The new draft lays out more clearly the investigation by the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights into Sri Lanka.
The draft will be discussed at another informal discussion to be held in Geneva on Tuesday (18) convened by the co sponsors of the resolution.
Full text;
Draft resolution HRC 25 14 March 2014
25/1. Promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka
The Human Rights Council,
1. Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
2. Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments,
3. Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006,
4. Recalling Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1, on institution-building of the Council, and 5/2, on the code of conduct for special procedures mandate holders, of 18 June 2007,
5. Recalling also Human Rights Council resolutions 19/2 of 22 March 2012 and 22/1 of 21 March 2013 on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka,
6. Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of each State to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,
7. Reaffirming also that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as applicable,
8. Recognizing the Human Rights Council’s support of Reaffirming that all Sri Lankans to are entitled to the full enjoyment of their human rights regardless of creed, faith religion, belief, or ethnicity, in a peaceful and unified land,
9. Welcoming and acknowledging the progress made by the Government of Sri Lanka in rebuilding infrastructure, demining, and resettling the majority of internally displaced persons, but noting nonetheless that considerable work lies ahead in the areas of justice, reconciliation, land use and ownership demilitarization, and the resumption of livelihoods, and stressing the importance of the full participation of local populations, including representatives of civil society and minorities, in these efforts,
Welcoming the announcement made by the Government of Sri Lanka that elections to the Provincial Council in the Northern Province will be held in September 2013,
10. Welcoming the successful Provincial Council elections held on September 21, 2013 and in particular the high turn-out and participation in all three provinces, but noting with concern reports of election-related violence, as well as voter and candidate intimidation,
11. Expressing appreciation for the efforts of the Government of Sri Lanka in facilitating the visit of a technical mission from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and providing her with open access, and encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner, and welcoming the visit of the High Commissioner to Sri Lanka in August 2013,
12. Expressing deep concern over reported intimidation and retaliation against civil society members who engage with UN human rights mechanisms including those who met with the High Commissioner during her visit,
13. Expressing serious concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, including sexual and gender-based violence, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, threats to judicial independence and the rule of law, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society, lawyers and journalists,
14. Alarmed at the significant surge in attacks rapid rise in violence and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief, particularly against members of religious minority groups in Sri Lanka, including Hindus, Muslims and Christians,
15. Calling upon the Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority which is integral to reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all members of its population,
16. Taking note of the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of Sri Lanka, its findings and recommendations, and acknowledging its possible contribution to the process of meaningful national reconciliation in Sri Lanka,
17. Recalling the constructive recommendations contained in the Commission’s report, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, demilitarize the north of Sri Lanka, implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms, re-evaluate detention policies, strengthen formerly independent civil institutions, reach a political settlement on the devolution of power to the provinces, promote and protect the right of freedom of expression for all persons and enact rule of law reforms,
18. Taking note also of the national plan of action to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of the Government of Sri Lanka and its commitments as set forth in response to the findings and recommendations of the Commission,
19. Noting Reiterating Noting that the national plan of action does not adequately address all of the findings and constructive recommendations of the Commission, and encouraging the Government of Sri Lanka to broaden the scope of the plan to adequately address all elements of the Commission report,
20. Noting Also reiterating Noting with concern that the national plan of action and the Commission’s report do not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,
21. Emphasizing Emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to transitional justice incorporating the full range of judicial and non-judicial measures, including, among others, individual prosecutions, reparations, truth-seeking, institutional reform, vetting of public employees and officials, or an appropriately conceived combination thereof, in order to, inter alia, ensure accountability, serve justice, provide remedies to victims, promote healing and reconciliation, establish independent oversight of the security system and restore confidence in the institutions of the State and promote the rule of law in accordance with international human rights law, with a view to preventing recurrence of violations and abuses
22. Underlining underlines that truth-seeking processes, such as truth and reconciliation commissions, that investigate patterns of past human rights violations and their causes and consequences are important tools that can complement judicial processes and that, when established, such mechanisms have to be designed within a specific societal context and to be founded on broad national consultations with the inclusion of victims and civil society, including non-governmental organizations,
23. Recalling Reaffirms the responsibility of States to comply with their relevant obligations to prosecute those responsible for gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law constituting crimes under international law, with a view to end impunity;
24. Recallingthe High Commissioner’s conclusion that national mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice, and her recommendation that the Human Rights Council establish an international inquiry mechanism to further investigate the Noting the call made by the High Commissioner for an independent and credible international investigation into alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and monitor any domestic accountability processes,
25. Encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner, including with regard to technical assistance,
1. Welcomes the oral update of 25 September 2013 and the report of 24 February 2014 of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on advise and technical assistance for the Government of Sri Lanka on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka and the recommendations and conclusions contained therein, in particular including on the establishment of a truth-seeking mechanism and national reparations policy as an integral part of a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to transitional justice;
2. Calls upon Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka: to implement the recommendations made in the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner, and also calls upon the Government to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, as applicable; to hold accountable those responsible for such violations; to end continuing incidents of human rights violations and abuses in Sri Lanka; and to implement the recommendations made in the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner;
3. Reiterates its call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to implement effectively the constructive recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and to take all necessary additional steps to fulfil its relevant legal obligations and commitment to initiate credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity, accountability and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans;
4. Urges the Government of Sri Lanka to investigate all alleged attacks, by individuals and groups, on temples, mosques, and churches and to take steps to prevent future attacks; and calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to investigate and hold accountable perpetrators of attacks on places of worship, journalists, human rights defenders, members of religious minority groups, and other members of civil society, as well as on temples, mosques and churches, and further urges the Government of Sri Lanka to hold perpetrators to account and take steps to prevent such attacks in the future;
5. Calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to release publically the results of its investigations into alleged violations by security forces, including the attack on unarmed protesters in Weliweriya on August 1, 2013, and the Army Court of Inquiry report of 2013;
6. Encourages Calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to provide ensure that the Northern Provincial Council and its Chief Minister with the resources and authority necessary to govern, as required by is able to operate effectively, in line with the 13th Amendment of Sri Lanka’s constitution;
7. Welcomes the decision of the Government of Sri Lanka to facilitate the visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in December 2013, and to issue an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; and calls upon the Government to facilitate the effective implementation of durable solutions for IDPs, including the long-term displaced
7 bis. Further welcomes the invitation to the Special Rapporteurs on the Human Rights of Migrants and the Right to Education;
7 ter. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with other special procedures mandate holders and to respond formally to their outstanding requests, including long standing requests;
8. Welcomes Takes note of the High Commissioner’s recommendations and conclusions regarding ongoing human rights violations and on the need for an independent and credible international inquiry mechanism in the absence of a credible national process with tangible results, and requests the Office of the High Commissioner:
a) to continue to monitor the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and assess progress toward accountability and reconciliation, on relevant national processes;
b)to lead a comprehensive investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses ofhuman rights and related crimes by bothparties in Sri Lanka and establish the facts and circumstances of such violations and of the crimes committed with a view to avoiding impunity and ensuring accountability, with input assistance from relevant experts special procedures mandate holders as appropriate,;
c) to present an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-seventh fourth session, and a comprehensive report followed by a discussion on the implementation of the present resolution at its twenty-eighth fifth session.
9. Encourages the Office of the High Commissioner and relevant special procedures mandate holders to provide, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, advice and technical assistance on implementing the above-mentioned steps;
10. Calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner concerning the implementation of this resolution.
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K.A Sumanasekera / March 15, 2014
US comes under flak from 18 members of the UN HR committee according to the Guardian.
These HR violations , which the Swiss have pointed out only on what the Govt does to its own citizens.
The Victims are blacks and other poor ethnics.
470, 000 gun related crimes. 11,000 homicides resulting from fire arms.
Most of the victims are Blacks and other poor Ethnics.
144 innocents condemned to death, again the majority being blacks.
More Blacks and more Hispanics in prison .
Guantanomo is still going, And the Mussos are under constant watch.
And the 18 members didn’t even mention drone killings and targeted assassinations in Muslim countries, let alone the thousands of car bombings in Iraq and Millions of Refugees in Syria..
Srilanka only had a retrenchment of a Western buddie. And ransacking a couple of Bible reading premises for the last four years.
And it needs an International Investigation by the partisan HR commissioner who seem to work only on one file.
Burning_Issue / March 15, 2014
Usual tactic of the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinists! Sling mud at those who question them in the hope to show that they are as much dirty as we are!
eusense / March 15, 2014
This is not mud slinging. This the true situation, if you are unaware of any of the listed, you are a true ignorant!
Siri / March 16, 2014
comes ahead are not good for any supporters that kept the trust on MR administration. So, you are not exception. If MR feels opening highways, labs and few schools to attract people while in the same time, calling for no tenders to any of his projects, that alone proves unestimable levels of his financial corruption. MR has become number 1 enemy – to this day, if any right thinking would respect poor man´s grief.
Pandukabaya / March 16, 2014
Nuisance, This may be not mud sliding but the same old record being played time and again. Its so boring and so bloody cheap.
Yep, the US is such a bad State so why dont your ‘Bappas’ give their Residency.greend cards they are holding up. Let them be an example if they are true patriots as they pose to their gallery.
Come down to earth man. You are still in euphoria. O/L failed Mahappa & Bappas have already done enough damages to the country big time.
OutRider / March 15, 2014
It is good news for Sri Lanka that the resolution against it is being moved by a country facing censure at UNHRC for its own more serious and widespread human rights violations. Many knowledgeable observers of human rights politics believe this is the main reason the US has watered down the resolution against Sri Lanka. The US feels it would be preposterous to assume moral high ground in light of the increasingly negative perception of its record by the international community.
Please see attached article by Ed Pilkington in the Guardian [ 13 March 2014] outlining the criticisms the US is facing in Geneva:
Geneva panel share deep concerns over US record on host of different subjects, including racial inequality and Guantánamo.
The US came under sharp criticism at the UN human rights committee in Geneva on Thursday for a long list of human rights abuses that included everything from detention without charge at Guantánamo, drone strikes and NSA surveillance, to the death penalty, rampant gun violence and endemic racial inequality.
At the start of a two-day grilling of the US delegation, the committee’s 18 experts made clear their deep concerns about the US record across a raft of human rights issues. Many related to fault lines as old as America itself, such as guns and race.
Other issues were relative newcomers. The experts raised questions about the National Security Agency’s surveillance of digital communications in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations. It also intervened in this week’s dispute between the CIA and US senators by calling for declassification and release of the 6,300-page report into the Bush administration’s use of torture techniques and rendition that lay behind the current CIA-Senate dispute.
The committee is charged with upholding the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), a UN treaty that the US ratified in 1992. The current exercise, repeated every five years, is a purely voluntarily review, and the US will face no penalties should it choose to ignore the committee’s recommendations, which will appear in a final report in a few weeks’ time.
the US is clearly sensitive to suggestions that it fails to live up to the human rights obligations enshrined in the convention – as signalled by the large size of its delegation to Geneva this week. And as an act of public shaming, Thursday’s encounter was frequently uncomfortable for the US.
The US came under sustained criticism for its global counter-terrorism tactics, including the use of unmanned drones to kill al-Qaida suspects, and its transfer of detainees to third countries that might practice torture, such as Algeria. Committee members also highlighted the Obama administration’s failure to prosecute any of the officials responsible for permitting waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation” techniques under the previous administration.
Walter Kälin, a Swiss international human rights lawyer who sits on the committee, attacked the US government’s refusal to recognise the convention’s mandate over its actions beyond its own borders. The US has asserted since 1995 that the ICCPR does not apply to US actions beyond its borders – and has used that “extra-territoriality” claim to justify its actions in Guantánamo and in conflict zones.
“This world is an unsafe place,” Kälin said. “Will it not become even more dangerous if any state would be willing to claim that international law does not prevent them from committing human rights violations abroad?”
Kälin went on to express astonishment at some of America’s more extreme domestic habits. He pointed to the release this week in Louisiana of Glenn Ford, the 144th person on death row in the US to be exonerated since 1973, saying: “One hundred and forty-four cases of people wrongfully convicted to death is a staggering number.”
Pointing out the disproportional representation of African Americans on death rows, he added: “Discrimination is bad, but it is absolutely unacceptable when it leads to death.”
On guns, Kälin pointed to another “staggering figure” – that there are 470,000 crimes committed with firearms each year, including about 11,000 homicides. “We appreciate the position taken by President Obama on these issues. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done to curb gun violence.”
Among the other issues that came under the committee’s withering gaze were:
• the proliferation of stand-your-ground gun laws
• enduring racial disparities in the justice system, including large numbers of black prisoners serving longer sentences than whites;
• mistreatment of mentally-ill and juvenile prisoners;
• segregation in schools;
• high levels of homelessness and criminalization of homeless people;
• racial profiling by police, including the mass surveillance of Muslim communities by the New York police department.
The head of the US delegation, Mary McLeod, a senior official in the State Department, insisted that the country was “continually striving to improve”. She said: “While we are certainly not perfect, our network of federal, state and local institutions provide checks on government … Since the founding of our country, in every generation there have been Americans who sought to realize our constitution’s promise of equal opportunity and justice for all.”
She said that Obama was working to reduce the number of detainees in Guantánamo, insisted that drone strikes were conducted “in compliance with international law”, and argued that the NSA was under “substantial oversight” by other parts of government. The administration was taking measures to reduce disparities in racial sentencing and profiling, and the death penalty was steadily declining in the 32 states that still practiced it, McLeod noted.”
Fathima Fukushima / March 15, 2014
Further watered down.
Tamils doomed!
eusense / March 16, 2014
It should read terror supporting Tamils
Mallaiyuran / March 16, 2014
“Further watered down. ” – Correct!
“Tamils doomed! ” – not Correct!
Sri Lanka opened only one war front. Used every means it got to win that front. Killed surrendered, Used Gas Bombs, Cluster Bombs. Bombed Shelters and Hospital, Temples… After all Tamils fought this war for their freedom only
America every year opens many fronts; in many types and patterns. The principle America starts the wars are varies on variety. Because of this, America earns many enemies, including, Philosophical ones, Theoretical ones, Terrorists, Armed drug gangs, Nations with well built fighting machines. It has A.Bombs from 1940s. In that condition, if it starts to use its final power on every front on which it is active even the entire planetary system is not enough for America to burn down. So, America keeps fighting philosophically substantiated and selfish motivated wars. We, who believe we are with common sense, some times accepts it other times reject it too. Then again there critics of America. America has to balance on every thing if it has to continue the philosophically substantiated wars.
Here they apparently took an step back. Good and bad of it only will be answered by the time. At the current world’s turmoil situations Diaspora Tamils should not attempt to over influence it.
Thiru / March 15, 2014
This is a toothless version of the resolution already quietly watered down by the Congress lead Indian government and others so that they can support it.
It does not address the genocide Tamils suffered so acutely during the last 3 years of the war.
This is basically to keep Sri Lanka weaned away from China, nothing else.
Javi / March 16, 2014
Holi, Holi,
Just like 9/11
Support for Ukraine takes precedence.
India has already joined China in supporting Russia.
Why lose support when they already have Diego Garcia base??
Yankee Maruwa / March 15, 2014
There is only one way to treat this draft resolution.
Roll the paper it is typed on, take it to the Geneva City Square and make John Kerry or one of his female neocon enforcers ‘sit on it’!
Also give a plane ticket to Sumanthiran so that he also could participate in the ceremony.
Native Vedda / March 16, 2014
Yankee Maruwa
“Roll the paper it is typed on, take it to the Geneva City Square and make John Kerry or one of his female neocon enforcers ‘sit on it’!”
Okay, then what?
aratai / March 15, 2014
This is not a resolution against Sri Lanka, it looks like against Rajapakse & Co.
AVB / March 16, 2014
Yes…yes. It is this MR leadership spread the idea saying this resolution is AGAINST Sri Lanka….so all Guppies just repeat it..
This resolution is FOR the betterment of Sri Lankan people but it is AGAINST current SL administration/government …
Is this For/Against concept complicate to understand?
Real Peace / March 15, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
Your Kiribath King did not show up in London…anney…what happened to him? Is he already on the run even before the OHCHR goes into action to grill him??
K.A Sumanasekera / March 16, 2014
How cold he?..
Last time it was only the Reverend and his British Tiger Diaspora who issued the Fatwa.
Now they have Cameron on their side too… Don’t they??
I thought you are up to speed, Peace Lover !!!
Javi / March 16, 2014
But you killed the main organiser of the protest exactly for an event like this.
He even visited the Queens diamond jubilee celebrations after the Oxford egg scene without any hassle.
UNHRC(25th)resolution is not what the Brits promised
So what is MR’s problem??
Musharraf fired Blair and Cameron very badly in public and soon after he not only got refuge but the London tax payer was paying £1 million a month for his security alone at London W1 mansion for a couple of years till he decided to go back and play politics once again.
Outside the nation Lankans are cowards by nature isn’t it??
alex fernando / March 15, 2014
Firstly, Sri Lanka’s abuses are growing in the post-war context, not shrinking. Secondly, and the real issue is that impunity is rife in Sri Lanka. Abuses by security forces and other in positions of power have no check or balance. The UNCHR process has already identified some clear instances where this is true – Trinco 5, ACF-27, etc. In the meantime the army is taking land with impunity and illegally in the North and minority places of worship are attacked in the South. A 13 year old girl (and her mother) have been arrested for protesting for the return of her 15 year old brother from army custody. Given the ongoing UNHCR proceedings it shows the brazen attitude of the regime who want to show civilians in the North that they do not care about what the international community says or thinks. Only a strong resolution followed by action will change the regime’s actions or result in regime change.
Native Vadai / March 15, 2014
Tamils are the N*** of the Subcontinent–a fact that has been repeatedly demonstrated in the concept of Aryan North Indian and Aryan-Sinhala as superior. The word Kalu often used by Sinhala’s also demonstrate this intrinsic racism…
So when the monkey above is talking about US racism without realizing that the racism in Sri Lanka against Tamils is also of the same if not worse kind….
Maveeran / March 16, 2014
Tamils, Negros, whites, they all are human, except the Sinha-lanes (Singiliese) they evolved through beastality as mentioned in Mahavansa. Apparently A oig mated with a woman and gave birth to the first Sinhalese. Very much similarity between the pigs and the Modern Silhalese. They s[Edited out]
Piranha / March 15, 2014
Pure speculation. No one yet knows what the final resolution will look like. Until then no point in commenting except to say that the vote will definitely be against the Rajapaksa regime for the third time.
It is funny that the Sinhala people who are watching their country being dragged through the mud by the corrupt and criminal Rajapaksa brothers are staying silent or are defending the regime. Do they consider the Rajapaksa regime and Sri Lanka are the same? If they valued their country they should help get rid of Rajapaksa in order to bring back democracy and good governance to the country.
Javi / March 16, 2014
“definitely be against the Rajapaksa regime for the third time.”
Catch SL King Kong!
You have to hang upside down and make a noise like a banana.
Tony Waters / March 16, 2014
The strongest point made (repeatedly) by Minister Peiris is that other countries have been guilty of human rights abuses and war crimes (e.g. the U.S. in Iraq, specifically in Fallujah) with no action taken by the international community. Even after the publication of a UN Report which concluded that war crimes were committed by the Israeli forces in Gaza (The Goldstone Report) nothing was done about it. Israel had refused to co-operate with the Goldstone Commission, just as Sri Lanka is now refusing to co-operate, and this fact was later used to undermine the validity of the Report.
That said, it has never been a valid defense that someone else did the same thing, and got away with it.
I have been reading “Corrupted Journalism: Channel 4 and Sri Lanka,” a book published by Engage Sri Lanka in 2013. I was surprised how powerful a case the authors make, well supported by good sources, that the Channel 4 documentaries were extraordinarily, and unprofessionally, biased.
AVB / March 16, 2014
I do care about Iraqis, Afghans. But I love my Tamil, Muslim, Christian brothers and sisters in SL more. I want all of them to live with dignity and respect, and want all of them to really feel and experience SL as their country as I do, and them to teach their children the same.
As a member of the majority, I believe I have more responsibility here. After I solve my brothers problems in SL, I would love to help Iraqis and Afghans or whoever need help…
What do you think Tony, am I talking bulls..t in your thinking??
Palayang yako! / March 20, 2014
Tony Waters:
Would you be so kind as to provide us with the relevant information regarding the publication for which you have so much praise: names and affiliations of the authors, who financed the publication of the material etc.
I trust you won’t go into hiding under someone’s satakaya in order to avoid providing relevant information about something you describe as follows:”I have been reading “Corrupted Journalism: Channel 4 and Sri Lanka,” a book published by Engage Sri Lanka in 2013. I was surprised how powerful a case the authors make, well supported by good sources, that the Channel 4 documentaries were extraordinarily, and unprofessionally, biased.”
Apart from the SL government, its paid lackeys like the human Propellor Peiris, can you name ONE REPUTABLE commentator who compares the CH4 documentaries ADVERSELY with anything the SL government has to say?
We await your response.
Unreal / March 16, 2014
Year after year US goes to UNHRC with a provisional draft proposal against SL, raising the hopes of Tamils.
As days pass, US trims, prunes, waters down, its own draft to soothe the voting nations of UNHRC, particularly to accommodate India’s ‘modus vivendi’. US is satisfied with this ‘modus operandi’.
Meanwhile Tamils lose their sleep over irresolute US.
How do you explain this conduct of US … .
Don’t be intrigued. SL should be having a catch against India!
Patriot / March 16, 2014
I think 8b is now very clear. The OHCHR is to “lead” a “comprehensive investigation”. I do think paragraphs 8 and 9 need to be swapped. Paragraph 9 is about advice to the GOSL on tasks recommended to it. Paragraph 8 does not have any tatks assigned to the GOSL. Therefore, to avoid any confusion, the two need to be swapped so that “above-mentioned” steps does not include the current paragraph 8.
Patriot / March 16, 2014
Also noteworthy is the removal of the word “govern” from operating paragraph 6. I wondered about that when I read the first draft. The NPC does not have the power to govern. Those powers are with the Sinhalese Governor appointed by Colombo – An obvious mistake in the draft that has now been corrected.
This careful, well thought out, well reasoned process at the UN should indicate to everyone that the fate of SL is now in the hands of diplomats sitting in Geneva and New York. It is no longer a question of whether an international intervention will occur. It is occurring – right now.
If I was the GOSL, I would start being really nice to Tamil leaders on the Island and in the Diaspora. The GOSL is going to be dragged back to the negotiating table kicking and screaming like a snotty nosed, spoilt, misbehaving toddler (after getting a couple of slaps to the backside), and sitting on the other side of the negotiating table will be Ananthi Sasitharan and Balendran Jayakumari. Standing behind them will be the US and the UK. They will be there to finalize the borders of the new Tamil state, and they are not going to be in a charitable mood.
mj / March 16, 2014
Sri Lanka main opposition UNP raises accusing finger towards journalists for new Channel 4 video issue
[ Sunday, 16 March 2014, 03:34.06 AM GMT +05:30 ]
UNP say’s new footages of Channel 4 is true.state media journalists who covered the final phase and selected private TV stations betrayed the Army as well as the Govenment of Sri Lanka.
The Sri Lanka’s main opposition United National Party, in the recent past, has made some strong statements about the UNHRC crisis, as well as the human rights track record of the country, taking a calculated risk in terms of being in the good books of traditional Sinhala-Buddhist voters.
Soon after the latest Channel 4 video was released, Lakshman Kiriella, a senior UNP Parliamentarian and Leadership Council member, made a strong statement saying the government should investigate the new footage.
During the inquiry, Kiriella said, the government should question state media journalists who covered the final phase of war as they, according to him, are responsible for leaked images and footage.
“Channel 4 said they got video clips from the British Tamil Forum. The truth is that the images and video clips were leaked by those who covered the final stage of war,” Kirella alleged.
“The government got into trouble due to their own myopic actions. There was no transparency during the final phase of war. No international correspondents were allowed in the war zone,” he flayed.
Only state media and selected private TV stations were allowed to cover the war. Finally, they betrayed the Army as well as the government,” he pointed out.
“Some of the journalists, who covered the final stage of war, are not even in the country. Now those who covered the war with the blessings of the government have got the Army into trouble,” he charged.
But the Army vehemently denies this story saying journalists who covered the final phase of war acted in a highly responsible manner, according to reports.
SL Army should let the Sri Lankan government talk.
Thondamannar / March 16, 2014
Kerry needs to stick that fonger of his up his……….
Those in glass houses should no undress with lights on sans curtains.
Rohan / March 16, 2014
Patriot, man you have great imagination, almost dillusional . What you State will never happen, but there is almost 80-90% chance that NE will have a Sinhala/ Muslim majority within the next 10 years. … Problem solved :). All the Tamils can live in scharborough :))))
Leslie Godakumbura / March 17, 2014
Why are some of the CT comment makers pouring buckets
of tears.
That scholarly, efficient and suave External Affairs
Minister, G.L. Peiris, like a thundering typhoon, has
hit out at the Human Rights Council. He has rejected
their accusations outright and even criticised the
countries that voted for the US resolutions in the
past years.
President Percy Mahinda (soon to be Bahinda) Rajapaksa
has said come hell or high water he will not given in.
Why should he? It is not America but Sri Lanka that is
a super power. It has the military power to invade
For how long will all this big talk last? Certainly
NOT forever. That is very clear.