3 May, 2024


A Headless Defence Ministry Or Is It A Supra-Constitutional Defence Secretary?

Sri Lanka is yet to see the appointment of a Minsiter of Defence. It has been nearly a month since the Government was appointed and the appointment of the hawkish Defence Secretary Kamal Guneratne, so far the defence minister portfolio has remained elusive. In the cabinet it is unclear who will bear responsibility as the minister of defence.

Constitutional experts have questioned the legality of the position ‘secretary to the ministry of defence’ when the minister of defence is yet to be appointed.

Despite appointing cabinet ministers, ministers, state ministers and deputy minister nothing has been said so far about the Minister of Defence.

Speaking to Colombo Telegraph a constitutional expert questioned the legality of existence of the defence secretary position without a ministry.

“If you look at the gazette issued its evident that the Ministry of Defence exists. The officials for the ministry have been appointed and functions and duties of the ministry too have been defined. However, it is silent as to who the Minister of Defence is,” she said.

The question remains about who advises the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence. A constitutional lawyer who wished to remain anonymous questioned: “Who will give directions to the secretary in the absence of a minister? Does that mean that he is a ‘Supra-Constitutional Secretary’ where he is above the constitution?” she questioned.

The silence about the Defence Minister has resulted in speculation that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa will appoint himself as the Defence Minster. However, this will be unconstitutional under the terms of the 19th Amendment which provides that only members of parliament shall hold office as ministers. For this same reason a transitional provision was included in the 19A so that former President Maithripala Sirisena could hold the portfolios of defence, mahaweli and environment, exclusively for the duration of his first term of office.

In his maiden speech to the nation soon after taking oaths, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said, “Today I am here before you as the executive president, Commander in Chief and as the person who is responsible of your security as the Minister of Defence.”

“The president cannot appoint himself as a minister of any portfolio. The transitional clause of the 19 Amendment clearly states that the last president could hold the ministries of Environment, Mahaweli and Defence but, this does not flow on to the next presidency,” the constitutional expert explained.

Before the introduction of the 19th amendment the constitution provided that any subject and functions not assigned to any ministers comes under the president. However, this residual power clause was also removed by the 19th amendment.

Therefore it is clear that even if President Rajapaksa does not assign the post of Defence Minsiter that does not mean that it remains with him.

According to constitutional experts this clearly illustrates the intention of leaving the president away from the ministerial portfolios.

If so, where has the minister of Defence gone?

One school of thought is that the intention of the government is to keep the position vacant until the General Election is concluded within the first quarter of next year. If the government manages to secure a two thirds majority in the parliament the 19th amendment can be easily repealed and replaced, thereby even changing the provisions preventing the President from holding any ministerial portfolios.

Soon after been elected, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa expressed his opinion at few occasions while visiting monks that the 19th amendment is a hindrance to governance and has many limitations.

“We can’t even appoint anyone we wish to as we have to go through other channels to do so,” he complained to the incumbent of the Sunethra Devi Pirivena prof. Medagoda Abeytissa thera. (By Anuruddha Singgapuli)

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  • 20

    If I remember right the State Minister of Defense is the elder sibling Chamal Rajapakse.
    Well the idea is the Defacto Minister of Defense is the younger sibling Gota.
    Nice way of doing things no?

    • 7

      It is the world of the day, makes people even stupidier. Boris J got elected and the situation towards finding a sustainable solutoion to BREXIT drama would though be possible, people situation would not change dramatically.

      Likewise, those overflown with high crime allegations became WEERAYAS to srilankan stupid folks. Over 52% were pro and rest were pro democratic leberal governance. Those who represent the nation decently and humanly got marginalized or being marginalized from the the society as TSUNAMI boxing wases demolished physical structures and left behind the country so devastated in 2004.

      All in all, our society and its place given to BUDDHIST monk MUDALALIES should dramatically be changed, if this nation to rise up.

      Yesterday while travelling from Berlin to Hamburg, I had been thinking how would it work for the benefiit of the educated in my home country, if so called DEVELOPED nation’s politicals wills tend to be nourishing the nationalists and conservatives.

      Srilanka is a country with over 95% populace being literate and not forgetting other social indicators are comparably to that of a developed nation, but their allgemeine Kenntnisse über Politik – the general knowledge about politics of the day – is even lower than that of Ethiopians that go faster with their economy today.

    • 13

      Not few months ago, this ballige putha Kamal Gunaratne was on the headlines of the local press, him to have been WADAKAYA in terms of throwing school going pupils from their private school.

      Paradoxially, he is now ruling the nation under BUNCH of thugs thugs leaders. This is the ground reality of PRIMITIVE Srilanka. Those who own smart phones in the country today are said to be over 5 mio, but many of them use their exchanges to promote racism, extremism or any kind of socially deteriorating culture where Madhu Madawa or Iraj ballige puthas being their GURUS. Can you imagine ? The two would have been escoriated or dismembered if the kind of men would do the kind of social twist in Europe. People s ground realites are being used for their power gain propensities. That is really dangerous for a healthy srilanka.

      • 1

        Dear babalawathie mudunkotuwa,
        I agree with you on this. We disagreed on this:
        That Dr Tush article was rubbish. You were a bit disappointed when I said so, but I didn’t mind your expression of disappointment. When people write, however well, about trivial things, we lose sight of what is more important.
        I’ve scrolled down, and I see that I have provided sufficient links to the earlier article.
        A change of subject. I’m trying to work out how to present to you the cheating at the S. Thomas’ Colleges.

        So, let me wish you more happy reading, and your comments are welcome.

    • 9

      There is a biological phenomenon, which says, in order to control POL KURUMINIYA coconut beetles, you also need to bring an another beetle with ablity to destroy the former. Likewise, best would be, the choice of people – who have been eating thanaloka for their 3 meals- Gota and led groups no matter with all lower education to let this country and nation fall from frying pan to fire.

      We did our best, but media ruined it in favour of the rascals. I today cant even get on with my big family down there, since they speak for RASCALS and RAPISTs …. so I kept silent and any good I thought to give back to SRILANKA is passed to an another like minded country – like MADAGASGAR or BALI. …. then I can see it better having done what i can for the sake of humanity

    • 5

      When the president is headless, what do you expect about ministries.

      • 4

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
        Its real funny…..
        To loose against a headless president.
        Not once…. But twice.
        First defeated as Tamil Tigers in May 2009,
        Second defeated as Yahapalana Sajith/MY3/Ranil league.
        You fools are real great.

      • 5

        Dr GS,
        why don’t you offer the President your head ??????????
        May be he might appreciate your great gesture.
        The problem is that the President has a better head than yours and it is because of his head that Sri lanka and Sri lankans are no more living in fear of bombs and bullets.
        If not for the Presidents head, VP’s head would have still been attached to his body creating mayhem and fear all over Sri lanka.
        Thanks to the Presidents head that many good people , Sinhalese, Tamils, and others are living in peace since 2009.
        Long live the President and Prime Minister.

        Ps: You don’t have the balls to tell the President to his face that he is headless and that makes you a coward like the rest of your type.

        • 5

          Not only I am ready to tell him to his face that he has no head, but also ready to give a kick up his bottom. Stop crowing about this idiot, who is nothing but a hybrid of a buffalo and a donkey. He is a fugitive criminal, and very soon he will get the works.

      • 4

        Yes we had a headless President and a Government before Nov 19 – now we have a president with a good and patriotic head – Few monkeys like you and guys in Dispora may think Gota is headless — wait and see who is headless you or him

        • 2

          Gota may have a patriotic head, but he has a fat-rhetoric mouth. Can you remember how Mahinda was disgraced and made to flee from UK in 2010. All your cardboard veerayas talk big only in Sri Lanka, but get hammered in foreign countries.

  • 7

    This article comes from the CT editorial staff, not from any outside journalist.
    Who brought in Gotabaya Rajapaksa? Very clearly, it is the 19th amendment. It is similar to Pirabaharan’s boycotting of the 2005 presidential election that, in return, decisively killed him and his LTTE. Did any journalist predict the outcome be that disastrous? I don’t think so.
    Your article gives enough reasons and a strong and logical point to repeal this complicated amendment called 19thA. For example, if it has no provisions with regard to a particular ministry that has not been assigned under a particular minister, that should go the president who is the head of the Cabinet. What happened to that piece of provision available prior to the 19thA, that gave this authority and power in Crystal clear terms to the president? This shows a grave shortcoming in the constitution and you are highlighting it on a daily basis. Now people think that, that’s why it needs to be replaced or re-amended. That’s what Gotabaya Rajapaksa wants too.
    Thank you for opening the eyes of the readers!

    • 3

      Wrong argument. One of the main intention of 19 A is to limit the power of the presidency. It is under this intention, president is not allowed “de facto” cabinet position. This means, only the PM has the power to name the cabinet. The question why the PM didn’t fill the vacancy? That is b’cos, as CT suggests, the current Gvt is behaving above & beyond the provisions of the 19 A. In other words, the current is “supra-constitutional”! How can there be a Sec of Def if no ministry? It is clearly illegal and therefore, public must challenge this in the SC.

      It is obvious that it is GoRa who runs the ministry of defense. As a matter of fact, he runs the whole Gvt. That is clearly the expectation of those who voted for him as well. Sajith would have done the same if he won. This clearly shows that appointment system is in contradiction with the true constitutional provisions of the presidency. Going back to the 18 A is not the solution. Rather, what is needed is a change in the system of selecting a new president. Unfortunately, it seems that public has already forgotten the dangers of having a powerful Exc president. People must understand that racism is not the only cause for terrorism. JVP terrorism that destroyed the country twice had nothing to do with racism. It is also a fact that Exc presidency didn’t prevent terrorism or any other organized crimes either.

      The problems arose due to the conflict between the PM & the president during the transitional period shouldn’t be considered as permanent confusions built into 19 A. Perhaps, the transitional presidency itself was the mistake.

  • 18

    gots can as all the buddhist are fools, who want to live as slaves.

  • 20

    Why should Srilanka have a defence minister when President Gotabaya is the head of defence? The defence secretary is the defence minister.Whether it is X or Y everything is in the order of both brothers.It is a family business. Don’t ask questions?

  • 11

    when there is a commander in chief why do you need a minister

  • 24

    Thanks, CT, for being the watch-dog on legalities. I don’t think it to be really cheating, given Gota’s rhetoric when campaigning.
    However, is this man, Kamal Guneratne, a suitable and competent person to hold this position?
    That snowballed.
    And so it went on with the Supreme Court finally decreeing that the school be razed to the ground. As far as I know, the school is yet there.
    I’m not going into this any more. I voted against the Gota Presidency, but in some respects, he’s not been as bad as I expected.
    On the other hand, should Gota be President at all? None of the defeated candidates had the courage to make at least a comment on this brave article, and the revelations therein.
    Truly, Sri Lankans get the government that they deserve.

  • 7

    CT don’t bother. People elected him with an overwhelming majority. They will vote Again for a 2/3 in parliament come April. Then we can easily repel this pesky 19th and put something in place that will allow a gov to govern.

    • 12

      why people are like let them raped voluntarily ?-

      Is that not lack of information or political commonsense ?
      Even Ethiopians of the day are far edcuated than you Rohan. You the kind of bitch
      s sons, would never see it right.
      Ape jathiyata aba saranayi. These high cirminals should be brought before HAGUE and be jailed for ever instead of letting them terrorize this grass eaters dominated nation.

      • 2

        Desperate Sinhalaya,
        But the way things are going you are going to loose the support of your on and off living Swiss Ambassador’s support.
        He is on his way out….
        Arrange a “”going away disgraced”” party for him.

  • 21

    An army General serving an army Colonel. Funny SL. Shame! They got their hierarchy wrong.

    Telecom organizations are within the defence ministry. Even funnier! How can such a country move forward.

    • 9

      “Telecom orgs…within the defence ministry. Funny SL.”
      Might not be so funny, KBĢ. All the better to tap you from.

      • 6

        You’re right, as often, Manel.
        Telecom & Internet in tandem with white vans could prove a deadly combination.
        This Pasqual fellow has already been threatening me. He doesn’t seem to realise that people of our metel can’t be frightened or even tortured into submission. If they transform themselves into decency, we’re more likely to stop criticism, even support them. I know I’m asking for a miracle given what we have known of them.
        However, during this honeymoon period let’s hope that things don’t get that bad, and for our part let’s not provoke these guys.

    • 2

      Mr. Kalabala_goo_rathna,
      So what you are trying to say is…..
      When a retired Lieutenant Colonel is elected as president…
      All other government posts to be held by lesser ranks.. ??
      How about army commander??? Should we give that post also to a major or something like that…???

    • 3

      “Telecom orgs are within the Defence ministry. Even funnier!”
      Maybe not so funny, KBL, all the easier to tap you with.

    • 8


      It is funny you should say.
      A person who kills another is sentenced to death while a person who caused thousands of death is being elected to the office of president.

  • 19

    Why talk about the defence ministry. GOTLER’s presidency itself is unconstitutional, he’s an AMERICAN OPERATIVE. His real agenda is to allow the MCC to proceed without any hindrance so that the US can advance its strategic interests in the Indian Ocean. Jaya Wewa.

    • 1

      Mr. Ajay,
      Don’t worry about existing constitution.
      That will be changed after general election.
      We already have the capacity to get 2/3 of next parliament.

  • 26

    Who needs a consitution? We are subjects of a feudal system.
    6,9 million utter fools scrambled desperately. Just a month ago. They corronated an uneducated, corrupt family with blood on their hands once again as feudal lords of Sri Lanka. We should allow those idiots who elected this family ample time, to worship stinking Rajapassa toes as they fancy.
    Ditch the Constitution!
    PS: Nothing will happen to those who violate the 19th amendment. The Judiciary is already taken care of. Have a blessed future!

    • 11

      Dear BEN HURLING. you sound to be a a sterling.

      I am in fully agreement with you. But what have we got to do if over 69 voter eligible behaved as they are brainwashed ?

      Even today, just looking at the manner their men make painting on the public places, seem to be more than enough those GRASS EATERS to see that just elected PRESIDENT is doing his best.

      No matter SAND AND SOIL permits are being lifted from transport ban – irrespective of rapid increase of earth slips creating unexpected natural disaster within the country, harming the poor on and on…. … they JUST dont care about the man made tremours could cause those earthslips….. who would have a place in the country today, even the experts would warn it…… only thugs and muscle is given the place… however, there is a self censured culture in SOCIAL media today….. not many would add their thoughts as had been under the previous govt.

      Next days, Rajapakshes brothers will introduce ” human flesh” as consumable meat into super markets – that will also be welcome without doubt by SIVURU wearing BUDDHIST monk mudalies.

      I just believe, if we to see a better lanka, we should push all the sivuru wearers into paddy fields asking them to work hard for a better paddy harvest. Latter was the method mao did in CHINA.

  • 5

    CT you don’t have to teach Mr G to suck eggs.
    You were not that vocal when the Easter Sunday Bombs whent off under the yahapalanaya misfits.

    • 5

      Wimpy Kid

      “CT you don’t have to teach Mr G to suck eggs.”

      Yes, however snakes know how to suck/swallow eggs and Gota does know.

      • 3

        Are you a harmless little Garndi patiya?
        Before pointing the finger at others take a good look at your self.

  • 8

    Why is CT so keen on behalf of the Tamil Community and the Western World to go on a bashing spree with regard to the present government in Sri lanka. Would CT have condemned the LTTE and its so called freedom fighters who did not have a iota of sympathy when they bombed and bashed their way through concrete and bricks irrespective who was sheltering behind be it Tamils or Sinhalese or anyone else at that time.
    Has CT ever condemned any of the LTTE hierarchy in the past ?????????????
    For God’s sake give this government a chance to prove to the voters as to what they can do.
    If Tamil Eelam ever came into being would Democracy have ever had a chance to be used to vote who ever the the Tamil people wanted. The answer is no. VP would have been a absolute Dictator and the LTTE would have been the only party in existence. The Eelam tamils would have had no choice. Sink or swim.

    CT stop bashing this government. Pull the plank out of your eyes before you intend to pull the plank out of others eyes. Enough is enough.
    You Tamils went through a lot in the past. Forget that past and in the name of God please try to live in harmony with all other than with the Devil himself.

    Gotabaya Rajapaksa is not a monster in comparison to Prabhakaran and that is truly definite.

    God knows if this will be published ?????????????????????????????????????

    • 6


      What are you trying to tell this forum?
      CT was launched in 2013.
      Where were you when Mahinda staged the failed coup in October 2018?
      Where were you when Muslims were attacked in 1915(?), 2014, 2018, 2019, … ?

    • 3

      Native Vedda ( Veddha) ,
      what Vernon is trying to state is very simple. Has Colombo Telegraph at any stage ever condemned the vile antics of the LTTE.
      No !! they will never because they don’t have the Balls to do so.
      Where were you when the bombs went off ???? Hiding under the bed & crying for Mummy.
      Where were you when the Sinhalese mobs went on the rampage in 1977 & 1983 and many a good Sinhalese family gave refuge to many Tamils at their own peril.
      Do you ever think that a Tamil would ever give refuge to a Sinhalese. No !!!!!
      You Bugger open up your stinking putrid brain and think for yourself.
      Hope that Gotabaya Rajapakse will whip the shit of your stinking arse and leave the scars for you to remember. When he has finished may Major General ( Retd ) Kamal Gunaratne do same.
      You Wanker you are a disgrace to all good Sri lankans & Sri lanka and one day some dedicated person is going to hound you out and hang you by your balls if you have got any.
      Most probably you are like your Uncle Ranil Wickremasinghe who has no Balls and will never have Balls until his dying day.
      Its a pity that Sri lanka, a lovely scenic country with many good friendly people of different ethnic backgrounds has Wankers like you.
      Why don’t you cook up a horny story like Sriyalatha who works at the Swiss Embassy because you may get free entry into Switzerland.
      Anyway may President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa do their best to turn you into a good Citizen of one of the most beautiful islands in the world.
      Good luck to you.

  • 9

    Headless, brainless, heartless, clueless, lawless, ………… ………. (please in the blanks, I do the end) Defense Ministry

    • 9

      Sinhala Buddhist Modayas urgently – overwhelmingly brought a criminal goverment to protect the country’s sovereignty that was in jeopardy. But that goverment has no feeling of urgency to appoint a defense minister and take care of the dangerous situation that they insisted on the election platforms as illuming.
      So what is going be the story of the economy? Just bring down some selling prices of few consumer goods’, until the parliamentary election election?

      • 4

        Mallaiyran Aiya,

        Dont blame the Sinhala Buddists they supported the Yahpalanaya if not
        Ranil / Sira combo would not have been given an opportunity.

        They messed it up !!!!

        So what to do?

        A majority of Sri Lankans voted for Yahapalanaya – Ven Sobitha supported it.

        I thouht you Tamils are a group with heigh qualities where appreciation takes a prominent place in your culture?

        Or is it only you and a few Tamil misfits?

      • 3

        Mally …Okay Ok..Sinhala Buddhists are Modayas .
        That is why 7 Million of them got together to boot out Keselwatta Kid, despite the Kid offering everything which Dr Ranil haven’t given them, from Menstrual Pads to Free Fibro Cement abodes via so many other freebees.
        That is another story..

        After Dr Ranil gave refuge status to the whole Hog f Muslim Leaders from the SLMC , to Wahabis and the Jihadists , and declared that our Security is all Hunkydory why woulld Nandasena need to appoint a Defense Minister .

        And your lot are all Smart Dudes according to you..
        So I don’t think they would try to be prototypes or the equivalents of Zaharans and Inbrahims..

        And that leaves only the Modaya Sinhala Buddhists .
        But then 7 Million of them wouldn’t even think of bombing even a Kovil let alone Churches after their leader’ Landslide .

        That leaves only the Sinhala Buddhists who voted for Keselwatta Kid.

        I don’t want to comment on their Intelligence because it is politically incorrect, although UNP Elite openly and publicly said their Prez Candidate has no O levels even.

        So I will leave it to you to tell us what you think of them.

        BTW , your Eelaam Founder Pirahaparan never recruited Uni Grads from Rich Families to train as Suicide Bombers .
        Did he Mally?..

        • 0

          There is no need of Defence minister. It is all the wish of the Almighty only true Saviour and the liberator.. HE is the greatest.

          • 4

            Amen, Amen

            You sound honest. May you find solace in the supernatural That is my sincere wish for you
            Unfortunately, such sanguinity doesn’t come easily to me.
            I don’t know about God; I do know his representatives here to be horrid. You will understand what I mean when I tell you what I know of how Christians run some of their schools.

      • 0

        We are Sri Lanka,

        Sinhalese fed the goat for the whole year and cut its head the the end.

        That is not how rearing a goat. That is how eating a goat. What is left now? Check the foreign bank accounts’ balances of the 225 8th graders. Then you will know how they all have been eating the country. Is that how caring the country?

    • 4

      Well by some miracle it got published.

      But you are wasting time talking sense to these LTTE donkeys.

    • 5

      Headless, brainless, heartless, clueless, lawless, ………… ………. Defense Ministry.

      Wait and see how this Headless, brainless, heartless, clueless, lawless, ………… ………. Defense Ministry will screw ‘Para’ Malabar Demala extremists and Wahabi Extremists.

      • 0

        You are correct our Malay Friend, Eagle Eye. That is what we have been trying to tell at UNHRC that you have no defense problem, you don’t need a defense minister, but only want to crew up Tamil and Muslims. But Hakeem and Rishard went to Geneva with Sinhala Cinema supporting actresses and said there that the Sinhalese were taking good care of Muslims and they never lived a happier life than under Old Royals. So Tamils lost even in UNHRC. But this time we want Britain, who is chairing the core group that manages the resolution, must tell in UNHRC that all the Royal goverment wants is screwing up Tamils. It is expected that until April election there wouldn’t be a defense minister. I wish if you too can join the Tamils’ team going to Geneva, in the coming March. Masian Eagle, Can you go to Geneva and say there what you are writing here?

  • 9

    Major Kamal is more than enough for defence as he will carry out swiftly every command that comes from Sri Lanka’s sophisticated PentaGUN.

  • 3

    This is the problem of professionals in this country. They write volumes about technicalities and laws to prove a person can not operate under current rules and regulations. For God’s Sake, we need someone one to take decisions on national safety. Let anyone take those decisions and operate rather than having anarchy situation. People don’t care as long as the decision maker has right intentions. When Gotabaya defeated LTTE, people did not ask for his legality of having his position or any other things. We normal people have more things to worry about than who is the Defence Minister or whether Defence secretary has undue powers. We simply don’t care as long as country and nation is safe. Please use your energy to write something useful for uplifting wellbeing of innocent people.

    • 1

      In the name of security, acceptinh to live at the Kanathe cemetery is not a dignified life.

      Wise people have the freedom to express themselves and feel free to speak, it is the beginning of confidence and feeling for self protection.

      Safter in the name of brutal repression of others is not a healthy way forward.

      If the country truly wants to enjoy security, the minds of the people must be healed and must build mutual understanding and respect among them.

      Gota himself said that he liked the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalist program that he planted and its he who launched bbs and drived racist program through the BBS is very clearly exposed after last election.

      Now, the BBS and its fraction like the guys as ratana and guys from rawana are going around to stop the protest to facilitate the gota and siblings administration and they are awaiting another contract of racism for the next legislative elections.

      Shortly after the election of those who trust Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism, as a better option than inclusive peace and harmony will find a situation in which they will have to ask permission from Gota and his siblings, even to breathe in and out. .

      The trend we see today makr vert sad and the hatred that is building up among the communities in order to use power to retain power has wider consequences for future generations.

  • 9

    The constitutional position is clear. Unlike the past, the provisions regarding the self assignment of Ministries for the President is missing. Moreover a Minister has to be a member of Parliament. There is no bar to create Ministries, have Secretaries for them but the President cannot be the Minister. So any appointment that the Minister must make in terms of the written law is made by the President becomes null and void. For instance, if a person should be appointed the CEO of an institution by the Minister and if the President signs the letter of appointment instead, then not only is the CEO’s appointment is null and void but the Accountant should not pay any salaries to him/her and refuse to recognize his signature for purposes of payments etc. If it is done the accountant too becomes a “Sil-redda”.

  • 5

    CT, there is reason to worry.
    The rumour has it that the ‘whaite van brigade’ has at last found a working map and now they plan to drive around looking for their ‘targets’.
    The news is that they will be starting from the hills of Kandy along Kurunegala CEP and Galagedara seems to be the first stop.
    Please advise all progressive civil society members living in that area to be watchful.
    Ashes to ashes.

  • 4

    This guy Kamal G., should be a superman-esque with just within a week., he abducted a Swiss embassy employee in the heart of capital city.

    Keep in mind that Switzerland with its scenic beauty is the most independent country and nestled between super powers of Germany/Italy/France, during WW2 even Hitler of Mussolini did not bother to harm Swiss.

    The fun is even after the abduction the full state resources are using to make it a fake drama and make the victim the suspect, Justice the Rajapaksa way !

  • 3

    “Telecom orgs…within the defence ministry. Funny SL.”
    Might not be so funny, KBĢ. All the better to tap you from.

  • 2

    Didn’t the ex Field Marshall Ponseka who was anointed as the Defense Minister by the UNP Prez Candiadate say he was offered a Ministerial Post soon after Nandasena won the Election?..

    It must be Mr Ponseka waiting for the Election to become a real MP.
    My Elders tell me, MPs coming through the back door can’t become Ministers of Defense..

  • 3

    Does it matter who the Minister is ,when more than 130 state departments are under the purview of just two individuals.(MR and CR). Must be a Guinness Record. A Minister is now a glorified post where there is no departments. I guess it is a win- win situation. Where the individual,s Ego is boosted with title and perks and the real management is under some one else who is , too eager to keep them all.

  • 0

    Now no strong Opposition is there to question any matters regarding what the Government is doing and also with the people’s support showed in the presidential election.

  • 7

    Why do we need politicians? To manage peace, sovereignty, reconciliation, law reforms and financials.
    President is responsible for peace, sovereignty and reconciliation.
    Parliament is responsible for law reforms and financial management.
    Each governmental organization is responsible for the task delegated.
    Organizational heads are responsible for the efficiency and the direction.
    Without the parliament, they need to work with the legal framework and the budget.
    Over time this will become ineffective and dangerous for the nation.

  • 2

    cry me a river you CT fools. You are irrelevant. Gota will rule for 20 years. Enjoy.

    • 1

      Andare 1/2

      “You are irrelevant. Gota will rule for 20 years. Enjoy.”

      Asian Robert Mugabe is the making.
      So there is no chance of Namal baby the yuvaraj becoming the Chakravatin.
      Poor Mahinda, how is he going to handle/shape Shiranthi Rajapaksa the mother of Namal Baby?

  • 1

    Really, people must shift attention to the ‘white van brigade’.
    The news is that they have found GPS maps, and are on the look out for major civil society leaders all over the island.
    The news is that they are operating from a base at Kurunegala and are tracing key figures like the so-and-so who is editing CT.
    We will need 100 Sriyalatha Pereras or other born-again to get out of this

  • 3

    Oh to be in sorry Lanka, the sorriest nation on the wonderful planet of ours, where I thank the good Lord who by his mysterious ways had blessed the shit-hole of a Sinhala Buddhist ass hole nation where the most unruly violence creating devil inhabitants live thrive on their manmade cesspits whose war crime tainted American citizen of hoodwinker who proclaims himself to be the democratically elected to the chair of the 7th executive President is taking his own ever ever-loving kith and kin the so-called ignorant blind loyal yakkos to be willfully taken for the biggest ride of their lives by their own Yakko bad wolf of a murderous chief are now having bout after bout of unstoppable diarrhea and ad mist yells of hooray from all of us just cannot hold the title of a Hon. Minister of defense.
    As the much presently condemned 19th Amendment clearly states that the executive president cannot according to this much controversial act just is not able to sit in the position of the defense minister.
    At the upcoming election which should be held in the next few full moons, where all these Sinhala petty racist scum-bags are ordered hereby ordered to ensure that a two-third majority is ensured to the now temporally ruling government to ensure the getting rid of the much vexing piece of a democratically passed excellent piece of legislation.
    So in his wildest frustration, he appoints his much self-made devil man who by seeing to the deliberate annihilation of the hapless Tamil civilians who by no choice of theirs were victims caught in no mans land has secured a permanent place in the dimly lit concrete walls of the much-respected unbiased legitimately set up War Crimes Tribunal which is permanently set up in the Hague which puts out an aura of bliss and calm right throughout the 365 days of the year.

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    where is JAYAMPATHI WICKERAMARATNA AND JVP ANURAKUAMRA why can’t they go to SUPREME COURT if GOTHA group is doing something against the 19TH AMENDMENT may be there are awaiting to see the out come of general elections.IF THE TOOTHLESS UNP and other group is going to keep mum that will be end of their dream of at least GETTING THE LEADER OF OPPOSITION POSITION.

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      It is very unlikely that after the GE the 19th Amendment will be repealed, even if the SLPP get a 2/3 rd majority which is very unlikely. MR will not dilute his position as PM for certain, with the 19th Amendment that gives the PM post certain Powers. There will be an open tussle between Gota and MR for control of the Govt. Basil has already thrown in the Towel realising the imminent clash between the brothers. It is certainly not going to be easy for Gota or MR as the PM, to contain the spiraling costs of living in the run up to the GE saddled with Debt repayment due in the first quarter of 2020. Further Gota wanting to clear the stables, thinking that he can field a new set of Technocrats will not be accepted by MR and for the current lot who hold Ministerial portfolios in lighter vein as they will fight tooth and nail. All in all, there will be a Big show down, in the coming months. The 6.9 mil who voted ignoring the fact that the Govt servants receiving a Rs. 10,000/- salary increment, a reduced cost of living and a reduction in the drugs prices with free stenting for heart patients will soon realise their folly for having voted them to power. The tables can turn very fast from now on.

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    There is no need of Defence minister. It is all the wish of the Almighty only true Saviour and the liberator.. HE is the greatest.
    Right now, Experienced ministers of the Mahinda Chintana govt have moved overseas for further training. One is in NEPAL, another in OMAN. No news available with respect to how many have moved overseas for further training.
    Ranil can add one point to his list WHICH SAYS WHY UNP LOST BIG TIME. if Tamils and Muslims helped New president has 2/3rd power.

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    Political culture changed only with respect to the President and his activities. Other than the Parliament political culture is well and kicking. Horapalanaya IS gone, BUT Mahinda chintanaya is in full throttle. Physician is appointed as the plantation minister. An uneducated is the Health minister and she is in Oman for further studies of special items. Not any professional training for health professionals. It is the same uneducated MP who gets useless training over and over again. One who bankrupted the Agriculture ministry coppers is in Nepal. Fortunately they are in the TEMPORARY GOVT AND NOT IN THE PERMANENT GOVT.

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    Any news about the Swiss Embassy sweet-heart?

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