19 September, 2024


Your Excellency, Stop Police Using Kocchi Chili During Interrogations

By Bijo Francis

Bijo Francis

His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa


Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Office of the President

Temple Trees

150, Galle Road, Colombo 3,



Email: secretary@presidentsoffice.lk


Your Excellency,

Requesting your high level intervention to stop the torture by way of the use of chili by the Sri Lankan police during interrogations

I am writing on behalf of the Asian Human Rights Commission and the reason for addressing this to you directly is because there is no other authority within Sri Lanka which can exercise any effective control over the discipline of the police and intelligence services other than yourself as the executive president of Sri Lanka. This situation is due to the manner of the exercise of command responsibility within the framework of the 1978 Constitution. In fact, on many occasions we have written to the Inspector General of Police and the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka on this same issue but our appeals have not led to any positive steps being taken to stop the use of chili in various forms during the interrogations of suspects.

The most recent event that forces us to bring this to your kind notice is the complaint of Mr. Madawala Maddumage Don Aruna Nilupul Indika (39), of Mahagedara, Devala Road, Welipenna in the Kalutara District. Mr. Nilupul Indika is an interior decorator and a man who enjoys a good reputation among his friends which include many persons of other nationalities. In fact, it was the intervention of an Irishman, Mr. Helhill, who visited him at the Matugama Police Station and the steps that this Irishman took the inform the police that he would not leave the police station until Mr. Nilupul Indika was released that saved the life of this man.

The officers at this police station used kochchi chilies on his eyes first and then later on his genitals and anus. For you information we quote the following excerpt of his statement relating to his shocking, appalling, painful and humiliating ordeal:

At that time Nilupul noticed that one of the officers was holding a bag of kochchi chilies (a small but very strong chili). (The officer) placed the chilies in a disused sock and used a piece of hosepipe to crush them before adding some water to make a chili juice. Another officer made Nilupul lie on the floor facing upwards. He then tore off his sarong and pulled off his underpants. They held him down and (the officer) squeezed the sock so that the chili juice ran into Nilupul’s eyes. When he tried to close his eyes to prevent the chili juice running into them the officers forced his eyelids apart. Nilupul suffered enormous pain due to this treatment and felt that he was losing the vision in his eyes. He started struggling violently but they held him down. They then placed a couple of chairs over him to prevent him from moving. The officers sat on the chairs to ensure that Nilupul could not push them away. Then (the officer) again began to drip the chili juice into his eyes. The officer then urged Nilupul to admit to the crime of theft but, despite the torment, Nilupul refused.

(The officer) then said to his associates, “This method is not working”. He then grabbed Nilupul’s penis, pushed back his foreskin and dripped some of the chili juice over his penis. Some of the juice ran down between his legs and he felt a burning sensation in his anus. Nilupul felt that his anus was prolapsed and asked the officers to allow him to urinate. They brought him to a toilet at the rear of the compound but he was unable to pass anything due to the pain. When he told the officers one of them grabbed his wrists and forced them up over his back, which caused one of his shoulders to dislocate. He was then taken back to the room in which he had been tortured.

The use of chili for torturing a suspect by the officers of the Mataguma police is not the first occasion in which such treatment has carried out at Sri Lankan police stations. There are many reported cases while, as you know, many others go unreported due to the fear of the victims of repercussions following the making of complaints against the police. We cite below just a few more examples:

Rankotha Pedige Wikrama Nimalsiri complained of, “Where the police dipped clothed bundles filled ground kochchi chilies into eyes, nose and ears”. Thereafter he alleged that he was beaten and tortured in other ways. About this matter complaints were made earlier to the Sri Lankan authorities. In another instance Mr. Jesu Andrew, a 28-year-old man from Holankanda, Mudulkelle in the district of Kandy underwent similar treatment at the hands of the Panwila police. He complained that he was taken to the police station and stripped naked. Thereafter he was forced to lie on a bench, beaten severely with poles over his body and the officers then rubbed chili powder on his genitalia. In a further instance, 38-year-old, Sunil Shantha of Werawatha, Delgahakanda, Anguruwathota was subjected to similar treatment by police officers attached to the Anguruwathota Police Station. He complained that at the station he was stripped of his clothing, handcuffed and suspended from the roof. Thereafter the juice of crushed chilies were poured into his eyes and rubbed into his genitalia. Another instance in which similar treatment was used was on Mr. Waharagedara Ranjith Sumangala and this done by the officers attached to the Mirihana Police Station. He complained that he was assaulted on his legs with a pole in front of his wife and children and later a plastic shopping bag was filled with chili powder was forced over his head and face. He was kept in this position for over 30 minutes. A similar incident was that of Samayakkarage Ravi Nishantha of Mundakkulia, Anamaduwa in the Puttalam district. This man complained of being tortured by the Anamaduwa police. He complained that after he was assaulted severely the police officers brought him to the kitchen of the station where they covered his face with a plastic bag containing dried chili powder. He stated that he was not able to breathe and felt severe burning and irritation to his respiratory system and nose.

These are but a few of the recorded complaints. However, it can safely be stated that the use of chili powder and juice in various ways has become a common practice in many of the police stations in Sri Lanka.

Complaints relating to such practice have been made to police authorities for over several years now. However, no positive steps have been taken by the Inspector General of Police or the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka or any other authorities in order to stop this practice. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that this practice is taking place in a widespread manner with the full knowledge and acquiescence of the higher ranking police officers. We are sure that you are fully aware that such a practice constitutes torture in terms of the Sri Lankan Constitution which prohibits torture and also in terms of Sri Lankan law under Act No 22 of 1994. The use of torture of any form has been condemned under international law and the international community treats the practice of torture with abhorrence.

Despite of the Sri Lankan law being very clearly against torture there is no attempt to implement the law in the country. The Supreme Court has on many occasions commented on the failure of the higher police authorities to take steps to stop the widespread practice of torture. However, in practical terms no steps have been taken to stop this practice.

Regarding the aforementioned cases written complaints have been made to the higher police authorities, however, no action has been taken against any of the perpetrators of these acts.

We request you to kindly instruct the Inspector General of Police and the Ministry of Defence to issue written instructions to all police stations and intelligence services to stop the use of chili and also to stop all forms of torture in interrogations. We also urge you to request the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka to submit to you a report on the widespread use of chili during police and other interrogations and to request the commission to also submit to you recommendations on the elimination of this practice as well as the elimination of torture altogether.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Bijo Francis

Executive Director

Asian Human Rights Commission

Related posts;

A Reputed Interior Decorator Is Severely Tortured By Police At The Instigation Of A Lawyer And Her Husband – Kocchi Chili Was Applied Onto Eyes, Genitals And Anus

Latest comments

  • 0

    Ha…ha…so now PresiDunce Percy Mahinda will read this letter and tell his brother the Goat to take immediate steps to eradicate torture eh? :)…and instead of Kocchi Chili they will now tickle prisoners with chicken feathers during interrogations? :)

  • 0

    The Police Torture Epidemic in Sri Lanka (a documentary).

    Please watch.


  • 0

    Dear Bejo,
    Don’t u know the history of Sinhala Buddhism, its violent religion. Blood and violence in their DNA, u cant change it. live with it or leave.

    • 0

      Agree J Muthu

      Sunday Sil Monday Kill

      Sex with daughters after sending their wives to the middles east so that they can squander it on arrack

      Solve all domestic and civil disputes by killing each other; usually multiple murders

      politicians kill rivals, the more you kill the higher the perks

      and now contract killers from the police

      all Sinhala buddhists


      • 0

        Did someone ask to see a page from your day planner gandu? Maybe I missed it :-)

      • 0

        I didnt knw Vass was a buddhist!

        Between its funny coming from cowards who fled the country sending kids of the poor to the canons

  • 0

    Chillie is supposed to improve the circulation and burn fat. Also reduces free radicals, cholestorol and blood sugar. However application in the wrong places induces a severe reaction and trauma. So this must be a home made concoction of the regime. Also the use of a sock is quite ingenius. Plenty of smelly police socks around.

    Sri Lankan Police seem to experts at this type of torture. Luckily this man escaped. Others usually die after torture due to the shock and trauma. Prognosis is Heart Failure , like what happened at Dematagoda. The mentality of the Police is more towards this type of sadistic actions with sexual undertones.

    • 0

      I think the constable’s sock would have been sufficient torture for the poor soul.

      • 0

        LOL… good one…

    • 1

      We bow to your supreme knowledge on all things sadistic with sexual undertones.

  • 0

    There is nothing to be surprise about the traditional uncivilised third degree method of extracting a confession. This is a reflection of the barbarism of the guardians of the law.Bensen

  • 0

    Exciting time for Sinhala Buddhists…

  • 0

    How come no one commented so far that he was a bought entity by LTTE rump and associated with LTTE rump to destablise srilanka’s nobility????

  • 1

    They should switch to water boarding instead like our more civilised western friends. Why waste chili when you can make do with a bucket of water and an old rag?

    • 0

      Mr.Blocker is back singing for his supper. We thought he only defended the blood thirsty army?

      • 0

        Ah, it seems the schizo nutjob ‘Namalie’ has latched itself on to my leg again. Shoo, shoo, go hump a tree stump or something instead.

    • 0

      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

      “Why waste chili when you can make do with a bucket of water and an old rag?”

      I suppose the Policemen would not derive the same level of sexual gratification/pleasure using water.

      What is your favourite, Kocchi Chili or bucket of water and an old rag?

      If you chose not to discuss your sexual preferences you can ignore my comment.

      • 0

        I told you before Vedda, I don’t swing that way. I hope you didn’t get yourself that surgery a few months ago because you thought that would make me change my mind :-)

  • 2

    Regime sympathizers and their cohorts ( aka Leela el at ) will say American use gontanamo -bay, Abu grave , British use this and others use that and ours are only very mild humane torture methods and that too isolated handful incidents ! NGO & Christian missionaries and LTTE Diaspora behind this mud slinging campaign against the patriotic police force , Sri lankan Police merely doing their work to save the democratically elected peace loving government.

    PS : Bijo Francis must be on LTTE pay role

  • 0

    Every citizen has to be informed of the reason for his arrest,at the time of arrest.This is the law.
    If Indika had been so informed,he could have cited witnesses,alibi and even permitted the police to search his residence.
    But the police did not give him this consideration.They were convinced that he was the culprit on the sole allegation of another citizen,without any iota of proof.
    This has happened many times in the past.
    Torture is endemic in sri lanka,in police stations and prisons,and this has been confirmed by UN Rapporteurs like Prof. Manfred Novak.

    Such arrests and torture are symptoms of State Brutality visited on citizens.
    In any other democracy,the torturers would have been firstly interdicted from their jobs and then produced before a magistrate.
    Questions would have been asked in parliament from the minister of justice.
    None of this appears to have happened.
    Do we have democratic governance,or a brutal dictetership?
    The regime should have issued strict instructions to law enforcement agencies at least after the recent murder of Nimalaruban who was beaten to death in Vavuniya Prison.
    The Chief Justice hinted that investigation into that murder was a matter of “national security” and burial at his home town was initially disallwed.

  • 0

    This is nothing new in Sri Lanka. If one knows what happened to the Tamils at the Boosa camp, torture by the Police appears to be a continuing story in Sri Lanka. Any person in power (irrespective of any race) resort to such barbaric treatment. The behaviour of some of the politicians towards the former CJ is a case in point. Tolerance in Sri Lanka is nil. Sri Lanka has to learn a lot from western countries in treating a suspect.

  • 0

    I wish all these treatments could reverse to all the MR, siblings families and the members of his cabinet members, soon, as a curse. MR is no care about many issues that people^s concerns are solely focused. No matter incidents get magnified day to another, MR and minister of justice for the current rule seem to be paying no genuine efforts to solve any of these issues. Instead trying to introduce the nation red herrings mainpulating the gulliable nation further. How far he can drive the vehicle is the question.

  • 0

    would you be satisfied with waterboarding…???

  • 0

    He’s lucky! If not the news would have read that ” the police shot dead a suspect attempting to flee police custody””

  • 0

    How about trying this on some of the politicians. They commit big crimes. This is outrageous. Sri Lankans have lost it!!! Values, discipline and human qualities. Animals don’t do to each other what Sri Lankans do to their own people. Shameless!!!

  • 0

    Yes chilli is a little old fashioned. Pepper spray perhaps. Is it just chilli or ‘thuna paha’ kudu? Nothing like Jaffna curry powder though. Makes you suffer even when applied in small quantities.

    The JVP used the ‘barbed wire inside the PVC pipe’ inserted into the anus and then the pipe removed technique. Apparently hurt like hell.

  • 0

    Mr. Bijo Francis ?

    What Nationality are you ?

    • 0

      Does it matter what nationality one belongs to? all one needs to do is speak the truth?

      • 0

        Not in Sri Lanka, every thing is depend on one’s nationality, Race, Religion, political affiliations etc.

        • 0

          After all whether or not a UPFTA SYMPATHISER…be hell bent to them. No matter what nationality you are on – so long you have the skills like killing friendly, crime friendly, IRC type mentality you bear.. this is the reality with them..

  • 0

    Buddhist country, no tolerance, Buddhists like to torture and kill, but silly Buddhists don’t want to kill and eat beef, but check how these pigs demand pork and beef at the dana houses, and arrack put in to thambili with a straw at danas, what a fake Buddhist system we have in this land of the cursed, where is the ahimsa, upeka, karuna and muditha, all gone to the dogs.
    The prison wall states ” all prisoners are human”, what happened to the 27 prisoners who were killed when they were top of the roof, what happened to the inquiry, this killin was done because the Vermins murderer were scared on some prisoners who were coming out with the various murders committed for the mafia regime. This is a wonder Buddhist land with so many torturers and murderers at the Police Station s. Look at the sicknesses these khaki clad men and their families are being bestowed with for generations because of the brutal policemen who are sadistic and feed their sexual urges by tortuning innocent people at Police Stations with the blessings of the mafia regime.
    Budu Saranai..

    • 0

      Just the label of the country is BUDDHIST.
      Even in the days the war against the terror was its climax – IC has not criticised the country to levels they have been doing today. They compare it with that of NkOREA,Syria, Former Lybia, Myanmar and Simbabwe.

      Behaviours of the Lanken nation driven by WAR CRIMINALS have clearly shown that we the lankens are – anything else than buddhists.

      This is the saddest reality of the country today.

    • 0

      Can you imagine how the authorities – Parliamentarians today get on with the issue in which a father of two teenage children, husband of a lanken house wife went missing since 2010 – this is about the latest news of the journalist -Ekanaligoda – as if the issue is just a joke for them, but to the family who met with that should be a hell – they dont care what the feelings would have been … what the two teenage boys would have felt… just exchange all kind of respectless views.

      As it is common to the average of the country – if a person went missing for such a long time, the family is fallen to the unthinkable levels- but the man sitting in the parliament repeatedly claims to have met the missing journalist in the France, at one of particular MP^s friend^s house. Reports I read reveal particular friend of the parliamentarian denied to have seen Eknaligoda at his place… further the man sitting in the parliament further says, yes he met him…. who is telling the truth, if this kind of untruth or information passed to this manner in Europe, the parliamentarian should have to resigned from his job without delay. Nobody seems to be even taken serious this matter, but reading the news, I was very upset seeing and listening to the Audio /Videos about the incident the MS Eknaligoda appealing govt to her husband back to them.
      This is how – serious issues like missing or got murdered LANKENS are being handled by current regime. I have never seen any times in the past, that any govt treated people to this level in our country. To me… the most disgusting to all these being out of the country (living on the west for the last 2.5 decades)

      • 0

        Abduction, human torture, assault, chilli torture, white vanning, missing, all these have become common to every house holds under the lead of MR and co.

        Please add as it may be necessary to this list – the sitution is worsening hour to hour :(

  • 0

    What business has this Indian francis Bijjo of Basil fernando’s AHRC office and one his recruits have got to do with chillies and Sri Lanka Police ???
    This Bijjo must focus on India, where he comes from………

    Also this Bijjo must take a que from the Sri Lanka Police and write to Manmohan Singh his Prime Minister and tell him to advice the Indian Police to use Chilli Juice on private areas of Indian Males to curb the current crime wave that have gripped India where the Indian Males similar to Bijjo have embarked on a crime wave of raping all & sundry females who are Indian citizens and also Obama’s tourists

  • 1

    Francis Bijjo the Indian scoring Brownie point for Basil fernando’s AHRC.

    Water Boarding is acceptable ……. Justice Scalia, USA

    Srilal; Christian Missionaries……. yes they were the real torturers Thats how they spread christianity in Sri Lanka
    LTTE funded by the Diaspora DID NOT USE CRUEL METHODS.
    VELU is a Saint in S.J.Emmanuels and Rayappu’s Temple. Alter servers are the TNA politicians. The martyrs are those suicide cardres who got themselves blasted.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka Should protect human rights the way USA does that.

    give all the prisoners to other countries to investigate, for others have Guantanamo.

    Human rights Commissions in every geographic region are silent on those.

  • 0

    Chilli powder torture had been practiced in Sri Lanka for a long time by sadistic cops. Even in the 1070s this was common. While it is terrible it is NOT the fault of this regime .

    • 0

      ” While it is terrible it is NOT the fault of this regime .”

      i beg to disagree , if MR issues a presidential directive , stating no chili powder or any other inhumane torture methods be used in any police stations or military prison camps , you won’t hear any of these horrendous torture stories in future , guaranteed !!!!!! remember Sri Lankan president is so powerful , only one thing he can’t do, that is changing the gender of a person.

      • 0

        If this was found on the west, they would react promptly and investigate the police. And they would not delay to punish them according to the law ruling in the country, but ours is a failure state – the leader himself is trying to show cold shoulder saying that he is not informed.. and it is not his job – he himself as the minister of defence for the very same nation, he should be the one to come forward and take the action… this man is a curse… just to ignore this kind inhuman treatments carried out by single policists or groups of them.

    • 0

      Looking back to my days at Pera, I recall how seniors treated their junior in NAWAKAWADYA/ragging sessions. To the eyes of westerners, those are torture against own ones. So, many would not surprise seeing uneducated policists (even without upto grade 8 school education)using chilli powder to torture ones taken to custody. Though the many come from buddhist households, but their behaviours are unpredictable.

      • 0

        This what happens when the Crooks, Thugs, Murderers, Rapists, Thieves, Drug Mafia dealers and absolute Villege uneducated and uncultured donkeys come into power through 90% uneducated villege muts vote who sell their vote for a packet of Rice or a bottle of Arrack and after been elected the venum is spread into all walks of life in Sri Lanka.

        Sad but true.

        • 0

          Mahela @,

          Looking at the manner how genuine the police services function in the UK, Germany, France and Switzerland, I think if the leaders are honest to them – any leader can improve national police service safeguarding the rights of the own folks. Leaders have to give the highest priority to saving own nation than trying to consolidation their political powers – as MR has always been doing. Any key political leaders of above mentioned countries would never see things stay unsolved. They would react promptly as lankens would imagine to see them happening. Fundamentals are not the availability of sufficient funds, but properly structured plans for long terms. Making loans driven to decades, can easily be made by any leaders, so long stability of a country is there. But if they plan it for ill foundations, nothing like anticipated progress will be result. But it will not be easy to control emerging various kind of anti-ruling segments. Today, this is seen among BBS. Tomorrow, there will be many like minded segments. Earlier the govt realizes this, better the outcome will be. Else the majority poor masses will have to pay a high price.

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  • 0

    May be Police is Testing a new Receipee to Barbecue a human using Chili Powder.

    After testing and promoting the new Sri Lanka made Kasippu using imported Ethenol and successfully grown local Ganja cultivation, now only thing left is a Good Human pit Barbecue bite with Chili Paste marinade.

    Please await for the next Sri Lanka Police Department, Human Chili paste Marinade Barbecue receipee.

  • 0

    Perhaps Bijo might like to write a letter to his own chairman, Mr. John J. Clancey to ask him why he is not taking action against the staff of the AHRC that are bringing the commission into disrepute.

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