By Malinda Seneviratne –
Alan Keenan, Sri Lanka Project Director at the International Crisis Group, is doing his job. Good on him. The man has penned some thoughts: ‘Sri Lanka: time for action, not action plans’. It’s all about the Sri Lankan Government not doing what Keenan thinks it ought to do.
This is not the first time that I’ve written about the man. A year ago I referred to him in an article titled ‘Towards a post-complicit moment for those in pre-slumber slumber’ as part of a series on self-appointed Grand Abbots on All and Sundry.
True to form, Keenan talks about ‘some 40,000 civilian deaths’ that are not being ‘fairly examined’. Where that number came up from, goodness only knows. But that’s not surprising. The likes of Keenan have been throwing around all kinds of figures without a shred of substantiation. And, if you really dig deep (you won’t have to because that’s how shallow these people are), you’ll find that the ‘primary sources’ are utterly unreliable, and worse, traceable to LTTE operatives or persons who trotted out information at gunpoint.
Now just as legality and officialdom was conferred on the infamous Darusman panel by continuous reference to it as the ‘UN Panel’, Keenan has twisted ‘recommendation’ (from the UNHRC) as ‘directive’. It was not a binding document and Keenan knows this. And yet, he is horrified that the Government has rejected (in his mind) the commission’s ‘central finding’ (again, in his mind, for there was no ‘finding’ as such): ‘the need to initiate independent investigations.
Keenan in essence has rubbished Sri Lankan processes and implied that ‘independence’ has to be ‘foreign’. First we have claims made by terrorists and now we have this ill-informed and sophomoric commentator making grand statement of how things should be done based on an erroneous start-point. Keenan talks about the ‘well-known Channel 4 video’ but says nothing about the equally well known fact that Channel 4 in that video demonstrates abysmal media ethics and laughable media skills. They have deliberately lipsticked and eye-shadowed terrorists and their backers as chest-beating, tear-popping innocents. Keenan feigns ignorance.
He knows that the ‘UN (sic) panel of experts’ gave a report that was a joke in terms of information gathering and analysis, not to mention horrors such as mis-naming the Secretary of Defence. And yet, this Mr. I-know-Sri-Lanka-better-than-anyone actually takes the report seriously!
Then he moves on to ‘talks’. He blames the Government for not talking with the Tamil National Alliance. He doesn’t mention that the TNA has played spoilsport from Day One. He gives the TNA a ‘moderate’ tag. Moderate as opposed to, Mr Keenan? The LTTE? But you’ve treated the word of the LTTE as Gospel Truth and although that’s not ‘moderate’ statement it is nevertheless holy, ain’t it? For him the TNA is ‘pro-engagement’. Well, the TNA is refusing to submit names to the Parliamentary Select Committee. Makes sense. Being pro-LTTE it is natural for Keenan to evolve into backing the reduced-circumstances articulator of LTTE Word.
Keenan then speaks on behalf of Sri Lankans. He knows better than us what we want. He knows what we ‘need’. Come off it, Mr. Colonial Residue, we don’t need you to make us inhabit your version of our reality. We’ll handle our issues, thank you very much! And yes, we do have serious institutional flaws and the constitutional flaws call for much overhaul. You are not helping, because when people who have conditioned their mind to swallow anything sent their way by pro-LTTE operatives start making prescriptions, the medicine list comes with a caution ‘Poison’. Helps keep systems intact and makes it possible for system-beneficiaries to rubbish both prescriber and prescription. Doesn’t help the citizen. That’s why we say ‘It’s ok if you don’t help, just don’t mess things up at this end!’
Keenan is out of order, but we should not be surprised. The International Crisis Group has been undressed quite comprehensively (see David Cronin’s ‘International Crisis Group: craving approval from blood-soaked elite’). A year ago I did a bit of undressing myself (‘Let’s get to know the International Crisis Group’).
This busybody is pretending to sleep. He therefore needs to sleep for real. That way he might wake up. I am not betting on it!
**Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation‘ and his articles can be found at www.malindawords.blogspot.com
Justice / September 26, 2012
“If you dont like the message,attack the messenger” seems to be the principle in this article.
Semantics about “UN Report vs. Darusman Report”, 40,000 deaths etc. do not hide the fact that the government is not in full agreement with the LLRC report, to which many intellectuals gave evidence,and does not wish to implement it in full.
The proposed PSC in another time wasting exercise.
If TNA are not ‘mederates’ what are they? Is the EPDP ‘moderate’?
How about the JHU?
Senaka / September 27, 2012
This MS guy is a drunk with Sinhala nationalism and revels in empty rhetoric.
Alan Keenan must keep up the good work! ICG should demand that the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting to be held in SL in 2013 be moved to another country or aborted outright.
The fact is that the International Community does double speak. A few weeks ago the Commonwealth Parliamentarians Circus meet in Colombo gave the regime a chance to display its massive military might on the streets of Colombo to provide security for delegates of an organization that is totally irrelevant – a colonial left over British imperialism that is now used by third world dictators to market themselves.
The Rajapakse regime has systematically used and targetted the useless Commowealth organization to market itself internationally while wasting funds needed for recovery and reconstruction of war affected areas on Commonwealth Games bids, and useless shows such as the Commonwealth Parliamentary meeting and proposed Heads meeting. The Commonwealth needs to be shut down or asked to behave in a responsible manner and stop boosting third world dictators like Mahinda Rajapakse. Sri Lanka today is worse than Libya under Gadhafi: a country run by 4 brothers and sons, and a massive extended family that is looting the public wealth while having a facade of democracy through holding of staggered elections and winning through fraud and corruption.
The Commonwealth legitimizing this sort of corrupt dictatorial regime is a disgrace and shows the moral and intellectual bankrupcy of the organization. ICG, AI, HRW etc, should jointly lobby it to stop supporting MR and is Family and cabinet of goohs, criminals and fools.
Dodo / September 27, 2012
Quite right! Diaspora must lobby Britain and Commonwealth countries to stop supporting the Sri Lankan dictator who is worse than was Libya’s Gaddhafi
Dodo / September 27, 2012
AK and ICG should target the Commonwealth foreign ministers meeting in New York on 29 September 2012, in the wings of the 67th United Nations General Assembly where the GoSL is to present its plans for 2013 Commonwealth Heads meet and ask countries to boycott or move the meeting from Colombo..
Commonwealth must stop supporting the dictatorship in Sri Lanka
ranjith / September 27, 2012
Yes indeed, why does this brain dead MS guy not write about COMMONWEALTH ORGANIZATION and the jokers who operate it?
So much Sri Lanka citizens tax payers funds wasted on Commonwealth Games and entertaining post-colonial nationalist dictators like MR who hang on to that British imperial left over Commonwealth Org as if it is god’s gift to the friggin international community that MS loves to bash?! First they bash the British and white Commonwealth and then crave its dubious support!
Malinda Seneviratne, time to give ICG a break and focus on another useless international organization – looking forward to your take on the Commonwealth Org!
Leon / September 26, 2012
To Malinda,the moron.
Sri Lanka will not be lectured to by the likes of Keenan (LTTE Operative)or others such as AI and HRW (all LTTE operatives) if there is an independent international investigation. The truth as to how many were killed,raped and maimed will once and for all be settled. The SL Govt will never agree to an independent investigation because of its complicity in the massacre.
As for the PSC you know as well as the IC that this is another time buying mechanism.What happened to all the other reports of Comissions by the President?.Needless to mention that this time buying exercise is to colonize the North and East with the Sinhalese . We know all that so Malinda the moron do not fool the people in Sri Lanka and the International community.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / September 26, 2012
It pity that, how you got your doctorates from Harvard and Cornell.
You are most educated with taxpayers money, but suddenly you have become a ignorant.
everybody sawed their land with blood soaked sins.
there are many families who not reported their family members are killed or missing ones.
John Wayne / September 27, 2012
Malinda Seneviratne did not EVER get, and does NOT have a doctorate. …
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Celerati Editorial / September 27, 2012
Dear Mr Seneviratne,
I think that the UN report is not perfect, I think that TNA bears some responsibility for the past, I think that the LTTE was a terrorist organization, I think that debate must be open to all the different opinions.
But your dismiss of the 2009 catastrophe is criminal. The government of Sri Lanka attacked hundreds of thousands of civilians. According to the official sources, not less than 290 000: the number of survivors at the end of the hostilities, interned in refugee camp. This is a fact from YOUR government. From satellite coverage, the area was targeted by heavy shelling. I recommend a recent article of groundview.org. So almost 300 000 people were attacked by the army. How many died? Probably a bit more than the paltry 10 000 extrapolated from the government census. Is it not 40 000? I think that is criminal to juggle on figures instead of facing the responsibility of serious misconduct. Why the government doesn’t start a serious investigation? To cover war-hero? Further on, the Bishop of Mannar provided the LLRC with figures from government sources. The population in the Vanni region before the attack was 430 000. We have 290 000 survivors. My math tells me that 140 000 are missing. So, I agree with you on one thing: the 40 000 is not substantiated enough.
Finally your sterile polemic with Mr Kennan about details, when Sri Lankan citizens have been brutally murdered, and even today suffer from violence, rape and other form of repression of their rights, is criminal.
Shame on you, Mr. Seneviratne
Ajith Kumar / September 27, 2012
It is NOT 40,000 but much much much more than that. Some say 140,000. It is not only the SL government and the armed forces but even the manipulative [Edited out] media personal such as Malinda Seneviratne are responsible for the war crimes (part of the war criminals). He is a well known Singala-Buddhist [Edited out] journalist who manipulated the media.
Alan Keenan has done a great job. We need many such Great people.
Let these handfuls of racist dogs’ bark, who cares?
Deva / September 29, 2012
No Ajith some say it is 1,140,000. and some others say 11,140,000. Now the last figure looks more like the correct figure because “there are no more Sri Lankan Tamils living in Sri Lanka and they have been wiped out by the rascist minded Sinhalese”. What a joke. Be real guys.
Give us a chance to mend fences with the rest of the Sri Lankans so that we can now try and lead a normal life after our so called saviour Piripaharan departed this world. The biggest favour you all living in various parts of the world can do is not to interfere, stay away and live in the comfort of wherever you are living now and leave it to us who suffered to get back our lives.
Candidly / September 28, 2012
Good article Mr Seneviratne. The International Crisis Group is a good example of how thoroughly an organisation that once had some noble intentions can degenerate under the lure of fame and money.
Like it’s twin Human Rights Watch, and to a lesser extent Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group’s main purpose these days is to try to provide ammunition to western governments in the Eurosphere to enable them to intervene in developing nations, such as Sri Lanka, in order to hinder their social, political and economic development.
Given the extreme levels of ignorance that exist in the Eurosphere about the world outside their own borders, this role has been, until recently, relatively easy. But all that is changing with the development of knowledge and communication skills and the growth of rapid international communication media, in particular the internet.
It’s now no longer possible for people such as Alan Keenan to get away with their distortions and fabrications. Another good example of this was the ridiculous claim by Keenan’s boss, Louise Arbour, a few months ago that Sri Lankan Tamil women suffered less under the Tamil Tigers than under the present Sri Lankan government.
I think the ICG and HRW are now becoming embarrassments to their financial and political backers.
Ram2009 / September 29, 2012
The International Crisis Group is another of the Western instruments used quite frequently to bend the will of the nationalistic governments in the developing world to serve the needs and the desires of the West. They are well versed in using any means whatsoever to do this and the use of the ‘40000 figure’ should not surprise anyone. The Iraqi death toll from the (mis)adventure there by the US and it’s proxies according to some estimates is around 1.4 million, yet one hears that ONLY about 100000 were killed, being bandied about.
dicky Bird / September 29, 2012
Yesterdays nobody yearns to be somebody today through an opening obtained through the ICG.
From where did Alan Keenan pull out that number 40K? From a hat ?
This Keenan knows everything and we must respect & believe, because he represent through some good fotune the ICG and he is an alleged White Westerner.
He is a Slave to the ICG for his daily bread and to the $$$.
Ask countries to boycott… DoDo…. please do.
These shameless anti GOSL guys will be there and will have a good time.
Yeah… be it 40k or 140k, the fact remains 300k were saved. Where are those people? Are they grateful???????????
Raj Tharmasunderam / September 29, 2012
Well said Malinda. Your articles always get LTTErs excited and rant. These people are economic migrants and brainwashed parties, and also lunatics and people envious of the achievements of the government.
Selvan Jayaram / September 29, 2012
These NGO guys are fighting each other and making malicious statement against people’s appointed governments around the worlds by having earn Greenbucks from their western masters in order to dominate their dirty agenda in the places where they wanted plant unrest among the different ethnic and religious groups.
All legitimately appointed governments in the developing and under developing countries have to understand and realize their counter measures aginst this in order to protect and respect their own nations whom they have given mandate
pragmatist / September 29, 2012
Well said Malinda. ICG and many other INGOs are slamming SLto ensure that they keep getting funded to maintain their “international crisis expert” portfolio. For guys like Keenan this is just a way to make a great living.
Saman / September 29, 2012
There is no bad publicity in journalism. From the number of comments it’s clear that MS’s articles are being read by many. But it’s truly sad that MS is now a very docile puppy of Govt and MR like many other journalists in this country :(
Pacha Epa / October 2, 2012
Keenan has obviously hit a nerve because more than the usual suspects are out in attack mode against him and anyone not toeing the Sinhala-Buddhist-Chauvinist-High Caste line!
Interesting stuff and I’m always interested in the fact that these jackasses never have published a list of those in the ICG. But then, these are the same people who accused Mandela, Tutu etc. of being (Black?) Tigers, right?
shankar / October 3, 2012
Malinda Seneviratne says “goodness knows from where he got the 40000 figure from”.For your information buddy the UN i believe in their report mentioned that figure. Malinda goes on to say that the Un report is a joke,thereby calling the UN a joke.Why be part of a joke organisation.Why not malinda write that srilanka should be the first country to leave the UN voluntarily and become a pariah state.
Besides what he forgets is that if there was no complete news blackout by the srilankan government in 2009,then we would not have these disputes on the figures.So who is responsible for the figure of 40000?Isn’t it the Srilankan Government.The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is lost here because the alleged perpetrator used the media blackout to wipe out the evidence.So it is upto the Srilankan government to prove that 40000 civilians did not die,and not the other way about,for the tamils to prove that 40000 did die.
Malinda is only partially educated.Education consists of knowledge+wisdom+culture.He might have the first ingredient but not the other two.