3 May, 2024


Manchester Carnage And The Need To Combat Terrorism & All Forms of Violence

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

It is a wrong proposition to say that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Terrorism should be defined or understood not in a subjective manner, but objectively. There can be grey areas when some incidents or historical facts are analysed, but that should not preclude us from achieving a common understanding of this horrible phenomenon and rejecting it as abhorrent to human civilization. The ‘fight for freedom,’ if at all, should not involve violence, let alone terrorism. Therefore, no terrorist should be any man’s (or woman’s) freedom fighter.


There cannot be any difficulty in identifying the suicide bomb attack in Manchester at the Ariana Grande Concert on the 23rd May as terrorism and the person who inflicted the attack killing himself, Salman Abedi, as a terrorist. In this single incident, 22 people have been killed and 59 injured. Many hundreds or even thousands are terrorised. I usually don’t like to quote Lenin on these matters but he once said, ‘the purpose of terrorism is to terrorize.’ It is an objective pronouncement.

The Islamic State (IS) group has claimed the responsibility for the suicide bomb attack. Therefore, there is a clear identification of the terrorist act with a terrorist organization. However, there are still speculation whether the suicide bomber was directly connected to the IS or acted alone, perhaps with a smaller group, of course inspired by the IS or similar ideology. The latter is the pattern that we have seen in many such attacks in Europe in recent time.

If such is the case, there is more reason to worry about the evolving pattern of ‘lone wolves’ as they may have ‘grievances,’ perceived or real. However, no grievance is a justification for violence, in my opinion, let alone terrorism.

Clash of Cultures?

The attack on Ariana Concert undoubtedly has a cultural angle. It was an event of Western pop music patronized by young women and men. It is also common to many other countries. It may be distasteful to certain ‘ethical,’ religious or cultural traditions, but in that case those people should not migrate or live in Western countries. Even if you don’t agree, you should be able to tolerate and respect the other.

It is because of this cultural angle, that many Western leaders and observers rightly consider these attacks as threats to their ‘way of life.’ This is an undeniable feeling. In many of their statements they also consider these attacks as ‘appalling, sickening and cowardice,’ expressing anger. Even in the most carefully worded statement of the British PM Theresa May on this event, these sentiments are clearly expressed. The US President, Donald Trump has called the attackers ‘evil losers.’ One cannot expect a different reaction. All civilized people should denounce this henious crime. However, the question is whether such statements would aggravate or alleviate the situation. I am here not referring to the IS, but to the ‘lone wolves,’ as many of them are citizens or even born in these countries. This is the situation even in the case of Salman Abedi.

Here there is a question whether too much of ‘social globalization’ has created this unnecessary ‘clash of civilization.’ Terrorists are terrorists, but no one is a born terrorist. Terrorists are created under the circumstances. If globalization was limited to economic, trade or technological aspects, without leading to exodus of ‘social globalization,’ things could have been more manageable. The worst has been the attempted ‘political globalization.’ The world is too complex to globalize within a short span of time.

The religious, cultural and political diversities are too vast in this world at present. There are countries which are reluctant to globalize for various reasons. Therefore, those countries should be left relatively alone to manage their own affairs. The attempt at effecting uniformity or ‘universality’ do more harm than good, as the recent history has shown since the war against Iraq and attempted regime changes in the Middle East.   

Definition and Roots 

Terrorism of course is not a new phenomenon. It has been there since ancient times particularly in Rome and in the Middle East. Asia, India and Sri Lanka have been quite free from this scourge in ancient times, although extreme violence prevailed at various degrees in war, rebellion or in suppressing opposition to rulers.

Although terrorism is considered mainly as a method of achieving objectives (Alex Schmid), in my opinion, it can also be identified as an ideology itself, ‘with intense hatred, urge for destruction and will to sacrifice.’ These are common to many terrorist organizations or individuals. These traits emerge in the psychological sphere whether prompted by ‘grievances’ or influenced by ideology itself. It has an element of anarchism, which might not appear at the initial stages of a movement (if we refer to a movement), but at the losing end. That is why the terrorists don’t usually compromise.

Of course, there is a pattern of attributing the label of ‘terrorism’ to political opponents as a way of denouncing them. However, that cannot be done unless such ‘opponents’ indulge in some form of violence. For example, the brand name ‘terrorism’ first came to be used in Sri Lanka during the 1971 JVP insurrection. It was argued that the term was insulting. It was further argued that ‘the insurrection’ was a justified rebellion against state suppression. This may be true subjectively for some of those who participated in that rebellion. They never would have thought of indulging in mass violence or crime.

But broadly or objectively speaking, there was ‘terror’ even in a small scale at that event in 1971. It was that potential that became enlarged and unleashed during 1987-89 period. Same goes for the LTTE or any such organizations in the North, whatever the justification one may want to attribute to their objectives. Perhaps the LTTE had more of this terrorist character from the beginning, also as a ‘demonstration effect’ of the JVP. ‘Why did the JVP failed in 1971? Because it was not forceful enough for the task.’ That is how the lessons of violence went around from the South to the North; coming back again to the South. The spiralling effect of violence most often is the harbinger of terrorism.

Renouncing Violence     

Terrorism is the highest form of (political or religious) violence. That is why the scourge of terrorism cannot be eliminated without combating violence of all forms. People do have arguments and theories in justifying various forms of violence. Even Salman Abedi, the Manchester bomber, must have had his justification or theories. This is also not the first or the only type of terrorism that Britain has experienced.

In June 1996, the IRA unleashed a bomb attack in Manchester, targeting mainly the infrastructure and the economy. Over 200 people were injured, but luckily there were no fatalities. Does that make the IRA attack any better? No. The absence of fatalities must have been an accident. Of course, they announced the attack 90 minutes before. Even that does not make that bomb attack ‘ethical.’ The IRA terrorism was primarily home grown. But the purpose and the ideology of the present attack apparently come from abroad. There are various varieties and types in terrorism. But the fundamental ideology is the same or similar: hatred, destruction and sacrifice.           

It is high time that all forms of violence are denounced and renounced, although under certain circumstances this may still appear difficult and politically defeatist. Nelson Mandela and South Africa have proved that patience and ‘non-violent resistance’ can bring better results than open ‘struggles’ or ‘confrontation’ most often bordering on violence. Mahatma Gandhi said this before more philosophically, although his followers failed to practice it thereafter. Otherwise, South Asia could have been a better place to live than today.

Questions about Marxism?

There are various theories that condone violence in some form, directly or indirectly. Marxism is one. While the Marxist theories are pertinent in analysing capitalist injustices (economic exploitation and repressions under the state) and the way forward through socialism, the theories of ‘violent revolutions’ or ‘armed struggles’ have not reaped much results, in countries where those were experimented. The worst case has been Cambodia. Even in the case of China, reforms have brought much progress than the revolution. North Korea has gone to the extreme of some ‘Marxist’ theories. The Soviet Union and the Eastern European communist enclaves have collapsed and the present Russia appears a caricature of the debacle. Even Cuba is not free from the repercussions. It has been violent revolutions that have given rise to violent or authoritarian regimes thereafter.   

The theories of imperialism of Lenin and others had given rise to colonial struggles, rightly so, both in violent and non-violent forms. The degree of violence or non-violence has been the factor which has determined the nature of the post-independence or post-colonial societies. Mostly non-violent struggles have established forms of democracies (South and South East Asia), and mostly violent struggles have given rise to dictatorial or less democratic societies (Latin America, Africa and parts of the Middle East). It is the same type of theories of self-determination that have given rise to many kinds of violent and terrorist movements of ethnic or nationalist nature.

There are neo-Marxist theories to consider the present international order as neo-colonialism. There can be much truth in it, in economic sense. Several aspects of neo-liberalism are examples. However, if violent struggles are justified on that basis, all possibilities for democratic development and peaceful change in many parts of the world would be in jeopardy. The need to renounce violence in all forms should take these theoretical matters into consideration.

The Conundrum   

The repressive nature of the state is most often taken as the justification for violence and terrorism. The IS terrorism emerged as ‘liberation’ for some groups repressed by the Syrian and the Iraqi states. The ideological justification comes from the present ‘international order’ dominated by the West, which is considered ‘evil’ by these and several other groups, for religious, cultural or ideological reasons.

The Western meddling in the Middle East is largely responsible for creating conditions and spaces that are being occupied by terrorism. The motives can be oil, money or power. The unjustified invasion of Iraq and attempted and effected regime changes in several other countries have created an immense anarchy in the region. The most glaring has been the support given to one terrorist group against the other. This has been the modus operandi not only of the West but also of countries like Russia. The results have been most devastating for both the Western and other countries.

There is no turning back, whatever the past mistakes, for the civilized world other than completely defeating terrorism at present. What must be avoided is the recurrence of past mistakes and infighting between the major powers who have the capacity to defeat terrorism. The UN should not be neglected, acting unilaterally. It is in the same vein that all forms of violence should be denounced and renounced by the states, non-state organizations and individuals. It is also important to follow the ‘laws of war’ (humanitarian rules and conventions) in combating terrorism within countries or internationally.        


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  • 7

    First combat to Terrorism is Fair governance and devoid of state terrorism.

    • 3

      Dr. Laksiri Fernando, ——————————————————————————
      RE: Manchester Carnage And The Need To Combat Terrorism & All Forms of Violence————————————————————————————————————
      “Religion is the OPIUM of the Masses” Karl Marx—————————————–

      “It is a wrong proposition to say that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Terrorism should be defined or understood not in a subjective manner, but objectively. There can be grey areas when some incidents or historical facts are analysed, but that should not preclude us from achieving a common understanding of this horrible phenomenon and rejecting it as abhorrent to human civilization. The ‘fight for freedom,’ if at all, should not involve violence, let alone terrorism. Therefore, no terrorist should be any man’s (or woman’s) freedom fighter.”——————————————It depends on which side of the Fence you on—————————-

      1. We had Terrorism by Imperialists
      1. We had Terrorism by Slave Hunters
      1. We had Terrorism by Christians, especially the New World, Africa and Asia.
      1. We had Terrorism by Islamic -Muslim Imperialists
      1. We had Terrorism by Communists and socialists
      1. We had Terrorism by Buddhists, especially Sinhala “Buddhists”
      1. We had Terrorism by LTTE
      1. We had Terrorism by Islamist, Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc.the “Wahhabies” and clones.

      Now we have tolerance for Sinhala “Buddhism”. Terrorism, by the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka., the cause of the Civil War. Sinhala “Buddhism”, not Sinhala “Christianity” or Sinhala “Catholicism” as the core-cause for Terrorism in Sri Lanka, by many Tamils who joined the LTTE “Terrorism”.

      “Religion is the OPIUM of the Masses” Karl Marx

      “It takes Religion for Good People to Do Bad Things. (Buddhism , Islam are no Exception)” Stephen Weinberg, Physics Nobel Laureate

  • 3

    The UN should not be neglected, acting unilaterally. It is in the same vein that all forms of violence should be denounced and renounced by the states, non-state organizations and individuals. It is also important to follow the ‘laws of war’ (humanitarian rules and conventions) in combating terrorism within countries or internationally. ” Then If a country deports UN and carry out war without witness, is there anything UN can do? Can UN investigate the country’s action?

    The entire article is justifying why Old King worthy for a Doctorate in War crime.

    Lankawe game of “Terrorism Labeling” is only to rule Tamils with occupying 150,000 strong army. Convulsing it to connect Tamils’ freedom fight with the real terrorism going out with arguments of Oranges= Apples like the one of “It is a wrong proposition to say that ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’”

    Lankawe is using UN Resolution 1373 to list organizations registered in Democratic nations as Terrorist Organization. No country has accepted Lankawe’s this game as coming under UN resolution 1373. When they hate Tamils they list them as terrorist and interpret Tamils are Terrorist because there hate feeling in them.

    These guys wrote books on how technically Tamil can be ruled without really developing power but fake changes in the constitution. With that help, Appe Aanduwa has withdrawn the secret solution. Now Tamils have to wait for until 2019 March.

    Apples are not oranges. Freedom fights erupts like when Lankawe greedy rulers wants to rule Tamils. Terrorism comes out like when power books like Quran is misinterpreted.

    The Russian farmers or fought with their King to regain their rights. Lenin the inventor of Revolution is the father of terrorism. In contrast to that Tamil Thirunavukkarasar invented Satyagraha.

    Using the opportunity to suppress Tamils more?

  • 3

    While the writer seems to sincerely believe that violence can be eradicated from human behaviour, he has not researched the fact that violence in human history has always been present and is an inherent feature of the human mind, together as groups or as individuals. Our thoughts are often violent, although we restrain ourselves due to social requirements or in fear of punitive repercussions.

    What needs to be addressed are the triggers for “terror” type violence and change government foreign policy (for example) that are unjust to hordes of civilians in far-away lands. However, it is impractical to imagine that these policies will be dismantled, given the enormous economic advantages that major (especially free market) countries have enjoyed for many years, at devastating cost to millions of “lesser” people.

  • 3

    “The ‘fight for freedom,’ if at all, should not involve violence, let alone terrorism. Therefore, no terrorist should be any man’s (or woman’s) freedom fighter.”

    This is absolutely correct. The root of terrorism is always the flaw of a constitution, or beliefs. Islamic terrorism is rooted in the belief of rewards in after life. What the terrorists does not know is that there is no afterlife. God has taken nearly 15 billion years to create life on this earth. What these terrorists believe is that god is offering virgins for martyrs or terrorist acts. How idiotic such beliefs are. Knowledgeable persons should come forward to promote peace means of proper education of values. In the political area, corruption should be eliminated at the helm. All citizens should receive equal share and equal protection. It is then the mindset would turn away from terrorism. If the politicians do not practice this or understand, wise men should send them home.

    Thanks for the above insight LF.

  • 3

    The question is whether you agree, as I do, that every form of terrorism has an underlying cause at the root of it. I wish that you’d write about what was behind LTTE terrorism. I wish you to be blunt about who ought to be held responsible for that.

  • 3

    Dr. Laksiri,
    In regards to Sri Lanka you mentioned about JVP terrorism, LTTE terrorism but you never mentioned about state terrorism, Buddhist Fundamentalists terrorism that happened before 1971. For example, the so called 1958 riots, 1977 riots, 1983 riots had the similar charcteristics of Terrorism. Civilians were attcked, murdered. properties were destroyed. These are organised by some groups, individuals and those who did had political objectives as well. LTTE and other militant groups were funded, trained by neighboring India, sheltered by India. JVP also had the support of some countries and some polticians within the country. Similarly, Islamic militants were funded and trained by many countries. I agree that Manchester incident was brutal, similar to that of the attack on Katankudi mosque, similar to that of murder of buddhist monks in the South and bombing of Navali church in the North. You can’t justify one or other. In a competitive world, actions and reactions are continuous and all depends on the diverse enviornment and how it favours to each other. I am not in favour of any sort of violence whether it is verbal or brutal weapon, but I don’t have the right to say to put my finger on others right or wrong.

  • 0

    The short-term motive for these attacks is clear. ISIS is being squeezed from various sides, so they are taking desperate measures. You can expect more attacks as the various factions approach the ISIS capital, Raqqa. The real question is whether ISIS will target the USA. If that happens, then the dynamics will change entirely. Trump is eager to join the war, as it would distract from his personal wrongdoings, and curry favor with both the Sunnis and Israelis, who view the Shia (particularly Iran), as an enemy. There are already “safe zones” on the edge of Syria where US forces train anti-Assad forces and gather intelligence. These “safe zones” have been created with the mutual agreement of Russia. Recently a pro-Assad faction approached one of these “safe zones” and was finished off by American planes.

  • 0

    I think, the writer is simply cheating the reader, perhaps, he has become a NGO working for the corrupt western media. Did some media guy wanted you to write this article. The media’s role is well established.

    Anyway, Trump wants to sell goods. The best way is to have some enemies. It is well known that ISIS is a western creation. Now, Trump in Saudi Arabia want 40 Mostly arab/muslim states to gang up to defeat the terrorists. They supply weapons worth $ 350 billion.

    So, it is a good opportunity as big ticket items are the major export.

    I wonder who was behind this as it is definitely by ISIS. This provides UK the opportunity to change their mind set for immigration and more.

    Muslims are in a big scramble.

  • 1

    Trump maybe an ignoramus, but he used blunt talk unlike weak Obama whose actions led to ISIS expanding and spreading. Trump said “They are losers in life” “I will not call them monsters because they will like that name, they are big losers”.

    I extend that to all the Tamil Tiger terrorist suicide bombers, and other bombings via Lorries, Tractors, Bicycles and Motorcycles carried out by TAMIL tigers. I say they too are big big very big LOSERS. I am glad the Loser DADDY Veluppillai Prabakaran was Obliterated with hundreds of armed fanatics, brainwashed teen soldiers and suicide bombers and black tiger bombers. In case of Tiger black tiger women they were ugly and had no demand by conservative tamils; they were socially under-privileged in the backward Hindu system and only choice they had to gain respect was to become Black Tiger suicide bomber losers. They loved their loser white terrorist Adele who brainwashed them and tied cyanide vials around their loser murderous suicidal necks but who never sacrificed anything and lives in London. These suicide cadre were already mentally depressed and disenchanted. Ugly loser women had a chance of providing money to their destitute parents and be remembered as heroines by their Tamil culture by blowing themselves up. That was their only way to fame like that LOSER Libyan British suicide terrorist in Manchester.

    • 1

      Sinnathamby ,————————————————————————————-

      //“They are losers in life” “I will not call them monsters because they will like that name, they are big losers”. I extend that to all the Tamil Tiger terrorist suicide bombers, and other bombings via Lorries, Tractors, Bicycles and Motorcycles carried out by TAMIL tigers.//—————————————————————————–

      Well stated.———————————————————————————-
      Yes They all are LOSERS. The All are UGLY IDIOTS with LOW IQ to give up their life for NOTHING.

    • 1

      Trump is no means welcome by any of the EU leaders.
      You may be a fan of Trump. But the manner he behaved in his trip made to Europe last week was similar to an elephant in a porcelan shop.
      Dr Merkel was searching for thoughts while being in that forum – she has been the most experienced leader in the group.
      It was so silly the way Trump – shook hand the newly elected Prez of France.
      The NATO meeting was not overlooked as a meeting that almost all the leaders felt america ‘s Mr America First will not be easy to in power within next 4 years. One behind the other, he has scored to be the most stupidiest president. Even Bush junior did not meet the kind of critiques from Europe, as Trump received them last week.
      Some reporters described, even if the newly elected America ‘s republican prez may well be good at his business, but the guy has not the least finger tip feeling when it goes to world politics.
      Just to have signed over 100 BILLIONS US dollar of arsenal export to Saudi Arabia and louded it on and on – made it very clear about his politics. Transatlantic politics are shattered by all means since he the stupid person has loudly criticised that Germans earn billions by their automobile exports. Just only pointing the finger at Dr Merkel there was a greater mistake as economists loudly criticise today.
      All in all, I think impeachment can get him away, not allowing America to fall even deeper.

  • 3

    The world has worked itself into an anti-Islam frenzy. Unfortunately the never ending class struggle has taken a backseat. Will it be wrong if one suggests that the high-handed manner of the creation of Israel and the continuing injustice faced by Palestinians, may be the cause? Migration was a natural phenomena – food and water were the primary reasons. Modern migration is escape from violence. Was Salman Abedi a terrorist? Suggest otherwise will be very unpopular. But it will be a lateral thought. Libya under Gaddafi was in a comparatively stable situation in spite of shortcomings. Sarkozy initiated an invasion to install democracy and there was this feeding frenzy. Rest is history. Humans have this innate love for their country of birth. Perhaps Salman Abedi was vented his grief – wrongly.

    • 1

      Apology for speaking very hastily. The attack was preplanned and intended to cause deaths and fits the description of a terror attack. My thrust was to suggest that violence from state begets violence.

      • 1

        K. Pillai. This is all due to Tamil Vest interests. Tamils developed the vest interests and others are buying. There is nothing so efficient as Tamil vest interest, with or without thrusts it came. They expect more from your Tamil vest interests.

  • 1

    A good article by an academic who appears to have changed his views to be a realist.

  • 2

    Anton Balasingham and Velupulle Pirahaparan must have been Freedom Fighters to have Diplomatic treatment in London …….Waving the Tiger Flag and collecting Dollars and Pounds and Euros must have been to feed the Freedom Fighters……..No wonder the UNP London recruited the Financiers of the Freedom Fighters, for the UNP boss Dr Ranil ,to give them a Free Liberated Land on 1/3 of Srilanka.

  • 1

    The following is how another analyst wanted to see it. His question is why just days before crucial UK election, there is Islamic terrorism ?

    they not know that they incite election results unfavorable to them, unfavorable to Muslim society, electing the candidate that promises even more discrimination against Muslims? A candidate even less eager to find a peaceful solution in the Middle East?

    Of course, they know.

    Known and documented ISIS- Daesh, Al-Qaeda and most other terror groups fighting in the Middle East proxy-wars for the West, are constructs of US intelligence. ISIS is financed by America’s staunched Middle East ally Saudi Arabia. This relationship has to be addressed. Who are the State sponsors of terrorism.

    We, The People, should wake up to this reality.

    Are these terror attacks being used to dupe the public into accepting more “protection”, like a gradual but ever accelerating militarization of the West. Even the installation of Martial Law is not far-fetched. Former French President Hollande tried to introduce it in France’s Constitution in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack; so far unsuccessfully.

  • 3

    During his presidency, Bill Clinton presided over the most devastating regime of economic sanctions in history, that the U.N. estimated took the lives of as many as a million Iraqis, the vast majority of them children. In May of 1996, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Madeleine Albright, who at the time was Clinton’s U.N. ambassador. Correspondent Leslie Stahl said to Albright, “We have heard that a half-million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And — and, you know, is the price worth it?”

    Madeleine Albright replied, “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”

  • 3

    Dr Lanksiri.
    Terrorism has not been yet defined… UN and all social scientists have not come up with any definition to the term terrapism .. it is s complicated one ..when Indians were fighting against British it was called freedom fighting and when South Africans were fighting against appothied white rule it is called freedom struggle ?when LTTE were fighting …SL armies it was for them freedom fighting ? Tell me now who define it ?
    This has been subjective topic and it will remains as like that until this world ends ..

  • 0

    The UK has been harbouring all kinds of terrorists for years – Islamic and Tamil terrorists had been given a safe haven there. The UK turned a blind eye when Sri Lanka was suffering under Tamil terrorism. They even actively supported the Tamil terrorist front organisations.

    Tamil terrorists invented and perfected the art of violence and brutality of suicide attacks using humans as bombs. UK partly has infact indirectly funded suicide terrorism by aiding numerous Tamil organisations such as the Tamil Youth Organisation, World Tamil Forum etc, which are nothing but terrorist organisations.

    Tamil terrorists have executed more than 600 suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, killing thousands of innocent people.

    Its such a pity that innocent civilians have to suffer because of fanatical terrorist groups.

  • 2

    Non violence will never win that is repeatedly proven in history. Even now Non violence is oppressed by force.

  • 0

    why people dont ask uk was targeted? james cobyn has got the answer? Uk starting wars in iraq/afghanistan. blair was warned by mi6 in 2002 this would happen.

  • 0

    News Item (Daily Mail): Asylum seeker from Sri Lanka let himself be tortured with hot iron bars to support his bid to stay in Britain. That is good news. The bad news for (rajash, kapilai, samuel jayaweeran, sam fernandopulle, seelawathie, darunuwathi, olu, nelum, punchi burampi, sama, et. al, the tiger rump refugees) is that the plea of this man was rejected by the judge. Perhaps, he was trying to be a real tiger by simulating those stripes on his back. Whatever it may be, start packing your bags. You will be in Sri Lanka soon.

    • 1

      Argon- have some medicine and try to get well.

      There are no threat or the kind of actions from Tamil Rump to anyone.
      It is just an illusion by silly guys of your nature. At the time, Mr Sirisena took the office, your belowed leader Mahinda Jarapakashe was in the opinion, entire Europe would be after him, planning to get MR to Hague for war crimes. This was the billa made by them to please you guys and in the same time consolidate their powers targetting naively folks dominated srilanken population: Not many even today would question as to why no such forces worked at all, let alone, no even any signs of the kind exist hunting for Rajapakshes as they stammered to the nation.
      How come ?
      Likewise, today, even you guys to trigger farting too should be connected with Tamil Rump is becoming a joke to entire world.
      When would you guys become grown ?
      So long the kind of uneducated folks would take the lead, nothing will change in our society. Latter is the obastacle of the day.
      DJ and Buruwanse are their agents to animate the grass eating majorities.
      All because then only they will be able to abuse the voters.

      • 0

        “have some medicine and try to get well”. Thanks, but I am Argon and I am inert, nothing reacts with me. “your bellowed leader Mahinda Jarapakashe”: Do you have a bellowed leader too? and is he behind you? if so, he is about to do something bad to you from behind. Take care! Sama, one thing I am sure of. Sam fernando and sama are one and the same. You are not Sinhalese. You are Tamils. Right? That is why you are bellowing against Mahinda, the hero who vanquished the despicable Tamil Tigers. We have all the evidence now. We know who you are, where you are, and what you do. That pharmacist stuff is BS.

        • 0

          Edwin – I am so humble to see my typos.
          It should be beloved (not bellowed).

          Argon- get a life man. You the dimwits cant even know who you are. I am originally from Galle. But for the last 3 decades, I hav ebeen in EUrope. I got to know notherners in Europe, apart from my short stay at Pera. Even as a young man, I was different to you guys. My thinking has always been not to hang on with our races. May be I was raised by elders too. You guys, not being able to digest it yet, you ve been a sexagenarrian – to behave like a frog in lanken style well – it is no easy you to get on with many as we do.
          So now you will see it me being a southerner to behave very different to you – I wish youth of the country would not be misled by your the like devious, malcious men because that can only lead them nowhere.
          Hope you will see a good psychologist sooner than later. BB

  • 1

    jayaweera, fernando, silva are invariably names of lower caste Sinhalese people. When I say lower, I mean relative to the highest Sinhala caste of govigama. By adding a pulle (gentleman) they are trying to get some respectability that is really not there. Soon you guys will be back in sri lanka with your female avatars ranging from boru-seelawathi to dara-unu-wathi and I am sure you all will have a lot to explain.

    • 1

      Buran Appu -former User name EDWIN RODRIGO.
      As we have nothing else to be busy with, lets continue talking about CASTE, CREED and HOW POWERFUL WE THE SINHALESE ARE- though in real context, we are just an another hungry folks to the world..-Edwin the dimwit of this century -please grow up!!!!

      Even if repated warnings, not much seem to have helped him yet today – he continues naming anyone that would stand against the kin do men to be low caste sinhalese. RODRIGOS AS MY ELDERS SHARED ME WERE NO HIGH CASTE EITHER.
      Latter alone is a disqualification him to exchange the thoughts on this platform.
      This sexagenarian from Baharaine, calling him to be former student of Prof. AKD seem not learning the basics of this life.
      Man, it is useless to shoot the messenger calling them as as Refugees, Tamil Rump bla bla… please try to sense it today.
      Your behaviour is only a match with stupid arabs, that would not safeguard the basic human rights.
      Even if Mr America First is reported to have sighed a 100-Billion arsenal purchase during his last week’s visit to SA, he was seen as
      an elephant in a porcelan shop while meeting with his NATO counterparts.
      Few hours before Dr Merkel was compelled to take part Trump the clown – Obama had a public forum with Germans, where OBAMA was welcome as no second to a world star. So the contrasts were made clear to entire world.

      • 0

        This is great! When I comment someone called Edwin Rodrigo is getting smashed up. It is lie the deer skin in the house getting beaten up when actual deer eat the crop. Keep it up guys and gals. And enjoy yourselves. May be I will join you sometime, when I am free.

        • 1

          We count it again.
          You EDWIN will live short.
          Please get civilized and return to us.
          I don t think it is difficult. We need to uproot EDWINs from lanken culture.
          Then only the nation will be able to see it right.
          No chance for any kind of racism – is our life motto.
          Enough is enough.

          • 0

            Hey, Leelawathie. You are another sama. So the equation can be expanded as: leelawathie = sama = sam fernando. The military intelligence I received just now is staring in my face. I will bet my last dollar (or saudi riyal) that you are the same. You guys are walking in to my trap like sheep for slaughter. Soon the trap door will close.

        • 1

          WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BURAN ? (former EDWIN now as Argon and Buran Appu)

          How many more days would allow you guys to spread your racism this way ?

          Hope metta will tame you if not today tomorrow.

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          I really missed the comments added by Edwin. Not because I found them fine, but his racial attacks and that caused us to draw our conclusions about deteriorating level of lanken society. This is why historians stay mum when talks on reconciliation are being made.

          Edwin on the other hand was so funny guy – so proud of his yiddish than that of anyone. Not knowing the least about anything but about his theories. No matter anyone would go against, he added as a gossipy man would utter anything as his tongue allows him. I still remember how how many times he repeated about him had been a student of Prof. AD.
          It was all just to seek the reputation. But his tongue never did the job, to paint him the picture, as if nothing could change by any efforts, since jame lokuyi purudhadhata wadaa..

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            S for Sinhala: Take the names: sam fernandopulle, Samuel Jayaweeran, Seelawathie, sama and now Samson Gunawardhanalingam. Can anyone tell me what the common denominator here is? Well, you need years of experience to get it. anyway, I will tell you. All the names above start with s. Moreover, I have a list of Sinhalese in Europe who were sponsored by the Tiger Rump for propaganda purposes, whose sob stories about Sinhalese atrocities were all made up and given to them by the Tamil Rump. These names are all there. These are the most despicable of all who work against Sri Lanka. The traitors. I consider Rajash the theorist, Mallaiyuran the joker and Siva Sankar et. al. as enemies of the state but I do not hate them. They are Tamils and their DNA is programmed over 2,500 years to work against Sinhala Buddhists. But the s clan! They do that for money. They make my blood boil. The letter S is for Sinhalese. My Lucky Day: 2 of you the S for Sinhala walked in to my trap today taking the day’s catch to 2. Just as I was wondering where Samson was, he walks in to the trap. It is a record catch of 3.

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      Buran the CLOWN:

      You guys seem to have it difficult to see it right yet ? Those who you think are from LOWER CLASSEs, what kind of blood should they have in their blood vessels ?

      Are they not similar to what we find in homo sapiens in general ?

      Why to repeat this Edwin ? What advantages you will have just because you repeat them as a HLD form Australia and DJ from COlombo Maligawatta flats ?

      Nothing else, but this psychology ruined our nation. That is why we fought a 30-year civil war.
      If we the sinhalese cant treat our own community without going through EDWIN DOCTRINE (which is racism) , how can we think of even treating minorities well ?
      What kind of message you want to pass to the world and our future generations ? If you guys would behave well only, future generations can learn it from you.

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        “Nothing else, but this psychology ruined our nation. ” Yeah, but that got you to Europe didn’t it? Otherwise you will be cutting grass in Tumpane for your kiri eladena, won’t you be?

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          What brought me to Europe is my will nothing else. From the begining on we were free to guide us well. So far, I dont have any problems with anyone based on caste, creed or any other facttors you the ilk have been influenced from that day on.

          Edwin, you will have to grow up. Else, you would not see anything out of your box.
          Very unfair to your kids. Hope their teachers would guide them well.
          So long fathers of your natue fail to even see the basics, the youth cant learn to behave healthily.

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            “What brought me to Europe is my will nothing else.” They say that even the thief who climbed the kithula to steal toddy had an answer when caught. Will to do what may I ask? Even the Manchester bomber had a will. The will to murder. So you think you are a good father? You teach your kids to be nice traitors to Mother Lanka?

            And don’t call me Edwin, OK? I’m Buran Appu a descendant of Puran Appu. You know him? I don’t think so. check it up anyway.

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              No point of exchanging with you. Leave it.
              My time is gold than hang on with a stupid man coming from Mathugama.
              I wonder why the people of our average kind are that devious.
              Let this be the last time Buran ( no doubt we have got DNA test to prove you are NOT buran but EDWIN whose was rejected by CT not once several dozens of times sofar).

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      you may please get your GOVIGAMA CASTE tatooed on your penis. That can help you further. We just need to know how many among lanken populace would join you there. I also found the caste difference at the time, we were boarded at Hilda Obeysekarala hall in early 90ties. As one who lived out of the country for the lalst few decades, I notice not the kind of social barriers we see today as had been to that time.

      I am so happy, today our people have turned out tobe caste less – is a good thing Mr Rodrigo. Even Rodrigos were no high caste, though you keep talking on this on and on.

      I also rememeber the day how our elders treated dobbies and cinammon peelers with all abusive nature. Gone were the days, we the lankens as YASHORAWAYA teledrama depicted it – how caste bound they had been.

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