“He never is looking for any publicity or any help from any one, he has being doing this service for 13 long years with his own resources and never wants anyone to disturb him, so please don’t be misled if some one is telling that he can be reached or is looking for help, this film was posted only for people like me to realize that some people WALK THE TALK” says the film maker Subramaniam Chammanthraj.
Senguttuvan / June 7, 2013
An inspiring piece. It is good to know we have amongst us, in this
self-centric world, people who believe there are simpler ways of
gaining personal happiness and peace. He may appear eccentric but
I find the finer features of most religions in his simple outlook.
As Gandhi said “there is sufficient in the world for man’s need.
Perhaps insufficient for his greed” Deepal has understood our presence in the world is brief and temporary and believes we must live with the minimum. He reminds me of the magnificent philosophers of the old Greek era of Socrates, Plato and Diogenes.
Educated in England, probably starting with adequate family resources and an education that could have assured him a reasonable life of comfort, he choses to sacrifice his life for the good of animals around us. His example should not be forgotten.
I salute a good and honourable man. CT and the Photographer have done us a fine service.
Nodrog / June 7, 2013
Great guy! Genuinely doing his bit to show his love and compassion for animals unlike the other showmen who only do it only if there is a camera around.
Thulasi / June 7, 2013
Thank you Deepal – for making me proud to be a fellow Sri Lankan.
Thank you Subramaniam and the variour other team members behind this video – for bringing this to us. I am a journalist and I avoid news from media outlets as much as possible because of the overload of negativity.
Thank you for taking the time to bring to light this positive story. We all know that people like these exist. it’s just not everyday the media thinks it worthy to report on them – or go to such trouble to do so.
A job well done! Congratulations to the team!
Goraka / June 7, 2013
Learn from Deepal, BBS (the Hate Mongers)
Native Vedda / June 8, 2013
Deepal is a great soul, Jeeva Karunya, may be a Buddhist.
He has a lot to teach the Sinhala/Buddhists.
Taraki / June 7, 2013
As long as there are people like Deepal, there is hope for Sri Lanka.
Common sense / June 7, 2013
DePaul is True Sri Lankan. All political and religious leaders want to watch this and learn for this. Will they do it……well it is another topic for another day
Native Vedda / June 8, 2013
Common sense
“DePaul is True Sri Lankan.”
He is a great human being.
Probably following Buddha’s teaching.
Sri Lankans are best known for self destruction and mass murders not known for caring, sharing and Jeva Karunya.
Antonin Wickremasinghe / June 8, 2013
Thank you Deepal – for making me proud to be a fellow Sri Lankan and Thomian.
What you are doing is a very meritorious act as espoused by our religious beliefs.
Come rain or shine you have dedicated your time and life feeding the hungry and helpless four legged friends.
It is indeed an act of great mercy and compassion you are showing to our dumb friends.
I have known you from school days and you have come from comfortable surroundings and to give up all that is really something noble. Having met you recently I see the inner peace and serenity that you have achieved. The more materialistic of us would find it hard to emulate your actions
Peace happiness and contentment be with you Deepal.
As a Christian I recall the words of St. Francis of Assisi “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”
A very big thank you, to the makers of this excellent documentary.
kenny hillman / June 8, 2013
Thank you Deepal for a job well done.Showing compassion to Animals our Dumb friends is a great merit you deserve.
Esto Perpetua
wicks / June 8, 2013
Deepal is an amazing human. I live close to his residence. For the last decade I have seen him feeding cats & dogs twice a day irrespective of the weather. At least 45 minutes prior to his arrival the animals are in groups at various locations awaiting Deepals arrival. It’s a rare sight to see stray cats & dogs eating together. Deepal waits till they finish and ensures they don’t fight. His food bags have got very much bigger over the years as well as his route. I saw him near the CR & FC the other day. Not only does he feed the animals but I have seen him vaccinating & applying medication for ticks. He will not waste time talking to anyone but just goes about his Nobel deed.
We should start a fund to assist him. He has dedicated his life to feeding the animals and should be recognized .
Esto Perpetua .
Samarakoon / June 11, 2013
You seem to know the exact place where one could find him (for assistance). Please reveal.
Samarakoon / June 8, 2013
Hope many a people will join to support Deepal. If I am not mistaken the story is narrated by Capt. M. Ratnayake’s wife Shayamanee.
Samarakoon / June 16, 2013
Correct Version
Hope many people will join………………….
Ajith Perakum Jayasinghe / June 9, 2013
This is not one man’s story. A whole book of philosophy.
Native Vedda / June 9, 2013
Ajith Perakum Jayasinghe
“This is not one man’s story. A whole book of philosophy.”
Only one has not only learned it but also put it into practice, out of 20 million stupid people.
Wimalasena / June 9, 2013
I am happy there is at least one other man like me.
Native Vedda / June 10, 2013
I haven’t seen you hanging around with stray dogs and cats and you are not on news either.
Prasad / June 10, 2013
Can I get his contact details please
Native Vedda / June 10, 2013
“Can I get his contact details please”
Are you going to stop him being a great soul?
Goraka / June 10, 2013
“Treated like dogs” got a new meaning. Thanks for Deepal.
Rod / June 11, 2013
I was informed by a close pal that he was in boarding school with me probably one of the quiet lads as I only slightly recognize him, what a person he has grown to be, his family, school and people who knew him are very proud to have been associated with him.
There are a handful of people in S.L who go out of there way to care for these unfortunate animals,God be with you and if we can in a small way assist his work we must.
Prasanna / July 5, 2013
Sadhu, Sadhu Sadhu!
Dev / October 13, 2013
Please some one give me his contact number or details