21 January, 2025


A Shop A Day Continues: Muslim-Owned Shop Torched In Dematagoda

It’s one more shop today and it’s in the heart of Muslim land in Dematagoda. The incident has taken place between 11.30-11.45pm last night at a small bakery right in front of Clifton Balika Viddayalaya, Maligakanda down Dematagoda road. According to the owner of the shop the arsonist has entered from the rear end of the shop and attempted to set fire to the freezer and the frying pans that had been stacked at the rear end of the bakery. There was other small cooking equipment, which has also been damaged.

The owner had heard the commotion and upon seeing the fire had called the fire brigade who had come and put the fire off and brought the situation under control. The shopkeeper told Colombo Telegraph that it is surprising to note how the thick frying pan has got pierced due to the fire. There is deep suspicion that the materials used to set fire may have some military grade materials that were found when Aluthgama was set on fire. The residents of Aluthgama accused the military of collusion with the Sinhala rioters in Aluthgama.

The total loss is estimated at around Rs 300,000-400,000. An eye witness told Colombo Telegraph that the police have taken away the CCTV footage that was available within the premises. There were no cameras where the fire had broken. This cannot be an accidental fire as the bakery was being renovated and no baking activity was undertaken. There are other places which has been installed with CCTV surveillance, and those videos might show more. When Fashion Bug store in Pepiliyana was set on fire last year, it was alleged that the police had tampered with the video footage.

The Muslims are beginning to feel that the government is not controlling the situation.

On a positive note, the arsonist who came on a bicycle and set fire to Fashion Leather store in Wijerama has been arrested. The police refused to divulge any details as investigations are still in progress.

A Muslim youth who spoke to Colombo Telegraph on condition of anonymity said: “Muslims are suspicious that the police would protect the masterminds behind the arson.”

In the meantime, the President had threatened to mobilize the army to quell any racial violence.

“Has he no faith in the police investigations. Is there higher-ups in the police department protecting the hate mongers and arsonists?” the Muslim youth asked. (Kamani Senanayake) 

Latest comments

  • 4

    Our monks are so tolerant towards Muslims that they don’t torch the shops when the Muslims are inside it. Muslims they don’t appreciate that. Typical ungrateful Muslims.

    Let’s keep the momentum on torching it. If we let the momentum fade, Muslims will start killing us in our home land

    • 22

      Why can’t the Colombo Telegraph monitor and censor racist comments like this, that calls for the death of innocent people?

      Surely there must be some strict rules that prevents such vile comments from coming through?

      • 1

        Tania, Muslims are just the start of the revolution. Wait for the Christians’ turn. We will come for you too

      • 2

        Tania: CT should publish excerpts from quran which says kill infidles should start talking about. anyway, CT is christian.

      • 8

        True, and I am not sure why CT has still kept that anyone can just post a comment with a fake name/email and post it. At least the users should be asked to login with their social media account ids before posting comments. This will also reduce hard work of monitoring. Otherwise this is used as just another tool to incite racial tensions, imagine a person with Muslim name insulting Buddhism or other way around.

    • 5

      I think yesterday night your hole was dug by Gnanasara. in ecstasy you are writing.

      • 3

        You fool, another shop was torched in Mahiyangana today. Where is your Allah the most impotent entity in the world. If you talk too much your hole will also be dug.

    • 1

      Faggot…If u ever cross my path…I’d break every bone of u n circumcize u…
      Lol such a hate filled scoundrel…yes ud worth being killed to save 50 more ..

    • 0

      Pity your father didn’t wipe you off on his sarong

    • 0

      Please don’t write rubbish.

    • 0

      Jim Softy

      You are sick, you need treatment. Get yourself a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself or hurt others. So you tell your God does commit arson. So you pray to Devil. This is the type God you want to have a God who commits crime! Wait and see your GOD will soon fuck your wife or daughter. No wonder these Monks are also like that……. committing crime unrepented

  • 6

    “A shop a day, takes the Muslime away.”

    • 4

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera, is this why your a retired loser? You only reached the level of a low level officer and you are retired already? That shows your military prowess, it looks like it amounted to nothing and came to a screeching halt.

    • 1

      Another freak,get a life.

    • 3

      You Bastard Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera.

      Read little above your comment, another idiot like you Jim Softy have said “Wait for the Christians’ turn. We will come for you too”.

      He will come after you too as you are a Christian! With your full identity known ISIS will blast your balls. You speak all these while living in Canada and what if white anti Asian Canadians does similar setting your house on fire, and law enforcement authorities, the police and the security tell the same you told here that they do not want Asian foreigners there in Canada.

      I will strip you while in uniform in public and Sri Lanka will feel proud of you. You have the audacity to tell such racist comments while displaying your title and you think it will bring pride to the country and to the Armed forces you had served.

      Just for an example, suppose if the former Sri Lankan Cricket Captain Kumar Sangakkara also came out with his full identity and spoke like you will the Sri Lankan Cricket Board approve such a conduct of him?

      • 1

        Goodman: You muslims think ISIS is omnipotent. They are paid mercinaries trained by the west and paid by countries like Saudi arabia. ISIS as muslims are barberic killers. when one missile explodes near them, they run away. ISIS there to finish muslims. Wait and see.

  • 4

    Has anyone noticed, none of these shops get completely burnt to the ground? Especially if the arsonist is using “military grade materials”, the damage should be much more severe. Also, why is the arsonist on a bicycle in one attack, as the article mentions. You want to get away as soon as possible, a bicycle is not the best means. And, in yet another incident, the owner had turned the gas off, right before an attack. What are the odds?

    • 7

      “owner had turned the gas off” the owner has all the right to turn the gas off. Take it other way, you think any Muslim owner would turn the gas on and leave for a night, after seeing so many consecutive attacks? “military grade materials”: On what basis, you would expect a military grade materials used on a racial extremist attack? Your bicycle point is valid, the arsonist was very sure he wouldn’t be given a chase.

  • 4

    All talk on attack on muslims shops but nobody talk on minister baddu deen’s dealing with qatari NGOs and destruction of buddhist heritages in the east. even minister concern accept it. minister is Akila viraj. he says even LTTE did not touch buddhist’s heritages in north and east but after the war lots has been destroyed. who did it. team influenced by qatari money is my guess. noby in this forum talk on these and writ articles. CT is pro muslim web site I suppose. may be run on qatari money. that may be the reason. it does not talk on those issue but when garbage dump of muslim’s burnt by owners themselves write articles to put blame on BBS..if impartial write single article on destruction of buddhist heritages and how to spent qatari money by baddudeen.forest destructions. building of arabian type villages. this may not publish but no matter. I do my duty. shyaman ayyiya, laksiri fernando. native wedda, amarasiri and all write single article or comment on those malicious activities of muslims at least once. no issue now yahapala minister responsible for archaeological site accepted those occurrences in the hand of jihadists.

    • 3

      Ha..ha.. until recent news on Qatar, it was Saudi, now you put the blame on Qatar. How can someone trust your other claims? Baddu deen is a minister in the incumbent govt., and North and East is still under considerable SL forces, how can an extremist group destroy Buddhist heritage in those areas? Insider work? I do understand that there won’t be any smoke without fire, even then, how can you justify setting fire to some shops that are hardly making 2k Rs of profits on a daily basis and owned by some relatively poor people who knows nothing about heritage destruction or connected to the minister?

  • 0

    Muslims that create the terrorists are a big problem but it is wrong to be like them but run the country in the proper way without talking part in criminal acts.

  • 3

    Attack on any one is not accepted and the authorities must hunt down the wrong doers and bring them to justice.

  • 1

    Some of these fires are set by muslims themselves probably to blame BBS and to get insurance money. Some muslims are aware of it. The bakery fire is by muslims themselves. KAthankudu fire should also by muslims.

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