3 May, 2024


Royal Institute: Defence Secretary Rules Above Supreme Court

Whilst continuing to make a mockery of the existing Judiciary under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government, the authorities of Royal Institute riding on the powers of the current Defense Secretary Retired Major General Kamal Gunaratne, continue to blatantly disregard the Supreme Court order and operate its branch illegally from its Nugegoda premise.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Kamal Gunaratne

Despite ignoring the Supreme Court ruling passed by the three judge bench in April 2019, the Director of Royal Institute Nirodha Bandara who earlier insulted Supreme Court Judges as being ‘heartless’, sees her business interests being protected by none other than her former employee and then Director of Administration Rtd Maj. Gen Kamal Gunaratne.

It was the Rtd. Maj. Gen Kamal Gunaratne himself who created havoc in the school earlier when as the Administrative Director he harassed children by locking them up for hours in classrooms for non-payment of school fees and placed military style clad security personnel to intimidate and instill fear.

Parents had filed complaint after complaint regarding many malpractices that the school was implementing which even flouted basic safety laws.

However after the Supreme Court ruling was given, the school’s Academic Director Nirodha Bandara addressing parents at a meeting, informed them that the Rtd. Maj. General Kamal Gunaratne had resigned from the school.

However up until now both the Urban Development Authority and the Municipal Council of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, who were entrusted to execute the Supreme Court order have been reluctant to go ahead, as external pressures have been enforced preventing them from demolishing of the building.

Last year the Judge reading out the verdict, ordered the Urban Development Authority and the Municipal Council of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, who as the 1st and 2nd respondents in the case to demolish all illegal constructions pertaining to the buildings on premises bearing assessment Nos.10 and 12, Chapel Lane, Nugegoda and for the Municipal Council of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte to cancel all permits (if any) granted to Royal Institute, the 9th Respondent in the case, to carry on business of an International School at Chapel Lane Nugegoda.

It is now a further six months since the grace period has lapsed and the Academic Director of Royal Institute Nirodha Bandara continue to run her operation.

The inaction taken by the government to execute a Supreme Court Order echoes the sentiments that MP Ranjan Ramanayake made when he said that many rulings provided by the courts of Sri Lanka are not executed due to the interference of Politicians.

This incident also clearly indicates that the judicial process lacks consistency in Sri Lanka currently being run by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

A resident and one of the complainants speaking to Colombo Telegraph on condition of anonymity said “Things happen when governments are corrupt. We actually thought the Yahapalanaya government was bad as they continued to let Royal Institute operate even though the grace period to execute the Supreme Court Ruling had lapsed. Now it seems that even under Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government we have to face the same fate. Where is the justice in this instance? Whom do we turn to now after the Supreme Court Order is been disregarded?”

Soon after the Supreme Court ruling was made in early April 2019, Nirodha Bandara addressing parents of students, teachers and staff made a bold statement threatening the Supreme Court three Judge Bench ruling when she went on to say “We will exhaust all our possible options legally and also politically and we will try everything possible.”

Sixteen residents of Chapel Lane Nugegoda filed a Fundamental Rights case bearing number SC/FR 621/2010, for the illegal manner that the school had been built besides operating an International school illegally without a license.

The three members Judge Bench of the Supreme Court comprised of Justices Sisira de Abrew, Priyantha Jayawardena and L.T.B Dehideniya. This was as their fundamental right as residents of the neighbourhood were being violated in many ways.

Citing certain technical clauses to substantiate their case, they highlighted the fact that Royal Institute Nugegoda Branch was wrongfully carrying on a business of an International School in contravention of the Development Plan – Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Municipal Council Area (Zoning Regulations) 2008-2020 and that the said Chapel Lane is situated in a Mixed Development Zone and educational institutes are not permitted to be established there.

The complainants also stated that the school was illegally constructing a fourteen storied building on approximately 25 perches of land bearing assessment No.12 Chapel Lane abutting a twenty feet road.

Another reason stated was that the residents were being greatly inconvenienced especially due to traffic congestion which has hampered daily activities of the residents. The noise caused by the said school and the traffic congestion have made residing and travelling along the said Chapel Lane a near impossibility.

The Judge reading out the verdict, ordered the Urban Development Authority and the Municipal Council of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, who as the 1st and 2nd respondents in the case to demolish all illegal constructions pertaining to the buildings on premises bearing assessment Nos.10 and 12, Chapel Lane, Nugegoda and for the Municipal Council of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte to cancel all permits (if any) granted to Royal Institute, the 9th Respondent in the case, to carry on business of an International School at Chapel Lane Nugegoda.

During the Supreme Court proceedings it was also stated that the Royal Institute did not have a license to operate an International School at the said premises at Chapel Road Nugegoda.The license that the Royal Institute of the Nugegoda Branch had was to merely conduct Computer and English lessons.

Earlier Nirodha Bandara’s father businessman and Chairman of Royal Institute International School G.T. Bandara issuing a letter rebuffed the ruling that the three Judge bench of the Supreme Court had made earlier. (By Dasun Jayakody)

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  • 31

    Sri Lankans who voted for Gota,

    • 6


      The new Magna Carta, voted in by the the Imbeciles, mean IQ 79, aided and abetted by the monks, who are an insult to the Buddha, giving supremacy to the New King over the Supreme Court.

      The imbeciles, mean IQ 79, prostrate to the monks. The monks are happy.

      The imbeciles have no clue.

      • 0

        You mean monk(ey)s ?

    • 3

      Term JUSTICE will become more a dream in the future

      Term basic human rights will become a dream in the future

      Alone the TAPEs of Ranjan Ramanayaka and exposing them to public has become a great to threat to publicly known and unknown personalities and their family kith and kin today.

      Is there a law at all within the context of MEDIA ETHICs in this country today ? We understand SOCIAL MEDIA would not care about anyone but just let it spread so long their clicks would be the outcome. But in some cases, they the GOOGLE should be made accoutable for lanken mess in the society today.
      Many right thinking ones with sanity would not agree with the leaks of such TAPEs tne them be circulating every where not allowing school going children be unaffected. Shave headed bandits LET this happening and have become the drolling spectators of the abusive act. How would then BUDDHIST monk protect this KUNU kanda -Garabage dump style society today ?

      What happened to that COLOMBO RATHAGURU – Ranjith malcom not also made silent by Rajakashe illfated buggers – Ranjan may have collected all the tapes as proof materials but he also has done a great service to the poor in this country. These murderers or killing friendly Rajaakshes would not tolerate him specially because their DRUG trafficking business would not be easy, so long Rajan Ramanaayaka would stay attacking to that Drug KIN PIN Nimal Lanza of the like personalities.

  • 7

    Don’t know whether these disgruntled Chapel Lane inhabitants went to see the great UNP Corruption Fighter , ex Minister Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka before the Judgement of course…

    Anyway I can’t see why our great new Defense Sec who is doing a great job to protect the Catholics as well as the rest now, has been dragged in to this .

    The Defense Sec has enough problems to take care of the inhabitants security ,instead of calling Bandara to pack up and leave Chapel Lane.

    If Bandara is not abiding by the SC decisions what can even Prez Nandasena do ,specially after Dr Rani clipped the Wings of the Lankawe President with his 19A , well before Nandasena became the President.

    Why don’t the Chapel Lane residents file a case against Bandara for contempt of court, which is now being considered as a serious issue ,after the UNP Minister Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka did it as hobby..

    • 7

      We are a nation, which at large support more to continue the very same crime culture since the majority of us would not care about justice – perhaps, the term JUSTICE is taught to the masses. Good governance was ridiculed since people were given all freedom to enjoy under previous govt. They brought new laws and investigations on high crimes were started. No media displays and much more curtails were instead. So what they achieved, as also CBK and Late Rev Sobith THero repeated, could not be promoted in the media since they felt spend lot more to media would be a waste.
As the tsunami waves, CENTRAL bank bond corruption had been routine under MR regime, then the goodgoverance govt could not block it with their start. And them to have brought Arjuna Mahndran as the CBG was the only huge mistake, but to that time world was awre the man had no records of any kind of frauds being pepetrated within his previous job tenures.
I yet today respect Mr RW and dont abuse a word to him even if LANKEN press is made to attack him for their own selfish gains. SirasaTV made him a FOOL, but once the forensic report is out, almost the nudity of Rajakshe REGIME will come to light.
Now with Predecessor CBG to Kabral being an another senior adviser to Premier MR, brings consecutive set of articles about the forensic report being no right. How can he be sure of it…. and why the govt further keep it with them not revealing it tothe nation ?
All is clear that MAD SIRISENA was right having said, that the size of bond scam is 100 times more than what his govt earned in 2015 and 2016.
JVPrs abused their time and tried to attack the UNP … that was like fishing in mud – because JVPrs were hurt by during 89 Insurgency. Anyways, making the hay while the sun was shining was what JVPrs and MEDIA did in that regard looking back.

    • 16

      I think we should abolish lanken legal system and let RAJAPKSHES AND SO CALLED BUDDHIST MONKS together with that colombo agaradhaguru-RANJITH malcom (condom supporter to Mahinda CROOKpakshe)

      SRILANKA is their PRIVATE property – we the citizens should have only VOTING rights so that they can abuse the votes and become leaders. No matter the destitute go down they can abuse tax payers funds for their high life styles – e.g helicopter travels for them, but poor of the poor – let them fall deeper … but calling us SINHALA buddhists. -what a country ?

      We also dont want any kind of new amendments – nor a new constitution. Let the rodi kula bandana made by Rajapakshe to ruin this nation.

      ONE DAY PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO REALIZE IT – going by the relatives of CROOKs family beocming directors to SRILANKEN and other bodies – the very same unedcuated masses yet today, tolerate it. Their backbones are broken so that the good from the bad cant be filtered out.

      For what purpose of a legal system in a country almost over 70% sinhalaya are made blind and obsequeous to Rajapakshes. Ethiopia is

    • 11

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      After the elections it appears you have switched your loyalty from Mahinda to Gunaratne and you have become the his primary b***s carrier.

      Please justify your side of the reasons as to why you have made this vital career change, financially how much difference would this career move make?

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        I like full tosses.
        Nanadasena has put LKR 100,000 as the ceiling for any Chairman or Director Jobs in Public Enterprises where Politikkas can put their Relos and or their Mates.

        It is a Master Stroke for sure.

        Compare that with the Wages of the Yahapalana appointed Aunties , Uncles , Bros, Sissus, Sonnas , Daughters and even Mothers and Fathers in Law…

        How much did Sira’s Bro take home?.
        How much Kira’s extended family of 40 raked in?.
        How much Mangala’s boys take home?.

        What about Dr Rani.s , mates with big PC titles ?. How much did they collect?.
        How about the other high rollers in Dr Rani’s UNP Cabinet who would have put even their Dogs if Yahpalanaya hired them ?.

        What about the Mother of all Raking , Dr Rani’s Royal Mate Mahendran gathered from our EPF and the BOC?….

        That young Social Media pioneer in Srilanka, Iraj has forgone all his entitlements , not only even the LKR 100 thou wages , but also the free vehicle , Driver and even the free Gas.
        How about that ?.

        In contrast even Dr Rani’s ex Opposition Leader has done well even for the impending retirement .
        A free House in Colombo Seven aka Cinnamon Gardens, Free Vehicle , Free Driver , Free Petrol as well as the other Perks and Full Pension for Life.-

    • 2

      What I heard, 19th amendment that something written in a hurry. So, they have forgotten many other places. The final result is President needs only one signature to over write. What Maithripala Sirisena always, I allowed democracy to function and they would work ethically. That may be the reason why NGOs are very afraid that HITLER would come and govern Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “The Defense Sec has enough problems to take care of the inhabitants security ,instead of calling Bandara to pack up and leave Chapel Lane.”

      Of course he has enough problems to take care. To begin with he has to deal with himself first. Once its been done he has to turn to the clan.

      We know the single handed general is too busy begging your former colonial master for lots of help. Here is how he begged the Brits:
      ” Maj. Gen. Gunaratne requested UK’s assistance in sharing military intelligence, technology and expertise in combating terrorism and in the country’s fight against the growing threat of narcotics and drug smuggling.”

      Shavendra, ….. and many other single handed generals gloated they won the war against most lethal terrorists in 2009, single handedly. Have they now unlearned their expertise in combating terrorism?

      Kamal should make use of the 40,000 or so members of the Saffron Brigade to combat Narco Terrorism. It should first start fight against clan’s allies in the narco trade.

      President should consider releasing Duminda.

    • 0

      what a load of bollocks

  • 19

    One of the key features of a mature civil society is that the law is administered without favour and interference from powerful external parties such as big business, politicians and high officials. When ordinary citizens’ legitimate needs and concerns become secondary to political exigencies, people are no longer able to rely on the justice system to deliver them fairness, protection and equality. In such situations, society will proceed towards anarchy and lawlessness, where daylight robbery, murder and rape will also go unpunished if the perpetrators are powerful enough. It would then be legitimate for the people to rise against their oppressors in any form that helps preserve their citizenship rights.

    • 2

      Two points: I agree with the first part of your comment. My explanation for having two tier rule of law in SL and in similar countries is simple: When a large majority is belong to the lower middle class or to the poor class, power & wealth take over the rule of law. Police and the rest of the bureaucracy also have power, and they themselves usually become either the abusers or the tools of power and wealthy. Until the middle class which usually tends to be very liberal & democratic, becomes a strong block in number & strength, this situation will not change.

      I believe that SL is improving; revolution in movement of information is helping the change but the stagnation of economic development holding the full change aback. Country put one step forward in 2015 but GoRa’s penchant for military rule may bring the danger of taking two steps backward. This is how democracy usually work. Since progress comes in a haphazard manner, it usually doesn’t register in the perception of the current generation. That is b’cos, in a democratic environment, heated debates even on trivial matters may push public not to appreciate ongoing democratic achievements. Therefore, progressive achievements can be be seen only by comparing with the fast. By the time of the realization of mistakes, it is already too late!

      About people rising up, modern politicians have learned many tricks to sway public opinion in their favor even under most difficult circumstances. Gaining media support is one of the key strategy. Creating fear of threats from minority close to an election has become a key strategy of the media that support their favorite side. However, media won’t be able fool a strong middle class that easy b’cos they tend to be educated enough to make an own judgement.

    • 2

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda, that is only a myth. What you get from the law depends on two things: (1) how much you paid for the lawyer, (2) your connections/personal reputation. To give you a simple example: Mohammad Bin Salman ordered the execution of journalist Khashoggi in an embassy in Turkey. This was not an ordinary execution, a whole team was flown in from Saudi Arabia to carry out the dirty work. But Bin Salman is controlling the world’s oil supply, so no one will take him to court. The US, UK, and France continue to sell the Saudi’s billions worth of weapons for their genocide in Yemen. Where is the UN, supposedly the great arbitrator of world conflicts? The UN will do nothing, because most UN funding comes from the USA. This is how the “law” works in reality. Of course, there is more corruption in less developed countries, so it the failures of the judicial system seem more exaggerated in these places.

    • 2

      Lasantha P@

      What if people are not matured enough to differentiate, whether the justice is served or not ? They have not seen key features of matured civil society. That was the reason them to criticise previous govt. They were easily caught by the tricks being played by biased TV channels and printed media.

      What made srilanka twisted today is not INTERNATIONAL pirates but SRILANKEN media themsevles.
      Just imagine, today, there are such fake news, no news alerts on even a kg of onions go up to 800 rupees. How come ?

      Previous govt did whole lot of good things, but they were painted as the idiots by BALLIGE putha biased srlankane media. Rajapakshe should be punished for all the mess. nobody else.

  • 14

    This is pathetic Judgement given by a. 3 Bench Supreme Court Judges is not adhered to, where is law and order under the previous & present Governments. Is Defense Sec more powerful than the Judiciary now?? Please someone educate me

    • 5

      Not only the defence secretary but also all those associated with Mahinda family thinks they they are above Lord Buddha.

  • 20

    A country whose presidential nominee irrespective of unclear evidence about renouncement of his US citizenship came through and the candidate and finally elected as the president of sinhala extremist, what good we can expect ? Not a single crime allegations but his records were known to the nation. That is became public secret, but lanken nature is, no matter JUSTICE is highly jeopardised, but cultural power can protect HIGH criminals by misleading the nation.

    From the day one of his presidency, what Gota alleged high criminal has been doing behind his crook brother, tsunami embesszler and his goons is beyond all ethics and morals- ironically, VERY same punnaku eating people, stay UNTURN today. JVP question why people are made affine to high criminals ?

    . Since the people are made fools for a common dream, but still not seems thousands of miles away from the goal.

    With some among SANGAYAS that sat on the forefront of the bullock cart making today warning signals, and Wimalaweera Disaanayaka or the like SLPP members publicly criticising, I have the feeling nothe least they have reached for the 7 millon of voters but for themselves

    Wiyathmaga was the the talk, whenever they would appoint anyone under GR presidency, but today,

    MR Sons#S familiy memebers becoming directors
    Beach boy style – rascal – men such as Iraj Weeraratna is appointed as one of TOURISM directors

    Kamal Agunaratna who may have MADE public high crimes, and not respecting SC order for run of his PVT school, being placed above, what they have been doing is crystal clear, no different to the BLACK history of srilanka from 2010 to 2015.
    Surprisinigly, the VERY SAME media TV channels, stay mum today about the SKY rocketed price hikes of the daily needs (food items). Sangayas too are that silent, with some brave sangayas make warning signals about protest.

    • 3

      Mr. Desperate Sinhalaya,
      Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.

      Blaise Pascal

      • 11


        Term JUSTICE is a dream under uncultured bastards. is known to even 10 year olds but the average in SL are easy targets forever. They dont care about anything even if their lovely ones would have been raped and murdered. Their dreams for dignfied country is though there, but they dont walk on their dreams. They are just walking on a circle in terms of their dreams. We will never be able to come out of the pit we are fallen it. Very pessmistic whenever i think of my home country.
        Why you behaved as if you have no constructive arguments but to protect the criminals ?

        Why to fall that deep if born in a country where criminals use their muscle today above brain ?

        Not a single pledge is fulfilled by GR but being caught by his CROOK BROTHER MR.

        Pigs might fly if symbiosis- MR-GR-Fake Wiyathmakga-proved high criminals would ever achieve what 100 day program of Good governance achieved for the benefit of the nation.
        Today my friends in Colombo write me, they are shameless to say, they dont buy beans, potatoes, and other vegetable but ladiesfingers and watakolu…. but they dont lknkow how long they would stay mum….. this is good old srilanka filled with stupid naive masses.

        I still agree with Dr Dewasiri of CU – who made it very clear, LANKENs at large would never make efforts to leading tangible changes. But they have high expectations about the future. It is simply impossible, to achieve anything without walking the talk. If we need to achieve the for the benefit of the masses, each and everyone of us should be very clear about own contributions.

        We as expatriate Srilankens have made every effort to do lot more good work for the poor, but mostly we end up in vain not being able to get on with lanken authorities in heath care. I hate it.

      • 6

        S.C. Pusqual – Take a cyanide capsule and go to bed!

        • 5

          then the CYNAIDE capsule will get destroyed, leaving Pascal aside. These men hired by Rajapakshe clan are highly resistant to anything. They are like wild animals.

    • 6

      Dear Desperate Sinhalaya,
      I’m too disorganised to go into all this right now.
      I’m back in Uva – got home last night. I’ll be on a different and dangerous mission tomorrow, that, too, to deal with Education. It may well be that I may be murdered tomorrow.
      Could you please look at this for something about Royal Institute. There were other articles as well – I can’t remember.

      After that, came this. I’m sorry, but owing to some anonymous “perera” saying nasty things, I’ve gone off at a tangent and said far too many things about Aquinas since this Perera guy (there are some any by that name that you can safely assume that it was a pseudonym, and only Colombo Telegraph will know with what manufactured e-mails address it was posted) began to insult me.
      My next comment on this may come by around Monday, the 20th – that is if I’m still alive. Please feel free to make any sort of comment you feel like. If you make some mistakes owing to not knowing the exact details relating to all this, don’t worry. If I’m still alive, I will correct them, tactfully, without embarrassing you.
      What happens if I”m not alive? I’ll kick up the daisies after some time, but I would be past caring. Let those still living in Sri Lanka bother about it.
      My best wishes to you, my friend. I don’t know you well, but you are so good that we need more like you in this world.
      Panini Edirisinhe (aka Sinhala_Man)


      • 9

        Dear Mr Edirisinghe,

        Please dont risk your life. Since you have added this serious comment to this page, I will go to church tomorrow (That will be in Paris, France), and pray for your health and protection.
        Every good what you have shared with sofar will help you: That is for sure.

        It is no worth risking your life for a nation that turned their posterior to you.
        You made diehard efforts to improve their awareness regarfding ” preferentical votes” but what the outcome showed was – it was all like playing a violine before deaf people.

        So now please think about twice before you go to do anything for this nation. Your family and own health shoould not be put to secondary.
        Please thinka of your family and us the good people that would make every effort to do the best regardless of our race, religion or whatever the other barriers are, being that sensitive to the people s issues.

        May well be our great grand parents did much less but knowing and realizing knowing that our sinhala Genetics would never learn to see it right. Nowadays, we see totally disagreeble things before our eyes, nevetheless our people behave as if they dont care but go for it… why ? Once they looted breaking all records and branded this country – SRILANKA-the number one to have been caught by chinese debt trap

        Just after 5 years, the very same people, elected them, again.

        Even after 70 years colonial masters left the country, ye today, we ve been repeating that we are an another poor country. Some of their political intoxication/affinity/greediness – though make every effort to doctor the numbers so that the nation would have been seen as MID INCOME earning nation, those who know it well are well aware of the facts about ouf nation
        Mal nutrition of the little ones go up as no times in the past

        • 0

          Desperate Sinhalaya.-

          So you live in Paris in France and go to their Church too……How cool .

          Why do you worry about Chapel Ave, although it has a cool name unlike Gamsabawa Junction which is only a hop step and jump from Chapel Lane.
          And that is where our Church is..

          One thing though I agree with that bull shit about Mid Income nation when most of our Tamil brethren in Up Country couldn’t get even Thousand Buz a day although your mates in ‘ Yahapalanaya dished out up to LKR 34 Million to the crooks in Kotte.

          Anyway don’t worry about our Sinhala Man . He told me the other day all about Blue Tablets.
          No body is going to harm him..
          Specially our Sinhala Buddhists, because they have great respect for elderly , even when they mouth off bad things.

          Going back to this Mid Income Business,you should have heard our ex Bribery Commissar Dilrukhi said to the ex UNP Yahapalana Minister Mr Ranjan.

          Dilrukshi said”Ane Ranajan, don’t talk about it ,I have enough files to put at least one hundred of them behind bars” .
          Of course it was in pure Sinhala and poor Dilrukshi was referring to Ranjan’s Mates in Kotte..

          • 9

            Dear Sumanasekara,

            I am not living in Paris but I travel across Europe depending on my job related meetings. So for the current week I am in France.

            Next week I will be to UK and then to Germany. Whenever I have time to do so, I add my post to CT regardless of where i am. But I am diehard srilanken sinhalaya, cant digest Rajakahe facist politics. I wish all gods be with us getting them away from our sights sooner than later.

            I love Mr EDIRISINGHE style personalities and wish more of them tobe bred if the country to be developed. See how many of retired lankens live being isolated but with skils to improvement of awareness of the PUNNAKKU eating majority in the country – People are so lethargic and indifferent today, not knowing what to do next in the process of iron out the current situ. They just stay talking and enjoying gossips. THat is it.

            Nobody is going to harm him ?
            What guarantee would you give if anyone would do so ? We have whole lot of examples, how the cirminas rajakashes treated own fellow citizens… remember ? Go back to Prior to 2015 get your facts right.

            I am not into lanken politics, but I respected Late Rev Sobitha THero and his movement. I respected goodies in GGovernance. I ve no doubt, that MEDIA mafia twisted it in favour of RAJAKSHE come back. THere is no law and order in our mother land… this so shameful…. but people are that passive.. not wanting to rise up and go on protests against criminals… i LOOK at srilanka with anger today.

        • 4

          Dear Desperate Sinhalaya,
          Thank you very much
          for your prayers offered in Paris. They have been answered in good measure. The time now is 1.15 pm on Friday, the 17th. I was successful in getting my message across to the Staff of this school where I anticipated the greatest resistance from the Establishment. More than 135 copies of the two page message were distributed to the Staff of the school.
          As I write, CT has not yet updated all the comments that they have received in the early hours of this morning. I had uploaded the entire c. 1,200-word message that I was sending the Branch Schools by about 3.00 am fortified by the playing of about five Beethoven symphonies which I have on pen drives – excellent and inspiring performances which I have downloaded on to pen drives. Example:
          I find those symphonies capable of putting more than enough spirit into me to sustain me despite the possibility of being overcome by fatigue and drowsiness.
          They were playing loud and clear in the silence of my large Bandarawela garden on a computer to old for normal Internet work, and attached to a huge newish display and sound system.
          So, aided by what deaf Beethoven wrote 200 years ago, I had broken up the message into four parts, and posted them right here. I knew when I checked about dawn that the first part had indeed got displayed. In another couple of hours, they will all be visible, I’m sure, with this letter of thanks to you, DS, and all others who indicated that I was attempting is something worthwhile.

    • 4

      Dear Desperate Sinhalaya,
      I’m too disorganised to go into all this right now.
      I’m back in Uva – got home last night. I’ll be on a different and dangerous mission tomorrow, that, too, to deal with Education. It may well be that I will be murdered tomorrow.
      Could you please look at this for something about Royal Institute. There were other articles as well – I can’t remember.

      After that, came this. I’m sorry, but owing to some anonymous “perera” saying nasty things, I’ve gone off at a tangent and said far too many things about Aquinas since this Perera guy (there are so many by that name that you can safely assume that it was a pseudonym, and only Colombo Telegraph will know with what manufactured e-mails address it was posted) began to insult me.
      My next comment on this may come by around Monday, the 20th – that is if I’m still alive. Please feel free to make any sort of comment you feel like. If you make some mistakes owing to not knowing the exact details relating to all this, don’t worry. If I’m still alive, I will correct them, tactfully, without embarrassing you.
      What happens if I”m not alive? I’ll kick up the daisies after some time, but I would be past caring. Let those still living in Sri Lanka bother about it.
      My best wishes to you, my friend. I don’t know you well, but you are so good that we need more like you in this world.
      Panini Edirisinhe (aka Sinhala_Man)

      • 4

        Dear Desperate Sinhalaya,
        The following is the text of the message that I will start distributing today.

        51B, Golf Links Road,
        17 January 2020

        To the Lord Bishop of Colombo,
        and to The Headmasters of :

        STPS, Kollupitiya,
        STC, Bandarawela
        STC, Gurutalawa
        Dear Rt Rev. Dhilo, and Frs Dushantha, Christopher, and Philip,

        Election of Staff Representative for Branch Schools

        I hereby declare myself to be a candidate in the Election of a Staff Representative for the three Branch Schools of S. Thomas in Sri Lanka. This candidature is declared because it may otherwise be said that there were “no qualified candidates”. I am a member of the OBAs of the Bandarawela (membership number 257) and Gurutalawa Schools, an Anglican Christian, and am not an employee anywhere. However, what is important is not that I be elected, but that we should establish a tradition of honestly conducted elections.
        Two Headmasters have already agreed that it is the staff who should elect the BoGs Representative, but one has asked me how I think that the elections ought to be conducted. This is how I expect Rule 1.5.2 of the Rules of the Board of Governors to be implemented in February or March 2020:
        1. The Staffs of the three schools will have to vote separately at meetings to be held in each of the three schools on the same day, and at approximately the same time, so that the vote in one school will not affect the outcome in the others.

        • 4

          Dear Mr Edirisinghe,
          I wish you all the best.
          I will check the rest of this letter tomorrow morning.

          Please take good care of you !.
          May all blessings of the world be with you !.

          Desperate Sinhalaya

        • 4

          Dear Mr Edirisinghe,

          Please pass your comments to CT on the 20th. I could not close my eyes last night, and I was busy thinking how and what I could do me beingn in Europe. Your previous comment addressed to me,directly made me very sad and worried too. Persecution is very active today under Gotler ‘s barbaric rule. Or the bugger is sandwitched by MR selfglorifications and his criminals. This is very clear about the apointements being made by current govt these days.

          But I cant do anything than go for prayers. We will be waiting to hear from you – today the value of human life is totally ignored. You may have good arguments, but they work like talking to walls. This situation came into being due to total ignorance of the society. As once said somewhere else, Ethiopians are doing their best today, while majoritiy of lankens cut their necks by their own. Until 5 years ago, Ethiopians were known as ” the poorest nation on this planet”. BUt today, Adisabeba s transport system is alike that of an european city being facilitated with trams built by the chinese.
          Please take good care of you – if you would have been gunned down by the rascals, no worth of our comments to this and other valuble forums.

          For me, then, There is no purpose to continue here. We need you NOW more than in any times in the past, in terms of improve the awareness of the people in this god punished island.
          All the very best once again !.

      • 2

        PART TWO
        2 Rule 1.5.2 sates that those entitled to vote are those from the tutorial and administrative staffs of the three branch schools. This would seem to rule out those who are referred to in the schools as “minor staff”. I would not mind them also being included, but on no account should there be any hair-splitting as to whether their status in the schools would rule out a given individual. I would expect all staff on a monthly salary, whether permanent or temporary, to be included. If in doubt, I advocate inclusivity.
        3. It should be made public knowledge at least fifteen days before the conduct of the poll that such an election will be held. All those who formally declare themselves as candidates ought to be so considered. Once more, I advocate inclusivity, rather than have cut-off dates for the declaration of candidature. At the elections, messages of stipulated length from each of the candidates ought to be read out, and explained in English, Sinhala and Tamil.


        4. Ballot papers of distinctive format, stamped with an agreed upon seal, should be distributed to each voter. At the beginning of the ballot, the boxes should be demonstrably empty and at the end of the voting it would be desirable to count immediately and release results, Inevitably, the Headmasters will have to be given responsibility for the counting, and each Headmaster should also be allowed to cast a single secret ballot.

      • 2

        PART THREE

        5. After this said election, two staff members should be chosen by the staff to be members of the “Electoral College” which will meet under the Chairmanship of the Secretary to the Board of Governors. I would expect this to be in the Kollupitiya School with Mr Rajan Asirwatham chairing that meeting at which it may become necessary for the six members of the Electoral College to negotiate in terms of the results forwarded by them as being from the three schools. It would be sensible for the candidates to be allowed to observe the deliberations of the Electoral College.

        The five considerations detailed above would seem to represent the common sense interpretations of the Rules of the Board of Governors. Integrity in the entire process, rather than legalism is what is ultimately expected and required. I request that these “interpretations” be made available to other candidates.

        If I am requested to forward a more specific “election message” to the staffs, I shall be happy to do so. In the absence of such a message from me, this current document may be considered to be my message to the voters.

        Many of these ideas were discussed in this article:


      • 2

        PART FOUR
        I do not intend to deal here with hypothetical situations. However, I am presenting myself primarily as a person who has been a teacher for over forty-five years, and who knows how difficult it is to be a satisfactory teacher. I respectfully request the Headmasters to translate and to explain my message, to all the relevant Staff Members, in Sinhala and Tamil. I will always respond to telephone calls and to e-mails, but I must remind all Staff that this is a delicate transitional phase of administration and that I will seek to work in co-operation with the Headmasters of the schools. However, I do promise to do all that I can to raise the profile of the staff; I leave it to you to check on my credentials yourselves.
        I humbly solicit your active participation and support at all levels.
        Yours sincerely,

        Panini Edirisinhe

        Copies to Members of the Staffs of the relevant schools


  • 4

    I think nobility of the Law enforcement and the Judiciary was destroyed when the
    judicial process of SWRD killing case (comment to Jehan Perera’s grievance).became a set uo by an unknown foreign power. Ozzi Korea was Catholic, I suppose. Now at present, Ranjan Ramanayake in his Telephone conversations say, Nalin Perera is Catholic and ak whether he is Durawe. These says a lot . Judiciary has no role in defence matters. It is clear that Ranil nd Mangala group wanted those in that way.
    I heard, even Ranil approves the new President’s way. But, he adds further, allowed Mangala to have his way. Mangala says, I did not do every thing they asked.
    What they say, NGOs, Civil society, their politicians of the National candidate project can influence the Judiciary (listen to his conversations). But the sinhala Buddhist Supremacists can not do that.

  • 2

    Of course they can find some sort of recording of Ranjan Ramanayaka……
    Job done same old wine in different glasses

  • 10

    One can give only about 10 marks out of 100 for the performance of the system of Administration of Justice in this country. The biggest flaw of this system is that the law is not applied equally to all but in a selective manner. Some people are more equal than others and a few privileged persons simply cannot be touched by the law. The law favors politicians and Buddhist monks and is applied with a vengeance against political enemies and the minorities. The Goddess of Justice does not wear a blindfold in Sri Lanka.

    Most of the Chief Justices and Attorneys-General have betrayed the trust placed on them by the public very badly. Things have not improved at all even after the new president, who promised to reform everything, assumed office.

    • 2

      Stanley: The law favors politicians and Buddhist monks and is applied with a vengeance against political enemies and the minorities

      That is why over 60 monks went to jail for tripling matters. I think, the Ven Ghanasara was kept in the jail during the UNHCR time bcos muslims threatened him with life. Anyway, what happened to suicide belt brigade of Mannar. The bed ridden priest was taken to the president, so that him and his Brigade would be safe. Donating elephant calves to the temples is an ancient custom of Sri Lanka. A Bhikku was arrested and his passport was held for keeping a donated elephant calf.
      Almighty Buddha’s (prince Siddartha) own son was made a SEVEN YEAR OLD MONK. NGOs, protestants and muslims alike want ordination of children banned.

  • 10

    here we go around the mulberry pallan mulberry pallan should be the new national anthem sung only in Sanskrit an ancient Indian language.
    they say Sinhala is an illegal offspring of this fine only one on this planet of our only spoken by most of the racist of the racist pigs only thank the lord have only sprouted up up and away in in this shitting sorry beggars paradise.
    RJ@1. even court judgments were not severely adhered to by the civil authorities such as the fiscal whose primary duty is to put into practice the said judgments
    RJ@2. the now shitting on the royal commode an ex much-wanted war criminal who after being made to get rid of the much once upon a time respected military uniform until the 16th November of 2019 on the little minutely aged boys and girls who were being bullied every second of their primarily first schooling career by this ugly looking to the core Yakko of a gonibilla.
    he with his village sounding banda come to town manipulated every weakness in the law to spoil the moods the living conditions of not only the students but also of the residents who were originally living in this once peaceful and well-respected surroundings of an area.
    RJ@3. if only the American citizen of a kallathoni of a deaf and dumb president along with the rest of his jar wide arsed Jarawa rajapuka rotters, will while shitting sitting on the royal gold plated commode will wake up from his deep slumber after feeding his white van victims to his many man-eating sharks all this illegal doings whilst playing around with his midget tiny liabilities.
    RJ@4. we have to thank the nearly 7 million Sinhala Buddhists who along with the sexually gyrating cardinal who easily roped in without much difficulty on his part his blind catholic golaiyas have deliberately by their arrogant stupidity have created these mongrels and they are already feeling the pinch.

    • 3

      “in this shitting sorry beggars paradise.”
      Blame Portuguese, Dutch and British for bringing your ancestors as slaves to Sinhale from Hindusthan. Blame your ancestors for accepting citizenship in this sorry beggars’ paradise instead of returning to the cesspool across the Palk Strait when the colonial parasites dumped them in Sinhale and washed their hands off making them Stateless. Do not blame Native Sinhalayo because they did not invite ‘Para’ Demalu to this paradise island but you may blame Sinhalayo for giving citizenship to your ancestors .

  • 10

    Will the ruling of the supreme court endorsing the verdict of the high court in respect of Duminda Silva be also disregarded very soon?

    Where Royal Institute is concerned since the now defence secretary was their past employee – he must make doubly sure that the due process is followed. Otherwise, what is the recourse left for these 16 petitioners?

    And does what is happening now amount to contempt of court?

  • 11

    Any one who has read through the negative comments that have been appearing following many articles that appeared in CT, describing the deplorable state of the Judiciary of Srilanka, naturally and automatically get stuck with the thought that if it is the type of individuals holding the lofty positions of the Chief Justice and the Attorney General are indeed in possession of integrity and self respect, would hung their coats and gone out to sea to catch fish for a living.

    • 5

      Oratory the public get to hear at every investiture of the Chief Justice from the man himself and the Attorney General are chapters pulled out from Harry Potter stories. In contrast they do not understand what is shame nor morality.

  • 2

    Where is the defence secy’s involvement here? These buggers suffer from “makka” syndrome. They try to connect anything and everything that is bad to GR or his team. The SC ruling was given 6 months ago under YAHAPALANAYA. Go and tell Ranil hamu. Or if the buggers are genuine in bringing the culprits to book, file a case for contempt of court and let the legal system handle it. Don’t ask for political interference (like the yahpalana style of Ranil, Champike, Rajitha, Ranjan, Anura Kumara combo).

  • 6

    What do people expect from the Rajapaksa’s? They don’t follow the rule of law, and act like the are above the laws and our Constitution. We saw it first hand last time, so expect it this time too.

    • 4

      “What do people expect from the Rajapaksa’s?”
      We do not know what ‘Koti Diaspora’, racist Wellala politicians who are the representatives of Demala terrorist barbarians and Muslim politicians who were sleeping with Wahabi terrorists expect. What Native Sinhalayo expect is to take this country ruined by ‘Jadapalana’ Government into the right track as they did before 2015.

      • 5

        Dont you have a life without WELLALA tamils. ? Either you should have been raped by them or you are irrepairable racist that knows nothing but little about wellala. If you say so, there are whole lot of sinhala racists through out the country. We have to be very ashamed the manner, that many still remain that racial.

        Trying to get the least before you kicking the bucket as an early octagenarian. It is true that even your family ones would not respect you enough.

        You the kind of racists have no brains even in your later day life. I am so lucky to have earned real hearted GRAND parents. I wish noone to even see you the kind of that make every effort to worsen lanken situaton.
        God bless srilanka, may all evils be with you Mr Mahindapala.

  • 2

    Dr. Nalaka Godahewa is Kamal Gunaratne a qualified person to handle the job. ? I am sure he must be to be appointed to this position

    • 5

      Who is this Kama..l Gunaratne???????

      Is he related to Ekneligoda, Thadujeen, and war crimes.

      ……Hope Nandasena will have answers

    • 0

      Nalaka Godahewa is alleged high criminal – courts cases aer going on

      Kamal Agunaratna- former Army man is charged with being against human rights of the school going children. – Today these men take the lead.

      So may the GODs be well aware of the country leadership and be punished sooner than later.

      • 0

        Maralathoni: Don’t be bitchy. Every where it is the officials go to jail, have to run away because they listened to politicians.
        Arjun Mahendran told FCID that he did what Ranil asked him to do. Yet, they including JVP knows what happened and who benefited. Instead, they were fooling voters saying I am going to bring Arjun Mahendran.
        Now the Forensic audit spent Rs 90 crores. That is also to include what the previous govt did with the same CENTRAL BANK. Only thing is because corrupt others (NGOs, minorities, media because they are paid) nothing goes for the voter.

  • 1

    The brand of “justice” which prevails in the north and east, has now spread island wise.
    The new czar known as ‘president’ himself ignores the situation.

    • 4


      “The new czar known as ‘president’ himself ignores the situation.”

      Then who is Grigori Rasputin?

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Where have you been , Mate.?.How many times did I tell you to listen to those Recordings from the Gonja APP , which have been on HIRU Website since Daddy’s Boy Harin, Dr Harsha, and Professor Anu took Selfies with UNP Rasputin, who did a tremendous service to the Colombo Elite and the Anglicans.

        I heard the Barber in Welikda hasn’t got the gear to groom Wigs..
        So poor Rasputin is now totally bold just like a freshly shaved Monks head.
        And Guess what Mate .
        Daddy’s Boy Harin who paid a Visit to Welikada put a Pukka Spin to the Bald Head.

        Harin Boy told the Colombo Media that UNP Rasputin shaved the Head to show solidarity with his supporters.

        How cool is that.. Mate..
        God Bless..

  • 5

    A garbage article. It does not say how an International school’s work, it’s previous employee and his present employment connects to each other. HUmmmmm. that is why the photo is missing. I also was caught.

    • 8

      @JD boy, an idiot cannot be convinced with a ton of facts, this is why you will always remain a goat brain.

  • 4

    Why go about beating the bush. The petitioners must now report the “Respondents” to Supreme Courts for NOT CARRYING out the “ORDER” and also mention that they have “Defamed” the SC. For the failure to carry out the Lawful Order, make a claim for compensation. First make use of the “Legal Rights” available.

  • 4

    No one to blame – Burghers, Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese – except Buddhist politicians.

  • 5

    We can’t blame any religion or races, blame the Sinhala Buddhist political leaders who are ruining the country.

    The country gets what they deserved, there are no scapegoat this time around.

  • 2

    Is the useless present Attorney General asleep?

  • 0

    Supreme court what. Get advice from Ranjan. Members of supreme court are ignorant of the law themselves.

  • 1

    This is what you call Royal Prerogative exercised by the Ministers of King Gotha appointed by 52 % ( according to Namal baby) Majority Racists ( but to be more precise 41% ) . The world is watching.

  • 0

    Dear Mr Panini Edirisinghe aka Sinhala_Man,

    You earn my full respects as a teacher, an educator, and an Advocate of the Anglican Church.
    However I fail to connect your first comment and the subsequent follow-up by several enthusiastic readers) to the original title of this article “Royal Institute: Defense Secretary Rules Above Supreme Court” (Author unknown).

    What you should’ve was to originate a fresh discussion on this subject , which has been deemed controversial the many past Thomians, Young and Old. That way, the points raised by you would have gotten more attention with the right people, thus creating a bigger punch.

    As I feel, it is not too late for you to re-ignite this conversation by publishing FULL ARTICLE on this issue on CT so that you’d attract a wider audience of the Anglican and other interested communities to speak up about the “Election Procedure of a Staff Member from the Member Schools to the STC BoG.

    Pls do re-think your strategy/ approach, since it appears that you are reacting in panic to the ongoing proceedings.

    • 1

      PART ONE

      No panic on my part, dear Dr Dharshana W.
      You state the obvious when you say that many comments by Desperate Sinhalaya (real identity unknown to me) and by me, that you see above are quite unrelated to the original article. However, all of them have to do with Education. For me, education in more than ten thousand Sri Lankan schools is a serious concern. If I remember aright, you think that S. Thomas’ matters more than other schools do. Not true of me!
      You phoned me yesterday and asked me all sorts of things about the Anglicanism – especially the High Church and the Low Church. At that time I didn’t know about this Hoole article, which I subsequently saw last night (well, Sunday night).
      You wanted the telephone numbers of the Hoole brothers. I told you that Rajan quite definitely didn’t want his given, and subsequently, on Sunday night I emailed you, giving you two mobile numbers for Jeevan. I also told you that the latest developments in the Edirisinhe-Balraj Wars are to be found here – and gave you the link to this Royal Institute article.
      I don’t understand your rationale in now making this comment here, without commenting on the St John’s, Jaffna, article. This present comment I’m making because unless you get yourself under control, you’ll drive me nuts. You’re now trying to tell me what to write and where, seemingly without following the advice that I gave you yesterday – that you write your own article.

  • 0

    Perhaps you are working at your article.
    I appreciate that it is not possible to write an article as fast as you write a comment. I will write my next article at a time determined by me, and not by you, and the contents will certainly not be what you want them to be.
    Which brings me to the point that I think (correct me if I’m wrong) that when there were still many days to go for comments to come in to my S. Thomas’ article, we had a chat on the telephone. I think that it was you who initiated that call. I’m sorry, I don’t have the means to employ a Secretary to keep track of all the eccentric messages that you send me. Why don’t you make your rulings on all of us? It looks as though you think me a moron, and Balraj a knave. Your honest views on Balraj would certainly be welcome. Please state what you want to according to the dictates of your own brilliant mind, and not mine.
    Now it may be that you imagine that you have riled me. Nothing of the sort! You’re a good guy, but I really reserve interaction with you for my mirth.

  • 0

    Dear Mr. Edirisinghe,

    Whilst I’ve several tempting queries that I need to raise, I shall bring an end to this exchange of arguments, since I do not see any further value addition.

    You need to recall that I’ve interacted with Fr. Balraj positively when you were a “persona non grata” to the school premises, and you should remember the subsequent events @ the OBA AGM.

    Reminisce of the past events in the correct choreographic order or else you will tend to imagine a virtual past.

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