A teacher at the Anula Devi Girls’ College in Galle is reported to be involved in a case of child torture, where she had allegedly ordered her students to beat their 10-year old classmate, as punishment for talking to another girl while the teacher was conducting a class.
The incident has resulted in the victim receiving physical injuries, while she has also been mentally traumatized, as she was beaten up by 44 students out of the 50 students in the class.
“The girl as a result suffered enormous pain both physically and mentally, and is in a state of shock and trauma. She was not allowed to talk or give any explanations during the punishment, causing her much frustration and stress,” the Asian Human Rights Commission said.
The teacher had ordered her students to beat the girl after she observed that the girl was engaged in conversation with her classmates instead of paying attention to the teacher, which had angered the teacher.
We publish below the Asian Human Rights Commission’s appeal:
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 10-year-old girl has been tortured on the instructions of her teacher at Anula Devi Girls’ College in Galle District, Sri Lanka. The teacher ordered the class to beat the 10-year old girl on the head, considering it a minor crime; 44 students out of 50 followed the order. As a result, their classmate was physically and mentally traumatised.
According to the information received by the Asian Human Rights
Commission (AHRC), a 10-year-old girl child studying in Grade 4 of the
Anula Devi Girls’ College, Magalle in the Galle District, was
tortured by her teacher inside the classroom on 26 February 2016. On
this particular day, while the teacher was conducting a lesson, she
observed that the girl was engaged in conversation with her classmates
instead of paying attention. Angered by this behavior, the teacher
punished the girl by asking all the other students to beat her on the
head during the class. Of the total 50 students, 44 beat the girl as
per the teacher’s instructions.
The girl as a result suffered enormous pain both physically and
mentally, and is in a state of shock and trauma. She was not allowed
to talk or give any explanations during the punishment, causing her
much frustration and stress.
The Anula Devi Girls’ College of Galle District comes under the
direct authority and governance of the Central Government Educational
Department. The actions of the teachers and the principal must
therefore be considered as administrative and executive actions under
the Constitution of the country. The teacher allegedly responsible for
torturing the child is still undergoing her period of practical
training and is formally affiliated to the Ruhuna Teacher Training
College. The Principal of the College has allowed this trainee teacher
without any supervision to be in charge of these students, and must
also take responsibility for this act of torture.
The incident was reported to the Galle District Child Development
Committee, after which on 24 May 2016, the matter was discussed at a
meeting. The probation officer Ms. K. Nanayakkara who is the state
officer responsible for women and child care affairs, vehemently
underlined the severity of the punishment. She noted that this
particular ‘science teacher, who is a trainee teacher at the school,
had meted out this cruel punishment causing much grief and pain to the
student who had later been afraid to go to school’.
On May 26, the Harbor Police of Galle arrested the teacher and
produced her before the Additional Magistrate of Galle. The lawyers
appearing for her admitted to giving directions to the students to
beat their classmate, and requested for bail. The court granted bail
and ordered the release of the teacher under the condition of Rs. 100,
000/ personal sureties. Further, the Magistrate has ordered the
teacher not to continue further harassment of the student and not to
use harsh language against the victim child.
The AHRC observed that the victim student must be provided with
special care and counselling to ensure her well-being. She should not
be kept in the same atmosphere where she would suffer continued
harassment as a result of this incident amongst the other children who
assaulted her. Further, the trainee teacher should not be allowed to
continue to work in the same school and it is the responsibility of
the education authorities to also provide the victim child with
special and due care as soon as possible to develop the victim
child’s attitude and skills towards her future educational
Law enforcement authorities must take all necessary measures to
prosecute the alleged suspected teacher under the Penal Code for
cruelty to the child, considered as a crime under law.
Please write to the authorities listed below expressing your concern
about this case and request an immediate investigation into the
torturing of a student by a teacher in a government school.
Furthermore, those proven to be responsible for this offence must be
prosecuted under the criminal law of the country.
To support this case, please click here:
M.Mokkan / June 30, 2016
Very sad, sinhala Buddhism ruined sinhala way of life….
Paul / June 30, 2016
What the hell has sinhala Buddhism and sinhala way of life got to do with this? Would you say ‘Hinduism and Tamil way of life’ it it happenned at a Hindu school? Would you say ‘the effect of Islam’ if it was at a Muslim school? Illiterate moron.
Uthungan / June 30, 2016
There is a recent news item which has gone viral in the North alleging that a 45 year old teacher in a Jaffna school had sexually abused a fourteen year old pupil and that the headmaster and other colleagues of the said teacher including some female teachers had tried to hush up the matter.
But because the parents and the past students association had persisted that the matter be subject to police investigations.
Mr. Illancheliyan the Jaffna Magisterate is reported to have condemned thie allegations and warned that severe punishment would be meted out to those found guilty following trial.
Amarasiri / June 30, 2016
Dear IGP Pujith Jayasundara
“Very sad, sinhala Buddhism ruined sinhala way of life….”
Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” showing its True Colors, following Mara and MaRa.
It is very different from Buddhism.
Just read about the BBS.
IGP Pujith Jayasundara, are you going to follow the rule of law, or the rule of Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” ethics?
What about BBS and the criminals?
thrishu / June 30, 2016
What else is IGP going to do? The case has already gone to the court, and now it is up to the judge to hear the case and deal out the punishment.
That said, my question is: In this article, where are the statements from the Principal, what has she or the local educational Directorate done to prevent a recurrence, compensate for the child and her family, and to take disciplinary or corrective actions on the undisciplined student teacher? What steps have the Dept of Education in Colombo taken in the wake of this incident? Were they sleeping denying any responsibility for what is going on in their schools? What is being taken at Teacher Training College to detect monster or psychopathic teachers of this kind and to weed them out before wasting time and money training them? And where were the journos: 4-months have gone by; this is the first time the story has come out to the open.
Simon De Silva / June 30, 2016
Thrisu,, this is from our common native place Galle.
This reminded me of my schooling at Mahinda. There were teachers that thought they should react like BBS leader towards the muslim fellows. Not being able to control their angers.. the langague they used was beyond all ethics and morals.
This is the reason why I believe average lankens regardless of their education levels in general need therapies before attacking to YAhapalana PRINCIPLE.. then only we can pluck the fruits.
Why not you guys force lanken education ministry to do lot more work in the areas of Paedogogy… in Germany, teachers traning programs are plenty… this countries could provide the work shops with … so that our teachers could finally learn how the child psyhcologgy should work at schools since teachres are the most close ones to children next to their own parents.
Here again, this actions prove, that these are not buddhists -but just born buddhists like it is the case for chinese. They would do anything and everyhting if they are allowed.
Lone Wolf / June 30, 2016
“What else is IGP going to do? The case has already gone to the court, and now it is up to the judge to hear the case and deal out the punishment.”
I agree.
“That said, my question is: In this article, where are the statements from the Principal, what has she or the local educational Directorate done to prevent a recurrence, compensate for the child and her family, and to take disciplinary or corrective actions on the undisciplined student teacher? What steps have the Dept of Education in Colombo taken in the wake of this incident? Were they sleeping denying any responsibility for what is going on in their schools? What is being taken at Teacher Training College to detect monster or psychopathic teachers of this kind and to weed them out before wasting time and money training them?”
Good questions. Let us hope that somebody has the answers.
“And where were the journos: 4-months have gone by; this is the first time the story has come out to the open.”
I have read about it before but only a short news item.
Don Juan / June 30, 2016
Another mischievous rabble rousing story from CT, the yankee stooge
AshyD / July 1, 2016
Don Juan,
What is wrong with you?
This is a very serious issue, that is of course if you have kids of your own, IF NOT it may not be for you, hence your unwarranted comment.
Readers should thank CT for bringing this incident to the public domain at least now, but I read about the incident somewhere at the time.
Everything that is happening in Sri Lanka today cannot be appreciated by the average thinking citizen.
Our politicians are running riot criminally and also plundering the tax payers money without an iota of accountability.
They change colours like the chameleon without any self respect or do they care a tuppence for those who voted for them.
Students in schools are following in the footsteps of their misdirected teachers who themselves have an undisciplined upbringing.
Our Judiciary is corrupt to the core, with a former Chief Justice publicly admitting that he favoured the former President MR and discharged him in the infamous “Helping Hambantota Case”, if not for which he would not have sat on that exalted seat. What happened after MR sat on it, is today a US 18 Billion issue.
Our bureaucracy is corrupt and if anyone thinks otherwise they may have to get their heads examined.
You call CT a “Yankee stooge”, please remember that if not for the Yankees and the Western nations we would be still running around in our “Amudes” with a begging bowl, because a huge chunk of our country’s trade comes from them.
Having lived nearly two decades away, returning to my motherland I see that the quality of the average Sri Lankan has dropped to the lowest levels. A country that was high on the respect of other nations is today just a “Pariah” state today.
Buddhism that we revere has become a joke, I say this because the village temple where I live today does not ordain anyone from the village because of the caste system, that is still prevailing in our thrice blessed country.
The joke being that more than 200 homes in the very same village supply the daily “Dhane” and also obtain obsequious services from the temple, the Sunday “Daham Pansala” is conducted in the temple, the temple is financially sustained by the meager earnings of the villages and many more.
Sri Lanka needs a strong, incorruptible and just leader, one who would give a good kick up our backsides, if we need to make it “The Miracle of Asia”.
BBS Rep / June 30, 2016
The actions of the teacher along with the rest of the students in the class is deplorable. It is unfortunate the culture of violence that we Sri Lankans so eagerly embraced since gaining independence is continuing unabated. The first resort in solving any conflict in Sri Lanka is to unleash violence. 2500 years of Buddhist influence has done zero to the ape like mentality of our Sri Lankan brain.
However I am glad some form of action has been taken against the errant teacher. But on the other hand this unfortunate teacher is nothing but a by-product of our violent cultural heritage.
Joseph / June 30, 2016
In a country where the President and his cronies can murder the political opponents, editors of news papers and dissenters,the teacher’s behavior is not abnormal. In a country where people shudder every time a white van is parked in front of their house, it is natural for young teachers and pupils to think nothing is inhuman about attacking a fellow being. Several perpetrators of murders, tortures and abductions of the last regime are still not convicted by “Yahapalanaya”. How will school children behave in a country where impunity is the culture.
Thiru / June 30, 2016
It is great to know that 10% of the children in the class think right and showed moral values, even though the teacher and the majority of students didn’t.
woW / June 30, 2016
Whaaaaaat? huh… i knew it.. most teachers are mentally ill! now i know why i got beaten by most of my teachers :D
Spark / June 30, 2016
A simple instance that Sinhalese are still an uncivilized race.
Paul / June 30, 2016
What would you say if it occurred at a Tamil school? Bigoted fool.
Don Juan / June 30, 2016
This clearly illustrates what Colombo Telegraph stands for. The Editor allows denigration of the major community in Sri Lanka with a glorious history of 2430 years.but allows Sinhalases, and Budhists to be vilified demonised by Catholics, Islamists and Tamil separatists. [Edited out]
Don Juan / July 1, 2016
[Edited out]
sr / June 30, 2016
Though our teachers are well trained they still resort to out dated practice of using canes.
The irony is that there’re reports that even primary school kids are subjected to harassment by teachers.
Teachers must be thoroughly advised to adhere to the principles and very effective monitoring system should be made available.
Installing CCTV system in every primary school classroom will be helpful to make effective supervision and kids will be very comfortable and safe in such a classroom.
Jehan / June 30, 2016
She must not be teaching, she should be fired, and put in a mental asylum.
Paul / June 30, 2016
So what are the authourities going to do about it? What are Ranil & Sirisena going to do? They’ll do F… all.
AshyD / June 30, 2016
I wonder where our legal system is going.
Getting 44 fellow students to give a “Tokkak” or a “knock” on the head of a 10 year old girl is a very serious crime. This teacher should have been directed to a psychiatrist by the Court and remanded to Judicial custody, pending such report.
This teacher is sick and should not be allowed entry into any school till such time that her mental state is evaluated and corrective action taken but teaching should be banned for her in the future, if found guilty.
The Police have done the right thing by arresting the teacher and producing her in Court, but has the Court done the right thing, that is the BIGGEST question.
Our Courts should take incidents involving children very seriously and mete out the right “Justice”, but in this case it has not been done.
Surely the Court could have directed the teacher to be evaluated by a psychiatrist and a report obtained, which would have been a fair way of treating the issue., but are our Courts fair or is it that some of the Magistrates sitting on our benches themselves need to be evaluated by psychiatrists.
The Judicial Services Commission would need to evaluate the mental situation of all Judges on a regular basis, as after all they are also Human.
The “Elephant Judge” case is a good example as to how our Judicial system works.
If the people lose respect for our Judiciary, then we could have Anarchy one day, which is only what has not happened in our thrice blessed land, so far in our history.
Samuel Jayaweera / June 30, 2016
This teacher should be subjected to jail sessions showing the rest that the kind of torture can no means be permittable. These women or men are said to be buddhists whose childhood has been violent. These women should be subjected to therapies turning them a normal human beings.
K.Pillai / June 30, 2016
The teacher told the 10 year old child’s classmates to take turns and peck her as punishment. The teacher must be clearly told that this form of punishment is not acceptable in modern schooling.
Categorising this as torture is wrong. 10 year olds torturing? The child victim did not disappear! This is humiliating the child and at worst is assault. Surely this in no way is anywhere equal to what happens to white van or PTA victims.
Asian Human Rights Commission could do with a dose of commonsense.
Sanjeewa / June 30, 2016
This teacher should be arrested and kept in remand. Need to suspend from the teacher training course and she or her family should pay back the government the cost incurred to the training so far. Also principal of the school also have to take the responsibility of deploying trainee teachers to grade 4 classes.
shankar / June 30, 2016
whats the big fuss.Didn’t the tamils also use child soldiers to do their dirty work.If the tamils are child exploiters,the sinhalese also will be the same,because they are branches of the same tree.Iam sure there must be a lot of child domestics and children sexually abused among the sinhalese.
This teacher is merely extending the srilankan culture of child abuse more.
Shantha W / June 30, 2016
Colombo Telegraph should be honoured for bringing this crime to public notice.Its a shame that some have criticized it for this exposure.The fact that those silly and sick comments too have been published is proof of how independent CT editorial policy is.Bravo Colombo Telegraph.
snowden Edward Asange / June 30, 2016
Ummmm Galle Matara ..Weeraketiya..Medumalana….all in the SOUTHERN DISTRICT where humanity nor humans dont seem to exist…ths teacher may be the one who taught MR GR BR CR…and Gandassara……Abusing is a way of life in the south it seems…Make her to apologise to the child in the presence of the whole school at an assembly…throw he in jail for a long time…the scar in the childs mind may or maynt heal …If i were the parent of the child…i’d have beat the crap of the teacher….Some teachers have arguements at home n…..come n take it on innocent students….lock her up for a good 5 yrs or more…n make her pay a big compensation to the child..PERSONALLY…and also the deot of edycation too…fir hiring unqualified n inexperienced…teachers….
Lone Wolf / June 30, 2016
Asian Human Rights Commission,
Let me first thank you for the attention you have given to this case. I also wish to thank CT for publishing the article.
There are many things that I fail to understand. Can you please provide us more information?
It would be interesting to know if the victim continues in the same school and how she is at the moment.
“The incident was reported to the Galle District Child Development
Committee, after which on 24 May 2016, the matter was discussed at a
Who reported it? Has there been a police complaint?
“On May 26, the Harbor Police of Galle arrested the teacher and
produced her before the Additional Magistrate of Galle. The lawyers
appearing for her admitted to giving directions to the students to
beat their classmate, and requested for bail. The court granted bail
and ordered the release of the teacher under the condition of Rs. 100,
000/ personal sureties”
I assume that there has been a police complaint since the teacher was arrested and taken to court. She is apparently out on bail and this means that the court case continues. What are the results of the police investigation? Has the teacher been in court after she was released on bail? The court case should continue until she is found guilty or innocent. Apparently the accused has confessed.
“Please write to the authorities listed below expressing your concern
about this case and request an immediate investigation into the
torturing of a student by a teacher in a government school.”
I cannot find any list. The police investigation should have been finished already.
“Furthermore, those proven to be responsible for this offence must be
prosecuted under the criminal law of the country.”
My understanding is that the teacher has been prosecuted but what has been done with the principal who should have supervised the accused?
I can only wonder about the standard of the teacher training college where teacher trainee studies.
adwani / June 30, 2016
it is very simple, immediately, interdict the teacher/cheater, otherwise the teacher will create another bunch of torturers and raggers.
ramona therese fernando / July 1, 2016
Terrible thing to happened to the girl! Hope she recovers and knows that she will be looked after.
But doesn’t the school have a policy for incessant chatter-boxes? The child should have been sent to the principal’s office, or privileges like library or arts-and-crafts time taken away from her.
Why was there only one teacher for 50 students? Isn’t there a student-teacher ratio policy? Weren’t there aides to help her out?
Yet, getting 44 students to attack one child is too cruel, and a bad lesson for the other children to have learned. Guess was done in jest by the exasperated teacher, and turned ugly. (“ok, tokka ekkak denna,” and then everybody wanted to participate)
Tamil Milton / July 2, 2016
To, all [Edited out] comments made by mother fuckers re- Sinhalese Buddhists.
What the fuck wrong with your brain?
There is no issue here re Sinhalese Buddhists.
Seems the birth of these animals were given by dogs.
Sylvia Haik / July 2, 2016
It is time we followed the European model and ban all forms of physical punishments on our children. It hasn’t done the Europeans any harm but good. Several years ago I found in a local newspaper a picture of two schoolchildren worshipping their parents before going to school. I used to show this picture to my European friends and they were truly astonished. I told them that was the reason our elders and teachers were so revered. I hope cases like these are exceptional and the teacher with that mentality is obviously in the wrong profession.