21 January, 2025


Full Text: US Draft Resolution On Sri Lanka To UNHRC Leaked

Navi Pillay

The US-sponsored resolution calling for an independent and credible investigation into Sri Lanka is leaked.  To read the draft resolution on Sri Lanka to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council click here

Navi Pillay


Latest comments

  • 20

    This resolution has nothing new. Anything harsher than this won’t pass the council. This resolution thing is getting old and a drag for many countries. Soon the international response would be scrap this repeated resolution business. Let Sri Lanka which is a sovereign country manage its affairs. Tamils are a minority but they have all the rights what the Sinhalese have. They need to learn to live like other minorities in every country around the world. They are no special race!

    • 18

      I think you are living in stone age. Have ever heard terms ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’?

      • 10

        NAMS – Eusense is just a remnant of the stone age!

      • 4

        NAMS, surely you haven’t heard of Vladmir Putin.

      • 7

        Another parroting idiot, Tamils have all the rights that other ethnic groups enjoy here. Have some gratefulness.

        • 5

          It is for the Tamils to judge!

          Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

          • 6

            Please list all the rights that Sinhalese have but not the Tamils.

            • 3


              For a change, please list the rights the Tamils share with the Sinhalese and I will then point out what you have missed.
              I am asking this favour because the Tamils have been voicing their problems for several decades and they seem to have fallen on deaf ears. I want to gauge the depth of your understanding of the ‘ Tamil Problem’.


              • 4

                I asked you a question. Shouldn’t you answer it? Why talking about “for a change”?
                Anyway, let me answer your query: Tamils share ALL THE RIGHTS what Sinhalese have.

                What kind of a doctor are you?

                • 3

                  Dr RN is a GOOD Doctor.
                  I asked you questions – you did not answer.

                • 2

                  @Eusense, a man with no sense. Bugger, I wrote something to you in another string and you never replied, why? Yes, Tamils share all the rights…………in civilized foreign countries with others. The decent Sinhalese also share the same rights with others in civilized countries. But in Lanka, the uneducated thugs who support these goons have all the rights and the decent ones are either murdered, assaulted or just simply disappear.

                  • 3

                    In general I do check few posts from people and decide whether it is a waste of time for me to reply. I guess you fell into the “waste of time” category. Even your post here falls to the same category but as a favor I will reply.

                    First staying with topic I raised here, give me the list of rights the Sinhalese have but not Tamils.
                    What is this “thug” story? Are thugs murdering and assaulting only the Tamils? If so give me a list (links) where such things have happened to Tamils after the end of terror war.

                • 2

                  Does it matter what kind of a doctor I am?

                  I asked you a legitimate question in response, to gauge your understanding of the basis for the ‘ Tamil Problem’. If you think the Tamils have all the rights the Sinhalese have, in real life, despite what we have gone through as a country for several decades and also think that with the decimation of the dastardly LTTE the Tamil problem is over, any attempt by me to explain, will be like blowing a conch in a deaf man’s ear, This is not your individual fault, but a collective national frailty that is blighting this country. You are a victim as we Tamils are of a political system that is majoritarian in nature and has become increasingly dictatorial. The state is also beginning to trample on the rights of the Sinhalese themselves. It is increasingly intolerant of even Sinhala dissent and democratic rights. Wake up before it is too late.

                  Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

                  • 4

                    Dr. Naren,
                    You say “I asked you a legitimate question in response, to gauge your understanding of the basis for the ‘ Tamil Problem’.”.
                    Isn’t it commonsense that you first answer the question I posed and then you question me? In spite of that I answered your question, which was: “Tamils share ALL THE RIGHTS what Sinhalese have.”. But you are yet to answer my question. You are beating around the bush without giving the list of problems you have. I can’t even imagine why. Keeping it a secret is not going to help you!
                    Did I say decimation of the LTTE is the end of the problem? You are saying that. But for sure it solved some problems, like innocent civilians can freely go around with their business with out the fear of getting blasted in to pieces.

                    At the moment we are discussing what you call “Tamil problems”. The political environment that is prevailing in SL is a separate issue. You say “It is increasingly intolerant of even Sinhala dissent and democratic rights. Wake up before it is too late.” You need not worry, I am confident that the patriotic voters will take care of that at the next elections. But never like the violent path which the LTTE took.

                    You said ‘Does it matter what kind of a doctor I am?” It does matter to me because there are so many kinds of doctors today, who do not deserve such titles!

            • 2


              When are you going to get some sense?

              Despite government claims of peace, torture and abductions continue to be used to stifle ethnic and political dissent.

              “In a report earlier this year, Human Rights Watch documented 75 cases of alleged rape and sexual abuse that occurred from 2006-2012 in both official and secret detention centers throughout Sri Lanka. Many of these abuses occurred after the hostilities ended in 2009 and include victims who had returned to their homeland to visit family or rebuild their lives in the new and peaceful post-war country.”

              “Whilst Tamils make up the largest number of human rights abuse complainants in Sri Lanka, the government is now accused of cracking down on dissent in the majority Sinhalese population too. We talk with the brother of a high-profile newspaper editor shot dead in 2009 and hear how threats and abductions have driven 23 journalists from the country in recent years.”

              • 3

                There are no remedies against hallozinations of some people. They seem to have no interest to compare them with facts and figures.

                I know myself, that tamil students at Peradeniya faced enormous difficulties being unable to exchange with their fellow sinhalese batchas. It was all because langauge barrier. Actually, that is common to many who later got to europe too. If you are in France, without knowing french, you will have to face all set of problems.

                Back to lanka:What kind of torments that the freshers had to go through specially during the first few months of unbearable rag sessions. Rag sessions in lanken Unis in general are inhuman. If you were from south, you were punished several more times. If you were colmobo or other areas, you were attacked mulitiple times by ones who come from rural areas.

    • 7


      The Tamils do understand they are no special race. The problem is that the Sinahla race think that the Tamils are an inferior race.

      I agree Sri Lanka is a sovereign country that should be allowed to manage its own affairs. The problem is Sri Lanka is incapable of managing its own affairs.

      • 4

        SL govt must show espect to all people including singhala. corrupt ministers are at large. president is silent. no wonder people need outside help. Govt must show people of the country that they can handle problems with respect.

        • 3

          What are the reasons president to ignore any wrong doings of his cabinet ministers, parliamentarians, PC ministers NOT forgetting pradesheeya saba candidates ?

          Listen to your conscience please ? Then that can lead you and the folk to see the TRUTH.

          How can highly corrupted bunch of thieves be the president, speaker, minister of economic develoments, secretary of Defence and urban plannig ?

          Either people should be irreparably stupid, or these Rajapakshe men are overly brutal to make nation like them. ::: but very same folks would not see it again. Now the time has come Rajapakshe idiots to get cornered.

      • 1

        you couldnt have said it better BBS rep!

      • 4

        As far as I am concerned I never consider/ed Tamils as an inferior race. Most of my classmates at Peradeniya were Tamils. The only difficulty I had with some Tamils was most spoke no or very little Sinhalese and little English. This group always stuck together and did not socialize with the Sinhalese and the Tamils from Colombo/Kandy areas. The same was true for Sinhalese who came from village areas who spoke little English and they had their own social groups. I guess it might have been a cultural thing but there was no animosity or a feel of superior/inferiority. Anyhow, all did well and during a recent visit I met most of them (Tamils speaking fluent Sinhalese) who are practicing our profession in the south.

        • 1

          Dear Eusense,
          I was also at Peradeniya, once upon a time,as an undergraduate, assistant lecturer and lecturer. The Peradeniya, I came to know was quite different from the one I left. I revolted the day I was given the Sinhala version of the 1972 constitution to sign allegiance to. I refused. There were no Tamil or English translations. However, an English translation was procured later. I am trilingual and was so when I joined Peradeniya as a student, I noticed the Tamil students from the north and east learned to speak Sinhala quite quickly. But the Sinhala students hardly learned to even speak Tamil. I saw the communal divide, become wider during by association with Peradeniya.

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

          • 1

            This reminds me at the time Orleans hurricane disaster, a couple of years ago, took the lives of few thousands of americans, only afro amies were constrast on CNN. Euroepean point of view, people felt that the blacks in america still today suffer a lot.So my friends from Texas explained me not many white americans are living on those disaster prone areas in that country. I think even if the americans speak for the rights of almost everyone today, themselves not safeguarding the rights of own citizens. Still today, significant fractions in american among those who are not priviledged to run good lives are the blacks.

            Btw, your inputs reminded me of my hostel stay at Hilda Ob in late 80ties.

          • 4

            Dr, narendran,
            As a young man you must have been quite an agitator! I don’t think its a bad thing anyway. So you got what you wanted, an English translation. Did you also get a Tamil translation? Being trilingual, I am sure you were able to read it in Sinhalese. So, why did you make this big fuss?
            As I explained to a poster below, learning another language other than your mother tongue should not be considered a humiliation but a helping hand to better your self in life. As a Sinhalese that need did not arise for me (other than learning a few Tamil sentences) because I was in the central area of the country. If I had to work in Jaffna I would have gladly learned Tamil because I could gain financially by having a larger population under my care.
            In my mind people who talk about “Sinhala/Tamil only” and other language issues are unenthusiastic, lazy, unproductive souls who mostly rely on government handouts. Imagine the migrants who settled down in the US refused to learn English and instead ask for a separate country so that they can use their language.

            • 1

              Eusense ,

              There was a principle involved. The Sinhala version was provided to all the Tamil assistant lecturers, most of whom could not read Sinhalese. Even my Sinhalese is not of the calibre that I can read and understand a constitution.
              Would it have been acceptable to you, if a document in Tamil had been presented to you to swear allegiance to?

              The Sinhala majoritarianism that the Tamils resent, demands and even expects that everything that is acceptable to the Sinhalese, should be acceptable to the Tamils. It assumes that what is good for the Sinhalese, is also good for the Tamils. This is the political culture that I and other Tamils find revolting, but you accept. I will never speak in Tamil, even if there is one Sinhalese amongst a group of Tamils. I will make sure he is comfortable by talking in English, Sinhala or translating for him the conversation in Tamil. I will stand next to him and engage him, to make sure he is comfortable,

              I hope this example explains the essence of the ‘ Tamil Problem’ to the Sinhalese and the ‘ Sinhala problem’ to the Tamils. It is an inconsiderate,selfish and perverse attitude that manifests in many insidious, but ugly forms that have become the ‘ Sri Lankan problem’ to the world today. I hope this reply will give you a clue as to the rights the Tamils are deprived of in this country! In spells down to being not treated with consideration in the political and social life of this country,

              Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

              • 3

                You stated that you are trilingual, the reason I thought you can read Sinhalese. In that case it is reasonable to ask for a translation. So, you were not an agitator! You need to state facts upfront so people won’t misunderstand you. You may also have found out that many senior Sinhalese faculty also could not read Sinhalese. Even my late father fell into this category. Also, I had to pass a Tamil proficiancy test to continue my employment. How many Sinhalese agitated for that?
                Can you list what is good for the Sinhalese but not good for the Tamils? I have basically asked you this question several times but you refuse to answer! Do you know any country where there is different set of rules for the minority because the rules for the majority does not suite the minority? You speaking english in the presence of sinhaleseas deprived rights of Tamils?
                Let me tell you, the problems you are talking about are not even close to what minorities in other countries have. The Tamils as minority did not undergo even a fraction of hardships that the blacks had to undergo to win their rights. Even today they are subjected to so much discrimination in every aspect of their life.
                This my advice to you, think as a Sri lankan not as a Tamil and work hard to improve your life. Tamils in kandy and Colombo have done so and they are enjoying their lives.
                By the way I was shocked to see you ganging up with ‘native vedda’ below writing about ‘mad cow’ to insult me. I thought you are an interlectual!

                • 1

                  Here I disagree with you even if you addressed it to Dr. N.

                  I have met tamils that were disicriminated by srilanken laws in the country. Can you tell me as one who spent your graduate days at Pera, how did you find it that tamil mates had not had the same chances that the sinhalese in general. It was just the langauge barrier. Most of them the tamils were not well conversant either of langagues(English/sinhala). And most of sinhalese students had problems with English and Tamil but not in Sinhala langague. Majority of university students are sinhalese not tamils. So how can anyone agree with you reiterating that those tamils have no problems similar to those of the blacks in the states or SA earlier times.

                  • 3

                    Sam a,
                    You seem to have got me wrong. Blacks in the US did not have the right to vote, own land, have a university education, dine with the whites, had to sit at the back of the bus until few decades ago. These are the real problems minorities had. Not speaking a language is not a handicap or discrimination to a motivated minority person. Tamils are living in a population where 85% speak Sinhalese. Shouldn’t it occure to them that they should learn Sinhalese to improve their lives? What happen when Tamils migrate to the west, do they resent learning English? Why do they consider learning Sinhalese as a humiliation and discrimination against them when they are living in Sri lanka? How are many Tamil professionals and businesmen doing so well in Colombo and the south? Iimagine if these people decided not to learn sinhalese! My personal belief is that Tamils who speak out on language problem are lazy, unproductive and lack motivation to better themselves.
                    What Sri lankan laws did you find discriminatory towards Tamils?

                    • 1

                      what areu bubbling ?, I have met tamils that say most of offices use only Sinhala in the areas where tamils are dominated ? Many of them I met are tamils coming from nothern and eastern parts of the country but later sought political asylum in Europe. As one who travel through Europe today, I am well aware of the facts these tamils were cornered in their home country. May be some progress in those field have made already, but we are talking about the siutation in the past – few decades ago.
                      Laws can be read equal but as we know the reality,whether most of them work in compliance with those paragraghs ?

                      This we know today than no times in the past. Today, we still have the law and order that is limited to the books. How many of the victims in the country have seen the fair verdicts to their cases ?
                      What happened to Dumind silva ? Can he be free and enjoy freedom if lanken laws functioned unbiased in the last few years?

                      What happened to former CJ(or even valid to this day)Dr.SB and the impeachment that removed her from the office for nothing but to revenge her – are u in the view that PSC appointed by President was fair ? Did you check it by yourself with the provisions in the constituation ? Let alone the manner she was treated all abusive manner (thothbaba, me gani… and all abusive filth)she faced in that issue ?

                      You talk about laws against tamils ? I di dnot live in the country for the last 2 decades, but I am alert with our issues since then. If you still live there, you should better know all these more than I do, what would help you make all efforts to cover them, even today ?

                  • 3

                    You keep on repeating the same. Just because one repeats something it does not mean it is the reality. You very well know the LTTE’s terror reign for over 30 years wiped out a whole generation of Tamil youth by forcing them to fight. Imagine how many educated Tamils Sri lanka lost because of this. In fact, the Tamils should go to UNHRC against the LTTE, its remnants and current affiliates for justice!
                    As I wrote earlier language barrier is not a hindrance to any one who has the heart to be progressive. Minorities all over the world have shown this. There are Tamils and Sinhalese in Italy who are doing well economically because they have the drive to learn the language and better them selves. How many years have the Tamils lived in SL? The ones who had the drive learned what ever Sinhalese they needed to thrive. You say you live outside SL. Do you recent that your new country doesn’t supply you with Tamil translations? Why are you having double standards when it comes to SL?
                    I have to be honest with you, I never take stories of asylum seekers as the truth.
                    You also talk about the corruption of Rajapakse gov. I too agree with you on these issues, but I consider that as separate from the Tamils issue you are talking about. I am confident that the people of Sri lanka will take care of this at the next election or even an uprising similar to the Arab spring.

                    • 0

                      Sorry, if it sounded, as If I repeated, but my last comment was to your questions raised in the last para of your comment (eusense March 9, 2014 at 4:17 am)

                      “What Sri lankan laws did you find discriminatory towards Tamils?”

                      Do you recent that your new country doesn’t supply you with Tamil translations? Why are you having double standards when it comes to SL?


                      is this doublestandards ?

                      I know these countries in Europe provide tamils and other minority migrants their own translations, if they consider it is compulsory. I knew some tamils known to me from Germany and France did their driving tests in their own langauge.
                      It is not right to compare their situation in Europe with that of these situations that they faced in their country of origin -which is srilanka. Besides, as it is for us sinhalese, they the tamils and other minorities should have the same rights in their country of origin than in their new habitats. Latter is comphrehesible to anyone with average knowledge.
                      Among the asylum seekers, you cant put all in one drawer and there are though many or them for economic reasons.

                      You also talk about the corruption of Rajapakse gov. I too agree with you on these issues, but I consider that as separate from the Tamils issue you are talking about. I am confident that the people of Sri lanka will take care of this at the next election or even an uprising similar to the Arab spring.

                      In the last para of your comment, it shows that yo are about to see things bit clearly. Looking at the manner they current rulers went through after the war is no longer there, I truly believe, they would never be able to reach at least the basics for the final aim-which is sustainable peace among all folks.

                      My only wish is all srilankens to enjoy equal rights regardless of race,religion and other parameters. Lawmakers should be exemplary paving the way this ultimate aim to be dawn.

                    • 0

                      See the fact that Hakeem – country´s minister of justice to leak important facts related to lanken intelligence lately could have been saved if the ministries under MR did their job safeguarding the rights of muslim fellow citizens. Instead GOVT did nothing in fair of the rights of muslim srilankens. Their pvt properties were vandalized by BBS monks with police standing next them as onlookers those scenes closely.
                      So as the current regime boast about their progress, why should Hakeem have sent those reports to such countries in the middle east, if muslim congress was satisfied as one powerful of the consituents of the ruling coalition?

                    • 0

                      Please check the link to know more about the very human face of Rajapakshe administration


                      The innocient people are guned down. Poor mothers lost their only children that protected those mothers.

                • 2


                  I can read Sinhalese, though at a slow pace. Further, I am not familiar with many words that have come into usage in Sinhala, over the decades. I have clearly stated that my Sinhala is not good enough to understand a constitution writer in that language,

                  I resigned from my position at Peradeniya, after I had to run for my life to escape from a mob that was chasing me during the 1977 riots. I was also looted of everything I possessed and left destitute. My wife lost even her Thali. Peradeniya University refused to provide accommodation on campus for me and my family, under even these circumstances, because I was not senior enough! I had to run for my life only because I , a Tamil , had chosen to live among the Sinhalese in Kiribathkumbura!

                  I am a Tamil Sri Lankan and am proud of it, I am not an Eelamite. However, I am proud of my identity as a Tamil and have a strong sense of belonging to this country. I live in Sri Lanka yet, despite having worked abroad for long years, because of circumstances.

                  As I had referred to in my last comments, there are many circumstances in both deed and word, the Tamils are made to feel second class or unwanted citizens in this country, to which they have equal rights as any Sinhalese, though they are in smaller numbers. The Tamils here are not comparable to the Blacks in the US. The Tamils are co-owners of this country. We cannot be told to go to Tamil Nadu, every time we complain about the problems we face! We cannot be forced to sing the national anthem in Sinhalese, in denial of the right to sing it in Tamil we had,from the time the anthem was adopted and a Tamil version- very beautiful and meaningful- was approved. We welcome Sinhalese to comeand live in our midst in the north and east, but on their own volition, but not sponsored and backed by governments, whose intentions are suspect, because of the ‘ once bitten, twice shy’ syndrome we have been forced to develop.

                  On paper, the minorities, are equal citizens in this country. However, in practice, the Sinhalese are more equal than the Tamils and Muslims. I do not blame the Sinhala people for this situation. I consider them an admirable people and my kin. They are my best friends from the time I was a child. However in day to life, politically and socially, the Tamils are disadvantaged and made to feel insecure and unsafe. There are problems that all citizens, including the Sinhalese face and share in this country, But the Tamils for a long time and the Muslims more recently, are disadvantaged and face special and specific problems because of their communal identity.

                  The worst is the damage being inflicted on the history of the Tamils in this island. Please drive towards Anuradhapura on the Colombo- Puttalam road and observe how ancient Tamil place names are being Sinhalized. This is only a visible aspect of what is being engineered on much wider scale, both subtly and blatantly.

                  I am sure you can take your time to study the issues that I have provided pointers to, understand what the’Tamil Problem’ is and its depth.

                  Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

                  • 1

                    Well said DR RN. Eusense would not understand what you have written. That is the problem. There are so many of them like this Eusense. All brain washed…

                  • 3

                    I feel ashamed to hear your experience in 1977. I hope your intellectual ability will recognize that only a minority of Sinhalese indulge in this kind of practices. In every population there is a small percentage who are extremists. That is the very reason I do not resent all Tamils for what the LTTE did to SL for 30 long years. I do condemn every one who indulge in violence, irrespective of their racial ancestry.
                    I feel good to hear your statement “I am a Tamil Sri Lankan and am proud of it”. It means you have hope. I hope the people of SL will soon realize that our rulers are taking us all for a ride and vote them out. I also resent the often used phrase “Sinhala Buddhist country”. We need to separate religion from governance and politics. To me religion in SL is harming the country than helping it.
                    I am puzzled why you state Tamils are made to feel second class or unwanted citizens. As I have written before as a Sinhalese I do not try to judge others. Of course one might not socialize with some one who can’t communicate with you and that does not mean they are second class. By the way, Blacks have higher generational histories than some whites. How can you say that they are not comparable to Tamils?
                    I am afraid, some of your argumentative points are childish. No one asks the Tamils to go to Tamil Nadu (except Sinhalese readers similar to Native Vedda’s mentality), National anthem of any country is sung by that countries main language. In the US it is sung in English but the Spanish speaking US citizens (25% of population)seems OK with that. Personally, I don’t care in what language it is sung! Do you really have to lose sleep on these issues? Your statement “We welcome Sinhalese to come and live in our midst in the north and east…..” to me implies that NE belong to you! I don’t think that is a wise statement. Every citizen should be able to settle down anywhere they want within Sri Lanka whether they are Sinhalese or Tamil!!
                    Remember, your scenario “‘ once bitten, twice shy’ syndrome we have been forced to develop..” apply to the Sinhalese too, after 30 years of terrorist activities which originated from the NE. So, don’t expect much support from the Sinhalese to remove the Military from the NE soon.
                    You say “The worst is the damage being inflicted on the history of the Tamils in this island.” Do you accept that the terror activity of the LTTE is also partially responsible for that? Most retaliations against the Tamils were secondary to some kind of violence they initiated. This make room for opportunistic Sinhalese politicians to further their agenda. I am not sure whether those Tamil leaders were ignorant of that.
                    I don’t know what you mean by “Tamil place names are being Sinhalized.”. Are you saying they have changed names of villages and towns? if so which are they?

                • 1


                  I did not try to insult you personally with my reply to the Mad Cow Disease comment. I only pointed out that all of us are afflicted with a similar syndrome, due to the communal virus introduced into our body politic. In fact, I made it clear that you should not be singled out. What I was getting across was that we have been desensitised to the problems of our fellow beings. I apologise, if I have inadvertently insulted you.

                  You are advising Tamils including me to work harder to succeed in life. We work hard enough already, not only to get what we have, but also to recoup what we have lost due to bad governance in Sri Lanka. The question is why should the Tamils work harder than anyone else to get and keep what is their’s by right? Should we run twice as hard to stand in the same place, due to the various obstacles placed in our way? Is that right? In fact, we have been pushed back from where we were, due to circumstances imposed on us, most times violently.

                  Incidentally, our problems did not begin with and end with the LTTE, as perceived by many Sinhalese. The LTTE was only a malevolent manifestation of our reaction to our problems, Our problems yet continue, despite our being rendered a shadow of ourselves due to the combined efforts of the governments and the LTTE.

                  I am a proponent that all Tamils should be trilingual. Not because they are minority in the country , which is also theirs by inheritance and long history, but because they should have the ability to communicate with their non-Tamil speaking Sinhala brethren and be able to be part of the larger world. This bridge has to be built. However, the same need exists for the Sinhalese to learn Tamil and English. I appreciate the feeble attempts being made to make this country Tri-lingual. However, I have my doubts as to extent this endeavour will succeed, given the political climate.

                  Liberate us to live the life we want to, at least in places where we are a regional majority, within Sri Lanka. We can be then Tamil and Sri Lankan, without reservations about the latter, while doing our mite to improve ourselves, the way we want to, without hindrance. Through this we will also contribute to making this country better. We want to live without fear or favour at least in areas where we can make decisions about our lives, ourselves. If we can live without reservations or fear in all parts of this island, it will be a bonus, Give the same concessions to all provinces. If this is done, Sri Lanka will become not only a just, but also an equitable and prosperous nation. There is nothing like fair competition among us, to drive us forward.

                  Is this too much to ask!

                  Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

                  • 3

                    I am saying “work hard” to every one who needs to progress. Even to Sinhalese I say learn English, Tamil and even more languages, It is not a humiliation but an asset. Did you stress to your children and grand children the importance of learning Sinhalese for a better future or did you advised them not to learn Sinhalese? I need an answer to this question from you.

                    Effects of bad governance also affected the Sinhalese. Most Tamils forget that the majority of Sinhalese are in a worse situation than the Tamils. Who is looking after their interests? UNHRC?? The Sinhalese were subjected to violence by one of the most brutal terror groups for 30 years. Yes, “we have been pushed back from where we were, due to circumstances imposed on us always violently.”.
                    Again, you talk about your “secretive” Tamil problems. Is there anything else other than the “language/translation” and “not having the national anthem in Tamil” problem? Sadly part of the responsibility for Tamil “problems” goes to LTTE. I hope this proved to the Tamil agitators that violence make things worse. Do you think Tamils are going to solve their problems by this false propaganda and other accusations and brutalizing Sinhalese at the UNHRC? Such activity tend to marginalize Tamils more. Sadly, most Tamil leaders are ignorant of how to get their problems solved. They all think confrontational approach through the UNHRC would be the best option.
                    Why do you think living in a regional majority area will only bring you all what you want in life? Most Tamils living in the South have achieved this being not in a majority region. How is that? Tamils who are most wealthy and the best professionals all live in Colombo and its suburbs. What hindrances do they have? Why those people are not asking for separatism like you?
                    The way you wish for Tamils, a country like the US will end up having over 50 separate nations within it!

                    • 0

                      I reply briefly to your two responses,

                      1. My children can speak Sinhalese quite competently and count more Sinhalese than Tamils as their friends.

                      2. eg: Pallawi is being increasingly referred to as Pallawiya and Udappu, as Uddappuwa.

                      3. The US has 50 + States and they have what are called a’ State Governments ‘ with considerable powers . Do not let the word Nations’ used in a political context in reference to the Sinhalese and Tamils, negate the need for extensive devolution of power to the periphery.

                      4. As I have said, LTTE was only a manifestation of Tamil problems and was malevolent. It subjected the Tamils to much more violence than the Sinhalese. We, as a family were victims of its malevolence also. The Tamil problems started long before the LTTE and continue after it.

                      5. The national anthem is sung in more than one language in several countries. Tamil is an official language in Sri Lanka on paper. Sinhala is not the only official language in Sri Lanka. Further, the national anthem has been sung in Tamil for several decades, until after the last war ended. Why was an existing practice stopped?

                      6. You have been repeatedly asking me to describe what the Tamil problems are? I have given you pointers to what they are. Singing the national anthem in Tamil for instance is importance to us. We consider it our right , as a community that has a place by right in this country. Most of us are not migrants or visitors. We are natives. Even the Tamils of Indian origin have been here for centuries now and this country belongs to them too.

                      Wounds inflicted on the Tamil psyche were grave. The infliction of wounds have not ceased yet. It is very subtle and covert. Only, the victims can feel it, as only a mother can feel the pains of childbirth! There is no doubt that the Tamils also see ghosts where there are none, because of previous experiences. This government is trying to make the Sinhalese to see such ghosts too, where there are none!

                      7. Several leading lights in this country have repeatedly and to this day keep on telling the Tamils to go back to Tamil Nadu, if they do not like how things are here in Sri Lanka. This is the most insulting to me as a Tamil.

                      8. Any attempt to change the demographics by the government in the north is unacceptable, while the Tamils have no objections to Sinhalese coming to live in their midst voluntarily. No more Weli Oyas should have been created from Manal Arus after the war! However, a Namalpura and Agbopura have been created quite surreptitiously in Vavuniya,nrecently.

                      Do not forget that the Tamils from the north and east returned to live in the cities in the South, after their wholesale withdrawal post-1983, only because of the subsequent war situation. They are unable to go back now, because their lives are somewhat rooted-employment, children’s education etc.,- in these cities now. This does not mean they are not insecure. This sense of insecurity has increased tremendously after the recent anti-Muslim events.

                      Thanks for engaging and exchanging views. Please interact with Tamils in all walks of life more to understand they face as Tamils.

                      Dr. RN

          • 2

            Dr. Rajasinghan Narendran

            Nuisance needs treatment for mad cow disease. I hope you can cure her in the fullness of time.

            • 1

              Native Vedda,

              Unfortunately, ‘ Mad Cow Disease’ has no cure. It results in a slow and pathetic death, with progressing damage to the brain and the resulting systemic failure! This is nation syndrome in Sri Lanka and the results are quite visible for everyone other than us to see. All of us are victims, I will not single out Eusense.

              Dr. RN

              • 2

                Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

                Though I am not a trained veterinarian I managed to get the diagnosis right. Thanks for confirming my diagnosis of this disease which is widespread among the men and women of this island.

                Nuisance represents vast majority of those who suffer from ‘Mad Cow Disease’, brain dead, bent on self destruction, ………..infectious, ……….

        • 1


          “The only difficulty I had with some Tamils was most spoke no or very little Sinhalese and little English.”

          Do you speak ***Tamil***?

          “This group always stuck together and did not socialize with the Sinhalese and the Tamils from Colombo/Kandy areas.”

          Did you try to socialise with them?
          It looks like you want Tamils to speak Sinhala and not the other way round. This is how the problem started. PMs started colonising N&E and then forced Sinhala language on Tamils.

          • 2

            I could understand most spoken Tamil but “speak” only a few sentences that were relevant to practicing my profession which deal with all kinds of people on a daily basis. If not for my profession I wouldn’t have the need to learn Tamil because where I lived every one spoke Sinhalese or English that included the Tamils.
            I did socialize with Tamils in my class who spoke English. Only a few Tamils did not speak English.
            To be frank your two questions led me to analyze the situation you are talking about.
            It is not that I want Tamils to speak Sinhala, it is for the best interest of the Tamils for them to learn speak Sinhalese if they want to get ahead in a country where Sinhalese is spoke by 85% of the people. As a Tamil if you move to the US or Canada would you not learn English? What would have been the future of the Italians, Germans, French, Swedes and the Spanish who migrated to the US did not want to learn English.
            Almost every Tamil in my class learnt Sinhalese and they are practicing all over the country. May be few who went back to Jaffna may have not. But when it comes to going up the ladder they will need some knowledge of Sinhalese as they will need to serve in a majority Sinhalese area.
            Colonizing the NE by Sinhalese would have been a good thing for the Tamils. They get to learn the language, culture, religion etc. of each other which would benefit both parties.

            • 1

              This is totally bs. U seem to see only one side as you are somehow blind.

              If tamils are asked to learn the langague of the majority, they should be provided all facilities them to do so ? Did any govts do so in the past to present ? No. This problem is somewhat similar to that of the Pakistanis, Turks living in the UK and Germany respectively.

              Turks living Germany are guest workers that were brought to the country as labour forces. Whose labour force was the fact Germany´s to boom their economy after war defeats. Most among those old generations cant speak German at all, and is seen today that lived in ghettos and that was the reason why they failed to learn the langauge. Their root causes of the problems lie on the german politics. In the same time, the capacities of those poor turks would never make them learn a langauge since the main purpose of their migration was only focused to get the dirty work done.Nor had the german govt made hearted efforts providing them langague courses in the past.So the social isolation of them today were unavoidable, now the politicians have understood their problems well and offer more langauge courses to them.

          • 1


            Nuisance suffer from bigoted majoritarian syndrome as well. Her central theme or thrust of her stupid assertion is since Tamils and Muslims are the minority they should be forced to learn Sinhala as if it is a global language.

            With her Mahawamsa mindset the country is going nowhere. She is not alone in her pursuit of assimilation.

            • 1

              Dear NativeVedda,
              Thankx. I am in full agreement with you.

            • 0

              When we study it closely, We all know that Mahanama thero had limited to lack of sources at the time he wrote that Mahawamsa. I wonder why doctoral level candidates seem to have no further efforts in bringing new versions of it. What stood on their way at least during the last few decades not to have renewed the older version yet?

            • 0

              Eusense has become a nuisance to many on this forum.

              His is not like that of former leela but mostly, his arguments are highly connected with the suffering of the syndrom you mentioned.
              So there is no point of arguing with him on this platform.

        • 3

          I am telling, I as sinhalaya I know myself how some our mates disgrace tamils. This is not a betrayal but the truth. I grew up in the country and later in the days of 89 brutal insurgency moved to Europe. I was also one of good student at Pera to that time. I knew how the sinhalaya went against those tamils from the beginning on. I also saw how they the hantane tea plucking community have been treated by those owners. Having known all these, I am telling you we the sinhalaya were wrong from the beginning on.: May be today, they look at the problem seriously as today people are more knowledgeable than then. I notice this every time getting back to lanka.
          I have met lanken old royalists considered their tamil mates as – demala… I was very against even hearing that word.. but these are the truth, we have to discuss all these topics on daily basis. If lanken PVT TV channels could do the job well, to the very same manner German, French and English TV channel hold their daily talk shows, our seniors would clarrify that tamils are also srilankens. Burghers are also srilankens. Muslims are also srilankens. More we learn about our fellow communities and their traditions and cultrual backgrounds, easier it will be them, after all their future generations to get on with their own fellow ones. This is what Switzerland, Australia, Scandinavians countries adapt from the kindergarten levels on. So long idiots (be them sihala, muslims, tamils or others) as politicians in power, not studying the root caauses of the problems, we would not be able to succeed in this regard. This is a long process. we should better work with psychologists, sociologist, antrapologists and the like professionals in and out of country to achieve more.

    • 6

      What you propose for Tamils is reminiscent of what Fonseka said, which is that minorities should know their place in Sri Lanka.

      Also Tamils do not have the same rights as Sinhalese, since Sinhalese run the government and the armed forces and there is no rule of law and impunity for extra judicial force is the norm.

      Allowing Sri Lanka to manage its own affairs means the genocidal butchers in GOSL will get away and continue to destroy Tamils. Sri Lanka is run by a Sinhala Supremacist regime , so without outside interference the human rights of minorities are in serious danger.

      All of you Sinhala supremacists were more than happy to beg and receive outside help for decades when you fought LTTE but now you demand everyone leave you allow.

    • 1

      Really?, Pansi Laka, palmsquirrel, Java and all other trolls.

      Leading up to this UNHRC drama you were jumping up and down in delight about an “impending disaster” for Sri Lanka and its rulers. Wern’t you?

      We can understand your frustration now.

      We can only sing “allapu gedara pansi laka… “

    • 7

      You are right my friend. I don’t want to live in a pre Mandela South African era that was worse than the stone age. At least there could not have been whites in predominantly black countries. I am sure our Tamil neighbours are asking for that type of situation and I am trying hard to drive the invaders way from my village – Kotahena. If the one vote situation is to prevail then Navi Pillay can go and hang herself.
      There are 90% of Sri Lankan who would like to see all the boat people put on boats to the USA or South Africa and England.
      Then we can say “good riddance”. Just like the Jews were dispersed so let it be to the people who want to divide Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      Yes this contains nothing new. It is a slap in the face for Navi Pillay, the TNA and human rights groups. GoSL will be allowed to conduct the investigations. (Crucial item 2). Everyone knows what that means, continued cover-up.

      Pillay said “National mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice”. The US has rejected this.

      • 1

        Pillay said “National mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice”. The US has rejected this.

        Go bite the bullet Pol Pot!!

        Why Did Biswal Add Corruption To War Crimes Charge Sheet?

        Recently, UNP Parliamentarian Lakshman Kiriella declared in Parliament that about 400 powerful government henchmen have stashed away plundered money in Swiss Bank accounts.

        Biswal had included corruption charge against the government, presumably being fully armed with extensive and reliable information about the widespread corruption for which the present government is responsible. If America will intervene for the restitution of wealth plundered by a corrupt government to the rightful owners of such wealth, the people will accept them with open arms and the plundering government and its cohorts will be labelled as traitors.

        When America used human rights violations and lack of democratic governance, countries under attack used to mobilize their people to protest against America and take refuge under the shield of nationalism.

        When the common masses in such countries become aware that the leaders they have vowed to protect from American attacks are in reality plunderers and squanderers of their country’s wealth, they feel the Americans are justified in trying to expel them from power for the greater good of the people. In such a scenario, people will give their seal of approval for the American actions to get rid of such leaders.

    • 3

      A comparison with the resolution passed on 21st March’2013, will show the draft presented this year is more detailed, covers more ground and is more specific. The first draft can also get sharpened during the course of the coming weeks. I give below the 2013 resolution for comparison:


      Human Rights Council

      Twenty-second session

      Agenda item 2

      Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

      The Human Rights Council,

      Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

      Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments,

      Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006,

      Recalling Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1, on institution-building of the Council, and 5/2, on the code of conduct for special procedures mandate holders, of 18 June 2007,

      Recalling also Human Rights Council resolution 19/2 of 22 March 2012 on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka,

      Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of each State to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,

      Reaffirming also that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as applicable,

      Welcoming the announcement made by the Government of Sri Lanka that elections to the Provincial Council in the Northern Province will be held in September 2013,

      Welcoming and acknowledging the progress made by the Government of Sri Lanka in rebuilding infrastructure, demining, and resettling the majority of internally displaced persons, and noting nonetheless that considerable work lies ahead in the areas of justice, reconciliation and the resumption of livelihoods, and stressing the importance of the full participation of local populations, including representatives of civil society and minorities, in these efforts,

      Taking note of the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of Sri Lanka and its findings and recommendations, and acknowledging its possible contribution to the process of national reconciliation in Sri Lanka,

      Taking note also of the national plan of action to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of the Government of Sri Lanka and its commitments as set forth in response to the findings and recommendations of the Commission,

      Noting that the national plan of action does not adequately address all of the findings and constructive recommendations of the Commission,

      Recalling the constructive recommendations contained in the Commission’s report, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, demilitarize the north of Sri Lanka, implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms, re-evaluate detention policies, strengthen formerly independent civil institutions, reach a political settlement on the devolution of power to the provinces, promote and protect the right of freedom of expression for all and enact rule of law reforms,

      Noting with concern that the national plan of action and the Commission’s report do not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,

      Expressing concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society and journalists, threats to judicial independence and the rule of law, and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief,

      Calling upon the Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority, which is integral to reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all members of its population,

      Expressing appreciation for the efforts of the Government of Sri Lanka in facilitating the visit of a technical mission from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner,

      Noting the call made by the High Commissioner for an independent and credible international investigation into alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,

      1. Welcomes the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on advice and technical assistance for the Government of Sri Lanka on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka[1] and the recommendations and conclusions contained therein, in particular on the establishment of a truth-seeking mechanism as an integral part of a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to transitional justice;

      2. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations made in the report of the Office of the High Commissioner, and also calls upon the Government to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, as applicable;

      3. Reiterates its call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to implement effectively the constructive recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and to take all necessary additional steps to fulfil its relevant legal obligations and commitment to initiate credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity, accountability and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans;

      4. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with special procedures mandate holders and to respond formally to their outstanding requests, including by extending invitations and providing access;

      5. Encourages the Office of the High Commissioner and relevant special procedures mandate holders to provide, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, advice and technical assistance on implementing the above-mentioned steps;

      6. Requests the Office of the High Commissioner, with input from relevant special procedures mandate holders, as appropriate, to present an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fourth session, and a comprehensive report followed by a discussion on the implementation of the present resolution at its twenty-fifth session.

      [1] A/HRC/22/38.:

      The language used in the present draft is as soot6hing (Diplomatese!) as it is in 2013 resolution, but has a bigger bite. The evolving nature of this process can be ignored at our government’s peril. However, the current draft provides enough scope for the government to show progress in many fronts. Paving the way for the NPC to function optimally within the confines of the 13th amendment, returning private land to their legitimate owners(not compensating them)in Valigamam north and implementing all LLRC recommendations in good faith, are possibilities.

      I however, doubt our government is endoweed with such wisdom.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      Yes, taking for granted feeling will not be the case this time too.

      Wait and see.. LOCALS and IC WILL SEND THE BUGGER HOME FOR EVER …this will be his waterloo… ascending to his PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION… we the ones who respect, justice, peace, dignity and rule of law will succeed the nation AND make their dreams be reality.

    • 0

      Tamils are [Edited out]

  • 12

    Well, I read the leaked draft resolution in full.

    I must say that it contains a lot of double talk and hypocritical statements. On the one hand the document calls for an independent international inquiry into all forms of abuses against the incumbent Sri Lankan authorities. At the same time it is calling upon the GOSL to implement programs to address violations of human rights issues and incredibly still to investigate itself for committing same.

    There is no clear cut statement that the GOSL has grossly failed to address enforced disappearances, alleged war crimes, widespread torture and de-militarization of Tamil majority areas of Sri Lanka. There is no clear cut statement that the independence of the judiciary in Sri Lanka has been given a body blow by this very same GOSL.

    To all us concerned citizens it is clear cut the GOSL can never ever investigate itself for the simplest reason that it is foolhardy to ask the guilty to investigate itself.

    I am sorry to disappoint those who were waiting with baited breath for some form of resolute action by the UN – nothing will come out of this resolution either.

    • 6

      The US was never explicitly committed to an international investigation. It was David Cameron in the UK who broached it first, but the US was non-committal, as they were waiting for Indian input. The State Dept. under Obama administration has always dithered, whether in Syria, Libya, Ukraine or Sri Lanka.

      And a lot of people knew that the Indians would water it down. Even this toothless draft could be watered down further. I have always been skeptical of expecting justice through UN mechanisms. Tamils who went overboard about some statements from Cameron needed to be realistic about how the UN system works. This resolution will give the GoSL another year, and by then there won’t be any Navi Pillay; it could well be someone who is more pliable and spineless, in the image of Ban-ki-Moon and not Louise Arbour. And the US and UK would be distracted by other issues like Ukraine.

      That doesn’t mean that UN pressure is without benefit. Such pressure will distract the regime, weaken it and cause it to commit mistakes, which can then be exploited. But it has always been an unrealistic expectation of many Tamil people that the UN/US/UK/India would come to their aid.

    • 9

      lol at the bitter self loathing naive fool who was waiting for the military to be massacred in mullaitivu, and since it didn’t materialize waiting for world bullies to punish the military and political leadership responsible for wiping out the terror gang.

      West is fishing out for a self governing authority in north and east which they can control to ward off Chinese presence from the most strategic location in the Indian ocean. That is why they offer space for the government, if the government agree to move ahead with more autonomy for north and east these war crimes allegations would disappear in an instant.

  • 12

    Proposed resolution will be diluted by our Indian relatives :)

  • 6

    This is piss weak!

    • 1

      “diluted by our Indian relatives”

      The Indians would go with a Whimper both UNHRC(last of 3 yrs)and govt 31st May.

      “diluted by our Indian relatives”

      “This is piss weak.!” …. ha ha, weakened by collective corruption.!

      for men the whole world is a urinal, hows the toy??

  • 21

    Nava Nazi Pillay can write whatever she wants, it is not going to make any difference. She has lost her credibility in the eyes of people who are truly concerned about post-war reconciliation and transitional justice in Sri Lanka. Her partiality is a clear indication that what she is seeking is not reconciliation but revenge in order to rekindle animosity at the behest of her western masters who are desperate for a regime change to advance their strategic designs for the region. By her embarrassingly obvious attempt to create more trouble for the long suffering people of Sri Lanka, she has lost the moral high ground. The indications are that a majority of the member countries at the UNHRC are not happy with the overzealousness of Pillay and are likely to vote the resolution down.

    • 3

      “The indications are that a majority of the member countries at the UNHRC are not happy with the overzealousness of Pillay and are likely to vote the resolution down. “

      mark my word , 2014 resolution will pass without any trouble what so ever , but question remains ,is 2014 resolution going to be a useless one as 2012 & 2013 ???

      • 8

        Yes unjust calls are usually useless.

      • 0

        Seeing Ban Ki Moon’s statement

        the Indians would go away with a Whimper without any changes
        (final of 3yr vote) & 31st May the governing itself.
        US are using Corruption as a weapon with success.
        Graft India=Graft Lanka.

        Or at least 3 women would rape them this time over much more serious to nanny diplomat.

    • 5

      Nava Nazi Pillai or NAVA ANEETHI PILLAI?

  • 3

    This is very correct:

    Expressing deep concern over reported intimidation and retaliation against civil society members, including those who met with the High Commissioner during her visit,

    Expressing serious concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in SL, incl. Sexual and gender-based violence, enforced dissapearances, extrajuidicial killings, torture and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society and journalists, threats to judicial independence and the rule of law,


  • 4

    Israel has had 33 UNHRC resolutions against it, yet it flourishes with US support.

    • 1

      “yet it flourishes with US support”

      Squares and Rounds,eh Pol Pot!

      Logical fallacy.

      Israel (run from UK/US) can = Corrupt Lanka Cannot “mori vote” 25> for Samanta Power motion.

    • 2

      How stupid you to compare one another poorest of the poor with Israel whose is directly being backed by Americans from that day on ?

      This is the place where you and your ilk went wrong. Swollen without having a proper knolwedge about the folks and the statistics.

      Once the nation would be aware of the own capablities – who we are, from that point on, we may be able to plan for the future.. That is ite..

      Deperated sinhalaya

  • 1

    US is asking only for an International Investigation at this stage. A perfectly unobtrusive independent investigation which no one has any reason to dispute. Only the Govt is driving itself into a frenzy over this reasonable request. Neither is it doing anything about the issues.

    • 2

      I’m sure through UNHRC US will investigate Sri Lanka and make appropriate conclusion the same way they concluded that Iraq had WMD and that Israel committed no war crimes when it attacked Palestine killing more than 1000 civilians in just 2 weeks!

  • 4




    Current Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January – 31 December 2014COUNTRY

    Algeria– will support Sri lanka


    Argentina-will support Sri lanka


    Austria-will support Sri lanka


    Benin—– will support Sri lanka


    Botswana—– will support Sri lanka


    Brazil —– will support Sri lanka


    Burkina Faso—– will support Sri lanka


    Chile—– will support Sri lanka


    China—– will support Sri lanka


    Congo —– will support Sri lanka


    Costa Rica—– will support Sri lanka


    Côte d’Ivoire —– will support Sri lanka


    Cuba —– will support Sri lanka


    Czech Republic




    Ethiopia —– will support Sri lanka




    Gabon—– will support Sri lanka


    Germany —– will support Sri lanka


    India —– will support Sri lanka


    Indonesia —– will support Sri lanka




    Italy —– will support Sri lanka


    Japan —– will support Sri lanka


    Kazakhstan —– will support Sri lanka


    Kenya —– will support Sri lanka


    Kuwait —– will support Sri lanka


    Maldives —– will support Sri lanka








    Namibia —– will support Sri lanka


    Pakistan —– will support Sri lanka


    Peru —– will support Sri lanka




    Republic of —– will support Sri lanka




    Russian Federation —– will support Sri lanka


    Saudi Arabia —– will support Sri lanka


    Sierra Leone


    South Africa


    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


    United Arab Emirates —– will support Sri lanka


    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    United States of America


    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) —– will support Sri lanka


    Viet Nam —– will support Sri lanka

    • 2

      My take on the voting

      1) Algeria– May support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      2)2016 Argentina-will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      3)2015 Austria-will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      4) 2014 Benin—– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      5) 2014 Botswana—– will support Sri lanka (may abstain from voting )(A)

      6)2014 Brazil —– will NOT support Sri lanka ( despite the phone tapping saga)(NO=N)

      7) 2015 Burkina Faso—– will support Sri lanka (may abstain from voting)(A)

      8) 2014 Chile—– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      9) 2014 China—– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      10) 2016 Congo —– will support Sri lanka may abstain from voting)(A)

      11)2014 Costa Rica—– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      12 )2014 Côte d’Ivoire —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      13) 2015 Cuba —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      14)2016 Czech Republic will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      15) 2014 Estonia ( Difficult to predict )

      16) 2015 Ethiopia —– will support Sri lanka (may abstain from voting)(A)

      17) 2015 France -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      18) 2016 Gabon—– will support Sri lanka ( Difficult to predict )

      19) 2015 Germany —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      20) 2015 India —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      21) 2014 Indonesia —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      22) 2014 Ireland -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      23) 2015 Italy —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      24) 2014 Japan —– will support Sri lanka (may abstain from voting)(A)

      25) 2015 Kazakhstan —– will support Sri lanka (may abstain from voting)(A)

      26) 2015 Kenya —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      27) 2015 Kuwait —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      28) 2014 Maldives —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      29) 2016 Mexico -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      30) 2016 Montenegro -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      31) 2015 Morocco -( Difficult to predict )

      32) 2016 Namibia —– will support Sri lanka ( Difficult to predict )

      33) 2016 Pakistan —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      34) 2015 Peru —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      35) 2014 Philippines- will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      36) 2014 Republic of korea —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      37 ) 2015 Romania-will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      38) 2014 Russian Federation —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      39) 2016 Saudi Arabia —– will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N OR A)

      40) 2016 Sierra Leone -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      41) 2015 South Africa- May support SL (YES=Y)

      42) 2016 Macedonia -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      43) 2016 United Arab Emirates —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      44) 2015 United Kingdom -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      45) 2016 United States of America -will NOT support Sri lanka (NO=N)

      46) 2015 Venezuela —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      47) 2015 Viet Nam —– will support Sri lanka (YES=Y)

      Total Yes FOR SL = 13
      Total No for SL = 24
      Total Abstain (A) =07
      Unpredictable (D) = 04

      • 1

        As you repeatedly said – this is a foregone conclusion by studying Rajapakshe politics. Growing majority in the country believe it is not an execusable failure of the current govt being unable to win the hearts of latin folks, south pacific folks and afro folks to send the message to the rest of UNHRC. We are all aware – lookin at the manner how the Raja administraton handles the external affairs, how can ever be able to convince other states ? No skilled/experienced personnels have been appointed to many of their offices across the globe. This situation is comparable to the bankrupt destiny of the national carirer to this day knwoing the facts that the chairman (president´s brother in law) is a man without hands on experience in airline affair to lead it the way his predecessors performed.

      • 1

        Maldives already expressed it will vote against srilanka

        • 0


          could you kindly show me the link !

          • 0

            Apologies, I was wrong. I was confused maldives with Mauritius. You are right, Maldives is to support GOSL/

          • 0

            I thought Marutius (land maurice) is well connected with lanka for the past few decades. But them to join US in terms of their draft is what I never expected. Marutius is one of the favourite tourist destination for the europeans.

            • 0

              Sirmal ,

              Not only Marutius boycotted this year CHOGM in SL but also was willing to have it in Marutius !

              • 0

                So what were the reasons selecte committee to prefer SL governed by notorious Rajapakshe than giving a chance to Marutius ?

                Actually, if srilanken diplomatic relations could work with Maritius, we could have significantly more tourist arrivals to the country.

      • 0

        Ooh na na, what’s my name
        Whats my name, whats my name

        Graft India = Graft Lanka.

        Constructive Criticism!! YES VOTE!

      • 0

        Can do without Euro currency EU’s vote for UK

        2016 Czech Republic will support UK (Sri Lanka) (YES=Y)

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    If Pillay’s office to investigate anything, how the hell that would be a credible investigation, whole world knows who is this mad woman is. On the other hand this is a good thing, then she has the power to investigate other countries as well. Sri Lanka should bring another resolution demanding this same thing should be applied to UK, US, India.

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    I really don’t know why they sent Ms. Navi Pillay to Sri Lanka for an impartial investigation. With her ethnic Tamil background she is not the ideal candidate to be sent by the UN. For instance will it be correct if they sent a Sinhalese born outside Sri Lanka to investigate? It would be interesting to see what the Diaspora would say? the UN has to show impartiality! That is the biggest problem the UN has at present! Are they impartial?

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      Justice is last of their concerns.

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      Was this not the case at the time late Kadirgamar travelled across the globe getting LTTE banned on each of their soils ?

      Read it clearly – please even if Ms Pillay is proved to have enthic origin with tamils, she WOULD never be considered a tamil but more a South African.

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        “Was this not the case at the time late Kadirgamar travelled across the globe getting LTTE banned on each of their soils ?”

        You have a point there.

        More examples, even the stupid hardcore members of LTTE are with the stupid Sinhala/Buddhists, e.g KP, Karuna, Pillayan,……..

        EPDP and its leader Douglas have been with the Sinhala/Buddhists from time immemorial.

        VP fought a war against IPKF for and on behalf of the Sinhala/Buddhist state while the armed forces were hiding behind their women folks.

        VP also helped to elect MR and won the war for the Sinhala/Buddhist state in May 2009.

        What more does RuwanL want from the Tamils?

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    It looks as though this resolution has been drafted by Sonya Gandhi,Vaz Gunawardene and Namal.R.,though a little bit of assistance from Sumanthiran could have made it better. At the 28th sessions of the council the High Commissioner can report with confidence that the genocide of both Tamils and Muslims(aided and abetted by Sumanthiran,Hakim et al) has been completed successfully.

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    The four page resolution can be distilled down to one sentence embedded inside action item 8:
    Requests the office of the high commissioner assess progress towards accountability and reconciliation, to monitor relevant national processes, and to investigate alleged violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes by both parties in Sri Lanka.
    The office of the high commissioner is an independent, international institution. Therefore this sentence represents a call for an independent international investigation. It’s not going to be a commission of inquiry or a special rapporteur or a panel of experts, but I think empowering Navi Pillai (and her successor) to do the investigation themselves is even worse for the GOSL. Any hopes of trying to influence the panel of experts by having someone favorable to them appointed to it is over. The West can rest assured that control over the investigation will rest firmly within the UN.
    There is no question that this resolution, if passed, represents a significant escalation from 2013. However, the decisive action that can only come from the UNSC will not happen in 2014. The Tamil people will have to wait at least one more year for their tryst with destiny.

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      Who said UN is impartial and independent? It’s like clay in hands of the west especially the US.
      We saw what happened when Ban Ki Moon installed a panel of stooges to advice him. When Sri Lanka pointed that he does not have the authority to appoint such a panel he said it is only to advice him and panel report would not be considered a UN report but look where it ended up. At Geneva UNHRC. He is such a double speak and will eat shit if US tells him.

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        Just like the other Russian arseholder scum nations Lanka does not even subscribe. But Lanka gaameya like to call the bluff from shanty stool!

        >25 resolution vote Yes!!

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        NAK: Patriot is actually an Eelam Patriot.

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    those countries who abuse human right in their country will vote in support of Sri Lanka continue the abuse and genocide of Tamils.
    eg: china,Russia,Pakistan

    We hope south Africa will not support Sri lanka the fascist state. If they think about their past in a partied and other African countries are the same because they all suffered under the western opposer in the past. They also understand what Tamils are going through! They will not support Sri Lanka! as they are noble in their ways. I say this because I lived 6 years in Africa!

    The result of the voting
    Support of
    Sri Lanka – 9 support
    against Sri Lanka -32
    abstain -6

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    Vadakundi Resolution losers love resolutions!!

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    If this resolution pass another civil war,that responsibility must take baldy Colombo US embassy and westerns

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    If Sinhalese and Thamils are equal how come Sinhala
    Anthem is pushed down the throats of Thamils?

    If Sinhalese and Thamils are equal how come 90% of the public service and armed forces are occupied by Sinhalese who constitute only 74.9% of the population?

    A Sinhalese can lodge a complaint in Sinhala in any Police Station, but complaints by Thamils are recorded even in the North and East in Sinhalese and asked to sign without knowing the contents?

    If Sinhalese and Thamils are equal how come the intake of Thamils to Law College is in single digit while the Sinhalese intake is in hundreds?

    In every election since 2009 to Parliament, Northern and Eastern Provincial Council, Pradesha Sabha 80% of Thamils have consistently voted against the ruling UPFA despite intimidation, bribery, false promises etc? What does this show? A GREAT DIVIDE between Sinhalese and Thamils?

    If Sinhalese and Thamils are equal, how come the ethnic problem has been internationalised and Sri Lanka is in the dog house after suffering two consecutive defeats at the UNHRC?

    Finally eusense is comparing Ceylon Thamils with immigrants to US/UK. Ceylon Thamils living in Ceylon are indigenous people like the Nagar, Iyakkar, Vedhar etc. There were no Sinhalese till the 8th century the earliest!

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      Is there anything left after pulling so much out of your arse? :D

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      I was not going to answer you first because you seem to lack common sense. But at the end you mentioned my name so here I am!

      What other languages does the US, UK Anthems are sung? In the US Spanish speaking population is over 25%.
      Do you have a brain? Look back at the past 30 years. You think the terror group will allow the Tamils in the north to join the Police, Army, the gov. service? If you did, you will be dead by now. How many in Jaffna was allowed to join the Police in Jaffna by the LTTE? If they allowed, you could have lodged your complaints in Tamil!
      So, how many young Tamils were forcefully taken in as terrorists by the LTTE? What do think happened to their Education? The LTTE wiped out one full generation of Tamil youth and morons like you don’t talk about it, which is a great disaster for the Tamil race. From where do you think the Law college can find well educated tamils after 30 years of LTTE carnage?
      Voting for Tamils is nothing new. Same happens in Tamil Nadu. DMK and other Tamil parties win all elections in Tamil Nadu. Does that show a great divide between Tamils and other races in India?
      Yes, Sinhalese and Tamils are treated equal. The Tamil diaspora getting more publicity in the west because of their political advantage because of their numbers. Why don’t you list what rights Sinhalese have but not Tamils?

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      “Ceylon Thamils living in Ceylon are indigenous people like the Nagar, Iyakkar, Vedhar etc.”

      Tamils and Sinhalese are the descendants of Kallthonies mostly from South India.

      Some of your people remained Tamil speaking Tamils but most of them assimilated into Sinhala Speaking Tamils. The important commonality among these two stupid people is their gene.

      By the way could you sight evidence of your ancientness in this island.

      Nuisance is a very stupid person, one should not copy her when one wishes to say something sensible. Therefore stop following her.

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    On a personal note the Director of Pensions is refusing to pay me my arrears of pension amounting to over Rs.800,000 for the period December 2009 to March 2010. Several emails and telephone calls to the Director of Pensions and his deputies were of no avail. The Director of Pensions has minuted in my file not to pay the arrears. This is illegal order. Does this show Thamils and Sinhalese have equal rights? Could the Director of Pensions dare refuse to pay the arrears if the pensioner is a Sinhalese?

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    The rot started long before the emergence of the LTTE. The standardization introduced by Ms. Bandaranaike government in the seventies drastically reduced the intake of Thamil students to the University. The government abolished intake based on merit to intake based on ethnicity. Thamil students who scored higher marks were denied entry to universities. This is one of the major cause for the 30 years war. Take the case of Sinhala Only Act. After its adoption the Thamil public servants were asked to acquire proficiency in Sinhala within 3 years and non-compliance will result in dismissal from service. But no Sinhalese public servants were asked to study Thamil. So where is equal rights between the Thamils and Sinhalese. Quoting US as an example is arrant nonsense. Take Canada where the National Anthem is sung in both English and French. The French people are a national minority in Canada. How long you are going to harp about the LTTE? Well the LTTE is a terrorist organization in the eyes of nit-wits like eusense, but they were freedom fighters in the estimation of Thamil people. The LTTE enjoyed popular support and that is what it matters. In a true a vibrant democracy every citizen enjoys equal rights. There are no majorities and minorities.

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