of myself but what others say of me that has built up that image. I can produce the details. It will make you squirm.Both Dorothy Parker and Orson Wells would have enjoyed the spectacle. – IH

      • 1

        Izza, the Lizza needs to be pitied. Poor man, this time around he seeks to answer his critics and digs himself into a deeper shit-hole. He even thinks he is divine. Every link even Jim Softly’s runs against him. In the interests of Muslims, he should stop this nonsense. He may serve himself by writing for writing may keep dementia away, but he does not serve others.

      • 0

        OK. I know little and will be happy to keep on learning.

        Don’t bother to produce the details; they don’t interest me. And that’s not because they’ll make me squirm. After all, what you say you have acquired is only the IMAGE of an intellectual and so on. And an image is just that –an image- it’s not the REAL thing. So, there is really nothing to get excited about. Anyway, please rest happy believing what you want to believe.


    • 0

      Izeth Hussain purges again – inflicting once more on the helpless CT readership. The tone and content of his piece reminds one of a wounded animal – raving and ranting; full of mindless and blind rage. I have cautioned the more peaceful and liberal Muslims in these pages earlier unless they take action to restrict this reckless “intellectual” he will cause them much harm. Look at this. He stereotypes local Muslims for the country and the world to know that “the Muslim, at best, is a drug trafficker” Needless to add, there may have been a few in that community engaging in drugs – but such elements are found in most other ethnic groups. But to focus on this narration explicitly and crudely is unfair to the entire Muslim community. Hussain irresponsibly endangers the community that is spread in the four corners of the country safety in these delicate times. On the contrary, I venture to suggest the number of Muslims in the drug trade are now far less less than they were decades before. As the nation watched with a great deal of anger, concern and amusement this is now a multi-billion trade here that seems to have attracted even Ministers and even a Prime Minister from other communities.

      To suggest the Tamil leadership with “the shocking fact of the failure to build any sense of solidarity with the estate Tamils” is to forget recent history. The indigenous Tamil political leadership has for long made attempts in this regard. A notable feature being the TULF – under the leadership of SJVC and the Tamil Congress under GGP – broke new ground when they invited the CWC supremeo Thondaman to be of the triumvirate of leaders at the historic 1976 Vaddukottai Conference. The worm has since changed in the relationship between the two communities although much more needs to be achieved.

      Hussain, I am afraid, has been unfair by NPC/CM Justice when he suggests “C. V. Wigneswaran who has apparently developed the ambition to become leader of the Tamils” We saw Hussain berating another commentator in these columns asking if the latter had telepathic powers. We need to shift this question now to the learned Hussain himself. Hussain knows all too well the sagely Wigneswaren entered the snake pit of politics reportedly on invitation from the TNA leader Sampanthan himself. He came into politics to help the besieged Tamil Nation. It is common knowledge within the TNA, he is under criticism by such activists as Suresh Premachandran, Shivajilingam, Ananthi Sasheetharan and others for being too soft in his dealings with the Sinhala political leadership.

      Beginning from President Rajapakse, PMs Wickramanyake, D.M. Jayaratne and several senior Ministers have told the country and the world “the LTTE is finished” Therefore, for Hussain to insist “It has become clear for sometime there has been a resurgence” is not only calculated to mislead but also engineered to inflame the Sinhalese against civilian Tamils in the entire country.

      Hussain pleads innocently “there was nothing in my articles that could explain the intense Tamil hatred shown in the responses” whereas it is only because he suggested earlier that “famine should be used as a weapon to bring Tamils to their knees” that the whole avalanche of attacks came upon him. Naturally, in the nature of the man’s mental make-up, he continued for months to deny this – and still does so – until he was exposed for lying in these very pages. Faced with undeniable evidence the man weakly reverted to the argument he was only quoting others and not making a recommendation himself. What a debater.

      “We were mistaken” admits our modern day Plato – in the first paragraph. Don’t we know? This is not the first time or, I suspect, will it be the last.

      As to Hussain’s oft-repeated claim he is “an intellectual, a public intellectual, a writer of highly educated prose, a political analyst, a member of the literati, culturally thoroughly Westernised and utterly highbrow” I believe reader Know All has adequately dealt with this embarrassing claim. Such claims do not gain validity in self-certification. Tributes of the nature claimed have to come from others. However, if this offers the poor man any solace let me repeat he is a good Writer and is well read. As to his self-proclaimed omniscient talents – that, Sir, is a different cup of tea and in the realms of the divine.


      • 0

        Our Kettie specialises in misquoting me. I don’t think he is doing it deliberately. The truth is that as in the case of other Tamil racists he gets into a state of hysterical hatred as soon as he starts reading me. The result is that he can’t understand what he reads. I have no time for him. I have to find time to compare six different versions of the Goldberg.
        What’s your name Kettie? You wont declare it because you will then reveal that you are a third rate failure who envies his betters. The fact that your betters include me – a Muslim – drives you to mad dog rage. Isn’t that it , Kettie? -IH

        • 0

          Dear Mr. Hussain

          At least once in a while gather up the decency to admit you are
          caught in the back foot. I have quoted where you are wrong and
          misleading. Now it is for you to reply specifically now that you are “an envied elder” and I “a 3rd rate failure” This should necessarily precede your effort to act as the Director of Census and Statistics – where, when you have no valid reply, you pour vitriol against other commentators seeking their name and address.

          Reading you, it is clear the Muslim leadership is now tired of your loose-cannon writing and attempts to restrain you in your potentially damaging crusade against other communities as well to prevent you committing from further harm to the community.



          • 0

            Kettie – I haven’t replied to the specific points made by you for two reasons. Firstly I can hardly believe that any one takes your nonsense seriously. Secondly I haven’t had the time. After finishing with the six versions of the Goldberg, I and my friend want to get on to the Diabelli.
            But you will be happy to hear that I have changed my mind. I have decided to reply to your specific points – may be only occasionally because the Goldberg and the Diabelli beckon.The reason for my change of mind is that I have come to realise that you are in a class apart.You share with your fellow Fringistas a hysterical hatred and mad dog wrath against me. But in addition you are a cold-blooded propagandist who engages in blatant lying and distortions of the truth. The reason for that, I am convinced , is this: You are the agent of a foreign power – IH

            • 0

              “You are the agent of a foreign power” So charges this superior
              being amongst us doubtless after his usual high-quality public intellectual analysis. May I, in all humility, ask him which, Sir.
              CIA/FBI, MI5, RAW, Mossad, KGB, the Maldivian Sharia Secret Service or other. Your usually wise answer will enable me to make some financial claims from them. After all, nobody does
              anything these days for summa, no?


          • 2


            “Now it is for you to reply specifically now that you are “an envied elder”

            Why can’t the old codgers age gracefully.

            They are dying for attention.

            “There are so many attention whores out there, prostituting for people’s acknowledgment”

            ― Jason Myers, The Mission

      • 0

        This Kettie is one of the stinkiest of the Fringistas. He begins his response by using the term “purges” about my article. The Island and the CT have published it, and I see that Michael Roberts has reproduced it in his blog. Do you suppose that they think my article has the quality of excreta? Can anyone take this loony racist seriously?
        I referred to the racist stereotype according to which the Muslims are excellent “drug traffickers”. But he attributes that view to me instead of to the stereotype and explodes against me in a lengthy paragraph. That’s typical of this loony fellow.
        Is it Mossad? Await my next article. – IH

        • 0

          Is our self-claimed outstanding intellectual having difficulty
          recognising a metaphor. The word purge is not always associated
          with matters faecal is known even to a GCE (OL) student of English.


    • 1

      Now that our in-house wizard Izeth H claims he is a public intellectual I was wondering if he has, in his great wisdom, privatised intellectuality. Is there such a thing as private intellectual, Great Master?

      Yours sincerely

      • 0

        Our Backie is back again. He hasn’t heard that there is such a thing as a “public intellectual”. It is now a well-known term. Stop making an ass of yourself Backie. – IH

    • 0

      I am reminded by a friend the quote is credited to John Bradford (16th Century) “There but for the grace of Go I (in this case Hussain)
      How elated will be the good man – whom, let us hope, makes it to his 90th year – and indeed more.


  • 2

    Yes @dr mym siddeek you are exposing the fascist nature of jaffna pro-eelamists, for them Islam is outdated but prayer call from towers okay. Shedding croc tears for Rohingyas but happy to see their heads smashed by Burmese military. India should interfere to separate this island otherwise India is ‘poverty stricken bully’. Islam be bashed because of Islamic state but tacitly supporting extremism by exhorting pacifist muslims to join them and get droned. ‘To rid poisonous jelly fish empty the ocean’, is their suggestion!

    • 0


      “India should interfere (sic) to separate this island” Like many I do not agree. Neither does India want to intervene and take on another recurring headache. However difficult we must solve our self-imposed problem ourselves. I think both the Sinhalese and Tamils are capable of doing this themselves in the new emerging dispensation where the once obstinate radical Buddhist priesthood is falling in line with justice and reason – slowly but surely.


      • 2


        “I think both the Sinhalese and Tamils are capable of doing this themselves”

        Come on, you were not born yesterday.

        Both stupid people are capable of self destruction only. You have seen them “creatively” self destruct in the past. Many believe this is to do with their shared genetic with South Indians.

  • 2

    West is playing a wonderful game today with Muslims…

    Even self claimed guardian of Islam Saudi Arabia is now in action…..he he he Saudi jets bombing Yemani muslims….

    Jordan is killing Syrian muslims ..

    Muslim Asad killing his won muslim population in Syria …

    Libiyans are killing themselves….

    Iraqis are killing themselves….

    ISIS is killing and raping their own muslims….

    Just 75 years ago all these Islamic states in West Asia was under the rule of infidel european rule ..

    if these fanatics jump too much west will take over the entire west asia…

    These oil exporting Arab states are today in the mercy of infidel west……and live in fear knowing fully well aware neither Islam or riding horse with green flag and sword will not save them ..


  • 2

    Muslims survive if there is war. Now the war is over there is no good business. This man is fasting so that the Sinhalease and Tamils will fight so the Muslims can benefit. They always do that. It is time the Sinhalease and Tamils realize the true nature of this outfit and leave them alone. But they produce . What can you do for that. An explosion isn’t it.

    • 0

      @lanka liar, why truth is bitter? A faction of tamil extremists and a fringe fanatic saffron group with some deserted joined hands to provoke/ instigate muslims but it boomeranged and a history created tamil muslim main streams joined together to win 6.2 mn except Kattankudi, this is the truth!

      • 0

        Then why this author has embarked on revisiting the divisions between the Tamils and the Muslims over and over again. Do you know why? That is his business. Attack the Tamils then some Sinhalese will give alms to this beggar.But unfortunately the Sinhalese has begun to sort these type out and they know who belong to Sri Lanka and who loves their mother land. So the tricks are not working. This fellow try to milk the old cow. Muslims should serve Sri Lanka – not do business in or with Sri Lanka. Cant put it simpler.
        Now you know the truth – if it hurts then you know it or try hard you will understand it. Good luck

  • 0

    I regret I have made two typo errors in my comments, viz:-

    – Please read as “Federal Party” instead of TULF

    – “has turned” instead of changed


  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Another mistake! Type error or typo. Typo error is error repeated twice, no harm can auto correct, not a blunder, usu. space problem mispunctuation.

  • 0

    @kettikkaran, I didn’t mean you but there is one in this thread hails East Pakistan India liberated cause muslims and his schadenfreude for muslims getting killed in fratricidial war etc but often hailing humanity justice for innocent killing etc Is innocence race/religion related?

  • 0

    I have read some of these comments, and frankly some are very rude. Izeth hope you ignore the naysayers. My only feedback, having thought about it more, is that if I were in your position, I would not focus on the ‘lunatic fringe’ of any society. Disproportionate resources to that sector just results in a discourse with the nutters. The main problem in Sri Lanka is mainstream Sinhala ethno nationalism, in key establishments (the police, army, judiciary and government). The nationalist ideas include those that say that Tamils and Muslims do not have cultural and historical rights as indigenous peoples on this island and that the current pro buddhist constitution (the basis used by extremists for destroying Mosques and Temples, with no judicial intervention) are all attributes of that main stream Sinhala ethno nationalism. I think that is where the focus of liberal resources like your self should be best used. Good luck.

    • 0

      If Alex is to believe the “the nationalist ideas include those that say that Tamils … do not have cultural and historical rights as indigenous peoples on this island” I am afraid he does not even know the fundamentals of this country’s issues to enter into this debate.


    • 0

      Thanks Alex. I am fighting the good fight and am having a dam good time in the process. I give importance to lunatic fringe extremists because in Sri Lanka there is no dichotomy between extremism and the mainstream. The two are commutative terms because the one slides into the other in Sri Lanka. Example – MR was a mainstream racist but he suddenly sided with the BBS extremists.
      The Tamil ethnic problem has up to now been intractable because the extremists on both sides have been at the centre too often. Therefore an essential for the way out should be this: the moderates on both sides should struggle against and marginalise the extremists That is the precondition for a solution. – Izeth

  • 1

    Hi Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

    You said “…. after 1971, students were admitted to Medical and engineering faculties on ethnic basis.”….

    In the history of university admission policies of Sri Lanka, the UGC never admitted students to any University faculty on ethnic basis.

    They were admitted on the basis of:
    Either 100% island-wide merit basis or
    with a combination of island-wide merit and district-wide merit basis(even under the underprivileged district quota system the allocated students to each underprivileged district on the basis of their population strength were selected on merit basis within each underprivileged district), except for a very short period where language based and subject based admission policies were implemented.

    Hi OTC,
    Thank you very much for making the university admissions policy of the UGC more clear with evidence.

    • 1

      Dear Syddeek,
      You are wrong. Only up 1970, admission was on merit only. From 1971 admission to medical and engineering faculties were done on media wise standardisation. Thus between the period of 1971 to 1977, admission took place on media wise. Please do not distort the truth. If you had not been a student during this period, you will not know it.
      Several Tamil students with high marks were shut out in order to get a large number of Sinhala students admitted.You could verify this from the affected Tamil students.
      From 1978 only the so called merit and district wise standardisation came into effect, and again the affected people were Tamil students. It is to be noted that Muslims benefitted by both schemes.
      During my time in a batch of 250 medical students, where admission was solely on merit, Muslims were less than 10. This number increased with media wise and district wise criteria for admission.
      As I had pointed out, there is no need for all these if all the citizens are considered as Srilankans and not on racial or religious basis and given their due position purely on merit.

      • 0

        Dear Dr. MYM Siddeek and Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,

        I did not see your post till now.

        In 1993 Jaffna Tamils requested the UGC for the status of a Disadvantaged District and it was turned down.

        In 1996/97 the request was successful and Jaffna became a DISADVANTAGED district. Thus Tamil Students from Jaffna entered the University system in that year with LOWER MARKS than the Sinhalese.

        Nineteen years later Jaffna is STILL a DISADVANTAGED DISTRICT. Hence for the PAST 19 Years Tamil Students from Jaffna has entered University with LOWER MARKS than his Sinhalese counterpart in advantaged districts like Colombo, Galle etc.

        Tamil Students from Jaffna will continue to enter University with LOWER MARKS than a Sinhalese until the disadvantaged status is removed sometime in the future.

        Where is the Sinhalese protest?

        Just compare it to the Racist utterances of Dr Gnana Sankaralingam who is doing so even when confronted with evidence to the contrary.

        The protesting Tamil Politicians are nowhere to be seen?
        They have changed their tune now that they have the advantage.

        Once again you have correctly said “In the history of university admission policies of Sri Lanka, the UGC never admitted students to any University faculty on ethnic basis”

        K M de Silva who is an outspoken critic of standardisation, a member of the University Grants Commission (UGC), and its Vice-Chairman has this to say.


        The latest refinement of this came in 1996-97 when the Tamils from the Jaffna peninsula, hitherto the most vocal critics of the system joined in asking for the status of a disadvantaged district for Jaffna itself.

        This claim was first made before the UGC review committee of 1993: on that occasion it was rejected by the committee. With the change of government they succeeded in securing this advantage. It remains to be seen whether this reversal of the position taken by Jaffna politicians from being the most vigorous advocates of a merit system to the somewhat low-key claimants for the benefits of district quotas will be purely temporary or become permanent.

        More important, it illustrates the significance of the change that has occurred in the university admissions policy. It had ceased to be affirmative action on an ethnic basis in support of the Sinhalese majority and even politicians from the Jaffna district were comfortable with it as a form of regional, i.e., district, preferences.

        Kind Regards,

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