15 January, 2025


20th Amendment To The Constitution: Full Text Of Gazetted Bill

The Gazette notification on the 20th Amendment to the Constitution has been published now.

Click here ( English) and here (Sinhala) to read the Gazetted Bill.


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  • 4

    Receipe to wipe out small parties like JVP and JHU.

    I don’t even consider the left parties since they they have already wiped out.

    20 A wil consolidate the two large parties.

    • 6

      Jagath Fernando

      “Receipe to wipe out small parties like JVP and JHU.”

      What should be the purpose of the Constitution and good Governance?

      Better and effective representation of the people, and meeting their needs.

      The larger parties win order to get support will form alliances with the small parties to address their concerns. It may or may not be addressed.

      Most agree, the current system is flawed. This 20A, will fix at least some of the flaws. There is no connection between the people and the MP.

      In the Current parliament, 43% odd percent have not passed the GCE OL. Many are criminals, crooks, and rapists? Hopefully, the next parliament, will show improvement by shedding these characters.

  • 3

    There are over 20 smaller parties. There are too many sprats. Too many chiefs but not many Indians!

    Some smaller parties such as SLMP and CWC has never been in the opposition! They make a deal with the party in power and jostle back into power. The result is deserving people in the back benches for so long do not have the opportunity to get a ministerial posts.

    The result is the chaos we see. It has an effect on election violence. It creates too many ministerial posts.

    There should be only 2 main parties left and right. There should not be racial or other divisions based on religion.

    The 2 main parties could operate an affirmative action scheme and absorb these smaller parties.

    Moslem and Tamil could for example get 10% of the seats. Women should get larger share than at present.

  • 4

    There is no Tamil version eh?


  • 5

    There is no Tamil version eh?

    Though,Plato may not be able to read the Tamil version Principles of Natural Justice,those principles that Nadesan Q.C stood for should be upheld.

  • 3

    Proportional representation system should be removed and the number of seats should be increased accordingly with first-past vote system.

  • 3

    @jim shitty, what the heck is a proportional representation? are you rounding off to this Tamil/Sinhala nonsense again. In any civilised nation, the country doesn’t get a representation based on the ethnic origin of the people but it gets a representation of capable folks coming together to govern the country and pooling their knowledge to run it effectively. Why is that scoundrels like you are always going on about racial representation? Haven’t you had enough blood shed in this country? Do you want more bloodshed at other people’s expense? Scoundrel, go and see a shrink and have him examine you little weasel.

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