21 January, 2025


A British MP To Confront MR Over Death Of British Tourist Khuram Shaikh

A British MP will this week confront Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa over a suspected cover-up in the murder of a British holidaymaker and the gang-rape of his girlfriend, the Telegraph UK reports.

Simon Danczuk

Simon Danczuk, MP for Mr Shaikh, said he did not believe DNA tests could take 28 months and told The Daily Telegraph he will raise concerns of a cover-up when he meets Rajapaksa later this week as part of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegation to Colombo.

“I’m going to confront the president of Sri Lanka on whether he thinks this behaviour is becoming of a Commonwealth nation.

“The perception is that they’re trying to cover it up. My guess is that [it’s because] the alleged murderer is a local politician who delivers for the ruling party, which delivers for the president and helps them remain elected,” said Mr Danczuk.

He believed threats against at least two witnesses had been a key factor in delaying progress in the inquiry. The eight suspects were released after ten months in custody because of the delays.

The Foreign Office is watching the investigation closely amid growing concerns about human rights abuses in the country in the run up to this year’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo later this year. Britain will be represented by Prime Minister David Cameron and Prince Charles, but Mr Danczuk said the government should downgrade its representation if the criminal investigation into Mr Shaikh’s murder is further delayed.

“The British government should think twice about who we send to CHOGM if justice is not done before then, and whether it should include the Prime Minister,” he said.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Probably this British MP does not know that we have already credited the case to the “International Conspiracy Account” Our Local Hero, Sampath Vidanapathirana also confirmed this at a press conference. I do not know why these British people are after this case even after Hon. Dinesh Gunawardana cinfirmed that there was no Rape attempt.

    • 0

      Even Lasnth Wikramathunga Committed Suicide,

      Prageeth Ekneligoda arranged his abduction,

      Junior Pirpaharan become another Madduma Bandara under


      SO this British M P Simon Danczuk, He must be careful about the White van [ Some time blue van].

      He should understand that we have a KUDU DUMINDA SYNDROME and a Sleep walking syndrome in sri lanka.
      [every thing forgotten in a jiffy Syndromes]

      • 0

        Recently, one female swiss tourist was reported to be raped by a group of men in India. Its investigations did not take as it is the case with british murder in SL. The verdict for the KEY accused was declared last week in indian press- convicting life long imprisonment to the most accused man in that case.

        So, why CAN NOT our leader MR learn lessions from the largest democray- which is Srilanka´s immeidate neighbour – India, that to safeguard the democractic rights of its citizenry, there is no other way than punishing the crime doers according to the country´s law.

        • 0

          Sama, it is manifestly clear that there is no law and order in Sri Lanka, more so when it is headed by a mad dictator (Hitlerpaksha & Brothers). All court cases are decided by Hitlerpaksha and the judges are just puppets on a string!

      • 0

        That teacher who knelt down and beg for pardon from students is mentally disabled person. She should sacked and politician should be promoted.

      • 0

        Don’t know if this British MP forgot to bring his own Bullet Proof vest, GPS system, Chastity belt and a stun gun which which are pretty much basic requirement in Sri Lanka these days.

        Also make sure to get a 10 Million British Pound Life Insurance and to write Last will before making the next trip to Sri Lanka.

        These are pretty basic stuff to follow in this Record Breaking Tourist arrivals in Wonderland Miracle of Asia My Lovely Sri Lanka.

        Good luck and keep your pants locked always, unless you look for trouble in Homo’s down south.

    • 0

      Why is it taking so long?

      “A British MP will this week confront Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa over a suspected cover-up in the murder of a British holidaymaker and the gang-rape of his girlfriend, the Telegraph UK reports.”

      Tell MR you will use your drones now to hunt for the killers, and there will be collateral damage.

      • 0

        Why don’t this MP Produce his own documentary film on this Asia’s Miracle Chicago style Murder Rape case to promote Sri Lanka as the ultimate destination for adventurous, live action pact Travellers.

        He could make more money on this than wasting time Looking for culprits.

        Think about this idea Sir. Good Luck.

  • 0

    How about asking him what hes going to do about Lasantha Wickramatungas assasination

    • 0

      Do you know what this bugger (Hitlerpaksha) came up with when he received news of Lasantha’s murder? He said “OLUWATADA WADUNE” !!

  • 0

    The comments given above to what the British MP Mr. Simon Danczuk, is trying to do is examine and find out the causes of the British Tourist Khuram Shaikh, death as his MP, and rape of his girl friend. Its is duty to find out the causes of his death and approaching the President of Sri Lanka as his family may have asked to investigate. Since there has been a cover up as the alleged murderer is local Politician, and by this type of behaviour and its Politics Sri Lanka is giving a very bad name throughtout the commonwealth nations and the World. The President as the leader of the nation has a duty to uphold the laws and bring the perpetrators to justice no matter who they are government Politicians or even Ministers. I don’t think as one of the above comments about the white Van or blue van will try any stupid action against a British Politician which can be very dangerous.

    • 0

      Mahinda Rajapaksa must understand that it is the good name of Sri Lanka and her self respect that is involved. That cannot be subordinated to safeguard a petty politician.

      • 0

        Have you herd about the Proverb that say “what the Iguana….Katussa does when a crown is placed on it’s head”

        It think He is the king of the world. Same here.

  • 0

    This MP should make sure that he didn’t take any money from LTTE supporters..

    • 0

      This is the repeated excuse for your kind of idiots to misguide the stupid masses in the srilanka.

      Either they are funded by NGOs or they violate our sovereignity…. whatever it is the issue – your kind would repeatedly attack the messenger in this way anyway, how long can the rulers fools the very same nation ?

    • 0


      You are really f…king stupid. do not bring the same old bs here. think constructively as a nation which believes in “peace” (i do not know whether it prevails here) should do something seriously to this case of killing the British individual. If you do not answer quickly an constructively to the UK, then you should accept this nation is “killing filed”. right?

    • 0

      Sooriya, take some medication for your idiotic thoughts?

    • 0

      I have no idea whether he took money from the LTTE or not but it doesn’t alter the fact that this investigation has been covered up by MR.

      • 0

        Also he covered up London’s rotten Tomato attack at the Airport and near the hotel by dodging the CW Head of delegation Speech.

        Luckily the Airport itinerary was changed and the speech was cancelled at the last moment.

    • 0

      Sooriya Mahatha,
      Can you even imagine that your MP who should represent you in the parliament, talks or works to get you or your family members justice. I am pretty sure you have voted for film star Pabha or Mervyn Ayya type guy. Obviously you can’t remember the basics of your powers to select somebody to represent you and responsibilities you expect from them. I know these basics ideas are too much for you.

      • 0

        What are you talking when in Wonderland Sri Lanka, now we have even DIG Contract Killers.

  • 0

    Simon Danczuk, Infuse some sort of a tracking device into your body so that after the White Van has abducted you, the rest of your team may tract you to the butcher house!

  • 0

    Leela of lee potter will say that the British National drowned while swimming after lunch!

    • 0

      Yes, indeed, if that Dinesh dared to defend them saying that no rape had been taken place – so leela and her ilk would follow whatever the bunch has to add. This is srilanka… under MR admin.

      I wonder how the man would face in scheduled summit in Nov, if ever it would be held in SL.

  • 0

    So glad the Hon. MP is taking this up…if nmot for these “pitasthara balavega”, we helpless, hijacked Lankans will never see justice. In fact, Justice will be erased from our text books just like they so successfully baited a man of the calibre of our current “Cheap Justice” to pervert, subvert and deny justice…few know that this man was the highly paid legal advisor to DSec.

    So why not? Let us hope more MP’s and Congressmen come to kick MaRa in his scrotum…to gift us justice..at least the road they carve will help us traverse towards it. Also hope the Swedish govt. takes up the mugging incident recently of a Swedish couple by the Kandy lake.

  • 0

    This brutal murder alone is more than enough UK and other CW countries to boycott the scheduled coming CW summit. Or they the CW leaders should put more pressure on the MR and his totalitarian regime asking to reestablish the independent committees most of all, in terms of proper crime investigations.

    As the majority of the country is well aware of the fact that there are no clear signs of improvment of HR since the second UN resolution is imposed in last Feb against SRILANKA. This is the reson why some are compelled to feel that those resolutions have no effect on the brutal adminsitration of MR in SL.

  • 0

    Under the able “care” of a Gynecological Plastic Surgeon at Lanka Hospitals, the “victim” became a proven “non-victim”. Case closed.

    • 0

      This can go until one of their lovely ones become victims.

  • 0

    It was a gang rape led by a person holding public office.

  • 0

    Perhaps Mr Danczuk should have kept his intention to himself until his meeting was over. I hope it is not cancelled or MR D caused to miss it one way or another.

  • 0

    “A British MP will this week confront Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksha over a suspected cover-up in the Murder of a British Holiday maker and the gang-rape of his Girl Friend..”

    Now this is not acceptable at all. Everybody, who knows about Sri Lanka, knows that our President will never Interfere in Judicial Matters. I think Tamil Diaspora is behind the scene. Also, Tamil Diaspora may have paid a Big sum to this British MP to embarrass our President over this minor matter. If this British MP confront our President over this matter, I am sure President will reply saying that we have a very effective Independent Judiciary system and very efficient Police force to deal with this kind of situation and even the President with executive powers cannot interfere in that Independent system. British or no British they have to follow our Independent Judiciary system. Only the problem is DNA report because that report will be available only in 2050.

  • 0

    Much has been said and written about level of British participation for the forthcoming CHOGAM! Earlier there were lot of empty threats from Alistair Burt about the level of participation for CHOGAM ,David Cameron and his government are fully aware of the atrocities and gross human right violations (CJ impeachment )carried out by the present murderous regime ,but with the sudden introduction of Royce Royal deal , all the bravados have been vanished in to thin air , this MP may be genuinely concerned of the fellow Brit , but sadly the reality is , billions of worth Royce Royal deal is worth much more than Human rights in SL ,for Briton!

  • 0

    Simon Danczuk can confront our Percy but he is only going to get laughed at. For Percy knows the Brits will forget everything for money. Rolls Royce engines, and arms for the military talk louder then any petty human rights issues. Human nature! works like a charm everytime.

    • 0

      Spot on! All Simon is going to get from this SL trip is a tan and perhaps some diarrhea.

  • 0

    GOTA killed Lasantha

    • 0

      Little thing

      Gota also killed your son goat too.

    • 0

      Yes, Gota killed our Prabakaran (leader, God, elam president, appa,) too

  • 0

    This UK idiot opened his mouth before confirmed his meeting with SL president

    Now he has to confront with president of Pradesiya Saba when he comes to SL

    Shows his nakedness to the world

    • 0

      So long as we get nearer to record two million Tourist arrival mark, who cares one or two murdered.

      There are a lot of fish die too……daily in this no halal, no meat eating wonderful Sinhala Buddhist only country.

      No Lord Buddha Pachcha….tatoos on your body please.

  • 0

    Fake Mahela

    Do you think SL is the place to anyone come and confront leader of this country , big mistake, tourist die all over the other countries for various reason, that should resolve by law of that country, not by force by UK thug MPs

    There are a lot of fish die too……daily in this no halal, no meat eating wonderful Sinhala Buddhist only country.

    Don’t talk nonsense , what sort of idiot you are, what is the connection of the above statement with this article

    • 0

      Fake KK,

      I know you are small Brother of the South Pi.p KKK. Enough coud be bought for Ten Dollars including Blow j..b and B and B.

      Next time take your camera crew to tape Thangalla live Rape and murder including free burial exciting actionpact show to attract two million tourists .

      The future tourist destination with no questions asked.

  • 0

    Ruling regime dont care two hoots to a British M.P, as the British prime minister is in their pocket, he is cowed by British P.R. company who receives millions of our money to bribe all international dissent to the ruling siblings .

  • 0

    Come on MP! don’t you know? Sri lanka is not in this world and it’s another world altogether and ruled by King MR and his clowns, you will never achieve anything by confronting the King

    Think twice before you take any final decision!!!

    • 0

      Come on MP. Please make sure that you go home in one piece with your A…s Ho…e intact.

      They are in demand in Paradies Island. Also they do Barbecue without charge.

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