22 January, 2025


Something Is Rotting In Tamil Politics: What Is Wigneswaran’s Game Plan?

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

An editorial in the Tamil newspaper Valampuri of 6 June said in translation: “We observe recent speeches of the CM are unusual . . . he has a habit of severely criticising President Maithiripala Sirisena . . . the CM has already spoilt his relationship with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe . . . why does the Chief Minister, who never blamed former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in this way, blame President Maithiripala Sirisena? Is this stand for the purpose of supporting Vasudeva Nanayakkara, who wants to bring back Mahinda Rajapaksa?” The CM in question is CV Wigneswaran (CV for short), Chief Minister of the Northern Province elected by a hefty majority, and co-father-in-law with Nanayakara – their two children are married but this is of no political significance. I do however agree that both want to undermine the Sirisena-Ranil (S&R) administration and incite racial animosity; with Nanayakkara it is deliberate design, in CV’s case it supplements complex ambitions discussed below.

Why do I doubt CV’s motives? His actions are irrational (what good will it do Tamils to bring back Rajapaksa?) and there are goings-on in the TNA that add credence to negative interpretations. Here is a paragraph from a recent e-mail typical of what many are saying: “I have been concerned by CV’s behaviour of late. I gather he is interested in succeeding Sampanthan as TNA leader on the latter’s retirement. Sampanthan wants to hand over to the younger and more dynamic Sumanthiran, but CV and diehard sections in Jaffna are bad-mouthing Sumanthiran as Colombo-based-and-born, and a Christian to boot! This is the primordial and tribal gibberish that mars our national and regional outlook”. Add to this personal jealousy of Sumanthiran – he is a very good lawyer, speaks Sinhalese and is growing internationally alongside Sampanthan. Tiger-rump websites are also publishing material to the effect that TNA MPs (but not CV and his supporters are massively on the UNP payroll). CV too has nurtured a good reputation in the past, so it is disturbing that when good men fall: “Oh, what a fall was there my countrymen! Then I, and you, and all of us fell down”.

If there is a split in the TNA

Let us for arguments sake consider a split in the TNA; a mirror image of an SLFP Mahinda clique break away into a separate cabal. Yes I grant that a TNA split is less likely than the MR clique divorcing the SLFP to go it alone in the elections (though even that is unlikely since bargaining for more seats within the SLFP list is a better option). If there is a split, the formal SLFP led by Sirisena will do better than the breakaways as the latter includes most of the previous regime’s vermin. Still there is reason to believe that Mahinda insiders are focussing on a comeback strategy aimed at one to one interviews with MR to clear his name of abuse and corruption, using Gota to propagate alarm that there is a Tamil-TNA-Diaspora security threat and trying to rope in the JVP.

Maithri WigneswaranHowever, if on the Tamil side, a TNA split materialises between CV led nationalists (in concert with Suresh, Ananthi, Kirubaharan and Gajan) and a Sampanthar-Sumenthiran wing pursuing solutions within a unified Lanka, the outcome may be bad. The alienation of Tamils by the Sinhala State for four decades and flagrant rights violations in the last stages of the recent war has ploughed fertile ground for “primordial and tribal” politics. Tribal excrescences on the Tamil side (mirroring the MR clique) will be more influential than the Sinhalese version will be in the South. If a person of CV’s calibre provides leadership the malignancy will be magnified.

What if the primordial-nationalists subdue the liberal-democrats in the TNA, or if in a split they win a larger portion of the alliance’s base? (The TNA is now an alliance of just three parties – ITAK the old Federal Party, EPRLF and TELO). Nationalist putrescence in one community will spur it in the other; rank communalism in one community will embolden it in the other. These are sensitive times; the defeat of the Rajapaksa proto-dictatorship has not “solved” the national question though it has changed government attitudes to Tamils and promoted a few practical concessions. These gains will be reversed since concessions are tactically disadvantageous for the ultras; if circumstances improve for Tamils, tribalism and its CV-led champions become superfluous.

Responding to these challenges the TNA and GTF (Global Tamil Forum) – a diaspora entity committed to Tamil rights but prepared to do it within a united Lanka if this is possible – held talks in London in early June; Mangala Samaraweera (ManSam) reportedly made an input. The discourse was about “confidence building between communities”; an outlook rejected by the ultras on both sides. TNA-GTF while signalling a constructive approach made it clear that the needs of displaced people, housing for two thousand families in returned military occupied lands and release of political prisoners were essential to ease Tamil alienation.

The ball then is in the Sirisena-Ranil court (ManSam is on-side already) but in the slapstick of Sri Lankan political horseplay the government is alarmed by the Mahinda clique’s proclivity for chauvinist rata demalungta vikka (sold out to the Tamils) burlesque. Tamil-hater Nimal Siripala de Silva’s outburst against ManSam is proof enough of such obscenities. ManSam’s reply in parliament was a masterly example of an open democratic approach to inter-community reconciliation. On the other hand Mahinda Rajapaksa’s open pre-election incitement to racism in Matara last week makes reunion between Sirisena and Rajapaksa impossible.

CV, having tasted and assessed TNA politics and politicians, feels he can do better by giving leadership to Provincial Councillors and the people to whom he has become a new messiah. He is the also the rising star of the diaspora hard-core. He wishes to succeed Sampanthan as leader, but while pleasing the Jaffna man he has nothing to offer the Eastern man – Tamil or other community. Could he mobilise the North, and lead it like the Scottish National Party, CONFRONTING the State for redress, as opposed to Sampanthan-Sumanthiran’s method of DEALING with the State for similar redress? This is unanswerable right now. If the Sinhalese continue to refuse meaningful concessions to the Tamils, confrontation of course is the better course. Hence, as before, the future of the national question sits squarely in Sinhalese hands. If they take Lanka down the road of war and terrorism, as they did in previous decades, the next game will be their political and moral responsibility. (This is not to be confused with my quarter century of opposition to the LTTE and Prabaharan; what is at issue here is not sharing blame for past violence and violations but perilous current political trends).

Why is Sirisena delaying parliamentary elections?

The prosaic reason for President Sirisena to delay parliamentary elections is that the UNP is on the upswing. Deferment and disappointment with the government will damage Ranil and benefit the SLFP. This is partly true, but second, the SLFP is under the delusion that it will do better under FPP than the present PR system. This is false, the SLFP will be wiped out under FPP because in one-to-one contests crooked candidates will be sent packing; under PR its block vote will earn it 50 to 70 seats. Let us not forget what FPP did to losers in 1965, 1970 and 1977. The Cabinet’s 20A proposal is said to provide for: 145 FPP seats, 75 District-PR elected members and 17 National List appointees. The SLFP is throwing a spanner in the works to block the Cabinet proposal. The objective is to delay the elections for as long as possible and give the Rajapaksa clique time to stir up as much trouble as possible. If agreement cannot be reached between the Cabinet and the SLFP on 20A there it is suicidal for President Sirisena to delay dissolution.

Is Sirisena a part of an SLFP conspiracy to remove Ranil via a No Confidence Motion and replace him with an SLFP nominee? I am certain he is not that mad. He will be committing hara kiri if he creates a scenario where, before or after the elections he is obliged to take on an SLFP nincompoop and potential Rajapaksa plant as Prime Minister. If the Sirisena-Ranil team fractures it will be the death of an un-handcuffed Sirisena. (For a roundup of where the hatchet is swinging these days see Verite Research ‘Media Analysis’ 25 May-7June).

A key point is what votes will be reckoned in allocating District-PR seats? Will votes polled by winning FPP candidates be included or excluded in the summation? If winner’s votes are included, surely this amounts to double counting. A party could score an FPP landslide in a district and also collect most of the District-PR seats, thus marginalising a solid runner-up party and nullifying the objective of PR. Hence only votes of non-winning FPP candidates in the district’s electorates should be taken into account in calculating the PR seats to be allocated to each party in the district.

[Example: Assume that winning candidate’s votes are counted in District-PR seat allocation. Consider a district with 10 FPP seats and 6 District-PR seats – I am keeping the125:75 ratio. Say Party-A wins all 10 seats in the district polling 100 votes in each electorate and Party-B is runner up polling 50 votes in each electorate; neglect other parties. Then Party-A will garner all 10 FPP seats as well as 6x(1000/1500) = 4 District-PR seats, a total of 14. Party-B, despite polling 33.3% of the total vote, will obtain only 2 of the 16 seats in the district].

Latest comments

  • 7

    Prof. Kumar David

    RE:Something Is Rotting In Tamil Politics: What Is Wigneswaran’s Game Plan?

    Something was always Rotting In Tamil Politics. This is nothing new.

    Thre are too many Mootals among the Tamils, just like too many Modayas among the Sinhala, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

    • 27

      Prof. Kumar David joins Dayan Jayatilake as another whimsical political commentator cum analyst.

      They are no better than the astrologers used by Mahinda Rajapakse. If these pundits can predict the future that will be really great.

      What are the track records of these guys in their predictions? Does anybody remember?

      • 4

        The man knows that Jaffna and the Tamil areas were made safe by constant security presence. Now the lives of innocent people is at dire risk with thye relaxed way this government is trying to curry favour with Terrorists.

        • 2

          Chetty! Your wealth of unscrupulous arrogance to pretend some one else seems to blinds your eyes from the past, because it is suggested by your name that is saying even though you are a chetty, that is only in a beggar place Casie temple. Hey Comedy Chetty, do you know in Tamil Casie means Sanyasi’s place? (Not the yellow robed thugs land, like in Aandu Pashave.)

          Hey Casie Sanjasi, tell me something, when did the Sinhala Intellectuals understand the politics other doing jilmarts? In 1956 when the Sinhala Only, appeared, Lankave’s trade of Balance was extreme favorable, by the Indian coolies’s exports. Kanankara traded rubber for free rice and spoiled the market even for Tea. West started to discard the Ceylon Tea.

          When Sinhala Intellectuals were able to help Tamils, man? It is a Comedy Thamai. When DS and others were caught in the prison, brave Ramanathan went through First World War cannon balls exchanges and got them out. Immediately after getting out of prison DS returned the obligation by deporting the Tamils. Kanangara’ free rice created a monster called JVP. ASP Shanmugam and other Colombo Tamils ASP and SPs saved Sirima. She showed her faith by banning all Tamils cultural foods from Lankave and bringing standardization.
          The politically smart goon JR was caught by Rajiv and Indian Army. Tigers sent out the IPKF and cleaned Indian Politics. Then just like old king used the 2009 war to grip Lankave, using the Vijeya Coward (Not Veera) death, Premadasa put his lock on the Southern Lankave. Then Tigers came and gave their hand. It was Tigers who stopped the UNP’s 17 years of terror.
          After 2009, there was no hope was left for Lankave. It was signed and sealed with the 18A, “Lanka for the Chinese”. Again, without any fear, (I still cannot understands why the Tamils took that unnecessary risk) North-East Tamils came out and sent Old King home and saved the Lankave from China.

          In return Sinahala Intellectuals did for Tamils are, deportation, Sinhala Only, Residential Land confiscation, Food ban, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1977, 1983, pogroms, 2009 Genocide for which all Sinhala Intellectual(UNP and SLFP) coward are scared of UN electric chair.

          If you want to understand Sinhala Intellectual politics, Change you name as Hambanttota Chetty or Kasi Sanyasi. Don’t walk around with a name that shows out your confusion ot others.

      • 2

        Track record of these named Journos are DOUBLE ZEROS.


  • 6

    “On the other hand Mahinda Rajapaksa’s open pre-election incitement to racism in Matara last week…” says the writer.

    By all accounts and as confirmed by TV footage, the only thing Mahinda Rajapaksa did openly at Matara last week was to wave to the crowds from sidelines and that too for a minute.

    Surely a novel way of “open pre-election incitement to racism…”

    • 2

      Dr Dayan,

      ”By all accounts and as confirmed by TV footage, the only thing Mahinda Rajapaksa did openly at Matara last week was to wave to the crowds from sidelines and that too for a minute. ”

      Even that was enough to show the flag and scare many.

      Mahinda Rajapaksa received almost half of the votes and most of the votes of the Sinhalese Buddhist majority. The power struggle will continue.

      • 4


        “Mahinda Rajapaksa received almost half of the votes and most of the votes of the Sinhalese Buddhist majority.”

        That was then, when the truth was nor revealed.

        Now even the Modayas, Mootals and Fiools know a little bit more.

        The Average IQ of those who voted for him was 65.

        Now, the Average IQ of those who will vote for him, Fools, Idiots, Morons, Imbeciles, Modayas and Mootals is around 50, and declining fast.

        Remember, not all Sinhala Buddhists are Fools, Idiots, Morons, Imbeciles, Modayas and Mootals.

        Not even the Cattle, Buffaloes and Elephants at Mattala will vote for MaRa.


        • 0

          What money? What corruption?
          All mada, No substance!
          People know the truth that yaha palana wijja hudwinked them

    • 5

      Dr Dayan Jayatilleka

      “By all accounts and as confirmed by TV footage, the only thing Mahinda Rajapaksa did openly at Matara last week was to wave to the crowds from sidelines and that too for a minute. “

      MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa Amana Mara….Api Thamath Kade Yana Baiyyo..

      Did’t you attend the so-called “Intellectuals Rally” at Kandy whose average IQ was 65, close tho the average of the Modayas who voted for MR? Want to know about Maa projects?


      The so-called “Intellectuals” , 200 of them are Shills who were paid by Mahinda Rajapaksa from the funds stolen from the people and from the loans by gutting the country into debt. The Shills and Intellectuals like you are not much different from Wimal Modawansa, 2/2 =0 Fame. The words “Intellectuals” do not fit them. A more appropriate word can be selected from among the words, Modayas, Mootals, Fools, Idiots, Morons, Imbecile, Shills and “MaRa Dogs”.

      Listen in case you are lazy to read –(posted by punchinilame June 20, 2015 at 2:51 pm, in an earlier post)


      (Statement by the United Front Of The Peradeniya University Lectueres And Alumni) when Mahinda Rajapaksa was in Power.

      Friends, time has come to educate one another about the massive corruption that happens in Sri Lanka under the Present (Mahinda Rajapaksa) Regime. The Executive has taken the lead in this process resulting in massive debt, virtually mortgaging our mother land to foreign countries. Each individual and even the unborn in Sri Lanka owes close to Rs 400,000.00 as debt to China and other lending agencies. Country is in the threshold of bankruptcy.

      Today more than 50% parliament members have not even passed the O/L examination. Present regime has no respect for education. Country’s development could be achieved only by educating people. We emphasise that more than 6% of the GDP need to be allocated for education, which the emerging new leadership has promised. Hence we strongly feel that the present regime should be removed for a more thoughtful, compassionate and considerate leadership to take reins to spearhead this beautiful nation to be a DEVELOPED NATION devoid of corruption, family favouritism and protected independent Judiciary. This Government ………

      1. Promised that the presidential system will be repealed, in the “Mahinda Chinthanaya”, instead extended the number of times a president could contest from two times to unlimited.

      2. Robbed around 95 Million LKR from the “Tsunami” fund ( Helping Hambantota ) donated by the Japanese government. This was his first political robbery apart from what he made as the Minister of Fisheries.

      3. Let all the ministers of his cabinet to rob at their will, hence he could blackmail them. He turned a blind eye when his Prime Minister imported Drugs and few members of his cabinet importing illegal ethanol and drugs.

      4. Alienated the country towards China resulting in India developing bitterness with Sri Lanka.

      5. Obtained loans from China at rates higher than Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate) to earn commissions. These commissions in billions were routed to Swiss bank accounts via Seychelles, where MR opened a branch of Bank of Ceylon and also an Embassy in a country where only 92000 thousand people live. Sri Lankan airline flies to Seychelles.

      6. Built a port where no ships come. Air Port where no Airplanes land. He made billions of commissions doing these projects.

      7. Made money building Roads : The cost per km of the Outer Circular Highway from Kadawatha to Kerawalapitiya financed by China is US$ 56 m(Rs.7.3billion) This cost is three times higher than the Kottawa Kaduwela extension of the Southern Highway financed by Japan ,which is Rs.2.4 billion per km.

      8. The cost per km of Extension of the Southern Highway from Mattala to Hambantota will cost Rs.2.14billion, whereas per km cost of the Southern Highway cost only Rs.975m

      9. Bid price of A9 road was Rs.140 m per km when the departmental estimate for an A class road was Rs. 20m.

      10. Construction of the Norochchole Coal Power Project was awarded to a well- established Chinese contractor at US$280.00M in 2005 by the previous regime. Soon after present regime came into power it cancelled the contract and awarded it to another inexperienced Chinese firm at US$520 million-almost double the previous price. Plant is inoperative even after 2years of completion.

      11. On a dispute between Essential Services Commissioner and Asset Maritime (Pvt) Ltd arbitrator-a retired High Court Judge awarded Rs.600,000.00 as compensation to the company. A Committee appointed by the President on the intervention of the First Lady awarded Rs.180 million to this company owned by Dhammika Perera and Nishantha Wickramasinghe- latter being a brother of First Lady.

      12. Due to the ill-conceived Hedging deal of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation headed by Asantha de Mel (a person connected to the political establishment) lost Rs. 230 billion in2007. No one has been held accountable for huge loss of public funds.

      13. Failed to initiate investigations on 29 journalists murdered or disappeared. Lasantha W, Pradeep Eknaligoda

      14. Failed to initiate investigations into the deaths of Members of Parliament 1. Raviraj and one other.

      15. Appointed 38 numbers of the Presidents family and extended family, to diplomatic missions.

      16. Turned a blind eye on losses at Mihin Air to the tune of 6-8 Billion, made by his closest buddy Sajin vas Gunawardane who had been criminally charged previously. He appointed his brother in Law Nishantha Wickramasinghe to Sri Lankan Airlines who has no formal education and made losses to the tune of Rs 70 billion to date.

      17. Influenced the judiciary to President’s benefit. Impeached the 43rd Chief Justice for no reason. Makes judicial appointments to his benefit.

      18. Allows Presidents children to play (Car races) on the streets of Colombo at their will by closing roads. He over ruled Mahanayake Theroes to hold car races for his children in Kandy town.

      19. Failed to nominate Election, Police, Public Service and Judicial services commissions.

      20. Udayanga Weeratunga – Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia. Cousin of President Rajapakse. Accused of involving in a shady deal to purchase MIG Fighters for the Sri Lankan Air force.

      21. Paid 700.00Million rupees to Prabhakaran to purchase weapons to kill innocent Sinhalese using Karuna Amman who is now a deputy Minister and a Vice President of the SLFP. He uses Kumar Pathmanathan alias LTTE arms dealer to his personal benefit.

      22. How Karuna was sent to London “ On August 30, 2007 the Department of Immigration and Emigration issued a diplomatic passport number D1944260 in the name of “Kokila Dushmantha Gunawardena” whose occupation on the passport was given as Director General of Wildlife Conservation. The photograph on the passport was that of Karuna Amman. The Department of Immigration, it is pertinent to note, comes under the Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law and Order of which Gotabaya Rajapakse is Secretary and President Rajapakse the Minister”.

      23. Failed to conduct an impartial inquiry into killing of around 43 prisoners at the Welikada Prison.

      24. Did nothing to improve the economy and failed to introduce workers charter. Economy in shambles.

      25. Arranged for his son to sit for the Law exams in an isolated air-conditioned room, away from the other candidates.

      26. Killed protesters in Rathupaswala (8), Free Trade Zone (1) and Chilaw (4). He used maximum force on all protestors.” Lets be happy that a rising Dictator was “killed” on 08-01-2015

    • 2

      Dayan J:
      And here we were wondering what had happened to the PhD-carrying stooge of the most violent and corrupt government in Sri Lanka’s history! Let’s say that the hopes of those of decency were that we would not have to put up with your b.s. even in response to something as cogently written as Kumar David’s piece.
      Our new found democracy DOES have its drawbacks in that it allows even the supporters of Fascism freedom of expression!

    • 0

      Dyan has been staying away for sometime because the resentment shown to him by his gang for his messed up articles in CT creating the uproar against the Old Royal Gang. It looked like if the Old King inched a step using his Wirathu Thero and BBS politics, Dayan pushing back two steps behind with his leftist Ranil bashing. This is why Old King removed him from UN. He thinks lot with his puny brain, but at the end spoil everything. Only the Old King understand him very well and keep him at the proper length.

      If Dayan read it again, it should be easy to get the Sinhala Intellectual professor has not put forward any debate that the Old King has achieved any thing at the meeting. But it is also true, he did not just started his election campaign in Matara. He had started his campaign at Nugagoda when Dayan was paid and read the statement there. That is part Dayan remember well for the money he received, but not the Sinhala Intellectual Professor.

      He is still scared of Secretary Kerry’s US army. He set up the coup in temple tree in 9th Morning with Ranil and Old King, then he escaped by the Helicopter Ranil provided to him. (These all are drama to fool the Americans who have no clue about what is Sinhala Intellectualism is)But soon he will get out of fear. Lanka will conduct the election only after Secretary Kerry go home from White House. That is how they will make the Old King to come to power back again.

    • 2

      Viggy lokka is asking another game to send another bunch of youth to peelam grave.

  • 20

    Our learned Sinhala intellectual professor is cooking his soul to isolate CV. One time, Tamils thought it is Vasu like leftist will be star of them to propose a solution at the Sinhala Intellectuals’ King Court, The Parliament. N.M.Pereara, by banning the restaurants serving rice on Friday when the Hindus obverse their fasting, completely wiped it out. He imported, at the same time, from china a special and extremely expensive rice only for Sirima.

    Vasu wants the Old King back to power. Vasu is a Machchan for CV by marriage relationship. So the professor is cooking up his soup with mathematical formulas that as CV wants Old King back. CV said to Hindu that TN politicians should leave to his people to solve the husband and wife problem. The diaspora tiger rump Tamil media had torn it off at that time. I do not know what Valamupuri did at that time. Because Vasu is perfect Hindu CV is aligning with Vasu, and Sumanthiran is Christian CV is jealous of Sumanthiran. This is the lobster our Sinhala Intellectual Professor has put in his soup. He is hoping to catch the Northern Tamils, the Shark, with his lobster and dividing them from Tiger rumps, diaspora. I do not know if soup taste will knock out the Tamils. He contenders because he and Vasu are Christian, leftist, Sinhala Intellectuals he is not jealous of Vasu. Further, though, Thiruchelvam received same treatment from Tamils at the time SJV, it is irrelevant for our Sinhala Intellectual professor as they both were Christians Tamils. But now as CV is a Hindu, the divide and rule masters, the Sinhala Intellectuals are come out enlightened that there is a problem within Tamils Hindu Politicians and Tamil Christian politicians.

    Sumanthiran, in Toronto, said that “the Tamils did ethnic cleaning by extraditing Muslims from North, that has to be investigated by UN, but there is nowhere in the international level it is said that Old Royal had done genocide so that needs not to be investigated and if the Toronto diaspora is not ready accept it he would leave the stage”. (I don’t care if Sumanthiran or learned Professor is ready to accept it not, but my question for them both is why we should not we have the International Committee to investigate the Muslims ethnic cleaning by Tamils and Old Royals Tamil Genocide on the same Table? At least Sumanthiran is not ready for that.

    Professor contends that CV’s and /or Ananthi’s majority is unbeatable in the North and it is an open question if Sumanthiran can win a seat in the North, so the Sinhala Intellectual professor gave his verdict that CV is jealous of Sumanthiran. That is a real Sinhala Intellectual Comedy Thamai! So he left blame of supporting the CV to the tiger Rumps, the diaspora.

    From the time of his high school days and his life of reeling behind the intelligent politician Amirthalingam, Mavai had earned an un-stained name on working for the Tamils’s freedom. Practically, he even gave up his post of CM of NPC to CV. That much is his dedication to Tamils cause. But for the first time (at least known for my puny knowledge) in his life as a Tamils politician, he tainted his hand by challenging CV saying none of his party members had accepted money from Ranil Mahata that should have been directly distributed to NPC. Then he came out and confessed that he asked Ranil Mahata to give them the Money that “Rishad the terror” has blocked NPC from getting it. Why this flip flop for an extremely good politician? Still many Tamils may jump on me to say that Mavai had flip flopped, but “ Mavai too has nurtured a good reputation in the past, so it is disturbing that when good men fall: “Oh, what a fall was there my countrymen! Then I, and you, and all of us fell down”.

    If army rapes them, they just take the pain. There is no place in the world they can go for to get justice on that. But even if the Punkudu Thivu rowdies rape them they have to take it and keep quite? No. they are not ready for that. That is why the North rebelled against that. TNA palimentarian are not answerable for anybody. It is well understood my Tamils that in the South Sinhala Intellectuals’ parliament, no TNA’s Sama, Petha, Thana, Thanda methods can make the South to move even a one in thousand millimeters to move towards a political solution. So it is ok to just talk and stop there for TNA M.Ps. That is not the situation of NPC. NPC is seen as Tamils government by them. If the NPC too talk and stop, Tamils are not buying it. CV is held by Tamils to answer for their problems, not Sumanthiran. CV has to do something for them to see in the public and let them conclude where the Sinhala Intellectuals 13A is standing the NPC’s ability to manage north. Pillaiyan who was Eastern CM one time said that his CM post was not good enough to even to appoint a peon in his office. Sumanthiran is not targetting East. So our Sinhala Intellectual professor has not written as Pilliaan was too jealous of Sumanthiran.

    Mavai, who is the one punished Ananthi in ITAK for opposing TNA’s decision to support New Royals in the election,. Mavai may have been, at least without publicly, accepted the false statement TNA released during the January elections that it had an agreement with the new Royals. But the every member of the new Royals, (Chandrika, New King, Ranil Mahata, Mangala, Rajitha….) all immediately denied the accuracy of the statement saying that they had made no agreement with any major Tamil parties. In that circumstance, TNA did not come forward and confirm their report or withdraw their support for New Royals. I do not know if Valampuri reported this and our Sinhala Intellectual professor read it. Now mavai has said that is was the Tamils who did not benefit anything from the New Royal Government and its “Yala-Vipaththu Animal Palayana”

    • 3

      FYI, Prof Kumar David is a Tamil. I agree with what the Prof says about CV because CV started off as a leader with common sense but is now acting irrationally fighting with the TNA MPs and the present government leaders.

      • 0

        Poor soul (Sole)! Poo!

        Anyway, it is ok if you cannot get why Tamils wanted CV, not Mavai, but even the Sinhala Intellectual Professor could not get it. That is what leaving with a disappointing feeling.

        This is for what we supported CV. The best nurtured man with has been tuned into rebellion by Sinhala Intellectual Royal governments when he accepted the 13A’s NPC. We wanted to prove this. That is why we did not wanted TNA’s members like Mavai becoming CM of NPC. TNA is already labelled by Sinhala Intellectual like Prof. Kumar David as LTTE rumps. Now the international community can see what would have happened if a real politician had become the CM. He/She might have declared Tamil Eelam! You know what UPFA’s Pillaiyan said when the Old King had made him to get permission from the Royal even to go to bathroom, in the EPC.

        Why do you think Tamils did not care even if the Old King comes back to power, but they were not ready to support the New King? “If have a piece of meat and want to have it cooked, cook it. If you want have it dried, put in the sun until it dries. If you bring it back into the house in the middle, you lost it. Even if you put it under the sun, next day, it is not worth the effort because you had already spoiled the meat”.

        The object of appointing CV as the candidate is not spoiled yet. But Mavai has already said the Tamils have not benefited anything from the New Royal government. Basically, FP(ITAK) is regretting its mistake of releasing a false election statement saying they had strike a deal with the New Royals”

  • 10

    Mr. Wigneswaran , CM Northern province, seems to have an ego that he
    has to be treated as a senior TNA Leader, over the other leaders in the North and be consulted on every matter that affects the Tamils of N/E and also that PM & President should listen to him. His attitude is no better than his brother in Law,Parliamentarian Mr. V.Nanayakkara.

    He seems to be a fighting cock bird.He first clashed with the governor
    N.P , the Chief secretary NPC, Northern armed services commanders and with former President and government in General and in 2015, started
    with PM Ranil and now with the TNA MPs and finally with the current
    President as of now, tho’ most matters came under the purview of TNA
    Boss. Tamils, with his legal brain, expected him to be a good mediator but his actions are right opposite. He has not either impressed any foreign leaders, not even Mr. Modi or Mr.John Kerry of USA and in fact Mr. Modi had sarcastically asked for his age while he was relating the Tamil problems to him in Jaffna.(his own words) He should realise that he is a late comer to the party, TNA and he was installed by Mr. Sambanthan against the wishes of Mavai Senathirajah as CM,NPC and he should wait for his chance to be recognized by the party . Its time Mr. Sambanthan removes him from the position of CM, NPC as people of Northern province will now suffer in a different form due to non cooperation by the PM and the President and in view of this problem,he should be nominated to contest a seat in the general election and he could part his knowledge in all types law to the party. He may be right in what he says but his approach is far too provocative and wrong things cannot be made right with this kind of approach.
    This is not the time to antagonize this govt.,which is trying to be fair with the minorities against stiff opposition from communal forces.
    To be frank, Tamils have lost everything they had and they have to start from the scratch. This is probably the views of Mr. Sambanthan and TNA too and that may be the reason, TNA is giving unconditional support to the Govt, at the present time,expecting Tamil problems will be settled amicably in a friendly manner after the elections and he should see to it that no other party creeps into N/E capitalizing on internal division in TNA and no TNA member, even CM, NPC is allowed to voice his or her opinion on the govt. officially, until such time, the election is over.

  • 10

    I don’ t know what CVs game plan is. Creating a rift with the Sirisena/Ranil administration is unwise and unhelpful to solve the ethnic problem. If Rajapaksa benefits citing CVs hardline nationalist intentions all the gains the Tamils got from the Sirisena administration will be reversed if Rajapaksa or one of his cronies becomes Prome Minister after the election. Sampanthan must be regretting putting forward Vigneswaran’s name as the Chief Minister. Is this going to be another case of Tamils destroying themselves by their own stupidoty?

  • 31

    Kumar David has an inflated view of himself and presents himself as a leftist when he is yet another Tamil Christian presenting a vicious anti Buddhist, anti Hindu and anti Muslim agenda. Look at his previous articles – the one including on China’s alleged rise to get a sense of what he actually attempts to do.

    Lets now deconstruct his latest essay. The GTF led by S.J. Emmanuel and the TNA MP Sumanthiran are keen to engage with Ranil because the Americans want Ranil to continue. The Tigers, other Tamil diehards like Ananthi, Suresh Premachandran, Gajan Ponnambalam and the TGTE have lost their value as Mahinda Rajapakse has been driven out. This is Kumar singing the virtues of the Tamil Christian alliance in the making to support Ranil, like Chelvanayagam supported Dudley Senanayake between 1965 and 1970.

    Do not get me wrong. Ranil and Sirisena remain the preferred coalition in Colombo for ethnic inclusion in national politics. Both are far preferable to Mahinda Rajapakse.

    But neither the GTF nor Sumanthiran (or for that matter any Colombo 7 resident like Arjuna Mahendran) are central to post Mullivaikal Tamil politics or economics. We need someone in Batticaloa, Trincomalee or Jaffna to take leadership. It may not be the pole vaulter CV Wigneswaran who disappoints – but there have to be others in the 3 million Tamil population in Sri Lanka.

    • 14

      The truth is that “Prof” Kumar whatever is anti everything but Christianity. [Edited out]

  • 4

    It is highly unlikely that the TNA will split because all the leaders ( most of whom are mature enough) will realise that a split will be disastrous for Tamils who would least welcome same.

    Sengodan. M

  • 7

    Yes, Sirisena delaying the dissolution will be suicidal!

    Sengodan. M

  • 12

    While the Mahinda Rajapaksa gang is inciting the Sinhalese masses in the south by arousing Sinhala Nationalism/racism, the Wigneswaran gang is taking advantage of the support they have in the North by arousing Tamil Nationalism/racism.

    This can be a game plan played by the two In-laws Vasudeva Nanayakkara – Wigneswaran in supporting the campaign to bring back Mahinda Rajapaksa. They may even have some sort of a secret agreement, the behaviour of Wigneswaran towards the new regime is very aggressive, Wigneswaran did not behave in this manner during the previous regime.

    By creating a rift within the party (TNA) and by criticising President Maithiripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, it is more than clear that Wigneswaran is indirectly supporting the Mahinda Rajapaksa gang.

    The TNA leadership should investigate this matter and expose the culprit. Do not let traitors like Wigneswaran to hijack the party. Such people have no empathy what so ever towards the people of the North.

  • 6

    Frankly, if I were a tamil, I would not have anything to do with Mara or anyone even slightly associated with Mara.

    Mara is a disease that has plagued Sri Lanka for the past decade, lets say enough is enough and relegate this animal from the civil society and if possible send him to jail with hard labour for steering our country into the depths of corruption and lawlessness.

    Lets say good riddance to bad rubbish and close that nightmare of a chapter. Wake up people wake up. Lets reason. Enough of sentiment and emotion in our polity.

  • 24

    Prof. Kumar David,

    A very timely article.

    We Tamils in the north are like a basket full of live freshly caught lagoon crabs. These cravs will pull down any clever crabs that tries climb out out of the basket and escape! We, like these crabs will collectively pave our way into the pot with boiling water, rather than follow the clever crab and escape, to live!

    I have raised concerns about C.V. Wigneswaran in several comments in recent times. I had expected much from him! He has also turned out to be an illusion, lacking substance, wisdom and practical ability. It is time that we Tamils stop elevating men with a legal background to high political office. They are litigious and big talkers. They can lie , exaggerate, twist, turn and sound convincing. They can talk and sound profound, They become rabble rousers without a conscience and regard to the truth. They lack the skills to respond to the real needs of the people and the capability/ organisational skills to do something tangible about it. Lawyer or judge, they have the same flair for cheap street drama. Even a lifelong career starting from a magistrate to a Supreme Court judge, rarely makes them judicious men with practical abilities,

    I am sad to see CVW has exchanged the judicial garb of cloak and wigs for the new one of verti, the shirt that goes with the verti, salvai, thiruneeru and pottu- no different from what the likes of SWRD did. Is this the image we want to see is an aspiring Tamil political leader, who has to rebuild a broken society standing on its knees? This garb befits a sanyasi and not a man who has been elected to do a job that is of a material nature, According to Thiruvalluvar, there is no need to shave one’s head and grow a beard, if we avoid doing what the world views with disdain. His words are injudicious, sans evidence and meant to provoke. He is playing to the gallery. His appearance and words do not match. We have of course not seen any meaningful accomplished deeds yet! It is a shame.

    I am sorry to have used a very harsh mix of words. But your very perceptive article has provoked me to express what was building within me. I hope CVW will read my words and understand what many are thinking of him.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 12

      I had my indignation of the views expressed by Prof. Kumar David, in this article. But, I did not find it significantly urgent to comment on them. He is a bloated analyst. You, Dr.Rajasingham Narendran, are even more so.

      Sampanthan is the ablest of politicians Tamils ever produced. Sumanthiran was promoted by Sampanthan. Wigneswaran was inducted by Sampanthan. These two acts of Sampanthan should reveal to you Sampanthan’s sagacity.

      The trio are keeping the Sinhala villains at bay.

      Trying to imagine a rift among them is a disservice to Tamils. Stop it.

      • 9

        The topic is not Sambanthan or his sagacity. We have seen how inconsistent they have been in the past . He is any way acting sensibly now. Who will replace him? I pray it is not CVW!

        CVW is a disaster in the making, unless he is capable of changing. He was recently blaming the government for introducing the drug-narcotics culture to the north, deliberately. However, he has not investigated and learned enough to admit that VVT smugglers, Jaffna-Mannar fisherman and Indian fisherman are involved in a big way. They are bribing individuals in the Navy to turn a blind eye. The drugs and narcotics being smuggled through VVT are accompanied by expensive sarees , sarongs etc., from India. Who is corrupting whom? Unless we know what is really happening,solutions cannot be found.

        Has he investigated the alleged involvement of some TNA MPs in narcotics smuggling? Has he exposed the role played by some members of a religious community in Jaffna in the Kerala Ganja trade in Jaffna?

        There are many such instances of loose , cheap and damaging ‘ Political Talk’ that are misleading and infuriating.


        • 9

          We are expecting Chief minister to play according to our wishes rather than the facts. There is nothing wrong in blaming the government (its machinery including military) for drug-narcotics culture in the North. Do you think Chief Minister has the power to investigate who smuggle drug through fisherman to the North?Do you have any evidence that Tamil fisherman are smuggling drugs? What is the responsibility of Srilankan government in the drug smuggling. Receiving bribe from Navy is not a crime.
          It is not a secret that under previous regime there was no law and order and it has not changed even now. Unless you give police powers to North, it is the responsibility to investigate all the allegations against drug smuggling inculding involvement of police,navy, army & politicians. Uncontrolled Drug use, violence, bribe culture, rape are seriously damaging the North. Even President Maithiri highlighted the importance.

          • 6


            If I can find the background facts, the CM can do better. He should have laid down the facts as they are, without trying to score without a wicket behind him. You and I can get away with making unreasonable and inaccurate statements. However, he should not and cannot.


    • 15


      Interesting that you would choose to castigate someone (anyone, actuall) with these words “They can lie , exaggerate, twist, turn and sound convincing. They can talk and sound profound, They become rabble rousers without a conscience and regard to the truth. They lack the skills to respond to the real needs of the people and the capability/ organisational skills to do something tangible about it.”

      Were you yourself not lying, exaggerating, twisting, sounding profound, what-have-you, when just as recent as a year go, claiming monopoly on ground realities, you asserted that

      (a)MR has done 75% of what he had promised the Tamils and the Tamils should be greatful for that,

      (b)Tamils in the North were all very happy and were sure of a prosperous future under Gota’ gang and MR’s regime,

      (c)That Gota was building all the infrastructure, including mega-hotels, just for the benefit of the Tamils,

      (d)Gota was bringing Southern labour to the North only because the Tamils were too pampered and were not willing to do any hard work, etc, etc.

      [Edited out]

      • 4

        Yet awaiting the long and repeatedly requested references or citations.


        • 0

          [Edited out]

          • 0

            Dear CT,

            I felt it only appropriate to bring to your attention what I feel is somewhat unfair in your edits. I will truly appreciate if you could help correct me if my perception is unfounded.

            It is best to illustrate my concern with a specific incidence. In Rajasinghm’s note above please notice that CT felt it appropriate to carry his remarks “Jaffna-Mannar fisherman and Indian fisherman … are bribing individuals in the Navy to turn a blind eye. … Unless we know what is really happening, solutions cannot be found. Has he investigated the alleged involvement of some TNA MPs in narcotics smuggling?“

            Rajasingham is perhaps quite right in suggesting that there may be “bribing” that will need to be investigated. As an aside, you may also recall MR implied in one of his AlJazeera interviews that the NGO’s may be bribing DJ, when MR tried to explain why DJ began criticizing MR regime at one (very short-lived) point in time. So, obviously allegations of unethical inducements or the need for verification of such bribes is not something that CT meticulously scissors out.

            However, in the sections edited out in my response to Rajasingham are just equivalent requests to either deny or explain if Rajasingam received any similar monetary or other inducements during the period Rajsinghm was supportive (and possibly trustful) of MR – for almost five years after the war ended.

            What is even more baffling is that CT first publishes the statement I make in that regard, and then on second thoughts edits it out. This has happened at least three times including in the above responses. I am absolutely confident I did not use inappropriate language, or make some uncivil comments such as threatening with bodily harm (in fact CT overlooks such threats, such as some comments I have seen from Yakdaya – but, I guess CT also realizes that those of Yakadaya-persuation are merely shooting off his/her mouth having nothing better to do!) As you can imagine, the over-ride by a second editor also is suggestive that either the first editor is not as competent as he/she should be or that there is some undue influencing after-the-fact at a higher-level.

            I realize you at CT have the absolute and final word to even keep this comment out of reach if you thought fit – but I felt journalistic integrity and responsibility may somehow weigh in, at least to provide me (and anyone else that may have encountered similar experience) some explanation as to why this complain is not justified, and that I am wrong in this perception.

            Thank you – appreciate the space and time you give us!

            • 1

              Dear Editor,

              Thanks for publishing this comment. I am yet awaiting evidence, substantiation, references -and citations.

              It has been a rather long wait.


              • 0

                Sure — it is great that CT some gumption in not burying my comment. However what is not so great is that CT did not have the integrity or whatever it takes to be forthright and explain why they had to censor part of my comment, only on on second thoughts – was it because of an incompetent editor or a not-so-impartial higher-up who had an imperative need to protect someone specific. Well, the mere fact that CT stayed mute makes it rather revealing – and answers all my questions.

                In any case I hope the original editor has sufficient self-pride to get the issue cleared for his own peace of mind – my inquisitiveness has been amply responded to!

                As for Rajasingham’s continued smokes-and-screen evasiveness, there is no point in pursuing it within this particular blog that is already a washed-out non-event except for perhaps just the three of us — Rajasingam, CT and I — paying any attention. I am absolutely no doubt that I will have adequate opportunities to continue to challenge what I strongly feel is absolute hypocrisy in what Rajasinham preaches and what he allegedly practiced.

                Since CT felt it not unreasonable to publish Rajasingm’s allegation that SL navy, I hope CT will accommodate my allegation against Rajasingham as well, at least until Rajasinghm makes up his mind to deny it if the allegation is unfounded. Will keep my fingers crossed, however!

    • 7

      Naren you are big comedy Piece! You are struggling to say that youa re fully westernized and Tamil in Tamil Eelam still resisting by dressing in their national dress. You funny clown you are acting like you are writing from Jaffana but you writing suggest you are sleeping even with with your newly discolored “Pathinondu(11)” What a comedy clown are you when you do not have effective argument against CV, like a wild dog pulling a gentleman’s Dhoti you are trying to tear off his cloth. Fool if have found out your Pathinodu, keep it you. Tamils have been wearing their cloths for 5000 years.

      Mudakkuthu, it is sad you too have paid for medical college. In Tamil they the one killed 1000 is half a doctor. There are many mudakkuthus in EPDP. In that sense you too half a doctor.

      If you know Tamil start to quote from Thirukural. Don’t misinterprets the Kural. There is nowhere Valluvar has said Maliththalum Needlaum VEnda for rulers of the land. This how fool you have read your medical book. This Kural is coming under Chapter Koodavozhukkam. Koodavozhukam chapter in under volume “Arththuppal”. That volume is explicitly forbidden for EPDP. If you can understand go there. Here is another Kural from same chapter: The false conduct of those who say they have renounced all desire will one day bring them sorrows that will make them cry out, “Oh! what have we done, what have we done”. (“பற்றற்றேம் என்பார் படிற்றொழுக்கம் எற்றெற்றென்று
      ஏதம் பலவுந் தரும்.”) That chapter is (mainly) for sages. Valuvar has nowhere said that king wearing a crown is ostensible and so he should dress like a Paradhesi. He noticed the Hindu sages growing their hair and at the same time, in Tamil Nadu, the newly spreading Buddhist and others’ monks shaving their heads. But, as a deep, basic sense sage, he noticed something more too. That was, in his time, neither Hindus nor the Buddhist Monks were true. He is just plainly, in simple Tamil, describing what he has been seeing. That is why he said sages should not act like ones, but should live like one.

      Fool, if your understanding is zero don’t put the goats into the cows stable(Aaadukkai maaddai vidaathai). And for your false witness don’t pull the greatest sages of all time to your side. Find out a Chameleon as your witness. It will node its’ head up and down for all what you say. Read here the Varatharajanar’s explanation for that Kural. http://www.eegai.com/thirukkural/thirukkural-no-280.html. (“தவம் செய்வோர்க்கு தலை மயிரை மழித்தலும் சடையாக்கலும் ஆகிய வேடமும் வேண்டா”.) CV is not doing “Thavam”. He is in the position of rulers. He has to go to court with cloak and wig. To NPC, with their uniform. To Temple without shirt. To the people, with national dress. For beach, with Swim trunk……..Don’t make comedy here.

      Recently Douglas said nobody taking any action against the TNA MPs who are selling drugs. You have a problem understanding the context of Valluvar said that Kural. But you have quickly picked up where EPDP Douglas has left. Read back and see if you are even an inch shorter than Douglas. Not at all ” They are litigious and big talkers. They can lie , exaggerate, twist, turn and sound convincing. They can talk and sound profound, They become rabble rousers without a conscience and regard to the truth.”

      • 4


        It is CVW who is trying hard to be the comedian. We have already enough comedians in the TNA and do not need an ex-Justice to become one too.

        He is CM of the northern province, which has Hindu and Christian Tamils,nand also Tamil-speaking Muslims. There are some Sinhakese living in Jaffna too. The Tamil garments of Verti , shirt and salvai are appropriate. However, why the pottu and thiruneeru- Hindu/saivaite religious symbols? Should not the CM of the NP set an example to those in the government at the centre to be secular in approach and appearance, while holding public office?

        Further, read my reply to Nathan above, on the drug trade in Jaffna. The VVT smuggling tradition is continuing and is being copied by others!

        Do not venture to comment on matters you know little or absolutely nothing of. It is unbecoming of any person and an insult to the readers of CT.


        • 6


          Further, should not this CM have an onerous responsibility to appear and demonstrate he is CM of all and not a particular segment of society, though they are a majority. This is also a lesson he has to teach governments at the centre.

          CM of the North at this juncture of our history should be sober, judicious and contemplative in his thoughts and actions. With his background and age, he should not aspire to be another run-of-zither mill, dime a dozen politician. He should be a healer, reconciliatory and a man of action. He should get things done and visibly so.

          Why is he questioning funds allocated to the MPs in the north, by the central government, when it is practice-however unacceptable- in the whole island. I am not sure whether the MR government gave this facility to the northern MPs from the TNA. However, if this government has done so, it should be appreciated.

          He should submit specific and well laid down projects for funding from the central government. If the funds are not forthcoming for non-technical reasons, he should negotiate. Failing which he should publicise the issue. Has’nt the President recently given his approval for long demanded and desired CM’s fund for development?

          Why is the CM unable to work with the PM and the President? Why did the PM call him a lier and say that he will never talk to him. Even the man on the street here in Zjaffna appreciate the reconciliatory gestures this government has made. The feeling of goodwill towards this government is palpable. How many TNA politicians visited Vidya’s family to offer sympathies and help, in an altruistic manner?


        • 8

          Dr Rajasingham Narendran,

          ”He is CM of the northern province, which has Hindu and Christian Tamils,nand also Tamil-speaking Muslims. There are some Sinhakese living in Jaffna too. The Tamil garments of Verti , shirt and salvai are appropriate. However, why the pottu and thiruneeru- Hindu/saivaite religious symbols? Should not the CM of the NP set an example to those in the government at the centre to be secular in approach and appearance, while holding public office?”

          I quite recently caught our CM making a claim that since we have a different religion and language we need devolution of more power. He seems to have forgotten Tamil Christians and Tamil speaking Muslims.

          If you read information on the DSs and PSs in the Northern Province you might find that often tax payer funds are being channeled to politically suitable Hindu organizations in the villages. In the place where I live not a single Christian organization has received money and there are 20% Christians living here.

          Is it acceptable that almost all the public buildings like libraries in the Northern Province are decorated with ONLY Hindu gods?

          The remembrance day celebration at the university was originally planned to held in the university Hindu temple.

          I know families where children are being renamed with Hindu names. The LTTE of course offered money for parents renaming their children with traditional Tamil names.

          There is no such thing as secular approach in the North. The fact that MP Sumanthriran is Christian will be used against him. At the same time he can receive Christian votes if he manages to organize the Christians.

          • 7

            Sudan Oli,

            Thanks for your input. I have noticed this problem and though a Hindu am appalled at what is happening. The Christians of Jaffna were described by apsomeone quite wise ( I cannot remember the name) as ‘ Hindu Christians’. The Tamil-Hindu traditions are overlaid by Christianity in our lives. When Ven. Rathana Thera told me once that the Sinhala-Buddhists and Tamil-Hindus should come together to resist the Christians. I to,d him emphatically not to try to divide the Tamils further and that there are Christian branches of Hindu families.

            I was at a function to reward children who did well in the last ord-level examination in a particular area. A very laudable effort by a family of community conscious individual. However, I was unhappy the initial prayers were of the Hindus, though almost 50% of the reward recipients were Christians.

            Thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness and sheer cussedness yet pervades our society, despite having suffered so long because we are a minority in this country and had the gumption to question it.

            We have to teach ourselves to treat others amongst us as humans first and foremost, if we expect others external to us to treat us likewise.

            I have to however highlight the on-going conversion of poor Hindus to the new churches, that are mushrooming. I see this as a fault or failure of the Hindus to look after their down trodden follow-persons, in the name of caste. When their is a vacuum, air will try to creep in through any tiny crevice. I also think the traditional Christian churches are also failing the poor segments of their flock. This may also have a caste-basis.


            • 3

              You asking, why CV is questioning about the money? He is talking about the money given to TNA MPs. Poor man, he is not investigating it. He is blaming the south is splitting (Ranil Mahata) the TNA. That is it.

              You are asking why CV, the CM of NPC asking about the money that should have been sent NPC. But you are trying to establish that you are the only one has authority to question a man who is selected by 135,000 votes. You are a real comedy one man. Your arrogant head is not allowing to understand anything.

              It is understandable you getting panic stricken when Mavai replied to CV’s accusation. The Money was, in reality NPC’s share. Rishard had blocked it. That is why Mavai and other MPs asked Ranil Mahata to release it to them. Everybody knows why Rishard block the money, after all, at least as per you North is for not just Tamils(Not Tamils Money), it is for Muslims too(Muslims Money too). EDDP is the Northern partner in the deal of blocking, from the UPFA. There is reasonable ground for somebody get panic driven when that money being released not coming to their hands, after all they had put effort to block it. You have reasonable grounds to question why is CV talking about the money.

              But what bothers me is you are saying CV should investigate the Northern Drug trade and Smuggling. I do not know if are aware, CV is the main one demanding about that investigation. There is no police in NPC’s direction. Paramilitaries are even blocking the famous Vidiya’s Rape-murder case. I do not think CV can get it over with the paramilitary. I tell you, he has already said he does not have the power. There is no police under his command. If you are honest in demanding CV to investigate, why don’t you give your support to diaspora who are calling the international Investigation on the illegal drugs? We all read in the news, even Britain has appointed its eyes to watch how this smuggling is taking place. When America gave a tip to Lankave that ship load of drug were going to Trico harbor, the ship vanished somewhere in the middle of the see, without going to Lankave. These means just a small push from internal side will make the countries to jump into this smuggling investigation. Why don’t you demand CV to call for the international inquiry into the world wide trade of Northern illegal drugs? They will even investigate the TNA MPs.

      • 4

        Dear Malaiyuran,

        Incidentally, your interpretation of particular stanzas of the Thurukural and their applicability is hilarious to say the least.

        ‘ Mallithalum. Neeta,sum veranda- ivvulakil
        Palithathu olithuvidin’

        ( there is no need to shave the head or grow a beard, if you avoid doing the things the world looks with disdain)

        I know enough Tamil to be a very literate Tamil and do not need a certificate from you , I am of course not a Pulavar.

        The above applies to everyone and it is from Thirukural.

        Further, is CVW the ruler of this land or any part thereof? He is our representative in the province to govern us on our behalf in accordance with the 13th amendment. He is a servant paid and given privileges by us to serve us. He is not our King nor our patron saint!

        Please do not prevaricate and distort issues. If you want to defend CVR, do so with pertinent points. You may then do him a favour and even convince me and others like me to think otherwise.


        • 2

          ” It is not by the way, but all the way you never understood the meaning of that Kural which kids are supposed to have finished over in 4th or 5th grade Tamil Class.

          Can you read Tamil? Where did you see my interpretation in the link I gave you? Isn’t that link was saying, in simple Tamil, as it is Varatharajan’s interpretation. Have read any books, including Medicine?

          If Varatharajan’s steps are too long for you, you can follow my path too. Didn’t I, to establish the proper context, give another Kural from the same chapter? Could you write your own interpretation for that Kural of that Chapter and re-establish your context there?

          Your confusion goes like this. First attempted show the way CV dresses to be attractive to the mass. In that effort, without knowing what are doing, you end up describing him as a plutocratic person. One of the behaviors of the plutocrat is showing off his wealth and power to the people. Showing off annoys the people, being attractive earn 135,000 votes. The puny brain likes yours cannot conceive this subtle difference. Without understanding the figure you described of him, again with your confusion, you called him looking like a Sanyasi. Then you posted a kural that was specifically written for religious monks. ” It is not by the way, but all the way you never understood the meaning of that Kural that was supposed to finish over in 4th or 5th grade Tamil Class. Not just that, not any Kurals are within your scope. But your greed struggle to show you as rich idioms and proverbs user.

          You attempted to describe CV as plutocrat and contended that you as a modest. When I questioned about your newly discovered “pathinondu” you are trying to slip away. Then you are trying to jump into another topic that you have no grab at all.

          Recently I went to a Christian’s family celebration. Of cause I and another few were the only ones with Vetti. But, the entire married women of that family had been wearing kumkum. Kutthuvilakku was lighted at the door step. One of the women in the house was my wife’s batch mate at Predina medical college. When she saw my wife, she came and pick up a silver jug from the reception table and offered to us the thing in that. Guess what? Chanthanam! We wore it. Then one of the guy in their families, with whom I am very friendly, came to talk to me. I say Chanthanam on his forehead for the first time and just for to start a talk asked him if he too wear it. He asked me “Man where it says the pottus are Hindu’s only? Do you call Vetti or Sari too Hindu’s? I have been wearing Chanthanam even in Jaffna in wedding or other Hindu occasions I visit.” Talk to your Christian and Hindu friends to see how do they see these days the “pottu, vilakku, aaraththi….”. Do you know “Mangalam” and “” are different themes? Don’t confuse “Mangalam” with”Deva Kadhasham”. Have heard even prostituted do all these in their customary reception to their clients?
          When I went Canada, that time I did not know existence of any Hindu Temples there. We went to Churches and thought of Lord Siva, Lord Muruga …and prayed for many years.Yes we too were wering pathinondu. But, even after severely beaten up, when I was returning from temple in Colombo for wearing pottu, I never gave it up wearing. Now, if had gone to temple in the morning, I go to office with the pottus.

          First you confused Tamil words. Then you are confusing the English words. Show me a dictionary saying if it is to be a secular government, the government officials have to abandon their religion?

          A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion. A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion. Secular states do not have a state religion (established religion) or equivalent, although the absence of a state religion does not necessarily mean that a state is fully secular; however, a true secular state should steadfastly maintain national governance without influence from religious factions;
          Secular states become secular either upon creation of the state (e.g. United States of America or India) or upon secularization of the state (e.g. France or Nepal). Movements for laïcité in France and for the separation of church and state ( Note here – only separation- no abolition) in the United States defined modern concepts of secularism. Historically, the process of secularizing states typically involves granting religious freedom, disestablishing state religions, stopping public funds to be used for a religion, freeing the legal system from religious control, freeing up the education system, tolerating citizens who change religion or abstain from religion, and allowing political leadership to come to power regardless of religious beliefs”
          (Note here again, CV publicly practicing his religion will not stop him coming from becoming CM of NPC. New King taking the first government address to Dalada Maligawa will disqualify him from leading the country. You did not write anything about it in CT because your stealthy behavior)

          Where the above definition is saying that CV should have dropped out his pottu if he has to be the CM? Are you confused with Russian government or DMK governments to secular governments? Do you know all American presidents have all religious days celebrated at the White House? Do you know White House celebrate Easter, Devali, Passover, Christmas…..?

          Why do you behave like OTC, preaching without knowing the meanings of words? You have no ability to come of your own. You copied OTC and suddenly saying smuggling taking place in Valvettithurai. At least, OTC avoided, unlike you doing sheepishly, claim the snuggling taking place now in Valvettithurai. If I say you cannot do something of your own, then I am wrong. You are not capable even copying from OTC. That is the correct sentence.

          There is no dispute that entire Jaffna is devastated by the smugglers, illegal drug peddlers, rapists, drunkards… There is nowhere in the world a group people have been converted and de-cultured by their ruling group, like EPDP did to Tamils. From 2009, EPDP had not allowed Tamils to have even a municipality in Jaffna. Recently, people like you in the EPDP have started to claim that TNA MPs are drug smuggling. Other than you, the EPDP supporter, nobody in the CT has claimed that. If you are telling any truth, you should name the MPs involved in this drug smuggling, in CT. I tell you one thing; you have the single bullet to destroy all TNA MPs in one shot. You should file a case. If you have proved one did it, all 14 will end in prison not seeing day light eve. You should go ahead. If you cannot do that, all these time what you doing by calling TNA MPs have to investigated, is drawing a picture of you in birthday suite.

          • 2


            ”Can you read Tamil? Where did you see my interpretation in the link I gave you? Isn’t that link was saying, in simple Tamil, as it is Varatharajan’s interpretation. Have read any books, including Medicine?”

            I have to admit that I have not read all your comments that have to do with the comments of Dr Rajasingham Narendran.

            Maybe you do not know the background of Dr Rajasingham Narendran?

            If I remember correctly he is a veterinary surgeon with a PhD on bovines.

            He can better Tamil and English than you. In addition he provides references for what he writes.

            Many others, including you, can learn from him.

        • 1

          “Please do not prevaricate and distort issues.” You judged a man with pottu. Don’t preach excessively. You claimed legal profession is not suitable to elect MPs. You have no idea of Parliament is only law making body. Don’t tell who are representative of who.

          CV and other Representative are authorized by the 13A with their power to make governing law everybody. There is nowhere said, as you trying confuse your self that the law King makes will not govern him. Remember Manuneethi punished himself with his law. Magna Carta ensured King obey his rule. In all system Ruler and the subject get ruled by the same law. Other too true. You have no right to establish your presentation intead of CVs representation. Don’t confuse the legal profession logical steps.

          You are not at the level I can consider to certify you in Tamil, because you are talking about the meaning of the Kural, without knowing who is Varatharan’s or what is a “Vilakkavurai”.

          You have no clue of the subject, the Koodavozhulam, where the Kural you quoted is found. Just tell me how many type of “Urai-s” available for Kural. Then tell at which level Urai your interpretation is stemming from? Then I start to consider certifying you. (Big mouthed fool, The entire chapter is for Monks; you and me can grow or cut the hair-believe me Valluavar did know that an average person may cut or grow his hair, but he talked about it only when the monks, specifically and with emphasis for their deed doing that. It is not blind advice Kural for every one. It is specifically selecting higher minded people. CV is the leader of the NPC Tamils. He is not coming in that higher minded people. He is a higher status, ruler class person )

        • 1

          What did you mean by “negotiate” in lankave? What is the percentage is Rishad and what is percentage is EPDPs’ get in the money they block?

          Come to know a English word “budgeting”. Check it in the financial dictionary of its meaning. Try to understand the public and private revenue balancing in that.

          Don’t preach again as what CV have to do. NPC is 36 member council. Your stupidity force you write here with a pretension of only CV is the one living there in the NPC.

          • 3


            A brief response to all your comments following my responses:

            1. Can you refute the picture I have presented about narcotics smuggling in the north?
            2. Mavai Senathirajah has criticised CVW’ s criticism of fund allocations to TNA MPs. Are you aware of this?
            3. It is my democratic right to praise and criticise our politicians. My criticising them one day for something., does not preclude my praising them another day. Praise and criticism goes with the territory.
            4. Why did the PM call CVW, a lier?
            5. What is your opinion on the need for the CM to be secular in appearance and actions?
            6. What is your opinion on the performance this far, of the CM? What has he achieved?


            • 2

              Dr RN,

              I do not think that you will receive any acceptable reply. My limited experience is that some commentators repeat fiction to make it a fact and deny the facts others present. They will not provide sources because they have none. They do not admit their mistakes.

              We will soon now what Tamil politicians have decided to try to do when the names of the candidates are published. My guess is that ITAK will have a female candidate and one or more of the elderly MPs might retire.

              MAS should have no problems to be elected.

            • 0

              So coming back with a new arm “Kelvikkanai? That is Kanai is not that sharp like your crooked intelligence.

              Are thinking you are playing more superior comedy than Nagesh played in Thiruvilaiydal. Is that your Leelavinotham, Naren?

              If you have shame, publicly declare the name of the TNA MP who smuggled drugs. Third grade liar though you are!

        • 4

          Dear Dr Rajasingham Narendran,

          I saw my pseudonym being mentioned here though I am not a participant in this discussion.

          It is not possible to carry out a productive discussion when your opponent is dishonest and cannot keep focused on the subject matter.

          The problem is compounded when that person is unable to understand the language used in the discussion.

          It is common knowledge that VVT was a Smugglers Paradise. Only an idiot would say otherwise. But we have Idiots who do so.

          It is hence better to IGNORE unfocused lying idiots as nothing productive will come about by discussing with them.

          Kind Regards,

          • 2


            “I saw my pseudonym being mentioned here though I am not a participant in this discussion. It is not possible to carry out a productive discussion when your opponent is dishonest and cannot keep focused on the subject matter. The problem is compounded when that person is unable to understand the language used in the discussion. It is common knowledge that VVT was a Smugglers Paradise. Only an idiot would say otherwise. But we have Idiots who do so. It is hence better to IGNORE unfocused lying idiots as nothing productive will come about by discussing with them. “

            I agree but at the same time if we reply with facts it will hopefully make others understand what is false.

            Many of the non democratic Tamils live abroad and do not know how the reality is today.

            As I wrote already a bag of ganja costs rs 300 in rural Jaffna. I do not know where it comes from but India is very near. Smuggling was a tradition of the Karaiar caste found in Jaffna and in Tamil Nadu. Many of them are Catholics.

            Earlier all of Jaffna coast had military bases, a lot was HSZ and there was a strict fishing permit system but this is mostly history.

            Smugglers with Kerala Ganja have been arrested in TN and Jaffna. Many have been Jaffna Tamils often living as refugees in TN.

          • 0

            Welcome OTC. Man what is the meaning of the word Panchamar?

            You stood taller than Naren. You have people who had the drugs legally cleared at the customs with PM’s signature. There is no need to investigate that PM, as long as TNA MPs investigated as that is a legal trade, as per Naren. There were people who did not have cloth for their wedding, dress for their home. They had to bring them with out the most notorious army seeing it. When N.M. Perera stopped restaurant serving rice on Friday, Sirima imported special rice from China for her. Then gave a speech to Sinhala Mondays’ that she will be bringing rice from moon for them. My house could not buy red chili those days. They were banned as contraband. We had nobody to go to Valvettithurai. We ate “Vellai Curry”. (Even though we ate Vellai Curry at home, I still thank Sirima, because she wanted to damage to Tamils, but that made the North as the leaders in Chili production- the Tamil government employees who never had farming lands, used their “Muththam” space to home garden -that is what the trade mark of Tamils -Not sand thieves)

            As it was Tamils, you contended not police, nor cost guard have to be placed; it has to be land army to watch the sea snuggling. Then said using this as an excuse, entire Jaffna have to be cordoned with army. You are innocent honest, keep accepting. Man you are true when you said human race does not get impregnated by animals. You are true when said Army was purposefully placed in Valvettithurai, and trickily expanded to entire North, long before the Tamil youths upraising, even before JVP started struggle with the free rice, imported with the toil money from the Indian Coolies, was not digesting in their stomach. Even though you cannot understand Sabaratnam level English, you are true. Naren is a liar, because he said(the EPDP Team) TNA’s MPs are snuggling drugs; CV has to investigate it; but not ready when CV passed a relution in the NPC to call international investigators. CV will not do that. Lankave will not investigate. Only way is International Investigation Team has to come in. Why, when there is election in Lankave, the international team is getting free lunch in the south, but not when TNA MP’s smuggling drugs? Is that because you don’t do fraud when Sinhala mass is voting, but do that without failing when investigating Tamils MPs? Can you ask Naren why he is refusing to support to call the International Team to investigate the drug trade of North.

            You can not understand Sabaratnam’s English. That is ok. You do not have a dictionary. That too ok, after all that is how SWRD, Kanankara and Badiyudin wanted the Lankave. But he can not understand the Tamil Varatharajan used to write Vilakkavurai for the school kids. Shame is he has no idea of the meaning of the word “Vilakkavurai”. In that condition, man, further, he is calling you ” They are litigious and big talkers. They can lie , exaggerate, twist, turn and sound convincing. They can talk and sound profound, They become rabble rousers without a conscience and regard to the truth.” Can you explain the majesty of your profession, the Lowyer to this EPDP certified doctor? There is a proverb in Tamils, “The one murdered a thousand is half a Doctor”. Naren is proud doctor to advocate EPDP’s claims.

            • 0

              Dear Mallaiyuran,

              As I have repeatedly stated for over 3 weeks, you are dishonest and have no capacity to debate with honour. You cannot understand the language and you are unable to keep your focus on the issues discussed. You will rant and rave about Kings and Queens and everything under the Sun except the issues under discussion. You referred to me on this web page even though I was not a participant.

              Hence as I stated repeatedly for weeks, you are IGNORED. This was my advice to Dr RN too.

              Please go back and read the following comment for detailed reasons.
              If you want to know who the Panchamar is, refer back to any comment of mine that discusses Tamil Cast issues or you can refer to Ragunathan (2004: 22-23).

              Are you trying to test my knowledge of Tamil Cast Issues or are you trying to deny the existence of the Panchamar? Whatever your intentions are you are a FOOL even to attempt it.

              To Tamils with a High Cast Ego like yours, the Panchamars were Chattel to be used and thrown away, like a sanitary pad.

              I am sure you will keep Ranting and Raving ad infinitum. My response to you, until I see an Intelligent Comment, would be a reminder as to why you are being ignored.

              Kind Regards,

              • 0

                ” They are litigious and big talkers. They can lie , exaggerate, twist, turn and sound convincing. They can talk and sound profound, They become rabble rousers without a conscience and regard to the truth.”

                I am not calling you dishonest. It is your friend Naren is the one tearing you off.

                Read something man others writing too. You are calling me dishonest. You call who sign the customs papers to release the dugs honest and work for them.

                I challenge you that I know to make you to over your will. I can make you to care and write to me as long as I want. Otherwise you have to accept that you do not know the word “IGNOR”.

                You have proved that you can only cut and paste whatever your backups give. You are accepting you cut and pasted Panchamr too. Further it is not that you have no idea of Jaffna caste system, you have no idea about Sinhala caste system. They have one and the same base other than the Sinhala caste system has Kandian Sinhalese. That is not in Jaffna caste system. My caste,(I do not want to tell, but, as you are a baby in Sinhala language, I have to teach that language to you; But my caste is only I am born in that, other than that it does not make me any different from any real human being in the world other than the Sinhala Intellectuals who walk on two legs and looks like human, but an entirely different spice, connected to Lala’s wild life) in Singala Language is “Govi”. As you did not know that word Sinhala word you wrote that I am higr caste. It is forth and the lowest caste in Manu’s talks.

                So, do you want read it somewhere and start to talk about “Panchmar”

  • 0

    This is a plant of the VHP-BJP-RSS complex. The VHP-BJP-RSS complex wants to build an alliance with China rather than the USA and hence it wants Mahinda in power in Sri Lanka. This strategy of the VHP-BJP-RSS complex has the support of the Indian diaspora.

  • 2

    As usual a clear exposition by Prof:Kumar David.A very interesting argument has been raised.

    The Principle of Proportional Representation will be compromised if the votes polled by the winning FPP candidate is added to the District PR seats. This could also lead to a 4/5ths majority like in THE 1977 General Election held under the Non-Hybrid FPP.
    If there is a repetition of that scenario there would be Chaos.

  • 5

    Hmm .. interesting question!

    Could CV mobilise the North, and lead it like the Scottish National Party (SNP), CONFRONTING the State?

    For the umpteenth time, the problem is not his action but the idea that spurns the action. Whatever action CV does it will not work because the underlying reason is flawed.

    The Scots being a nation without an independent state has every right to confront the British for the status quo.

    On the other hand, who are you – the Tamils? You are not frigging “nation” but a minority. A minority that began its existence with the advent of European colonialism. If you really want to conjure up a model in UK, imagine yourself as the Pakistani who live in Bradford area.

    Imagine the Pakistani in England behaving like the SNP! It would be quite ridiculous isn’t it? Thats what CV is. He is being quite ridiculous and that will not take him anywhere.

  • 6

    Elections are due in Sep and parliament dissolved in July according to news websites. Let’s wait and see.

    Ranil had a golden opportunity to establish him self as a politician with a vision, but has failed again.

    His economic policies and tax policies within the 150 days in power has been appalling.

    Most subsidies are not sustainable such as minimum prices for fresh milk, tea and rubber. Taxes such as super gains are unheard of any where else. CBSL bond issue is unthinkable in any country. Some of the key appointments are no better than MARA. Imagine having a minimum price for hoppers when they cannot introduce a price formula for fuel??

    Ranils henchmen like Harsha and Ravi have gone silent after being the worst critics of MARA regime.

    Hopefully all the yakkos will be kicked out at the next election.

    • 0

      How can you polish a turd!

      • 0

        Srinath, check with Mara’s PR guys

      • 1

        Srinath. Gunaratne

        “How can you polish a turd!”

        The way you polish MR. Don’t ask silly question when you already have had experience and the knowledge.

  • 16

    Vigneswaran is playing a dangerous game. I always thought he would be a suitable representative for the Tamils, but he has gradually eroded the confidence of folk like me with his outrageous pronouncements on genocide and other areas that can only serve to confuse and alienate the majority with regard to his intentions. The relationship with Vasudeva, if it does indeed cloud his objectivity, gives further credence to the belief that he is without principles and is playing the game for selfish purposes. And the fact that Mahinda and his coterie of crooks will make use of his stance seems to make not the slightest difference. That alone displays his intentions!

    How long will it take the Tamils to get themselves a representative that will make reconciliation the top priority so that the country can leave the bullshit behind and get going with a new era of harmony between all ethnic groups?

  • 0

    It has always been.

  • 5

    Elite and the Anglicans in Colombo drove the non Vellala Sinhala Buddhists in to Rajapaksa camp, who not only liberated the nation from Tamil Terrorists , but also looked after the Dalits well, specially after Nanthikadal.

    Vellalas in Colombo now are driving the non Vellalas in the North to the THGTE camp by joining with the GTF.

    Now that he is at the coalface, the CM knows that Absentee Landlords Party aka TNA can not win the hearts and minds of the people in Killinochchi, Mullative, Mannar and now even in Punguduthievu by travelling first class to London.

    And getting Dual passports to rich retirees in the BTF to make more dosh, exploiting the resources in the North and have comfortable live at budget rates.

    Those people in the North who didn’t have to worry about bowing and cowing to the Vellalas for thirty years have now realized that UNP, BTF and ITAK are all one outfit which only care about Power .and want only to work for the benefit of the Rich .

    Vellala Wigs is no Dill not to realizes it.

    So he is playing the game better than the ITAK dudes in Colombo.

    But Dr Kumars don’t have to worry.

    Vellala Wigs might do a Sira type deal with Annathi and her TNA supporters and deliver the North to Sambandan and Abraham .

  • 33

    Singhalese have elected a new leader (Maithripala). When will the Tamils elect a new leader? It is about time the LTTE,TNA TULF etc are dismantled and never referred to again. Let us form a new party and bring in new young leaders and define a new policy to live within one united Sri Lanka.
    Can the Tamil diaspora take the lead, return home and negotiate our future without referring to our past?

  • 22

    Speaking for the rights for people who voted him is not mean to undermine the Sirisena-Ranil (S&R) administration and incite racial animosity, it is people like Kumar David writing

  • 8

    A very good analysis and revealing. CV’s sanctimonious ways are suspect and the Tamils should be circumspect and guard themselves against them.Bensen

  • 16

    CVW is not insane to support a resurgence of MR – his not blaming MR for the latter’s corruption & misdeeds, summarised above by many, is common knowledge, but half the ousted Sinhala parliamentarians, knowing all these, even now support him.
    CVW simply does not wish to beat the “anti-Rajapakse drum” already being beaten down south.
    Northeast tamils will repeat what they did in January, in the forthcoming election – they too are NOT insane.

    CVW faulting Maithri and Ranil for their lapses of goverance is good democratic criticism.

  • 12

    “Something is rotting in Tamil Politics- What is Wigneswaran’s game plan”.

    What made the writer to know and write this article. Why is he particularly naming Wigneswaran. It is the game plan of Ranil Wickremasinghe to split the Tamil politicians into weaklings and rot.

    Wigneswaran fully supported , president Sirisena and canvassed fully for him in the presidential elections. Because he passed a resolution in the Provincial council with regard to the genocide in the war against the LTTE, Ranil Wickremasinghe fell out with him. The Government is not funding fully to the Northern Provincial council for personal reasons. But to bring in a split in the TNA, Ranil Wickremasinghe offered secretly huge sums of money to the some of the TNA MPs under the term of “development purposes” in their respective areas. Why was this money given to the Northern Provincial council?. This matter was leaked by some MPs because some were given more money and some less. Naturally, this angered Mr.Wigneswaran who being the Chief Minister for the Northern Province. It is not heard in history on politics to give money by the government to the MPs directly for development purposes. Ranil has already created a split in the TNA. The Politicians in the TNA are unscrupulous persons who are self centred and not to care for the people but benefit in the name of the people. I could name a few.
    When Chief Minister informed the President about this money transaction, the beneficiaries in the TNA did not like it and challenged the Chief Minister by rejecting his accusation and later accepted that they received the money for development purposes. How much money is going to be spent on development and how much will go into their pockets, no one will ever know. The TNA MPs have failed miserably towards the Tamil people, in what they are expected to do as MPs- eg 20th Amendment bill, land grab by the military in Vali North and the owners are not resettled in their lands yet, the Tamil prisoners are not being released from the prisons and similar matters which are expected to be done by the Tamil MPs and not development and digging wells which is the responsibility of the Provincial council. The money given to the MPs belongs to whom and whether it is accounted for and whether it is Tax payers government money, no one knows. The people doesn’t know.

  • 0

    Prof:A.K David.

    Something is rotting in Tamil Politics…..

    Correct.The TNA has within its fold,the TELO,the EPRLF, the PLOTE and perhaps other Lumpen elements. The ITAK has ended up with strange Bed-fellows.For the CM in the NP council it would indeed be a difficult task to manage these elements.
    If the rotters are sidelined things should be OK.

  • 0

    Prof Kumar David,

    I welcome and support Sampanthan/Sumanthiran approach in the ethnic front.

    But Prof Kumar David has misunderstood the main features of 20A as proposed to be implemented in Sri Lanka- MMP-LK as per Dr Sujatha Gamage and the selection of members of Parliament according to this system will be based totally on the district proportional system.

    In this system, the members of parliament will be selected based on the District Proportional System and members elected under FPP will be accommodated within the District Proportional System.

    If we take your example, The total votes obtained by party A is 100X10=1000 and B is 50×10= 500.

    The total votes polled by Aand B are 1000+500=1500.

    The 15 seats (I have taken 15 seats instead if 16 seats for easy calculation) will be distributed in proportion to the share of votes got by A and B.

    A will therefore get 2/3 of the seats while B will get 1/3 of the seats.

    A will therefore get 10(2/3 of15) seats including the 6 FPP seats while B will get the balance 5(2/3 of 15) seats.

    All seats other than FPP are normally accommodated from the best losers from the same party.

    But here there is a problem.Since A does not have any losers, A does not have any best losers, This is a classic overhang situation and A has to borrow 04 seats from the national list,Whereas 05 best losers from B in that particular district will be selected.

    Hence B with 33.3% will get 33.3% os seats.

    This is how the system operates.

  • 11

    Prof. Kumar

    Your conclusions are utterly false. CV is taking the right stand. Tamil leaders have fallen prey to false promises for decades. Now, there is at least room to express opinion freely after the defeat of the tyrant. His life was in danger earlier. CV is talking to the president directly but in SL if you ask for your rights, it is treated as racial and it is a crime. You too have got little influenced by the politics of the majority and hence you are looking in this manner.

    It is natural for any decent CM of the north to quarrel with Ranil who is a jackal and he is the one caused the down fall to Tamils’ freedom struggle and now again and again trying to split the tamils to increase his vote bank. Why should the PM undermined the elected CM and allocate funds thru members of TNA. As dominant force, sinhalese could say why its a big issue anyway TNA will spend this money for the welfare of tamils. Is it how the provincial governments set up works? Why even have a CM for that matter.

    Do not get me wrong here as I am supporting violence method to achieve freedom. It is the fault of the repetitive sinhala regime’s denial of tamils’ rights and non recognition of their homeland. Somehow for more than 80 years, sinhalese have been foolishly in their mind thought since they are the majority, the whole country belong to them and it has been preached to their kith and kins.

    North east is the home land of Tamils and can’t be taken away. Sinhalese can not be colonized forcibly in the tamil areas but they could buy private properties like tamils elsewhere.

    With regards to Sumanthiran, he has just popped up like mushroom. Yes, he has capabilities but have no ideas for the rights of Tamils and he is trying to sell it outright. He should change from his current path while demanding equal rights for tamils, work towards bring the perpetrators of war crime to the international tribunal and take up genocide at the international level. You could see even this current regime is trying by all means to protect them. Sumanthiran too thinks like every other colombo boy, what tigers did was terrorism. Tigers only responded violently in response to terrorism out leashed If you ask me what SL regimes for decade terrorizing the tamils in the form ethnic violence. You and I know for well that these were instigated by the sitting regimes. Structural genocide was going on for decades.

    Only way out here is to give full powers to north east within one country like CM demands and you could see how SL will flourish in 5 to 10 years. No one should undermine the bravery of tamils and it is a pity that the majority have so soon forgotten the capability of tamils of long generations. They had to align at least 24 countries to defeat the tigers. No one can predict the future except to grant autonomy and take the country forward and every citizen will enjoy freedom.

    CM is on the right path. Hope all will support him.

    • 1

      If I can find the background facts, the CM can do so much easier. Even if cannot do anything, he can raise issues based on objective facts.


      • 3

        Dear Theva,

        You are just parroting Racist Propaganda of your Racist Politicians.

        You say “North east is the home land of Tamils and can’t be taken away”

        Who are the Tamils of Lanka?

        1. Ancient migrants from India (comparatively small number)
        2. Those brought by Sinhala Kings for work & military service
        3. Invaders from Chola, 1017 AD and later
        4. Those who were brought by the Portuguese
        5. Those who were brought by the Dutch
        6. Those who were brought by the British
        7. Illegal immigrants

        1 and 2 are a small minority amongst Tamils. 1 is an indigenous group. 2 is a naturalised group. 3 to 7 forms the Tamil majority.

        The territory that the Racist Tamils claimed as their EXCLUSIVE LAND was WHOLLY within the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom. No Part of the East was Tamil Land. No part of it was EVER under Tamil Control. It has ALWAYS been Sinhalese land.

        However the Sinhalese do not claim any EXCLUSIVENESS though it is their Land. They oppose the Tamil Racist attempt at denying them the use of their own Land by Robbing it and Claiming an EXCLUSIVE right to it.

        The following will prove it beyond any doubt.

        The Map below is dated 1726 AD and is in a Dutch Museum.
        It establishes beyond question the Land of the Wanniyars, the Land of the Vedda’s (Weddas or Bedas) and the territory of Jaffna Patnam (please see map).

        Jaffna Patnam is the Jaffna peninsular and it ends near Calierauw (Dutch spelling) near Elephant Pass.

        The map is corroborated by a Dutch record that describes a Dutch fort located at Elephant Pass built to protect the Dutch held Jaffna Tamil Kingdom from cross border attacks of the marauding armies of the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom.

        “There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory”
        unquote (http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/en/Elephant-Pass.813p#Details).
        The King’s Territory is therefore CLEARLY defined as the Land South of Elephant Pass.

        There is a central mountain range (gebergte van coeragahing) with an inverted L shape (long limb pointing South and the short limb pointing East) called Coeragahing (Dutch spelling). The territory to the East of the Coeragahing range, up to Calierauw and the Eastern Sea is occupied by the Veddas. (please see map)

        The Wanniya territory is on the Northern and Western sides of the Mountain Range, It’s border runs from near Elephant Pass towards Aripo in the South West coast but excludes Matotte (near Manar Island) and then to the North West Sea. (please see map)
        Dr Sujit Sivasunderam of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in “Tales of the Land: British Geography and Kandyan Resistance in Sri Lanka, c. 1803–1850” states

        “Firstly, the kadaim, or boundary books, are state documents
        which describe the three main divisions of the island of Sri Lanka, and which were in the custody of the lekam-gey-attan or functionaries to the secretariat at court”

        “In the kadaim books, Tri Simhale, which denotes the entire island, is divided into three principalities or kingdoms, namely Maya, Pihiti and Ruhunu. The oldest kadaim book, Sri Lamkadvipaye Kadaim, divides the entire island into 114 ratas or countries; Maya has 28 ratas, Pihiti has 43 ratas and Ruhunu has 43 ratas. Boundary pillars mark off the limits of particular ratas.” (ibid)

        Thus the ENTIRE Island was Sinhalese and was referred to as “Thri Simhale”(“Thri” in Sinhala means three)

        Dr Sujit Sivasunderam in his book “Islanded” quoting Sinnappah Arasaratnam’s book “The Kingdom of Kandy: Aspects of its External Relations and Commerce, 1658-1710,” p110 states

        “The Kandians had control over five ports at the time the Dutch succeeded the Portuguese on the coastal belt in the seventeenth century: these were Kalpitiya and Puttalam on the west coast and Trincomalee, Kottiyar, and Batticaloa on the east coast Each of these ports was linked to a particular segment of the Kandyan kingdom”

        When the British arrived, Lanka had 85% Forrest cover which was uninhabited. Thus Habitation in the WHOLE Island was limited to 15%. The collective area within the British made Northern and Eastern provinces is 30% of Lanka’s Land area. Which is DOUBLE the Inhabited area of the WHOLE Island at THAT TIME. Thus any claim based on a fraudulent historical habitation becomes ludicrous.

        There is overwhelming evidence available to prove that the Tamil claim to the East is a Fraud. In fact the map above proves that PART of the present Northern Province was also under the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom.

        You said “Sinhalese can not be colonized forcibly in the tamil areas but they could buy private properties like tamils elsewhere”

        The East up to Elephant Pass is Sinhalese land. Sinhalese therefore cannot colonise their own land. However you are welcome to share the Land with the Sinhalese as equals.

        Kind Regards,

        • 1

          Dear OTC,

          Your classification of Tamils has excluded two possibilities,

          1. Sri Lanka is very likely a small remnant of a very big, but ancient landmass that was inhabited. I am sure tge remnants of these inhabitants occupied the whole island. Who were they and what are they today? They could have been proTo-Tamils or Proto- Sinhalese. They could have been even Rakshashas, Yakshayas, Nagas a spud Veddas,

          2. The Tamils who accompanied the brides for Vijaya and his friends, What did the become and to which community do they belong now? The brides married Vijaya and his friends, But the retinues largely came as family units. To what extent did they and their progeny become Sinhalese?

          Further, the migrants who have been in the country from the time of the Chola invasions and the time indentured labour were imported by the British are also legitimate citizens. Let us not forget that the Sinhala Kings and princelings also invited soldiers from South India to fight on their behalf. They probably stayed back. They also came by invitation.

          The Portuguese, Dutch and British conquered parts and later the whole of Sri Lanka through guile and armed might. We lost our land to them largely because we were divided amongst us. Since their writ applied across the Island , their rule and decisions were legitimate .

          Thus, every one living in Sri Lanka as a citizen is equal and belongs to this land. If they are treated equally in every respect, there will not be demands for enclaves. I am sure, in such circumstances, most Tamils will opt to live in more salubrious climes within Sri Lanka!

          The land in Sri Lanka may be now divided among communities which can be called enclaves. The events in Sri Lanka historically, both recent and past have legitimised these enclaves. Yet, these lands are yet a part of Sri Lanka. Our objective in this century should be build a united nation of apparently diverse, but quite related

          We should cease groping in the darkness that is our history to prove things that are largely unprovable. However, modern genetic studies are revealing our essential unity. Let us , thus, live and let live and build a great Sri Lanka, together,


          • 1

            Dear Dr Rajasingham Narendran,

            At the outset I must state that I have no intention of belittling Tamil Heritage. As a Sinhalese, it is part of my heritage too.

            Theva made a fraudulent assertion. I hope he can prove me wrong. This fraudulent claim has been the main cause of strife. The East is definitely not a Homeland of the Tamils though they would have lived there.

            The East was wholly a part of the Sinhala Kingdom of Kandy. The kingdom had five PRINCIPLE Ports. Three of them Kotiar, Baticoloa and Trinco were in the East. The other two were in the West at Kalpitiya and Puttalam.

            Trade with the outside world took place through these ports. Trying to claim that these port cities, the umbilical chord connecting The Sinhala Kingdom of Kandy to world trade, was bereft of a major Sinhala population in their own Kingdom is therefore disingenuous.

            I note that you have not contested the Historical evidence that I presented.

            Homo sapiens balangodensis is 38,000 BP. This is the OLDEST reliably dated evidence of Modern Man in the whole of South East Asia (including India. Did migration take place from Lanka to India instead of the reverse?). It is also where some of the OLDEST stone tools (28,500 BP) of the world was discovered (the other being in Africa). This is PRIOR to the Last glacial maximum in 22,000 BP at which time the sea was 400 feet below today’s level (www.fws.gov/). Hence Adam’s Bridge was far above the Sea.

            There is therefore no argument about the antiquity of Lanka’s Human habitation.

            The Sinhalese are not immigrants. They are a hybrid race that has evolved in Lanka. Their parental populations are from Lanka and the Indian subcontinent (location yet unknown). There is also a strong Tamil genetic connection. This is the Sinhalese Core. Others have assimilated into this core.

            The majority of the Indian Subcontinent Migrants including Tamils together with ancient Lankans gave birth to the Sinhalese. A smaller group remained as Tamil. That’s why I said “Ancient migrants from India (comparatively small number)”. This was based on the large disparity in population numbers between Lanka Tamils and the Sinhalese.

            Thus the two points you have raised are covered under the first group.

            The first 2 groups are small. Indian Tamils brought by the British (group 6), EXCEEDED the total of groups 1,2,3,4,5 and 7. (British Statistics)

            Re “Let us not forget that the Sinhala Kings and princelings also invited soldiers from South India to fight on their behalf. They probably stayed back. They also came by invitation”

            I did not forget them. Please see my group 2.

            Re “The Portuguese, Dutch and British conquered parts and later the whole of Sri Lanka through guile and armed might. We lost our land to them largely because we were divided amongst us. Since their writ applied across the Island , their rule and decisions were legitimate”

            Slavery doesn’t become legitimate just because the writ of the Ruler applies in the Land.

            The rulers we are discussing were invaders from a foreign land just like white rule in South Africa. Once the invader leaves the Natives assert themselves.

            I am not trying to deny Equal Rights to Lanka’s Citizenry but I am denying false claims to Land and the EXCLUSIVE rights to purported Homelands.

            Re “Thus, every one living in Sri Lanka as a citizen is equal and belongs to this land”

            Of course. Unquestionably so.

            Re “The land in Sri Lanka may be now divided among communities which can be called enclaves. The events in Sri Lanka historically, both recent and past have legitimised these enclaves”

            That is the CRUX of the matter.

            There is neither Historical nor Other evidence that Legitimises ANY exclusive enclaves, Ethnic or Religious or any other.

            That EXCLUSIVENESS is the Political war cry of Tamil Politics. That has resulted in untold misery to all of us.

            The day the exclusive enclaves are given up Peace and Prosperity would be automatic.

            Kind Regards,

            • 1

              Dear OTC,

              Thanks for your response.

              You have highlighted SHARING as a problem in one of your comments here. Sharing has to multifaceted in a country like ours. It cannot be limited to land alone. If what I call majoritarianism, makes the majority a special and favoured group among citizens, sharing what they consider their traditional habitations becomes a contentious issue for the minorities. We have to share everything in this country as citizens. Ultimately the share of the minorities, which is equal as individuals, will become proportionate to their population numbers.

              If one feels cornered, robbed,deprived violated and insecure, he/she will defend what little he/she has, with all his/her might and noise. This defensive response has to be understood and dealt with as a reaction to several actions perceived as discrimatory.

              Further, the Eastern province is a special issue. Its borders have been drawn and redrawn in colonial times. The historical population figures are not comparable because of these changes.

              The King being a Sinhalese, Tamil or Indian gives no clue as to the nature of the population. The linguistic or religious identity of the King does not mean that the population can be assumed to be of the same identity.

              The influx of the Mukkuvars from South India and the Arab traders who married Tamil and Sinhala women, who became Tamil-speaking Muslims, adds a factor into the equation. The migration of Muslims from the center of the Kandyan Kingdom is another factor.

              Further, the communal bias that has taken hold of historians in the post-independence decades, has made interpretations more subjective. The lack of scholarship in Tamil, has also been a disadvantage to Sinhala historians. The same could be said of most Tamil historians. The fact that many thousands of words are shared between Sinhala and Tamil adds to the confusion.

              However, this subject requires more study. I intend reading and learning more and writing an article on this subject. I am sure your comments will add meaning to what I write.

              The Vanni beyond Elephant Pass towards the South, it was a vast land mass that could have been divided into a Tamil Vanni and a Sinhala Wanni. It was ruled by various Vanniyar/ Wanniya Chieftains. The Tamil Vannyar Chieftains maintains a dregee of independence, though formally under the Kings of Jaffna. The joined in many conspiracies against King Sangiliyan at the instigation of the Portuguese. The Tamil Vanni was either independent/semi-independent Chieftancies. I have also met Sinhslese from the Sinhala Wanni with ge-names like Ramanlage.

              Finally, I am convinced that history cannot guide us to solutions for the future. We have to start from where we are now. We have to address issues and find solutions based on current realities, even if we have to draw new borders or increase/decrease the number of provinces or there sizes. I would also rather use the words ‘traditional areas of habitation’ rather than ‘homelands’ in our discourse.


              • 0

                Dear Dr. Rajasingham Narendran,

                Re “We have to share everything in this country as citizens”

                We have to share all the COMMON resources because that is the Birthright of every citizen. Land, water and few other things that cannot be manufactured are “scarce resources” and are vital to life than others.

                Re “Ultimately the share of the minorities, which is equal as individuals, will become proportionate to their population numbers”

                Yes. that has been my position all along. I hope you can remember what I said long ago, about Funding Development, Debt servicing and the significance of the National Ethnic Ratio

                Re “If one feels cornered, robbed,deprived violated and insecure, he/she will defend what little he/she has, with all his/her might and noise. This defensive response has to be understood and dealt with as a reaction to several actions perceived as discrimatory”

                I have written about colonisation of the Hill country by Alien Indian Tamils and how overwhelming numbers of Sinhalese lost their lands, homes and livelihoods. They had to watch while their Lands were occupied by Aliens and their farmlands converted to cash crop plantations. This is not fantasy and I have quoted authoritative references before. Today there are over a million destitute landless sinhala peasants as a result.

                What have the Tamil politicians done other than to block every attempt at providing relief to these unfortunate people?

                Hence what you say is more appropriate for the Sinhalese who have suffered since the arrival of the British.

                Re “Further, the Eastern province is a special issue. Its borders have been drawn and redrawn in colonial times. The historical population figures are not comparable because of these changes”

                Sri Lankan history reaches at least 2500 years into the past. Any claim based on history therefore cannot be limited to British times. It has to go back to a time where the Indigenous people (Tamil or Sinhalese) ruled this Land.

                You would have noted that I rarely if ever quote from the Vamsa texts. We can easily define pre colonial borders by using other sources as I have done during this discussion. The 1726 AD Dutch map I referenced gives those borders as seen by a foreigner who ruled the Jaffna Kingdom and later the maritime areas. That map supersedes any British changes to the territory controlled by the Tamils and the Sinhalese. The two Dutch references I gave VERY CLEARLY excludes any Tamil control of the Eastern Seaboard South of Elephant Pass.

                In the WHOLE of Lanka only 15% of it’s territory was inhabited. 85% was Forrest when the British arrived (Forrest dept statistics will prove it).

                The population figures before the advent of the British can be estimated by working backwards using British Census data. When the Alien Indians are eliminated, for each Lanka Tamil in the population there are 7 non Tamils. If only the Sinhala and Tamil populations are considered for every Lanka Tamil there are 5.3 Sinhalese. If you work out the population figures for 1700 AD you will see how Ludicrous it is to claim a majority Tamil habitation in the East when the population is insufficient even to populate the Northern Province.

                Please see the comment from a Tamil below Invaders! of June 25, 2015 at 7:09 am.

                He estimates Lanka’s population at 250,000 in 1700AD.

                That gives a Tamil population of 35,000.

                The combined area covering the North and the East that is claimed by the Tamils as their Historic Homeland is 26,000 sq km giving a population density of 0.743/sq km (3 persons per 4 sq km). It’s perimeter is about 2000 km.

                Even if that figure is doubled the population density will be 1.5 persons per sq km. Let alone inhabit the land the numbers are insufficient to defend it against a competing population 7 times it’s size. This exposes the fraudulent Ludicrous claim of Tamil Habitation.

                Re “The King being a Sinhalese, Tamil or Indian gives no clue as to the nature of the population. The linguistic or religious identity of the King does not mean that the population can be assumed to be of the same identity”

                Never have I done that because it is foolish to do so. The Kandyan Kingdoam had Nayaks as rulers but it was a Sinhalese Kingdom with Buddhism as the State Religion.

                People live where they can make a living. Baticoloa, Kottiyar and Trinco being the Primary Trading Ports on the East coast became population centers. There were Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese living there together. There was no Tamil or Muslim domination that excluded the Sinhalese from the port cities of the Sinhalese Kingdom. No intelligent govt would have allowed it with a competing Tamil kingdom in the North.

                Re “The influx of the Mukkuvars from South India and the Arab traders who married Tamil and Sinhala women, who became Tamil-speaking Muslims, adds a factor into the equation. The migration of Muslims from the center of the Kandyan Kingdom is another factor”

                All these numbers are too small and has no affect in proving the absence of a Sinhalese population in the East.

                If that cannot be proved the area has had a mixed habitation.

                Don’t forget that the administration was carried out by Sinhalese officers in the Sinhala language. This meant that Sinhala was not dead in the East. Even Tamils and Muslims had to know it in order to do business.

                Re “The fact that many thousands of words are shared between Sinhala and Tamil adds to the confusion”

                I can’t see how that impinges on whether Sinhalese and Muslims were also living with the Tamils in the East.

                Re “The Vanni beyond Elephant Pass towards the South, it was a vast land mass that could have been divided into a Tamil Vanni and a Sinhala Wanni”

                According to the Map I referenced the boundaries are well defined. Territory to the East of the Central inverted “L” shaped mountain range is the Land of the Veddas and the Sinhala Armies had free access to it, indicating that the veddas were the subjects of the Kandyan King. The Tamil Vanniyars were to the West of those mountains and the Dutch had access to that territory (Vanniyars were too weak to resist the Dutch).

                I quote history from authoritative sources only to deny the make believe history peddled by Racist Tamil Politicians (those who say they have exclusive rights to a given area).

                Kind Regards,

          • 0

            Dear Dr RN,

            Please also refer to my comment of June 24, 2015 at 1:03 pm addressed to Theva below.

            Kind Regards,

        • 2

          Dear OTC,

          Further, there are ‘ indigenous’ Tamils who have become Sinhalese and ‘ Indegenous’ Sinhalese who have become Tamils. There also Tamils imported from India by the Portuguese and Dutch who are Sinhakese now and have distinct caste identities – Karawa, Duruwe, Salagama etc,. They also form significant segments if the Sinhala population. This process of assimilation favouring the Sinhalese is yet unfolding in the Wattala to Puttalam belt and even within Colombo.

          Ours is more like the dispute between Abel and Caine.

          Let those like us, who strive to understand the phenomenon and the process there-in lead the way to build a united Sri Lanka. There are many like us in all communities. Let our voices be heard in the name of sanity.


          • 0

            Dear Dr RN,

            Please see my reply to yours of June 24, 2015 at 2:31 pm.

            Kind Regards,

    • 2

      The a,

      He can demand greater devolution and substantive improvements in the 13th amendment. However, he is alienating those who matter and those who sympathetic with the loose cannons he keeps on firing.

      I wonder whether he is also destined tipo be a false Messiah!


  • 0


    I have made a mistake in my last post.

    In terms of district proportion,parties A and B are entitled to 10 and 5 seats respectively.

    Since A had already won 10 seats under FPP they are not entitled for any additional seats.

    B on the other hand will obtain all their 5 seats from best losers.

    Regret for any inconveniences caused.

  • 3

    Theva – you say “Do not get me wrong here as I am supporting violence method to achieve freedom. “

    No doubt you are a LTTE supporter, but haven’t you had enough of the mindless violence that was a result of Prabhakaran’s megalomanic rule? With Tamil’s like you wanting more violence to achieve your ends, what hope do the rest of the Tamil’s who are sick of war have?

    And you end with “CM is on the right path. Hope all will support him”, which implies that you think Vigneswaran is on the same “path” as you. Hopefully not, or there will be more trouble ahead.

  • 0


    Correction – I did not mean I support violence method to achieve freedom. I wanted to say not to get me wrong as a person supporting violence. It is the opposite. But also wanted to say Tigers had to resort to violence method just to respond to Terror out leashed since 1956 by the majority as part of the ethnic cleansing.

    FYI I support anything that gives freedom for Tamils. Truth will prevail finally. Country need not be divided if Tamils are allowed to take their own affairs with equal rights.

    • 1

      Dear Theva,

      Further to my comment addressed to you above (June 23, 2015 at 8:52 pm) Disproving your claim to the East, this comment addresses what you have written below.

      You wrote “FYI I support anything that gives freedom for Tamils. Truth will prevail finally. Country need not be divided if Tamils are allowed to take their own affairs with equal rights”

      Equal Rights have never been a problem but the Tamil Politicians have been demanding UNEQUAL rights in favour of the Tamils. They do not know what EQUAL means and the word Sharing is not in their lexicon. That is the problem.

      Tamils are not a Homogenous ethnic group. Their History in Lanka ranges from the Ancient to the Present. Please correct me if I am wrong.

      The Ancient Tamils are Sons of the Soil but they are only a small fraction of the Tamil population.

      I have attempted to group the Tamils of Lanka according to a Historical Time Line. Please feel free to correct me.

      1. Ancient migrants from India
      2. Those brought by Sinhala Kings for work & military service
      3. Invaders from Chola, 1017 AD and later
      4. Those who were brought by the Portuguese
      5. Those who were brought by the Dutch
      6. Those who were brought by the British
      7. Illegal immigrants (still on going)

      1, is an indigenous group whose antiquity would be the same as that of the Sinhalese. They came as Tamils and remained as Tamils. They have the same Historical right to Lanka that the Sinhalese have.

      2, is a naturalised group of a later vintage. Some remained as Tamils others assimilated to Sinhalese society. Since they came to Lanka at the invitation of the Indigenous Ruler they too will enjoy the the same rights as 1 above.

      1 and 2 are a small minority amongst the Tamils.

      3 to 7 constitute the overwhelming majority of the Tamil population. Their History in Lanka ranges from 1017 AD (Chola invaders) to the present (7, illegal immigrants). They do not have the same Historical rights as 1 and 2 as they were either invaders or came here without the approval of the indigenous Ruler.

      Thus “Tamil Rights” is a deceptive term that attempts to hide invaders and employees of invaders using the cover of the real sons of the Soil, the Tamils that fall into the first two classifications.

      The Northern Province is much bigger than the former Tamil Kingdom and includes parts of the former Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom (please refer to my earlier comment and the Dutch map). Even if the TOTAL Tamil population of Lanka decides to relocate to the Northern Province (which they will never do and I as a Sinhalese don’t want them to do), the population density will still be SMALLER than that of the Central Province, the Hinterland of the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom where nearly a million Tamils brought by the British live.

      You already have a Tamil Government there. It will never be anything else as the Tamil population is higher than 95%. Drop the racist and fraudulent claims, you will achieve COMPLETE peace overnight.

      Kind Regards,

      • 1

        I have coupe of comments from your reference map of Ceylon;

        “The Map below is dated 1726 AD and is in a Dutch Museum.

        Do you have any explanations on why all the villages and towns in “JAFFNA PATNAM” in 1724 map of Ceylon reported by Dutch were written in English Language instead of Dutch language?

        But many other unpopulated regions were reported in Dutch language?

        Do you see there were more than 50 villages and towns were reported in “JAFFNA PATNAM” and all still have exactly same Tamil names as we use it today?

        In 1700, Ceylon population was about 250 000.

        So how many centuries do you think a region similar to “JAFFNA PATNAM” with more than 50 villages and towns would take to evolve?

        “JAFFNA PATNAM” has been a traditional Tamil land for many centuries.

        Why don’t you also spend some time to investigate what percentage of Singhalese have Tamil roots?

        You would find out more than 1/3 of Singhalese have Tamil roots. Not the reverse.

        How would that be statistically possible if most of the Tamils in Sri Lanka were recently invaded from India?

        • 0

          Dear Invaders!

          Thank you for your comments.

          The reference map I provided is authentic. It’s repository is a Dutch Museum.

          It will reflect every internal detail of Jaffna Pattnam accurately as every nook and corner was accessible to the Dutch who Ruled it in 1726. Thus information regarding Jaffna Patnam is first hand information of the Dutch.

          The “many other unpopulated regions” that you refer to, was populated by the Vedda and is wholly within the Territory of the Kandyan Kingdom. An area inaccessible to the Dutch and hence the accuracy (comparable to that of Jaffna Patnam) is limited to the borders to which the Dutch had access and hence the only first hand information that they possessed.

          For internal details of the Kandyan Kingdom the Dutch had to depend on descriptions provided by those who had access to it. This is second hand information and requires other corroborating evidence to establish them as fact.

          The Dutch themselves confess that they did not have access to the territory South of Elephant Pass as it was territory of the Kandyan King (please see my second reference).

          Proper names do not change whatever language is used to write them. Manipay is not English though written using Roman Characters.

          On the other hand Descriptions are language dependent. “Gebergte van …..” in Dutch means “Mountains of …..” in English. “Het land der” in Dutch means “the land of” in English

          The map is a Dutch map and hence the descriptions are in Dutch.

          You wrote “In 1700, Ceylon population was about 250 000”
          In which case the Lanka Tamil population would be about 35,000 in 1700AD.

          The combined area covering the North and the East that is claimed by the Tamils as their Historic Homeland is 26,000 sq km giving a population density of 0.743/sq km (3 persons per 4 sq km). It’s perimeter is about 2000 km.

          How this tiny population populated that vast territory and defended a porous boundary of 2000 km against a combined population of 215,000 defies all reason.
          You ask “Why don’t you also spend some time to investigate what percentage of Singhalese have Tamil roots?”
          ALL Sinhalese have Tamil Roots because one of their Parent populations is Tamil.
          It is known that they are from the Indian subcontinent but the exact location is unknown yet.

          You also say “You would find out more than 1/3 of Singhalese have Tamil roots. Not the reverse”
          You may be surprised to know that the Lanka Tamils have no genetic connection with the Indian Origin Tamils of Lanka who are from South India.

          Hence your Tamil Genetic make up cannot be from South India.

          However Lanka Tamils and Sinhalese have a close Genetic connection. Thus there is a distinct possibility of you being Tamil speaking Sinhalese.

          Please refer to Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

          By Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit

          1. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
          2. Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University, PraChan, Bangkok, Thailand

          It was published on the Internet on 7 November 2013.

          Kind Regards,

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