12 December, 2024


19th Amendment: Bar Calls All Parties To Set Aside Political Differences At This Juncture

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has today called upon all parties to set aside their political/or other partisan differences and to act at this moment in the best interest of the nation.

Ajith Pathirana - Secretary BASL

Ajith Pathirana – Secretary BASL

Issuing a statement today on the proposed 19th Amendment to the Constitution the BASL said; Bar Association of Sri Lanka has been consistently commited to upholding and preserving the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka. It has always been our unwavering position that the independence of the Judiciary, the independence of the public service including the police force, Good Governence and Zero-Tolarance towards corruption are essential in the democratic society committed to upholding the Rule of Law.”

The Secretary BASL Ajith Pathirana said; “The BASL sees the provisions in the proposed 19th Amendment to the Constitution on these measures, as a necessary and essential step toward achieving these ideals.

“In particularly, the following measures that are included in the 19th amendment are crucial at this juncture, and require urgent implementation.

  • The re-establishment of the Constitutional Council;
  • The re-establishment of the Independent Commissions, including the National Police Commision and Elections Commission.
  • The recognition of the Right to Information as a Fundamental Right;
  • The establishment of a transparent and accepted procedure in the appointment of Judges to the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal;
  • The abrogation of the 18th amendment to the Constitution.

“The BASL strongly urged all parties concerned to ensure enactment of these measures. The BASL call upon all parties to set aside their political/or other partisan differences and to act at this moment in the best interest of the nation.”

Latest comments

  • 11

    Yep, all parties should vote for it.

    • 13

      Ajith Pathirana – Secretary BASL,

      Yes Sir. Thank you.

      1. Take it to the people. Write the Sri Lankan Common sense pham pamphlet. There are lots of sri Lankan Lawyer who are not busy. Learn from the American thomas Paine, 1776.

      2. Expose those who do not want to vote as those who want to have another chance to Rob and steal the Country.

      3. Expose, expose and expose.

    • 4

      Good governance and zero tolerance of corruption should be the theme of the next election with the backing of the BASL. The law of the country to go hand in hand to implement these promises and not just the promises.

      The Dalits who are yearning to bring back the kings of CORRUPTIONS should be punished and thrown in the cess Pitts where they belong.

      The country they created with the help of those Undesirables and swindled the wealth from the country should never go free.
      Time to build this nation of ours back to its glory. the education system was one of the best in Asia good 30-40 years ago. It was a nation to be proud of in the Asian Sub continent

      Now the SL passports are worthless the so called educated lot cannot even communicate in the world Arena.

      The slow deterioration came to head was created by the Medamulanas & co.

      Srilanka can get up from this rutt with the help of right minded Srilankans of all nationality who are the rightful citizens of SL to build back.

      The plundered wealth by the Dalits should be brought back from those criminals and build the nation.

      The Dalits should be thrown in the Cess Pitts as punishment.I repeat.

      • 0

        Very interesting! Bar Association of Sri Lanka calling political parties to shed political differences; coming from a profession whose members make a living only by stretching the boundary of truth to the extreme and distorting facts.
        We have never in the past heard or seen the BASL contributing to any debate of national importance.Where were they when, first of all, J R J promulgated the constitution which he and all his successors abused .
        Secondly, BASL has now become Ranil’s mouthpiece.
        We saw ow BASL subverted the law, at the behest of Rani, when they staged public demonstrations unbecoming of a professional body and hunted down the chief of Sri Lanka.
        Stooges, henchmen and hirelings of Ranil and C, the repository of old colonial west, who want to drag this country back to our darkest era of our 2500 year history.

    • 7

      People should forget about politics and think about what is good for the Nation. Since the removal of Rajapakse regime we have seen how our money was used by this regime. To Build Bangalo’s oF Mahinda Family to enjoy, To import billions worth cars for Mahinda Family, Free air service to Mahinda & Co to do their private use inside and outside Nations etc. See how these Mahinda &Cos and underworld thugs worked together to carry out drugs trade and arms trade around the world. Look at how they used every instituion including Justice system to manipulate their illegal activities and threaten people under the dark rule. Still they think they can come back to power by creating bloodbath in the soil. Srilanka had lost enough blood and there is nothing left.

      • 1

        Another hireling of Ranil and Co, paid by his financiers, [Edited out]n like Amarasiri above writes meaningless obscenities, and like Amarasiri this Analyst can write two words in correct English.
        [Edited out]

      • 0

        Ajith . You area shameless purveyor of lies and fabrications. That is how Ranil came to power. Sponsored and financed by Americans, Norway and the west you are paid a few dollars to barter the future of this country to the scheming colonialists.
        Your days are numbered.

    • 2

      Oh ye, What about us, the powerless ordinary voter Jagath?

      You people including the NGO operatives Rev maduluwwe Sobhita and Jehan perera who are calling on all parties to forget their differences and to sneak through 19A are dishonest crooks.

      You are suggesting that people should be deceived to pass this crappy piece of amendment since there will not be another opportunity. What an argument!

      Learn to respect the supremacy and the will of the people and we will not allow you to pss amendment hoodwinking the poor people.

      Shame on you.

  • 8

    Please see my article in Colombo telegraph 2014.09.20th.”Single Issue Candidate The Solution – Opening A Pandora’s Box – Let’s Think Of An Alternative”

    I predicted this.If anybody thinks that our selfish politicians, whose only ambition is to feather their nest, will agree on anything good for the country, I suggest that such a person should get his/her head examined.

    How to loose the pensions, how to loose the cars, how to loose a regular playout with your juniors in some love den?

  • 1

    19 contradicts 20. If the powers of presidency not contained what is the logic of mixed electoral system, 1st past post and pro rata? It won’t suit the executive presidency and it would lead to utter confusion!

  • 3

    BASL will have to reinvent itself to be accepted as an independent voice after the BASL very actively put its weight behind to oust former President MR and then the President of the BASL accepting a personal reward by being appointed the Chairman of BOI.

    On the 19th amendment, there is much concern about the President having to consult the President of the BASL in appointing judges of the Supreme Court – we hope that this requirement is being removed.

    • 0

      BASL should keep out of political issues. They have loss their independence and credibility and are seen as politically biased.

  • 6

    People, please listen to the Bar Association appeal and their advise. Do not waste the last chance. Politicians are selfish. Let’s get rid of the unwanted. Get rid of the corrupt politicians in Sri Lanka, if we wish progress. Otherwise, down fall.

    • 0

      Sorry my friend.
      No body will listen or take notice of BASL which is funded by CIA and is inimical to the very stability of sri lankan society.
      People consider their members as parasites of the society. Ordinary man and woman hate these people called lawyers , particularly those of ASL living aloof in Colomo 5 or 7.

  • 4

    The two common features of Sri Lanka’s politicians are first of all as long as they are in the opposition, they do not allow the ruling Government to implement any good amendment to the country. They always try to defeat it and trying to topple the ruling Government by hook or by crook.

    Ex.President Rajapakse got his selfish 18th Amendment passed only after bribing over 65 opposition party members to cross over and after giving them Ministerial posts in the cabinet.

    Second most of the opposition MP are caught in Bribery and corruption scandal, and until they are given pardon and their files hidden, none of them are going to vote for the 19th Amendment.

    That’s why they want to install the big mouth Dinesh Gunawardena as opposition leader as he is the most suitable to play their ball and to bring back notorious Mahinda Rajapakse back into power.

    Pres.Maithreepalsa should punish and bring into books all those thieves who robbed our country. Also he should do it before next parliament elections, so the voters know who they are.

    That’s why they each spend over eighty million rupees to contest for a Parliament seat.

    We need real educated and experienced people oriented Patriots who think our country and it’s people first in our parliament and not these bunch of selfish thieves.

    • 0

      Very interesting! Bar Association of Sri Lanka calling political parties to shed political differences; coming from a profession whose members make a living only by stretching the boundary of truth to the extreme and distorting facts.
      We have never in the past heard or seen the BASL contributing to any debate of national importance.Where were they when, first of all, J R J promulgated the constitution which he and all his successors abused .
      Secondly, BASL has now become Ranil’s mouthpiece.
      We saw ow BASL subverted the law, at the behest of Rani, when they staged public demonstrations unbecoming of a professional body and hunted down the chief of Sri Lanka.
      Stooges, henchmen and hirelings of Ranil and C, the repository of old colonial west, who want to drag this country back to our darkest era of our 2500 year history.

  • 1

    Our politicians are not statesmen.Most of the scum in the parliament had connection to both the leading parties. In fact most of them crept into the parliament and crossed over-people speculate that they were paid to do so.

    If the impasse cannot be over come then it is upto the party leaders to nominate only decent people who love the country. The scum will fall by even if they contest from another party.There should be legislation to eliminate anybody who creeps through from the parliament.

    The question is whether we have leaders who will take such a decision.

  • 3

    The way, they are going to do the 19th amendment, it will be a disaster to Sri lanka.

    Particularly, these greedy and corrupt lawyers are not a good bunch to advice on that.

    They would pawn Sri lanka if they can get their hands on money and power.

  • 0

    This is awesome. Ranil, CBK, RAW and the US Embassy plan is a House of Cards and about to collapse. Maitri will remain President with supreme, executive powers and SLFP will become the largest party in new parliamentary elections. Ranil will be replaced as PM. Ranil and CBK’s Brilliant Machiavelli’s plan spectacularly backfires.

  • 0

    Mission Impossible. I believe we can achieve. All public bodies, minorities shoul garner all their resources to present ammendments regarding presidential power and electoral system We must not shy away from a refrendum. It can be held simultaneosly with a general election. As RW says think outside the BOX.

  • 0

    Let minorities be supported. Most important is the gender representation. A qouta basis at district level is a must.A dual ballot is needed.

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