3 May, 2024


Five Top Diplomats In Colombo Warn Sirisena Of Dire Consequences: Sirisena Delays Official Response To Speaker’s Letter

Heads of five diplomatic missions in Colombo have met President Maithripala Sirisena to discuss the current political crisis and expressed strong displeasure at the developments in Parliament on Thursday and Friday, Colombo Telegraph learns.


Among those who met Sirisena were the heads of diplomatic missions of the US, UK, the European Union and Australia, informed diplomatic sources told Colombo Telegraph.

They had informed Sirisena that his administration would face “dire consequences”, especially in the diplomatic sphere, if the crisis persisted. They had asserted that Sirisena should take the lead in resolving the crisis, without delay.

At a meeting with one diplomat, Sirisena had said he had assurances from several key UPFA MPs that former President Rajapaksa commanded majority support in the House. The President had said he appointed Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Prime Minister based on such assurances.

It is against this backdrop that Sirisena has delayed responding to the letter sent by Jayasuriya yesterday informing that the second No-Confidence Motion against Mahinda Rajapaksa was adopted by Parliament.

Although the President, at a meeting with SLPP MPs, said that he did not accept the second No-Confidence Motion, he has not officially informed his opinion to the Speaker thus far.

Sirisena, when he met party leaders supporting the No Confidence Motion earlier this week, said he would resolve the current political crisis within “two-three” days. However, when he informed the SLPP MPs that he did not accept the results of the second NCM, the matter came back to square one.

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  • 32

    The Gossip says China has bought over My3 Basil has put through the deal. Some investigation is needed

    • 1


      Let gossips be gossips Pon.

    • 2

      Guys, this crisis has another hidden Geo Political dimension involving the Zionist countries and Modi’s RSS driven Hindu Zionist agenda in line with the US/Israeli “Pivot of Asia” program. Let us begin with the FIRST line of SUPPORT the FASCIST Set Up they call the “SL govt” with its FAKE democracy got. Modi’s right hand criminal-Subramaniam Swamy issued a bold statement to a worldly infamous War Criminal and a Super Criminal the Govigama Ruling Elite clan produced in its 70+ years of the control of the system—Mahinda Rajapakse. The Sri Lankan Buddhist Zionist Mafia celebrated Mahinda like no other as the Anagarika aDharmapala’s racist ideology in establishing a Pure Buddist Racist society run country in line with the Israeli Jewish Racist country and in line with Modi’s Hindutva Racist politics. Also, these Asian idelogies have the full backing of the Racist Jewish State for the preperation work for their planned War against the worldwide Muslims in 2020 to massacre them mercilessly. Mahinda/Gota/Sarath Weerasekera/Gnanasara/Mahanayakes alliance simply is set up made for this project. The Yahapalana concept is a big hindrance to implement Fascism to achieve the Sinhala Only+Zionism combined mission. So, the Govi Mafia Deep State must have decided to demolish everything democratic. Sirisena is empowered by all these support to do what he is doing right now…. Buddhist religious heirarchy is fullt backing the fascists. We are able to read all their secret codes to figure out the hidden plans behind this whole drama of the Govi backed Sirisena.

      • 1

        It is not a race discrimination it is a religious discrimination to make Sri Lanka a Buddhist Snhalese state where there is not place for Hindus, Christians, Muslims ][even Sinhalese Christians are under attack at several times]


        • 0

          Kumaradasan, why I find it race is because, Indian State is run by Brahmins and the Brahmins have a historical hatred towards the Tamils. The Brahmins root goes as far as connecting the Jewish bloodlines. The modern historians have found the links even as far as Mahabaratha stories. Since the Tamils are the original inhabitants of the indus valley and its surrounding areas including Sri Lanka, both the Jews and Brahmins are racists and hate the original owners – Tamils. Thats the historical enmity that mechanised the Congress govt., and now the RSS / Israel controlled govt of Modi always favour the Govigama controlled Sinhala Zionist govts. There is a video on the origins of Govigama Mafia and its dictatorial ruling power over the Lankan population. its called “Kandy Nayakkar”(tamil) in Youtube. Watch it to know more.

  • 10

    We shouldn’t care about the opinions of diplomats of countries who sucked our blood for 500 years.
    Why are we so concerned about their opinions about our domestic issues?
    Did we protest about genocide of native Indians, slavery, racism and the election of Trump by America or his racist policies? Do we protest about Australia’s genocide of aborigines, or Canada’s genocide of indigenous peoples?
    If their AID worked, why are we still so poor? Think CT readers, don’t behave like sheep.
    The bottom line is we should not care about the opinions of these true ‘Pariah’ nations with a bloody history. They only want to keep sucking our blood through agents like Ranil PUK Hamu and compromised individuals like OurMangala.
    So get over it and concentrate on our issues, ignoring them.

    • 42

      You are talking about things that happened a 100 to 300 years ago. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and there is a now a new world order. Concepts of democracy, freedom and human rights are constantly evolving so we cannot apply the old yardsticks and references now. The last King of Kandy was Tamil so can we argue on that basis that the present day prime minister of Sri Lanka should also be a Tamil?

    • 22

      We are so poor because we have allowed parasitic politicians to loot & plunder.

      Accusing colonial powers that were, is akin to howling at the moon.

      Diplomatic missions and diplomats are part of a global network that works for decent relations & greater goodness.

      Let’s hope as citizens of this country irrespective of ethinicity or any form of divide, we can assert ourselves genuinely to the betterment of our motherland. If we do not, we will fail our children as much as we will have failed our parents.

      Good luck in going beyond self…

    • 14


      Thanks for your bulls**t

      “If their AID worked, why are we still so poor? Think CT readers, don’t behave like sheep.”

      If you could live without AID why are you still begging after foreign blood suckers have been replaced by home grown blood suckers at least for the most part of our “independence” ?

      Don’t worry about foreigners however learn to treat your own family well, else the neighbours and foreigners always use the opportunity to grope your female folks.

      You have very high ideals and honourable thoughts and words but void of any honourable action. On the contrary you always created unnecessary crisis after crisis with your parochial attitudes to people, polity, ………….. So you have forfeited your right to rule this country and have been inviting foreigners to intervene in domestic disputes advertently or inadvertently since 1948.

      Go treat your people well.
      Shove your parochial nationalism and sham colonial anger wherever you see holes.

      • 4


        Learn to write in proper English boy. Big words (used in the wrong context) dont make you look good. For instance, there is no English phrase which says behave like sheep. Enough about your atrocious English.

        You dont have a valid point boy. Sri Lanka (or any country for that matter) cannot operate in isolation. If these countries slam an embargo it will be you (and the likes of you) who will have to shove the anger where the sun does not shine (No one says shove anything wherever you see holes).

        I know you want to thank me. You are very welcome.

    • 7

      You want to suck China’s tool?

    • 12

      Absolutely..! That Deshamanya is a mentally crapped. He is typical Sri Lankan ‘Kuhakayek..

    • 9

      Deshamanaya, the Mongal,

      Did your mother send you to school? I am curious.

      If you have gone up to Grade 8 at least, you should understand your blessed country and its people cannot survive a week without foreign aid from the west.

      Do you know Foreign Aid worked well for MaRa who stole 800 million dollars from Tsunami Aid provided by Western Countries?

      Do you know MaRa and Willie Gamage together created NGO Helping Hambantota to secretly pocket in Foreign Funds?

      Do you know MaRa got 19 billion dollars from China as commissions for useless disastrous projects like airports and harbours in Wanni

      So don’t open your garrulous month to vitiate the air around you like a stinking Chinese

    • 4

      Well your knowledge about economy is nil mate.
      If we are a self sufficient country with food, medicine, fuel and also if we dont have any international debt, yes of course we can ignore international community but we are not a self sufficient country and in massive debt too.so we will have to listen to international community. At this moment we depend on fuel from overseas, medicine from overseas, income from sri lankan working overseas and export to europe n usa mainly. So think twice !

      • 3

        Sad to say I agree with you Amila. This is the dire reality. We have to play ball with these super-powers. I think (albeit sadly) that RW managed this interplay better than MR. But MR is more popular locally. What will happen to us Sri Lankans who have no where to take our families when the proverbial sh## hits the fan? Truly a crisis of leadership.

    • 1

      Chinese are doing the same thing.

    • 2

      Deshamanya: “If their (the west’s ) AID worked, why are we still so poor?”…askk Mahinda Rajapakse…..he is the richest politician in Asia with the aid of Aid

    • 3

      Are you talking with sense? Then why borrow billions of loans every year from those countries who have enslaved us? Why not you have a self-sufficient economy? Because you cannot. Go tell your leaders not to ask for foreign aid any more and you will know what happens to your country next. In case you haven’t realized by now, the nation is bankrupt. Pathetic.

  • 5

    Bastards! They still think that Sri Lanka is their colony. Tell them to shut the hell up or get the hell out of Sri Lanka ASAP. These Western bastards are yet to apologize for their colonial era utter barbaric atrocities.

    • 28

      Shall we stop all connections with Europe US & Aus… and any other … let me know with what we should move our transport …. firewood? Then without wheat flour… bathala flour or habarala flour?

      You idiots…

      • 1


        Your name is a good proof that you are descending from so called “BASTARDS”. don’t disgrace your forefathers. Still they are looking after you and your country.

    • 15

      If the British had not colonised us no tea, rubber, coconut railways nothing. We would still be wadas

    • 10

      You know..when a sri lankans wanted a decent and lavish life style where do they go to? china or india ? No..to western world europe ,usa etc..because of our lankans are shitty people proud of nothing killing each others, who will recognize us when we slaughter and kill our owen people since 80’s and what we got for our selfs to be proud ?Nothing ..accept betrayal for our owen desire look at whats happening now same shit so how can we stand up as sovereign country when steeling ,bribery in public this is a third world un civilized country sri lanka.

    • 5

      Johnny Baby

      You stupid idiots are yet to thank the Brits/wests for bringing rationality, science, technology, development, modern transport, communication, medicine, knowledge, modern press, electricity, ………………………………….. etc.

    • 1

      And your adopted name here is John. LOL

      Pity that your visa applications got rejected repeatedly.

    • 1

      These Western bastards are yet to apologize for their colonial era utter barbaric atrocities.

      Even middle east countries needs western and asian support for development
      they have inversion technology to meet advancement.

  • 17

    It is true that we are not like Qatar who has all the riches in the world to stand off a so called sanctions. Our current economic structure is such that beggars like us have no choice. But on occasion if we don’t show our mettle even a political secretary of an embassy can arrogate himself to vice-regal status in this country. Examples of display of the beggarly sovereignty are that President Premadasa declared persona non grata to David Gladstone the British High Commissioner. for walking into a polling booth here. President Rajapakse did not care two hoots to the impassioned pleas of David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary of UK and Bernard Kouchner the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France who came to our doorstep pleading to spare Velupillai Prabhakaran. It is a coincidence that both the Presidents are “Sarong wearing” Presidents who did care about threats of dire consequences. It is upto MY3 as to whether he should follow his predecessors of the same clothing.

    • 6

      True. Did Rajapukka send his idiot sons to China for their mis-education? Or did any of our Sinhala Only leaders send their children to the universities in Sri Lanka for education? Only Ranil was mis-educated at the University of Colombo though his family could have afforded to send him abroad without any bribes.

  • 28

    if they stop any imports from Srilanka then we will become another african country.

    • 4

      We should be exporting people like you!

    • 12

      Don’t insult the Africans. Even Ethiopia runs its state airline at a profit.

  • 13

    Sri Lanka as a country is a house divided for seven decades – language-wise religion-wise and more. It is no wonder it is falling apart and is susceptible to foreign manipulation.

    Over 4 decades it has been subjected to foreign manipulation: I don’t have to specify them; Lately China has entered the fray.

    A country united will be strong to defend against foreign interference: Look back and see how the island fell prey to the Portuguese, Dutch and the British: There was no united country during those four and a half centuries but two states in the island – one Sinhalese and the other Tamil..

    Sinhalese leaders (Opportunistic) since independence were/are only interested in grabbing and holding power using anti-Tamil anti-Muslim anti-Christian sentiments than to unite the races/religions to strengthen the newly formed country to progress and prosperity.

    While the ruling Sinhalese politicians enjoy power, perks and amass money – like their ancestral collaborators were doled out state land during Portuguese, Dutch and British rule.

    In the meantime the poor ignorant masses – Sinhalese Tamil Muslims and others suffer in poverty.

  • 21

    President you create the problem now solve the problem the more disputes in parliament it will reflect you If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem, this what Heads of five diplomatic missions is visiting you next they will give advice you to Focus on what’s right on person instead of what’s wrong and backdrop of the country.

  • 25

    What the stupid idiots like sach and co don’t realize is that if these countries pull the plug on Sri Lanka the inhabitants will be left with nothing but dust to eat- all the garment exports goes to Europe and the US, all the tea is exported to the Middle East and Central Asia, 80% of the transshipment in Colombo port goes to India, 80% of the foreign remittances comes from the Middle East, these countries provide 80% of the foreign income to this country.

    Whereas what China provides is Only LOANs at high interest rate like loan shark, and their own labor, by this there is zero benefit to the economy but rather results in slow strangulation of the economy and complete subjugation eventually.

  • 22

    I don’t know what to say except my wish that may Sirisena die so that this country will be saved

  • 2

    Warn Sirisena? Why? Didn’t they also warn that LTTE is unbeatable? They should warn RW for misguiding them and banking on MS.

  • 0

    President has amd is doing the right thing. He is the Awatar the very Countries had created and gifted the people of Sri Lanka in Jan 2015 are now making a hue and cry for their own gains.

    Having got everything of their choice they are now crying for what China had earned as its legitimate share in the war loot.

    My3 is right in his way and doing just what is good for common man who has paid the most and still made to pay more to please the foreign thugs.

    Long live APPE Anduwa. Hell with Global Looters.

  • 1

    There are lots of angry responses to this News piece. Nevertheless it is not unexpected. But the question, why Singhalese Commentators are overreacting also is a legitimate question. Without any real analytical work, we can just guess two reasons, Group 1). A sincere group politically against Western styled democracy. This group fears of Western influence in their political universe. Group 2). Those, who fear seeing Western interference as a road block to transfer the Military victory into a full political victory. Though the latter one is loud and noisy, there is a considerable crowd in the earlier one too. We need to remember SWRD overnight turned around the Sinhala Society as socialistic one in 1956. From that day on ward conservative UNP is keep shrinking, though seeing some major victories too depending on “Opposition Party Voting Sinhala Buddhists” help.
    In any case we can see if this fear or overreaction has any backup substance. Let’s just cut and paste the News part relevant for our talk.
    Heads of five diplomatic missions in Colombo have met President Maithripala Sirisena to discuss the current political crisis and expressed strong displeasure……
    They had informed Sirisena that his administration would face “dire consequences”, especially in the diplomatic sphere, if the crisis persisted……………

    There nothing is appearing to suggest an unusual Diplomatic meeting. But with this specific subject diplomats had already met many Lankawe leaders and even New King too; so one may want to take this meeting more serious than the earlier ones. They have cautioned New King this may invite consequences. But they have mentioned only about political consequences. I don’t know if we interpret it to include economical too, if that wouldn’t be an overblown hype. If it is political or diplomatic, then the problem is only with leaders and irrelevant to mass. In contrast in the economical sanction, the mass may rebel against leaders within, by for the hardship they encounter.

  • 2

    Unless we get further clarification on this, we don’t see anything of the mass to be alarmed at. But of cause some small economic problems drizzling will be also there.
    It will become harder to manage rupee. Bond issuing may demand more interest rate. This can slow drown the growth. But this doesn’t appear to be the subject of the Diplomats’ talk. When we talked about those, we did know we may be drifting out of context of their talk.
    Nevertheless the second group we mentioned in the first paragraph still would be feeling angry on this, because these incidents and the talk of the diplomats may suggest of their opinion shaping up to the March 2019, UNHRC sitting. Lankawe has couple of times indicated it is no more interested to honor the September 2015 promise. In the last review, in March 2018, Tilak, FAM, threatened to pull out of UNHRC. Now the question is how comfortable Lankawe will to implement it before March 2019. Lankawe may get an option this time too; IC agrees to extend the implementation date. If that option is taken, then whether the illegal government continue or Old King manage to come in August, 2020 or one of their candidate wins the January 2020 Ep election, they all going to end up taking the obligation of implementing the UNHRC Resolution 30/1. If Lankawe fails to do that, that time escaping an economic sanctions would not be possible. If that is the part making our second group angree, we can understand that. If they didn’t know an UN and IC existing when were they using the Chemical Bombs, Thermobaric Bombs and other cluster banned arsenals, now it is time for them to get into the stream of the world civilization and punish the culprits. If these refuse to do that and throw their new arsenal Chili Power water, they have to assure themselves they are going to invite more consequences than the those now promised by the diplomats.

  • 19

    I think we need to confisicate MR’s 18 billion dollars and use that to pay off our foreign debt, then we dont need to bow our heads down to anyone noh.

  • 4

    Sinhala people are eternally grateful to President Sirisena for his decision to withdraw SLFP MPs from ‘National Government’ because with that decision Government failed to get two third in the Parliament to pass the Federal Constitution.
    Those who are mad with President are Tamil Diaspora, TNA politicians and Western countries who are planning to break Sri Lanka into smaller units so that it becomes easy for them to control. None of these rascals care for the ordinary folks in the country.

  • 18


    Fine. Ask USA & European nations to mind their own business and not to intervene our internal affairs.

    But don’t forget to ask them to stop buying Sri Lankans garments,tea, rubber, coconut, cinnamon,back pepper etc. Also not to send their people to tour in Sri Lanka.

    Do you think China will buy these products? China is our rival in the export market. Actually they are eyeing to grab our quota for these products. The moment we lose the orders they will step in to grab them.

    What a toad in a well you are?

    • 1

      So even if Europeans come and pee over our people heads we have to bear it because they buy our products. Business is not like that. So stick to what you know.

      • 1

        Thanks for the advice. I know what I know. However my comment still valids until the government orders to stop exports to Europe & The USA & cut diplomatic ties with them. About business, this is not just selling things at a village grocery store. My friend this is international trade between countries done according to the WTO rules. Please speak sensibly.
        Also it is those imbeciles in the parliament that pee on the peoples heads.

  • 1

    There is a lack of context in an otherwise good article. They cité the Diplomats warninf of “dire consequences” but not from where those consequences will stem. Will they be economic and aid sanctions from outside of SL? Will they be domestic unrest and uncertainty, and further depreciation of the rupee?

    Without the context for this two-word bombshell, we cannot understand from whence it stemmed nor whether the diplos were threatening or just warning. Very inflammatory, when it could have been clarified in a few words.

  • 6


    Tell China to buy all our export products. So we can shut the door for US & Europe.

    Why these idiots don’t understand that China’s long term strategy is to deteriorate our economy by making us to lose the export market. So they can lend us massive infrastructure lones that are non repayable and eventually we will become a Chinese colony.

    China is the real enemy of our motherland. All the law abiding democratic people must unite irrespective of their differences to defeat this coup.

  • 12

    I know that some of these hypocrite bastards and their children who criticize western nations for talking sense are hiding in the democracies in the same places. None of them or their families are neither in China or Russia.

  • 0

    We have asked and urged to foreign embassies of US UK Germany of certain EU nations and Australian be hand off our nation sovereignty immferdite effect. Non of your business of embassies that interfere internal affairs of Island Parliament sovergerity by US and UK embassies.
    The national parliament did not that depend on those countries, while that having not legal rights to dictated terms by foreign embassies will against People of Island.

    Yes, indeed that leadership of UNP has lost people mandate 2015 January 8th by wrong doing of many corruptions by ex-Primer and postpone of many local elections by ex-Primer of UNP leadership.
    That was an immferdite reason to dismissed ex-Primer from “good governances” undermined by ex-Primer . Indeed President MS has an accountability for 2015 January 8th mandate of 6.2 millions of voters.
    This adverse political situation and country of political instability has created by UNP needed to recficity by President.
    Well indeed having mandate of President is one and only person who can that correct path of nation stability and back rule of Democracy in Sri lanka. The action of president as follows;
    First, President removed ex-Primer of UNP of Ranil Wicks from Primer-ship 26 Octemeber.
    Second, President did most suitable decision is go public polls of general Elections by dissolution of Parliaments .
    So UNP do want give rights to vote of local elections one of key reason President has removed ex-Primer Ranil Wicks. We have seek FRESH mandate for Parliament is only way to restoration of Democracy of Island

  • 0

    The Diplomats should have done (whatever they did) diplomatically. This will be interpreted as a blatant interference into our sovereignty.
    SLPP will now deploy language/religion-divide PLUS threats to our sovereignty.

  • 5

    All this bullshit about other countries have no right to get involved is crap that is part of globalization and also beggars can’t be choosers

  • 0

    What is that crisis solutions of ongoing stagnation of Parliament ? By and large that UNP stumble block maneuvering by Speaker of Parliament? The Speaks of Parliament has no constitutional obligations to appoint or removed Primer and Cabinet and convening of Parliament also not under authority of Speaker ! That is republic Constitution enact by Parliament. Speaker cannot ignore these norms.
    The Parliament has set of rules that we call standing -order of conduction proceeding of all debates deliberation and consuses according to accept rule by all parties and their leaders.
    Current speaker has violated all accepting rule of Parliament and he rejected appointment of Primer by President Sirisena in 26th of Octemeber 2018.
    Needless to say an ignorant and uneducated Speaker who only can that speak English is that not quite enough to correct handing of Parliament meeting and conducting of standing procedures are far beyond safeguard vital interest of sovereignty of chamber .
    Speaker has jeposidized Parliament and created chaos and disorder of the Parliament procedure and by undermined rights of members of house and sovereignty of Chamber.
    Please let us know that facts of truth is all Ambassadors from UK USA, EU and Australian are not that well verse on Parliamentary system of governances of every country which is including Sri lanka?
    Politically they are behind that many right thinking Sri lankan elites .
    We, Sri Lankan are one of oldest that mode of Democracy in modern World. Having unique features ours own democracy had been eligible for Universal Franchise since 1931 even Ruthless-rule of White men governance of Island by British Empire of house of Windsor .
    An eventfully under the such and horrible rule of British Empire we were in level of civilization had been progress to shifted to accepts which road to govern by vote of represtaitaive democracy an Island by majority community of nation.

  • 7

    what can a man who set fire to his own fathers paddy field just because he was reprimanded for wrong doing. what kind of a creature is he? The west should understand Sirisena is fighting to uphold democracy. His army is the SLPP and SLFP hooligans

  • 2

    US and Others: Great! This is the medicine that MS needs for his mental illness. Even if you impose trade and other sanctions, MS may not budge. They are only going to hurt the common man, about whom MS cares zero.
    But bring in NO VISA and he is sure to listen and capitulate.

    Oh Hey, watch out for the lethal 10 rupee Chilli Powder tipped Ahas Kooru missile brigade that MS has built up. They can reach any place on Earth if you carry them in your baggage.

  • 4


    Please do not give visas to MS and MR and their clans to visit your countries. Stop this now rather than mere preaching.

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