19 January, 2025


A Silent Aragalaya In Muslim Community

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Historically, the Muslim community of Sri Lanka has been noted for its late entry to modernity. The dominant influence religious orthodoxy held over Muslim mindset and consequently the community’s narrow material outlook circumscribed by the demands of commerce, family and worship contributed to this lateness most. That lateness was reflected in political affairs too.  After independence when parliamentary democracy and party politics were introduced, Muslim community kept away from actively participating in the hurly-burly of party politics and instead remained contended after placing its trust solely on the UNP. Thus, “Eating biriyani and voting UNP” became an apt description of Muslim interest in parliamentary politics.  Even the emergence of SLFP to counter UNP in the 1950s did not make any significant dent in this attitude.  The parties of the left were simply rejected because, they were condemned as atheistic.

A significant change in the unidimensional political behaviour of this community occurred however in the late 1980s, thanks to the birth of a Muslim political party, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), under the leadership of Late M.H.M. Ashraff. Later it split into two with the formation of All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC), and now there are signs on the horizon of a third emerging under a neutral name. But the most salient feature of this new development is the deliberate injection of Islam into Muslim politics. This religious influence became so pervasive and successful that among many ordinary Muslim voters SLMC was even viewed as Allah’s party. A mixture of communal parochialism and religious fanaticism during election campaigns assured victory to members contesting from the two Muslim parties.

However, the new change did not bring any substantial benefit to the Muslim community. All it did was to transform the so-called “politics of pragmatism” practiced by individual Mulsim leaders prior to 1980s into an exercise of wholesale business bargain between Muslim parties and the ones forming governments. While the earlier practice delivered some lasting benefits to the community as such and notably in the field of education, the latter was more beneficial to the personal advancement of Muslim party leaders, their families and friends than the community.  The two Muslim parties took their voters support for granted and assumed that so long as Islam and Muslim identity dominate election campaigns their nominees would be assured of victory and business politics could continue.  hat assumption is no more valid.

Over the last three decades or so a new generation of Muslims have grown up which is qualitatively different from the one that fell victim to the political machinations of Muslim party leaders. This new generation of men and women like in all contemporary communities of Sri Lanka is the beneficiary of modern education and inhabiting an interconnected world of ever flowing information with critical ideas. Hence, their ability to think rationally without religious or hereditary prejudices on issues that pertain to their life and environment makes them different from their parents.  Thus, there is today a recognizable size of educated and independently thinking men and women within the Muslim community who are in alignment with the thoughts and aspirations of their colleagues who led that historic aragalaya in 2022 with their demand for “system change”. Like those colleagues these Muslim men and women are also of the belief that without a radical change in the political culture and governance of this country there will be no lasting solution to the prevailing poly-crisis This new development has produced a silent aragalaya and it is stirring the community on the eve of a presidential election.

Of the thirty-eight all male contestants in the field, except three, Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW), Sajith Premadasa (SP) and Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) the rest are there not to win but to prevent the one they most dislike from winning.  Of the three the first two are the products and beneficiaries of the ruling political culture and governance and they are not prepared to change the status quo. The third with his National Peoples Power (NPP) coalition is the product of the 2022 aragalaya and committed to destroy that status quo by eradicating its political culture through social revolution and cleanse the system if governance. In that sense, the forthcoming presidential election presents the voters with one single choice i.e., whether to vote for a complete shift from the decades old political culture and governance that had destroyed the nation’s historic ethnic harmony, economy and culture or for its retention and continuation. It is a choice between electing AKD or one of the other two.

It is in view of this critical situation that RW and SP are engaged in buying the loyalty and support of as many Muslim leaders as possible. But they are doing so on the outdated assumption that Muslim voters would still rally behind those leaders and behave like a flock of sheep. The silent aragalaya threatens to destroy this tradition. It is not only the qualitative change of a new generation of voters but also the shameful parliamentary record of Muslim leaders in recent times that are toppling the applecart. For instance, their cowardice behaviour to keep silent when the former president Gotabaya Rajapaksa issued that sacrilegious order to cremate Covid dead Musim bodies instead of burying them, the entire Musim community was aghast. Had these gentlemen quietly boycotted the parliament when it happened, they would have at least made an impact on world stage. Instead, they not only remained silent but a few of them dared to support an amendment to the constitution empowering the president even more. Today after three years one leader is asking for compensation for the families of victims. What a shame? Do these leaders deserve the support of Muslim voters?   

As a result of these developments there is a wave of support to AKD’s NPP. This is significant. One can only hope that this swing would push AKD to cross the line.  

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 22

    I urge the Tamils to vote for AKD , not for spitting the votes and not going anywhere

    • 11

      “I urge the Tamils to vote for AKD”
      It is very difficult for Tamils to come to this decision because of the past behaviour of JVP and loss of thousands of people and their resources in the past 75 years. But I am confident that Tamils will not listen to the Tamil political leaders as in the past to vote for a leader who makes promises. I understand RW and Sajith have spent millions to get the Tamil votes through deals with the Tamil Members of Parliament. The decision made by the Tamil Civil societies to put a candidate will definitely have a negative impact for RW and Sajith.

      • 3

        Tamil civil societies? You mean foreign paid NGOs?

        • 7

          “You mean foreign paid NGOs?”
          I am sure you and your sponsored candidates may live on paid by NGO’s or your Chinese masters. How much you received for introducing Buddhism in the Constitution? You always think of getting money? How much you paid now for this comment?

          • 2

            I mean foreign paid NGOs
            Ask where their money comes from.
            If anyone has to answer your question on money, you are first in the queue.

            • 1

              I got truncated by my mistake. This is the balance:Majority of Tamils didn’t like the LTTE, but were scared to say that, as they were killed. Tamil politicians preach reconciliation in the Western countries, but sow hatred of Sinhalese back at home. We should call ourselves Sri Lankans, and ethnicity and religion should come second and third, if at all. Just like with the LTTE, brute power of brutes rule the roost, and don’t allow sane voices to be heard. More to follow :)

          • 6

            Many replies. Not only to you. Most civil society NGOs are foreign paid. Sorry if you don’t know. Buddhism, yes given the prominent position, due to obvious reasons, but all other religions are given equal protection. Read the constitution. Modernised Islam? Majority Muslim females now wear the Hijab. Prophet Muhammad said wear it if you don’t feel safe during Beduin days, when some women complained to him about men harrasing them, but never said all women to wear it. Prove me wrong. Recently, at a women’s confab, Muslim girls said they were forced by family menfolk, to wear it. The convener of it was a Muslim lady, short hair and no Hijab. This I think, started with Muslim housemaids returning in Hijab, but the Arabs despise them, as well known. Very few Muslim women wore it when we were young. AKD was not a Aragalite. JVP and Peratugamis hijacked it because there was no leader of the Aragalaya, and destroyed it. Sinhala Buddhists are not racist, except a minority, just like with other ethnicities. Same with Buddhist priests. Majority are loving people, never spreading ethnic hate. Just like all Tamils didn’t

            • 5

              Majority of Tamils didn’t like the LTTE, but were scared to say that, as they were killed. Tamil politicians preach reconciliation in the Western countries, but sow hatred of Sinhalese back at home. We should call ourselves Sri Lankans, and ethnicity and religion should come second and third, if at all. Just like with the LTTE, brute power of brutes rule the roost, and don’t allow sane voices to be heard. More to follow :)

              • 9

                Really! The LTTE was a necessary evil and they were the only protectors of the Tamil people from state sponsored Sinhalese racist terrorism and South Indian immigrant origin fake Arab Islamic terrorism and fanaticism in the east and south of the island. Muslims arrived in the Tamil east a few centuries ago fleeing Portuguese and then Sinhalese persecution, claiming protection and refuge, from the eastern Hindu Tamils as fellow Tamils and were given refuge, lands and even Hindu Tamil Mukkuva women to marry and start families. However just like in the Christian west, where they are now running and claiming asylum, strangely not in Muslim lands, once they established themselves and multiplied and became a large number, the story changed. Now they are not South Indian origin immigrant Tamils Muslims anymore but Arabs but with Dravidian Tamil looks and faces, pathetically and comically dressing and behaving like Gulf Arabs and have largely become Wahhabi/Salafist Islamic fanatics, largely funded by fanatical Islamic states from western Asia and conniving with anyone and especially the Sri Lankan state and the Sinhalese to destroy the island’s Tamils and their own Tamil language and ethnicity, especially in the east, over the heads of the native indigenous Tamils and the Tamil Vedda. in the name of Islam and Arabism.

                • 7

                  Racist incident has been reported from Trincomalee committed by Muslims. In a campaign meeting of SJB, Muslims demanded that Tamil should not be accommodated on the stage as the meeting was organised by them. Sajith who invited that Tamil person on stage requested the Tamil to leave. If Sajith did not have the guts to stand up to this Islamic racism, how is he going to solve grievances of Tamils who are being terrorised by Muslims in the east. If Sajith was a decent person he should have said ” I wanted him on stage and if you do not want him, I will also go away. Sadly for political reasons, Sajith has descended to this low level. This same Tamil was accommodated on the stage by Sajith in a meeting held in Colombo which was organised by Sinhalese. When Sinhalese did not object to the presence of this person on stage, Muslims have done so. If at a meeting organised by Sinhalese, a Muslim was sent off from stage on a demand by Sinhalese, by now we would have heard howling by Muslims. This is why I have been saying that Muslims are the worst racists.

                  • 5

                    Correct, these immigrant South Indian Tamil origin fake Arab Muslims, arrived in the Tamil east a few centuries ago fleeing persecution from the Portuguese along the then Tamil northwest coast, that was part of the Jaffna kingdom, where they first settled when they first migrated from South India, for trade purposes, or when they were chased away after the fall of the Delhi Sultanate in Madurai, and later Sinhalese persecution in the Kandyan areas, where they first fled to, claiming to be fellow Tamils and were taken pity and given refuge and even Hindu Tamil Mukkuva women as brides to marry and settle to start a family, as most of these Muslims who arrived there were men. They were also given lands in specific areas. Now after establishing themselves, in the east and multiplying their numbers. due to their very high birthrate, compared to the native eastern Tamil or Tamil Vedda Hindus/Christians, their story has changed.

                    • 7

                      They are now Tamil no more but now claim a blanket Arab or other western Asian origin, which they hardly have, but only in their pathetic brainwashed minds. Fast discarding everything Tamil about them, except their looks, which they cannot and pathetically and comically imitating the Gulf Arabs/ Planting date palms, Arabic name boards, creating fake history and ancestry. They have become very aggressive towards their fellow Tamil Hindus and Christians, who took pity and gave them refuge in the Tamil east a few centuries ago, as fellow Tamils and ironically gave them women too, to start a family and multiply. Now their aim is to claim the ancient Hindu Tamil east as theirs in the name of desert Arab Wahabi/Salafist Islam and the alien Arab culture. They are funded in this endeavour by certain Islamic Western Asian and South Asian states and even by the Sri Lankan state, who are using them as a tool to marginalize and dispossess the eastern Tamils and the Tamil Vedda. If they succeed, they will be a great threat to the region, especially to India. This is what they do, run to non-Muslim nations claim refuge and be humble and complying for some time and then after establishing and multiplying themselves, refuse to assimilate and aggressively demand all sorts of rights and privileges from themselves.

                    • 7

                      Howl and cry if they are discriminated but very quiet about their own racism towards others. If these ethnically Tamil Muslims in the east can do this to their fellow non-Muslim Tamils in the east, who took pity on them, as fellow Tamils and gave them refuge in the first place, in the name of Islam and the alien Arab culture, then what else can happen elsewhere?

                      They are now Tamil no more but now claim a blanket Arab or other western Asian origin, which they hardly have, but only in their pathetic brainwashed minds. Fast discarding everything Tamil about them, except their looks, which they cannot and pathetically and comically imitating the Gulf Arabs/ Planting date palms, Arabic name boards, creating fake history and ancestry. They have become very aggressive towards their fellow Tamil Hindus and Christians, who took pity and gave them refuge in the Tamil east a few centuries ago, as fellow Tamils and ironically gave them women too, to start a family and multiply. Now their aim is to claim the ancient Hindu Tamil east as theirs in the name of desert Arab Wahabi/Salafist Islam and the alien Arab culture.

                  • 7

                    Funny these Tamil hating Dravidian South Indian origin fake Arabs, opportunistically, become Tamils and claim to be Tamil, when it suits them and it is advantageous to them, like when to run to the west and used to claim for asylum. They downplay their fake Arab Islamic identity and claim to be ethnic Tamil Muslims, fleeing Sinhalese persecution, when in reality they are hand in glove with the Sinhalese hardliners to dispossess and steal Tamil people’s lands, especially in the east and even in the north if they can, however know that claiming their actual Tamil ethnicity is far more advantageous to them, than their fake Arab Islamic identity. Tamil when it suits them and at all other times Tamil hating fake Arabs. Have always use their actual Tamil ethnicity to save themselves and for their advantage but then discard it once the usefulness is over. The west should be aware about this and not grant them refugee status to these South Indian origin fake Arab Tamil hating Muslims, who only claim their actual Tamil ethnicity when it suits them but at other times harm the Tamils.

                  • 3


                    Are you the Tamil on the stage who was asked to leave? Can’t blame those who demanded that you leave. Good lesson for you and always make sure that you occupy the stage in meetings orgainsed ONLY by Tamil Racists like you from Yaalpaanam.

              • 2

                We need to hear more and more from you. Your statistical presentation is fantastic. I heard some one told that you were with Gota for some time and now back to the country.

            • 4

              “Most civil society NGOs are foreign paid. Sorry if you don’t know. “
              He b****y well knows. But the pathetic sod cannot admit to it.

              • 2

                Srimavo _____r knows everything but the pathetic fox_ ch__ cannot admit it.

          • 8

            Majority of Tamils didn’t like the LTTE, but were scared to say that, as they were killed. Tamil politicians preach reconciliation in the Western countries, but sow hatred of Sinhalese back at home. We should call ourselves Sri Lankans, and ethnicity and religion should come second and third, if at all. Just like with the LTTE, brute power of brutes rule the roost, and don’t allow sane voices to be heard. More to follow :)

            • 11

              The majority also saw the LTTE as a shield against attack by the SLAF.
              To many it was necessary evil.

    • 7

      Dear Kugan,
      What you have said is sweet music to me.
      Many are not clear about how the winner will be declared if the race is close. Dr Sankaralingam seemed utterly confused here:
      I corrected him. In a subsequent comment, he has shown that he then understands, but makes no acknowledgement of the help I gave him. Why do so many abstain from thanking, giving feedback, etc?
      Please look at that, time permitting.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 8

        This guy has a point ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAmp5JLaUDk

        • 0

          “This guy has a point …….”
          Most guys do… except for some pricks who post pointless stuff…. like oc, sj, nv, etc etc

        • 3

          Not only plantation tamils but also whole lot of sinhalayain south behave like that. 🤔 They can’t differentiate good from bad.. This culture was promoted nobody else by Rajapakses and their Sanga brigades. Rank and file need lot more awareness programs.

      • 2

        Panini, I have given logical assessment. At present AKD is in the lead with Sajith, Ranil and Namal following in that order. Near the election Namal will withdraw if he finds that he is going to lose in favour of Ranil, because Ranil is a better bet to protect them from their misdeeds. Then still it would be AKD in front but Ranil will go over Sajith to second place. At the first count none of them will get over 50% which necessitate for counting second preferential votes. At this point Ranil will win. Whether AKD wins or not JVP will create chaos, if they win economically and if they lose politically.

    • 4

      Do not worry, they will all secretly campaign to have no 2 option for RW.

    • 1

      This is how Prabakaran took a bribe and boycotted RW in 2005 and brought Mara to power.
      How did that work out for you?
      Learn from your past mistakes.

      • 1

        Tell me, who has learned from past mistakes?

  • 8

    It is absolute truth that ” Historically , the Muslim community of Srilanka has been
    noted for its late entry to modernity . ” But on one condition . Modernity has been
    explained by experts from different angles of which , scientific explanation and
    rationalisation and a Decline in emphasis on Religious World Views are noteworthy .
    Dr Ameer Ali , do you want to say that Srilankan Muslims have now entered this stage
    in your Modernity Scale ? So that they are ready to embrace a New Political Culture ?
    I love to see that happen But , and there will always be this But with the Muslims of
    Srilanka where I am a member too .

    • 13

      I do not think the Muslims are more behind in modernity than Tamils and Sinhalese. I have had many modern thinking Muslim students. Dr. Amir Ali is a good example of a modern Muslim.
      The Sinhalese majority who want this as a Buddhist state. How modern are they? The Sinhalese establishment that does not want war criminals punished, JR who promised war against Tamils in 1983, Gotabaya who pardoned the Mirusuvil murderer, the 65% who voted for Gotabaya — have they entered modernity? Or are they as primitive as they come?

      • 6

        I will not get personal, but I agree that the he Muslims are no more behind in modernity than Tamils and Sinhalese.
        They were outside the educational and professional sectors because they had a thriving business community among them. But once they took to education in a big way since later in the 1960s they have made huge strides to the envy of the others.

        • 1

          Hello SJ,
          I have followed the arguments by Ronan25 and others who are very scathing about the Tamils that adopted Islam over the Centuries. They might not know how advanced Islamic Countries were in the 9th to 11th Centuries, however why it declined is another matter. My question is why did Tamils and some others adopt Islam (Rohan25 called it an “alien culture”). Unlike Christianity which was imposed by the Colonial Powers, there didn’t seem to be a coercive force driving conversion.
          Best regards

          • 2

            Dear LS,
            I think we should apply stricter rules to those who incite racist issues in public. If not today when ?
            It operates in Germany, Italy and many other European countries. There are hooligans who verbally attack colored footballers in the Bundesliga, but today strict law and order keeps them in check and punishes them.
            You may have heard that not only in the UK, but in Solingen (NRW) Germany, there have been several shootings, youth attacks against immigrants last week or so. Germany is very sensitive with their press not to allow irresponsible people of any kind to abuse their mouths against the victims.
            We should learn good things from DEVELOPED nations and should not always try to shoot the messenger.
            Earlier we had a ceremonial President who maintained the peace and harmony of the nation. Looking back, it is comparable to that of CURRENT GERMANY. With the introduction of the executive presidential system, every virtue was marginalized, similar
            Tsunami wave destroyed the country.
            So I believe, we need gentle politicians of all parties to be diplomatic and polite too every time they speak publicly. I respect Hon. Imthiaz Bakeer Markar, M.P. for example.


            • 1

              Scott, you may have already noticed, does not care about the effect of their public statements verbally. Sinhala filthy attacks are ubiquitous. Private TV channels do it from monrings ot evenings. You are a sensitive person by nature.You should be aware of these things in this country flattened by RAJAPAKSHEmlechcha politics.
              Every celebrity is attacked with Sinhala and Tamil profanity. They put their image to death. At the same time, when the people have problems, they behave as if the people are reborn. No consistency at all. There is no discipline. People don’t just follow the “why” question.
              These are the low traits of our people. Today even the religious priests don’t seem to pay attention to it, today even noise is becoming a menace in every corner of public places through “Pirith chanting”. “Dharmanukula Buddhism” is not even practiced by 1%. Instead, Jainism predominates-Sinhala Buddhism.

          • 4

            Islam was adopted even by a ruler in Kerala.
            What R@% and his ill informed source refuse to accept is that a sizeable section of the Muslims are descendants of Arab and other Muslim traders and settlers.
            Look at their complexion and features, more than a shade lighter than the average Tamil or Sinhalese, and quite handsome.
            There are Tamil speaking Muslim villages in the South, surrounded by Sinhalese. The choice of language has more to do with Tamil being the language of commerce for some centuries. I am sure that a good proportion of Southern Muslims have maternal Sinhalese ancestry.
            Some of the Tamil racist bigots cannot come to terms with the fact that Muslims in Lanka do not want to share a common identity with the Tamils. One major reason is that although Tamil speaking, they mostly live among the Sinhalese.
            Faced with the kind of ceaseless denigration coming from Tamil bigots including some leaders, are you surprised that they like to be left alone?
            Christianity entered South India under pre-colonial conditions too. Roman Catholicism in South India was not imposed by colonial rulers. That would go even for Christianity. Rather than colonial pressure, Christianity offered educational and business opportunity. A good part of Tamil Nadar community is Christian and a dominant force in trade. Like most Jaffna Tamil Christians, Nadar Christians get along well with Hindu Nadars.

            • 1

              Hello SJ,
              My wife a Sinhalese often remarks on the Muslim Business Community. Her Grocery Shop means that she deals with the Wholesale Businesses. These are primarily Muslim owned and run. I occasionally go with her and meet some of them. There are many villages around the Gampola and Gelioya area that are mainly Muslim. They have all been friendly and professional. Sometimes it reminds me of being back in Souq Waqif in Doha. All of the ones that I have met are Tamil, but speak perfect Sinhala and very good English. I am sure there must be Sinhalese Muslims.
              As I may have mentioned before my 2nd Gt Grandfather spent about 12 years in North India (Sialkot, Kanpur, Rawalpindi, Shimla etc.) during what the British call The Indian Mutiny. Four of his children including my Gt Grandfather were born in Sialkot. Having done a fair amount of research into his times there, I am fully aware that it was mostly Muslims that his Regiment were fighting. I also know how active the proselytising Christians were in imposing the Religion in the North. I know very little about South India and Sri Lanka from those times.
              Best regards

  • 7

    “Historically, the Muslim community of Sri Lanka has been noted for its late entry to modernity. “

    That’s indeed is a news.

    • 2

      Fairmindedone ,

      Whoever you are in your real identity , you have done justice to your
      Pen name . The author should have made it to ” its late entry to
      modern politics . ” And especially JVP wrapping itself with an
      overcoat to call itself NPP is , Modern , Chandrika’s SLFP became
      a guide to that transformation by following in the footstep of JRJ
      and by letting down Banda and limiting left only to the left .

  • 4

    “Historically, the Muslim community of Sri Lanka has been noted for its late entry to modernity. “

    That indeed is a news.

  • 8

    The Sinhala; Tamil; Muslim; Malay; and Burgahar communities are further divided into Buddhist, (divided into Nikayas) Hindu, Christian (Catholics, Protestants; Anglicans), and how many more, I don’t know – how all of them are going to DIVIDE and restore the country, contributing to make it a place to live a life of peace and prosperity to all?

    Shouldn’t we STOP talking in terms of these DIVISIVE tendencies for the sake of GOOD LIVING in the country, built COLLECTIVELY?

    • 5

      Douglas, how can you build collectively when the divisive nikayas will never be erased in Buddhist priesthood with people following them.

      • 6

        The divisive Nikayas will last as long as divisive Charismatic Christian Churches.

      • 1


        Not only sinhala Buddhists and their priests in Sri Lanka are divided, but also Christians. Those who are caught by Appachi healer are not real christians. Most of them are poor christians.
        Why not raise a voice about it? What about Muslims in rural areas and major cities? Are there no divisions between them?
        You should read the facts before misusing your pen making fools of us all in DTG, CT.
        Thank you: Your evasive thoughts continue to destroy us.

    • 6

      “Shouldn’t we STOP talking in terms of these DIVISIVE tendencies for the sake of GOOD LIVING in the country, built COLLECTIVELY?”
      This thought would have come long time ago. After we have gone to extreme level of damage the people unity using the above divisions it is not impossible to do now. Even, in this hour none of the political leadership prepared to tell the people we have to remove the special status to Buddhism in the constitution?

      • 1

        Ajith ,

        If you drive further down , a little distance , you’ll find a man in
        the name of Rohan25 who is not talking but emitting some loud
        strange noise and he should not be left unattended . I was going
        to attend him and suddenly stopped at you and thought you got
        the right ingredients . Try to give him a visit . Thank you .

        • 1

          You are spot on as usual. I really like this comment. You are truly a fine thinker as some of us are upto.
          Beg to differ, you are wrong about Ajith.
          Ajith is one to attack anyone who goes for personal vendettas. . He is very much like that self-proclaimed political analyst – none other than Dayan Jayathilaka who has no interest in where he is now. DJ and Wimal Buruwanse were the gobela of the Rajapaksa-sect. In a civilized country, people would have stoned them to death, but ours are such a passive society.

          I have been fed up with Sri Lanka and its politics these past few weeks. That’s why I stayed away from reading each CT article.

          • 0

            L M ,

            Appreciate your compliments .

    • 5

      thanks for noticing it at least now. late is better than never. I always say your thoughts are somewhat progressive, not fully manipuated as is the case with our GURUNNASEE from Bandarawela.SM is incurable.

      There are more divisions everywhere in srilanka.
      Segregations are ubiquitious also among religous clergy. Tony (another ultra racists similar to EAGLE EYE) or the like dare to call minorities ” marakalaya ” and ” Demala” in public yet today. We need the laws to burn down the mouths of these poisonous reptiles in human disguise.

      We experienced male and female school buses for getting to the school. We had boys and girls schools. That is not the case in Europe in many countries. Europe is not UK but srilankens only follow anything being abused by UK.

      SRILANKA s apartheid exists forever. Minority lives matter. I noticed at Peradeniya, they those promoted JVPrs and Peratugami were very against ones coming from popular schools regardless of the gender differences.
      Ragging was spearheaded by the divisions in the society.

      Looking back I dont think average university student is knowledgeable about the society even if they would have been good at their subject in order to get elected to their limited govt universiites.

      • 2

        I think we the srilankens too are to control YOUTUBERs that spread hate speeches.


        Indians have been introducing influences some sort of award winning systems. This can also be good for srilankens, where youtuber spread blatant lies today in order spread some untruth programs.

    • 5

      Divisions based on caste are stronger than those based on faith.

      • 2

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 2

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 2

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 5

          A hat trick once again.

  • 5

    I think that the author got the wrong end of the stick.
    Muslims, unlike Tamils of the N&E and the Sinhalese, are fairly evenly spread across the island as minorities among Tamils and Sinhalese, but in a few patches on the Eastern and Western coasts. There are also significant concentratins in the central region.
    The way electorates were established under the Soulbury Constitution, made it hard for Muslims to elect MPs in fair proportion to their population, They were more disadvantaged than the Hill Country Tamils who had strong presence in a few districts and proved a powerful electoral political force until robbed of their citizenship.
    For a Muslim to be elected from any electorate with a Muslim majority, he relied on support from the Tamil or Sinhalese community. That obstructed the formation of a Muslim national political party, which had to wait until district wise proportional representation came into being.
    Even then, the Muslim political party could not secure more than a seat or two in the South by contesting independently, despite two thirds of the Muslims living in the South.
    As for backwardness, Muslims have produced impressive leaders who stood up for their interests and played a larger than life role in the national affairs, but as members of a predominantly Sinhalese Party– the UNP initially and much later the SLFP.

    • 2

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 6

    They were active in left politics too, more in the CP than in the LSSP until the 1970s.
    Electoral politics has its own logic and Muslim politicians adapt to their immediate environments. This stood in the way of an all island Muslim nationalist party, and blocked the expansion of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, which fared very well in the East for two decades, from scoring elsewhere in matching fashion.
    Sweeping statements like “…many ordinary Muslim voters SLMC was even viewed as Allah’s party” are nonsensical.
    Muslims in the East were delighted to have a party that identified with them. That feeling lasted until leaders began deals with the ruling parties.
    As in the case of the HCT, such opportunism led to splits and the proliferation of parties.
    The Tamil electorate held well with the FP until 1970. Performance during 1965-70 led to electoral shocks. But the SLFP-led UF government came to its rescue by mishandling issues. The FP, for survival, morphed into the TULF and used the separatist ploy to win back lost ground in 1977. The rest is pathetic history.
    Nationalist and sectarian politics regardless of identity is short sighted and every nationality has fallen for confidence tricksters. There is nothing special about the Muslims.

    • 5

      // and every nationality has fallen for confidence tricksters. //
      Very true. A small ray of hope for the Tamils though is that the (easily predictable) failure of the armed struggle, fascist behaviour of the striped ones and the behaviour of the present day jokers (who are fielding a common candidate), are all exposing the confidence tricksters rather well.
      It is harder for the Sinhalese, trapped in the power of the Saffron robed monks.

  • 7

    AKD is given a noble pedigree. He is the product of the Aragalaya. This sanitises him.. He is not the product of the JVP, the brutal outfit which would have killed of Tamils and Muslims. The Aragalaya folded up once it got rid of Gota. So, it may not do good to say that the immacutlate birth of AKD was in the Aragalaya. AKD cannot even claim to be a socialist any more having told a claque of the yellow brigade that Sinhala Buddhism will for ever be the state religion. So, good bye to equality of all and back to Sinhala Buddhist fascism. Ali used to talk of regime change. Now, there is a change of tack connecting AKD to the Aragalaya. In the process, the Muslims also get a white-wash.

    • 4

      Cicero, AKD is also has state religion of Sinhala Buddhist fascism. So, what is the change you are speaking about. Rohana Wijeweera while trying to take over the government also had a caste issue which cannot be erased in this country of Sinhala Buddhism.

  • 3


  • 4

    On a connected note, the severity of the political conundrum in Sri Lanka should be laid flatly on the foot of the shortsighted leaders the Muslim community produced.
    (If you wish to see me elaborate, I’d consider you insincere!)

    • 2

      I said, ‘should be laid flatly on the foot’.
      Should I have said, AT the foot?
      Sinhala_Man, I am willing to learn.

      • 0

        ” I am willing to learn.”
        Willingness isn’t enough. One must have the capacity too…

        • 1

          “One must have the capacity too…”
          Very true of you.

    • 3

      Nathan, Muslims are a minority in this nation and cannot rock it unless through terrorism. It is Sinhala Buddhism that shows the direction and that cannot be brought into unity because of the Nikaya’s unerasable measurements. So, we stand where we are.

    • 3

      “shortsighted leaders the Muslim community produced”
      What about those produced by other communities? Far sighted?

      • 0

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        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 5

    All he11 broke loose when Gardafe visited Sri Lanka in 1976. Allegedly he told Marakkala Musl1ms to produce about 10 children in each family to make up for the demographic imbalance in SL and take over all the cities and villages. Now it’s obvious.
    AGAIN, all he11 broke loose after forming Marakkala Musl1m political parties. One of the musl1m politicians bulldozed Buddhist archaeological sites and settled illegal immigrants(Kallthonies).
    Marakkala Musl1m politicians should be held accountable for riots in Udathalavinna, Digana, Galle, Aluthgama, Ampara, and their biggest stunt is Easter Sunday incident.

  • 0

    Dr. Ameer Ali’s critique of Sri Lankan Muslim political engagement highlights important issues but may underestimate Sajith Premadasa’s potential for meaningful change. While historical disillusionment with Muslim leaders is valid, Sajith Premadasa offers a compelling alternative to the status quo. His commitment to addressing socio-economic disparities and his focus on inclusive governance can align with the aspirations of a new generation seeking systemic reform.

    • 3

      eenazsalie ,

      I am neither For nor Against S P but someone who was ballsy enough
      to say no to his Father’s invitation with financial support for a business
      project for a reason . Before the introduction of proportional voting ,
      Colombo Central was an electorate that returns three MPs to Parliament .
      There was a time first one was Faleel A Cafoor , second Jabir A Cader and
      third R Premadasa . After a couple of elections , the order changed and
      R Premadasa topped the list thanks to the Muslims and Tamils . He did
      respect all communities But Covertly he was encouraging Sinhalisation of
      the Capital and Building more and more Stupas . Natural Migration and
      Building Stupas is one thing and someone encouraging it with wicked
      motive is another thing , especially after winning the confidence of the
      minority over their own leaders . S P could be different but ” once bitten
      twice shy ” does the work here .

      • 3

        “first one was Faleel A Cafoor , second Jabir A Cader and
        third R Premadasa. After a couple of elections , the order changed and R Premadasa topped the list thanks to the Muslims and Tamils .”
        It does not tally with what I found:
        1947: Goonesinghe, Jayah, Keuneman
        1952: Keuneman, Kaleel, Fareed
        1956: Keuneman (with a massive majority), Fareed, Themis
        1960 March: Kaleel, Keuneman, Premadasa
        1960 July: Fareed, Keuneman, Kaleel (Premadeasa lost by a slim margin)
        1965 Falil Cafoor, Premadasa, Keuneman
        1970 Premadasa, Falil Cafoor, Keuneman
        1977 Premadasa, Jabeer Cader, Haleem Ishak
        The UNP always had its fair share of Tamil and Muslim votes in Colombo Central, where the Muslims had an edge.
        Keuneman lasted until 1970 because of the large working class vote, which the Left lost after 1970.

      • 0

        Well , thanks for your list with the winners in order . But I would
        to clear the confusion here about what I said .” There was a time ,
        First one was Falil A Cafoor , Second Jabir A Cader and Third
        R Premadasa .” My Main point was , Premadasa gradually climbing
        the ladder from third to first Thanks to and Remember , Thanks to
        Mainly Muslim and Tamil votes . And then his actions . So , you
        worked very hard to work it out differently to wrong me with your
        correction . Remember , I didn’t say , Falil ,Jabir , Premadasa were
        respectively First ,Second and Third in any election .

        • 0

          But I would ‘ like’ to clear .

        • 1

          I got anything wrong,. I only presented valid data which put down a false claim.
          I offered no theory.
          But I am certain that voting in Colombo Central was not according to any simple ethnic equation.

          • 1

            The Dutch Burgher Pieter Keuneman representing that electorate for 30 years without a break should tell us something.

          • 0

            S J ,

            I have clearly stated my point and answered to your wicked
            distortion , thinking to clear any confusion if any . Your
            data proves me right . Caffoor first in one election , Cader
            second in another election and Premadasa third at one
            election . False claims are for people like you who write
            with the intention of misleading the readers , diverting
            the attention on purpose .

            • 1

              There is no distortion except in your mind.
              Re-read your comment cited by me and then my response to it.
              Do not be pathetic.
              You repeated:
              “There was a time , First one was Falil A Cafoor , Second Jabir A Cader and Third R Premadasa .”
              Kindly say when that time was.
              There are civilized ways to avoid accepting a mistake.

              • 0

                Distortion is when you drag my point to unimportant
                direction about an order that was not my point . You
                don’t have to teach me civilised ways to interact with
                someone like you who creates a situation that was
                not the point of the comment . I don’t have to go on repeating
                for you to see anything other than the point . The point was
                Premadasa coming to the top from third place with the support
                of minority votes . I am not repeating it again and again , leaving
                you to take it any way you want to . Mistake is yours , not
                understanding the point and trying to be smart with an
                unnecessary order to claim that I was making false claim . False
                claim for what ? You stand where you need to learn how to
                point out a confusion , if it was , in a civilised way . After all you
                deliberately ignored the point which I didn’t care a hoot .

  • 5

    “ARAGALAYA” should be used only for the 2022 march uprising of the SL People. It should be noted that it DID NOT achieve it aims of getting rid of the crooked uncouthed Parliamentarians. Can Dr A A tell us why the Muslims ca’t identify with other Tamil Speaking Citizens of SL? They worked ALONG with the majority to defeat the TSC of SL trying to achieve parity and their rights to develop their culture/language + their lands.
    Fighting among OURSELVES had been the Prime cause of underdevelopment and huge debts.
    Hoping NPP will be forming a REAL good governance Government very soon.

  • 3


    ”Can Dr A A tell us why the Muslims can’t identify with other Tamil Speaking Citizens of SL?”

    Why can’t the Jaffna Tamils identify with the Indian Malaiyaha Tamils?

    Take for instance, the 25 thousand war heroes of the LTTE. Almost 12 thousand of these fighters were of Indian origin. That’s almost 50 per cent. The balance were mostly from the East. Yet the LTTE was reluctant to consider the 12 thousand of their Indian war heroes as martyrs. Indeed, the term martyrs was allocated mostly to those from Jaffna.

    There are serious problems in the Tamil community. Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, from his exalted position, claimed that Tamil-speaking Muslims are low caste Hindus who converted to Islam. Today there’s another exalted view emanating from Jaffna. Only high-caste Jaffna Tamils can be referred to as martyrs!

  • 4

    If Aragalaya were for system change – AKD would win
    If Aragalaya were to end queues – Ranil would win
    Independent of the Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim divisions.
    We will know on 22 September morning whether the system change or ending the queues was the cause of Aragalaya.

  • 2

    Dr Ameer Ali limits Muslim modernity and ties it up to the advantage of JVP / NPP
    by forgetting other areas of Srilankan Muslim role in modernity . The economic
    contribution of Pettah that has in its boundary , First cross street , Second cross street ,
    Main street , Sea street , Keyzer street , Bankshall street and many other streets ,
    Equally Colombo Fort . The Heart of Modernity . Muslims , Tamils and Christians ,
    leaders of Modernity in their own ways .

    • 3

      Sorry to say that history is not the forte of Dr AA.

      • 2

        L M ,

        It is his non-neutrality too that is blinding him on his analysis .
        Once you are on perfect neutrality , you see all sides of everything
        and you miss that , you come to sorry conclusions . Thank you
        for your reply L M , great to see you .

        • 1

          S J ,
          Sorry about the mistake of addressing L M .

        • 3

          Thanks for clarifying it. Couldn’t even read many of the articles published in CT. I am very busy with my work related assignments. I always read your comments with great care. That you should know better.Greetings, LM

          • 1

            L M ,

            Thanks for showing up and my greetings too .

      • 0

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        For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 0

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  • 9

    Entered modernity! When? May be a few enlightened ones like Dr. Ameer Ali but not the rest. They have all regressed and largely have entered the Middle Ages and become religious fanatics. Sorry but this is the truth. They have been brainwashed by their selfish opportunistic power-hungry elite, politicians and mullahs, who are in cahoots with the largely racist Sinhalese Buddhist majority to divide and rule the island’s Tamils, on the basis of religion, region and origin, to deny their actual predominantly and overwhelmingly Dravidian South Indian Tamil immigrant origin, and their rich almost 1000 year old Tamil Islamic culture, that they brought to the island from their original South Indian Tamil homeland ( then Tamil Kerala and Tamil Nadu) and claim an exclusive blanket Western Asian or Gulf Arab origin for the entire community, that only a very small minority of them around 5-10% the most partially have and even these people have a predominant Dravidian Tamil ancestry and the ones from the north, east and Puttalam and north west coast are almost 100-% Dravidian Tamils. Yet they now deny all this and in the name of their religion and an imagined fake Arab origin, have become Wahhabi or Salafist Islamic religious fanatics, forsaking their former much more progressive Tamil Islamic culture and practices, pathetically trying to look, behave, dress like the Gulf Arabs who largely despise them and treat them like slaves

    • 10

      . Despite being fellow Muslims and claiming a fake Arab origin, which the Arabs know that they do not or hardly have. If anyone has Netflix go and see the acclaimed movie in either Malayalam or in Tamil ” Aadu Jeevitham or Goat life. This is a real-life story of what happened, and you can see how most ordinary Arabs treat an average South Asian and other non-westerner even when they are fellow Muslims, claiming a fake Arab origin and descent. This is an eye opener, yet these brainwashed people, in the name of their religion and still shamelessly worship the Arabs and cry and howl if anything happens to them, whilst aiding and abetting anyone who wants to destroy their own Tamil language, ethnicity and culture, in their name of their religion and the fake Arab origin and culture that they have now adopted, as their own. Progress indeed?

      • 4

        Strange Arabs and other Muslims largely do not treat other vulnerable people very well, especially nonwestern non-Muslims and even non-Arab fellow Muslims, especially South Asians, Africans and SE Asians, in fact very badly. However, when there is any problem, will hardly flee to a Muslim or fellow Arab nation but run largely to the Christian West and other non-Muslim nations, claiming refuge and demanding all sorts or rights and good treatment later.

  • 1

    Dr.Ameer Ali.

    You have consistently and admirably argued your case for a System change.
    Ranil and Sajith are by no means the candidates who could usher in that change.
    Same old wine in a different bottle though not the type of bottle used by the Rajapakses for so long.
    The three leading Presidential hopefuls have released their Manifestos before the Mahanayakes including young Anura Kumara and have had pirith nools tied round their wrists. I WAS HOPEFUL for the creation of a Secular State with the adoption of a new constitution. Creation of a secular state is the corner stone for a system change!
    Anura Kumara has disappointed………..War criminals are War heroes etc……..

    Nuwan Bopage is the system change [ Aragalaya ] candidate but he is nowhere in the electoral race……….

  • 1

    Dr. AA,
    “Silent aragalaya in muslim community” are you kidding????, after the election it will be “highest bidder”

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