2 May, 2024


St. John’s College – New Principal: Unity Only In Diversity

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

On 14 Jan. 2020, Vethanayakam Silva Benniya Thuseetharan was instituted and installed as the Principal of CMS St. John’s College. I am a complete product of CMS schools, and of St. John’s from grade 5 to university entrance. This article is about heritage.

CMS Heritage: St. Jon’s is a CMS school. In historical development the Anglicans are low church with little use for rituals and high church, almost Roman Catholic in practice and faith. Nearly all schools taken over from the Dutch in Jaffnawere restored by the CMS in Jaffna. The SJC Church was being used to house goats when the CMS took over. We were under the Bishop of Calcutta, then Madras and finally we had our own Bishop of Colombo in James Chapman (1845-61). Under Elisabeth I’s reforms High Church and Low Church were left to follow their own forms of worship. The CMS having come to Jaffna and to the South, Jaffna was low church. So there were no crosses or flowers on the altar, no raising of the bread after its consecration to indicate the real presence of Christ, no facing East (Jerusalem) in consecrating the elements, etc. 

Bishops by nature of their officer exercised episcopal authority being in the line of St. Peter and tend by office to be Catholic (High Church). So as soon a Chapman came, problems had to emerge with the Low Church CMS. In1853 when a foundation stone was to be laid for a CMS Church, Christ Church Galle Face, Chapman’s order of service containing the words “that all evil may depart from the place wherein the foundation stone is to be laid” and that “God would strengthen the stone” itself.  They did not believe that any evil exists in the venue and nor that God would grant the request to strengthen the stone.

L-to R: Sam Ponniah, Bishop Kithsiri Fernando, Vethanayakam Silva Benniya Thuseetharan, Bishop Dhilo Canagasabey, CMS (SL) Chairman Thanja Peiris, and Chaplain Jurinesz Shadrach

Chapman being the good Anglican he was, defended his liturgy but allowed the CMS to redo the words. 

When he built St. Thomas’ for the High Church Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, he also allowed the Low Church CMS to build St. John’s in 1851. That tolerance at the heart of Anglicanism was to be seen.

It was with the fourth Bishop of Colombo, Reginald Stephen Copleston (1876-1902) that trouble began to brew. He insisted that service be held only in buildings consecrated as a Church at a time many of them held services in any space open to them, especially their own schools. 

St. John’s and the CMS

The nexus between the school and the CMS was always strong although many Anglicans are illiterate and do not know what the CMS is or the SPG for that matter.

When the CMS defied Copplestone, he withdrew the clerical licences of many priests. One of them was Rev. D. Wood, Principal of St. John’s 1974-78. Wood was caught unfortunately during Copplestone’s tenure as Bishop. St. John’s is silent on Wood’s defrocking.

The Church Today

Bishop Dhilo Canagasbey contested for the post of Bishop as an evangelical low churchman. I worked for his election although by persuasion I consider myself a high churchman. I rooted for him because his faith I considered far more important than the liberal theology of the opposition then, congratulating during the nuptial homily a Christian-  Buddhist couple for their bravery and telling them not to convert. 

St. John’s Today

How far the school has strayed from the Christian message about the love and free forgiveness of God is now turned into saying that message is one more valid message among many and this religion is as good as any other.

The CMS heritage and the Anglican ethos were both betrayed when incense was used. Typically, based on Exodus 40:9 incense was burned daily on this altar at the time of the morning and the evening sacrifices. Implicitly incense is offered at the Eucharist where Christ is in catholic theology offered as a sacrifice by the priest. It is by loose interpretation that incense is used everywhere as a matter of show. Rev. Good probably has turned in his grave.

There were far more serious violations of theology, in particular the Decalog, where the Tamil Liturgy has left out one of the commandments and in indolence, despite a resolution of the diocese to rectify the mistake, the Bishop has effectively said it does not matter. In this particular instance, I refer to the commandment of truthfulness. The Rev. Shadrach had a poetic prayer weaving in beautiful elements of the college crest, hymn, etc. Very new as chaplain he cannot be blamed fot not knowing the historical antecedents of the college in praying for the way the truth and life in the Lord Jesus, even as he proclaimed that the school was founded by The Rev. Joseph Knight.

What is the truth on who founded the school?

As recorded in the official CMS history by Rev. Balding (One hundred years in Ceylon; or, The centenary volume of the Church Missionary Society in Ceylon, 1818-1918, London: CMS, 1922),

An important high class boys’ school was begun at Chundicully in 1851, which is now known as St. John’s College.[my emphases]

Note the word begun, despite the current claims (by the Standing Committee of the Colombo Diocese in its report for 2018) that SJC began in 1823. Despite the corrections, plans are still afoot for the two-hundredth anniversary celebration in 2023, and the last principal asked for an extension to be in charge of the fictitious celebrations

The false claim for age was begun by SJC tracing itself back to the CMS’ Rev. Joseph Knight founding a boarding seminary in Nallur (or Nellore as then spelt) in 1823. But there is really no proper continuity because the Nellore school was closed as a result of a severe cholera epidemic in 1833. Both missionaries running the school, Knight and William Adley, were abroad. As noted, the CMS is clear that St. John’s did not start in 1823. Further, Father Balding writes: 

In 1841 the [Nellore] seminary was removed to Chundicully and in 1851 as a boarding establishment it was abolished. From its foundation to its close upwards of two hundred lads passed through the regular course, and seventy became converts to Christianity [emphases mine]. 

Inescapable is the import of the word “abolished” and the phrase “to its close.”

It is a classic condition of the human mind that it believes what it wants to believe, and does not even recognize that wishful thinking. I have made the case in a recent paper, that if sufficiently numerous scholars repeat a lie, and one person writes the truth, most people like Rev. Shadrach will believe the majority and go by it. It is my fear that this will never be corrected like the Colombo Diocesan Council where the mistake was pointed out but nothing has changed.

Colombo Sucks

I mean Colombo sucks inboth the urban dictionary sense as well as sucking into a vacuum. Just like Copplestone forced the CMS into his High Church ways, today Colombo is seen to be sucking everything into its Colombo ways. The Bishop of Colombo has been moulded into what he was not when he was elected. Colombo Anglican churches are increasingly High Church. Jaffna including St. John’s is seen to be moulded into a High Church form.  Worse the SJC liturgy referred to God the Father as Parent God as PARENT God in capitals to ensure that we did not miss the point. The bishop prayed that the Holy Spirit woud sustain us by Her Grace. Said a Hidu teacher at St. John’s – “Good. Our gods are Saraswthi, Kali, Parvathy et al. So why not the Holy Spirit as one more female God?” 

A shocked old girl of Chundikuli said, “So many alien things have come in.” This parent and female Holy Spirit are from some Colombo liberal taking over our ways thinking he or she is enlightened.


Syncretism usually leads to majoritarianism, the new entity taking the form of the larger group that went into a syncretic union. Thus when the Church of South India was formed with the Anglicans as the larger part of the union, the Congregationalists, Methodists, and so on became Anglicans. He is Jaffna we see what Rev. Wood fought for at the expense of his ministry losing to High Church form.

On 1 January all government servants had to take an oath. The people of Jaffna were given a special oath promsing to be one race. It is again a case of Colombo wringing our necks with its tentacles. If we become one race, it will be the majority race.

A microcosm is the SJC ceremony where we see the Sri Lanka flag being raised, something I never saw there before. Standing in the photograph from left to right is the Archdeacon of Jaffna whose sinhalee wife an chid leave in Jaffna while saying we Jaffna people know only to shoot, the Bishop of Kurunagala a Sinhalese, said at the prize giving address at SJC, “Unity is true of religions, nationalities, cultures and so on. Often, conflicts erupt when one group begins to believe that they have domination or dominion over certain matters. In this process, they inevitably alienate the others as their enemies. In the context of religion, people of one religion often try to claim that they alone worship the “Ultimate” or God. The next is Vethanayakam Silva Benniya Thuseetharan. He is the only Tamil. His father was Silva, a Tamil who grew up in Urumpirair, but many mistakenly think his father was Sinhalese. Then comes Bishop dhilo canagasabey who is married to a Sinhalese and his home language is Sinhalese. The next is CMS (SL) Chairman Thanja Peiris, and last on the right is Chaplain Jurinesz Shadrach a Burgher.

Are they implementing the government’s policy of one race? Addressing that to emphasize the beauty in being a nations of diverse peoples, is Principal Thuseetharan’s challenge.

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Latest comments

  • 12

    Let’s get our priorities right Mr Hooke. Nowhere in the article in the fact that the outgoing principle is being accused by multiple student victims who are alleging sexual abuse, and in one case a young male teacher. There is an inquiry going on that is being hushed up. Let’s get some transparency would that first shall we?

  • 12

    Let’s get our priorities right Mr Hoole, about the challenge facing the new principal. It is about implementing safeguards for the children at school. . Nowhere in the article in the fact that the outgoing principle is being accused by multiple student victims who are alleging sexual abuse, and in one case a young male teacher. There is an inquiry going on that is being hushed up and the scuttlebutt is that the findings have been Grace so far and the bishop had asked for the alleged perpetrators’resignation or that he would take the matter to the police !!!!! Like reporting to the police is optional!!!!! … get some transparency around that first shall we? ….. don’t forget, it is a criminal offence if proven. How different is this to the Catholic Church treatment on child abuse .

    • 2

      To be fair to the former principal, the inquiry which to my mind was conducted by a competent legal person, with an open mind, could not find proof of wrongdoing with which the principal could be indicted.

      • 11

        The accusations are widely known. If the accused was truly cleared for lack of proof as Jaffna Citizen says, why will the Bishop not say so? It is the fair thing to do. In the absence of such a statement, I assume there is a problem in the report. Why else did the accused prematurely retire? Right now, he is still a priest. We do not know how safe our children are when he plays with them. Suppressoon of the report and the name of its author are therefore infair by Anglicans too.

        • 5

          What is wrong with a young boy of age of consent getting is borner in the bum of young boy of same age. If Tamil national leader V Prabhakaran can send 14 year old to frontline with a kalashnikov , what is wrong with a kid getting a butt fucked

    • 2


      Our priority at St. John’s is our future. The alluring lessons of the first century of the College are the sacrifices and dedicated services of the Principals who came from afar, who made Jaffna their home and the College their shrine. The second century with Rev.Peto from 1920 to Mr. Thuseetharan in 2020 is an era committed to greater achievements. The best is yet to be is their hope and prayer.

      When our vision needs to be pure and sacred, should we yield to anything demeaning? Ramakrishna Paramahamsar said ” However high an eagle may soar, it’s eyes are on the carrion”. Veering from the murky stuff in the article and spurning the repulsive tenor in the comments, Johnians, past and present, led by the Principal and teachers will chart a course worthy of their mission.

  • 4

    this fine premier boys-only college is going and still growing even after its 169-year tenure,
    I have had my maternal grandfather the late A. M. Brodie, his sons the offsprings of his brother’s sons were all educated in this fine unique one of its kind institutions.
    all my late mother’s brothers and a few of my cousins also left an everlasting impression on the sports arena too.
    I wish the new principal the present teaching staff and all the students past and present all the best and always endeavor to keep the flag of the school flying high at all times of the day and night.
    R. J., the one & only.

  • 6

    Hard at it again sir – dividing our people by trying to foment racism within even your place of worship! You are such a racist – you only see a person’s ethnicity.

    Why on earth are you still in our election commission?

    • 6

      Give the third Bishop to Jaffna, at least as an auxiliary Bishop.

      Once Jaffna provided so much money to their coffers. Now we were deliberately destroyed. The Church can subsidize Jaffna Bishop’s Palace and car, same for his new archdeacon etc. “Least of your brethren” is the dictum.

      During the war during his visits supposedly to the north, so called Bishop, Kenneth, came up to Vavuniya, stayed in a hotel, drank with the archdeacon and left. Now Bishop Dhiloraj, or Sam Ponniah seem to have no idea how much the churches here suffered and the pains it bore silently.

      Imagine if we become an Anglican province now? They wont even come up to Vavuniya.
      They destroy the faith for which martyrs died with open eyes.

      Thank you Hoole for being the voice of the weak and powerless in the CoC.

      They must hate you. When they throw you out, you have passed the test of faith.

    • 6

      I work at a govt agency where for foreign trips they were selecting all Sinhalese ppl.
      When a Tamil on the Board asked why, the Sinhalese Board members said “when we are all Sri Lankans, don’t be a racist by asking this question.”

      • 4

        Dear Frazer,
        Many thanks. Your comment sums up the situation brilliantly. I’m sure that all that you say is true.
        I’m 71 years old. Too old to implement any changes, but I can still warn so that my two grandchildren can live a full life. They are nice kids, much too young to understand how older people are destroying this planet.
        This is from my mobile phone. In the night I must make a comment about the librarian. Kirupa Hoole has written well. Rajan and she haven’t got any children. Why they are exerting themselves I don’t know, but I’m grateful for the likes of them.
        Today I have been trying to contact Bishop Dhilo. No success. Spoke to Nadi, his PA. Seems a nice girl. May all young people be blessed. By whom? I don’t know.
        Not all old people who are causing harm now can be said to have been always bad. But may they be cursed for what they are now doing.
        Panini Edirisinhe aka Sinhala_Man

        • 3

          Dear Frazer,

          From my desktop computer,
          I confirm that I hereby curse, solemnly with bell, book and whatever else is necessary the gay Bishop, Dhilo, for all the harm that he has done.
          He can be forgiven only if he repents.
          These f***s probably don’t understand when they are asked to repent.
          It is they, have most need of repentance!

  • 6

    The SJC Church was being used to house goats when the CMS took ove

    After that it seems to have housed goats like Hoole.

    If one set leaders of Tamils are groping in medieval obscurantism and utter irrationalisms , while another set spends time going to Hindu Shrines in India that don’t allow omen in, and engaging in mysticisms and obscurantisms of the worst sort, and aiding and abetting the rise of the caste system
    that benefits their fiefdoms, what is the future of Tamils? These people blame the Sinhalese Buddhists for all their problems, but fail to take a look in the mirror at themselves and identify the culprits.

    • 7

      Good sense of humour.
      But do you know that according to the Rapper M.L. Cool J. Goat is for the
      Greatest Of All Time?
      dictonary.com and urbandictionary.com both list this meaning..

  • 7

    Elected as Evangelical, Bishop Canagasabey has become catholic? Preaching multicuturalism to the state, he is asserting uniformity of race in Jaffna.It was announced in church today (19th) he is organizing a unity Sunday where all denoms are sought to be Anglcans at St Luke’s Borella,
    Is the anglican Church an agent for Gorabaya after the Bishop congratulated him for stability and direction?

    Oh the times! Oh the mores!

  • 10

    Part I of 5
    23.11.2018 Director of the Zonal Education Circuit Jaffna Zonal Education Circuit. Dear Respected Director, I Sivasubramaniam Vinoth who have been serving St. John’s College since 25.03.2010 on the permanent staff, wish to share some matters with you. On the last 03.11.2018 (Saturday) for the purpose of holding extra classes for Grade 8A students, as directed by the Head of the Junior Middle Division Head, I had come to school. After that extra class, accompanied by teacher Muhunthan, when I was readying myself to attend the funeral rites of the father of teacher Vickneswran, our Principal who was passing by directed me to meet him. As he was the Principal, I followed behind him to his office which is on school premises. The school principal’s office is always seen with the doors closed. Once I entered his office without further word the Principal embraced me. Without letting me move, he continued to hug me for ten minutes and kissed me continually on my cheeks, and my neck. When I pushed him away to get away, he embraced me again and kissed me gently on the back of my neck as if to arouse me sexually and not let me give him the slip. Every time I tried to get away, he hugged me tightly.

    • 1

      Vinoth, what was the response from Director of the Zonal Education Circuit Jaffna Zonal Education Circuit? In which year did this happen?

      • 0

        Vinoth, why didn’t you inform the police? Why didn’t you resign from teaching immediately? Why are you taking about it now? Are you being made a scapegoat?

        • 3

          Vinoth’s well-wisher, are you?
          He’s done all that could be expected of him.
          Plan to return tomorrow.
          Good night!

  • 12

    Part 2 of 5
    He kissed me in the chest area, and nipples gently massaging me and made me forget myself. Ten minutes later he then directed me to sit. After that he spoke to me about my service. Off and on he would carry out his sexual chilmiram [harassment?]. He moved his chair closer and he stroked my male-principle with his knee.
    Speaking to me off and on, he would hold my hands and slip them off to stroke my male principle. Finally hugging me again he was kissing me and touching me so as to change my mental state 8 and get me engaged in his attempt at this sexual game. He then got me to sit up and said he had to look into my eyes. In doing so asked me to look into his eyes, bit his lips and exhibited a sexually vulgar expression of rage. I refused and refused, saying I had respect for him and to please permit me to leave. He asked me to be his friend having a different relationship. Finally after an hour and a half he permitted me to leave. During the above described incident Vice Principal Mr. Dushyathan, teacher Mr. Aravinthan, Mr. Uyirviyam, Office Assistant Mrs. Yoharatnam, and old students Judesalome [sic.], besides a woman unknown to me, came into the office. When these people came in, he freed me holding on only to my hands.

    • 5

      “He kissed me in the chest area, and nipples gently massaging me and made me forget myself.”

      look man,you did not handle this properly.I would have told him to open up his shirt so that i also can massage his nipples and kiss his chest.Then i would have started

      • 6

        er sorry got disturbed a bit and forgot to continue.to kiss his chest and massage his nipples,but not so gently.really hard,really really hard with all my strengh,and while clamping on his chest with my teeth really really deep into the flesh,until blood comes and he screams and screams that he is being eaten by a cannibal.

        ps.problem solved isn’t it?Whenver you have a problem don’t tiptoe around it.

  • 11

    Part 3/5
    As a result of this horrible sexual abuse I have been badly affected. I know that this will continue. He asked me to come to his home when he summons me. Already I had been to his office three times during school hours to get his signature on my application for admission to the Teachers’ College but he had refused to sign saying he would sign only if I met him in his home at 8:00 pm at night. I avoided this because I already knew of his activities. So far my application has not been signed and no explanation has been given to me. In proof of the Principal’s behavior, I have a recording of the last 13 minutes of our encounter as proof.
    I am submitting that recording also to you. If the Principal can behave so with 30 year old me living with my family, will he leave students alone? That things like this happen at the school is well known to everyone. Other teachers like me also have been affected. However, because of the temporary nature of their appointments, they fear loss of their jobs so they have not come out as I have.

    Nonetheless, they have shared their experiences with me. In our college, same-sex unions occur commonly. Teachers hide this. For the love of position and benefits, and knowing that there is the impossibility of transfer for them out of St. John’s, no one has taken this as his or her problem.

  • 11

    Part 4 of 5
    Many students have likewise been so sexually abused by our Principal, and they are now are transformed into homosexuals as I have seen with my own eyes. That a principal can keep a student in his closed-door office until 10:30 at night, I have got to know only after coming to St. John’s. Some parents also know of their little children being abused; even Grade 8 children are not left 9 alone. Inviting them, massaging them and asking questions like whom they love, and how many times they masturbate to achieve self-love are very bad acts. More than two weeks ago three Grade 8A students were subject to sexual abuse by a Grade 8D student.

    Many students have likewise been so sexually abused by our Principal, and they are now are transformed into homosexuals as I have seen with my own eyes. That a principal can keep a student in his closed-door office until 10:30 at night, I have got to know only after coming to St. John’s. Some parents also know of their little children being abused; even Grade 8 children are not left 9 alone. Inviting them, massaging them and asking questions like whom they love, and how many times they masturbate to achieve self-love are very bad acts. More than two weeks ago three Grade 8A students were subject to sexual abuse by a Grade 8D student.

  • 10

    Part 5 of 5
    When this was inquired into, it came to light that this habit was taught to them by a student named C.P. Thanujan of the advanced grade. That student was abused and sexually transformed over a long period by the Principal. This is happening continually. Students in the interest of society’s future should never be allowed to be ruined for the sake of achieving sexual arousal. Regarding all these I have submitted letters to the Teachers’ Association and the College Administration. They asked me not to complain outside and promised to hold all due inquiries. I had communicated that if the inquiries are not neutral I would take appropriate legal action. Inquiries so far, however, are at a very slow pace. I am bringing this matter to your attention. Thinking that by terminating my appointment this problem may be solved by them, efforts are focused on terminating me. It is not a simple matter to close the matter using authority. Whatever happens to me is all right. What is important to me now is that neither I nor brother-students should be abused hereafter. Evidence regarding this and my letters are attached here. Further a copy of this and my complaint have been submitted to the Human Rights Commission by me. Please carefully inquire into this problem, without taking sides, staying in the middle.

    I humbly ask that you give me and the affected students a due solution.
    Hereby, the affected teacher,

    S. Vinoth (signed)

    • 12

      Dear Sivasubramaniam Vinoth,
      What more can you possibly do to expose this monster?

      By nature, I myself, am a tolerant man, and I’ve begun to accept gay activity because it seems so widespread now, and psychologists seem to be saying that some people are born that way. Personally, the very thought has disgusted me ever since I became a legal major as it were. Yes, disgusts! However, to be honest, when in adolescence, in a different Anglican boarding school there was so much of it going on, I remember being roused. That was boys-boys!
      However, what you are now describing concerns a man in authority being allowed to force himself on kids and yourself, and that the church should tolerate this is shocking!
      Lack of transparency, yes, that it is! I have highlighted a different sort of manipulation in this article.
      I’m reasonably hopeful that this time around I’ll succeed in getting some fair play. You can see the latest developments here:
      The general public will be shocked for a few minutes, but I would expect those who have been education professionals to follow the links there. It is our duty to ensure that this sort of thing at least STOPS!

    • 11

      PART TWO
      Vinoth, you and I have both presented these happenings having identified ourselves clearly. Bishop Dhilo has known me well for decades. On Friday, the 17th, I emailed him, as stated in the update given in that article about Royal Institute. It is surely up to him now to contact me. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have rung him – without making myself a nuisance by ringing at times when he was likely to be busy. Remember that the nonsense that I’m talking about has been an acute problem for FOUR years. (Oxymoron? Acute for a chronic length of time!) It is eight years since he should have realised that all was not well, if he has even average intelligence.
      I was born Anglican, put through infant baptism, etc, and am still considered by society to be a “Christian”. But all teaching of eschatology has now become for me a joke in the face of what our Sri Lankan Christians (and “prestigious Anglican priests” in particular) are doing.
      It would be a mistake for the average Sri Lankan to assume that what the two of us are talking about doesn’t have wider application, just because the Anglican Church is dying – as was made clear by Prof. Hoole in this earlier article:
      To me it looks as though there are lots of Buddhists who enrol in these schools imagining that they can have the best of both worlds: social prestige via the schools for which they try to impose subservience to these dishonest Pharisees, while practising communalism and snobbery themselves. It doesn’t seem as if the public have woken up to the dangers posed by this cocktail.
      Panini Edirisinhe aka Sinhala_Man

  • 12

    Trinity College, and St. Thomas’ College, now St. John’s College too?

    What are National Child Protection Agency and Save the Children doing about these?

    Chickera used to bring a woman doctor to preach to us that it is normal.

    Are the Bishops sexually straight?

    It happens for years with their full knowledge. The hostellers are at the mercy of the brutes.

    The parents must rise up. Private school education or the mental health of their children for life?

    Then there are adulterers knowingly appointed as archdeacons holding the show:Joshua Ratnam, Rienzie…

    You sit on the Cathedra (chair) and the spirit descends they say?

    Which spirit in the Anglican Cathedrals?

  • 6

    @ Proff Hoole,As a Johnian who studied at SJC till war cut short my education and had to move to Colombo I’m both shocked and aghast at you hanging dirty linen in public thereby tarnishing the image of the St Johns and also the image of Tamils big time due to your racist nature of writing where you talk about ‘Sinhalese’ many times!,may I ask what does race matter in Christianity ?

    While respecting you for all the work you have done accademicaly I do wish to let you know that you should stop your racist attitude and stope refering to people by Sinhalese and Tamils all the time nor refer to the caste system as this has no place in society now,if you conitnue to do so your no better than Wimal Weerwansa or the BBS chief!

    • 7

      I did not see any dirty linen in the article. It came from charles casinader. Pls dont blame prof Hoole.

    • 4

      I suppose in Peace Lover’s view such serious accusations are not to be looked into. That will leave child molestors abuse children in peace and even function as priests preying on children.

      • 2

        Dear Concerned,please read and re-read the article if your not clear ,Proff Hoole did not mention about the principals scandal but was going on and on about doctrine and throwing in peoples ethnicity to good good measure as such I commented on that and not about the past principals alleged behaviour which if proven is despicable to the core!
        My comment was on the original article by Prof Hoole and not on the comments by others,hope this clarifies any doubts

    • 1

      There goes!

      Asking for justice is the right thing. Name them in public or this immense suffering will not stop. Gnanaponrajah is still in ministry.

      These things have been discussed in the church for many many years. They happen with the knowledge of the higher ups. Even Thusitharan knew there was something wrong. He was around just outside the office when this happened. He did not speak out.

      Bishops Dhilo and Keerthy are deaf to those who demand justice and God’s word. They are into church politics.

      Bring one more Bishop, you add to the works.

      The Bishops could have saved Gnaponrajah’s soul from the pit and these children from life long mental trauma and loss of dignity right from the beginning. Everyone at St. John’s knew of some problem with Gnanaponrajah during his school days. Sympathises with him.

      Peace is not obtained by letting the weak and voiceless suffer but stopping the bullies.

      “If anyone makes one of these little children to stumble- it is better that a large millstone be hung around his neck and be drowned in the sea.” Jesus Christ

      Peace lover you are but a crime lover.

      • 2

        Dear Mathew Eighteen,please read and re-read the article if your not clear ,Proff Hoole did not mention about the principals scandal but was going on and on about doctrine and throwing in peoples ethnicity to good good measure as such I commented on that and not about the past principals alleged behaviour which if proven is despicable to the core!
        My comment was on the original article by Prof Hoole and not on the comments by others,hope this clarifies any doubts

        • 1

          A majority group can never understand the oppression they cause to those whom they oppress. Deadened in their sins. One must have a head ache to understand what a head ache is or be spiritually enlightened. Majority close their eyes lest they have to share the ill gotten privileged.

          Read the book “why I don’t talk race to white people.”

          Race is mentioned here to point out to sensitized as a case study. Identification of discrimination and for repentance not aggression inside the church.

  • 5

    I comment on the responses above. I did not say that the accused was cleared. An accusation of such behaviour against a senior person deserves to have been treated more seriously, for the sake of the school and the students in it. That is why it is wiser to withhold fire until there is conclusive proof. Now with a vice principal promoted to principal, and the alleged offender out of the scene, the tendency is to say all is well. That would be wrong. The promoted vice principal and senior staff were physically around when all these unedifying tales were sloshing around like bilge water. The teacher concerned was with them all those months, and if the letter above is authentic, it appears that no one stuck his neck out for him, and there was no one in the system to whom he could go for counselling. His going to the provincial authorities seems an act of desperation and they too seem to have done nothing.
    It is a severe indictment on the Church, the vice principals and the rest of the staff. Such a vice principal did not deserve promotion. The school would have been better off advertising for a new principal on attractive terms even if it was going to cost a lot more money – better than spending church money on gifts of cars to senior church officials and retired bishops.
    The problem here is unusual in that it concerns a senior member of the staff. It is a problem in boys’ and girls’ boarding schools. A frank insider’s account has been given in C.S. Lewis’ ‘Surprised by Joy’ about his Wyvern. What he found most objectionable was the hierarchy topped by ‘bloods’ and the systematic cruelty of the place. The matter concerns the wider St. John’s circle.

  • 2

    Prof Hoole is no fool However he has erred Thanuja Peiris is a Tamil married to a Sinhalese

    • 0

      Is that so? That is strange indeed.

      Thanja Pieris, nee’ Coomaraswamy is the daughter of Fr. Coomaraswamy who served as vicar at St. James’ Nallur, before Fr. Richard Hoole, J. Hoole’s father.

      Thanja Pieris’ father taught at St. Johns. The Hoole boys were taught by Fr. Coomaraswamy. Thanja was in our sunday school classes and carols and everything too.

      How come?

    • 1

      That is correct. The article does no claim she is not Tamil. She was married to a Sinhalese Sai Baba devotee I believe but widowed now. But for sure is now a regular Anglican.

  • 3

    If there are boys who were sexually abused, and new boys being sexually abused by the abused, Thusitharan must bring in counsellors from outside. Thusitharan seems not to have seen a problem with this as vice Principal. He has lost the faith of teachers and students in addressing this issue. Besides he looks stern and the boys needing help would be scared to approach him. Arch Deacon is a born lawyer by nature. He defends the authorities. No one there trusts him in our churches except those who consider themselves “the only enlightened “.

    The children need immediate counselling. Not from the Anglican church with its bizarre counsellors and councillors.

    Bring counsellors from outside this liberal church.

    • 2

      I feel concerned that we still lack hard evidence. The man concerned has a wife and children. What we have is a lot of gossip and a purported letter, but no proper inquiry. In the one inquiry that I know of the inquirer felt that the former principal was trained in counselling, and the way it was done may have been seen by others as unorthodox. That was not a complete inquiry. No conclusions were drawn. We need to know what the vice principals, office staff and teachers who regularly rubbed shoulders with the former principal have to say about the allegations and the letter. They all went on as though nothing had happened. Could any one of them be deemed fit to walk into the principal’s shoes without a public position on the real calamity or calamity of gossip that hit the school? If they thought the man was not to blame, they should have said so or otherwise asked the authorities for a proper inquiry. There is no excuse for their silence. The fate of the school is too important for that. We must beware of trial by social media through anonymous posts.

      • 1

        “In the one inquiry that I know of the inquirer felt that the former principal was trained in counselling, and the way it was done may have been seen by others as unorthodox.”

        the way it was done seem “unorthodox?” You mean – in violation of all counselling requirements and authorized practices? Lawyer talk this. You sound like an insider covering up for the church institution against its own minor members and charges.

        No need to be unorthodox in any way when counselling and dealing with victims. Why invade someone’s personal space, worse touch without permission? There were students, office staff, even the then vice principal.

        And the report says just “unorthodox”? This is called burying a whole pumpkin in a plate of rice. Was the inquiry process fair? The church should not take the teachers for idiots.

        One Bishop’s secretary once replied when I reported to him a child sex abuse case at Trinity: “Boys do it. They marry and get over it” and he laughed about it. He was a Thomian. Lay preacher too. I pity the wives of these guys.

        After that I don’t trust the Bishops’ men and women, let alone the Bishops. They don’t even believe the Creed. At what expense we keep them!

        When Bishop Dhiloraj Kanahasabai came to Jaffna ten years ago, soon after he was appointed, our priest asked him “Are you the one, or are we to wait for another?”
        How prophetic.

  • 5

    The Church promised a big inquiry last year. The teachers are waiting anxiously for the Bishop to share the report . Then they will give their opinion. No need to insult the teachers for the Bishop’s delay. This is the Colombo-centric mentality of the church. The school was displaced during the war and the staff conducted the school in Killinochchi and here and there . Teachers are all dedicated.

    Last year the archdeacon had one inquiry. A tape was given by the teacher of his ordeal. The archdeacon heard it all. The audiotape shows his aggressive tactics. He does not know how to inquire a sexual harassment case. He also recorded the inquiry. How can the archdeacon be a trained counselor? Even the school boys were asked questions. No support counselors were present when asking the victims to talk about their trauma. It is a violation of the victims’ rights.

    What happened to the report? The Bishop’s lawyer is a bad Christian and proves it each time he opens his mouth in public. Almost a year of waiting for the school.

    If the former Principal is innocent, sending the report immediately will help to clear his and the school’s name. It is the church’s duty.

    A new Bishop will come soon and shelve the case forever.

    • 12

      The Bishop himself is accused of wrong relations with his driver and the church of getting rid of the driver with a huge severance pay. In a court case upcountry involving my church an affidavit says the Bishop spent a night with his driver in the church owned house

      The church needs to issue a statement if we are to be faithful to this church. I remain a member but shaky.

      • 3

        Dear Moses Rajendra,
        I’ve returned to this article and the comments. I sense all sorts of things going wrong in that great school. However, as you have pointed out, the corruption goes on unabated. I feel that the “upcountry” must be Bandarawela. There’s so much to say, typing is so slow. Dhilo (I must dispense with forms of address, etc – long and time-consuming they are. Please don’t point them out as errors – that is the sort of distraction that they teach as “casuistry” I guess.) has to tell us.
        I think that I’d better try to put on as much as possible at the bottom of the comments – tomorrow. Dhilo as the first (?) Archdeacon for Nuwara-Eliya built himself a palace on Kahattewela Road. Next to that he built his three-storey retirement home, and next to that I now find is the house of his driver, Christopher Santiago. Let’s not exaggerate – three-storeys because it’s hilly terrain. There was an aged bachelor-Englishman, Heseltine (name changed by me – we can’t start slandering possible innocents!) who taught Spoken English on a voluntary basis at S. Thomas’, who occupied the top-storey.
        One suddenly starts hearing all sorts of conjectures – nobody has the courage to openly state. My problem – unsure of facts. But Bandarawela is now agog with speculation and guys sidling up to me for “gossip” on all this.
        Why can’t Dhilo himself clear his name – or confess?

  • 2

    Dear “Jaffna Citizen”,
    PART 1 OF 3

    As I look at this article by Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole
    at 01.49 am on Tuesday, 21st, there are 32 comments in all, and three by you. You bemoan that this is a “trial by social media through anonymous posts.” It is true that you are anonymous – we just don’t have your name, we have the pseudonym only.
    There are two comments by me as “Sinhala_Man”, but in the second of them, I have given you my real name. In the first post, I had given you a link to an article by me. If you had cared to click on that link, you would have been able to see a photograph of me heralding the article. This time I will not sign as “Sinhala_Man”. I shall use my real name, and since I will be using a different e-mail address (as I do, when signing with my name) my gravatar will change to a light green one. I claim the two earlier comments as written by me.
    My name: Panini Edirisinhe National Identity Card No. 48-3111-444V. What else do you need? Please let me know. Email addresses and telephone numbers are not normally listed on this site, but that could be done in these circumstances. I suggest, however, that you ask Dr Michael Ratnarajan Richard Hoole, whom I have known for fifty-five years, for all those contact details – and more.

  • 3

    PART 2 OF 3

    Rt Rev. Dhiloraj Ranjith Canagasabey is also known to me, but I’ve almost totally lost faith in him. He could regain some of it by acting more honestly in the future. And it is the future that I’m more concerned with than the past. For the record, the Bishop whom I regard as the best human being of them all, was Rt. Rev. Jabez Gnanapragasam.
    Does all this sound too polemical? Actually all three of your comments are reasonable, but you remain anonymous. I’d like to have your name, just as I’ve given you mine.
    The worst comment of the lot is by “Peace Lover; the best and clearest (but painful to read) are by “ELast”, who has given his name as “Sivasubramaniam Vinoth”. Are you really telling us that there is no such person? I think that I must necessarily wait for your response to this question before writing much more of real relevance.
    I don’t know Jaffna very well, and Rev. Gnanaponrajah not at all. I’m sitting at my computer in Bandarawela, close to what was my birthplace, then called S. Thomas’ Preparatory School. That is what my Birth Certificate States, but it is in Sinhalese. Why not in English? Perhaps, because it was after independence.
    Rajan Hoole is about six weeks younger, but the guy is about eight inches taller than me.

    • 3

      Dear Uncle Panini, Please read and re-read the article if your not clear ,Proff Hoole did not mention about theSJC principals scandal but was going on and on about doctrine and throwing in peoples ethnicity to good good measure (thats something I hate and has no place in Christianity) as such I commented on that and not about the past principals alleged behaviour which if proven is despicable to the core!
      My comment was on the original article by Prof Hoole and not on the comments by others which detailed the dirty things done to the Teacher,hope this clarifies any doubts

      Hope your Hillman is still going strong!

      • 1

        Tired, but I still typed a lot on my desk-top computer. Then lost it all.
        That proves that I’m too tired to work effectively right now.
        Thanks, “nephew”!

        Panini Edirisinhe (aka Sinhala_Man)

      • 0

        The Japanese made Hillman Minx was sold to a very nice man, Mr Lelsie Armstrong (a Sinhalese married to a Czech lady) for the very favourable (for me!) price of half a million.
        It’s almost impossible to get parts for Rootes Group cars. Other makes are not so difficult. I hope that Leslie joins the CCC, and I’d certainly visit the exhibition if I hear of Minxie being on view.
        The CCC guys were really nice, but that stage of my life is over. And it was very good of you to send me this pleasant message. I wish I knew who you are!

    • 3

      Vinoth is a real person. the teacher from SJC who complained.

      • 0

        Dear Johnian,
        This really is a serious business. We wish it never happened, but we can’t drop this.
        Vinoth is to be greatly admired for his courage for having revealed all this.
        It would be nice to lay all this to rest, but that cannot be until Dhilo also shows contrition. He must summon up all his reserves of spiritual resources to do it. If he must live with this orientation, then it is upto him to resign almost immediately – not wait for June. It goes without saying that the Thomian Branch School Elections must be conducted properly. Mt lavinia will select her two OBA representatives on the 15th of February. I must vote there, even if it means missing the Gurutalawa AGM the following day.
        If Dhilo doesn’t do all this, we will, regretfully, have to keep harrying him. A terrible business.

    • 3

      It is nice to see you have mentioned the late Rev. JJ Gnanapragasam, in comparison. I knew him well as our vicar and Archdeacon at St. John’s Church. He sure was a man of honesty and integrity. One of a kind. It seems like such human beings are facing extinction.

  • 2

    PART 3 of 3
    I have been to Jaffna three times.
    The first was definitely in the year 1968 – and I spent at least five days at St John’s College, Chundikuli, Jaffna. It was for a Christian Teachers’ Conference. After that, I spent a few days in the home of a Dr Richards, in Navalar Road, Jaffna. This Dr Richards had a son who is very well known, named Rev. James Ratnanayagam, whom I don’t know all that well. Another son, Richard Emmanuel Jayarajah, is a very good friend of mine. He currently lives in Ekwatte Road, Mirihana, Nugegoda.
    Strangely, I can’t give you the exact years of my two subsequent visits to Jaffna, but they were both after our “Great War” was over in 2009.
    Hasn’t this been tedious reading? Please respond. We can exchange question and answer for another seven days or so.
    Yours sincerely,
    Panini Edirisinhe (aka Sinhala_Man)

  • 0

    Few months ago, Hindu College Principal was busted on bribery charges and now St John’s College Principle’s turn on P charges? It seems JHC-SJC rivalry has now reached to a new dimension!

    How come JHC case was fast-tracked straight to Police but SJC case was bounced backwards to PP’s own masters? Is that because PP’s masters already having enough experience to deal with similar cases? Have all parents of SJC received a letter on this matter from PP’s masters yet? It seems before the PP, his masters should face the consequences for the cover ups.

  • 10

    Mr. Casinader has been a little unkind to me. He accuses me of not mentioning the sex abuse scandal. The article was to encourage the new principal and to remind everyone of what Anglicanism is.

    What I am being faulted for is not mentioning the sex abuse. Mr. Vinod came to me in January 2018 with his complaint submitted to Sam Ponniah by Vice Principal Gnanarajan and the Teachers’ Guild. As for evidence, he had a recording of what Fr. G was saying to him in his office in the guise of counselling. Vinoth secretly switched on his phone only during the last 13 minutes of their meeting:
    G: We need a relationship better than with parents. We do not share all with parents or even friends. Will you be my friend? It is not in our culture. We do not have opportunity to cultivate such wonderful friendship. Will you be my friend? You think about it. Come back and tell me. Come close to me. Look in my eyes. You are my son. Why do you fear?
    V: I hold you in respect. I do not want to come down like that.
    G: Why?
    V: It is not good for you. I have an image of you as Father. Principal. Cannot come down.
    G: Whether you look at it like that or not. I will see you as a friend. OK? Between whomever this relationship, it is a wonderful one. When you change your mind, come back.

    No one listened to Vinoth. Fr. Ponniah delayed an inquiry and finally was insulting, asking Vinoth whether he was excited when his genitals were touched. G and Ponniah were friends. He ignored the recording and cleared G.

    Ponniah’s job seems to be to support Colombo. When somebody donated a house to the St. John’s Church, parishioners accused him of sending the money to Colombo. He himself has no recognized degree but was rewarded by being Acting Principal and hung on even after Thuseetharan was selected. Small minded, ….

  • 9

    …. when the President’s US citizenship came up, he sang for his new masters on twitter to say I am on the Election Commission while a dual citizen. This is what happens when the uneducated are put in high office.

    When Vinod came to me, it was awkward. G was a friend. But the law and duty required action. Penal Code (Amendment) Act, No. 16 of 2006 Section 286C says
    “(1) Any person who, having the charge, care, control or
    possession of any premises, has knowledge of such premises
    being used for the commission of an act constituting the abuse of
    a child, shall forthwith inform the officer in charge of the nearest
    police station of such fact.
    “(2) Any person referred to in subsection (1) who fails to inform the
    officer in charge of the nearest police station of the fact that such
    premises is being used for the commission of an act constituting
    the abuse of a child shall be guilty of an offence and shall on
    conviction be liable to imprisonment of either description for a term
    not exceeding two years or to a fine or to both such imprisonment
    and fine.”

    Citing this I took up the matter at the Standing Committee mostly of dud stooges whose job is to approve large amounts of money to the Clerical wolves running the church (Rs. 10 million for each archdeacon last year. For retired Bishops Rs. 700,000 a month for Chickera to lease a van; Rs. 5,500,000 for a car for Kenneth Fernando. Only I opposed it and was ignored).

    The Bishop did not put it on the agenda. He said it is a CMS matter. But the Bishop appoints most CMS governors – even housewives (the wives of stooges) without degrees to run our best schools. I told the Bishop I would go to the police if he did not. The Bishop then ordered an inquiry by a Senior Judge (he told me) and had accordingly instructed Thanja Peiris, CMS Chairman.

    I kept out after that.

  • 3

    It looks like the purpose of this article is to re-write the heritage of the college and slander the reputation . The comments section has piled on to what S.R.H Hoole started by expanding his goals.
    I’ll respond to one issue that Hoole erroniously brings up often. The founding year of the school. I have read the same history book that he quotes from written by THE REV. J. W. BALDING.
    His glee in pointing out the word “Abolished” refers only to the boarding school part of the school and NOT school it self. He conveniently skipped the next line that says: “carried on without a boarding department”
    Hoole writes: “Inescapable is the import of the word “abolished” and the phrase “to its close.”” The “it” here in the “to its close” is the boarding school. He conveniently skipped the next sentence that reads as follows: “From 1851 it was called the Chundicully Seminary, and carried on without a boarding department, the pupils paying fees……….. “
    The following are direct cut and paste (relevant paras) from the book section JAFFNA 103 including the title.
    JAFFNA 103
    In the year 1823, an English Seminary for the higher
    education of Tamil youths was opened at Nellore by the Rev*
    J. Knight and in 1825 was in charge of the Rev. W. Adley.
    The primary aim of the school was to bring forward agents
    for mission work. It had, on an average, thirty boys, select
    ed from the day schools, who were boarded, clothed and
    educated free. The pupils were required to attend public
    worship and other religious services, the Bible was made the
    most prominent subject of study, and a good secular educa
    tion was also given.

    • 3

      Thank you. Eagle Eyes must learn to argue facts and not imagine glee on my part. No one is contesting that Joseph Knight started a school in Nallur. But was that St. John’s? This was shut down after the cholera epidemic. If the Church starts a school here, shuts it down and much later starts a school there, are they the same school?

      Eagle eyes Argues in his last para “His glee in pointing out the word ‘Abolished’ refers only to the boarding school part of the school and NOT school.” But the same para makes clear that all 30 or so boys were boarders. with no day-scholars When the boarding is gone, the school is gone.

      In any case, I am glad that someone has read the CMS record even if selectively. Eagle Eyes seems to have missed page 57 of the book which reads as quoted in my article
      “An important high class boys school was begun at Chun-
      dicully in 1851, which is now known as St. John s College”
      Do you, Eagle Eyes, know what the word begun means?
      The Bishop had begun a high church school in St. Thomas’. Being the liberal he was, he had to fund a new low church school which made the boarding school redundant.

  • 4

    From apostolic times, the Bishop/presbyter was charged with guarding the truth.

    The last few Anglican Bishops have failed the church, me, my children, my students and all Tamil Anglicans by distorting our highest holy prayers, the 2000 year old statement of faith and the Church’s command of purity, poverty and obedience to Christ. They keep the same apostate, Joshua Ratnam, who left the church, was sent back by the Canadian Tamil church, a priest whom parishioners locked out of their church when he was appointed, to play with our sacred liturgy sealed by martyrs’ blood. All protests fall on deaf years. I give the last Anglican Liturgy to the students, barely 18. They can find the deliberate errors, and distortions. I give it as an example of heresy creeping into the church and Indian saivitized, nationalistic Christian Theology.

    Bishop Dhilo too has not kept his 10 year old promise to me on that matter. Why allow such a travesty? How do these pundits sleep at night after publishing such dangerous CoC liturgies that smack of stupidity, arrogance and apostasy? They should tremble before God. They pronounce absolution.

    They dance the form clad in expensive robes to impress, while the substance of our belief is destroyed. The poor children have to memorise heresies and choice insults to God. The christians have no nourishment.

    As the saying goes the gates of hell have opened. No surprise.

    Choose the next Bishop for his faith, sanctity and high principles.All go together. Vote for a complete turn around at Baudhaloka Maw. Look outside the usual choices.

    Our Lord Jesus and our children deserve better.

  • 1

    Dear Frazer,
    Many thanks. Your comment sums up the situation brilliantly. I’m sure that all that you say is true.
    I’m 71 years old. Too old to implement any changes, but I can still warn so that my two grandchildren can live a full life. They are nice kids, much too young to understand how older people are destroying this planet.
    This is from my mobile phone. In the night I must make a comment about the librarian. Kirupa Hoole has written well. Rajan and she haven’t got any children. Why they are exerting themselves I don’t know, but I’m grateful for the likes of them.
    Today I have been trying to contact Bishop Dhilo. No success. Spoke to Nadi, his PA. Seems a nice girl. May all young people be blessed. By whom? I don’t know.
    Not all old people who are causing harm now can be said to have been always bad. But may they be cursed for what they are now doing.
    Panini Edirisinhe aka Sinhala_Man

  • 2

    Thank you. Eagle Eyes must learn to argue facts and not imagine glee on my part. No one is contesting that Joseph Knight started a school in Nallur. But was that St. John’s? This was shut down after the cholera epidemic. If the Church starts a school here, shuts it down and much later starts a school there, are they the same school?

    Eagle eyes Argues in his last para “His glee in pointing out the word ‘Abolished’ refers only to the boarding school part of the school and NOT school.” But the same para makes clear that all 30 or so boys were boarders. with no day-scholars When the boarding is gone, the school is gone.

    In any case, I am glad that someone has read the CMS record even if selectively. Eagle Eyes seems to have missed page 57 of the book which reads as quoted in my article
    “An important high class boys school was begun at Chun-
    dicully in 1851, which is now known as St. John s College”
    Do you, Eagle Eyes, know what the word begun means?
    The Bishop had begun a high church school in St. Thomas’. Being the liberal he was, he had to fund a new low church school which made the boarding school redundant.

  • 1

    Here are the exact text that disproves Hoole’s claim about the founding date of SJC.

    “One Hundred Years in Ceylon OR The Centenary Volume OF THE Church Missionary Society

    JAFFNA 103

    In the year 1823, an English Seminary for the higher
    education of Tamil youths was opened at Nellore by the Rev*
    J. Knight and in 1825 was in charge of the Rev. W. Adley.

    In 1841 the seminary was removed to Chundicully and in 1851 as a boarding establishment it was abolished. From its foundation to its close, upwards of two hundred lads passed through the regular course, and seventy became converts to Christianity.

    From 1851 it was called the Chundicully Seminary, and carried on without a boarding depart
    ment, the pupils paying fees from one shilling to eight shillings a quarter.

    You can read the full text of the book here.

    • 3

      Eagle Eye,
      The Northern Province is essentially a Tamil area.

      If you want to say anything about that part of the country, please be polite, cautious, humble and respectful of their customs, people and mores.
      I think that I’m more acceptable to the people of the North than you are. I also feel that most sensitive Sinhalese are with me, rather than with you.
      Could you please shut up and disappear from CT altogether, you trouble-maker!
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 48 3-111-444V) aka Sinhala_Man

  • 4

    If as reported by the author, the complaint was submitted to the Archdeacon by Vice Principal Gnanarajan and the Teachers’ Guild, the Principal should have been sent on leave pending an inquiry. The vice principal named enjoys considerable respect. The way it was handled looks very bad on the part of the Church.

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